The use of adhesives for gluing polycarbonate. How to patch a hole in a polycarbonate greenhouse How to seal polycarbonate in a greenhouse

Roofs of canopies, canopies, greenhouses and other polycarbonate structures can have a complex appearance, requiring the connection of several parts. If you need to connect two polycarbonate sheets, it is better to use special profiles, and for fastening small elements gluing is suitable. How to choose the right glue for monolithic polycarbonate, what characteristics should be taken into account to achieve a good result and what should you pay attention to when purchasing?

  • purpose;
  • operating principle;
  • composition;
  • complexity of the process of use;
  • degree of transparency;
  • hardening time;
  • viscosity

For the right choice it is necessary to take into account many parameters to ensure reliable connection and give the product an impeccable appearance.

Modern views glues of domestic and foreign production, presented at Russian market, have a different basis. Widely used substances:

  • polyurethane;
  • acrylate, methyl methacrylate, cyanoacrylate;
  • Si – acetic acid;
  • ethylene vinyl acetate;
  • polyamide.

The chemical composition largely determines the properties of the glue, its purpose, and application features.

Two-component adhesive requires connection

For simple designs, which do not experience significant mechanical loads and strong atmospheric influences, an easy-to-use one-component adhesive is suitable; for complex cases, you have to choose a two-component composition.

Hot-melt adhesive requires melting before use, and some varieties require special surface treatment before gluing. However, there are compositions that experts strongly do not recommend using for polycarbonate.

What adhesives cannot be used

Glue based on solvents and alkalis is very active; when gluing plastic, it partially destroys its structure. Consequences of use are darkening of the material, cracks, bubbles that may appear some time after gluing. Some adhesives contain solvents, so their use can be harmful to molded plastic, causing it to crack during use.

Alkaline compounds cannot be used

A homemade composition made from a mixture of solvent and polycarbonate will hold the surfaces together, but the rough seam may not withstand mechanical loads. For widespread use Glue with dichloroethane solvent is prohibited - this substance is extremely harmful to human health, has carcinogenic properties, this composition is used exclusively for production purposes.

Construction of non-load-bearing lightweight structures

Bonding parts of lightweight structures - indoor finishing elements, stands for displaying goods in shopping centers, which are not required during operation special requirements, usually done with a one-component adhesive. For this purpose, either heat guns with special adhesive rods are used, or ready-made compositions With different bases.

Joining parts with hot-curing glue

For fast connection It is convenient to use a heat gun with glue sticks for sheets of monolithic polycarbonate. The process boils down to melting the rods and dosed application of hot liquid glue. This adhesive reliably attaches monolithic polycarbonate to metal, rubber, glass and other materials.

Pistols have a wide price range - Chinese models are the most affordable, devices from famous brands are much more expensive and are of high quality. So, for example, the BOSCH GKP 200 CE gun has two heating elements, electronic temperature stabilization, and high performance. Professional modern models are equipped with a glue sprayer, which allows you to quickly and economically glue large surfaces of materials.

Consumables for the operation of a heat gun - special rods purchased for a specific model. For household pistols, rods with a diameter of 7 and 11 mm are made; for industrial purposes, thicker rods are used - up to 43 mm. Short rods, 5 cm long, are sold complete with the gun; rods designed for longer lengths can be purchased separately. long-term use– length 20 cm or more.

The most commonly used rods are ethylene vinyl acetate, designated EVA; the material is translucent, elastic, and non-hygroscopic. Manufacturers produce rods painted in various colors and unpainted - matte and translucent. All compositions glue well almost any materials when used. pre-cleaning and degreasing, good results also obtained for cast polycarbonate.

Better reliability The seam is produced by polyamide, its designation is RA; this adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate is characterized by greater rigidity, strength and melting point than ethylene vinyl acetate.

Polyamide is used only in pistols that have a “hot mode” - its melting point is 150 ° C, almost twice as high as that of ethylene vinyl acetate. The disadvantage of polyamide is the gradual decrease in strength under conditions high humidity.

Working with cold-curing glue

Small structures can be glued without special tools using glue that does not require heating before use. Modern one-component compositions are able to ensure the strength of seams against various impacts, while maintaining the elegant appearance of the product. The most popular and high-quality products, according to experts, are the products of the German companies Weiss (COSMO series) and RöhmGmbH (ACRIFIX series).

Cosmofen products have gained popularity due to traditional German quality. A wide range of models allows you to choose adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate with the required parameters - white or transparent composition, instant and long-term curing, with to varying degrees viscosity All types of products have common properties:

  • provide high reliability of the seam;
  • withstand a wide temperature range;
  • do not allow moisture to pass through;
  • maintain quality under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

A very popular one-component composition based on methyl methacrylate ACRIFIX 192, which does not contain a solvent. This glue does not contain dichloroethane and provides high performance characteristics. ACRIFIX 116,117,118 adhesive also does not contain dichloroethane, but is solvent-based. The adhesion strength of such a composition is less than that of a polymerizing composition; its use may have an impact on the properties of polycarbonate. negative consequences.

How to glue polycarbonate with other materials and polycarbonate

If it is necessary to connect flat polycarbonate surfaces to other materials, it is recommended to use double-sided adhesive tape. Sample type 4830, produced by 3M, provides excellent adhesion due to acrylic foam adhesive. Thorough cleaning of materials and degreasing of surfaces before gluing the tape is necessary.

The question of how to glue polycarbonate to polycarbonate is not a separate issue for small products made of monolithic plastic - you can use one-component glue. Best result when working with a hot-melt gun, it produces polyamide-based adhesive; the reputation of world-famous manufacturing companies guarantees a reliable connection and impeccable appearance of gluing with cold-curing compounds.

Bonding of structures with high operational load

To glue structural parts that require high strength during operation, silicone adhesive or a composition with a polyurethane base is most often used. To use two-component polyurethane adhesive you need special equipment– a pistol with replaceable cartridges. This adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate is worth buying in cases where it is necessary to ensure not only resistance to loads, but also the optical transparency of the seams.

Silicone adhesive is very effective, firmly holding the joints of sheets and parts made of monolithic polycarbonate even under significant loads. The sales leader in the segment of silicone compounds is Q3-7098 adhesive from DowCorning Ltd (England), the Chinese-made product Silliconemastic gives good results. Gluing does not require preliminary priming; the disadvantage of glue is poor light transmission.

Among transparent compositions, the most popular are:

  • one-component polyurethane adhesive KOSMOPUR K1;
  • two-component adhesives ACRIFIX 190 and COSMOPLAST 460;
  • compositions HE 17017, HE 1908 from the Chinese manufacturer EngineeringChemicalLtd.

Effective adhesive compositions ensure transparency of connecting seams, chemical and impact resistance, and excellent adhesion.

There are adhesives that are especially reliable under significant loads and are very difficult to use. For example, ACRIFIX 5R 0194 adhesive is a five-component, viscous polymer adhesive made on the basis of methyl methacrylate. This way you can glue thick sheets of polycarbonate to each other, the seams are transparent and almost invisible.

The connecting profile is more reliable than glue

Gluing large-scale structures also requires special tools, with the help of which the connection can be made efficiently - thoroughly, beautifully, economically. If you are not confident in your ability to carry out the work correctly and do not want to have difficulty choosing materials, entrust your problems to professionals who know what polycarbonate adhesive to buy, taking into account the tasks and features of the building.

Homemade glue, which is most often made from a solvent and pieces of polycarbonate, may not be considered the best option. The result will be a thick mass, which, in theory, should connect the surfaces. In practice, homemade glue will hold polycarbonate together only temporarily: the surface will deform over time, or maybe even worse, because the seam will not only be rough, it will also be fragile, so it may simply not withstand the load.

