Sound alarm for a summer residence: criteria for choosing a system and main types of devices. What alarm system with a howler is used in the country? Street howler with a motion sensor

Many owners of country real estate become hostage to a situation when strangers come to their plots in order to profit from their harvest or property. It often happens that the presence of owners in the house does not stop anyone. How to welcome such unexpected guests and protect yourself from their frequent visits? You should seek help from the latest technology and electronics and choose an alarm with a bellower for your home. It will not only scare away uninvited visitors, but will also notify all neighbors about what happened, and will also prevent entry into their dachas.

All about alarms with a howler or siren for the dacha

Many security systems include an audible alarm for intrusion. It may be various types and volume. Its main purpose is to scare away intruders and draw the attention of others to the property being broken into. Based on the principle that the noise pressure will be powerful enough to strain the thief’s hearing, so that he will not be able to stay near the house.

The most commonly used and easiest to install are howlers - autonomous sound alarms. You can easily install them yourself without prior preparation. Wired models require the services of professionals.

Features of a street security installation

The main thing is to notify your neighbors before doing this and demonstrate to them the possible sound of the signal in order to avoid funny consequences. After all, the sound emitted by such a signal can first of all frighten peacefully sleeping people if an event or false alarm occurs at night. And if the village or cooperative where the dacha is located is under private security, then you should talk about the alarm system with a siren and them. Ideal option would be to connect it to the control room. But this is applicable subject to individual agreement between the parties.

How does an autonomous system work?

It should be noted right away that there must be electricity on the site, otherwise the idea of ​​​​an alarm system does not make sense. There are wireless options, but then you need to constantly monitor the battery charging. Therefore, you cannot be completely sure of the safety of your home with them. You should choose devices in a housing that is not afraid of moisture in order to use sensors not only in the house, but also outside.

The usual standard set of alarm systems with a howler consists of a control panel with a power supply, motion sensors, a siren (howler), an indicator light, battery, electronic keys and their reader, cables and wires for connection.

Motion sensors, sound and noise systems

The principle of operation of the alarm system summer cottage consists of triggering motion sensors that react to any changes near them: someone else's presence, breaking a window, opening doors. They can be located either inside the house or attached to its external walls. After this, the howler is triggered and a sound signal sounds, which can last from 3 to 10 minutes. Its duration can be programmed during installation. After this time, he becomes silent. Indicator light - the red lamp constantly blinks during this, but during normal operation it simply lights up.

System Features:

  • In order to activate the alarm system and arm the house, special TM electronic keys are required. They also remove the object from the alarm system;
  • when the electricity in the house is turned off, the battery can support the operation of all equipment for almost another day;
  • For greater intimidation and to make the alarm look more respectable, you can hang dummies in the form of red light bulbs around the perimeter of the dacha. They will act as motion indicators;
  • The devices operate in frosty conditions, even as low as -30 degrees. All equipment works properly even in an unheated room;
  • You can choose a wired alarm system or its stand-alone analogue. If you choose the first option, installation requires the participation of professionals, because it is not so easy to take into account all the nuances and correctly install wires throughout the house;
  • wired models have more features than their counterparts. But the latter do not require costs for cabling and do not affect the interior of the house;
  • The sound strength is selected at will.

How to install at home

The location and number of sensors depend only on the priorities of the owners and the financial side of the issue. The installation scheme at home can be performed in various variations. Let's look at the general steps.

The siren and lamp are hung from the outside of the house, and if possible, then under the roof itself. The howler is sometimes placed in the house directly opposite the front door - the effect of surprise is guaranteed, this sudden and loud sound will knock anyone off their feet.

The locations of the sensors are dictated by their very names. Motion sensors are attached to selected locations. Typically, central blocks are installed near the front door. Which are selected depending on the characteristics of each individual alarm system, taking into account the number of sensors, the power of the siren and the functions of the siren itself security system. A “door opening” sensor is placed in the door area if there is no motion-activated analogue in that location.

Read also about security GSM systems for the home.

Connecting and wiring around the dacha must be left in the hands of professionals, because this system will have to work for more than one month. Therefore, they will install it more correctly and program the selected functions for successful work.

