A net for removing apples from a tree. An apple picking device - when a gardener becomes an engineer. Using a tin can

When the time comes to pick fruits from tall trees, the most beautiful and ripe ones are so high that even with the help of a stepladder it is impossible to reach them. Of course, you can use a long stick to knock down the fruits. Some summer residents shake the trees, but the apples are damaged and lose their attractiveness. appearance. As alternative solution You can use an apple picking device. If you don’t have it at hand, and you don’t want to spend money on purchasing it, then you can make such a tool yourself in a short time. As a result, it will be possible to obtain a fruit picker that will not differ in efficiency of use from that produced in a factory.

Selection of design features before production begins

If we consider fruit pickers, they can be divided into several groups. The first of them are tools that are equipped with cutters at the end of the rod. With this add-on, it is possible to cut off the stem and the apple will fall into a container located in close proximity to the cutter. This apple picking device has a movable knife, which is driven by a special rod. Working with such a device is quite tedious, since the cutter is located on a bar, or rather, on its long arm. This creates additional weight, which is quite significant. A device for picking apples may also belong to the second group, the tools of which resemble mechanical arm equipped with fingers. The latter are made of wire. After the apple or pear is grabbed with the help of special fingers, the latter are clamped by means of traction, and the fruit ends up in the container. This action is performed using traditional twine. This is what allows the fetus to be torn off. As a minus of this instrument It can be emphasized that along with the pear or apple, the branch itself can break off.

The third group of fruit pickers

If you are making a device for picking apples, then you can take as a basis the third group, which is the most common in terms of design features. Such structures are made of elastic, lightweight plastic or fabric. And the shape of the product is a bowl equipped with petals. A special container must be attached to a wooden pole. The apples are removed by a fairly simple rotation of the pole around an axis that is oriented lengthwise. In this case, the leg is trimmed using the petals of the tool.

Preparing to make a fruit picker

A device for picking apples from a tree should be made only after you have chosen one of the proposed ideas. The third variety will form the basis for a simplified design of a tool for picking fruits. First you need to prepare plastic bottle. If you have to collect fruits that are quite impressive in size, then a container volume of up to 2 liters is suitable, while for medium-sized apples or pears a bottle with a volume limited to 1.5 liters is suitable. Every summer resident probably has such bottles in stock.

Process technology

If you are making a device for picking apples with your own hands, then you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle, and then make a corner cutout. It will be convenient to use both a knife and scissors. The above cut along the bottle can also be made on the opposite side.

After the bowl has been prepared, it needs to be attached to a pole, the last of which can be a long, light strip. Fixation can be done using wire or self-adhesive adhesive tape. After this, we can assume that the fruit picker is ready for use. To use it, the tool must be brought from below the pear or apple, and then rotated around its axis. This will allow you to cut off the fetal leg using the cutout located on the tool. The apple will end up in a bottle that can simultaneously serve as a collection container and a cutter. A similar device for collecting apples from a plastic bottle can be used without lowering the container for some time. Several fruits can fit in one bottle.

Making a fruit picker from a bottle and fishing line

Before making a device for picking apples, you need to decide on the design features of the future tool. The basis can be the same plastic bottle, a mop handle, which is sometimes replaced with a PVC pipe or fishing line. The length of the latter can vary from 2.5 to 3 meters. You will need scissors and an awl.

Manufacturing process

First you will need to make the so-called enough, which is made from a plastic bottle. The bottom of the container must be cut so that it looks like a crown. Two holes are made in each petal; for this you can use an awl or a hole punch. At the next stage, the product should be given tenacity. For this, a fishing line is used, which is pulled through the neck into the container so that its upper end is threaded into each hole in a circle. You need to bring the line back through the neck. This will result in a bottle that has no bottom. There will be two long ends coming out of the neck.

