Making clinker tiles for bricks with your own hands. Making facade tiles with your own hands: step-by-step instructions. Selecting molds for casting tiles

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Varieties of forms

A huge selection of casting forms allows you to create facing tiles that can satisfy any design idea and accurately replicate the texture:

  • marble pile;
  • limestone pile;
  • faceted limestone;
  • figured slate;
  • cliff;
  • dolomite

Independent production of facade tiles

In order to avoid unnecessary expenses and save money, many owners make their own facade tiles by turning to various sources for information. By following these instructions, you can accurately set up this simple production process at home. So, when making tiles you need to:

  1. engage in the acquisition and preparation of molds for casting tiles;
  2. assemble it yourself or buy a vibration table;
  3. mix the solution for the future material;
  4. mold the product on a vibrating table;
  5. Allow the product to sit in the mold for at least 24 hours;
  6. carry out formwork work on the manufactured material;
  7. use tiles for tiling or ensure they are stored correctly.

The video shows one of the ways to make facade tiles with your own hands

By observing the required production conditions, material costs can be significantly reduced. Prices for molds for production facing tiles differ depending on the material from which they are made.

Stages of work on the production of facade tiles

All work on creating facade tiles can be divided into the following stages:

  1. extraction, transportation and storage of material (quarry stage);
  2. material processing (mechanical stage);
  3. molding of products from processed materials;
  4. drying;
  5. burning.

Quarry mining. The technological process for the production of facing tiles begins with the quarrying of materials for its production. To increase the elasticity of components (for example, clay) and thereby improve their molding properties, they are soaked and frozen for a year.

Processing stage. To provide quality machining material for the production of facade tiles, this is done using clay processing machines. Their task is to isolate and process third-party inclusions.

Tile forming process. In the process of forming facade tiles, two methods are used:

  1. semi-dry pressing;
  2. plastic molding.

Drying process. After molding, the material must be dried. Otherwise, the lining will crack during firing and will not shrink evenly.

Firing process. At the final stage of manufacturing external facing tiles, a firing process takes place, which contributes to the formation of the structure of the material and its technical properties. In the production of facade tiles, in addition to clay, a concrete mixture is used. It is this that allows you to create the cladding yourself at home.

For concrete mixture The vibration casting method is used. This method guarantees production with low porosity and allows the use of sand, crushed stone, cement, various pigments and plasticizers in the manufacturing process. Standard equipment for home production is a concrete mixer and a vibrating platform.

Equipment selection

So, in the production of facing tiles using the vibration casting method, both privately and in production, will be needed:

  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating table;
  • molds for casting.

During the production process of creating material for cladding, the following is used:

  • crushing machine;
  • extruder;
  • concrete mixer;
  • press;
  • molds for casting.

Additional equipment includes gas and electric dryers, a vibrating sieve and a table with weights.

The tile is universal material, using which you can carry out facing work, adding beauty to the house and ensuring long term operation.

Often, when it comes to tiles, people are used to ordering the product from manufacturing companies or buying it in construction stores.

However, there is a way to make tiles yourself, and it is possible to create own view tiles

To do this, you just need to make a mold and a high-quality solution.

It is better to consider this issue in detail in order to make high quality tiles.

Facade tiles

Facade tiles are mainly used if it is not possible to carry out facing work using bricks. Tiles do not have a load-bearing function and, when a wall is erected, such material is not involved in installation. The cladding is carried out after the wall has been erected..

The thickness of façade tiles is generally 14mm. Considering this thickness parameter, the method of covering a wall with this material can be called gluing. For reliable fastening to the wall surface, a special adhesive composition. Using tiles, you can cladding not only the exterior of the building, but also the interior.

Among the variety of tiles, the following can be distinguished::

  1. Clinker room. Possesses high level density, has a wide variety geometric shapes in which it is produced.
  2. Porcelain stoneware. Became quite popular for recent years. The shape in which it can often be seen is a square or rectangle. Has enough large sizes, thanks to this, it is not only profitable to use, but also convenient, since installation with help is simple and does not take much time.
  3. Polymer sand. The main purpose of this type of material is decoration. Thanks to this type of tile material, a wide variety of design ideas can be realized.

There are also less popular types, such as:

  • ceramic;
  • basement;
  • under a stone;
  • under brick;
  • basement

Production process

Before starting the process of creating tiles for facade cladding, it is best to have an idea of ​​what the technological process is.

The temperature regime at which all manufacturing work must be carried out must be in the range from plus 15 to plus 30 degrees Celsius. Given temperature regime must be observed in order to ensure the highest quality solidification process of the solution. In addition, the work requires the use of protective clothing and devices; you must wear protective glasses and gloves.

The room in which work is carried out must be constantly ventilated. The first thing the process of creating tiles requires is making molds. They are installed on a vibrating table or any flat, hard surface.

They are lubricated with a small amount vegetable oil or liquid soap. This allows you to easily separate the finished product from the mold in the future.. The solution, prepared according to a special recipe, is poured into the molds and left for the required period of time until it completely hardens.

Forms for facade tiles

One of the main points in the process of creating tiles or artificial stone for cladding the facade is a form. This device is made from ABS plastic.

This material is the most widely used among others, but silicone, polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane can be used for such purposes. These materials can provide a high-quality result that will have the desired degree of matte or will be glossy on the surface.

As for molds made from PVC or plastic, they are convenient to use because they do not require lubrication and steaming, since the concrete mixture that is poured into them is not capable of sticking.

A good option regarding the material from which molds can be made is polyurethane. It is characterized by good strength and durability. If the mold is made of polyurethane, then it can be used quite long time, using it to make 1000 or more tiles. In addition, this shape gives the tile an ideal glossy surface:

There is a wide variety of types of shapes that are used to create facade tiles.

Among the main ones we can highlight:

  • limestone ore;
  • marble;
  • cut limestone;
  • cliff;
  • dolomite.

By creating tiles yourself, you can make a shape that is not similar to any of the ones listed. Thus, the tiled facade of the building will be one and only of its kind.

Manufacturing process

The entire process that needs to be completed in order to create facade tiles with your own hands can be divided into several stages.

Such as:

  • creating forms;
  • preparing the solution;
  • final stage;
  • Direct receipt of the finished product.

Making molds from polyurethane

Initially, you need to decide appearance tiles to be made. In addition, you need to determine all the parameters of its dimensions. . It is very important to correctly make its front surface. For simplicity, you can use ready-made products made from natural stone, which you want to imitate.

In order to make a mold, you need to use a two-component polyurethane casting compound. Such solutions have the required level performance characteristics, which remain with the finished product.

The whole process can be represented as follows:

  1. For the base, you can use a piece of plexiglass, the size of which is slightly larger than the area of ​​the stone. It should be placed face up.
  2. After this, it is necessary to measure the level at which the sample stone exceeds and draw a contour for the construction of future formwork. The height of the formwork should exceed the sample by 2 cm.
  3. The stone, having been removed from the base using silicone sealant, is attached to the plexiglass, adhering to the applied contour on the formwork.
  4. After the solution has been poured into the formwork for the mold, it is necessary to wait some time for it to harden. Often it takes 24 hours for this process.


The solutions that are used to make tiles with your own hands come in a wide variety.

In this case, an example of the most popular mortar based on cement is given.:

  • It is necessary to pour 1 part sand and 0.5 water into a container suitable for mixing the solution. The composition must be mixed for 1 minute;
  • after this, cement (2 parts) and water (1 part) must be added to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly;


The consistency of the solution after mixing should be similar to the solution intended for modeling. The mass must not be liquid.

  • When the required consistency has been achieved, the coloring pigment can be added. After stirring the composition for 2 minutes, we can assume that the solution for facade tiles is ready.


The process of laying out the prepared solutions into molds must be carried out on a vibrating table, which must be turned on during the process. It is necessary to fill the forms with the composition in portions; for this you can use a trowel or wide spatula.

The composition must be subjected to vibration during the laying process. This allows air to be removed from the mass.

After the mass has been spread over all the forms, it is necessary to further level the surface using a wide spatula. It is also necessary to remove the composition that got on the sides of the molds.

The last thing to do is at this stage- This is to put the filled containers with the composition in a drying cabinet or place them on a rack.

The duration of the period required for the tile to harden is two days. During this time, the molds with the solution should not be touched..

After the specified period, you can begin to remove the finished tiles from the molds. To do this, they are first immersed in water whose temperature is 40-60 degrees Celsius and left for 2-3 minutes. After the tile is removed from the water, the mold should separate well.

To make the process easier, you can use a rubber mallet and lightly tap it on the surface of the mold..


Creating facade tiles with your own hands is quite a fascinating process. In addition to the fact that it is possible to make the tiles you like best, which will imitate artificial stone or brick, you can significantly save money on repairs.

You can begin the process of finishing the walls using tiles made by yourself after 7-10 days. The quality of tile material made by yourself is not much different from that offered on the construction market.

For exterior finishing building facades use a special facing material– facade tiles. It is made from mineral mixtures, which may contain cement, quartz sand, shale or clay. Do-it-yourself facade tiles are made using special equipment, which allows you to achieve the desired technical and decorative qualities of the coating.

What are facade tiles?

The service life of tiles is significantly longer than that of facade plaster

Facade tiles are an environmentally friendly facing material that is used not only for finishing the facades of houses, but also for paving open areas or paths. The service life of such a coating is much longer than that of facade plaster. This is why facing materials have become so popular in exterior decoration buildings.

What types of tiles for facade cladding exist?

  • terracotta;
  • clinker;
  • with glass cover;
  • with ceramic coating;
  • two-layer with decorative ceramic finishing.

Features of facade tiles

Independent production of facade tiles involves some difficulties; you need the necessary equipment

Whatever materials you decide to make the facing material from, it will have the following qualities:

  • high strength;
  • low level of water absorption;
  • frost resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • long service life.

By choosing the shape of the appropriate configuration, you can create coatings with various shapes(triangular, square, polyhedral, asymmetrical). This allows you to decorate buildings in almost any style. However, it should be understood that independent production of facade tiles is associated with some difficulties. In particular, this concerns the acquisition or assembly of the necessary equipment.

Nuances of production of tile materials

If you want to get a truly high-quality output and durable material, under no circumstances try to save on raw materials. Making facade tiles at home is already quite a risky undertaking for those who are encountering such a process for the first time. But if you strictly follow the recommendations experienced craftsmen, as a result of molding a properly prepared solution, a durable facing material will certainly be obtained.

What points should you pay special attention to?

When choosing tiles, pay attention to the composition of the components
  1. Amount of water - solutions that are too liquid in consistency tend to harden unevenly, which leads to cracking of the material. To avoid this, do not add too much water to the mixture;
  2. Adding plasticizers– to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the coating, add plasticizers to the raw material;
  3. The strength of cement and, accordingly, the coating is largely determined by the quality of the cement. When producing tile coverings, it is advisable to use cement of at least grade M200.

Required equipment

Example of a plastic mold for facade tiles

What equipment is required for the production of facade tiles? To create high-quality coating You must purchase the following equipment:

  • Concrete mixer - if the amount of work is small, you can use an ordinary construction mixer to mix the raw material components. But if such equipment is used, mixing the components of the solution should take at least half a century;
  • Vibrating table - a vibrating table surface during the molding process allows for compacting solutions, which affects the density of the future coating. If necessary, you can assemble it yourself by attaching it to metal table construction vibrator;
  • Forms - directly in the molds and the raw materials will harden. To make such structures, it is enough to assemble wooden frame the required shape, fastening the parts with metal corners.