Principles of successful alarm operation:

  • the reader is located inside the house, so it is necessary to take into account the time for entry and exit so that the alarm does not constantly go off;
  • separately program all electronic keys and check their functionality;
  • configure motion sensors. Set the sensitivity, set the angle and direction.

The video shows the installation of a motion sensor with a siren:

The light signal lamp must be installed so that it is visible to all passers-by from the street.

You can supplement this protection and connect a video camera that will tell you what is happening on your site in your absence. Depending on your wishes, you can mount regular models, night vision, or just a dummy. When using the first two options, you will have video confirmation of penetration, but simulating a camera will not help in any way. But it will give the impression that it is working and will be able to scare away an intruder with just its appearance.

He will tell you how to connect an external surveillance camera to a computer.

Is the use justified?

There are so many people, so many opinions, but in security electronics stores the demand for this type of alarm device is growing every year. He was immediately acquitted psychological perception. Many uninvited guests They are very afraid of being caught and run away at the first sound. And for some, such protection plunges them into a state of shock, and they forget about their craft for a long time.

Of course you can find alternative methods protection of the dacha. For example, get a dog, but who will feed it during your absence and care for it. Large breeds, if they cannot detain the attacker, will significantly damage his integrity. And small live watchmen will be able to make noise, to which the neighbors in the dacha may react. But if any weapon is used against them, they themselves may suffer innocently.

Basic steps to protect housing will ensure restful sleep and confidence in the safety of your property. The sound of an alarm with a bell will disturb the neighbors, however, it will make a lasting impression on the burglar and scare him away from entering. There are many new models of such devices that, when sensors are triggered, can send you messages in the form of SMS, and then you can immediately contact the police and call a squad. Or he will enlist the support of specially created dacha guards. The main thing is that this incident does not go unnoticed. After all, often by joint efforts they achieve excellent results to detain the intruders. And an alarm with a siren does its job well and protects your home from the presence of others.

The main goal of any burglar alarm is to prevent the possibility unauthorized entry to the site where it is installed. For this purpose, the security system is equipped with a device for sending an alert signal. This may be a sound or light-sound signal, and in some modern models. If an alarm system is installed in a dacha, then to attract the attention of neighbors, a security alarm with a bell whistle is installed.

Elements of a country house security system

Security system kits usually include a compact light and sound alarm made on a piezoceramic element. Such a device, if triggered security sensors, issues sound signal from 70 to 100 decibels, accompanied by flashes of red LEDs. The siren signal is heard quite clearly, but its power is insufficient to attract the attention of neighbors if residential buildings are on long distance. In this case, it would be most advisable to use a high-power siren or howler.

Small country houses usually have a small number of rooms, so a device designed to work with one loop can be used as a security device.

Alarm for a dacha with a howlermay consist of the following elements:

  • Inexpensive control panel of the “Quartz” type or similar
  • Infrared motion sensors by number of rooms
  • Door magnetic sensors
  • Siren Howler

The device has a compartment for installing a battery, which, in the event of a power failure, will ensure the operation of the security alarm for a certain time. It should be borne in mind that some powerful howler sirens can consume quite a large current (up to 1.2 A), so if the cottage is located in a place where there are frequent power outages, it is better to install. In such conditions, it is better to refuse to install network sirens and install a howler with a supply voltage of 12-16 V.

Application of howler monkey in a burglar alarm, may have double effect. First of all, it's the strongest psychological impact on the intruder. A sharp and loud sound, especially at night, can cause feeling of fear and panic. After such a shock, the attacker flees, not thinking about illegal actions.

In addition, the sound signal can attract the attention of neighbors or security guards who may be on the territory of the holiday village. It is advisable to warn neighbors that country house A powerful sound alarm has been installed.

Models of popular howlers for security alarms

There are various models of such devices that can produce a sharp and tuneless sound reaching 120 decibels. The howlers themselves can be powered from 12 V or from a 220 V network. Most devices designed for low voltage supply , which allows them to be used in ready-made security alarm kits instead of standard alarm devices. Some howler monkeys can make sounds of different tones. Security alarm control units allow you to program the duration of the sound signal. It can vary from 2 to 10 minutes.


