How to recognize poison ivy and get rid of it in your garden. Poison ivy is a dangerous plant Symptoms of wild ivy poisoning

Everyone knows that houseplants it is a source of beauty and benefit for the people who grow them. Plants give us their beauty and at the same time fulfill a number of useful features: participate in the process of photosynthesis (absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen), as well as maintain an optimal microclimate in the room (humidify the air).

However, not everything is so rosy: flora there are outsiders - dangerous plants that can cause significant harm. Animals and children are especially affected by such representatives of the flora, because they are not able to distinguish potentially dangerous plant. That is why families with children and animals need to be especially careful in choosing houseplants.

So, here are the 20 most dangerous indoor plants:

  • ivy evergreen- liana-like evergreen shrub belonging to the Araliaceae family. The stems are long, curved, the leaves are dark green with a carved edge. The leaves and berries of the plant are poisonous if ingested. Especially cats suffer from ivy, which are attracted by the lush greenery of the plant.
  • - very beautiful plant with bright greenery and magnificent flowers of white, pink or red, belonging to the heather family. The leaves of the plant are poisonous, they contain a toxic substance - a glycoside, which causes poisoning. It is necessary to place pots with azalea in places inaccessible to children and animals. Azalea is not recommended to keep in the bedroom.
  • - a plant with large decorative flowers and dense dark green leaves. The family to which cyclamen belongs is primroses. Cyclamen tubers are especially poisonous, they contain a poison similar to that of curare. These tubers are often used in traditional medicine while taking all precautions.
  • Trichocereus- erect cactus with long curved spines. It blooms with strong white flowers. The cactus contains hallucinogens and alkaloids that cause paralysis of the central nervous system. AT wild nature With the help of toxic substances, cacti are protected from being eaten by animals.

  • Croton is a member of the euphorbia family. Very popular home plant with big beautiful leaves original color. Like many members of the Euphorbiaceae family, Croton is poisonous. The poison is contained in the seeds and milky juice of the plant, which appears if the leaf or stalk of the croton is broken off. If croton juice gets on the skin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Spurge- a very popular house plant, which gave the name to the whole genus (euphorbiaceae). It looks like a mini palm tree: a bunch of dense green leaves is located at the top of a thick stem. Like the previous croton plant, seeds and milky juice are poisonous in milkweed. Special care must be taken when transplanting the plant and other work with it.

  • - the most popular house plant, very beautiful and decorative. Dieffenbachia is an evergreen shrub with large oval variegated leaves. Grows up to two meters in height. Unfortunately, all green parts of the plant (petioles and leaves) contain poison. You can get serious poisoning if dieffenbachia juice gets into your mouth. Animals are especially affected, which, through negligence, can feast on the plant.
  • brunfelsia- a houseplant, especially common in America and Europe, a representative of the nightshade family. It smells great and blooms beautifully with lilac flowers. All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially in the fruits and seeds of brunfelsia.

  • - a spectacular plant that has recently become widespread in our homes. At the top of a thick, woody stem is a bunch of green leaves and bright and large red flowers. Adenium is one of the most poisonous plants. Until now, adenium poison is used African tribes to poison arrowheads. All parts of the plant are toxic and poisonous, but its milky juice is especially dangerous. If your family has pets, children, or someone in the family with asthma, think carefully before you start growing adenium.
  • - a magnificent house plant, blooming with very beautiful flowers, grouped in an umbrella of 12 or more flowers. The leaves of the plant are dense, glossy, elongated. The most poisonous parts of clivia are the leaves and roots. Great care must be taken when working with the plant and be sure to use rubber gloves.

  • Gloriosa luxuryexotic plant with very showy and unusual flowers that change color throughout the bloom. At the same time, gloriosa is one of the most poisonous domestic plants. All parts of Gloriosa deluxe are poisonous. Once in a living organism, the poison of the plant causes nausea and vomiting, and also leads to disruption of the kidneys and hair loss. To avoid such unpleasant consequences poisoning, you should be very careful when handling the plant. In addition, it is necessary to protect pets and children from contact with gloriosa.
  • ficus- a well-known inhabitant of many houses, one of the most popular plants in the world. Luxurious rich ficus greenery attracts many flower growers. Is this pet poisonous too? Of course, it is impossible to say so categorically. Ficus is on this list because the plant is a powerful allergen. Ficus juice is especially dangerous: once on the skin, it can irritate and even burn. Do not be afraid to plant ficuses in your homes, but still try to take precautions.