Of course, purchasing professional equipment for the production of facade tiles, you can achieve significantly best results. In particular, this applies to forms. If you need to create a tile that imitates natural stone or brick, you will need matrices with a corrugated surface.

Tile making process

Facade tiles are usually made by vibration casting or pressing

The technology for manufacturing facade tiles is quite simple, but requires careful implementation of all stages of work. What materials are needed to pour concrete into the mold?

  • containers for diluting the solution;
  • construction mixer and spatula;
  • cement (not lower than grade M500);
  • plasticizers;
  • pigments for coloring raw materials;
  • sand.

So, immediate process The production of tile materials consists of the following stages:

  1. A solution of the above components is diluted in a container;
  2. By using construction mixer the components of the mixture are mixed until the mass is homogeneous;
  3. Forms are placed on a vibrating table and concrete mixture is poured into them;
  4. To prevent the tiles from getting stuck when removing, the molds are initially coated with a soap solution;
  5. The semi-finished product is covered with polyethylene and left for several days;
  6. Then the half-dried tiles are laid out and left for another couple of days until completely cured.

The process of producing tile materials is shown in more detail in the video clip.

Review of manufacturers

For choice indeed quality tiles You should give preference only to the most popular and well-established manufacturers. These include:

  • Stroeher – German manufacturer tile materials are added to the composition of raw materials mineral granules and modifying components that improve the frost resistance of the coating. Stroeher facade tiles have a 25-year service life guarantee;
  • King Klinker - one of the best Polish companies for the production of facing coatings produces high-quality tiles with very low water absorption. Before molding, polymer compounds are added to the solution to form a protective film on the surface of the tile;
  • Litos - facade tiles are made by hyper-pressing from a cement composition with the addition of kaolin substances. Thanks to this, the coating has high technical indicators, such as strength and frost resistance.

Making façade tiles is a relatively simple process that requires the craftsman to accurately carry out the work at all stages. At the same time, the quality of the future coating is largely determined by the composition of the raw materials and the uniformity of the prepared solution.

A house decorated with tiles has several advantages - it is beautiful and durable. You can buy exclusive material at individual order or buy the product you like in the store, or you can make it yourself and decorate the walls yourself. Making facade tile shapes with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. This article talks about the most reliable and simple ways production of tile material at home.

Many people doubt whether this entire process can be carried out without special equipment how durable the material will be. Therefore, before you start making facing products yourself, you need to study what tiles are and how they are made in production.

There are several main types of tiles based on the main component:

  • concrete - made of cement, sand and plasticizers;
  • ceramic - made from special grades of clay and fired in ovens at high temperatures;
  • clinker - high-quality types of clay are pressed under high pressure and are fired at a temperature of about 1200 degrees;
  • porcelain stoneware - made like clinker, but granite chips are added to the composition;
  • terracotta - made from porous clay of the same name.

Brick elements look natural and neat

Each type corresponds to the manufacturing method and the main filler, which gives the material aesthetics and protective properties. Tile products can be divided according to shape:

  • finishing facade stone;
  • clinker brick;
  • imitation of finishing or masonry brick;
  • flat tile rectangular shape with a smooth, rough, matte or glossy surface.

Manufacturing processes can be: firing or dry pressing. Conventional ceramics go the following way:

  • Extraction of raw materials in quarries.
  • Processing of material, its cleaning.
  • Formation;
  • Drying;
  • Burning.

The production of concrete tiles is quite accessible to everyone

For concrete products and for many types of artificial stones, the process is limited to vibration casting and drying.

Let's compare what equipment is used in production and what can be used to replace it at home.

  • Crushing and extruding machine can be replaced ready-made mixture from a hardware store.
  • A concrete mixer will completely replace a mini concrete mixer or a bucket and a drill with an attachment.
  • A vibratory casting press will replace a vibrating table.
  • You can make press molds yourself or purchase them in a store.

As you can see, the whole process is easy to repeat at home. Some will ask why this is needed, because the required material can be bought for a suitable amount. But here's an example: you came up with a design, and suitable stone not on sale, or available, but the color is not suitable. And it may also be too expensive. In the end, this type of cladding may not exist at all. That's when they come to the rescue own hands and useful tips.

For wood it is important to choose a relief textured pattern

Mold making

Today it is quite possible to purchase ready-made forms. They come in all types of tiles; if you look hard enough, you’ll be lucky enough to buy exactly what you need. The most important thing is not to purchase cheap plastic matrices. Usually they are enough for no more than one application of the solution, after which the plastic becomes unusable. As already noted, a suitable form may not be on sale, then you will inevitably have to make it yourself. Whatever material you choose for the matrix, you can take an artificial analogue, tile or natural stone. If you choose the second option, then buy several different samples, remember that nothing is the same in nature. The basis may be wooden beam, log The main thing is to choose a beautiful wood texture. Let's understand the technology of the form.

Let us immediately note that the base can be made for one tile or directly for a group of stones. It is more profitable to do the second one, since the output is several finished products at once, and the speed of work, accordingly, increases. Whatever material you use, you will need formwork. Buy ready-made or make it yourself.

Silicone sealant is cheaper to choose in large packaging


Silicone is sold in different packaging. It’s better for you to look in buckets, since in tubes you will overpay for packaging, but you need quite a lot of it.

Now we lubricate the bottom and walls of the formwork with a special lubricant, and lay tiles or stones on the bottom. The sources also need to be lubricated, since they will have to be freed from silicone.

Important! If as source material used gypsum stone or tiles, they must be covered with several layers of varnish, only then coated.

The form is filled to the brim

Prepare a soap solution for brushes and spatula. Apply silicone and smooth it with a brush, constantly pressing. This way you will avoid bubbles. Now it is advisable to compact the silicone and level it with a soap spatula. Now the mold must be left until the silicone hardens.

The polymerization process takes a long time. The standard rate is 2mm per day. The thicker the future workpiece, the more time it will take. Do not rush to pull out the matrix, the stronger it turns out, the longer time can be used. A poorly polymerized form can be used once or twice. Standard Properties silicone sealant, which should be taken into account when working:

  • tensile strength - 01 MPa;
  • density - 1200 kg/m3;
  • viability - 8 hours;
  • durability - 20 years.

Base for stone tiles

After complete hardening, the material is removed, the matrix is ​​washed with soap and can be used.

Compound molding dies

There are special compositions for casting molds. They can be purchased at construction stores or craft departments. There is no need to chase imported compounds, our compounds have good quality, reasonable cost.

The example shown in the photo has two components. Silagerm -5035 has a tensile strength of about 4 MPa, shrinkage of no more than 1%, and a complete hardening time of 24 hours.

The quality of the composition is better, and accordingly the forms made from it are used longer.

Important! Before pouring plaster or cement, lubricate the mold with a special compound - Tiprom, then it will last even longer.

Domestic polyurethane compound

Professional production of tile material at home

Do-it-yourself tiles are made using gypsum or cement. Gypsum cladding is usually used indoors, but if its surface is impregnated with hydrophobic substances, it can be used on building facades in dry climates. Nevertheless, many are interested in gypsum products, since they are easier to give the required color, they have better adhesion and are much lighter than cement elements.

Production of gypsum-based facing elements

To work you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Plaster, preferably white.
  2. River purified sand.
  3. Lemon powder.
  4. Necessary dyes.
  5. PVA glue.
  6. Drill with mixing attachment.
  7. Matrices for shaping.
  8. Plastic bucket for solution.
  9. Brushes and spatula.

Gypsum also comes in different forms.

Before work, prepare a place to dry the material. It must be perfectly even so that the products are of the same thickness. Let's look at the whole process step by step.

Finished elements can be painted white

Video instructions for making tile elements from gypsum mortar

We invite you to watch a detailed video tutorial. After watching it, you will learn how to cast beautiful finish for your home without difficulty.

Cement paste tiles

Cement or concrete tiles and artificial stones are much more in demand, as they can be used on any facades, garden paths and in other forms landscape design. Nothing will happen to them in any weather. This tile is resistant to weathering, chemical and biological influences. It is durable and wear-resistant. Such products can be formed from Portland cement, river sand and water. PVA glue is added as a plasticizer. The following is all familiar:

  • After the solution has set a little, a mesh is drawn on it to improve adhesive properties.
  • The tile must dry. Then it is carefully removed from the molds and left until completely dry for a few weeks. It is then stacked on pallets and stored in a dry, dark place.

Storage of finished products

To avoid installation errors, we will give some recommendations that will help make the cladding process better and faster.

Seamless installation method

Making cladding yourself is a fascinating process; in addition, it is good for the wallet and will satisfy any needs and imagination. Don't rush to buy ready-made finishing material, perhaps you will get exclusive forms of facade tiles as in the photo, and even with your own hands.

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Good afternoon, dear users of our site. This article will talk about concrete tiles, which you can make with your own hands and decorate your fence with it in the future. Below is a technological illustrated map with which you will learn this useful skill.

Initially, you will need to get special tools and accessories. The most important device is plastic molds (photo1). You can buy them in a specialized store. Second important point– this is the presence of a vibrating table (photo 2). You can either buy it or make it yourself. We won’t dwell on this now. The second thing you need is a heating bath. It is done extremely simply: take any metal trough. It fits on its bottom metal mesh. Afterwards the container is filled with water. Placed on the net directly into the water ordinary boiler(it is advisable to use something more powerful). Do not forget to make grounding from the body of the metal trough. Regarding materials, the special components required are: plasticizer, mold release agent. What it is and why it is used, you will find out a little later. As for lubricant: any lubricant with a thin oily consistency will do.

So, the process of making tiles at the initial stage involves preparing molds. Your task is to clean the facial plastic surface from dust and dirt. The front surface is also coated with lubricant. This is necessary so that in the future the form can easily lag behind the concrete product. In addition, the presence of lubricant allows you to achieve smooth surface on finished product. After applying a layer of grease with a brush, it must be removed with a rag. Only a thin film of lubricant remains on the form, which is what we need.

When preparatory work With the forms completed, we proceed to the next step: lay out the forms on the vibrating table (photo 3). After this you can start kneading concrete mortar. The ingredients for the mixture are standard: water, cement and sand. However, it is important to add a plasticizer as well. This substance has an oily structure, a pungent odor and a black color. Thanks to the plasticizer, concrete gains strength faster and also becomes more plastic, which extends the life of products made from it. The mold is filled using a single-layer system. The ratio of cement and sand is 1:2 (1 cement, 2 sand). The concrete being mixed should have approximately the same consistency as in the photo below (photo 4).

In the third step, fill out the forms with the prepared solution. Then we turn on the vibrating table so that the concrete is properly compacted and fills all the grooves (photo 5). Remove excess solution in the mold with a trowel. Upon completion of this work, the forms are placed in a warm, non-humid room for drying for approximately 17-18 hours (photo 6).

The tile should be removed from the mold by first heating it in the bath. Thanks to this method of removing the product from the mold, the edges do not break off, and the speed of the process increases significantly.

You can see what the finished frozen product looks like in the photo below (photo7) (photo8) (photo9).

When you have made a sufficient number of tiles and given them the necessary time for the concrete to gain strength, you can begin cladding the fence. Concrete tiles are attached to the base in the same way as any other tile: with tile adhesive. The seams between the products are filled with fugue. After attaching the tile to the fence, you can paint it. It is best to use a spray bottle for these purposes.

The finished painted tiles on the fence look like this:

After reading this article, you may get the impression that self-production concrete tiles- This is an expensive, unjustified process. In fact, this is not so, since a person using this technology not only saves material resources, but also receives a product that is not only inferior in quality, but even superior to what can now be purchased in stores. Also, such tiles have an order of magnitude longer service life, especially when compared with dry pressed products.


Good luck to you in all your endeavors!



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