Vegetable garden on the window. Methodical manual "observation diary" Diary of observations of a vegetable garden on a window in a kindergarten sample

PROJECT /short-term/

in the senior group “Vegetable garden on the window”Project type: educational, research.

Duration: 1 month.

Project participants: children of the older group, parents, teachers.

Age of children: 5-6 years

Relevance. Preschool age is the time to become a pioneer and explorer huge world nature. Adults are the main helpers at this stage. One of the forms of knowledge of the surrounding world is observation. This is a complex cognitive activity, as it requires sustained attention and involves simultaneously perception, thinking and speech.

Preschooler's participation in project activities promotes the child’s systematic assimilation of knowledge gained as a result of practical activities and participant observation. The activity of caring for the “garden” allows you to lay the foundations for planning, the ability to set goals and achieve results.

Creating a “window garden” promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, and helps them better understand plant life. He is able to expand children's understanding of plants as living organisms, talk about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop aesthetic feelings, instill a desire to work and the ability to see the result of their work.

Target: developing children's interest in research activities on growing cultivated plants in room conditions, instilling in children a love of nature, creating a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group.


Expand children's knowledge about cultivated plants.

Continue to introduce children to the features of growing cultivated plants (onions, parsley, cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers).

Summarize children's understanding of the need for light, heat, and soil moisture for plant growth.

Continue to develop children’s ability to care for plants indoors.

Promote development creativity in children; encourage diversity in children's work.

Develop a sense of responsibility for the well-being of plants.

Continue to develop your powers of observation.

Foster respect for work and respect for its results.

Develop cognitive abilities children.

Expected result:

1. Children will get acquainted with cultivated plants.

2. With the help of experimental work, children will receive necessary conditions for plant growth.

3. Children will learn how to properly care for plants.

4. Children will continue to develop a caring attitude towards flora, respectful attitude towards work.

5. The group will create a “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.”

6. Children will record their observations of the growth and development of plants in observation diaries. 7. Parents will take an active part in the implementation of the project.

Stages of work on the project

Preparatory: 1 week: - defining the goals and objectives of the project, collecting information material, planting material, creating conditions for organizing work in the “garden on the windowsill.”

Drawing up an action plan for organizing children's activities.

Main (or stage of project implementation):

2, 3 weeks:

Planned activities are carried out (conversations, experiments, experiments, creative activity, looking at illustrations, reading).

Plant care.

Monitoring the growth and development of plants.


Summing up.

Preparation of a photo report on the implementation of the project.

Exhibitions of children's creative works.

Final conversation.

Project implementation stages.



Stage 1. Preparatory.

Conversation with parents on organizing a “window garden.”

Discuss the goals and objectives of the project.

Generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

Educators, parents.

1st week

Selection of visual teaching aids, demonstration material, artistic and scientific literature, acquisition necessary equipment.

Create conditions for the implementation of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” project

Educators, parents.

1st week

Stage 2. Basic.

Reading fiction. Looking at illustrations about plants.

Arouse interest in plants, a desire to take care of them, deepen and expand ideas about different types plants.


2nd week

Educational activities"What grows in the garden."

To consolidate children's knowledge about vegetable and flower plants that grow in gardens.


2nd week

Practical activities: planting onions, garlic, beets, potatoes, carrots.

Arouse interest in growing garden crops.


2nd week

Monitoring the growth of onions and the development of root crops.

Teach children to notice changes that occur in plant growth.


3rd week

Work in the “garden on the window”

Continue to teach children how to properly care for plants.


3rd week

Experimental and experimental activities of children

Conduct experiments with plants. Draw independent conclusions about the conditions necessary for favorable plant growth.


3rd week

Observation “How plants develop”

Reflection of observations of plant development in “Observation Diaries”


3rd week

S/r game "Gardeners"

Continue to introduce children to the work of gardeners and develop the ability to care for plants.


3-4 weeks

Stage 3. Final.

Conversation with children “Vitamins from the garden.” Cutting green onions and eating them during lunch with the main course.

Strengthen children's knowledge of what vegetables contain large number vitamins and they are very useful for people.


4th week

Creative works children "Our garden"

Organize a thematic exhibition of children's works and works made together with parents.