The next step is to fix the holder, which should be a full PVC pipe. The double fishing line from the bottle needs to be threaded through the hole in the holder, leading out reverse side. If the mop handle has a removable handle, then this is a good solution. The ends of the fishing line must be secured to this part of the holder. Two holes are made in the handle into which the fishing line is threaded, the ends are fixed on the other side by stretching. The handle is then put back on the handle. If you are making devices for picking pears and apples, then it is important to assemble the entire structure so that the plastic bottle is tightly attached to the holder. The cut edges of the bottle are bent. In this case, you need to make grasping movements. This is the principle of collecting fruits using this tool. If the mop does not have a removable part, then you need to remove its end, and you should retreat 10 cm. You need to make two holes on the sides where the ends of the fishing line are threaded. Afterwards they need to be fixed together and then tied.

For a PVC pipe, you can use several bottle caps as a handle. If you use ten caps, making a hole in the central part of each with an awl, then the free ends of the fishing line can be threaded through the caps, securing them to the last one. To make the lids stable, you need to glue them together or make a knot, placing it with inside first cover. This will allow you to get a fairly comfortable removable handle made of caps. In this case, it is necessary to use the same technology as in the case of a mop handle.


If you decide to make a device for picking apples from the ground, then you can use one of the technologies described above. However, the bottle may have to be placed not along the holder stick, but at some angle. This will allow you to collect up to four apples in one container, depending on the size, and then pour them into a bucket. One of the listed devices is quite easy to make yourself. To do this, you don’t even have to visit the store to purchase materials.

Hello to all DIY lovers!

Currently, summer is coming to an end and many people in their dacha gardens and personal plots A rich harvest of apples, pears, plums and other fruits is ripening.

At the same time, the issue of collecting these fruits often arises very acutely, especially since long-term storage, you cannot use fruits that have fallen and hit the ground, but you must carefully pick them from the tree using some kind of device for picking fruits.

It must be said that for many years (practically since the appearance of plastic bottles), homemade fruit pickers made from a long stick with a cut end attached to its end have been very popular among people. top part plastic bottle. In this case, a plastic bottle puller is attached to a stick, usually using small screw or cloves.

I myself have been using a similar homemade fruit picker for many years.

However, during operation, I noticed that such a device with a permanent, non-replaceable fruit picker attachment has some disadvantages.

For example, the fruits that have to be collected come in very different sizes. For example, plums (even large ones), as well as summer apples and pears, can be quite small, while many varieties of autumn and winter apples are truly enormous in size.

Of course, you can attach a puller to the stick, cut from a plastic bottle yourself. large size and gather all the fruits to them.

However, practice shows that this can be very inconvenient, since trees on which many small fruits grow, say, plums, have a very dense crown, through which it is often very difficult to squeeze through with a large fruit picker.

In addition, it will not be possible to replace a fruit picker attached to a stick in this way if it breaks, say, if cracks form in the plastic, quickly and easily!

As a result, I have long had the idea of ​​​​making a stick or fruit picker rod so that, depending on the size of the fruit being collected, I could quickly change the picker attachments from plastic bottles.

However, in past years, hands somehow did not get around to this, especially since there were no harvests similar to what is expected this year.

However, this year, in the face of a literally unprecedented harvest (and this year we had a truly unprecedented harvest of apples, pears and plums), I still decided to make such a device.

So, to make a fruit picker with quick-change attachments, we will need the following accessories:

Materials and fasteners:

Long wooden stick or barbell;

Plastic stopper from a plastic bottle;

Several plastic bottles of different sizes;

Three small screws 3x15 mm;

Insulating tape.


Scissors (possibly a utility knife);

Small wood saw;

Electric drill;

Metal drill with a diameter of 3 mm;

A screwdriver with a PH1 tip, or a corresponding bit;

Manufacturing process

First we saw off with a saw, the tip is at our stick. Moreover, we try to do this so that the cut is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the stick.

Then we use an awl to mark three holes in the plastic bottle cap. The centers of these holes should be 3-4 mm away from the side of the cork.

Now we drill the planned holes.

