Filtration of water using homemade devices. How to make a homemade water filter? How to make a filter from cotton wool

The water purification system is the right thing in everyday life. After boiling, water does not get rid of all contaminants; it remains hazardous to health. Not everyone can afford to buy a filter; prices are sometimes steep. There is no need to despair. You can make a water filter with your own hands; it will be no worse in efficiency than store-bought units.

Advantages of self-made filters:

  • structures effectively cope with large impurities (iron, rust, silt, sand);
  • filter eliminates bad smell, taste of water;
  • economical systems;
  • You can make a filter even while on a hike, with a minimum amount of materials.

There is only one drawback of the designs - they do not remove bacteria and microbes from the water. It turns out that the liquid will pose a danger to human health. After filtering water through such a device, it must be boiled.

Home filter

Use high-quality, tasty, healthy water every person wants. If it is not possible to purchase a cleaning structure, you can make it yourself. Such a filter will cope perfectly with impurities of rust and sand, make the water “softer”, and get rid of pathogenic bacteria.

For the "recipe" simplest design need to prepare:

  • regular charcoal;
  • cotton fabric;
  • plastic bottle (the cap must be screw-on).

Initially, charcoal is “activated”. It is crushed so that the diameter is no more than 5 mm. Next, the product is poured into a pan, poured cold water. The coal is brought to a boil (boil for 5-7 minutes). The water is drained and the product is left in the container until it cools completely. To make a water filter with your own hands, you need enough charcoal to cover 30% of the bottle’s capacity.

System assembly process

  1. A hole with a maximum diameter of 3.5 mm is carefully made in the bottle cap.
  2. The bottom needs to be cut off.
  3. A piece of prepared fabric is carefully placed in the neck, then coal is poured.

The service life of a homemade water purification system is long. If over time the liquid becomes unpleasant in taste, the filter is made again. It is recommended to “update” it once every 30-40 days.

Homemade cleaning structure for a well

If you have a well in your dacha, you need to take care of filtering the liquid. Pesticides, nitrates, etc. seep through the ground harmful impurities. They end up in the water we consume, then into human body. Well cleaning systems are expensive, for small dacha Making a bottom water filter with your own hands is more reliable.

Prepare for work:

  • ordinary river pebbles;
  • crushed stone (it is strictly forbidden to use construction stone);
  • shungite;
  • zeolite (effective against viruses, bacteria);
  • gravel.

A shield for the well is made from boards, wrapped in geotextile, then lowered to the very bottom. Large stones are also placed there at the first stage. After this, you can proceed to making a filter (reverse, direct).

If the bottom country well"sparkles" soft clay, a direct filter is required. First, a fraction of a larger diameter is laid, then a smaller one. Must be adhered to optimal thickness each layer. Average 15-20 cm. Minimum quantity layers - 3. First, crushed stone is laid, then small pebbles, in last resort– thoroughly washed river sand.

A reverse system is suitable for a country well with a sandy bottom. Initially the small fraction is laid, then the larger one. It is necessary to adhere to the same layer rules as in the previous case.

Over time, the filter will become clogged with sand, clay particles, and other impurities. It must be “updated” annually. The sand is replaced, the stones are washed well, and then laid back.

How to make your own cleaning structure for a well

How to make a water filter with your own hands for a well? The cleaning system is simpler than it might seem.

Getting ready following materials, tools:

  • durable plastic pipe;
  • wood plug;
  • mesh with the smallest holes (cells), preferably brass;
  • drill, drill.

Important! The length of the pipe is calculated individually based on the depth of the well. The diameter is taken less than the diameter of the well.

How to make a water filter: process description

  1. Initially, the total length of the sump is measured.
  2. At an angle of up to 60 degrees (minimum 35), it is necessary to drill small holes in a checkerboard pattern, leaving a minimum distance of 2 cm between them.
  3. The pipe is thoroughly cleaned of any remaining chips, the area “with holes” (25% of the total length) is wrapped and secured with rivets.
  4. A plug (plug) is installed.