Educators, parents.

4th week

Preparation of a photo report on the project. Organization of a photo exhibition

Summing up the project work

Educators, parents.

4th week

During the implementation of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” project, the following results were obtained:

1. Children got acquainted with a variety of vegetable crops.

2. The group organized a “Vegetable garden on the window”.

3. Children develop an interest in research activities.

4. As a result of practical and experimental activities, children received the necessary knowledge about favorable conditions for plant growth and development.

5. Children have become more attentive and careful about plants.

6. Children have become more respectful of the work of adults.

7. Observations of plants were recorded in “Observation Diaries”

8. Parents took an active part in the “Garden on the Window” project.

Forms of interaction with family:

Organizing a vegetable garden (purchasing land, purchasing the necessary equipment, planting material).

Participation in observations.

Organization of an exhibition of creative works.

Photo report

Goal: To interest children in observing the life of plants; teach how to keep a diary of observation of plant development.

  • Give an idea of ​​growing plants from seeds, the dependence of their growth and the availability of moisture, light and heat.
  • Learn to observe changes in plant development, analyze, draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships.
  • Develop cognitive interest; ability to analyze and synthesize, to self-control.
  • Continue to improve the labor skills of children; develop hard work.
  • Reinforce knowledge about the structure of plants.
  • Cultivate an interest in plants, gain experience in an attentive and caring attitude towards growing plants.

Description of the manual

  • Made from fabric, paper
  • Complies with methodological, sanitary and hygienic requirements
  • Used with children of all ages
  • Designed for plant observations (growth, development, care)
  • Used for carrying out work assignments and independent activities
  • Contents: plant shape, cards (plant development, methods of care).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Progress of the lesson


How vegetables will not be born without our help.
As soon as spring has arrived, we plant seeds.
What a garden! People are surprised
The sun warmed the earth, a grain sprouted
Cucumbers, carrots and onions suddenly came out of the ground.

Exactly three peas were thrown into the ground,
And we collected five bags of wonderful pods.
What a garden! People are surprised.

Observation – purposeful, systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

To accumulate knowledge about plant growth and development, I use long-term observation. Children compare the observed state of the object with what was before. An observation calendar helps with this.

The benefit provides an opportunity

  • by individual signs, determine the condition of the plant (the need for watering), or restore the picture of the whole (are the tomatoes ripe by color)
  • develop intelligence and observation
  • improve the processes of analysis, comparison, inference
  • conduct observations when children are highly mentally active, makes them think, look for answers to questions, develops curiosity

The benefit helps

  • when getting to know an object (size, shape, color)
  • establish a connection between this observation and the previous one, take into account subsequent work
  • restore the entire picture of development observed by children.

Figure 3

Work. Work in nature is of particular importance for the all-round development of children.

Preschoolers master skills as they follow plants and learn what conditions are necessary for growth and development. With pleasure, children learn to loosen and weed the garden, water vegetables, and watch with great interest the growth and development of plants, noting their observations in the observation calendar.

The manual attracts children to participate in all types of work on caring for plants, growing them, and fosters independence.

It is important that children are not just excited about the prospect of growing delicious vegetables. The manual helps to understand the need for systematic plant care. At the same time, children should be guided by the structural features of plants, the period of growth and development and their needs.

Children receive tasks that require careful monitoring of the condition of the plant.

Figure 4

Use of benefits by age

Junior groups

  • a surprise moment when getting acquainted with plants
  • developing the ability to distinguish between appearance some vegetables

Middle groups

  • organizing observations of plant growth and development with children
  • highlight characteristic features(size, color, shape, parts)
  • gaming techniques
  • work assignments
  • comparison of objects

Senior groups

  • conducting long-term observations of plant growth and development
  • independent conclusions and conclusions
  • visual aid (pattern and sequence of phases, stages of development) when using comparison techniques, during observations
  • children's verbal reports of observation results

Preparatory groups

  • for children to demonstrate greater independence
  • establishing various connections
  • identify similar features common to a whole group of objects
  • to compare views
  • self-production nature calendar

Figure 5

A consciously correct attitude towards nature is built on sensory perception nature, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the characteristics of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The predominant visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking in preschool childhood ensure the assimilation of only specially selected and age-appropriate information about nature. Selection criteria natural material are their visual representation and the possibility of inclusion in practical activities.