Then we screw the cork with screws to the end cut of our stick.

After this, we tightly wrap the screwed plug and the part of the stick underneath it with insulating tape. This is done to give extra strength and rigidity, both the cork and the top of the stick.

Now we cut out fruit pullers from plastic bottles.

So far I have cut out two pullers (and I already had one), and they all turned out well different sizes, respectively, for collecting fruits of different sizes.

Now you can take any fruit picker and screw it into the cork. It only takes 2-3 seconds.

And now our device for collecting fruits is ready.

If necessary, we can quickly change the fruit picker to another. Again, this will only take a few seconds.

Thus, our universal fruit picker with a set of attachments is ready for work!

Now let's try it in action.

For example, let’s use it to collect a basket of pears. To do this, I put on the middle nozzle.

And now the pear has already been picked.

But in a very short time I have already picked almost half a basket of pears.

By the way, here I want to make a very important remark.

When working with such a fruit picker, you must remember that if you have to turn it in order to pick a fruit (or cut off the fruit stalk with the teeth of a plastic bottle attachment), then this should only be done clockwise, looking upward. Otherwise, the plastic bottle attachment may unscrew from the cork. However, after some practice this is already done automatically.

In general, after several experiments on collecting different fruits with such a fruit picker, I was very pleased!

I must say that at the beginning I had concerns that the cap from a plastic bottle, used as a fastening for various attachments-pullers, might turn out to be too flimsy. Still, during the collection of many fruits, quite large loads are applied to the extractor attachments (especially when it is necessary to pick some fruits).

But nevertheless, as a result, the cork withstood everything very well, without a single damage, which proved the practical suitability of such a fruit picker.

In addition, during further operation, other advantages of this fruit picker were revealed.

For example, it turned out that a stick without a bottle remover is much more convenient and easier to store than with a bottle screwed on.

Also, the puller attachments are very convenient to store, inserting them one into the other like nesting dolls. So they take up very little space.

Moreover, in the future I am thinking of making two more extractor attachments from plastic bottles, one smallest one - from a bottle of about half a liter and one large one - from a 2.5-3 liter bottle. I don’t currently have bottles of this size on hand, but I will definitely do so in the future. Then the set of attachments will be complete.

It's really convenient and makes your work much easier and faster!

Well, that's all for now and happy harvesting!

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

During the apple ripening season, every gardener needs a device for picking them from the tree with his own hands so that the fruits do not rot or spoil. As a rule, the ripest and beautiful fruits are located on top, and in order to remove them, many people use a stepladder or a long stick. But in order not to damage the apples and not climb the tree, it is better to use a special fruit picker. You can make this tool yourself by following simple instructions. Let's consider all the nuances and stages of making a harvest collector.

Convenient fruit picker - useful thing in the garden!

Types of fruit pickers

A homemade tool for picking fruit will allow you to unnecessary hassle remove ripe fruits from trees. At the same time, gardeners will save time and effort, and the crop will not be damaged.

What not to do when picking apples or any other crop in your garden:

  • shake an apple tree with fruits - this way the fruits can break and be damaged on the ground, which will lead to rot;
  • knocking ripe apples from the top of the tree with sticks.

All fruit pickers can be divided into several separate groups:

  1. Plastic;
  2. Made of metal;
  3. With damper;
  4. With a fabric basket at the end.

Fruit picker with iron handle

What requirements should a good fruit picker meet:

  • reach high to the very top of the tree;
  • be reliable and hold the collected fruit well;
  • be functional and easy to maintain.

As a rule, the harvesting process consists of several separate stages: walking around the territory, collecting fruits, sorting and storing fruits. It's no secret that the condition, appearance and shelf life of the entire harvest will depend on the accuracy of assembly. After all, apples with bruised sides and the ground will quickly rot and will not be able to be stored long time. This is why it is so important to have your own convenient fruit collector, and it is better to be able to make it yourself from available materials.

Let's look at several ways to make easy-to-use homemade devices for harvesting from experienced gardeners and farmers.

Simple assembly of a fruit picker from a plastic bottle

The tool will be formed by two parts: a holder and a gripper. For production you will need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • awl (hole punch);
  • empty plastic bottle (2-liter);
  • hollow mop handle made of plastic (an old one will also work) ski pole or PVC pipe);
  • strong fishing line from 2.5 to 3 meters.

Assembly steps:

A step-by-step process for making a device for picking apples from a tree with your own hands is shown in the video below.

Homemade fruit collector with bowl

To make it you will need a plastic bottle, a long wooden stick (pole or handle from a garden shovel, fork, etc.), a sharp knife, scissors, self-tapping screws, a drill with drill bits and a screwdriver.

Build process:

The device works as follows: the tool rises up to the branch with fruits so that an apple gets inside the bowl. The fruit picker is then rotated sideways clockwise until the teeth cut the fruit from the branch. As a rule, you can collect 2-3 apples in one go.

Closed design

This alternative option fruit picker assembly. Some summer residents prefer to only make a small hole when making square shape with several teeth from the bottom of the plastic bottle, without completely cutting off the bottom from the neck, but leaving the structure intact.

In this case, the hole should be the size of the largest apple on the tree.

The leg is attached to the neck of the bottle already in a known way. Assembling this device will not take much time and even beginners can do it. It turns out to be a so-called plastic “palm” that helps you easily grab fruit from the apple tree, sending it to the basket for harvesting.

It will be possible to collect from 2 to 3 fruits at a time, therefore, in order to be able to pick more apples, another hole is cut near the neck, where a bag or bag is fixed, where the fruits will fall. The material of the bag must be dense so that the apples inside do not damage it and fall out to the ground.

Many gardeners recommend, just in case, laying a mattress or a thick blanket under the apple tree so that the fruits do not accidentally fall off the branches or break on the ground. You can also reach the nearest branches with an ordinary garden rake, pulling them a little closer to you and picking the apples by hand. Collecting ripe fruits from the upper branches using homemade instrument made of plastic is shown in the video below.

Universal product for apples, pears and plums

This gardening craft is made from an old mop with plastic parts, a compressing mechanism and a metal base tube (length 85 centimeters when folded, 122 centimeters when unfolded), metal fittings and a pre-sewn end-to-end bag made of thick calico (cotton fabric) with a convenient opening valve at the bottom.

The bottom hole of the bag should close well with a locking cord when picking apples and open when you need to pour the collected fruit into the basket.

Assembly steps:

The tools for working in the garden are ready, you can start harvesting! The bag of such a fruit collector can fit from 1.5 to 2.5 kg of ripe apples. Apples can be unloaded both from below and from above the fabric bag. The video below shows the process of making the tool step by step.

To make a device for picking apples from a tree with your own hands, you can use one of the above manufacturing technologies. With this convenient tool You will no longer have to climb trees or use a dangerous stepladder. Homemade fruit collectors and bowls will last for more than one season, and in case of wear or damage, they can be easily replaced with new ones without spending large number financial resources and expensive finished goods. Harvesting will be a fun activity and won’t take much time

Throughout the warm season, a lot of effort is made to obtain bountiful harvest. Every gardener feels incredible grief at the sight of fruit falling from a tree.

Carrion loses not only its presentation, but also its shelf life is significantly reduced. Climbing trees to collect ripe specimens is also not an option for many. An apple picker will help solve the problem of collecting ripe fruits from the highest branches.

What is an apple puller and why is it needed?

The fruit picker is a long-handled structure with controlled hooks or a cup at one end. The thing is very useful for any farm where they grow fruit trees. Main advantage of this device is the ability to remove the fruit without damage, which is often caused by shaking the tree or mechanical impact on a stick for knocking down crops from high branches.

Operating principle

Mechanism of operation garden tool consists of catching the fruit in the bowl of the structure and fixing it (the petiole must fall between the petals of the nozzle); after several turns of the handle, the stalk is separated. The collected apples remain to be placed one by one in a basket or bucket.

The structure of the fruit picker is quite simple; understanding the operating principle of any variety will not be difficult.

Reference! Using a puller makes harvesting easier and faster.

What types of fruit pickers are there?

In garden stores you can find designs different types, each of which has a number of advantages. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with their features so that the operating process is as comfortable as possible.


  • Plastic tulip

The attachment on the long handle is a tall glass with slits. The product is made of dense plastic. Externally, the bowl resembles an opening tulip bud, hence the name. The design is simple and convenient to operate. When picking apples, nuances arise only with unripe fruits and strong stalks that are difficult to separate from the branch.

  • Collet

These devices are among the most popular. The majority of models are available with a telescopic handle. This allows you to collect apples from high branches. The tip of the structure is made of metal or plastic. Some pullers are equipped with a cutting element for cutting off the stalk. The principle of operation is similar to the “tulip” design. If there is a bag, fruit collection is carried out without interruption from the main process.

  • Wire

The rod of this design is made of metal, polymer or wood. A nozzle made of wire in the form of a small basket is used as a bowl. In the process of turning the handle, the stalk clings to the wire, after which it is separated from the branch.

Reference! To prevent damage to fruit from contact with metal, the wire is often insulated under a polymer coating.

  • With grip

The operating principle of this type is practically no different from other pullers. A special feature of the gripper model is the improved bowl. It is a three-finger mechanism that secures the fruit by tightening the rope. This option is universal; it can be used to remove not only apples, but also small fruits.

Among the models of this type, there are designs with a fishing line that captures the stalk, ensuring separation of the stalk. Handles are used simple and telescopic from different materials.

  • With telescopic handle

Models with a telescopic handle are popular among gardeners due to the ability to remove fruit from different heights tree. The rod is made of metal, polymer and wood. Equipping the model with a bag makes the design irreplaceable and easy to use. Such devices are used for apples, grapes, pears, plums and other single-fruit fruits.

How to choose

Considering the parameters of the apple and the strength of the stalk, it is recommended to choose a “tulip” type design to remove it. For gripping smaller fruits this option doesn't fit. Devices with a cutting element and a telescopic handle, as well as a fruit picker with a grip, are also suitable. A great addition is a bag into which the harvest immediately falls.

Important! Do not use large hooks to pick apples. When the fruit is shaken on the ground, the pulp becomes deformed and the skin is damaged, causing the fruit to lose its presentation and be poorly preserved.

When choosing a puller, it is important to consider the height of the trees. If the apple tree is large, you cannot do without a sliding handle.

What is the price

The cost of the puller depends on the material from which the product is made, and design features. A wire-based device will cost about 380 rubles; in the range from 80 to 230 rubles, you can choose a “tulip” type model. You will have to pay more for a fruit picker with a bag and a telescopic handle - 389-795 rubles.

In garden stores you can select a separate nozzle and rod. This will make it possible to get a universal tool.

Pros and cons of ready-made apple pullers

Whether to purchase ready-made pullers or make them yourself – everyone makes a decision individually. When using store options the following advantages are noted:

  • from a wide range you can choose the most suitable design both in terms of functionality and price;
  • no need to purchase material for making a puller;
  • availability telescopic handle facilitates the assembly process;
  • when choosing a model with a cutting element, the problem of durable stalks that are resistant to being torn off by conventional pullers is solved;
  • simple control method;
  • affordable price.

Each type has, in addition to advantages, disadvantages that should be taken into account at the stage of choosing a model.

  • Wire structures can easily damage thin branches.
  • It is difficult to hold a long handle (telescopic or made of wood) for a long time.
  • Picking apples will require skill, especially if you use a puller equipped with a cutting element.

How to make an apple puller with your own hands

Required materials and tools

The design of the puller is simple, so it’s quite possible to make it on our own using available means. The following will be useful for work:

  • saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • measuring devices;
  • metal scissors.