  • Philodendron- a plant of the aroid family. Some philodendrons are vines, and some are bushy plants. The Philodendron is especially prized for its beautiful, dense greens. Unfortunately, philodendron juice, like many representatives of the aroid family, is poisonous, but only when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. If the plant is not damaged, it is not at all dangerous.
  • Akalifa- a genus of plants of the Euphorbiaceae family, uniting about 400 plants. A feature of Akalifa is leaves with patterns of unusual color and inflorescences in the form of fluffy earrings. Akalifa is a slightly poisonous plant, the milky juice of which contains dangerous substances.

  • - a large shrub plant, perfect for large rooms, greenhouses and winter gardens. Sheflera, like Akalifa, is a slightly poisonous plant. It is unlikely that the chefler will burn you much harm, but still try to wash your hands whenever possible after contact with the plant.
  • Primrose- a very beautiful plant with flowers of the most different shades surrounded by velvety green leaves. Often primrose is placed in children's rooms due to bright colors plants. However, all parts of the primrose are poisonous and carry potential danger. Firstly, during flowering, the primrose releases special substances - alkaloids, inhaling which you can feel nausea and dizziness. Moreover, if there are several plants, their effect is enhanced. Secondly, the poison is contained in the hairs of the primrose leaves. If you touch the leaves of the plant, the poison can lead to burning and itching. If, after contact with the plant, you always rinse your hands under water, the primrose will not cause any harm.

  • - a plant belonging to the nightshade family. It is a small shrub, reaching a height of 35 cm, blooming with purple, blue and white flowers. Brovalia beautiful is a poisonous plant. All parts of the brovalia contain poison, which negatively affects the body, getting inside or on the mucous membranes. Most often, children and pets suffer from contact with the plant, so it is very important to keep the plant in a hard-to-reach place.
  • Monstera- a popular houseplant, reaching an impressive size. Usually, monstera is grown in public spaces as well as in greenhouses and winter gardens. Monstera leaves are large, dense, rich green in color, with cuts along the edge. Before you start growing monstera in your home, think carefully. The plant has a very poisonous juice that can burn the skin of the body or even damage the eyes. Symptoms of monstera poisoning are burning in the mouth, strong salivation, and inflammation of the digestive system.

  • Pachypodium Lamera, the second name of the plant is Madagascar palm. The lamera has a thick, thorny cactus-like stem, topped with a rosette of elongated leaves. Pachypodium has a poisonous and toxic milky sap that is released when the plant is damaged. However, this juice has no effect on the skin and can be dangerous only if it gets on wounds and mucous membranes. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the plant and it will not harm you in any way.
  • is a plant of the aroid family. The main value of the plant is luxurious greenery: large, dense leaves of rich color, often with a bizarre pattern. The plant perfectly cleans the air in the apartment and kills many pathogenic bacteria. However, at the same time, it must be remembered that the milky juice of aglaonema is dangerous. Juice is released when the plant is damaged, for example, when a leaf breaks, therefore, when transplanting aglaonema, be sure to use rubber gloves.

An attentive reader must have noticed that some plant families are repeated in this list especially often: aroid, euphorbia, kutrovy, nightshade. Indeed, representatives of these particular families are especially poisonous and require the most careful handling.

Kutro family considered the most dangerous family in the world of domestic plants. Outstanding Representatives kutrovy - adenium and pachypodium, this family also includes diplatia, plumeria, allamanda, strophanthus, carissa and other plants. When working with plants of the kutrovy family, be extra careful, always use rubber gloves and grow these plants in places inaccessible to children and pets.

Aroid family also different large quantity poisonous domestic plants: alocasia, aglaonema, monstera, dieffenbachia, philodendron, spathiphyllum, anthurium, syngonium. Almost all plants of the aroid family contain toxic substances: oxalic acid, proteins and enzymes, which are often used as components of drugs household chemicals because of them caustic properties. The juice of such plants is especially dangerous, so if the plant is damaged, handle it as carefully as possible.