  • Type – electronic siren
  • Sound pressure – 110 dB
  • Supply voltage – 12 V
  • Current consumption – 200 mA
  • Price – 160 rubles


  • Type – two-tone electronic siren
  • Sound pressure – 102 dB
  • Supply voltage – 12 V
  • Current consumption – 450 mA
  • Price – 240 rubles


  • Type – high power two-tone howler
  • Sound pressure – 118 dB
  • Power – 30 W
  • Supply voltage – 12 V
  • Current consumption – up to 1200 mA
  • Price – 820 rubles

All howler sirens are made of durable plastic, are easy to install and allow operation in a wide temperature range. The devices remain operational at temperatures from – 30 to + 50 degrees. Installation of a howler on the street is carried out at an inaccessible height and, if possible, secretly. It is necessary to provide protection for the device from negative weather conditions in the form of rain or snow. Several powerful sirens can be installed over a large area.

Country houses, just like other real estate properties, often become the target of unscrupulous citizens who want to profit at the expense of others. This article will not talk about expensive houses- multi-storey cottages and mansions. Such real estate is usually protected with the help of various security structures.

A professional signal will be sent to the control panel of the duty officer, and the attackers will be detained by the arriving armed squad. This security scheme is designed to counteract professional thieves and often works proactively - the attacker, the protected object, will bypass it and try to choose a house as a victim, with which there will be less fuss and risk. Everything is good in this scheme except for one thing - the cost of the service. Paying a security company will cost a pretty penny.

When can you save money?

If we are talking about banal theft gardening tools, tools, or even directly products of dacha agricultural production by persons who will try to exchange all stolen goods for a liquid alcohol-containing product, it is quite possible to do without extra costs. When we are not talking about counteracting professional burglars (they are unlikely to covet a screwdriver with a grinder or a jar of homemade pickles), then a dacha alarm with a howler will cope with the task. Because it’s quite easy to scare off a contingent of dacha thieves.

Moreover, once caught in this particular area, having become for some time the object of attention of the owner of the dacha and neighbors, the subject is unlikely to be drawn there again. Once the security alarm makes him famous, he will no longer be allowed to appear in the area.

Scope of application

Some dacha cooperatives are completely deserted in winter; even the road to them is not cleared of snow. In such areas, there is an alarm system for the dacha with a “howler” in winter time becomes useless. Beautiful, inexpensive, but effective means It serves as a deterrent against garden thieves during the summer season.

If the owner is at the dacha, but for one reason or another cannot visually control the entrance gate or entrance to the house, a dacha alarm with a “howler” will give a signal that there is a stranger on the property and will scare off a potential intruder.

When leaving for the city, it is necessary to warn the dacha guard that the hacienda has an audible alarm. It's also great to have good relationship with neighbors who can provide insurance “if anything happens.” To do this, you don’t even need to engage in physical confrontation with persons who have entered someone else’s property. It is enough to remember the signs of swindlers and call representatives of law enforcement agencies.

What is

An alarm system for a dacha with a “howler” is a combination of the “howler” itself, a control unit, sometimes a power supply and various sensors. The kit also includes a device for arming and disarming an object. The howler siren acts as a deterrent to intruders. A working sound device creates discomfort, has a huge impact on the thief, attracts people to the scene and, ultimately, forces him to leave the site.

Sensors are a link that directly responds to intrusion into a home. There are different types, each of which is intended for its own “line of defense”:

  • A vibration sensor is usually attached to a vertical surface, reacts to any change in the position of bodies in space, is used to prevent penetration into a home through breaks in the walls, and is also glued to window glass.
  • glues to glass, reacts to the sound of a certain tone (with which glass breaks).

  • Reed sensors (for breaking) are installed in sets of two elements - one element per door leaf, the second - on door frame, triggering occurs when the elements move away from each other.

  • Motion sensor (the second name is infrared). Any change in objects or bodies in the room, thanks to the laws of ray refraction, causes a change in the infrared background. This effect underlies the operation of the sensor; it reacts to any movement on the object and, in fact, is capable of replacing all other types of sensors.