When the phrase “kindergarten” is heard, each person immediately recalls his own memories associated with teachers, kindergarten friends, and holidays. And indeed, as soon as a child begins to attend a preschool educational institution, his life changes dramatically. And how successful and inquisitive each child will be largely depends on the teachers and their interest in the development of children. Now, as part of the child development program, educators are offered the creation of something called a “garden on the window in a preschool educational institution.”

Why do you need a “window garden”?

The goal of this project is to educate children, develop cognitive interests, as well as form the aesthetic feelings of preschoolers. Of course, to achieve the goal, you need to move from simple to more complex, based on the age capabilities of the children.

The most optimal ones for the implementation of this project are:

Basic project requirements

To create a project “Vegetable garden on a window in the garden”, the main requirement of which is the safety of children, you must remember the following:

  • the dimensions of the created mini-beds should not exceed the size of the window sill;
  • the vegetable garden on the window should be located in an area safe for children;
  • use of fertilizers in kindergarten forbidden.

The following requirements can be considered more like recommendations for creating a vegetable garden on a window:

  1. Sufficient lighting. It is best to place the garden on a window with sunny side. If there is no such window, then you need to create additional lighting.
  2. For comfortable plant growth, a temperature of at least + 17 degrees is required.
  3. Soil. Based on the fact that fertilizers cannot be used in kindergarten, it would be best to buy ready-made soil in specialized gardening stores.

Compliance with all these requirements will help in creating a safe and fruitful vegetable garden on the window.

How to create a vegetable garden for children 4-5 years old?

The age capabilities of children are not yet very great, and here, of course, the main activity lies with the teacher. The middle group can design a vegetable garden on the window in the most primitive way - this wooden boxes according to the size of the window sill, painted in bright colors to attract children's attention. It is best to use no more than two beds at this age, because children are just beginning to learn to compare several objects. Large seeds should be selected for planting (onions, peas, beans), fine motor skills is poorly developed at this age, and children simply will not be able to sow cucumber or dill seeds, which means they will not receive positive emotions.

A vegetable garden on a window in a kindergarten, the design of which is a creative and aesthetic process, involves involving children in this work. For example, they can paint the sun, which will warm their beds.

Vegetable garden on the window for children 5-6 years old

This age category differs from the previous one in that children already have accumulated experience in creating a vegetable garden and have formed the basics of caring for it. The older group can create a garden on the window with a more diverse type of crops; there may be onions, beans, peas familiar to children, and new vegetable crops, such as indoor cucumbers. Cultivation will require more attention On the part of the children, in addition to the familiar watering, they will need to properly loosen the soil around the shoots, make and correctly place a mesh for weaving cucumbers around the window.

Some of the responsibilities for caring for the garden on the window are transferred from the teacher to the children - for example, keeping an eye on temperature conditions and lighting. A vegetable garden on the window, the design of which partially falls on the shoulders of kindergarten students, will bring children a lot of new impressions and incredible discoveries for their age.

Vegetable garden on the window for children 6-7 years old

The preparatory group is already creating a vegetable garden on the window according to all the rules for conducting gardening activities. Children aged 6-7 years can already be entrusted with a lot; the teacher here is entrusted with control over the process. Children can sow seeds on their own, water the garden according to their duty schedule, and keep an observation calendar. Here the teacher needs to divide the team into groups and assign a certain area of ​​the garden to each group. This is necessary so that children not only learn how to care for plants, but also gain experience communicating with each other in order to transfer information based on the experience they have accumulated. Every child should be included in the “Vegetable garden on the window in kindergarten” project. The decoration is also the responsibility of the children.

Children's imagination and fantasy help solve this problem. Here you can already make a fence out of cardboard, put a scarecrow in the center of the garden, make bees out of colored paper and attach them to a net for weaving cucumbers... In general, the brighter and more diverse the garden is, the more information your students will be able to glean.

“Vegetable garden on the window” - its role in the educational process

It's no secret that the creation of any project in kindergarten should contribute to the educational process. A vegetable garden on a window is no exception. At correct use of this project, children not only learn how to care for it, but also expand vocabulary using:

  • learning new words (watering can, plant, loosen, seeds);
  • using rhymes, sayings, riddles about the crops grown.

This has a positive effect on speech development.

You can also use a vegetable garden in math classes. For example, offer children preparatory group the following task: “We planted 10 bulbs, 8 of them sprouted and gave green feather. How many bulbs have not sprouted? A child who cannot do the subtraction in his head can go to the onion bed and do the calculation.

In addition, Cipollino or Senor Pomodoro can come to any of your classes and ask the guys to help solve this or that problem. After all, it is game uniform education is the main thing in the preschool educational institution.

The observation diary “Vegetable garden on the window in kindergarten” (design) instills in children a sense of responsibility for completing assigned tasks. It also broadens their horizons, they become familiar with such concepts as clear weather, cloudy, rainy, temperature conditions.

Vegetable garden on the window as the founder of a child’s research activity

Every child who takes part in a creative project, without realizing it, becomes a little explorer. At first he is curious about the process of seed germination and the appearance of a shoot. Then, with the help of the teacher, the task becomes more complicated, the child begins to look for answers to the following questions:

  • Why does one plant have a bright green color, while another is pale, sometimes even yellow?
  • Why, while watering the plants at different intervals, did we notice that one of them had dried out?

Undoubtedly, in order to answer these questions correctly, we need to teach children to observe. And in order not to forget your observations, you need to write them down somewhere. Here, their assistant will be the observation diary “Vegetable garden on the window in kindergarten”, the design of which will first be carried out by the teacher, and then by the pupils themselves.

Children who are engaged in research activities from the very beginning early age, become good analysts. They have well-developed thinking with the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

The role of parents in the “Garden on the Window” project

Of course, everyone shares their impressions with their parents, regardless of whether they are good or bad. The main thing here for parents is to show interest, help the teacher-educator and their child in creating creative project“Vegetable garden on the window in a kindergarten”, the design of which requires:

  • understanding of ongoing processes;
  • fresh artistic views;
  • opportunities to share your experience.

If children see their parents' involvement in their kindergarten problems, they will never become withdrawn people.

Bottom line

It would seem like a simple project “Vegetable garden on the window”, but how many tasks at once educational process allows you to decide. Experiment, set new goals, and your seeds will definitely give you wonderful shoots.


Vegetable garden on the windowsill 08.04.2014

Dear readers, you probably know that the “Vegetable Garden on the Windowsill” competition is currently taking place on my blog. You and I will grow greens at home. And not just to grow, but everyone has the opportunity to show their work and receive cash prizes for it. Today I present to you the first competition entry. The work came amazingly. It was sent by the teachers of the Alyonushka kindergarten from Samara region. To be honest, from the beginning I didn’t know how to present the work itself. I just wanted to select from it the photographs themselves and material on the topic of the competition, but after thinking about it, I decided to publish all the work of the teachers in full.

This will be the script children's party on a spring theme. The script is for both children and parents. I think someone could totally use it if your work involves children. Teachers Mikhailova Olga Valerievna and Ivanova Tatyana Ivanovna approached the topic so thoroughly. And all the tasks of the holiday are spelled out, and the children grew greens, and riddles with poems about onions can be found, and also culinary recipes and much more. I give the floor to our contestants – teachers. We meet the first competition entry.

Structural Division "Kindergarten "Alyonushka"
GBOU secondary school No. 2 named after. V. Maskina railway station Klyavlino
municipal district Klyavlinsky, Samara region.

“Vegetable garden on the window. Chipollino and Lukerya"
in the first junior group.

Scenario of a matinee in kindergarten.

Teachers: Mikhailova Olga Valerievna Ivanova Tatyana Ivanovna

Klyavlino 2014.
Project in the first junior group.

Topic: “Vegetable garden on the window. Cipollino and Lukerya."

Problem: children have insufficient understanding of the properties and usefulness of onions.
— to involve parents in the active life of the kindergarten as part of the organization and implementation of the project.


