A garden in Provence style – comfort and romance in the best traditions of the French countryside. Landscape design in Provence style Plants for the garden in Provence style

Provence is an exquisite style of lovely French villages, who stood for recent years incredibly popular all over the world. It is always associated with special sophistication, delicate shades of purple and an abundance of white in decoration, a light touch of antiquity on objects and the subtle smell of lavender fields. A garden in the Provence style is ideal for delicate romantic natures who love to while away summer evenings, wrapped in a blanket on a bench and inhaling the fragrant aroma of herbs.

Conceptual features of the design of French gardens

A French garden in the Provence style has a number of distinct distinctive features, which will not allow it to be confused with any other style direction in landscape design.

Delicate plant colors are characteristic of Provence

The most important ones, setting the tone and mood, are following features:

  • the predominance of fruit trees (apple, cherry, peach), often formed in the form of palmettes;
  • abundance flowering plants with flowers predominantly in delicate shades of lilac and pink;
  • flower beds with herbs and spices;
  • use of antique or artificially aged items in garden decoration;
  • the presence of gazebos, gazebos or simply places to relax with cozy garden furniture (preferably antique or antique-style).

To create a garden in the Provence style with your own hands, just select plants in the characteristic color scheme, acquire several beds with herbs and, in search of garden decor, take a good look at the things around you or rummage around in the attic.

The highlight of garden decor in the Provence style is a touch of antiquity

Broken ceramic dishes lying around in the kitchen, grandma's chairs that have long been wanted to be thrown into a landfill, old buckets and watering cans can easily find a second life and turn into exclusive decorative items in style French village.

The French garden is, first of all, orchard. So, if it is possible to start landscape design from scratch, then preference should be given to fruit-bearing fruit trees.

They are usually planted along the painted white fence As it grows, the crown is systematically pruned, ensuring that the branches grow in width rather than in height.

Fragrant lavender is an essential attribute of a Provençal garden.

As for flowers and spices, provencal garden the focus in most cases is lavender and geranium.

Ivy, petunia, rosemary, and roses are also planted in flower beds. When purchasing seeds and seedlings, be sure to pay attention to the photo indicating the color scheme of the inflorescences, because a feature of the style is the presence purple and such pastel shades as lilac, pink, beige. Bright colors are acceptable as small accents or framing elements.

The flower beds themselves, as a rule, have a round shape. They are laid out along the perimeter with stones or bricks. Flowers and herbs do not have to be planted in flower beds - they will look great in wooden boxes, tubs, hanging planters, baskets and old dishes, while creating a unique atmosphere of a French rural courtyard.

Herbs and spices can be planted in any suitable container

Garden decor in French country style

Another mandatory requirement for a real garden in the Provence style is that there should be comfort here, almost the same as in the house. For this reason, a variety of trinkets, furniture and textiles are widely used in its design. Moreover, this is not always special garden furniture. Very often in such a garden, right under a tree, you can find an ordinary home chair with a blanket and pillows or a small sofa that just yesterday decorated the living room.

Often used to decorate the garden ordinary furniture

Quite often the landscape is decorated with wooden or wrought iron gazebos. They are most often painted white and artificially aged. In other words, in a Provencal garden there cannot be a perfectly painted fence or copper accessories shining in the sun. Painted elements must show through with light abrasions, as if a painter’s brush touched them last time many years ago, and it is better to cover polished copper figures or parts with a noble greenish patina, as if they had been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

You can create a truly Provencal garden only by putting a piece of your soul into the creative process, otherwise you won’t get the atmosphere home comfort, characteristic of this style of landscape design.

The French garden has a unique charm and is always a garden for relaxation; it is very cozy and intimate. There is romance and sophistication here, but the main thing is impeccable taste.

French garden

French style is usually suitable for areas small size. It can be arranged even on one hundred square meters. This is a typical example of a relaxation garden - economic activity here is minimal.

French garden

As a rule, the lawn is of a simple shape, for example, square, and is decorated with ornamental plants along the perimeter. The place of the most beautiful and bright colors- right next to the house, but in the rest of the area it is preferable calm tones, plants are predominantly ornamental deciduous. It is quite acceptable to have several fruit or ornamental trees, but only a few. Paving the paths is stone or brick, preferably old; a brick fence is also preferable.

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The place for the most beautiful flowers is right next to the house, in the front garden, and in the rest of the area, calm tones and decorative foliage are preferable

The place for the most beautiful flowers is right next to the house, in the front garden, and in the rest of the area, calm tones and decorative foliage

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Recreation area - directly at the entrance to the house

Recreation area - directly at the entrance to the house

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Supports with climbing plants around the perimeter of the site

Along the perimeter of the site, along the fence, there may also be various supports with climbing plants

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French garden color scheme. Blue, dark green, purple, yellow. Spots of red on a large field of “different-textured” greenery.

Color solution French garden: blue, dark green, purple, yellow. Spots of red on a large field of “different-textured” greenery

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Style accessories: simple wooden benches or wrought iron, cast iron grates, simple terracotta pots, rocking chair, garden figurines - gnomes, animal images

Style accessories: or, cast iron grates, terracotta pots simple shape, rocking chair

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Indoor plants on the veranda in summer

Houseplants in summer they are taken out onto the veranda

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Low curbs are installed along the edges of the paths. Fountains are used among water elements in a garden of this style. As a rule, such a plot is decorated with a decorative mini-vegetable garden on a raised “bed”. This is a vegetable garden only to provide yourself with fresh salads, so there is no need for compost heap, numerous sheds, outbuildings. Instead of a vegetable garden, you can arrange

French romance seduces many of us, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel to the Mediterranean. Try to recreate the Provence style in the garden with your own hands, and we will show you how to do it.

The famous area in the south of France has been a source of inspiration for romantic people for decades. Provence attracts sensitive people with its delicate range of shades and airy forms. It is not surprising that many gardeners strive to recreate the atmosphere of French villages on their site. We offer several simple tips that will help you get own garden Provence Decorating a garden in Provence style is not at all difficult!

1. Place flowerpots and hanging planters in the garden

Decorate even small area you can use cute hanging pots and flowerpots placed around the garden. Such mini-flower beds fit organically into the design of a Provence garden. About what flowers to plant in a flowerpot so that they look harmonious in your unusual garden, read at the end of the article (hint: the list is not limited to lavender!).

2. Use natural stones

Garden elements from natural stone(for example, retaining walls or terrace finishing) are indispensable attributes of the Provencal style in landscape design. Stones, especially those entwined with greenery, give the garden a naturalness and some mystery: “old” stones keep their own, not for anyone famous story. A haze of mystery is one of the components of French charm, including in the design of the site. Try to build a natural stone wall on your property yourself and see how the garden will be transformed.

3. Install a gazebo or pergola

A place for privacy is what any garden must have. We just need to “hide” from the hustle and bustle from time to time, spending time in thought and contemplation of beauty, or with a cup of aromatic tea and a good book. A cozy gazebo is perfect for this. A gazebo or pergola made of natural material, such as wood, will look organic in a Provençal garden. When choosing a color to paint a building, give preference to white. This classic version will fit perfectly into the overall mood of the garden and serve as an ideal backdrop for climbing plants.

4. Decorate the facade of the house

One hundred percent fits into the Provence style - “blooming” walls. There is nothing difficult about planting unpretentious perennial climbing plants near the walls of your house. They will beautifully weave around the walls and create the desired effect of carefreeness, evoking associations with the sunny French coast. They look especially atmospheric entrance doors and windows framed with decorative vines.

5. Install a fountain

The south of France is characterized by dry weather. To have a source of constant coolness at their disposal, residents of Provence often install fountains in their gardens. Why don't you use this idea too? In our latitudes, the fountain will serve more as a decoration than as an important functional addition to the site. So, the main thing you will need to take care of when thinking about the concept and planning the installation is: appearance fountain.

6. Make narrow paths

Garden paths are called "arteries of the garden." In the case of provencal style paths must meet two conditions: they must be winding and narrow. Don't be afraid, you don't have to make all the paths in the garden like this and balance on them like a tightrope walker, just lay a few narrow branches from the main garden path.

7. Arrange wicker furniture

This style feature arose because in the south of France it grows large number vineyards whose vines are suitable for weaving. This does not mean that you urgently need to plant a vineyard and master wicker weaving. Just pay attention to wicker furniture from various materials(for example, rattan), presented in numerous stores.

8. Decorate your garden with antique items

One of the main components of the Provence style is the “worn” effect. Since garden decor items must be present in a Provençal garden, make sure that they bear the “stamp of time.” Some things can be artificially aged by erasing the paint from them in places. Surely you have some nice old chairs, tables or flowerpots - their finest hour has come! The main thing is that items should not look bulky or too modern.

9. Plant ornamental plants for the Provence garden

The main rule here is to use the traditional range typical of Provence: shades of blue, purple, pink and white. Here are some ornamental plants suitable for creating a flower garden in a Provencal garden: sweet pea, sedum, delphinium, clematis, catnip, Japanese anemone, roses with petals of delicate shades, self-seeded poppy. A wonderful addition are cereal herbs in silver, pinkish and delicate golden shades.

10. Place vegetables and herbs in the flower garden

Combination ornamental plants, herbs, herbs and vegetables in one flower garden - an unusual for us, but quite typical feature of a garden in the Provence style. Plant nearby plants such as sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, pumpkin, zucchini, etc. Decorative vegetable garden- not only an original, but also an ergonomic solution for owners of small plots.

11. Select trees and shrubs for a French garden

Trees in the gardens of the southern coast of France, like fountains, perform not so much an aesthetic as a practical function. In the shade of a spreading crown you can always hide from the scorching sun rays. For French country A combination of fruit and ornamental crops is typical. Here are some shrubs and trees that look natural in a Provencal garden: mock orange, boxwood, forsythia, hydrangea, hairy willow, apple tree, cherry, apricot, virginian juniper, angustifolia, grapes.

A special feature of a Provence style garden is the mixing of plants and colors. Fragrant climbing plants, the sound of trickling water from a fountain and flowers in clay pots create an indescribable atmosphere French province.

Color harmony

A Provence style garden is a harmonious combination of green shrubs, purple, pink, yellow and white shades of flowers. The plants in such a garden are unpretentious and sun-loving: lavender, sage, bushy rose - an integral part of the Provence style.

Flower beds and flower beds

In French gardens No clear lines and borders: flower beds smoothly flow into one another. Flowerbeds are mainly built from stones with beige, pink or purple shades. The unspoken rule is the order of planting: plants in pink tones are placed in the center, then white shades, along the edges - bright accents.

climbing plants

One of the most popular options for creating shade in the French provinces are all kinds of arched forms entwined with creeping plants. climbing roses, vineyards and wisteria twine around gazebos, pergolas and trellises.

Narrow paths

Winding narrow paths are characteristic of the entire Mediterranean. Thin romantic paths connect and complement the wide paths and captivate with their views. Natural or artificial stones ideal for creating paths in Provence style.

Pots and flowerpots

Features of the garden are decorative elements made in an antique style: snow-white benches, wooden fences and time-worn pots create a light romantic mood. Natural materials and natural natural shades are characteristic of a provincial garden: on each French section There are many clay and wicker pots, which are located not only on the terrace, but throughout the garden.

From July 1 to July 10, at the Moscow Flower Show in Muzeon, GARDENA will present a garden in french style Provence Miniature garden GARDENA will become a unique corner of peace and comfort. A garden space that is not overloaded with plants will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of enchanting France, and bushes of fragrant lavender, hydrangeas and roses will create a gentle romantic atmosphere.

A blooming corner of GARDENA will allow you to relax, relieve the burden of problems, and with great pleasure put tired plants in order, trim with my own hands hedge from ornamental shrub. Such a garden, using garden tools GARDENA is easy to implement without much effort on any site by selecting your favorite plants.

Many are attracted by the harmony and tranquility of rural life as an example for implementation in landscape design. However, the very concept of a village is different for everyone and often evokes ambiguous associations, far from the usual urban respectability. There is a way out! Try on your site the cultivated image of a French village in the Provence style - the most sophisticated and sophisticated of the entire group of “village” styles!

Provence is a province of France, caressed from the south by the Mediterranean Sea and protected by the Alps from the northern winds, with a special climate and cozy atmosphere conducive to a leisurely holiday. It is no coincidence that this style of cute French villages has become incredibly popular throughout the world in recent years. People are tired of the bells and whistles of technogenic culture and crave full-fledged and comfortable rest with a change of scenery. And the image of fragrant lavender fields, as if straight out of impressionist paintings, greatly contributes to the creation of a serene romantic mood.

The difference between landscape design in the Provence style is primarily in the color scheme, which includes all shades of delicate lilac tones in combination with white. The picture is complemented by pastel colors such as pink, beige and lilac, diluted with silver and ash spots. Bright strokes are only permissible as small accents or framing elements.

The layout of the garden in the Provence style is devoid of pretentiousness. The design of paths and paths should be as simple as possible, without any special frills. Slight negligence, even rudeness, is acceptable, but certainly with a touch of the famous French chic. Setting the tone for landscaping fruit trees. As a rule, they are planted along a fence painted white and, in accordance with tradition, are formed in the form of palmettes. Flower beds and beds with herbs have a predominantly round shape.

Naturalness is the calling card of a Provence style garden. The garden should look extremely natural from the outside, everything grows as if by itself. In designs garden buildings and in finishing landscape elements The use of modern artificial materials is unacceptable. But it's welcome natural wood and all kinds natural stone from boulders and paving slabs to gravel fills.

A light, without fanaticism, touch of antiquity in the decor gives a special sincerity to a garden in the Provence style. The area is decorated with a variety of cute trinkets found in grandma's chests. The unique atmosphere of a French rural courtyard is created by those adapted as flower beds. wooden boxes, tubs, flowerpots, baskets and any suitable antique or artificially aged containers and objects. Here it is necessary to observe moderation so that the landscape does not turn into a chaotic pile of old unnecessary things.

Despite all the external negligence, a site decorated in Provence style needs constant care to maintain the required degree of apparent “negligence.” The highlight of the garden can be an elegant wooden or wrought-iron gazebo, decorated in an antique style and most often painted white. You can add other small architectural forms - pergolas and arches entwined with flowering vines. Instead of luxurious southern wisteria in a more severe climate, it is quite possible to use unpretentious clematis.

The comfort of such a garden should be truly homely. Therefore, even the furniture used here is predominantly ordinary, and not special garden furniture. All accessories and decorative items must have a slightly antique look with scuffs and a noble patina. At the same time, there should be no deliberate luxury, only the modest charm of simple, but with traces of sophistication, household items that can be passed on from generation to generation. In landscape design in the Provence style, you will certainly feel a piece of the soul put into it by the creators.



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