The power supply provides the sensors and the "howler" electric shock the required voltage, the control unit coordinates the operation of the entire system. Often the “howler”, control unit and power supply are assembled into one housing. However possible repairs In this case, signaling becomes more complicated.

Wired or wireless

Communication between the sensors and the control unit can be achieved either using electrical wires, and wirelessly (these technologies are so common today that they won’t surprise anyone). Both methods have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of wireless communication include the absence of the need to lay a cable to each sensor. The rest is full of shortcomings. Any wireless sensor must be equipped with a battery. A dead battery can cause false operation of the system, and this is unpleasant. In addition, if the alarm operates in winter, the battery life will be negative temperatures will be significantly less. Thus, it is better if the “howler” siren at the dacha is equipped with wired sensors.

Installation features

It is better to place the control unit of the security system secretly, but at the same time close to the entrance to the home. This is necessary so that in case of accidental activation, you can quickly turn off the signal before all the neighbors come running. In this case, possible alarm repairs will also become easier. When choosing a location for the control unit, you should also take care of the possibility of supplying power.

It is also important where the “howler” itself is located. A 220V alarm, of course, is installed partly based on the location of the electrical wiring, but the sound source itself must be installed in such a way as to not only scare off intruders, but also give a signal to neighbors.

Where is the best place to place sensors?

You should never trust one type of sensor, and certainly not one sensor. Even a good, expensive motion sensor alone is unlikely to cope with the task.

The motion sensor is a champion in false alarms. The fact is that even sunlight, which has changed sharply due to a sudden cloud, causes a change in the infrared background in the room. And although modern electronics can filter such signals by adjusting day and night sensitivity, failures still occur. Therefore, it is better if there are two of them in each room. Some systems are configured in such a way that an alarm signal is generated only when a certain number of sensors are triggered.

Windows are protected by both break sensors and vibration sensors. However, you need to be careful with vibration sensors, especially with single country houses not uncommon) glazing. Triggering may be caused by strong gusts of wind.

If the walls of the house are made of a material that can be easily opened, it is necessary to additionally protect them with vibration sensors. Finally, reed sensors should ideally be present on everything that opens - all doors, windows, entrances attic space(second floor).

A useful option is the presence of GSM

When choosing a “howler” alarm for your dacha, price, of course, matters. But there is one option that is worth paying a little extra for. This is a GSM communication option.

It works like this. The user buys a SIM card from any mobile operator (it is important that the connection with this operator at the location where the alarm is installed is stable). The SIM card is installed in a special slot located in the control unit. Such a system, simultaneously with the sound signal on the “howler”, sends SMS to numbers previously entered into the control unit.

Moreover, SMS are sent not only in case of unauthorized entry into the house. Devices equipped backup sources power supply, report the interruption and start of power supply to the network. The owner is also informed about the failure of one of the sensors.

The sound alarm, which is installed on the door, becomes a kind of “scarer” for intruders. After the siren turns on, it is difficult to calmly inspect the room and choose the most valuable. A loud, unpleasant sound will most likely cause a thief to run away.

Types of sound alarms

Based on the signal processing method, a distinction is made between stand-alone and remote alarm systems. The autonomous system notifies the owner of the premises, the control room sends a signal to the security organization with which the contract has been concluded. The second option is convenient when the owners do not have the ability to quickly respond to an alarm. If danger arises, security company employees will arrive at the site.

Disadvantages of remote security: availability of a subscription fee, penalties in case of regular violation of the terms of the contract (for example, if the owners of the premises forget to turn on the alarm). The amount of the subscription fee for remote security depends on the number security zones(if sensors are installed in other places besides the door) and the floor on which the apartment is located.

Depending on the complexity of the device, set of functions and control method, autonomous sound alarms are divided into four types:

  1. A simple bell alarm responds to the opening of a door or window. One part of the sensor is attached to the moving part of the door, the other to the stationary part. When they are disconnected, the siren turns on. The cost of such devices is about 400 rubles. You can install them on all doors and windows in the room.

  1. Compact door alarm with vibration sensor for the front door. This device is installed directly under the door. When it is opened, a siren sounds. The device is convenient to use for protecting an apartment, office, or hotel room. You can take it with you on a trip.