1. Expand children’s understanding of the properties of onions.
2. Promote speech activation.

1. Continue to develop the concept in children: big-small, many - one, primary colors, geometric shapes(circle).


1. Introduce children to the elements of interaction with each other.
2. Cultivate a desire to help an adult.

Type of project: group.

Work on the project:

with parents:
— discussion of the project topic;
— recommendations for creating a mini-garden in group settings;
— providing assistance in the process of creating a mini-vegetable garden.
with children:
- examining the bulbs (the concepts of large - small; one - many);
- monitoring planting and first shoots.

Practical part:
— creation of “Cipollino and Lukerya” and revival of the heroes;
— growing onions;
— registration of a diary (teachers + parents);
— project formation;
— creation of a mini-encyclopedia “Bow for the Seven Ailments.”

Presentation form:

for children:
— “Green vitamins” (using onions in food).
for parents:
— demonstration of the mini-encyclopedia “Onion for Seven Ailments” (traditional medicine).

Educator: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Look, the boy Cipollino and the girl Lukerya came to visit us. They are friends, but they have few friends. Let's help them raise friends.

Educator: Children, look, what’s in my hands?

Children: Basket.

Educator: What is in the basket?

Children: Luke.

Educator: That's right, onion. How many onions do I have in my basket?

Children: There are a lot of onions in the basket.

Educator: That's right, a lot. I will give the onion to the teacher, how many onions she has now.

Children: One or few.

Educator: What kind of onion am I holding?

Children: Big one.

Educator: What kind of onion is this?

Children: Little.

Educator: Correct, what color is the onion peel?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: What shape is the onion?

Children: Round.

Educator: The bow is correctly round in shape. Let's draw a circle in the air with our finger. Well done! Take the onion from my basket and try to roll it on the floor. The bow rolls like a ball. Round bow.

Educator: Guys, look, I have another basket. It contains small onions, future friends of Cipollino and Lukerya. Let's put on our aprons and come to the table. Vasya, what color did you take the apron? (Blue) Yana, what color is your apron? (I have red apples). Well done Senya, what color is yours? (Blue).

Educator: Let's come to the table, I'll show you how to plant onions. I will take a glass of soil and pour water from a watering can. The ground became damp. I’ll take an onion (faces are drawn on it and glued double-sided tape bows); Children, what do you think, will we plant onions with our eyes down or up?

Children: Eyes up, smile closer to the ground.

Educator: That's right, roots down. Look, the mouth is drawn here, and the roots will appear here. Now take each of you a glass and pour it carefully from a watering can. Margarita, what color is your glass (Yellow). That's right Milana, what color is yours (Green cup) well done!

Educator: We watered the glasses, now take the bulbs and plant them. Well done, our bulbs will grow and Cipollino and Lukerya will make new friends. Let's put our cups with bulbs on the windowsill so that the bulbs have light and warmth from the sun. And you and I will watch it. Now after planting our onions, children, let's go wash our hands.

How we tried onions.

Vitamins all year round
Oh, how necessary.
So that we don't get sick
Flu and sore throat!

Educator: Children, today we will try onions. You need to eat onions, they contain a lot of vitamins. You should especially eat it in winter to avoid getting sick with flu and sore throat. Look, there is a peel on the onion, I cut it off, and a white onion appears. But before we eat, I will wash it. Now I'll cut it into pieces. Smell how it smells. Taste it. What does it taste like?

Children: Bitter is not tasty. It stings my eyes.

Educator: True, if you just eat onions, they are bitter. Now try it in a salad.

Children: It’s delicious in salad.

Educator: You need to eat onions, they contain a lot of vitamins. Eat onion salads. The salad is both healthy and delicious!

Poems about onions

Onion happiness

All athletes are friends with the bow,
Adults and children love it.
Even those who are on a diet
They will certainly consume
Our green vegetable is onion.
After all, in all soups, borscht,
Main courses, vegetables,
It gives a special taste
Don't you believe us? Try!

The birth of bitter torment,
What is this? Onions of course!
Protects from germs
Even if he pinches his tongue
Our green aibolit,
When your throat hurts.

Feathers growing green
And hiding my head in the ground,
Protected from all disasters
This is how our onions grow, guys.
We cut it into salads
And in roasts for soups.
Onion is always ready to help
Make our food tastier
He can be more attractive.
We grow it, we keep it,
After all, our onions cannot be replaced
He is our helper everywhere -
Both in medicine and in food.

Onions – our vegetable is very hot,
It’s better not to touch him in vain.
Well, if you touch the hands
Need to wash thoroughly
And wash off all the bitterness of the onion.
So to say just in case,
So that your eyes don't get hot
And it didn’t bring me to tears.
Because onions are angry
And a little poisonous.
But he's not dangerous at all
And, fortunately, it is not harmful to people.
This is how he treats our eyes,
Nose, if it is stuffy,
Doctor onion will help him.

Riddles about onions

The gentleman came from the garden,
All in patches
Whoever looks
Everyone will cry.

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.

Not great underground
Golden old man in a fur coat

Tanya came in a yellow sundress:
They began to undress Tanya,
Let's cry and sob.

He doesn't know how to laugh
And he doesn't like to undress.
Who takes off his caftan,
She often sheds tears.

Ignatka is sitting in the garden bed,
Ignatka's caftan in patches.
Who will touch Ignatka?
He will shed a tear.

Doesn't upset anyone
And it makes everyone cry.

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.

A sundress is not a sundress,
the dress is not a dress,
How are you going to undress?
you'll cry your fill.

Before we ate it,
Everyone had time to cry.

Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but...

What without pain and without sadness brings you to tears?

The gentleman came from the garden,
covered in patches
whoever looks
everyone will cry.

Observation diary “Vegetable garden on the window”

Planting onions 02/18/2014

We are guys, kids
We love to work.
Let's plant onions
We will be proud of him.

Shoots 02/20/2014 - 02/26/2014

I will begin to cherish you,
Our breadwinner is the vegetable garden,
So that the seedlings turn green,
So that the onions grow gorgeous.

04.03. 2014

There's a snowstorm outside the window
says goodbye to spring
And on our window,
The onion is sprouting.

Onion (Allium cepa L.)

Onion - spicy cultivated plant, belonging to the lily family. The most common spice used by many peoples every day. Homeland onions considered South-West Asia. In many countries it is cultivated as a cultivated plant; it is found wild in Iran, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan. All varieties of onions are cultivated in Russia: semi-sharp, spicy, sweet. It has other names: arbazheika, bulbyanka, tsybulya, sibulya.

Onion. Chemical composition. Medicinal properties.

Onions emit a characteristic odor due to the presence of essential oils, including sulfur. Onion phytoncides kill microbes, streptococci, dysentery, diphtheria, and tuberculosis bacilli.

In addition, onions contain protein, sucrose, maltose, fructose, polysaccharide, proteins, ash, and fats. It is rich in vitamins C, A, D, B1, B2, Bb, E, PP; contains calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

An alcoholic extract is prepared from onions to stimulate cardiac activity and improve the secretory activity of the glands of the digestive tract. Onions have a calming effect on nervous system. For spring vitamin deficiency, green onions are very useful, they can satisfy the need human body in vitamin C.

Onion. Taste qualities. Using onions.

Onions are widely used in cooking and the canning industry. Leaves are placed in some dishes and products (salads, side dishes, spicy mixtures), bulbs are added to almost any dish, excluding drinks and sweet desserts. Onions are used raw, fried, sauteed, boiled, salted and pickled.

It is added raw to salads. sauerkraut, vinaigrettes, salads from fresh vegetables, to which onions give good taste. Fried until golden brown, it is used as a flavoring agent in various soups, sauces, gravies, mince, and pie fillings. It is added to fried meat, fish, vegetable stew etc. Most often, onions are fried on vegetable oil, in lard. It is one of the components in the making of hot sandwiches. Raw onions will complement sausage, cheese, bread and lard. Hot varieties of onions are mainly boiled, while sweet ones are used fresh or pickled.

Medical Center We offer head ultrasound for children under 1 year of age. Using an ultrasound of a child’s head, it is possible to identify diseases such as enlargement of the ventricles of the brain, enlargement of the subarachnoid space, hemorrhages in the ventricles and substance of the brain, cerebral ischemia, meningitis, brain tumors.

Use of onions in cooking.

Baked stuffed onions

This dish was in English cuisine since the Middle Ages. But this recipe has been updated to meet the requirements of the 21st century and, in addition to traditional ones, uses modern ingredients, goat cheese, vinegar and dried tomatoes.

Ingredients: For 4 servings:
5 large onions
50 g vinegar
125 ml vegetable broth
3 tbsp. l olive oil
50 g dense goat cheese, crumbled
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
3 dried tomatoes in oil, drained and finely chopped
1 tbsp. l pine nuts, toasted
1 tbsp. l chopped parsley

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 gr. C. Peel the onion. Cook in a large saucepan of boiling water for 15-20 minutes until soft. Drain and rinse under cold water. Place on a paper towel.
  2. Meanwhile, put the vinegar in a bowl, pour in the broth and leave for 10 minutes until all the broth is absorbed. Trim 2cm off the top of the onion and discard. Scoop out the middle with a teaspoon, leaving the hard shell of the outer layers. Finely chop half of the scooped out pulp and discard the rest (it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days - use on pizza or in sauces).
  3. Heat 1 tbsp. l oil in a saucepan. Fry the onion and garlic for 3 minutes until soft. Remove from heat and add vinegar, cheese, tomatoes, nuts and parsley.
  4. Place the onion, cut side up, in a baking dish and fill the holes. Grease with oil and bake for 30 minutes until golden brown.

Onion salad with radish

Ingredients: 3 onions, radish, 1/2 cup sour cream, parsley.

Do you keep a diary of observations of the site?

From year to year we watching the garden and ask ourselves questions. Was there a larger apple harvest last year than this year? Why did the strawberries bloom so late this year? Why did the leaves turn yellow ahead of time? What was it like in previous years?

To make it easier for you to care for yours and preserve your invaluable experience, which you can then even share with neighbors and friends, it is very useful to have your own observation diary. Do you already have your own “Florist Magazine” or “Vegetable Grower Magazine”?

It seems to me that such a journal - or diary - is necessary for every person who is interested in gardening. Get one today, no matter how many years you've been gardening or how much experience you've gained. With the help of such a magazine, in a few years you will reach the level of a professional in terms of experience and knowledge, and with love for your work and diligence, you will even step beyond this level. And let’s not even talk about those who have just purchased!

We'll tell you. Here we give examples of a diary for flower plants, but it can be adapted just as well for vegetable crops!

1) Buy a large, thick, squared or lined notebook. It’s even better to buy a notebook with special dividers inside, according to sections. Better yet, buy a pack of sheets with holes already made, and a beautiful ring folder for it, then you can swap any pages and add them, which is important when such a diary grows and new sections appear in it.

Of course, such a journal can be made on a computer, but you won’t take it with you to the garden... For example, I really like to sit in a chair in the garden, filling out my journal, look at my plantings, and then think and immediately write down different ideas according to the ones that come to mind...

2) Set aside a few pages at the beginning of the magazine for a table of contents, and then gradually number all the pages - within each section. If you need notes only on colors, then divide your notebook into three approximately equal parts - perennials and bulbous.

Each flower or vegetable crop dedicate a whole sheet of paper, and those that you are particularly keen on - several sheets (or even a separate notebook?). If you sow a lot of seeds, then you can keep a separate journal for monitoring seedlings.
More on this topic:

3) Try to regularly fill out each section with entries about the relevant plants.

4) Carefully study table number 1, dedicated to annual plants. This is the basis of any section.

5) Fill out the journal as you acquire new plants, number the pages. Any plant can be found in the table of contents.

6) Fill out the journal regularly. If you notice something important, write it down in a journal that same day, because everything is quickly forgotten. Reverse side pages remain as a backup space for continuing entries.

7) It is better to keep records compactly, without repeating what is in your own books. You can supplement them with sheets of advice from magazines. Another idea is to collect information from books and magazines in advance in the winter, briefly write it down in one column of the table, and in the summer, in another column, on the contrary, record your own actions.

8) Working with a magazine requires patience and accuracy; it is no less labor-intensive than. Your reward will be easy work And excellent result! This is a journal you will use all the time!

9) You can also take photos and place them next to the text.

If you want to do everything as expected, we recommend creating different folders for plant groups at once - for example,



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs