Garden and vegetable garden in Provence style. Landscape and gazebo in the style of southern France. "Peach walls" in the Provence garden

Endless lavender fields and vineyards, silence and tranquility mixed with sea air - this is Provence. Everyone has their own, but the atmosphere is always simple, fresh air, spicy herbs are integral components of this picture. Landscape design in Provence style you can create it yourself on your small or large plot land.

The name of the region in southern France comes from simple word"province", which was given to it during the Roman era. Until the 13th century, Provence was part of the Roman Empire, and later became a province of the French Kingdom. From the south, Provence is caressed by the waves of the Mediterranean Sea, from the north the Alps block the winds. A special climate has been created here, and the cozy atmosphere of provincial towns and villages is conducive to a leisurely rest.

Lilac landscapes of Provence

Far from the bustle of Marseille and medieval Avignon, there are lavender fields that provide 80% of the world's total volume of this fragrant raw material. The mild climate allows grapes to be grown in this area huge quantities and create wonderful wines from it.

Provence is the smell of lavender, roses, good wine and the sea. Everything is surrounded by centuries-old village walls and fruit trees.

Dream formula

Landscape design in the Provence style is not difficult to implement on your site. In this style, the main attribute is simplicity and naturalness.

The creation formula assumes the presence of:

  • fruit trees or one tree;
  • spicy herbs;
  • plants in all possible shades of pink and blue;
  • walls painted in soothing pastel colors or just white;
  • fragrant roses;
  • garden furniture with traces of antiquity;
  • stonework around the flower bed;
  • paths paved with natural stone or sprinkled with gravel.

Fruit trees are planted under the protection of a wall and form a crown shape similar to a fan. In real Provence, these could be peaches, but it is important not to blindly copy, but to create a landscape based on the real climate. If it is possible to protect trees in frosts or plant zoned varieties of peaches, then pourquoi pas?

The main attribute of the “Provencal” corner is the presence of lavender. This plant is not capricious and can easily grow in conditions much harsher than the French province, if there is a possibility of shelter for the winter. A planting site is chosen that is protected from the winds, which is facilitated by a wall. produced around the end of February.

Each gardener has his own vision of this corner. Perhaps someone may find only scuffed wooden furniture, old chairs or armchairs from the family storage room appropriate. A light openwork one would look good metal furniture with a touch of antiquity, the main thing is that it is comfortable and does not look like a stranger in the world of simplicity. To do this, you can use pillows that add comfort to the interior. In addition to furniture, clay jugs from grandmother’s inheritance, carelessly placed among flowers and herbs, would be appropriate in a corner of the garden.

Spicy herbs

Herbs look great in jugs and pots. Such a garden can be set up right on the summer veranda within walking distance from the kitchen.


Landscape design in Mediterranean style suggests decorating paths and paths with natural stone or wood. The combination will be harmonious wooden furniture And . These pancakes are used to pave the path. They are laid on a sand-gravel mixture, which, in turn, is poured onto insulating material. Such a pillow is necessary to protect against weeds and tree shoots that destroy logs that fit tightly together.

It would be logical to use garden furniture made of stone or metal as a covering for a path. natural stone or fine gravel.

Maintenance of any type of path is required almost year-round. The wood becomes moldy and must be scraped and treated with special compounds once a year. Stone slabs can also collapse depending on the structure of the stone and atmospheric conditions. When moisture gets into the cracks, it subsequently freezes and breaks the stone and spoils the appearance of the coating.

Peach wall

The name of another attribute of landscape design in the Provence style implies not a color, but a plant. Peaches are planted along the wall of the house, painted in light colors. In order for the harvest to be abundant and large, the trees are pruned and shaped into palmettes. In this form they occupy less space, each peach receives more sun and light. As a result, there is practically no shade under the trees and there is room for flowers or a vegetable garden, or better yet, all together. After all, a zucchini with beautiful leaves can decorate any flower bed. Beauty and benefit are nearby.

In areas with a harsher climate, apple and pear trees can be selected as participants. A decorative apple tree will delight you with beautiful unusual flowers in the spring, and small but edible fruits will ripen on it in the summer. Professionals recommend having at least one such beauty on your site, because its fragrant flowers attract pollinators for the entire garden.