Passing through the mesh, small particles of dirt and sand will be retained. Larger impurities settle in the settling tank. Water that has undergone such filtration must be additionally boiled before use, since the purification system does not remove harmful substances (germs, bacteria).

A quick filter on the go

It often happens that during a hike a person is sorely lacking drinking water. There is no well, much less a grocery store nearby. It is much easier to find a natural reservoir. The liquid in it is dirty and not suitable for drinking. A homemade water filter is a real salvation. It can be easily made from scrap materials.

Method 1

Always take a hike activated carbon, cotton wool, bandage. Plastic regular bottle there will be one too.

  1. The bottom of the bottle is carefully cut off and the container is turned over.
  2. A layer of cotton wool (2-3 cm) is placed in the neck.
  3. The bandage is folded into 4-5 layers and placed on top of the cotton wool.
  4. The next layer is crushed activated carbon.
  5. Next - another layer of cotton wool and bandage. The “quickly” cleaning structure is ready.

Method 2

If you don’t have a first aid kit with you, don’t despair. To make a water filter you can use:

  • plastic bottle;
  • coal from the fire (small);

Initially, holes are made in the lid (2-3 large ones), a piece of fabric, previously folded 3-4 times, is placed in it. Now the bottom of the bottle is cut off and the cap is screwed into place. The resulting container is filled with moss in layers, then with coal. The more such layers there are, the cleaner the water will be at the outlet. Last layer- definitely moss.

Homemade water filter for camping - irreplaceable thing. It must be remembered that the cleaning system only removes turbidity, large particles of dirt from the liquid. The water will contain pathogenic microbes and dangerous bacteria. If you can boil additional liquid, that’s very good.

Filters for water purification in homes and dachas are sometimes unaffordable. If you wish, it is not difficult to make the system on your own. The main thing is to strictly follow the sequence and use the “right” materials.

The problem of drinking water purification is becoming relevant not only for citizens, but also for residents rural areas. To make water from a well or borehole suitable for drinking, you can make a water filter with your own hands.

Why filter well water?

It would seem that what could be purer than well water, sung in ancient Russian epics? Alas, modern reality It's not like a fairy tale at all. Water in private wells can be contaminated with a variety of substances, such as:

  • nitrates;
  • bacteria and pathogens;
  • impurities that impair the taste and quality of drinking water.

For excess nitrates, i.e. salts, in drinking water nitric acid, we should “thank” farmers who widely use fertilizers and pesticides when growing agricultural products. Some of these substances inevitably seep into the aquifer.

Bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms appear in wells and boreholes, since sanitary and hygienic standards during the construction of cesspools and manure pits, toilets and other similar structures are often not observed as strictly as they should be.

The simplest filter can be made from a plastic bottle with filler

Poor quality and damage to equipment lead to the fact that the water contains an admixture of rust, sand, etc. Drinking such water is simply unpleasant. Therefore, it is recommended to buy or make at least a simple water filter for your dacha.

Review of filtration materials

The principle of operation of the filter is simple and well known to everyone. It is necessary to pass water through a layer of filtration material. The filler can be different:

  • textile;
  • cotton wool;
  • paper napkins;
  • gauze;
  • sand;
  • grass;
  • coal;
  • Lutraxil.

Filters made from gauze, cotton wool, paper napkins, fabric and other similar materials are quite effective, but short-lived. They need to be changed quite often. However, they are quite suitable as a temporary option.

You can buy charcoal in a store or make it yourself

For regular use, other materials are used, mainly charcoal. It is laid in layers, alternating with sand, gravel, grass, etc. Lutraxil is synthetic material, made from polypropylene fibers.

Tip: You can make your own charcoal. To do this, it is enough to heat the pieces of wood in a metal container. Coniferous wood is not suitable for this. Ready-made charcoal is sold in stores, in picnic departments.

The simplest filter from a plastic bottle

The use of ordinary household filters for a small garden is rarely convenient. Such devices require the supply of water from a water supply system under a certain pressure, and not every dacha has a water supply system at suitable characteristics. Pitcher filters purify water too slowly.

