How to cover flexible tiles. Laying flexible tiles, instructions. Laying ridge elements

Scientific and technological progress has not spared any industry human activity, including the production of building materials. Nowadays, there are many products that are used for roofing, soft tiles are especially popular among them. It is worth noting that any roofing material will last the entire time (or even longer) warranty period, if the installation technology is followed. Advantage bitumen shingles over its competitors are as follows: it forgives minor installation flaws, it can be used to cover roofs with a slope of 11 degrees.

Soft tiles can be used to cover roofs with a slope of 11 degrees.

Laying flexible tiles in winter is not best idea, most manufacturers recommend carrying out all work at positive temperatures (from +5). The fact is that the sheet with “tiles” needs to be attached to wooden base and underlay carpet, the surfaces are fastened with a self-adhesive layer, the tightness of the coating is ensured only in bright sunlight, which gradually “melts” the adhesive substance. But in minus temperature you can start preparatory work: install rafters, wooden flooring, insulate the structure, perform steam and waterproofing.

If there is no other way out and the house needs to be put into operation in winter time year, then these recommendations are especially for you! First, build a metal or wooden structure, cover it with a special noise-dustproof or simple plastic film. Inside, the “second roof” will be heated by diesel heat guns, so you can maintain the optimal above-zero temperature. By the way, the “warmhouse” also allows you to carry out plastering work.

Laying bitumen shingles

As a base for bituminous shingles, a material with a flat surface (for example, OSB, tongue-and-groove plywood or edged board) and a humidity of no more than 20% is suitable. Place the joints of the boards where the supports are located. The thickness of the plywood and boards should be optimally correlated with the pitch of the rafters; as an example, we list some values:

  1. With a rafter pitch of 60 cm, the thickness of the board should be 2 cm, and the plywood should be 1.2 cm.
  2. With a step of 90 cm, the thickness of the board is 2.3 cm, and the plywood is 1.8 cm.
  3. With a step of 60 cm, the thickness of the board is 3 cm, and the plywood is 2.1 cm.

Why is ventilation needed? There are at least two points here:

  1. To reduce the formation of icicles and ice on the roof in winter.
  2. To drain water from sheathing and roofing material.

Most often, a rolled insulation product is used as a reinforcing lining, which is mounted from the bottom up with an overlap of 10 cm. Seal the seams with glue and secure the edges with nails in 20 cm increments. If the slope of your roof is 18 degrees or more, it is possible to install a spacer layer only in the valleys, on the eaves overhangs, near chimneys, where the roof adjoins the vertical walls.

We install eaves strips, gables, valley carpet, ordinary tiles

To protect the sheathing from moisture, install metal eaves strips (droppers) on the eaves overhangs (at the top of the lining carpet), with an overlap of 2 cm. Nail them with roofing nails in a zigzag pattern, step 10 cm. Pediment strips are also installed with an overlap, but narrower 2 cm (step – 10 cm).

To increase the waterproofness of the structure in valleys, lay a valley carpet on top of the lining layer that matches the color of the tiles. The step between nails is 10 cm. Next, it’s time to use self-adhesive eaves tiles; lay them along the eaves overhang, joint to joint, removing the protective film. From the bend cornice strip retreat 2 cm, nail the elements near the perforation points, and after the fastening point, cover with ordinary tiles.

To avoid color discrepancies, it is recommended to use roofing elements mixed from several packages. Start laying ordinary tiles from the center of the eaves overhang to the end parts of the roof. Remove the protective film, place the tile in the intended place, nail the element (4 nails above the groove line; if the roof slope is more than 45 degrees, then increase the number of fasteners to six).

Start laying soft tiles so that the edge of the first row is located 1 cm higher from the bottom edge of the eaves product, and the “petals” hide the joints. The “petals” of subsequent layers should be flush with the cutouts of the elements of the previous row. At the end, cut the material along the edge and glue it (a strip of glue is about 10 cm). Leave an open strip of 15 cm at the bottom of the valley.

Ridge tiles are obtained by dividing the tiles into 3 parts at the perforation points. Install the elements with the short side parallel to the ridge, nail them with nails (two on each side). Now a little about! The antenna holes are equipped with rubber seals; smoke - need to be insulated.

Consumption and method of applying sealing adhesive

For sealing overlaps of row tiles on the valley carpet and lining carpet, junctions, passages ventilation systems You need bitumen glue. Let's talk about composition consumption:

  1. To process the overlaps of the underlay carpet (the width of the glue application is 10 cm), you need 0.1 liters of glue for each linear meter.
  2. To process the overlaps of ordinary tiles onto the valley (the width of the glue application is 10 cm), you need 0.2 liters of glue for each linear meter.
  3. To glue ordinary soft tiles to the end elements (the width of the glue application is 10 cm), you need 0.1 liters of glue for each linear meter.
  4. To process brick walls and pipes (over the entire surface), you need 0.7 liters of glue for each linear meter.