A thrifty owner sees potential jam in apple and pear trees. If you boil syrup from aromatic Antonovka and keep small apples from a decorative apple tree in it, then such a product is unlikely to survive until winter. Here, at the table in a cozy Provençal corner, tea with mint that grows in a flowerbed, with a bite of jam from your own apples, will set the caring gardener and his family in a lyrical mood.

Shaping the tree for a peach wall is quite simple. In May, the young seedling is pruned above the third bud from the ground. The central branch begins to develop from the upper bud. They give her vertical position, the rest are formed as they grow.

Grandma's old chest gets new life

Each item in the Provence style garden has traces of age and wear, but not dilapidation. Wooden bench V cozy corner the place for relaxation does not sparkle with new planed boards, but the ceramic pots with spices seem to have been passed down from generation to generation.

Provence style

An old wooden cart wheel, left near a flowerbed, must definitely be useful to the owner, and waiting in the wings it is already overgrown with flowers and aromatic herbs.

When creating landscape design in the Mediterranean style, the ability to dress old things in a new setting becomes an art. A clay mug discovered in grandma's old house makes a great napkin holder or basil pot. And that old round wooden table from the attic will fit very well into an outdoor dining area. You just need to wash it and sand it down to remove any loose paint. And the fact that it is old and shabby is even cool and fashionable.

House in the village

Provence style refers to the rural style of southeastern France. “Country” and “Provence” are the same thing, but each “country” has its own characteristics, which in the case of France resulted in a separate style.

In Provence, only natural materials and hand-made parts are used to design and decorate your home.

Buildings in the garden can be wooden or stone, but painted in light and warm colors:

  • white;
  • lactic;
  • beige;
  • peach.

It is good to have a wooden gazebo entwined with climbing fragrant roses in such a country garden. It will contain a wooden table and rough stools or a cozy wooden sofa with scattered pillows. The design of a site in the Provence style should show slight negligence, but not abandonment. The refrain in this style is the idea of ​​comfort and warmth.

Natural and light, chalet style design suburban areas undeservedly little widespread. The main...

Color of sky and sea

The province of Provence is not only about black and white cows and rosy-cheeked thrushes. This is also the luxurious Cote d'Azur, endless fields of plants, the color of which is unforgettable. This color is called lavender after the name of the plant itself. The main colors of Provence are the color of the sky, sea and lavender.

By adding greens and silver-gray paints to blue and light blue, you can get a painting in the style of Claude Monet. Pink touches will add cheerfulness to the landscape.

Blue color will add:

  • hyssop;
  • catnip;
  • sage.

The silver-gray olives of Provence will be replaced by the common silver oleaster, growing along the banks of rivers and spreading the amazing aroma of its inconspicuous flowers in the spring. Wormwood in all its gray forms will highlight the deep blue of hyssop with its panicles.

Apart from lavender, no other flower has a lavender color. In the climate north of Provence, she feels quite confident under the protection of walls or stone. If there are doubts about its winter hardiness, you can use the potted form of this plant.

Lavender can be replaced by:

  • fireweed;
  • mountain mint "Burning Sunset".

Mountain mint "Burning Sunset"

The color of these plants is not lavender, but the variation on the Provence theme allows deviations from the ideal.

Bringing it to life

Provence style is a mixture of comfort, practicality and art. On one patch it is possible to place a flower bed, spices, vegetables and fruit trees. All this is arranged in exquisite negligence, and, at the same time, makes up a picture united by one concept.

The implementation of this plan is not an easy task, but the result will turn a piece of land into a place that you will not want to leave. A photo of this corner will stand on the desktop and remind the gardener of his good luck.

In order to imagine the amount of work, you need to see the end result:

...against the background of a wall painted white, the rose “Giardina” spread its lashes, as if descended in its pale pink boiling from an old canvas by an English master. For a more lush picture, the rose should be planted according to the David Austin method, that is, the bush should consist of three seedlings planted in one landing hole, but at a sufficient distance from each other. Located next to pink flowers.

Rose "Giardina"
Decorative apple tree “Ola”

On one side of them, a beautiful palmette of the ornamental apple tree “Ola” is formed, which begins the season with unbridled flowering, on the other, a dwarf form of a pear of a favorite variety with the same crown formation.

If desired, fruit trees can be replaced with pyramidal yew, smooth contours and green which is calmed by the riot of shapes and colors of plants located in the lower and middle tiers.

At the feet of the rose, sage took root and grew, contrasting with the flowers of the rose with its blue panicles. After flowering, it leaves bushes of fragrant greenery.

Below in growth is the grayish-blue “Moulin Rouge” carnation with grayish-gray leaves and pink star-shaped flowers.

The base of the apple tree is decorated with silvery gray wormwood. And the pear tree sheltered a pink leaf covering the tree trunk.

Roses with lavender

For decoration and benefit, a zucchini with decorative leaves, and further along this tier there are bushes of the famous lavender. Blue flowers and carved geranium leaves adorn the other edge and echo the blue of the sage. Smear blue color will add kale “Kai and Gerda” with corrugated leaves, comfortably located on the edge.

The flower garden itself is located on a hill and is supported by boulders, one of which plays the role of a bench surrounded by aromas.

On the paved area in front of the flower garden, between the stones, lemon thyme and creeping thyme with fragrant leaves have taken root.

In the early morning, the dew on bare feet revives the scent of thyme, and in the evening the rose smells in all its glory. Paradise, and that's all!

Place Provence in your soul and make your dream come true!

We moved to Kuban. We bought a house with a plot on the edge of the forest. We need to get some livestock. There is a dog and a cat, we brought them with us. We don’t need a cow, we need 3 liters of milk per week. A goat does not fit these parameters either. You can still have rabbits, they are soft and fluffy, they eat only grass and vegetables, but they multiply very quickly - what to do with them then? You won’t be able to lay your hands on them, soft and fluffy, and the prospect of an Australian rabbit tragedy is frightening. The bees remain.

Rosehip is an unpretentious close relative of the rose. It grows well in the wild, and its double representative can often be found as ornamental plant in parks or private gardens. IN lately the plant is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. In this article I will tell you about the benefits of rose hips, how and when to collect them, dry them, store them and brew tea correctly.

Apple pancakes with cottage cheese turn out juicy and tender, they are prepared in 15 minutes. This dish can be quickly put together for breakfast and served with sour cream - hearty and tasty, or served for dessert at lunch, for dinner with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Who said that potato pancakes are made only from potatoes? Apple pancakes turn out even tastier, and that’s a completely different story! From personal experience- you don’t need a lot of flour, apples feel great without it.

Autumn is an excellent time for planting and replanting perennial flowers, especially if it is time to divide them - they have grown so much that they have begun to lose their decorative value. Another reason to divide perennials in a flower garden is to get several plants instead of one. AND autumn breeding division has a significant advantage over spring - the planted divisions adapt to the new place of residence even before winter, and in the spring they actively begin to grow and bloom already in the first season.

Satsebeli made from tomatoes and peppers - a thick Georgian sauce. This seasoning is from the “dipping” category. Translated from Georgian, “satsebeli” means sauce, meaning “to dip”, hence the version that any sauce in Georgia is called satsebeli. You can eat the sauce with anything; it goes well with both meat and fish. For preparing homemade flatbreads with filling (lavash, pita bread and other delicacies), this is an ideal addition to barbecue; it goes without saying that you can’t think of anything better!

Having planted young apple tree seedlings, many gardeners tirelessly look after them, and after waiting for stable harvests, they relax their attention. They forgot to do something, didn’t have time to do something, and now the first problems appear. One of these is fruits rotting on a tree. It is no longer possible not to notice this, and natural questions arise - what is it and how to deal with it? Why apples rot on the branches and how to prevent this problem will be discussed in today’s article.

Keeping a couple of pigs on a personal farm, and once you have experience, a dozen, is not a difficult task. But ignorance of some rules can lead to unexpected results. Pigs provide excellent, easily digestible fatty meat. What else is so attractive about pigs as farm animals? What advantages do pigs have over cows, goats, poultry or rabbits? What should you think about before getting piglets? Look for answers in our publication.

Among the diversity indoor plants there are real fighters. They are not afraid of uneven watering, shading and sudden temperature changes. This is what I consider to be the ficus Cyatistipula (goblet stipule). The first time I saw him was in the corridor near our accounting office. A one and a half meter tall beauty with large oblong leaves won my heart. I really love tall plants and I simply couldn’t pass him by. I went into the office and asked our ladies for an appendage.

Eggplant caviar without sterilization and without cooking is a spicy vegetable caviar with a bright, fresh taste, very appetizing and healthy! You won’t be able to store such a preparation for a long time, but it will last for several days in the refrigerator. This caviar is appropriate to serve fried meat, simply spread on a slice of fresh bread or fill hot pita bread, wrap in pita bread. If you are going on a picnic, a jar of eggplant caviar will always come in handy; it is ideal for barbecue or fried sausages.

You can buy luxurious rose seedlings at a more attractive price in the fall, when numerous exhibitions and fairs offer a huge selection of varieties. Why not plant roses in September-October? At its core, autumn planting roses differ from spring ones only in a few small nuances. Simple rules and a few tricks will help you get healthy, strong plants that will begin to grow and delight you with the first flowers before those planted in the spring.

Picking porcini mushrooms is the dream of every mushroom picker. The volume greatly depends on ambitions: for some, five pieces are enough for complete puppy delight, for others only a full trunk will satisfy. In any case, having collected porcini mushrooms, you feel like a breadwinner and lucky. But sometimes, under the guise of white mushrooms, inexperienced mushroom pickers can pick up completely non-white mushrooms. And it’s good if they’re edible, but what if they’re not? What types of porcini mushrooms are there, and what mushrooms can they be confused with?

Vegetable soup with bulgur and lentils - thick and satisfying, suitable for the strictest vegetarian menu, as it does not contain animal products, only plant ingredients. Meat protein in the soup replaces vegetable protein; lentils are rich in this protein. On fasting days, a serving of this dish is a complete meal for an adult. A delicious lean soup can be prepared in just half an hour if you cook it with red lentils - they boil down in just 15 minutes.

IN recent years It is fashionable to give not cut bouquets, but fresh flowers in a pot. As a birthday present, Persian cyclamen appeared on my windowsill. Its delicate flowers looked like a flock of cute butterflies, wings half folded in a green meadow. I thoroughly enjoyed its appearance for almost 3 months until I noticed several dry leaves, and their number increased every day. I didn’t have much experience caring for this plant.

Probably everyone loves potato salad. Recipes for this dish can be found in almost every cuisine in the world. The exception will probably be countries that do not have potatoes, although in our time this is difficult to imagine. The salad can be served as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat and fish. Danish potato salad with Remoulade sauce is incredibly tasty and easy to prepare. It will only take a few minutes to prepare it, provided you have boiled potatoes in the house.

Both planting and digging potatoes have become a kind of ritual and holiday for gardeners. But with the end of one potato cycle, the next begins. And after the harvest is harvested, do not forget about preparing for next year. And first of all - about the soil, which potatoes deplete more than other root crops. In order not to lose soil fertility and get next year good harvest already completely different crops, it is better not to postpone soil care.

In place of ornate architecture and exotic plants comes simplicity and rustic simplicity. The name of the style itself personifies the visualization of a French village of the last century. No luxury or originality in the design! Only modesty, simplicity and natural materials. Provence is the charm of natural life. Great solution for city dwellers seeking peace and harmony. The bottomless simplicity and naturalness of nature allows you to find the meaning of existence. The decoration uses an exclusively soft palette: white, pale pink, blue, light gray. Natural materials, vintage decorative items, comfort and warm atmosphere - this is the Provence style.

A mandatory element of a rustic style is a gazebo. It should be made of natural wood or stone. Definitely rough or partial processing, no glitz or glamor. The materials for it are artificially aged, a patina of time is added to metal or copper items, paint is added to wooden surfaces necessarily with scuffs. The place for the gazebo is chosen away from the house. It is often closed, with light curtains on windows and doors, which will help protect against drafts and dampness. A gazebo is a place for privacy from bad weather and curious glances. It must certainly contain a simple, good quality garden furniture. Most often these are wicker tables and chairs.

Style French village involves many flower beds and flower beds. All of them have a round shape and are located around the house, gazebo and other architectural forms. In compliance with clear geometric shapes there is no need, the style allows for negligence and naturalness. Flower beds are framed with stone or brick. The main colors are blue, beige, light blue, white, purple. It is also allowed bright colors, their natural content. Garden plantings are selected with a pleasant, persistent aroma. This important feature Provence garden Pleasant lasting aromas are provided by geranium, thyme, lavender and others.

An important functional element is the tracks, which are devoid of all geometric and correct lines. There is no stiffness or straight lines. The paths have a curved shape and go around all important landscape objects (house, garage, flower beds, gazebos, etc.). The raw materials chosen are natural - wood, stone, gravel. In the Provence style it is impossible to find concrete and plastic. The paths are framed by low plants and ornamental grasses. The wind swaying the stems creates movement in the garden and fills the area with “music.”

It is difficult to imagine a rustic style without numerous flowers in pots, cache-pots, containers and flowerpots. Containers made of clay and ceramics are welcome. They are placed literally everywhere, in a chaotic order. Another feature of the French country style is vertical gardening. Climbing and weaving garden plantings decorate the walls of buildings, the entrance to the gazebo, and the fence. They take up all the free space.

For many, the Provence style is associated with the concept of “peach wall”. This is a spectacular planting of low-growing fruit trees located near the high wall of a stone building. Color design the walls are always in light colors - white, peach or beige. Plants undergo regular modeling, thanks to which a palmette crown flaunts against the background of the wall. Trees are selected based on climatic conditions. The most popular in cold climates are peach, apricot, and pear. The wall and thinned crown contribute to a rich harvest.

Although at first glance the Provence style is simple and does not require any hassle or maintenance, this is not so. Timely watering, fertilizing and pruning of plants is of the utmost importance. The site must be well-groomed, decorative and fertile.

Plant selection

People with a fine mental organization and romantic impulses find in the Provence style an opportunity to find peace. It allows them to relax and slow down the pace of life, to feel harmony and natural strength. The surrounding trees, shrubs and flowers play an important role in this. For all its simplicity, there is a place of sophistication and sophistication here. Delicate shades of blue and beige, pleasant aromas and subtle traces of antiquity - all this will be an excellent reason to decorate your site in this style. And spending quiet evenings in the lap of nature will be a real escape from city life.

The Provence style is difficult to confuse with any other. He has his own peculiarities:

  • Fruit crops (apricot, pear, peach) predominate among the trees. By pruning they are given the shape of a palmette;
  • many flowering bushes located near the house or fence;
  • an abundance of fragrant garden plants;
  • predominance of delicate shades (blue, purple, pink).

Starting a garden in the Provence style from scratch is much easier than transforming an existing one. Play an important role garden plants. Many fruit-bearing trees are planted in the empty area. They are located near low fences and fences painted white. Exposing regular pruning trees can achieve a crown that grows in width.

From traditional to village garden plants worth noting are geranium and lavender. Their colors and spicy aromas are symbolic of a Provence style garden. They keep company in the flower beds numerous species roses, climbing ivy and maiden grapes, rosemary adds romanticism. The colors of plants must certainly include purple and other pastel shades. Small ones are acceptable bright accents, appropriately located in group plantings.

Flower beds and flower beds can be moved several times a season, adding to the usual appearance novelty. Most flowers are planted in mobile containers (pots, flowerpots, flowerpots). When creating flower beds, they are not planted in the soil, but are only placed on top of the ground. I create a semicircular shape for the “flower garden” using stone or fragments of brick.

Give it like that necessary style Provence, the spirit of antiquity can be found at hand. These can be fragments of antique dishes, specially aged furniture and interior items. Wooden tubs, old stumps and even musical instruments. One of the main goals when decorating a site in French rustic style, is considered to create a warm and cozy atmosphere. Only natural materials are used, textiles, comfortable upholstered furniture. In the gazebo you can always find a lot of pillows and warm blanket. When decorating the estate and recreation area, only calm, delicate colors are used.

There is a place in the Provence style for decorative lighting. The light should be soft and dim. It gives the landscape that same touch of antiquity and warmth. home comfort. Have fun with the dimly lit garden noisy company or secluded for a romantic dinner. The bright, cold light leaves no room for imagination, as if exposing everything around. Warm yellow beams of light from under openwork lampshades or antique lamps will look beautiful on rustic wicker tables covered with a cotton tablecloth.

A special feature of a Provence style garden is the mixing of plants and colors. Fragrant climbing plants, the sound of trickling water from a fountain and flowers in clay pots create an indescribable atmosphere of the French province.

Color harmony

A Provence style garden is a harmonious combination of green shrubs, purple, pink, yellow and white shades of flowers. The plants in such a garden are unpretentious and sun-loving: lavender, sage, bushy rose - an integral part of the Provence style.

Flower beds and flower beds

In French gardens there are no clear lines or boundaries: the flower beds smoothly flow into one another. Flowerbeds are mainly built from stones with beige, pink or purple shades. The unspoken rule is the order of planting: plants in pink tones are placed in the center, followed by white shades, and bright accents along the edges.

climbing plants

One of the most popular options for creating shade in the French provinces are all kinds of arched forms entwined with creeping plants. climbing roses, vineyards and wisteria twine around gazebos, pergolas and trellises.

Narrow paths

Winding narrow paths are characteristic of the entire Mediterranean. Thin romantic paths connect and complement the wide paths and captivate with their views. Natural or artificial stones ideal for creating paths in Provence style.

Pots and flowerpots

Features of the garden are decorative elements made in an antique style: snow-white benches, wooden fences and time-worn pots create a light romantic mood. Natural materials and natural shades are characteristic of a provincial garden: in every French section There are many clay and wicker pots, which are located not only on the terrace, but throughout the garden.

From July 1 to July 10, at the Moscow Flower Show in Muzeon, GARDENA will present a garden in french style Provence Miniature garden GARDENA will become a unique corner of peace and comfort. A garden space that is not overloaded with plants will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of enchanting France, and bushes of fragrant lavender, hydrangeas and roses will create a gentle romantic atmosphere.

A blooming corner of GARDENA will allow you to relax, relieve the burden of problems, and with great pleasure put tired plants in order, trim with my own hands hedge from ornamental shrub. Such a garden, using garden tools GARDENA is easy to implement without much effort on any site by selecting your favorite plants.

Many are attracted by the harmony and tranquility of rural life as an example for implementation in landscape design. However, the very concept of a village is different for everyone and often evokes ambiguous associations, far from the usual urban respectability. There is a way out! Try on your site the cultivated image of a French village in the Provence style - the most sophisticated and sophisticated of the entire group of “village” styles!

Provence is a province of France, caressed from the south by the Mediterranean Sea and protected by the Alps from the northern winds, with a special climate and cozy atmosphere conducive to a leisurely holiday. It's no coincidence that this style is cute French villages has become incredibly popular all over the world in recent years. People are tired of the bells and whistles of technogenic culture and crave full-fledged and comfortable rest with a change of scenery. And the image of fragrant lavender fields, as if straight out of impressionist paintings, greatly contributes to the creation of a serene romantic mood.

The difference between landscape design in the Provence style is primarily color scheme, including all shades of delicate lilac tones combined with white. The picture is complemented by pastel colors such as pink, beige and lilac, diluted with silver and ash spots. Bright strokes are only permissible as small accents or framing elements.

The layout of the garden in the Provence style is devoid of pretentiousness. The design of paths and paths should be as simple as possible, without any special frills. Slight negligence, even rudeness, is acceptable, but certainly with a touch of the famous French chic. Setting the tone for landscaping fruit trees. As a rule, they are planted along a fence painted white and, in accordance with tradition, are formed in the form of palmettes. Flower beds and beds with herbs have a predominantly round shape.

Naturalness is the calling card of a Provence style garden. The garden should look extremely natural from the outside, everything grows as if by itself. In designs garden buildings and in finishing landscape elements The use of modern artificial materials is unacceptable. But natural wood and all types are welcome natural stone from boulders and paving slabs to gravel fills.

A light, without fanaticism, touch of antiquity in the decor gives a special sincerity to a garden in the Provence style. The area is decorated with a variety of cute trinkets found in grandma's chests. The unique atmosphere of a French rural courtyard is created by those adapted as flower beds. wooden boxes, tubs, flowerpots, baskets and any suitable antique or artificially aged containers and objects. Here it is necessary to observe moderation so that the landscape does not turn into a chaotic pile of old unnecessary things.

Despite all the external negligence, a site decorated in Provence style needs constant care to maintain the required degree of apparent “negligence.” The highlight of the garden can be an elegant wooden or wrought-iron gazebo, decorated in an antique style and most often painted white. You can add other small architectural forms - pergolas and arches entwined with flowering vines. Instead of luxurious southern wisteria in a more severe climate, it is quite possible to use unpretentious clematis.

The comfort of such a garden should be truly homely. Therefore, even the furniture used here is predominantly ordinary, and not special garden furniture. All accessories and decorative items must have a slightly antique look with scuffs and a noble patina. At the same time, there should be no deliberate luxury, only the modest charm of simple, but with traces of sophistication, household items that can be passed on from generation to generation. In landscape design in the Provence style, you will certainly feel a piece of the soul put into it by the creators.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs