The cesspool is filling up quickly: what should you do? Why doesn't water drain from the cesspool? The drainage hole fills up very quickly

In order to ensure comfortable accommodation in a private house or cottage, the owners must take care of the sewer system. As a rule, residents of the private sector prefer storage tanks. This is much cheaper than installing a sealed tank, which requires constant cleaning using sewage equipment.

Despite its simplicity and accessibility, the operation of a drainage pit can cause difficulties for the owners of the site. One of the most common problems is how quickly it fills. Let's take a closer look at how to determine that the cesspool is filling too quickly, and what actions to take in this case.

The main signs of filling a hole

It is not difficult to determine that the cesspool has quickly filled up. There are several signs of decreased functionality. These include:

  • bad smell on the site even when the waste pit is tightly closed;
  • siltation at the bottom of the tank;
  • various deposits on the walls of the structure;
  • need for pumping every 4-5 weeks.

The appearance of one or more of the listed signs indicates insufficient efficiency of the structure.

Reasons for filling quickly

To effectively solve a sewer problem, it is necessary to establish the reasons why drain hole fills up quickly. The main factors contributing to the occurrence of dysfunction are:

  • siltation cesspool;
  • accumulation of fat and other deposits on the bottom and walls;
  • freezing of the structure winter period.

Once the reasons for the premature overflow of the storage structure have been identified, you should move on to options for solving the problem.

What to do if the bottom of the pit silts up?

If the reason the drain hole is filling quickly is that it has silted up, you can solve the problem in several ways:

  1. Pumping out sewage and major cleaning of the structure using sewage disposal devices.
  2. Liquefaction of sludge deposits with water. To do this, you need to fill the tank large number water for 24 hours.
  3. The use of biological products to improve work functionality sewer system.

Most in a simple way The solution to the problem is to call a vacuum cleaner, but such a service is not cheap. Many owners of private houses prefer to use preparations with biologically active substances in cases where the pit has silted up. The results of their use include:

  • elimination of unpleasant odors from sewerage;
  • cleansing sewer pipes and storage from various deposits;
  • reducing the level of sewage in the tank;
  • preventing siltation in the future;
  • restoring the system.

IMPORTANT. You should be aware that products based on microorganisms and bacteria cannot be used in winter time. At low temperatures, the properties of the drug will be significantly reduced.

Selection of biological product

Specialized stores offer huge assortment biologically active drugs. Among them there are products from both foreign and domestic producers different price categories.

The form of release of the drug also differs; it can be a liquid concentrate, powder or tablets. Which drug is better to buy?

In order to clean the pit from sludge, many residents of private houses are advised to opt for liquid and powder preparations. This is due to the fact that these products contain anaerobic species of bacteria. These bacteria have the ability to process organic matter without oxygen.

It must be taken into account that products with biologically active substances can only be diluted with water that does not contain chlorine. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug will be significantly reduced.

The degree of activity of microorganisms also decreases when chemicals are poured into the sewer. detergents, stain removers or bleaches.

Cleaning the bottom and walls of the storage tank

Deposits on the bottom and walls of the tank are common cause violations in his work. What to do in this case?

It is necessary to clean the pit and performance will be restored. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Using water or fecal pump pump waste out of the storage tank.
  2. Fill the reservoir with water. This should be done in order to dissolve deposits and blockages.
  3. Pour the biological product into the pit for 4-5 hours.

The main advantage of using a biological product when a sewer is clogged is that there is no need for pumping out after its use. The wastewater will go away on its own after the active substances of the drug destroy the blockages that do not allow water to pass through.

In addition, the biological product helps improve drainage layers, which increases the efficiency of the structure.

How to defrost a pit?

As a rule, freezing of the drainage pit in winter is prevented by a snow layer and a thermal insulation system, but it happens that when very low temperatures waste freezes. What to do if the cesspool freezes in winter?

You can defrost waste in a cesspool using an extension cord, copper wire, a steel rod 20-30 cm long and a grip.

Important! When carrying out work involving the use of electricity, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and protect yourself with rubber gloves and shoes with thick rubber soles. You should also limit access to the place of work for children and pets.

In cases where only the sewer pipe is frozen, it is wrapped in a copper conductor, which is connected to the phase wire. Under the influence of current, thawing of the pipe will take 2-3 hours.

When the entire pit freezes, a steel rod is driven into the middle, to which a copper conductor is connected. This is followed by the application of phase voltage. In this case, the pit will thaw for at least 24 hours. After completing the work, first turn off the voltage, and then remove the rod and wires.

The further functionality of the sewer system depends on how well the work is done.

What to do if the cesspool begins to fill up quickly in the winter? Biological products cannot be used, as they die off at temperatures below zero. The reason lies in the freezing of sewage. You need to use resistive heating of the conductors in order to restore high-quality thermal insulation.

You will need:

  • Metal pin 20 cm long;
  • Copper wire 2 kW;
  • Hook.

What is the procedure?

It depends on how frozen the contents of the pit are.

  1. If the structure is not completely frozen, but the pipes through which wastewater and sewage flow are frozen. Then: frozen soil will act as a conductor, but will have high resistance, the ground will limit the amount of current. You need to strip the copper wire to a length that will exceed. The formula L=3.14xD will help you. Wrap the section around the pipeline, insert the other end into the phase connector of the socket. Current should flow through the pipeline for several hours, so the pipe will warm up, everything frozen will melt, movement waste water will gradually begin to recover.
  2. If the cesspool itself is frozen, then you will need to insert an iron pin into its middle, attaching the stripped end of the wire to it. You will need to apply 220 V to the second end of the wire. This can be done using a hook. Attach it to the wire and throw it over the current-carrying element. The device will freeze within 24 hours.

In order to defrost plastic pipes, you can use special devices that operate under high voltage - 400 A. They contribute to the rapid melting of ice. They are usually used by professionals. If you want to implement this procedure yourself, then you will need a welding machine. Its contacts should be in the ice on both sides of the frozen pipeline.

Please note:

Both of these options require that at the end of defrosting you must turn off the current; only after you turn off the current can you remove the wires.

You can also defrost the drains using fan heaters, they are also called “blowers”, you can also use a blowtorch. More complex, but effective way- This is to light a fire next to the pipeline and pit.

Be sure to ensure complete electrical safety. Since working with current is extremely dangerous, all actions must be performed with the utmost caution. Be sure to wear shoes rubber boots and wear special gloves for electricians. Make sure there are no small children or water near the current!

For normal operation of the sewer system in country house requires the correct and timely care behind the sewer pit. Sometimes situations happen when the cesspool quickly fills up, what should you do to prevent this? unpleasant consequence? In fact, there are many reasons why this can happen, let’s pay attention to the most common of them.

Why does the cesspool fill up quickly?

Basically, this situation occurs for the following reasons:

  • the walls and bottom of the septic cavity become silted;
  • You may notice particularly unpleasant odors;
  • organic deposits may accumulate on the walls of the pit, which are difficult to deal with;
  • The drainage hole fills up too quickly.

When a silted bottom is observed in a hole, it is immediately necessary to take some actions to solve such an unpleasant problem:

  • you need to call a sewer truck;
  • pour water into the hole to dilute the sediment;
  • use special medications for biological basis for sludge breakdown and processing.
If a strong odor appears, it is necessary to clean the cesspool using a vacuum cleaner.

To get rid of unpleasant odor from the sewer system, it is recommended to use biological preparations that do an excellent job of their direct function. Such preparations consist of microorganisms that effectively remove organic deposits and quickly neutralize unpleasant odors. Noted fast action biological products, and they are not capable of harming human health in any way.

Rapid overflow of the cesspool

In order not to solve the problem of quickly filling a sewer pit, many owners decide to simply bury it. A new recess is made nearby for the same purposes. Despite this solution, the problem with fast filling still remains unresolved. IN similar situations It’s easier to connect the old pit with the new one. This way you can significantly increase the space for wastewater, while the degree of their purification is greatly improved.

When installing cesspools, you should remember that there are sanitary standards prohibiting the establishment similar structures near drinking wells and wells. In the best case, the distance should be at least 30 meters.

How to ensure thermal insulation of a treatment system?

Often owners country houses are faced with the problem of freezing of the sewer pit and the entire system. The reason for this phenomenon may be poor insulation. If this still happens, then you need to perform quick defrosting using effective methods. To use one of the methods, you must have certain knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and safety. So, it is proposed to use the method of electrical heating using conductive materials.

Thermal insulation of cesspool

In order to quickly defrost a cesspool, you need to acquire the following materials:

  • copper wires;
  • 20 cm metal rod;
  • electrical extension cord;
  • capture.

When connecting the manufactured device, you need to pay attention special attention security. As a rule, all such work must be carried out with rubber gloves and insulating boots.

It is proposed to warm up the sewer system using one of the proposed options:

  • if only the drain pipe freezes, then you need to screw it onto it copper wire. The length of such a conductor can be calculated as follows: 3.14 times the diameter of the pipe. Next, electrical power is supplied to the created device. So he should work for several hours. When the current acts on the pipe, it begins to warm up, and the drain is quickly restored. When connecting the current, there should be no children or animals nearby;
  • if the sewer pit itself freezes, then other actions must be taken. A metal rod is driven into the center of the pit, to which copper wire is connected. For the convenience of connecting electric current to the rod, it is recommended to use a special grip with an insulated handle.

Upon completion of all work, in one case or another, you must first turn off the voltage. Only after this can you safely remove the wires.

Defrosting a cesspool with a copper rod

Impaired performance

In order for the sewer system to function smoothly, it requires proper care. Very often questions arise: “the septic tank is silted up, what should I do?”, so an important condition timely pumping out of wastewater entering the pit is considered. Such an event should be carried out at least once a year, but if the volume of the sewer pit is smaller, then pumping needs to be done more often, namely as the septic tank fills with waste. In frequent cases, over time, the interval between pumping can become shorter, and the result will be a rapid filling of the structure.

Thus, it will be necessary to create supporting conditions with which to improve technical parameters cesspool.

The performance of the structure may deteriorate as a result of:

  • silting of the bottom;
  • accumulation of fat on the walls of pipes and pits, which contributes to a deterioration in absorbency;
  • increasing the speed of filling the sewer pit.

As a rule, not only does a large volume of waste accumulate in the pit, but also a very unpleasant odor appears that spreads throughout the entire area, even if the hatch to the sewer is closed. This does not apply to sealed septic tanks. Since the pit is filling quickly, there is a need to pump out stagnant liquid more often.

Silted bottom problem

Rapid filling of a septic tank can happen due to “silt in the cesspool”; not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. It is not easy to fix this problem, but it is possible:

  • First you need to pump out all the water contained in the pit. For these purposes, it is best to call a sewer truck, which will quickly cope with the task;
  • a little liquid left at the bottom of the pit should be poured clean water. This must be done to soften the contaminants;
  • After waiting a little time, you need to pour preparations of biological origin onto the bottom, which contain a lot of bacteria intended for processing sludge. Such bacteria are able to effectively clean the surface of the cesspool of fat that lingers in it.

Pumping water from a pit when the bottom is silted

Biologically based preparations include special microorganisms that feed on sediment remaining in the cesspool. So, what effect do these microorganisms give:

  • the degree of waste content in the pit decreases;
  • solid fractions liquefy;
  • eliminates bad odor;
  • Sewer pipes located in the cesspool are cleaned of grease;
  • the operation of the drainage system is normalized;
  • for a long time you can not think about the problem of siltation of the bottom and the formation of fatty deposits;
  • waste becomes no longer hazardous to human health.

Many biological agents differ in the method and purpose of use. There are those that are used exclusively for cleaning the sewer system or sewers. As a rule, such preparations can quickly and effectively decompose deposited fats and neutralize bad odors. And with the help of some other means you can speed up the decomposition of waste that ends up in the sewer system. Such waste includes food peels, toilet paper and so on.

Such preparations are often used to clean street toilets. Thus, the waste is converted into compost, which can later be burned and used as fertilizer for the plots.

Methods for preventing siltation of the bottom of the pit

Of course, it will not be possible to completely limit the entry of contaminants and other waste into the cesspool, but there are actions that significantly reduce this risk. For example:

  • in the kitchen, you can install a special mesh in the sink to retain solid waste;
  • It is advisable to place a bucket in the toilet to collect used paper.

Having completed these simple steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of clogging the sewer system, which is already quickly filled with other waste.