  1. Alarm with built-in motion sensor. Its power is provided by AA elements or from the mains. The sensor is installed next to the door. Before leaving the premises, the alarm is turned on by pressing a button on the key fob. The green LED on the remote control lights up. It burns for 20 seconds, during which time you need to get out the door. After this, the object was taken under protection. If there is movement in the room, the red LED lights up and the siren turns on. Range remote control(key fob) - up to 100 m.

  1. Alarm system supporting GSM standard. The control panel is equipped with a display with a keyboard. The kit includes wireless sensors door opening and movement, siren, mains power supply, two control key fobs and an antenna, sometimes a video camera. To control the remote control, insert a SIM card with the entered numbers mobile phones, to which the device sends SMS messages and calls in case of danger.

Regardless of the type of device, the siren does not turn on immediately after opening the door, but after a few seconds, giving the owners the opportunity to quickly turn it off. Warranty period Most audible alarm models have a lifespan of 1 year.

Important! Conventional motion sensors are not suitable for protecting premises where animals are constantly present - they will provoke false alarms. It is especially important to remember this when installing a remote control alarm system. There are special sensors on sale with protection against pets.

Additional audible alarm optionsGSM standard

To signaling that supports the standard GSM, You can connect up to 99 additional wired or wireless sensors:

  • smoke;
  • gas;
  • broken glass;
  • temperature;
  • water leaks;
  • vibrations.

They are purchased together with the standard kit. Thanks to these sensors, the alarm system reliably protects the house from intruders and promptly reports a fire, an open tap or a gas burner.

Important! The most modern modifications of GSM standard devices are compatible with Android and IOS systems, which allows you to control them using various applications installed on mobile devices. Some new models also use Wi-Fi to notify of danger. If the network is lost, a message about this is sent to the owner’s phone.

Installed inside the device control unit lithium battery, which keeps the object protected when the external power is turned off. Voice guidance in Russian helps you set up the device. Some modifications have a room listening function. Another useful addition is protection by encoding the signal of sensors and key fobs, due to which an attacker will not be able to duplicate the signal and disable the protection. Programming capabilities: arming and disarming an object according to a schedule, remote shutdown and activation of individual zones.

What to look for when choosing an audible alarm?

Sound alarm characteristics:

  1. Siren volume. U various models this figure ranges from 90 to 120 dB. For comparison, the sound power from the operation of jet engines is up to 130 dB. A siren with a volume of 90 dB can be heard at a distance of up to 300 m, and a sound with a volume of 120 dB is carried over a distance of up to 400 m.
  2. Operating time of the built-in battery. There are two options for powering the device - from the mains or from the battery. Models powered by an electrical outlet are most often equipped with an additional built-in battery in case of power outage. Its operating time is from 5 hours. Models operating without mains power are supplied with batteries that can ensure uninterrupted operation for 1 year.
  3. Number of security zones. Depending on the modification and the number of additional sensors, the device can cover several zones of wired and wireless security, such as the front door, windows and bathroom.
  4. Operating temperature range. This parameter is important in cold or hot climate zones.


Modern types of sound alarms for entrance doors easy to use, capable of providing a high level of protection of the premises from unauthorized entry and preventing unpleasant consequences emergency situations.

Almost any owner country house or cottage, arriving after long absence to the dacha, faced with an unpleasant picture caused by burglars or vandals.

Alarm for a dacha - howler monkeys

Human patience, especially among summer residents, is not unlimited. Therefore, many owners of country real estate turn to our consultants with a request to select inexpensive and effective equipment to ensure security and fire safety at the dacha.

The most affordable and easy to install are howlers (autonomous alarm sounders). The devices are easy to install with your own hands; there is no need for special technical training.

The main point when using autonomous alarm bells in a country house is the presence of friendly relations with neighbors who live outside the countryside permanently. The activation of the loudspeakers of the fire alarm system is coordinated with the security service of the cottage community, country cooperative or partnership. False activation of sound alarms at night will lead to justified claims from private security officers and a deterioration in good neighborly relations between members of the gardening community.

Photo: siren sounder (howler)

It is recommended to turn on the sirens if the owners of the house are away for a long time. For example, on weekdays, on winter period, when traveling on vacation. If the owners personal plot live in the country, on a permanent basis (during the season) or have a winter home, the specialists of Grion LLC recommend the use of autonomous light alarms - flashers (strobe flashes), signal lamps, internal speech (sound) alarms. When leaving, make sure that your phone number is placed next to the siren, so that the watchman or neighbors can contact you!

Wired model Xital

The kit for sirens and sensors that activate them requires modules GSM alarm. With their help, security and fire detectors and light and sound annunciators are controlled via mobile communications (phones, smartphones, tablets). Complete set dacha system security should start with the selection of GSM alarm systems. GRION implements 2 models of modular security.

The first is wired, based on the GSM Xital module, a proven and reliable leader in sales among cellular equipment for managing a country house. Using Xital GSM 4 (8 or 12), you can build an inexpensive wired security loop fire alarm. High level equipment compatibility trademark Xital allows you to integrate bellows, sirens, loudspeakers, signal lamps, strobe flashes and other autonomous light and sound alarms into security systems.

GSM alarm bells are activated by a variety of sensors (detectors) that respond to presence, glass breaking, door openings, water leaks, temperature surges in the heating system, gas leaks and much more necessary for a modern summer resident. An additional advantage of using Xital wired alarms is the ability to remotely monitor (control) heating boilers, water supply systems and energy-saving lighting using the simplest cell phone.

Wireless alarm system for cottages with siren

Wireless alarms are great solution, capable of protecting suburban property from fires, sending a message to the watchman, turning on the siren to vigilant neighbors. As a rule, interaction, a sense of comradeship, decency, and mutual assistance are highly developed among summer residents, so many neighbors leave each other instructions on how to turn off the sirens. In addition, radio wave devices and fire and security detectors are programmed via cell phones, do not require expensive cabling, and do not interfere with the design of the room.

Radio channel (wireless) control systems implemented in GRION (radio alarms Crow, Visonic, Falcon Eye, Leader, Astra, etc.) allow you to turn off the alarm siren in your dacha from a distance of 300m. Thus, if, when leaving for the city, you leave the radio remote control (key fob, key, button, etc.) for controlling the alarm system with your friends, they will be able to check what is happening at your dacha, turn off the working siren and inform you and the security company about Emergency.

Do you need a siren for your dacha?

Despite the presence of supporters and opponents of the use of sound sirens in country houses, sales of this warning equipment are growing in our online store. Main reason the need to install warning sirens at remote sites is an instant psychological effect. Light alarms do not produce the desired effect on migrant workers, vandals, and drug addicts. Powerful multi-tone street sirens deafen criminals, sending them into shock and causing them to flee.

The use of explosion-proof electronic exteriors is the main element of fire safety in the countryside. The remoteness of suburban buildings from fire services, their high flammability and non-standard architectural configuration make wooden houses easy prey for even the smallest fire. The activation of a dynamic fire alarm siren can attract your neighbors in the area to extinguish a small fire, quickly extinguish it and prevent irreparable damage from a small fire (short circuit in the wiring, gas leak, accidentally thrown out an unextinguished cigarette butt).

We offer only the best products to protect your dacha!

In our online store you can purchase autonomous GSM alarms and components for their installation. All products for the garden are certified, including according to GOST, and come with instructions for self-installation to any corner Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

GRION LLC specialists will help you choose explosion-proof sirens for full and autonomous operation, both outdoors and indoors, with signal power adjustment, multi-tone and dynamic type, and other options. When contacting our company, your budgetary possibilities will be taken into account, technical requirements security for your home, cottage, gate, gate, barrier, garage, office, apartment. Our sirens will not wake up your neighbors at night without a good reason and will provide country comfort and safe rest.

Our security equipment is designed to increase the efficiency of your personal and property security - inexpensively and quickly!

For commercial organizations, we offer video surveillance installation services and selection of high-quality equipment. We connect IP cameras to video servers, install video intercoms, alarm systems and perimeter security, panic buttons, ACS kits.



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