A sports bra is an indispensable thing when doing an active sport. How to choose a sports top for large breasts

A healthy, athletic toned body has become a virtual cult today. And as you know, the female desire for the ideal knows no limits, therefore, for many of us, visiting fitness clubs, gyms or just playing sports has become, albeit a pleasant, but still a duty. Of course, any practice in any sport begins, first of all, with the choice of a sports uniform and shoes, the quality and comfort of which are of great importance. But at the same time, underwear, which is an integral part of the women's wardrobe, is completely overlooked. This is especially true of the bra, since breast care during physical activity is extremely important. Therefore, a sports bra should become an integral part of every girl's sports wardrobe.

Why do you need a sports bra

It would seem that any physical activity affects the body only in a positive way, strengthening and tightening the muscles. But this rule does not work at all when it comes to breasts. The thing is that it does not contain muscle mass, but consists of fat and mammary glands, because the risk of getting stretch marks and sagging breasts during training is so high. Habitual underwear not only does not cope with the support function, but also aggravates the situation by squeezing and rubbing delicate skin.

The way out in this situation is to purchase a sports bra. , designed specifically for sports. Professional athletes have long been unable to do without this accessory. It has a lot of advantages compared to its counterparts: securely fixes the chest, preventing it from jumping during training, thereby preventing loss of elasticity; allows the skin to breathe, does not absorb sweat, repeats the anatomical shape of the breast, prevents the development of bacteria and does not cause allergies. All these properties are simply necessary in the process of training.

Types of sports bras

Many women have a biased attitude towards this accessory for one simple reason - the unaesthetic nature of such models. Of course, this option is not for dates, but it is quite possible to pick up a cute enough model. In addition, their main purpose is comfort and the level of chest fixation during training, and not at all a temptation. It is by this criterion that they are divided into types.

When practicing different sports, the load on certain zones can vary significantly. Therefore, bras have been developed that have several degrees of breast fixation. The smallest, as a rule, is in demand by lovers of Pilates, yoga or just active walking, because in the process of such activity, the chest is not too involved, therefore moderate support is enough. Medium fixation is needed during strength training, dancing, figure skating, roller skating. The strongest is used by professional athletes or fans of step, aerobics, running or horseback riding. Also, such a sports bra is recommended for women involved in freestyle wrestling, tai-bo and other martial arts.

The second criterion by which sports underwear is divided is the method of fixation. According to this principle, slimming and supporting bodices are distinguished. The first option is ideal for size B and smaller breasts, since there is no need for strong support due to the light weight of the breast. Such bras are more like cropped T-shirts, since they do not have cups, however, a denser fabric, the presence of a chest line and an anatomical back gives out underwear in them. Supportive bras are used in cup sizes C and above. The peculiarity of such bras is the presence of cups and a wide chest line, since they are simply necessary for fixing large volumes.

How to choose a sports bra

If many people are used to buying underwear "by eye", focusing solely on knowing their own parameters, then when choosing underwear for sports, much more factors must be taken into account. So, how to choose a quality model?

You should start by determining the level of fixation you need, it is enough to simply determine the desired option by the width of the chest line, because the larger it is, the better the supporting effect will be. It is also worth paying attention to the width of the straps: the minimum allowable is 2.5 cm, but wider ones are needed for better support. The photo shows what a good sports bra should look like.

As a rule, the hallmark of high-quality models is the presence in the cups of flexible metal or plastic inserts that act as a frame for the chest, as well as mesh inserts necessary to improve air circulation and remove moisture. You can determine the type of fabric and the main orientation of the bra based on the markings on the label. So, the inscription Anti-Microbial indicates the presence of antibacterial impregnation, Off-Set Seams - the absence of internal seams , Moisture Wicking - high moisture absorbing properties.

Particular attention should be paid to the fitting process. In addition to choosing the right size, you need to evaluate its comfort. The bra should not squeeze and pinch the skin too much, it is also undesirable for it to “bounce” when you raise your hands, since such models will rub the skin. To identify this in advance, try to repeat the training movements or just bend over or wave your arms. If there is no discomfort in the movement, this is what you need.

In the process of wearing, try to take care of the bra properly, wash it according to the parameters indicated on the label, otherwise the linen will quickly lose its elasticity. On average, such a bra, with active use, lasts about six months.