Euphorbiaceae family includes many plants popular on our windowsills: spurge, croton, akalifa. The poisonous substance euphorin is part of the milky juice of almost all euphorbia. In case of contact with the skin and mucous membranes, euphorin can cause burning, burns and inflammation. Be careful with the plant of the Euphorbiaceae family, always wash your hands thoroughly after handling them.

Nightshade family probably known to everyone, because the most popular edible plants Potatoes and tomatoes belong to this family. Home plants of the nightshade family - browallia, brunfelsia, capsicum, often grown at home. The most poisonous part of the nightshade is the berries, which, if ingested, can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and subsequently unhealthy drowsiness and lethargy. Be careful that your child or your home pet did not eat the berries of these plants.

And in conclusion: very many plants are poisonous, to a greater or lesser extent, however, most of them are successfully cultivated by man. It may not be worth buying a plant that can harm you and your family. However, if you decide to grow a potentially dangerous plant, make every effort to minimize its danger. Do not allow children and animals to come into contact with such a plant, do not place it near the bed, always wash your hands after working with it, use rubber gloves. Subject to such simple rules, the plant will not be able to cause any harm and will delight you with its natural beauty.

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The exact name of poison ivy is rooting toxicodendron (Toxicodendron radicans). direct relation the plant does not have harmless ivy. It is so called because of the similarity in appearance. Often called poison ivy. But sumac is a lacquer toxicodendron (shrub or tree), that is, they are very similar, but different plants.

Poison ivy is one of those plants that, when touched, can cause serious consequences, namely, skin burns and general poisoning. The stem, leaves, flowers, fruits are all poisonous. It is no coincidence that in translation from Greek, its name sounds like “poison tree” (toxicum poison, dendron tree).

However, despite its high toxicity and danger to humans, poison ivy is medicinal plant which is used in medicine. Let's take a closer look at this interesting and controversial plant. We will find out why it is dangerous, and what is its benefit.

What is poison ivy (toxicodendron rooting)?

It has strong differences from its relatives from the genus Toxicodendron Mill, which have the appearance of trees. And our hero is a woody vine, and sometimes takes the form of a small shrub. It spreads its long, flexible stems over the surface of the soil or entangles them with tree trunks using its adventitious roots.

Like everything dangerous, the oxydendron is very attractive. In summer, its branches are covered with dark green, large, leathery leaves. In autumn they turn red and dark orange. In June, inflorescences in the form of panicles appear on its branches. yellow color, and in autumn they turn into dense clusters of round fruits - greenish-white drupes.

The plant is native to North America, from Canada to Mexico. There it can be found everywhere in the forests and among the bushes.

In our country, two types of toxicodendrons can be found in the wild. They grow only on the territory of the Southern Kuriles. One is called Toxicodendron orientalis and the other is called Toxicodendron pilaris. It cannot be said that they are more friendly in nature. Both of these species are no less poisonous and can cause severe poisoning from just one touch.

Why is he dangerous?

In general, the plant is not well studied, and they talk about it in different ways. I am now referring to rooting toxicodendron, which is not found here. And domestic species have not been studied at all. One thing is known for sure - poison ivy secretes a milky juice that turns black in the air and it is it that is extremely poisonous.

According to one group of experts, the juice contains a non-volatile resin called urshiolha. Other scientists claim that the juice contains a substance - a phenol derivative called toxicodendrol. And the third group of scientists call the poison of the plant toxicodendrolic acid, or consider it a mixture of various glycosidic substances. It is also known for certain that the bark of toxicodendrons contains poison - lobitin.

In any case, enough minimum quantity this substance to burn the skin. When touching any part of this vine or a branch of a shrub, a burn forms on the skin, which resembles a mustard gas attack.

In its homeland of North America, poison ivy very often causes poisoning when its juice gets on human skin. Such cases often end very sadly.

Some justification for toxicodendron is the fact that not all living things have the same sensitivity to its poison. For example, animals do not suffer from it at all. Among humans, almost 35% have little sensitivity to it. Everyone else reacts to poison differently. Great importance This is where the immune system comes into play.

Medicinal properties

Like most poisonous plants, toxicodendron is used in medicine, as it is able to heal people. Moreover, his “medical history” began at the end of the 18th century. It was then that poison ivy began to be used in the treatment of paralysis and rheumatism.

The action of its juice is expressed in the appearance of a skin rash, nausea, and vomiting. The victim has symptoms of fever and fever. There is swelling of the glands, ulcers appear in the oral cavity. But it was this property of the juice that was used by homeopathic doctors. The drug made on its basis "Rhus tox" is used in the treatment of ailments that are accompanied by fever, anxiety, ulceration, swollen glands.

The medicine is made from the juice of plants that are collected during the period of its highest activity. The resulting juice is mixed with alcohol, filtered, additional components are added and used externally.

Homeopaths use tinctures of stems and leaves for colds, flu, rheumatism, neuralgia, eye and skin diseases. Toxicodendron tincture is found in Dr. Lori's alcohol. With the help of this drug, wet lichen, scarlet fever, malaria are successfully treated. It is used for abscesses and blistering rashes.

AT traditional medicine apply medicine"Akofit", which also includes tincture of leaves. This medicine is used externally to get rid of rheumatism, neuralgia, radiculitis.

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the domestic species of this plant have exactly the same properties. With appropriate scientific research they could treat people no worse than the overseas rooting toxicodendron.

Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac contain the same substance, which causes the same rash. This substance is called urushiol, it is a colorless and odorless oil found in the leaves of plants.

You can find these plants anywhere, both in the forest and in your yard. The green leaves of the plant are mixed with the leaves of other plants, and there is a good chance that you may not even notice them. But you may experience symptoms and itching a little later.

It's not enough to know what it looks like poison ivy plant. There are several types of poison ivy - and it can look different depending on the time of year.

Leaves poison ivy plants release urushiol when they are damaged. Once the plant releases urushiol, it can easily get onto human skin. When the plant releases urushiol, the leaves become shiny or have black spots of resin on them.

A rash can form even if you have not been in the forest and have not touched the plant. Urushiol can be passed from person to person. Urushiol can also be transmitted if a person has been in contact with something that has in turn been in contact with urushiol. For example, a dog that likes to run in the forest. Urushiol can be airborne if someone burns grass after cleaning the yard.

Urushiol is considered an allergen because it causes allergic reactions such as rashes and sometimes swelling. Not at of all, such a reaction will manifest itself, but in 60-80% it will definitely manifest itself. This reaction appears a few hours after contact with the plant, but the latest manifestation of the reaction can occur after 5 days. Typically, the skin becomes red, swollen, and blisters appear. The affected area is itchy. After a few days, the blisters become hard and begin to flake off. Their treatment takes 1-2 weeks.

If you have such a rash, or you have a fever, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Phone consultations are not appropriate here. If the rash is a reaction to poison ivy, your doctor may suggest that you take a cool shower and apply a sunburn lotion. In more severe cases, antihistamines may be needed to reduce itching and redness. In some cases, the doctor may also prescribe steroids. This medication can be applied directly to the rash, or taken as a tablet or liquid.

To avoid contact with this plant you need:

learning to recognize poison ivy, oak, and sumac is the only way you can stay away from them. (you need to be especially careful if the leaves look shiny);

Avoid areas where you know such plants exist.

Be healthy, and never get into such situations.

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Some plants in our garden can hide dangers even behind the most beautiful appearance. Are you planning to decorate climbing ivy arch or wall, and later it turns out that this is a real weed, and quite aggressive.

And now how to deal with it? There is a way out - say experienced gardeners. But it is better, as with any problem, to pay attention to prevention, so as not to cope with the consequences later. Therefore, today we will talk about the differences between decorative and poison ivy, as well as how to get rid of the aggressor.

The Dark Side of Ivy

Ivy (Hedera or English Ivy) belongs to the evergreen family climbing plants, in the amount of more than 20 species. That is why it is so difficult to find the right one for you. The main difference between ivy is its tenacious shoots, which are perfectly located on any surface, including vertical walls.


The first feature that gardeners do not like so much is invasiveness. As soon as you get distracted and build your relationship with ivy in the wrong way, be prepared for it to settle down in all free spaces.