In addition, you will have to constantly change cartridges. That's why homemade filter for water, made from a plastic bottle and a bucket with a plastic lid may be the most acceptable option.

A homemade water filter can be made from a regular plastic bottle.

This filter uses carbon and ordinary fabric napkins as a filler.

The simplest filter for a summer house is made as follows:
1. The bottom of a plastic bottle needs to be cut off.
2. Cut a suitable hole in the plastic lid of the bucket.
3. Insert the bottle into the hole with the neck down.
4. Fill the filter with filler.

Tip: It is important to ensure that the bottle is tightly attached to the edges of the hole made in the lid of the bucket. To do this, process the edges of the hole sandpaper, and also use a rubber gasket.

Using the same principle, you can make a more convenient filtration installation. Used as a receiving container plastic canister or a tank of about 20 liters. You need to make a hole at the bottom and insert a small tap into it, through which purified water will flow.

On top of the receiving container you need to install a 10-liter plastic bottle with a filler hole in the bottom. To make a filter, you can use a piece polypropylene pipe by 40 mm. The top and bottom of the pipe are covered with pieces of perforated plastic, which is recommended to be fixed with hot glue. The pipe is filled with charcoal.

Such a homemade filter should fit tightly into the neck of a standard ten-liter bottle. All that remains is to connect the receiving tank with the filter and the bottle. You can immediately fill the installation with a full bucket of well water, which will be filtered after a few hours. This way there will always be a supply of clean drinking water in the house.

Please note: The carbon filter must be rinsed before use. To do this, several liters of water are passed through it, which is immediately drained. This will remove small particles of coal that could contaminate the water.

Three-flask design for full-fledged water supply

Happy owners of a full-fledged water supply in a private house can make a three-flask homemade filter for water purification. To do this you need:

  1. Buy three identical flasks.
  2. Connect the flasks in series with two quarter-inch nipple adapters. In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the in/out designations in order to maintain the direction of water movement. Nipple threads should be sealed with FUM tape.
  3. The outermost holes of the flasks are connected to the quarter-inch tube using straight adapters.
  4. Connect the filtration system to the water supply with a tee, which is cut into the water supply using a 1/2” connector.
  5. At the outlet, a standard drinking water tap is connected to the filter system.
  6. Fill the flasks with filter material. You can use a polypropylene cartridge, carbon filter and anti-scale filler.

Filter cartridges are very diverse and allow you to eliminate the most various pollution water. It is worth noting that the cost of such a DIY design may not be much lower than an inexpensive filtration unit from the manufacturer.

Not everyone has water in their well or well at their dacha that is suitable for drinking “immediately”, from a bucket or tap. And even if it is clean, then on the way to the place of “distribution” there are many places where it can become contaminated, chemically and bacteriologically. These are old pipes, storage tanks, and receivers... Once they get there, bacteria and microbes feel great. In general, it is advisable to filter the water that is taken inside in any case, and preferably immediately before use.

If the water in the water supply is under pressure, at least slightly, it is best to install an additional tap, especially for drinking water, and install a stationary filter with a large cartridge (usually a cartridge with activated carbon) into the system. For washing dishes and other technical purposes, they use a regular tap, and the water used for cooking is poured from an additional drinking water tap.

It’s worse for those who don’t have running water in their house or if it’s a summer house. Then, with the onset of persistent frosts and cold weather, a problem with water supply arises. Water pipelines in gardening associations drain water into literally words. During this period, summer residents usually begin to bring it with them in large plastic bottles and canisters. Water is “extracted” from homes, shops, standpipes in populated areas on the way to the dacha, they create its reserves. But long-term storage open water does not contribute to its refreshment, so the problem of filtration remains. And there is practically only one way out - filter it in “desktop” pitcher-type filters with a built-in cartridge (again, with activated carbon).

Jug-type drinking water filters are quite inexpensive, relatively convenient and popular. But they have some disadvantages. Firstly, they have a small capacity, 2-3 liters at most. And this is just the daily water consumption rate for one person. A family of 3-5 people will not be very happy with such a filter (in a single copy). Secondly, it is quite inconvenient to use. Since it is designed as a container above a container, separated by a filter cartridge, if we pour water into the upper container, we will have to wait until almost all of it is filtered down. Otherwise, it is impossible to tilt the jug and drain clean water. Thirdly, having bought such a filter jug, you “become attached” to a certain type cartridges. There are no universal cartridges; each manufacturer is interested in getting you hooked on its own “needle”. And fourthly, the resource of such a cartridge is very short, and they need to be changed more often. And they are not cheap...

I had a similar problem, so I decided to make a homemade filter for drinking water. Since my water supply is still summer and the water from the water tank had to be drained.

A homemade water filter had to be free from the disadvantages described above, so I decided to make the filter as follows. Served as a receiving container plastic canister(made of food grade polyethylene) with a capacity of 20 liters. Almost at the very bottom, I used hot glue to glue a small collapsible faucet, which I took from packaged wine. (Well, you probably know, table wine is sold in 3-liter bags. There is a special faucet in the bag. Press it - it flows, release it - it closes). As an initial container, I took a “standard” plastic 10-liter bottle of bottled drinking water. I just cut a filler hole in its bottom. And the neck of the bottle miraculously almost coincided in diameter with the neck of the canister. It fits in so tightly that there is no need to fix it with anything. It remained to resolve the issue with the filter element.

Generally speaking, you can install a standard filter element for a filter that cuts into the water supply. It can be installed inside the top bottle, since it will not fit into the neck of the canister. And you can press it to the neck of the bottle using a pair of washers and a threaded rod. The bottom washer must be perforated (you will need to drill several holes in it). I had already decided to do just that, but then a piece of polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 40 mm caught my eye. And.. Oh, miracle! This pipe also fit perfectly, with a slight interference, to the inner diameter of the neck of the bottle! And I decided to make a homemade filter cartridge. It won’t work, I thought, I’ll install an industrial one...

In the homemade cartridge, the most confusing part was the bottom... I managed to pick up a plastic bottle from some kind of medicine. I drilled several holes in the bottom of the bottle and stuffed the bottle with several non-woven napkins. Then he pulled it onto the tube. To be safe and clear my conscience, I also dropped a little hot glue. A pipe (30 centimeters) filled with crushed charcoal. This one is sold in bags labeled “Grill Charcoal.” Industrial cartridges use carbon from coconut shells. I don't think it's much better than ours. It’s just that in this way the poor “coconut” republics somehow utilize the shells of coconuts for their benefit, after they have peeled all the copra from them for mattresses, the pulp for “bounties”, and from coconut milk catch up with the Malibu rum. Well, in any case, there have never been coconuts in our forests, and when my stomach was swollen as a child, my grandmother gave me a piece of “native” birch charcoal and it always helped...

To prevent the coal from floating out of the cartridge, I also pushed several crumpled non-woven napkins from the other end of the tube and fixed them with a few drops of hot-melt adhesive. In general, the cartridge was made. All that remains is to insert it into the neck of the bottle and place it on the canister. This is how the filter for drinking water turned out.

Having poured the first batch of water (5 liters) into a bottle, I immediately poured the result into the sink. No, not because it “didn’t work out.” This is simply a standard operation for “breaking in” the carbon filter itself. Tiny (microscopic) pieces of coal are washed out of it. In principle, they are completely harmless to humans and this operation can be skipped.

The filter productivity turned out to be approximately 2-3 liters per hour. But the most convenient thing is that you fill a full bottle of water from a well in the evening, and in the morning you get ready-made, clean water. And you can fill in the next large portion. You can disassemble the water “when it is necessary”, and not when it is strained. Thus, the house always has a sufficient supply of clean drinking water of 10-15 liters. Not much and not little. It does not stagnate and in quantities sufficient for reasonable consumption. And the cartridge is almost “free”. A 10 kg bag of coal costs only 300 rubles. Enough for many years.

If you wish, you can make a high-quality water filter with your own hands; in terms of its cleaning capabilities, it will be no different from expensive purchased products.

In order for the human body to resist various diseases well, we must drink several liters of water every day. Moreover, it must be as clean as possible. Unfortunately, the liquid that flows from the taps of our apartments is not particularly clean. It contains dangerous microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria, and unsafe impurities.

It is clear that such water cannot be consumed. We have two options. Either constantly purchase bottled liquid for drinking in stores, or order filters made in the factory specifically for water purification. Such purchases require considerable funds. In addition, we are not always sold high-quality water, and not all filtering devices sold in stores provide a sufficient level of purification. A reasonable alternative to such purchases is to make a homemade filter at home.

Store-bought filters for water purification

We'll talk about how to make it from scrap materials. But first, let's figure out what a regular filter is. It is understood as a simple product with a special filler. The latter just purifies the water. Lutrasil, grass, gauze, cotton wool, coal, and sand are used as fillers. All fabric filters (made of cotton wool, gauze) provide quite adequate purification of drinking liquids. But they are very short-lived. They can only be used as temporary filter materials.

But products filled with lutrasil (polypropylene) synthetic fiber) and charcoal are suitable for long-term and effective cleaning hard and contaminated water with various impurities. Lutrasil can be bought. You can also use homemade charcoal. It’s not difficult to make: put pieces of wood in a metal container and heat them well. Then let the charcoal cool. Then put it in gauze. Homemade carbon filter is ready!

Pay attention! Coniferous wood For self-made coal cannot be used.

Commercial pitcher filtration devices purify water very slowly. It is not always convenient to use them. You have to wait a long time for the liquid to clear. This option is unacceptable, especially when you are going to nature (for example, to the country), where you may immediately need a fairly large volume of clean water for cooking food. big company or for drinking.

Jug filtration device

The way out of this situation is to make an excellent camping filter yourself from a bucket with a lid and an ordinary 3-5 liter plastic bottle. The manufacturing scheme for the filter device is as follows:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle.
  2. Make a hole of a suitable diameter in the lid of the bucket.
  3. Place the cut bottle neck down into the bucket. It is advisable to sand the joint between the plastic container and the bucket and place a thick rubber gasket between them.
  4. Fill a plastic bottle with filler (you can use a homemade charcoal composition).

The mobile water purification device is ready for use.

The principle of self-manufacturing a simple filter described above, which is suitable for softening hard water and high-quality purification of impurities, can be used to create a more capacious filter installation. The scheme is like this:

  1. Take a tank or plastic canister with a capacity of 18–20 liters. This container will serve as a water receiving container.
  2. Cut a hole in the bottom of the tank. Its cross-section should be such that you can tightly insert a small tap into the container (the purified liquid will flow out through it).
  3. Find a small segment (diameter - 4 cm). Fill it with charcoal.
  4. Now take a 10-liter plastic bottle and make a hole in the bottom (this is where you will pour untreated water). Then attach a pipe with filter media to the neck of the container (a standard 10 liter bottle has a neck with a diameter of 4 cm).
  5. Connect the pipe coming from the 10-liter container (it will be on top of the structure) to the receiving tank.

Making a simple filter from a canister

You can immediately pour about 9 liters of water into this installation for cleaning. A homemade carbon filter will make this volume of liquid drinkable in literally 90–120 minutes. Advice - it is advisable to cover the bottom and top of the polypropylene pipe into which you will place the charcoal with pieces of plastic with holes (perforated products) and attach them using any hot-melt adhesive. In this case, coal pieces will not float or spill into the purified water tank.

Stationary filter device consisting of three flasks

Now let's figure out how to make an effective filter yourself to connect it directly to the system. For these purposes, we will need three flasks with the same geometric parameters into which we need to place the filler.

From the containers prepared in this way, we will make a productive stationary filter for purifying tap water, guided by the following diagram:

  1. Take two 1/4 inch adapter nipples. Use them to connect all three flasks into one structure.
  2. Seal the joints of the nipples (their threads) with fluoroplastic sealing tape (the so-called FUM material).
  3. Using straight adapters, connect the 1/4-inch holes of the two outer flasks to the tube.
  4. Cut the prepared filter into the pipeline (you will need a half-inch connector and a tee).
  5. Connect a regular water tap to the filter outlet tube.

Benefit from an effective filter device connected directly to your water supply for your health!

As you know, to everything good man gets used to quickly, so we have long been unable to do without the benefits of civilization. Many city apartment owners install filters to purify water. But summer cottages and many private homes, unfortunately, are often cut off from the possibility of connecting to central system water supply from her treatment facilities. Of course, you can buy a filter jug ​​to purify drinking water. What if you need to purify water from a well for household needs? And if you don’t have a water filter at hand, and you need to do river water suitable for drinking (for example, on a hike or in the country)? You will have to make a water filter yourself.

How to make a water filter with your own hands to get truly drinkable water

Often water from wells is so contaminated with various impurities that it cannot be used even for laundry and washing dishes without pre-cleaning. A homemade water filter will help you. Many note that ready-made filters sold in stores are not very efficient, and the need to constantly replace cartridges makes the device quite expensive to operate. The basis of a homemade water filter is ordinary cotton wool and gauze or charcoal.

Homemade filters for home use

Any home homemade filter for dirty water – only a temporary solution that is applicable only in emergency situations emergency situations. You cannot count on high-quality water purification without the use of professional filter systems, because contaminants that can cause poisoning can be not only mechanical, but also chemical and bacteriological. And water can be considered drinking only after special laboratory tests.

Design of a factory multi-stage filter

To purify water at your dacha, you can make several types of filters with your own hands:

  • Coal flow-through.

Simple design with carbon filling

  • Submersible for technical water: in an aquarium, pond.
  • External flow-through with material for cleaning from mechanical particles.

Apply homemade systems Suitable for rough cleaning, post-purification of well water, elimination of foreign tastes and odors caused by bacteria and algae, purification of collected rainwater.

Different options for a simple filter made from plastic containers

The best absorbent for a homemade filter is regular activated carbon. In addition to purifying impurities, such a filler can purify a small amount of water from most toxins and waste products of microorganisms

Design homemade device for water purification

Make a simple charcoalcan be in a container with a perforated lid or in a piece of regular water pipe. As a housing for the aquarium filter, craftsmen use disposable syringes and food grade plastic containers with sealed lids.

Selection of filter materials

The quality of the purified liquid and its mineral composition. If you plan to use, assembled with your own hands , regularly, take care of making a structure the volume of which will be sufficient for laying several layers:

  • Woven material - base and barrier for small particles and sand. A bandage folded in several layers, a synthetic filler - synthetic padding polyester, or pharmaceutical cotton wool - will do. Main disadvantage natural fibers– susceptibility to rotting, rapid contamination, appearance unpleasant odor. Instead of fabric, you should use ready-made filters for coffee and tea, or buy synthetic non-woven lutrasil - a material that is not subject to rotting and does not lose its properties when exposed to a humid environment.

A plastic bottle can also become a housing for a factory cartridge

  • Quartz sand is used to eliminate small particles and absorb heavy metals.
  • The gravel backfill also acts as a mechanical cleaner.

  • Activated carbon is a powerful natural absorbent that can remove rotting products from liquids, eliminate unpleasant musty odors, and restore transparency to water. It is important to choose the right material: unburned or overcooked coal loses its properties. It filters finished granular material better.

Granulate for water purification

  • Zeolite is an irreplaceable material if you plan to use water for drinking and cooking. The mineral will cope with most chemical contaminants: excess iron, nitrates, pesticides.

Materials for making the structure

Before starting assemblyDIY water filteryou need to choose a design. For the most simple device, operating on the principle of connected vessels, you will need:

  • Several plastic bottles with lids (instead of bottles, food containers with plastic lids are suitable - they are more environmentally friendly, and the walls of the containers are much stronger).
  • Screwdriver, awl, stationery knife.
  • Filter fillers.

The following will be useful in assembling the tubular filter:

  • Two pieces of pipe. It is advisable to choose a water pipe made of PVC or plastic.
  • Threaded plastic bottle caps of suitable diameter - 3 pieces.
  • Polymer waterproof glue, adhesive tape.
  • One plastic bottle.
  • Polymer fine mesh.
  • Activated carbon.

Filter assembly

First of all you need to prepare the suspensionhomemade water filter. To do this, just cut off the bottom of the bottle with a stationery knife. Punch two holes in the side walls at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm below the cut edge.

Homemade water filter

It is necessary to make holes in the lid for the outflow of filtered water. There are two ways: make one hole with a diameter of up to 10 mm, or drill several small ones.

The perforated cap is screwed onto the neck. Start backfilling. Place fabric (bandage, gauze, durable coffee filter bag or lutrasil) on the bottom and walls. It is advisable to sew a sleeve along the inner diameter of the bottle, slightly exceeding the total length of the filter - it will be easier to pour out the used filler.

A layer of granulated or crushed coal is poured onto the fabric base. Quartz or clean river sand is poured on top.

Homemade filter

Gravel is laid on the sand layer. It is advisable to alternate several sand and gravel layers. The total amount of filling should not exceed 2/3 of the bottle volume.

Filter from quartz sand

The top of the cut edge is covered with a layer of fabric to prevent large particles from getting inside the body. You can secure the fabric with regular thread or elastic band or rubber band.

The finished filter is installed suspended above a container for clean water, dirty water is poured in and the purified liquid flows through all layers.

Ready filter

You can install a homemade filter system without suspension in a wide container

The disadvantage of such a system is low performance. You must wait to fill the housing with a new portion of water.

Tubular filter for water in the country

Much more convenient to usehomemade filterfrom a water pipe. Finished product resembles an ordinary pipe connecting two tanks installed at different levels. From the upper tank, dirty water flows through the filter into the purified water tank.

Materials for manufacturing

The pipe section must be cut into two pieces in a ratio of 1:4. The short section will be used as a primary coarse filter, the long section as a carbon filter.

Cover installed in the pipe

In the caps of plastic bottles you need to drill holes in a circle and in the center. You need to install a cover in a short pipe so that the edges of the cover and the pipe coincide along the internal cut. Place a piece of mesh on top of the lid and fill the inner cavity of the pipe with padding polyester or cotton wool.

Pipe cavity filled with cotton wool

Upper part Similarly, you need to close the lid with a mesh. The primary filter is ready.

Primary filter

A threaded neck will have to be sealed into a long piece of pipe. After adjustment, it is necessary to carefully coat the plastic with glue and secure the connection with several layers of adhesive tape.

Pipe with neck

The lower part of the pipe is equipped with a lid with a mesh, just like a short section. A sufficient amount of filter material is poured through the neck. You can alternate layers.

Ready filter

Both filters are connected and installed on containers (bottles)

How to clean aquarium water for free: internal filter

With your own hands can be done easily and filter for water in small aquarium. To make a body, you need a hollow tube with a diameter of up to 30 mm. Can be used:

  • Disposable syringes – 2 pieces, 10 ml each.
  • Flexible corrugated hose.
  • Pipe of suitable diameter.

In addition to the tubes, you will need a sprayer with a flexible tube and a thick sponge. A regular suction cup will also come in handy to secure the filter in the container.

The syringes need to be soldered together so that they turn into a tube, and the noses must be cut off. You need to make holes along the entire length with a regular table fork. A sprayer with a thin hose is placed inside the tube.

Tube with installed sprayer

Wrap it in a circle with a sponge and check. If the design is correct, then the power of such a filter is sufficient to purify water in a small aquarium for fry.

Device in the aquarium

You can add zeolite inside the body - mechanical cleaning will be more thorough, and the mineral will completely remove nitrites from the water.