The material chosen is:

  • tin cans;
  • plastic bottles;
  • strong wire,
  • plastic pipes;
  • fishing net, etc.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

As has already been noted, a “tulip” type design is suitable for removing apples from a tree. To make it you will need minimum quantity time and money.

Tool assembly sequence:

  1. in a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters, the bottom is cut off;
  2. cut small holes up to 10 cm deep in the form of petals along the walls of the bowl;
  3. the lid is removed from the neck and an incision 3-4 cm deep is made at one edge;
  4. a handle is inserted into the widened neck - a wooden pole 2-3 m long, firmly fixed with steel wire.

Reference! The distance between the petals should not exceed 0.5-0.8 cm.

You can make another design from a plastic bottle closed type. To do this, make a hole in a one and a half liter container slightly larger than the parameters big apple. The location of the cut is determined by the bottom of the bottle, without affecting the bottom. A long rod is inserted into the neck and secured with wire. The sharp edges of the plastic will act as a cutter, and the removed fruit will be lowered into the bottle. You can pick 3-4 apples in one go.

How to use fruit picker correctly

Terms of use garden tools depend on the type of structure.

Basic algorithm of actions

To remove an apple from a branch, follow these steps:

  1. adjust the handle so that the fruit becomes accessible;
  2. insert the fruit into the bowl of the tool;
  3. insert the stalk into the holes between the wires or petals;
  4. rotate the rod several times around the axis;
  5. Place the picked fruit in the basket.

What to do in severe cases

Pullers with a telescopic handle will help you remove the crop from the upper branches. If this is not enough to pick the ripe fruit, you can use a stepladder. Having overcome the height, you may be faced with the fact that the stalk firmly holds the fruit and does not allow separation from the branch. You can cope with the task using homemade nozzle, which is made from tin can. A sufficiently capacious container without a lid is fixed on a long handle. A 4-5 cm incision is made from one edge, opening the edges to make it easier to push the stalk onto the incisor. A sharp cut quickly cuts through the cutting.

A garden of several types of crops is usually planted on the site. Their fruits differ in size, and the trees themselves differ in height. It will be difficult to handle a tool of a specific design (only wire or cutter). But if you make several attachments for a telescopic handle, then for each individual case you will always find an assistant in the form of a puller.

Video instructions for making a fruit picker from a plastic bottle:

If your apple harvest is “at the top” in every sense, it can’t help but rejoice! But to get ripe ones from this height juicy fruits- not an easy task. An ordinary garden stepladder can also help in this matter, but modern gardeners are accustomed to saving time and effort. Therefore, today we will learn together how to make a device for removing apples from a tree, which will help you quickly and without loss collect the entire harvest from any apple tree.

If you have only one or two trees with apples on your plot, then there is no point in making a “major” fruit picker; it is enough to make a simple device from a plastic bottle. Well, if you have a whole apple plantation at your dacha, then it’s best for you to buy a ready-made fruit picker

In the gardening equipment markets, we have more than once seen ready-made devices for picking fruit. Based on their principle, we will create a fruit picker with our own hands. Our future fruit picker must answer following requirements: reach high and hold fruit firmly, be convenient to use. Let's look at the options that experienced and resourceful gardeners offer us.

As a rule, fruit pickers are made of plastic, but there are metal options. For example, the fruit picker, which is shown in the photo, costs around 700 rubles in stores, it is quite expensive, but the purchase will justify itself and will serve you for many years

But such a device for removing apples from a tree will cost, on average, 1,200 rubles. Its advantage is that it is made of plastic and does not require special care, just store it in some shed and it will serve you for decades

Option number 1: the tenacious hand of the farmer

The device will consist of a grip and a holder. You will need:

  • old plastic bottle;
  • long fishing line (2.5-3 meters), awl, scissors;
  • handle from an old plastic mop (can be replaced with a PVC pipe).

The manufacturing process of this fruit collector in the program “Crazy Hands”:

So let's start our light work.

Step 1. We had enough crafts (a two-liter plastic bottle). We cut the bottom of the bottle crown-shaped to form “petals.” We make 2 holes in each of the petals. To do this, you can use a small hole punch or a regular awl.

Now let's give the bowl some grip. Take the fishing line and pull it through the neck into the bottle so that the latter is just below the middle of the fishing line. We pass the upper end of the fishing line one by one into each hole in a circle and bring it back through the neck of the bottle. Thus, we got a plastic bottle without a bottom with two long ends of fishing line coming out through the neck.

Step 2. We fix the holder. We use a hollow PVC pipe or a handle from an old plastic mop as a holder. A double line made from a plastic bottle is threaded through the hole in the holder and comes out the other side. If your mop handle has a removable handle, you're in luck! The ends of the fishing line should be secured to this part of the holder. Make 2 holes in the handle and thread the fishing line through, securing the ends tightly together. Place the handle back onto the mop handle.

We have a plastic bottle fastened with fishing line to a holder with a removable handle. Now try to remove the cap again, slightly pulling the line towards you. The cut edges of the bottle are compressed, making grasping movements. Now not a single apple will escape you!

A diagram of another device for collecting fruits from trees: it will take quite a lot of time to create, so we do not recommend that you undertake its creation. They just showed what else homemade devices can be made

If the mop does not have a removable part, you can simply cut off its end by 15-10 cm. Make 2 holes on its sides, where the ends of the fishing line will be passed. Then secure them by tying them together.

Let us repeat once again: if you have a lot of fruit-bearing trees, then it is better to spend some money and buy a ready-made fruit picker that will serve you for more than one season

For PVC pipes You can use several caps from plastic bottles as a handle. For example, take 10 lids and make a hole in the center of each with an awl. Thread the free ends of the fishing line into the caps one by one and secure them to the last one. For stability, glue the caps together or make a knot from fishing line on the inside of the first cap. It turns out comfortable removable handle from caps. Use the same method as a mop handle.

Video version of making a fruit picker with your own hands

And another option for creating a capital fruit picker

Option number 2: the simplest device for picking apples

1. Fruit collector with bowl

Step 1. And again we cannot do without such a necessary household item as a plastic bottle. Cut it in half, separating the bottom part from the neck. We won't need the bottom anymore. We cut out deep teeth on the cut edge, and drill 2 opposite holes in the neck.

Step 2. We prepare a wooden pole, one end of which we adapt to the hole of the bottle. A handle from an old garden tool will do. Now we put the bottle neck on the pole and secure it with two self-tapping screws.

Use this device to collect apples like this: bring the device to the branch with the apple; Place the apple inside the bottle and rotate the device for removing apples from the tree clockwise. The teeth cut off the fruit and it ends up inside the bottle. You can pick 2-3 apples at a time.

2. Closed fruit collector

You don’t have to cut off the bottom of the bottle, just cut it out round hole on the side. From the bottom side of the hole, make several cloves. Then put the bottle on the pole in the already known way and start collecting apples. The fruits are placed inside the bottle and picked in one motion. A closed fruit picker picks apples more easily, but can pick no more than two fruits at a time.

Using such a device you won’t be able to collect many apples at one time, but the advantage of this device is the speed of its production: if you have all the materials at hand, you will need a maximum of five minutes, or even less

The design of the device is simple: we cut a heart-shaped hole on the side of a plastic bottle, use a screw or electrical tape to attach the bottle to the holder and we can start picking apples or other fruits

Now you don’t need to master the science of climbing trees and endless maneuvers with garden stepladders, and you no longer have to wonder how to remove apples from a tall tree. The juiciest apples will be picked without difficulty thanks to your skillful hands and desire. A bowl of such homemade fruit collectors will last you a couple of years. Once worn out, it can be easily replaced using a new plastic bottle. Well, all you can do is wish that the fruits of your skill will definitely help you get all the fruits from your apple trees!



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