The second unpleasant characteristic is that it causes allergies, both in animals and in humans. Children can be especially affected by ivy, getting skin reactions and even vomiting.

Harm to other plants

If we talk about the neighborhood with flowers or shrubs in your garden, then this is far from the friendliest plant. ivy bleeds nutrients in flowers, absorbs quite a lot of moisture, leaving it to its neighbors. And yet, in the thickets of ivy, mice, rats, insect pests are perfectly located, which you and your garden are unlikely to like.

In order not to mistakenly cut decorative ivy, you need to know the main characteristics of the poisonous variety.

  1. Collection of three leaves.
  2. The ability to grow not only upwards, but also in any direction.
  3. The color of the leaves can be not only green, but also reddish.
  4. The presence of translucent fruits.

When you see that there is poison ivy around yours, you need to take urgent action. Remember that just cutting the shrub is too little. A few days later you will see almost the same picture.

You'll need a month of patience and some chemistry, but don't be afraid, it's better than the poisonous plant next door.

In addition, prepare the following inventory :

  • rubber gardening gloves
  • gardening scissors,
  • saw for thicker branches of ivy vine,
  • spray,
  • weed killer,
  • long-sleeved shirt, long trousers and boots.

Now we act in order.

Step 1. Find and mark all the main roots of the plant.

Step 2 Leave a few extra ivy roots for later processing.

Step 3. Start cutting off the ivy while pulling out each branch.

Step 4 Carefully fold everything you cut off to get rid of it after the chemical treatment.

Step 5: Spray freshly cut branches and remaining leaves with a weed killer containing glyphosate.

Step 6. Repeat this process every few weeks until the ivy is gone for good.

Remember that ivy leaves are glossy and difficult to penetrate most herbicides. But if you find a glyphosate product, you will penetrate vascular system ivy. This slow but effective method, which will cause the plant to die out within a few weeks. Just don't spray the plants you want to keep.

We hope that now it will not be difficult for you to cope with the pest, and your garden will not be attacked by ivy. In order not to lose such important information, bookmark the article and share it on social networks.

Ivy - very beautiful and unpretentious plant which can be easily grown in room conditions. Exists a large number of its decorative varieties, with the help of which they carry out vertical gardening external buildings and internal spaces.

However, it is considered a bad and even dangerous plant, which should not be kept in an apartment. Many people believe in this, and many folk signs speak of the same.

Energetic vampire

According to numerous observations, ivy is a living creature that feeds on the energy of humans, animals and other plants. not for nothing next to the ivy, other indoor plants die, and especially sensitive people experience dizziness and loss of strength.

Such plants are called energy vampires. They are not recommended to be kept in rooms where there are children or patients with cardiovascular diseases.

However, the effect of ivy is not strong enough to harm a person. People who do not know the characteristics of this plant can exist next to it all their lives without experiencing the slightest discomfort. And those who are frightened by an imaginary danger often feel bad, but this is rather self-hypnosis.

Indoor ivy can benefit your home!

Ivy in the house can be very useful. After all, it sucks out not only positive energy, but also negative. Therefore, in arbors entwined with ivy, you can have a good rest and relax after a working day.

And if there are very active children in the family who find it difficult to sit down and concentrate, the neighborhood of ivy will help them spend excess energy.

Other signs about the plant

There are a few more signs that talk about the dangers of keeping ivy in an apartment. For example, it is highly undesirable for single women to have ivy at home, as it easily repels and scares away men. Energy has nothing to do with it. Most likely, these are just fictions, but all the signs are grounded.

Very often, single women remained single and did not find a mate, and that each of them had ivy growing on the windowsill - it could just be a coincidence.

If it is not recommended to keep ivy in rooms, then in the open air it can become a barrier to other people's energy. In areas with a warm climate, it is customary to plant this plant so that it wraps around the entrance to the house and windows from the outside. This is a kind of living energy filter through which no negative energy can enter the house.

Is ivy poisonous

Ivy does not apply to. It does not contain any substances harmful to human health. It also does not emit any hazardous chemical elements so it can be kept indoors.

That hibiscus is considered unsuitable for the home is largely fiction.. Therefore, for those who do not believe in omens, ivy can be beautiful. decorative element which will green up and decorate any room.



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