Before work, of course, you need to clean the base from dirt, bulk materials, oils; Apply bitumen solution to dusty and porous surfaces. For glue, you will need a spatula; make the layer thickness about a centimeter. Seams in brickwork Grout the compound flush with the tiles. Gluing will occur in just 3 minutes (complete drying takes from one day to two weeks), hurry up! At low temperatures, warm up the glue before applying the composition.

Caring for flexible tiles

We list the rules that will help increase the service life of the structure:

  1. Check the condition of the roof twice a year.
  2. Sweep leaves and other small debris from the surface with a soft brush as carefully as possible, so as not to damage the coating.
  3. Ensure free flow of liquid from the roof, and do not forget to regularly clear the funnels and gutters of debris.
  4. When cleaning the roof in winter, leave about 10 cm of snow on the roof, this will protect the material from frost. Do not use sharp objects to remove ice as they may damage the shingles.

Oddly enough, today the most used roofing material is shingles, which are popularly called “flexible tiles”. The popularity of this material is due not only to its quality and durability, but also to its fairly simple installation technology, which we will discuss in this article. Together with the site, we will study in detail the question of how installation is carried out flexible tiles, we will study all the intricacies of this process and learn how to do this work with our own hands.

Flexible tiles: do-it-yourself installation

Installation of flexible tiles: base for laying them

The requirements for the base on which a soft roof can be laid are quite strict - the fact is that this material got its name (soft tiles) for a reason. It is really soft, and its plasticity increases as it is heated by the rays of the ubiquitous sun. Imagine what will happen if you lay this roofing material on the sheathing that is made on the roof for metal tiles?

  1. Firstly, it simply will not lie on such a basis.
  2. And secondly, if you let it fall down, it will simply take its shape and will not look very beautiful.

It is for this reason that the technology for laying flexible tiles provides for the installation of an even and smooth base. As a rule, on top of the standard roofing sheathing OSB or moisture-resistant plywood is laid with a water barrier and other necessary elements of any roof. In principle, installation of shingles is also allowed on a base made up of separate boards, the distance between which should not exceed 0.5 cm, and their difference in level should not exceed 2 mm. Practice shows that even in this case, after a year, all the differences and gaps between the boards begin to be visible on the roof surface.

Do-it-yourself flexible tiles: preparing the base photo

Let's move on and begin to understand the question, what is an underlayment carpet for flexible tiles? In principle, the lining is an additional protection for the roof from leaking rain and melt water. It is not used on all types of roofs - as a rule, it is used on slopes with a small slope or on large planes. An underlay carpet is laid over OSB or plywood, overlapping each other, starting from the lowest point of the slope. Thus, the upper strip of the substrate overlaps the lower one and prevents water from flowing under it.

Before laying the underlay, the surface of the base is coated with bitumen mastic, after which the laid underlay carpet is thoroughly warmed up gas burner until a complete coating is obtained.

How to lay flexible tiles with your own hands: underlay carpet

How to lay flexible tiles: markings

It is better to lay flexible tiles with your own hands on a previously marked roof. The fact is that shingles themselves have relatively small sizes, and during the laying process, curvature of the rows quite often occurs. On roofs of a small area, such a flaw is practically invisible and does not affect the tightness of the entire structure. But on large areas these distortions can lead to unpleasant consequences– it is for this reason that it is better for beginners to take advantage of preliminary markings, which will indicate a clear direction for laying.

The marking is performed as follows. Two straight parallel lines are drawn across the slope from top to bottom (or vice versa) with a distance of 500 mm between them. These lines provide a horizontal shift of the elements of flexible tiles relative to each other. In principle, you can draw such lines anywhere on the roof slope - preferably somewhere on the edge where you will start laying.

Do-it-yourself installation of flexible tiles is carried out in rows, and therefore, to two parallel straight lines it is also necessary to add a mass of perpendiculars, relative to which the shingles will be laid. Such perpendiculars are drawn in increments of 250mm.

That's basically all the markup. Having finished with it, you can begin laying flexible tiles.

Technology for laying flexible tiles: marking

How to install flexible tiles with your own hands: subtleties of the installation process

Do-it-yourself installation of flexible tiles should begin from the bottom of the roof slope. The first row of this material must be laid, as they say, upside down - if you don’t like this approach to business, then a special self-adhesive strip is used as the first row, but it costs twice as much. When laying the first row of shingles, you can ignore the markings and orient it relative to the roof slope.

Instructions for installing flexible tiles: sticking a self-adhesive strip

The second row of flexible tiles is laid in accordance with the markings. Bottom of this building material has a self-adhesive base (it must be removed from the protective film only before gluing) - it is simply pressed onto the base. But upper part The shingle does not have an adhesive base - for its fastening, special tinned or copper-plated nails with wide heads are used, with which it is nailed. They need to be driven in at the edges of each element and in the middle - four such nails are used for one meter strip of flexible tiles.

Each subsequent row of shingles is laid with an offset of 0.5 m - such a shift is dictated by the material itself and its dimensions. The petals of the row being laid should fall between the petals of the previous row. The fastening of each shingle element, regardless of the row and its position, is carried out according to the same principle.

Installation instructions for flexible tiles: subtleties and nuances

The main subtleties of the technology for laying flexible tiles lie in their installation on valleys. Moreover, on the roof ridge there are the least of them - everything is simple here, the ridge is decorated either with a special metal element, either purchased, made from the same shingles, or these elements are cut independently from individual elements of flexible shingles. Installing the ridge is simple - a fragment of the shingle is bent over the ridge and secured with the same copper-plated nails.

Flexible tiles: do-it-yourself installation photo

Things are a little different with valleys - according to statistics, this is a place that is prone to leakage, so even before you start working with flexible tiles, valleys need to be properly glued with a backing. This must be done even if your roof has a large slope and you do not use underlayment. By the way, in the same way it will be necessary to glue the roof ridge and all the joints between or plywood. In glued valleys, the flexible tiles are not bent, but are cut according to the direction of this element.

Laying flexible tiles with your own hands

To enhance the reliability of such a joint, the valley needs to be additionally glued with another layer of shingles - this process is somewhat reminiscent of gluing a ridge. Individual fragments are cut out from strips of flexible tiles and, using bitumen mastic, glued with an overlap onto two adjacent slopes on top of the existing layer of flexible tiles.

That's all science is. As you can see, installing flexible tiles with your own hands is not a complicated process. The main thing to remember is that the roof is a protection against water, and all work must be done with maximum tightness.

Soft tiles can be laid on any type of roof, but they are especially suitable for use on roofs of complex configurations that have joints and transitions. Carry out installation soft tiles Doing it yourself is not a difficult task, but for quality work you need to know some features. We tried to talk about this in detail in this article.

What are soft tiles?

This elastic material is made using a special technology from fiberglass or polyester impregnated with bitumen. Externally, soft tiles are small plates of various shapes (rectangular or pentagonal, hexagonal), made in the form of rhombuses or ovals, honeycombs, etc.

The use of special additives from styrene-butadiene styrene and polypropylene can significantly increase strength, enhance frost resistance and reduce the thermal conductivity of tiles. Colored stone chips applied to its front side serve not only decorative decoration, but also additional protection from mechanical damage and burnout.

Installation of a roof made of bitumen tiles

Installation procedure for soft tiles

1. This type of roofing is mounted only on continuous flooring (sheathing). Its thickness depends on the pitch of the rafters: the greater the distance between rafter legs, the thicker the material from which the flooring is made should be. You can use moisture-resistant plywood, tongue-and-groove boards, particle boards, etc.

2. To roofing looked aesthetically pleasing, it needs to be laid perfectly: the slightest unevenness will make the tiles look sloppy.

Installation wood flooring under flexible tiles

Important! Since when temperatures change wood sheets or the boards may change in size, it is imperative to leave deformation gaps of 3-5 mm between the boards or flooring slabs.

3. To extend the service life of the roof, it should be provided with steam and wind insulation and ventilation gaps.

4. Vapor barrier film attached with inside battens and is fixed with nails or a stapler, and then pressed with a wooden plank in increments of 60 cm. The overlapping areas of the film are glued with double-sided tape.

Laying a vapor barrier layer

5. Residential attics should be pre-insulated. Plates insulation laid staggered (in a checkerboard pattern) on top of a vapor barrier layer between wooden blocks.

6. For additional waterproofing of the most problem areas roofs on the eaves, valley, ridge slope in places where it breaks are unfolded underlay carpet. If the roof slope is insufficient (up to 12-18°), it should be rolled out over the entire surface of the roof. It is advisable to additionally treat all joints with bitumen mastic.