Do-it-yourself filter for purifying pool water

If you have a swimming pool in the courtyard of a private house or in your country house, you have probably already encountered the problem of purifying the water in it. To solve this issue without spending enormous amounts of money, you can make a filter yourself.

Surface dirt (such as leaves that have fallen into the pool) can be removed mechanically(simply put, catch with a net). If you didn’t have time to do this, or soluble contaminants got into the water, everything goes into the water column. And it contains a lot of microorganisms and protozoan algae. If the water warms up well and receives enough light, it will “bloom” very quickly - it will turn green. As the temperature drops or when the substances beneficial to the algae run out, the algae sink to the bottom. This is how bottom pollution is formed. Insoluble debris that is heavier than water (sand, dust) can also get here.

The problem of purifying pool water cannot be solved by adding chemicals. After all, different cleaning methods are used against each type of pollution. If surface contamination are removed with a net, then the bottom ones are removed using a special water “vacuum cleaner”. Contaminants found in the water column can only be removed by filtration.

To remove contaminants in the water column, it is pumped through special filters using pumps, setting up a water intake in one place in the pool. After pumping through the filter elements, the water is returned to the pool. If the pool is located indoors (for example, in a sauna) and is used all year round, you can buy a ready-made filter unit, which costs about 2,000 rubles. But if we are talking about an inflatable pool that sits in the yard only 2-3 months a year, it is not economically profitable to buy a filter. People solve the problem in different ways. Some change the water often, others calmly look at the green water, and others think about how to make a water filter with their own hands.

You can make a sand filter for your pool. What it looks like is clearly shown in the figure.

The simplest sand filter is effective device for water purification

Floating filter unit

It is made from a replaceable water purification cartridge with an internal diameter of 50 mm. You will also need 2 m of polypropylene pipe and one corner (turn) for it. The diameter of the pipe and bend is 50 mm; such pipes are used in sewerage. The pipe may be shorter if you have a small pool. You will also need a small piece of threaded rod - M10 or longer. By the way, several cartridges can be attached to a long pin, which will significantly increase the power of the floating filter unit if a good pump is connected to it.

First, drill a hole for a pin in the filter plug and pipe turn. Pass it through the turn and filter, secure with a nut. Attach an aquarium pump to the other side of the pipe (capacity - 2000 l/hour, power - 20 W). It is quite suitable for a small pool.

Place pieces of thick polystyrene foam (foam) onto the ends of the pipe to ensure the filter floats. The pump sucks in water from a depth of half a meter, the water is pumped through a pipe and enters the cartridge, where it is immediately cleaned and discharged back into the pool.

It may seem to you that such a homemade filter has low performance, but if you take the time to design and run it, you will soon notice that the quality of the water in the pool has improved significantly. The advantage of the design is that it does not require any hoses or other connection systems to the water intake and outlet of water from the pool.

The cartridge can be washed. It's very easy to remove. But to prevent dirty water from the filter from getting back into the pool, before removing it, you need to place a plastic bucket under the filter, which is removed along with the filter when it is removed. Dirty water You need to pour it out and wash the filter.

The cost of such a homemade filter for purifying pool water is several times less than a ready-made one, and manufacturing and installation will take no more than an hour. Aquarium pumps can be bought in pet stores, pipes in the plumbing departments, filter cartridges in any supermarket. You can also use your imagination in the design of such a filter, because plastic pipe with foam on the ends does not add beauty to your pool. If you decorate it in the form of a boat, an island or anything else that you have enough imagination for, the view will be much more attractive.

How to make a simple water filter: video instructions

Purchased or homemade: which filter is better?

None of the homemade water filters is capable of completely purifying water from all types of contaminants, especially microorganisms and viruses. Microscopic particles are simply not captured even by the finest mesh. Another drawback homemade designs– there is no possibility of regulating mineralization. The water obtained after purification must be boiled.

The water must be tested in the laboratory not only for compliance with standards, but also to determine the qualitative and quantitative mineral composition. Only after receiving the results can you choose the right filter, and often a whole cascade with different fillers that will make the water not only safe, but also healthy.



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