Finally, a few useful tips, which will help simplify the work as much as possible and get high-quality results:

  1. When choosing hot-curing glue or ethylene vinyl acetate for polycarbonate sheets, it is advisable to use a special gun.
  2. Before using the selected adhesive on finished design test it on a “draft” version. Take into account the type of materials being glued, the elasticity of the resulting seam, and its resistance to chemical and temperature influences.
  3. If work is carried out with cellular polycarbonate, it is better to give preference not to glue, but to self-tapping screws, since in this case the load on the seam will be too great. But do not forget about sealing the joints of the structure: for this, film and end profile made of polycarbonate.

These are all the nuances that should be taken into account when choosing a suitable adhesive for polycarbonate. Happy shopping!

Glue for working with polycarbonate: video

Repairing a polycarbonate greenhouse is an important and necessary measure that will reduce the risk of destruction of the building and save the budget. You can do such work yourself; all you need to do is perform certain technology.

Scheduled repairs

Repair will be completely ineffective if prevention is not carried out. If you properly care for a structure, you can significantly increase its service life and avoid many troubles.

Planned repairs of the greenhouse must be carried out to avoid serious breakdowns in the future.

Preventive measures consist of:

  • washing;
  • inspection;
  • checking the strength of the frame;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • renewal of protective coating.


Prevention must necessarily include washing - this way you will clean the structure from dirt, and also on a clean surface, defects that need to be eliminated in the early stages are better visible.

The structure is washed both outside and inside. This can be done with a hose using medium water pressure. If there is serious contamination, you need to take a sponge or a special rag, but you cannot use concentrated detergents. During cleaning, the polymer, joints, frames and other elements are washed. After cleaning is completed, ventilate the greenhouse.

Dirt on the surface of a greenhouse can hide a number of defects, so it is worth washing it

Strength test

The frame should be periodically checked for strength; you can hang on it, tap the parts, etc. In addition, it is necessary to check it for the level and equality of parts. This way you can identify defects in time, which could lead to the breakdown of the structure in the future. If the frame is too movable and poorly secured, it is necessary to tighten the fasteners to the foundation more firmly.

Tightening screws

Even with proper strengthening of the screws, after time they still begin to weaken, as a result of which the structure becomes shaky and unstable to external factors, for example, strong wind. To eliminate this situation, periodically tighten the parts with a screwdriver. The tightening should be such that the polymer sits firmly in position and the space under the washer does not sag.

Self-tapping screws must be screwed into polycarbonate exactly along the grooves, otherwise cracks will appear in the material

Coating restoration

Where work is being done, temporarily remove the polymer. If this is not possible, you can simply cover it with film. Damaged areas need to be cleaned sandpaper or a grinding tool.

If the frame is made of metal, it is treated with an anti-corrosion substance. If it is wooden, you need to replace the rotten elements and treat the structure with an antiseptic. In both cases, the parts must dry.

Then apply protective coating. If metal - special enamel, if wood - latex-based impregnation or enamel for external use. The coating should dry again and after that you can reattach the polycarbonate or replace it with new sheets.

Damaged areas on polycarbonate should be cleaned with sandpaper and covered with film.

Try to take precautions in a timely manner to avoid breakdowns and additional costs. Best period for planned measures - autumn-spring, when the temperature is not yet low, there is no precipitation, and there are no plants in the greenhouse itself.

Preparing for winter

If your region has a large snow load or constant monitoring of the greenhouse is impossible, then preparation for the winter period is a mandatory measure.

To strengthen the building, T-shaped posts are installed, usually from wooden beams. If the dimensions are standard, three supports will be enough - at the edges and in the middle of the building. If the structure is longer, install 4-5 or more supports.

Do not hammer the supports too tightly into the polymer - if the soil rises, they can deform the coating.

Video “Greenhouse repair after winter”

From this video you will learn how to repair a polycarbonate greenhouse after winter.

Major renovation

When a building has been in use for a long time or is significantly damaged, it is required major renovation. It may consist of different elements, which we will look at below. You can also do it yourself.

Complete replacement of polycarbonate

The first one is held in the warm season.

It is better to cut the profile using a circular or band saw with fine teeth.

This involves the complete dismantling of polycarbonate sheets and the installation of new ones using standard technology. All holes will need to be sealed with sealant to prevent moisture from entering and causing rust.

If there is critical damage to the greenhouse, the polycarbonate sheets should be completely replaced

Remember that when choosing a new material, it is important to pay attention to its color and thickness. Try to choose a sheet with maximum thickness; in general, it is recommended to lay several layers. Also the best option is a polymer with an inner layer, such a material will reduce the need to replace the polymer in the future.

When choosing a color, think about the plants for which the greenhouse is intended. If you will be growing mostly vegetables and fruits, then the recommended option for you would be a transparent polymer rather than a colored one.

Repairing the frame

Carry out repairs as quickly as possible when defects are discovered, so as not to aggravate the breakdown. You can fix the old parts or it is better to purchase new parts if the structure is severely deformed.

A breakdown of the greenhouse frame can cause the collapse of part or even the entire structure

Bent parts must be removed, aligned using a vice and installed in their original place. Afterwards, it is recommended to paint, since when deformed, the coating on the elements cracks and peels off. Replacement is also necessary if the part is corroded. In this case, it is better to install additional stiffeners. If you are replacing wooden supports, you can strengthen them with an additional block, and after completing the mandatory coat with an antiseptic substance.

Pay attention to wooden frame: in winter or during prolonged precipitation, such a structure may soften and collapse.

Fundamental works

Cracks in the foundation and damage to the strength of the structure must be eliminated before winter period. If water gets into the chips, it will freeze and expand, which can lead to the destruction of the foundation.

Detected cracks in the foundation of the greenhouse should be repaired before the onset of winter, otherwise water will get into them, freeze and expand, which can cause the foundation to collapse

Foundation repairs can be done in two main ways:

  • sealing cracks with concrete mortar;
  • coating epoxy resin.

To repair a defect with a solution, follow these steps:

Restoration with epoxy resin is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • crack preparation using the technology described above;
  • applying resin using special nozzles, which are glued every 30–35 cm;
  • mixing resin with hardener is performed on a smooth surface;
  • applying resin to the bottom of the nozzle;
  • gluing the nozzle and waiting for complete hardening;
  • the nozzle is closed with a cap;
  • covering the entire surface of the crack with the prepared mixture;
  • the resin is squeezed directly into the recess, the layer on the surface should be 3–4 mm;
  • drying out;
  • cutting off nozzles and cleaning the surface.

Extensive foundation damage

If the foundation is significantly damaged, the first thing recommended for restoration is to disconnect or simply loosen the fastenings of the structure. If the frame is detached, place it on wooden supports while repairing. Remove any parts that cannot be restored. Clean the remaining parts with a wire brush.

In case of significant damage to the foundation, the damaged segments should be replaced

Next, you need to make formwork from boards around the perimeter of the foundation with an indentation of 5–10 cm. Afterwards, the solution is poured; when preparing it, take into account how massive the structure is. Work quickly so that the concrete does not have time to harden before it covers the entire required surface. The formwork with poured concrete is covered with film.

The concrete must dry for at least 21 days, but the formwork can be removed and the structure installed earlier - after 3-4 days.

So, a greenhouse is a structure that can be damaged under the influence of negative factors. It is important to make timely repairs to minimize the risks of destruction of the building. You can do this work yourself, following some recommendations.

Remember safety precautions: always wear gloves, keep children away from construction sites, and be vigilant when working with tools.

Today, polycarbonate is a fairly common building material. As practice shows, polymer material is actively used for the construction of greenhouses. Feature finished products is high level strength, wide product range, attractive appearance and light weight. It often happens that during the installation process the wrong thickness of the polymer sheets was chosen, as a result of which, under the weight of snow from a heavy load, a process of deformation and damage occurred. As a result, it becomes necessary to seal the polycarbonate on the greenhouse. It is important to take into account the fact that on the market of goods and services you can find monolithic and cellular products for sale for the construction of a greenhouse. Since each option has certain advantages, disadvantages and features, before gluing the polymer, you should first carefully study all the available nuances.

Features of gluing polycarbonate

Before you start gluing polycarbonate at home, you need to take into account some nuances that can have a significant impact on the final result. In this case, it is recommended to take into account exactly what materials need to be glued - polymer products or it will be a combination with other materials. You will need to choose the right adhesive composition.

If you choose for installation work adhesive composition, which is based on a solvent, then during operation you can see that damage appears on the greenhouse in the places of gluing, which over time becomes more noticeable and much larger. Such phenomena appear literally 6-12 months after installation work.

Advice! Many experts argue that to improve the quality of the connection, it is necessary to choose an adhesive that does not contain a solvent.

How to glue polycarbonate

As practice shows, transparent adhesive for polycarbonate can be found on sale in the goods and services market. Before deciding what kind of glue to seal the greenhouse with, it is recommended to first take into account what type of product was used during construction - cellular or monolithic. This is what your future choice will depend on. Many experts recommend taking into account the fact that each construction product has certain features, which is why it is necessary to take into account all possible nuances before installation.

How to glue cellular polycarbonate

Cell phone use polymer material for the construction of greenhouses has a number of advantages, among which the following points can be highlighted:

  • high level of reliability;
  • structural stability;
  • long service life;
  • reasonable cost of finished products.

In order to get a greenhouse with an attractive appearance, it is recommended to use a technology that requires gluing the polymer so that a single structure is obtained. For these purposes, it is best to use panels and special glue.

To glue polymer products in a greenhouse, you do not need to have any special tools or skills. To glue monolithic polycarbonate together, it will be enough to apply a special composition to the surface of the polymer, then press the polymer sheets until the composition hardens. It is important to take into account the fact that the hardening process of the adhesive composition is quite fast.

Important! For a more comfortable installation, you can use a glue gun.

How to glue monolithic polycarbonate

As practice shows, monolithic building polymer is actively used for the construction of greenhouses not large size. A special feature in this case is the high level of strength and reliability. If necessary, monolithic polycarbonate can be glued using the following adhesives:

  • polyurethane;
  • silicone;
  • hot curing.

If damage appears on individual elements or products small size, then in this case for greenhouses you can use special guns for which hot-curing glue is suitable.

When you plan to build a large structure that will bear a large load, silicone adhesive is an excellent choice. Silicone adhesive for greenhouses made of polymer products can be used even without preliminary surface preparation with further application of a primer. If necessary, you can not only seal the greenhouse, but also combine polymer products with other types of materials, for example, glass, plastic or metal.

Attention! When choosing an adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate, many experts recommend giving preference to compositions based on polymer substances, thanks to which you can achieve excellent result.

How to glue polycarbonate together

It is important to take into account the fact that an excellent result can only be achieved if you take a responsible approach not only to the choice of glue, but also to the preparation process. Only this approach will significantly increase the service life of the greenhouse. Before gluing monolithic polycarbonate or cellular polycarbonate, many experts recommend pre-treating the surface, so that you will not have to be distracted during the process of gluing polymers.

It is necessary to prepare in advance all the tools that will be needed for the work. It is recommended to use a special gun for glue, which will greatly facilitate the application of the adhesive to the greenhouse. In addition, as a result of careful application of the composition, it is possible to achieve a higher quality of the finished structure during the process of gluing a polycarbonate greenhouse.

How to seal polycarbonate in a greenhouse if a hole has formed

If oblong cracks appear on the polycarbonate, you can glue it using regular tape, if necessary. If a small crack or gap appears on the greenhouse, you can stick plastic film or tape to the surface and then iron it thoroughly. The edges of the tape must be ironed so that its ends adhere as tightly as possible to the surface of the polymer building material. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to prevent moisture from entering under the material. After the tape is either polyethylene film glued, you need to use a regular hairdryer and warm the material well. In addition, it is important to understand that this repair is temporary.

Important! Cracks and crevices in polycarbonate can appear due to temperature fluctuations, mechanical damage and natural phenomena.

In order to glue polycarbonate in a greenhouse, it is recommended to follow some tips:

  • You can glue not only polycarbonate together, but also insert other materials, for example, plastic, metal, glass;
  • glue should be chosen depending on the requirements for appearance finished design;
  • for polycarbonate, you should not choose an adhesive that contains solvents;
  • for convenience, it is best to use a special gun;
  • For large greenhouses that will bear a high load, it is recommended to use silicone glue.

In the case when a flat polymer was used to construct the greenhouse building material, then you can glue it to a flat surface using double-sided adhesive tape.

Polycarbonate is a construction and finishing material unique in its characteristics with high light penetrating ability.

These lightweight panels can withstand strong winds and snow loads, therefore they are indispensable in the construction of greenhouses, canopies, canopies, fences and other structures.

Another advantage of cellular and sheet polycarbonate is ease of processing and ease of installation. However, when making canopies complex shapes and other elements, it is often necessary to connect several polycarbonate parts.

The most simple solution in this case, it will be possible to use special connecting profiles, however, for more reliable fastening of the sheets it is better to use gluing technology.

We will tell you about the choice of adhesive for polycarbonate and the rules for its use in this review.

Adhesive for cellular and monolithic polycarbonate - review of the best options

When gluing polycarbonate sheets, it is important not only to achieve strength and elasticity of the adhesive seam, but also to maintain the transparency of the material. Solvent-based adhesives are not suitable in this regard.

The aggressive impact of such compounds will reduce the transparency at the junction and make it more fragile.

The optimal solution in this case would be polyurethane-based compounds that have viscoelastic properties.

If high joint strength is required, as well as maintaining impact, chemical resistance and high transparency of the material, polycarbonate manufacturers recommend using professional polyurethane adhesives from Engineering Chemical Ltd- NOT 17017 or NOT 1908.

This is an ideal two-component transparent adhesive for gluing sheets of monolithic and cellular polycarbonate, which guarantees a perfect result. The only drawback of this glue is its high price, and finding it on the open market in our country is very problematic.

  • A good alternative would be the more affordable COSMOPLAST MS 460 from WEISS- one-component adhesive-sealant based on a special MS-polymer.

The adhesive has good binding force and provides a strong and at the same time elastic connection after curing. The composition is resistant to UV rays and adverse weather conditions.

  • COSMOFEN PMMA is an easy-to-use one-component adhesive based on methyl methacrylate. Its main purpose is gluing products made of acrylic and plexiglass, but it is also suitable for working with polycarbonate.
  • Another worthy option is ACRIFIX 190 (acrifix 190)- modern two-component reaction adhesive based on polyurethane. It works after mixing components A and B included in the kit in equal parts. The finished glue is viscoelastic and transparent.
  • If maintaining ideal transparency of the adhesive seam is not important, then you can use silicone adhesive for cellular polycarbonate Q3-7098 from the English company Dow Corning Ltd.

How to properly glue polycarbonate

Let's look at the process of gluing polycarbonate sheets together using the example of using COSMOFEN PMMA glue.

All work is carried out in several successive stages:

  1. Surface preparation. Before starting work, the surfaces to be bonded should be cleaned of grease, dirt, dust, moisture and other contaminants. It is recommended to clean using lint-free wipes and a special cleaner COSMOFEN 20. Isopropyl alcohol is also suitable for cleaning and degreasing.
  2. Applying glue. It is recommended to apply COSMOFEN PMMA in a snake onto one of the surfaces to be bonded directly from the tube.
  3. Gluing sheets. Immediately after application, the cellular polycarbonate should be glued together (the maximum open time is 60 seconds). If necessary, the elements to be glued can be additionally secured with a weight. The adhesive joint can be subject to stress after 16 hours.

A common question is how to repair cracks and punctures in cellular polycarbonate?

To do this, you can use transparent silicone sealant.

In this case, before starting work, water and dust are removed (blown out with a compressor) from the polycarbonate cavities, the edges are processed so that there are no burrs and burrs, and then carefully inserted into each hole. silicone sealant using a mounting gun.

For sealing minor damage You can also use special sealing tape.


How to remove excess glue from polycarbonate?

Removing acrylic or polyurethane adhesive from the surface of polycarbonate can be done by rolling off the adhesive film immediately after detecting smudges.



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