Installation of underlay carpet

7. The underlay carpet is installed with overlap 10-15 cm and secured with roofing nails in increments of 15-20 cm. It is not advisable to bend this material. To create overlaps on roof slopes, it can be cut into 10-15 cm.

Installation of cornice strips

9. Installation of soft roofing begins from the eaves. For this it is better to use a special cornice tiles, on which a self-adhesive layer is applied to enhance waterproofing. If it is missing, the tiles installed on the eaves should be thoroughly coated with mastic. Additionally, it is secured with roofing nails with wide heads.

Laying order of the first row

Advice. For installation, tiles from the same batch should be used. Otherwise, significant color deviations may occur. To obtain an even pattern, it is better to alternately use shingles (tiles) from different packages.

10. When installing decorative tiles complex shape“petals” should be laid out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations drawing diagram.

11. Material cutting more convenient to carry out special knife with a hook-shaped blade. To do this, you can use a regular hacksaw for wood. In order not to damage the soft tiles, it is better to cut on a special board.

12. In order for the roof to look neat, it is better to place lighthouses from strong threads , which will serve as guidelines during installation.

Installation of subsequent rows

13. Subsequent rows of tiles are also attached to the base using roofing nails. Their caps are completely hidden behind the petals of the next row. The first row is laid starting from the center of the ramp, gradually moving to the sides. Along its edges, the tiles are trimmed if necessary.

14. When installed in the warm season, the bitumen included in the flexible tiles will melt within a few days, and self-vulcanization of the shingles will occur. If the weather leaves much to be desired, to fuse the tiles together, they should be treated with a construction hair dryer.

Important! It is not recommended to install flexible roofing at low temperatures (not lower than +5°C) - in the cold, the tiles become too fragile and may break at bends.

15. To ensure ventilation, aerators are installed at the ridges or anywhere else on the roof. The places where they meet must be protected with a lining carpet and coated with a layer of mastic.

Roof fans

16. To protect the most vulnerable areas of the roof, additional components are used: ridges and valleys (a flexible strip or curved shingles laid at the junction of the roof planes). They are laid simply: a fragment of the shingle is bent and then fixed with roofing nails in increments of 10 cm. Using ridge tiles, you can also strengthen the bypasses of air ducts, communications outlets and antenna mounting points.

17. Since leaks most often form in areas where valleys are located, it is advisable to lay two layers of shingles in such places.

Advice. When working in conditions of low temperatures, it is better to slightly warm up ridge shingles and valleys on a warm metal pipe to increase flexibility.

Laying the valley

Soft roofing is an excellent replacement for traditional roofing materials. Its advantages include low weight, flexibility, low cost, and ease of installation.

Traditional roofing materials such as asbestos-cement slate, tiles and galvanized steel require several people to install. The construction of a roof from these materials took a lot of time.

A soft roof does not have these disadvantages. On construction market it is presented not only as piece material, but also as a roll. Further in the article we will talk about how to install a soft roof with your own hands.

Soft roofing is also sometimes called asphalt shingles because its base is bitumen. However, there is no need to be dismissive of this material. It has practically nothing in common with roofing felt. Soft roofing is a durable roofing material that has long term services. It is much stronger than traditional roll roofing materials.

Bitumen roofing is made using latest technologies. Therefore it has many advantages. This material is resistant not only to high temperatures, but also to low ones.

Soft tiles "Shinglas" are produced by the TechnoNIKOL company. The service life of such tiles is 10 – 55 years. A roof made of modern soft tiles does not tear and does not lose its properties due to temperature changes. During manufacturing, various modifiers are added to the material, which increase its bending strength.

Also, soft tiles have the following features:

  • During the shingle manufacturing process, bitumen is melted using oxygen. Thanks to this, the melting temperature reached one hundred and ten degrees Celsius.
  • Flexible tiles are reinforced with fiberglass. Due to this, the material becomes more durable.
  • The top layer of the material includes stone topping. It performs a decorative and protective function.

Obviously, flexible tiles are durable and durable material. Laying and using such tiles is not at all difficult. However, in order to correctly install a soft roof, it is necessary to carefully disassemble the main stages of the work.

Sizes of bituminous shingles

Soft tiles are a piece of roofing material. Its length is 100 centimeters and its width is 33 centimeters. The canvas is small in size, so installation of this material can be done by one person.

Externally, flexible tiles look like classic ones. Each sheet of material is divided into four parts. Each part is shaped like a geometric figure.

This material must be laid on a previously prepared base. For this purpose, a continuous sheathing is made. As a rule, sheets of plywood are used as the material for sheathing.

Also, a “carpet” is placed under the bitumen shingles, which minimizes negative impact on the roofing material and provides additional waterproofing.

Preparation of tools and materials

As mentioned above, the installation of a soft roof can be done alone. Before installation it is necessary to prepare following materials and tools:

  • Assembly knife;
  • Mastic;
  • Hammer;
  • Sealant;
  • End and cornice strips;
  • Trowel;
  • Roofing mop;

If laying the roofing is carried out in cold weather, a gas burner will also be required.

Insulation of soft roofs

The thermal insulation layer is attached to the street side. It should be noted that the first sheets must be laid between the rafters. However, before this it is necessary to make rough sheathing on the inside of the roof.

Optimal thickness thermal insulation material is 20 centimeters. Next, the counter beam and another layer of heat insulation are installed.

The waterproofing layer is overlapped parallel to the roof eaves. The overlap should be fifteen centimeters. Also, approximately 15 centimeters of waterproofing should extend beyond the thermal insulation contour. To fix the membrane, use a construction stapler. Waterproofing joints are glued using self-adhesive tape.

Preparing the base

The base for the roofing material must be extremely strong. It shouldn't sag. The base can be made from the following materials:

  • OSB boards;
  • Plywood;
  • Tongue and groove boards, the width of which is 10 centimeters.

If the base is made in winter, then gaps of 3 millimeters must be left between the seams of the material. If the base is made of boards, then the gap should be 5 millimeters.

Arranging a ventilation gap

Ventilation is very important for the roof of a building. Due to this, it is possible to avoid high humidity and reduce the amount of ice accumulating on the roof in winter months. Ventilation also lowers the temperature inside the roofing pie during the summer months.

Included high-quality ventilation includes the following elements:

  • valves providing fresh air;
  • Ventilation outlet;
  • Air gap. It should be located between the waterproofing and the base of the roof. The gap should be 50 millimeters wide.

The ventilation area directly depends on the angle of the roof slope. If the roof slope is more than 25 degrees, the hole area should be 8 square centimeters. If the slope of the roofing does not exceed 25 degrees, then the area of ​​the hole should be 16 square centimeters.

The importance of the spacer layer

The lining is a special bitumen material. It is installed around the perimeter of the entire roof.

Laying should be done from bottom to top. You need to start from the roofing eaves. During installation of the material, an overlap of 10 centimeters is made. Ordinary nails are used as fasteners. They should be driven in every 20 centimeters.

If the roof slope angle does not exceed 18 degrees, then the lining material should be attached only to the overhangs of the eaves, the ridge, the junction with the wall and near the chimney pipe.

If the roof slope does not exceed 12 degrees, then lay soft roof not advisable.

Fastening the planks

Eaves strips (droppers) are attached to the roof overhangs. They protect the material from precipitation. They can be installed directly on the cushioning material. The planks are attached with an overlap of two centimeters. Roofing nails should be used as fasteners. They are hammered in in a zigzag pattern along the entire cornice strip.

Pediment strips are mounted on the ends of the roof. They should also be attached with an overlap of 2 centimeters. The nails are driven in at intervals of 10 centimeters.

After installing all the planks, the valley carpet is laid. This element significantly improves water resistance. It is important to note that the color of the valley carpet must match the color of the roofing. The carpet should be fixed at the edges with nails in ten centimeter increments. Then you can lay the soft roof. Let's consider the technology of installing bitumen shingles step by step.

Laying eaves soft tiles

Eaves tiles should be laid on strips previously installed on the roof overhangs. The roofing material is fixed using galvanized nails. They should be driven into the bottom and top edges of the material. In this case, the distance from the edges should be 25 millimeters.

To save money, you can install ordinary tiles instead of cornice tiles. However, in this case you will have to cut out the tiles. To do this, you will need to trim the shingle tabs. In this situation, the material is laid end-to-end at a distance of 20 millimeters from the overhang.

Installation of ordinary flexible tiles

First of all, it should be noted that tiles may differ in color, even if they are from the same batch. Therefore, it is advisable to mix several packages of roofing material before installation.

Installation of flexible tiles begins from the center of the roof overhang. The canvases are laid on both sides.

The protective film must be removed from the tiles immediately before installation. The roofing material is fixed with nails (4 pieces for each shingle). If the roof slope is more than 45 degrees, then it is recommended to use 6 fasteners.

The edges of the first row of material should retreat 10-15 millimeters from the edges of the eaves overhang. The joints between the tile sheets are covered with petals.

Laying the second row of bitumen shingles is carried out in the same way. However, here the petals overlap the cutouts of the previous one.

Exactly the same procedure is performed in valleys. First, the bitumen shingles are cut so that a strip 15 centimeters wide is obtained, and then the edges are coated with glue by 7-8 centimeters.

It is better to cut roofing material on a piece of plywood. Otherwise, damage may occur to the layer below.

Laying ridge tiles

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the scaffolding. They make it easier to do installation work with a roof ridge.

Installation of bituminous shingles is carried out with an overlap. To secure each shingle you need to use 4 nails. The overlap of the roofing material should be approximately 5 centimeters. It is important to note that the installation of ridge tiles is carried out only after laying the ordinary tiles.

To get ridge tiles, you need to cut the eaves at the perforation points. Then you need to bend each element and lay the short part along the roof ridge.

Arrangement of passages and junctions in the roof

There are several ways to make penetrations through the roof. You can use rubber seals if the hole diameter is small. This method is used for antennas and other communications. The passages for chimney pipes are made differently. Heat and expansion must be taken into account here.

First of all, a triangular-shaped strip is nailed along the perimeter of the junction of the roofing covering and the pipe. As a rule, a strip with a cross-section of 5x5 cm is used for this. Then you need to lubricate the overlaps of the cushioning material with glue and install it.

It should be noted that the junction of the roof with vertical walls is done exactly the same. There is only one difference - the triangular strip is attached along the wall.

Video about installing flexible tiles:

Installation technology for soft roofing made from euroroofing felt

Euroroofing material is a built-up roll material. It, like bituminous shingles, belongs to the soft roof. Euro roofing felt differs from bitumen shingles in that it can be used as a roofing material for flat roofs.

Base for roofing material

Euroroofing felt should be laid on a solid and dry base. It must be cleaned of dirt and dust before laying the roofing. The basis can be concrete slabs or monolithic floors. But for this they must have a drain and a cement-sand screed.

Roofing felt can also be fused onto OSB boards. The base prepared for laying the roof is treated with bitumen-polymer mastic. It is sold in a ready-to-use state or as a concentrate. If laying euroroofing felt will be done on an old roofing covering, then mastic is not required.

Find out the time completely dry mastic can be found on its packaging. Roofing material should not be laid ahead of time. Otherwise, the quality of the roof will suffer greatly.

Laying of roofing material should begin from the drainage line (bottom). This line is parallel to the slope line. For this reason, flowing precipitation will not fall on the joints of the strips of roofing material.

Laying euroroofing felt

The roll of roofing material must be unwound so that there are no folds on it. Then you need to tighten it properly. To fix one edge of the euroroofing felt, you need to heat it with a burner until the indicator film melts. Then the edge of the roofing material must be glued to the base. When the edge hardens, the unwound euroroofing material will roll up again to the fixed place.

At the next stage of installing a soft roof, the fusing itself is performed. To do everything correctly, you must follow the following rules for arranging a soft roof made of euroroofing felt:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to overheat the roofing material. Otherwise you will need to purchase a new one. When overheated, roofing material stops sticking.
  2. The finished roof surface should not have voids, black spots or areas without special protective coating. The roof covering, made with high quality, is always uniform.
  3. You should not forget about overlap when laying euroroofing felt. It must be at least 10 centimeters. As a guide, you can use a special strip applied along the entire length of the roofing material.

Particular attention should be paid to problem areas of the roof: parapets, ventilation ducts and other elements located on the roof of the building. These areas need to be applied roofing mastic, which, after drying, has the same protective properties as roofing felt.

You should also treat the junctions that may get snow in during the winter months. For roofs with a large slope, snow guards should be installed. To prevent ice in winter period It is necessary to correctly install drips and drainage systems.

The technology for installing a soft roof made of euroroofing material differs from the technology for laying bitumen shingles. However, in both cases, it is necessary to clear the roof of debris and foreign objects upon completion of installation work. Otherwise, the roofing material may deteriorate at points of contact with these objects.

Video on how to install soft roll roofing with your own hands:

Let's sum it up

You can do the installation of flexible tile roofing yourself. To perform installation work, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment. All you need is ordinary builder's tools. Even installation roof aerators does not create great difficulties. The main thing in this matter is to follow safety rules.

It is best to start laying flexible tiles in hot, sunny weather. Then the shingles will fuse and create a single surface. A soft roofing covering will last much longer if you install a lining material, as well as a hydro- and vapor barrier layer.

A reliable, inexpensive and easy-to-install roof is one of the most cherished wishes of the developer. Simplicity, the possibility of arrangement with your own hands without the help of third parties - all the parameters distinguish the laying of soft tiles. Available technology, affordable material costs, and no need to use special skills and tools make laying out easier. And we will tell you how to install soft tiles with your own hands.

Preliminary calculation of the material, additional elements, fasteners is the key quality arrangement roofing carpet. Approximate costs are:

  • The number of shingles in a box can vary: from 1.5 to 3 m2. It all depends on the size of the elements (including overlap). All parameters are indicated on the box; the material should be purchased with a margin of 5-7%.
  • Mastic in quantity: 200 g/m2 for the valley carpet, 100 g/m2 for the ends, 750 g/m2 for junctions, nodes.
  • Nails 30 mm long, galvanized with a 3 mm shaft and a 9 mm head in an amount of 80 g/m2.

All calculations are averaged standard. Tools you will also need:

  1. Knife for edging bitumen shingles, substrate;
  2. Tin scissors (or others) for cutting planks;
  3. Hammer for fasteners;
  4. Brush for bitumen mastic.

Advice! If laying flexible tiles with your own hands is done in the cold season, a burner will be useful for heating the bitumen layer. Despite the possibility of carrying out work down to -5..-7 degrees, it is better to install the roofing carpet in warm, dry, not very hot and windless weather. In cold weather, the flexibility of shingles decreases, the risk of cracking increases, and in extreme heat, bituminous materials heat up excessively and melt.

Roofing pie for flexible tiles

From the arrangement roofing pie For soft tiles, a large stage of work begins. Depending on its purpose, the attic can be warm or cold. The purpose of the roof space affects the arrangement of the roofing pie, however, the part above the rafters is always the same:

  1. layer of waterproofing material;
  2. bars with a thickness of 30 mm;
  3. sheathing in the form of a continuous flooring.

Important! Additional elements: junction strips, eaves overhangs, pediment strips are made of special steel.

Laying out waterproofing

Membrane materials can be one-, two-, three-layer.

  1. Single layer waterproofing– accessible and cheap option, which performs the task of preventing moisture from entering the room and not preventing evaporation from escaping outside.
  2. Two- and three-layer materials– more durable and practical. They have an absorbent layer that absorbs condensation, as well as a layer that strengthens the material, which gives greater tensile strength.

Advice! Three-layer waterproofing membranes are indicated in the case of mineral wool insulation. The material is afraid of getting wet and with an increase in humidity even by 10% it loses 56-60% of its quality characteristics. In the case of arranging a cold attic, it is better to use a two-layer membrane fabric: the price is a little more expensive than single-layer, but the strength is much higher.

Advice! If the slope angle is more than 18 °, waterproofing membranes should be placed parallel to the end and eaves planes. The connection points have increased risk leakage, therefore the laying is carried out with an overlap. The same is true in the ridge area. If necessary, the ridge area is covered with another lining carpet. The work is carried out from the bottom up, fastening is carried out with nails with an increased head size. The fastening pitch is 20 cm.


Ventilation of a roof made of soft tiles is usually arranged using a ridge. It is laid out on a ribbed profile. In case of insufficiency this method, placed on the roof surface ventilation elements. This is the name given to profiles with ribs located at a distance of 20 mm from each other. The structures are attached to the base with nails.

Lathing and flooring

Immediately after laying the waterproofing, sheathing strips are placed on top. Thick timber elements create the necessary ventilation gap. Lathing is made from timber timber coniferous species. The thickness of the elements is at least 30 mm; before installation, the wood is treated with impregnations against rotting and fire.

Important! The length of the boards for sheathing is a distance equal to two spans of rafters. Fastening is carried out above the rafter legs.

Do-it-yourself installation of flexible tiles is carried out on a continuous flooring. It is made from OSB3 sheets moisture resistant plywood, tongue and groove or edged boards 25 mm thick, humidity not higher than 20%.

Important! The laying out of solid elements is carried out with gaps - compensators for thermal expansion of the material. For plywood or OSB, the gap width is 3 mm, for boards 1-5 mm. Sheet dies are attached using the method of spacing the seams so that the joints are not continuous. Fastening with self-tapping screws or rough nails.

Arranging a deck next to chimneys more than 0.5 m wide often requires the construction of a mini-roof. After installing the flooring, it is necessary to check the evenness of the surface of the covering, the dimensional parameters - the slope must be perfectly adjusted.

Laying flexible tiles

When purchasing a product, you should carefully review the instructions from the manufacturer. It must indicate how to lay flexible tiles. Often it is enough to follow step by step instructions to execute roofing work correct, but familiarizing yourself with the procedure in advance helps to allocate time.

Advice! Installation of bitumen shingles requires caution: no bending or creasing. You should not walk on the surface unless necessary.

Now the installation technology:

  1. Strengthen the overhang. A drip strip is installed to protect the structure of the rafters and sheathing from moisture. Place one edge of the drip line on the flooring, and cover the overhang with the other. Fastening with galvanized nails. Step 200-250 mm, checkerboard order, laying with an overlap of 30 mm. The gaps are coated with bitumen mastic and sealant.
  2. Attach hooks for drainage pipes.
  3. Lay a waterproofing carpet. The adhesive bottom side facilitates the installation process. Start from the valley section. An overlap of at least 0.5 m is left from the point of inflection in both directions. It is better to do without joints, but if necessary, leave an overlap of 150 mm. Laying from bottom to top, the joint is pre-treated with bitumen-based mastic. There is free residue along the eaves overhang waterproofing material 0.6 m.

Advice! Before installation, the waterproofing carpet is rolled out, trimmed, and then removed protective film and only then is it glued onto the substrate. Additional fixation along the edges with stainless steel nails will help secure the sheet of material more firmly. The points of joints and overlaps are additionally sealed with bitumen mastic and crimped.

  1. Carpet lining. The product also comes in the form of a roll with an adhesive backing protected by a paper layer. The layout option depends on the profile of the selected shingles, the shape of the roof, and the angle of the slope. If you choose a covering type Jazz, Trio, an underlay carpet is required. If the roof slope is 12-18 °, the lining is installed along the entire perimeter of the roof. Installation should be done from below, overlaps are at least 150-200 mm, joints must be sealed. The upper edge is additionally secured with galvanized nails. If the slope angle is from 18°, a lining is needed in places of kinks, at the points where the pediment line adjoins the wall panels.
  2. Pediment strip needed for arranging side cuts. The additional element already has the desired shape, is mounted on the lining or waterproofing flooring and secured with nails at intervals of 150 mm.

Advice! When starting to lay out shingles, it is better to first mark the slope. Mesh markings will help place the roofing material, taking into account alignment and joints. It’s easier and more even to make markings with regular paint cord.

  1. The first strip of shingles, as a rule, ridge-cornice or ordinary row with trimmed petals. The sheet is laid out on the edge of the slope so that one edge of the shingle touches the gable strip. The lower edge of the shingle should lie on the drip edge with a distance of 150 mm from the fold of the additional element. Fastening in the corners with a gap from the edge of 20-30 mm.

Advice! Often sheets in bundles have some differences in background color. To ensure that the laid shingles are not very different, you should open several packs in advance and lay out the elements alternately.

  1. How to lay ordinary soft tiles? The first shingle does not reach the edge of the starting strip 10 mm; the sheet is fixed with nails (except for the adhesive base). The number of fasteners for a slope of 12-45 ° steepness per sheet is 4 pieces, and at the junction points of two sheets, nails are driven so that the head “covers” the edges of both shingles. If the slope angle is greater than 45°, fasteners are driven into each sheet.

After the installation of the tiles along the slopes with your own hands is completed, all that remains is to design the valley and gables. Flexible roofing has a lot of advantages, one of them is the quick arrangement of the most difficult areas. The roof in the valley area is arranged as follows:

  1. Mark the area where nails cannot be driven in (300 mm from the midpoint of the valley), mark the boundaries of the additional gutter - this is approximately 5-15 cm in both directions.
  2. Now drive the fasteners of ordinary tiles as close as possible to the line beyond which fasteners are no longer allowed.
  3. Trim the shingles along the gutter installation line.
  4. To prevent water from leaking under the edge of the material, the corners of the material are trimmed (4-5 cm each), the loose edge is attached to bitumen mastic.

Laying roofing material along the gables is not difficult: the side shingles are cut with a distance of 10 mm to the ribs. Trim the upper corner, like the valley elements: diagonally 4-5 cm. Place the edges of the tiles on bitumen mastic and fix them with nails.

Installation of bitumen shingles on a ridge has its own characteristics: a gap is cut along the ridge element, not reaching the ribs of 300 mm. The installation of shingles is carried out before the start of the slot, after which the additional element (ridge profile) is mounted. A long skate may require several profiles, this is normal. Fastening with nails, laying is carried out end-to-end, the mating points are coated with bitumen.

Important! On the ridge, a downwind installation is carried out; the flexible tiles are laid out towards the wind, with an overlap of at least 30-50 mm.

Installing a soft roof is not difficult, especially if you follow technological subtleties process, perform an accurate preliminary calculation. The work is carried out on a dry, sunny day without wind or intense heat. If you need clarification, watch a video from professionals: do-it-yourself flexible tile installation.



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