Often the septic tank in a dacha quickly fills up, what to do in such situations if there are no special means to resolve this issue? The problem of quickly filling the sewer pit can be eliminated by installing a second collector. It is recommended to do it at a short distance from the first structure. These two containers must be connected through a water overflow pipe, which must be installed at an angle. With this design it is possible to achieve more efficient work sewerage.

The sewer filter will prevent siltation of the cesspool

If the drains freeze

Rarely in winter, owners of country houses are faced with the problem of waste freezing in the sewer pit. Basically, this situation occurs due to improper installation of thermal insulation; there may also be comments regarding incorrectly performed installation work. Sometimes even with correct algorithm During work, the sewerage system may freeze.

The most in an efficient way defrosting the pit is considered to be heating it with the help of conductors. For these purposes you need to prepare:

  • copper wire that can withstand a load of 2 kW;
  • a metal pin, the length of which should be approximately 20 cm;
  • You may also need a hook for ease of work.

If the entire cesspool is frozen, then it is advisable to use this defrosting method: a strong metal pin is driven into the center of the pit, to which a wire with a stripped end is subsequently attached. Using a hook placed on the second end of the wire, it is thrown onto the element connected to the current source. Defrosting a cesspool usually lasts several hours, sometimes it will take several days. Everything will depend on the degree of freezing and the amount of waste.

At the end of defrosting, the wire is first de-energized, only then it is disconnected from the pin. During the work process, it is important to consider and apply safety rules.

If only the pipe leading wastewater to the pit freezes, then it is advisable to use a different method. You should strip such a piece of copper wire so that it is enough to wrap the frozen pipe. The second free end will need to be brought to the socket phase.

In winter, sewer pipes may freeze and must be defrosted.

Using this defrosting method, the sewer pipe can still function after just a few hours.

You can use another method of defrosting sewer pipes, which involves supplying hot water, but this option is not always available and not everyone has it.

To defrost plastic pipes, you can use specialized devices that are designed to supply a large current through the ice. As a result, frozen water will melt very quickly. Not every owner has such equipment. country house, so it is better to use the services of specialists.

If you urgently need to do the work yourself, you can try to defrost the sewer using welding machine, while its contacts should be in water or ice, and the opposite side is connected to a frozen pipe.

Hello! Tell me what to do if the cesspool fills up quickly? At first we pumped it out once every 3 years, but now we call the vacuum cleaners almost every month. What could be the reason?


Most likely, in this case, a simple drain well filtration type. The bottom of such structures is a crushed stone-sand cushion 40-50 cm high. It is thanks to this drainage layer that liquid waste is discharged into the ground.

Over time, the drainage becomes clogged with silty deposits and grease, which literally seal the bottom. Of course, water absorption in this case becomes more difficult. In addition, previously liquid could escape into the gaps between the rings - no one seals them when constructing such a cesspool. Now every crevice is clogged with waste, so these sewage routes are also closed.

The best way out of this situation is to build an additional one into which liquid waste will flow from the existing pit. This way you will get a full-fledged septic tank - it will not pollute the soil. If you do not have this opportunity, then anaerobic bacteria are used to liquefy the solid fraction. By feeding on waste, they will destroy the cause of the blockage and restore the functionality of the drainage.

Another way to increase throughput sewage pit- make holes in the walls of the rings for water to escape - this is how special concrete rings for filtration collectors are designed. Drilling with a diameter of up to 50 mm is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, with intervals of 30-40 cm. In this case, the drains should be completely pumped out and the pit should be ventilated. The latter is a necessary safety measure, since there may be no air at the bottom of the well - it is forced out carbon dioxide decomposing waste.

Quite often, owners of a private house are concerned about what to do if the cesspool fills up quickly, and what reasons contribute to this.

There are many ways to clean cesspools and septic tanks ( special drugs, pumping, etc.), depending on personal preferences, the design of the wastewater storage tank and the financial capabilities of the owner of the country house. In most cases, the increased filling rate is caused by the formation of a strong silt layer, as a result of which the passage of liquid into the soil is difficult.

If the problem is not addressed promptly, the result will be sewage entering the area and spreading a stench.

Let's look at the signs that a cesspool is quickly filling and why this might happen.

The moment the cesspool overflows can be tracked by a decrease in the efficiency of the sewer system and other signs. Let's look at them:

  • the level of sewage rises to a critical level in a short time;
  • a stench spreads throughout the site even with the lid firmly closed;
  • water drains slowly when draining a bathtub, kitchen sink or toilet;

If one of the above signs has been noticed, you will need to take action and decide what to do when the cesspool fills up quickly. To find an effective solution, you first need to find out what provoked such a situation.

Common reasons

Let's consider the common reasons for the rapid filling of a cesspool:

  • formation of sludge on the bottom and walls of the container;
  • malfunction of the drainage pipeline;
  • deposits of fat and dirt particles on the walls of the drain pipe;
  • small volume of cesspool;
  • freezing of the sewer pipe or the pit itself.

Also, sometimes the storage tank can quickly fill up due to factors not related to its operation. Quite often during construction, incorrect calculations of the volume of sewerage and incoming wastewater are made.

For example, if it was initially assumed that drains would come only from the kitchen and toilet room, and then the house was expanded, and another bathroom and kitchen were added, and various washing machines were installed.

Then, accordingly, the total volume of waste liquid increases, and the tank ceases to cope with the new amount and fills at an accelerated pace.

Another common reason for a cesspool filling up quickly is an increase in the level groundwater. Often site owners or builders do not want to spend time and additional funds on conducting a geological examination to find out the depth of the waters. However, in many cases this characteristic causes the cesspool to fill up quickly.

According to the rules construction work sewerage construction should be carried out at a time of year when the groundwater level is minimal, i.e. V summer period. As a rule, during the process of digging a trench and the hole itself, they do not encounter groundwater. However, when the snow melts or during heavy autumn rains, the groundwater level rises, as a result of which the preconditions appear for filling the tank at an accelerated pace.

What to do if the sewer pit fills up quickly

When the root causes quick filling have been identified, you need to start thinking about what to do to fix the problem. If the cause is an incorrectly calculated or inappropriate volume of the sewer and storage tank, then the solution will be to increase the number of pumpings or increase the volume of the pit itself.

A similar approach to increasing the number of pumpings can also be applied if the volume was not taken into account during construction groundwater, and in spring - autumn period sewage rises from the container, and an unpleasant odor begins to spread throughout the area.

If for some reason the drainage system has stopped working correctly, you can use a fecal pump. To carry out this procedure yourself, you will need to purchase this device(or rent it temporarily) and take a container for pumped out waste. You can also use the service - order a suction machine.

Pumping units can be semi-automatic or fully automatic. The first type assumes that the master will regulate and monitor the operation of the equipment, and the second - that the master will not interfere with the operation of the device. Automatic pumps are installed in a sewer tank and independently pump out biological waste.

It is important to note that before starting cleaning you need to add a certain amount water to the drains to soften them. Then turns on pumping unit, which removes waste from a cesspool.

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After this, it is advisable to refill the water and pump it out. Practice shows that such washing should be repeated several times in order to further reduce the rate of filling the pit.

What to do when silting

If, after long-term operation of the sewer system, wastewater no longer flows through the walls, then it is most likely that they are covered with a layer of silt. All biological waste and fat layer settle at the bottom of the tank.

Over time, this layer thickens, causing fluid to stop flowing and drainage to stop functioning. What to do if the cesspool is silted?

The problem can be resolved as follows:

  • use the services of special sewage disposal equipment, which will completely clean the tank of waste;
  • soften the sludge, this requires pouring it in for a day a large number water;

You should especially focus on the last method. Biologics are different high efficiency, because in their . Thus, they provoke an increase in the rate of decomposition and do not allow the cesspool to fill quickly.

Advantages of using special biological products:

  • These products eliminate stench;
  • clean the walls from a layer of fat;
  • liquefy solid silty formations;
  • reduce the level of waste in the pit;
  • reduce the likelihood of further siltation;
  • improve the functioning of drainage in the structure.

It is important to remember that when using biological preparations, you cannot clean plumbing fixtures in the house using strong chlorinated agents. Such substances destroy beneficial bacteria and eliminate the positive effect of cleaning.

Then you will need to think again about what to do if the cesspool fills up quickly. It is also undesirable to use drugs in cold weather, because... negative temperature significantly reduces the effectiveness of microorganisms.

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What to do when a hole freezes

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly in winter? In most cases, this occurs as a result of freezing of the contents, which prevents drainage and absorption of waste liquids into the ground. It is impossible to use biological agents, because microorganisms die at negative temperatures.

What can you do when freezing the contents of a cesspool:

  • use heat fans;
  • use a blowtorch;
  • light a large fire next to the sewer. This is the most the hard way. However, it is effective;
  • use resistive heating.

If frost has occurred recently and the ice is not yet very thick, then it is possible to defrost it by pouring it inside hot water. However, for a thick frozen layer, a different solution to the problem will be required. Thermal insulation can be restored by installing a cable and passing electric current through the conductor. To implement this, you will need the following tools:

  • 20 cm pin made of any metal;
  • copper wire 2 kW;
  • hook.

The algorithm of actions is quite simple; you can do it yourself. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Attach the stripped end of the copper wire to the pin.
  2. Insert the resulting object into the middle of the container.
  3. The other end of the wire is supplied electric current under voltage 220 volts. This can be done using a hook to which a wire and a current source are connected.
  4. Leave for a day.

Such heating of a cesspool is quite effective if it fills quickly in winter. You need to remember safety precautions when handling current conductors. The wires can only be removed after the power supply has been turned off.

The technician performing the procedure must wear rubber boots and use special gloves designed for electricians. There should be no children, animals without adult supervision, or foreign liquids near the heating pit.

What to do if a drain pipe freezes

Sometimes, if frost has occurred recently, it is not the contents of the drainage pit that freezes, but the pipes through which waste liquids enter the sewer system. In this case, the frozen soil will act as a conductor with a high resistance value, and the ground will not allow the current to increase too much.

All of the tools listed above will be needed. The technology for increasing the thermal insulation of wires is also quite similar. You will need to strip the copper wire (its length is calculated using the formula L=3.14*d). Then you need to wrap this wire around the pipeline section, and connect its other end to the outlet.

Thus, for some time (usually 2-4 hours) an electric current will flow through the pipes, due to which the pipes will warm up. Gradually, the frozen drains will begin to melt, and the liquids will go into the soil.

It is advisable to use for these purposes in all areas of the pipeline.

The above method is not suitable for defrosting plastic pipes. To do this, you should use specialized equipment that is capable of working with high current (400 A).

In most cases, such installations are used by specialists; they allow you to most effectively clean the pipeline from icing. Both contacts of the device must be in ice.

Prevention of the problem

In order not to worry later about what to do if the cesspool quickly fills up, it is important to adhere to the operating rules and regularly carry out a set of preventive procedures.

The basic rules of prevention include:

  • it is necessary to flush the tank with clean water under high pressure approximately once every 6-8 weeks;
  • pump out waste in a timely manner;
  • apply periodically biological drugs containing microorganisms to clean the cesspool and prevent blockages.


To prevent the formation of sludge sediment and a layer of grease, experts advise installing special grease traps on all plumbing fixtures that interact with water.

This is especially true kitchen sinks, through which the pipeline often gets organic waste. The use of filters is necessary to improve the efficiency of the system.


To prevent freezing in winter, it is recommended to install a thermal insulation layer in advance or regularly warm up the pit and pipes.

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Before creating a sewer system project and digging a pit, you should think about laying out some space for thermal insulation.

This will significantly reduce the risk of freezing of the container with sewage and the owner of the site will not have to decide what to do if the pit fills up too quickly in winter.

Small tank volume

If an error was made when calculating the volume or the amount of waste water increased after long-term operation, the best solution will dig an additional hole. After this, you will need to connect the two containers with overflow pipes. The resulting unique septic tank will effectively clean and drain wastewater.

Thus, there are several methods by using which you can get rid of the rapid filling of the cesspool. First of all, you should find out the cause of the problem.

Based on this information, you can choose a method to resolve the problem. Most often, the pit quickly fills up due to the formation of a silt layer and the appearance of fatty sediment or as a result of freezing of the contents.

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WITH increased speed The tank will also fill when the capacity is insufficient. This can be solved by creating an additional compartment. When installing a septic tank with drainage system As a rule, the cesspool stops filling quickly.



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