For sports, a special form is required. It includes not only shoes, a suit, but also a bra. This thing securely fixes the chest, so training will take place in comfort.

Why can't you use a regular bra?

A sports bra is just as necessary as a uniform. This allows you to make the lessons comfortable. Standard linen with underwire and foam inserts is used to fix the breast at rest. Such products cannot be used even for light exercises, not to mention more intense ones.

The bones usually cut into the skin, the straps rub, and the foam rubber creates a sauna effect, since the material cannot cope with profuse sweating. It will be inconvenient to deal with such a product, so it is better to purchase special underwear.

Differences between a sports bra and a regular bra

A sports bra differs from the standard model in a cut. In it, the straps are not thin, but wide. They criss-cross at the back to provide chest support. Sports products are sewn from a different material.

The sports bra is presented in the form of an ultra-short top, in which the chest is tightly pressed to the body. Bras are available in different shapes. If you choose the right product, it will allow you to practice with comfort.

Breast fixation

When performing physical exercises, especially with a large range of body movements, the chest should be firmly fixed. This is a prerequisite, because the mammary glands are mostly composed of fatty and glandular tissues. When using a regular bra, there is a chance that regular training (especially if they include jumping and running) will cause the chest to lose shape.

There is no need to put your health at risk, especially since there are special bras for sports. Such models can be used for both intensive and small workouts. All types and forms of sports bras securely fix the chest, so classes will be as comfortable as possible.


Women's sports bra is created from special materials that are used for tailoring fitness clothing, in particular tops, leggings, t-shirts.

A layer of quality knitwear that adheres to the body is a hygroscopic material. It perfectly absorbs moisture, which makes it possible to avoid the appearance of irritation on the skin. Behind it is a dense protective material that provides ventilation to the skin and evaporation of sweat. Both fabrics are elastic, so they easily conform to the shape of the body.


If so, you don't need to push it too hard. It is better to choose a sports bra in the form of a top with tight tabs for support and a slight modeling of the shape of the chest.

A sports bra is produced by many companies. There are products from brands such as Milavitsa, Avon, Adidas and Nike. This underwear is in demand by women, as its quality is really up to the mark.


Sports underwear should support the chest, regardless of the intensity of physical activity. The main thing is that the product fits in size. If the model is too large, then it will not be able to provide the desired fixation. Small underwear will interfere with blood circulation, which is dangerous.

The type of sport should also be taken into account, since the intensity of physical activity also depends on how dense and elastic the bra fabric should be. Women's sports bra can be different. You should choose products suitable for a particular sport.

There are bras for moderate activities, such as yoga. There are products for more active sports, including dancing, training in the gym. If you are going to be involved in intense activities, such as aerobics or running, then it is better to purchase a fitness bra with a maximum level of fixation. The choice of underwear in this case must be taken very seriously.

A sports bra may differ in the way it is fixed - tightening or support. The first option is great for slender girls with small breasts in size AA, A or B. Products are sewn from dense material. Bust lines are medium in size.

Owners of magnificent forms are better to choose a product that provides support. Such a bra, as a rule, consists of 2 cups. Models in size C and above must be fitted with wide bands that fit elastically to the body.


When choosing underwear, you need to pay attention to the level of breast fixation:

  • Weak - suitable for yoga, walking, Pilates, cycling.
  • Medium - ideal for skating, skiing, rollerblading, dance classes and training in the gym.
  • Strong - used for running, riding, aerobics, tai-bo.

It will be easy to choose what you need, since manufacturers indicate on the labels the degree of breast support.

You should pay attention to the material from which the bra is made. It is worth giving preference to a bra made from natural materials. Cotton is considered ideal, which perfectly absorbs moisture and provides ventilation.

Sports underwear may not contain synthetic parts. Lycra is often used to ensure elasticity when sewing a product. Some materials are coated with an antibacterial layer that protects the skin from microbes, prevents irritation and inflammation.

It is important to consider the style. The chest should be closed. Straps should be chosen wide so that the load is distributed evenly. There should be no bones in the product, as they can injure the skin. According to the style of the product are:

  • compressive - great for miniature breasts;
  • supportive - you can choose women with medium or large breasts.

Only comfortable underwear is suitable for sports. If it causes discomfort, it is better to replace it with a new one. After all, now there are many different companies that produce high-quality sports bras.


Where to buy a sports bra? Products are sold in sports stores. To choose a suitable bra, be sure to pay attention to the markings. It goes like this:

  • Off-Set Seams is a seamless underwear that does not rub and is also great for sensitive skin types.
  • Compression - slimming underwear fixes with high quality Women with small sizes do not have to buy a thing with this marking.
  • Anti-Microbial - the composition includes a material that has antibacterial properties. The product is perfect for women with excessive sweating.
  • Moisture Wicking - Suitable for intense workouts, made from moisture-wicking fabric.
  • Molded Cups - suitable for aerobics and running.

Where to buy a sports bra other than specialized stores? A similar product can be ordered even on one of the popular sites. Of course, buying "blindly" involves some risk, as the bra may not fit.


The letters are on the label. The size of the fullness of the cup is based on the difference between the girth of the chest under the mammary glands and the volume measured in the area of ​​the raised points. These figures must be calculated at home. There are the following sizes:

  • AA - up to 10 cm.
  • A - up to 12.5 cm.
  • B - up to 15 cm.
  • C - up to 17.5 cm.
  • D - up to 20 cm.
  • E - up to 22.5 cm.

When the size is determined, you should choose a brand of sports underwear. Now many popular brands produce quality products for sports.


Lingerie with Panache cups is perfect for owners of magnificent forms. It perfectly supports size 4 and 5 breasts. The original insert between the cups allows you to make the product more beautiful.

The Nike bra is great for regular workouts. Moreover, the company produces underwear for various activities. Brand products can be purchased in specialized stores.

Models from the Shock Absorber brand are ideal for running. This English company is engaged in the production of various products. Their tailoring uses new technologies, so the bras are quite comfortable. The well-known company "Milavitsa" produces several types of bras for sports activities. The brand also produces elastic tops for yoga and gymnastics. For their manufacture, hygroscopic materials are used.

Avon brand products are designed for outdoor activities. They are based on therefore the bra is considered very comfortable.

Among the large assortment of bras, there is sure to be a suitable model. You just need to determine the required dimensions.

Fashion for sports underwear in the last few years, of course, has evolved. It is worth noting that the attitude to the choice of underwear for women has become much more serious. A couple of years ago, we did not think about the fact that an ordinary bra is not only not suitable for sports, but can also be harmful to health. With the increasing interest in sports, the market for sports underwear for women is becoming more diverse. Going to the bonprix store for such underwear, we first of all think about comfort, but we should not forget about beauty and sexuality.

How to choose sports underwear

Here you will find a wide range of sports underwear with an emphasis on the use of "breathable" fabrics that do not create the effect of a sauna, the skin in such sports underwear feels optimal even with very intense dynamic loads. Therefore, choosing between several models you like, preference should be given to the one that is sewn from natural high-quality fabrics.

The second rule for choosing sports underwear for women is the preference for a seamless option. In this case, you will be sure that nothing will cause you discomfort and will not injure your skin even in the most intimate places. When you simply cannot do without seams, for example, when choosing some models of a bra, check them for the presence of hard joints and other irregularities. As for the choice of an exclusively sports bra, it is worth noting that they differ, as a rule, not only in shape, size, color and other well-known parameters. The most important difference is that they are designed to be worn with chest loads of varying intensity.

Breast support

Our moderate bust support bras are comfortable for Pilates, yoga, and other workouts that don't create major body wobble. Stronger chest support is needed when doing more active sports, such as step, aerobics, running, tennis, outdoor team sports. Such sports underwear will fit your chest well, fix it, but will not be overly restrictive. Very strong breast support is essential for equestrian sports, mountain biking and other highly mobile sports.

Whatever sport you do, you should choose the right size and style of women's underwear. In this case, you can avoid many undesirable consequences: chest subsidence, chest and back pain, shortness of breath and bowel problems. In any wardrobe, underwear for sports must be present, because a healthy lifestyle is always relevant. Comfortable and practical things of this kind usually hardly wrinkle, they can be used not only for physical activities, but also for ordinary walks, as well as home linen.

To train with maximum efficiency and give you only pleasure, you need to purchase the right clothes. A sports women's bra is one of the important components of the outfit, because ordinary underwear is completely unsuitable for.

How to choose a sports bra?

For each type of load, underwear with a different degree of fixation is intended. Knowing how to choose the right sports bra will help protect your chest from stretch marks and chafing. Below is a classification of support levels depending on the types of occupations:

  • soft support is suitable for yoga or Pilates;
  • during strength training, aerobics or gym classes, it is better to choose a bra with medium support;
  • running, cardio, active dance styles require underwear with strong support.

When buying underwear, many prefer natural materials, in the case of a sports bra, everything is different. Choose breathable synthetic or blended fabrics. They will provide a good level of ventilation, reliable fixation, they are easy to care for without harming the appearance and quality characteristics. Most products are hypoallergenic, pleasant to the body, light and have a long service life.

When buying sports underwear, it is important to choose the right size. Do not risk choosing "by eye". Be sure to measure several models for comparison. To understand exactly whether this style is right for you or not, do it, jump, sit down. Create the maximum possible conditions similar to training. Make sure that you will not press anything, slide or rub.

Sports bra with cups

For running, jumping, active dancing, a sports bra with cups is best suited. They are especially recommended for women with large bust sizes. In such underwear, each breast will have a separate fixation and support without excessive squeezing. The correct position of the mammary glands minimizes their movement and relieves you of stretch marks and discomfort. Similar products can be with bones and without them. Choose the model in which you feel light and free.

Push-up sports bra

Every woman wants to look beautiful even in the gym. Carefully selected equipment affects not only the quality of classes, but also self-esteem in general. To make your chest look more attractive, pay attention to push-up sports bras. Special liners will lift the bust, creating a beautiful relief. Such models in most cases are bought by owners of small sizes.

Sports top bra

The choice of top also depends on the type of training that a woman attends, since a sports tank top with an internal bra has different degrees of support. The more active the activity, the higher the level of fixation required. Almost all models are sewn from synthetic materials. This is more of a plus than a minus. Such products dry quickly, are pleasant to the body, do not cause irritation, and have high wear resistance. Due to the elasticity and lack of fasteners, they are easy to put on and take off.

A sports bra with a T-shirt can be slimming and supporting. The first option is suitable for women with sizes no larger than 75 A and with not too intense loads. The second option is recommended for ladies with large volumes or with serious physical activity. In addition to high-quality characteristics, tops have an attractive design and you can not wear T-shirts or sweatshirts over them.

Sports seamless bra

Having experienced all the benefits, women every year increasingly prefer them. The absence of external and rough internal seams is their greatest advantage over other models. Such products are created by gluing several layers of fabric under the influence of high temperature. Due to this, they are durable, but do not lose their elasticity. The seamless sports bra for running is the most popular, because the activity during such activities is high and it is best to exclude the possibility of any chafing.

Bra sports bra

For greater effectiveness of training, specialists have developed a sports-type bra. One of the most important advantages of such underwear is improved ventilation and the ability to absorb moisture and cool the skin. These features eliminate the possibility of overheating of the body and improve the woman's well-being during training. In addition, these qualities help to reduce the growth of bacteria, which makes the use of linen as hygienic as possible.

Sports bra for a large bust

You can often hear that the owners of a rather large bust complain of pain and discomfort in the mammary glands and back after training. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to wear a sports bra for large breasts during physical exertion. It is designed to provide proper lockdown and support without squeezing or over-compressing.

Sports bra for large breasts prevents chafing, even in the hot season. Reducing the fluctuations of the bust will allow it to stay elastic longer and not lose shape. When buying a bra for sports or dancing, first of all, pay attention not to the appearance, but to how comfortable you are in it. Here are the main characteristics that a bra should have:

  • thick and wide straps that will not cut into the body;
  • wide elastic waistband under the bust;
  • cups should completely cover the chest without squeezing it, and without forming an empty space;
  • if the bodice has bones, then they should be located on the ribs and not higher;
  • the presence of several pairs of hooks on the clasp to adjust the girth.

Opt for breathable and stretchy materials. Feel free to contact the store consultants for help when choosing and be sure to try on. For intense training and long distance runs, you need to buy a bodice with a double degree of support. One of the latest developments of designers has become an encapsulating sports bra with a very wide size grid. It has molded cups, silicone-coated underwires, thermoregulation and a stylish design. It can be worn for an unlimited amount of time and with any kind of load.

Sports bras for fitness

For each type of training, there are different models of underwear, designed taking into account all the characteristics of the load and the female figure. When looking at your options, look for a Nike sports bra or other brands that are among the giant companies that specialize in such clothing. The use of innovative materials and technologies allows you to fully experience the quality and comfort of products.

Adidas sports bra

This world famous German brand has taken care of the comfort of women by creating several types of bras. Whichever Adidas sports bra you choose, you will not have to doubt its quality. The main criteria for the purchase will be the type of occupation and bust size. The company takes a very thorough and thorough approach to the creation of new products. In this case, the features of each sport and types of figures are necessarily taken into account. Tailoring specialists use the latest technologies of their own development:

  1. ClimateLite- This is a material that includes nylon and elastane. It wicks away moisture well and provides reliable support.
  2. Climacool- It is a mesh insert that provides air exchange.
  3. Techfit- This is a technology that is used in tailoring. It increases the quality of fixation without the slightest restriction of movement.

Nike Sports Bras

Recently, the American brand has released several lines of special underwear for different types of training and bust sizes. The Nike sports bra combines cutting-edge technology with stylish design to keep women comfortable. Almost all models are made using the Dri-fit system, which is responsible for moisture removal and ventilation. The most popular collections of the company are listed below:

  1. Nike Pro Bra- Looks very much like a regular bra. Made from nylon. The collection has models designed for different and different sports.
  2. Nike Indy- suitable for not too heavy loads. Recommended for women with bust sizes from A to C.
  3. Nike Swift and Nike Shape- have a high degree of support.

Apart from professional athletes, few women wear special underwear for training. But a sports bra is necessary in the same way as. Therefore, today we will talk about the necessary lingerie for sports.

Sports bra - good; Who needs a sports bra?

During sports, a special bra is not just a beautiful accessory, but a vital necessity, because it allows you to preserve the beauty and health of the female breast.

Active sports such as aerobics, running, equestrian sports, step-platform classes - can adversely affect women's health, and in particular on the shape of the female breast. It's easy to explain. The chest has one anatomical feature - it does not consist of muscles, but of glandular and fatty tissues. Therefore, playing sports without reliable fixation of the chest, after a while you will notice that the chest sagged, lost elasticity, and stretch marks appeared in some places.

This applies not only to active sports training, but also , ballet or gymnastics . In order to protect the chest from negative influences, it is necessary to wear a sports bra for training.

Such underwear is sewn using a special technology, taking into account all the needs during intensive training. Provides protection from unnecessary irritation lack of seams , the growth of microorganisms is prevented special fibers - thus, the absence of an unpleasant odor is ensured. Protects your body from allergic reactions special hypoallergenic fabric .

How to choose the right sports bra - detailed recommendations for choosing a sports bra

Of course, going out and buying a sports bra is not easy. Therefore, below we will talk about all the intricacies of choosing a bra for training, as well as about the individual features of the selection.

  1. When choosing a sports bra, be sure to look at the label. There is sports underwear for women, designed for different loads:
    • Weak impact (biking, walking on a treadmill, strength exercises);
    • Medium impact (skating, skiing);
    • strong impact (running, aerobics, fitness).
  2. Pay attention to the labeling characterizing the comfort of underwear:
    • Moisture Wicking- the bra is made of moisture-absorbing material. Great for any physical activity, especially for intense;
    • Anti-Microbial- underwear made from fabric impregnated with an antibacterial substance. With profuse sweating, such a bra will not allow an unpleasant odor to appear. It can be worn during any training;
    • compression- This is underwear with a strong tightening effect. As a rule, this marking is found on sports bras of large sizes. If you are the owner of a bust up to the third size, the presence of this inscription is optional;
    • Off-Set Seams- bras with this marker do not have internal seams. This underwear is great for sensitive skin, because it does not leave marks and does not rub;
    • Molded Cups- This bra is ideal for aerobics or jogging, as it does not allow the chest to sway from side to side during movement.
  3. Before buying a bra, be sure to measure it . Jump in it, simulating a workout. The bra should fix the chest well, so during active movements it should remain at rest.
  4. Correctly select the size of the cup, which is equal to the circumference of your chest:
    • AA - 10 cm;
    • A - 12.5 cm;
    • B - 15 cm;
    • C - 17.5 cm;
    • D - 20 cm;
    • E - 22.5 cm.
  5. When buying sports underwear in a specialized store do not hesitate to contact the sales assistant for help . He will help you choose a bra that will fit you perfectly.
  6. Sports bras wear out very quickly. Therefore, with regular training, they must be changed every six months.



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