Street porch in the courtyard of a private house. Porch in a private house: the basics of building a porch. Decoration of canopies and canopies

Porch - element country house, which carries both functional and aesthetic meaning. This part often plays the role of a front building, emphasizing the beauty of the entire building. Porch design options are presented large number. Let's look at the features of some of them in our article.


A popular material for creating a porch is wood. Metal is rarely used for this structure, almost never plastic. The design features of a project for a private house come down to the fact that it needs to be thought out in the same style as the house itself. The element should look like a single part of the building. Therefore, construction cannot begin without thoughtful style and functionality of this element.

The design of the porch can act as a contrast to the house. For example, if the building is neat but has a boring appearance, a spectacular porch will add presentability to the house. Sometimes, on the contrary, a minimum of decor is added to the porch. Nevertheless, natural characteristics wood adds natural beauty to the structure.

The functionality of the porch is to facilitate entry and exit from the doors of the house. The structure is often equipped with an additional canopy. It plays the role of protecting the entrance from adverse weather conditions.

To ensure that the operation of the porch is truly convenient, the parameters of the structure are taken into account at the design stage. However, more often the porch is an extension with parameters identical to the entrance or slightly wider than the entrance.

It is important to provide a porch to the house during the construction phase, since it must be built from the same material as the structure itself. In addition to wood and metal, concrete and brick are used to create it. Porch wood is chosen because it is inexpensive. Lumber is also easy to process, which makes it possible to make an extension yourself. Before starting work, it is worth understanding the variety of extensions.


The porch of a private house can be:

  • Ordinary. It includes steps with risers that can be open or closed. A regular porch can be with or without railings. Another simple porch is made low, without massive flooring, but it can be with a canopy. A simple porch attached to a private building is a successful and suitable option structures.
  • A porch with a deck is called a patio in modern times. The area is often used for pots of flowers, and a resting place is set up on it. This entrance is often installed on stilts.
  • Porch-terrace or veranda It is a voluminous but low porch, united by an open area near the house. To enter the veranda from the street, they will organize small stairs. The veranda area is usually covered, and the terrace area is open.

By design, the elements are built-in, which are built together with the house and have a common foundation with it. Another porch can be attached. This element can be completed while already living in the house


The following materials are used to make the porch of a private house:

  • wood (logs, beams);
  • concrete;
  • metal (forged elements, steel);
  • bricks or stone.

The ideal option for a timber structure would be a semi-closed or open log porch. Its execution will require skill and creative thought. Without the appropriate experience, it is unlikely to be built correctly, since you need to be able to knit a log base.

At the same time, the ability to work with wood will allow you to build porches in different styles. For example, rough-cut logs will ideally embody Russian style. You can build a patio out of logs and surround it with a timber lattice. The design of the structure is simple, but does not lose its functional features. The half-wall material can also be metal - for example, forging looks very impressive. Forged elements can be seen on the porch railings, constructed from various materials.

Concrete – frequent choice bases for porch steps near a brick house. Another concrete porch can be a continuation of the foundation frame house. For greater attractiveness, the concrete porch is lined with brick or decorative stone. All material for the porch is selected at the initial stage of construction, taking into account its characteristics.

If we are talking about logs, then usually this is a round assortment used in work without cutting. Essentially, it is a natural base with preserved texture, chemical and physical qualities. IN modern production technologies for processing the log base are mechanized, and the logs themselves are sold according to the GOST classification. Construction logs are beautiful, durable, and environmentally friendly.

Among the disadvantages, experts note their ability to catch fire and rot, which will not be observed if the porch is made of metal. These material features are eliminated by additional protection.

If concrete is used as the base of the porch, then it is worth keeping in mind that the main component of the material is cement, and the additional ones are water, sand, expanded clay or crushed stone. The characteristics of concrete will vary depending on the amount of added components and the quality of the mixing technology.

Brick and stone are mainly needed as facing materials. If brick is used as a base, you should choose its appropriate types. For the base of the porch, it is better to choose dense types of brick. Experts also advise not to skimp on quality and not to choose low-grade materials. For example, most suitable for a porch clinker brick, but its price is much higher than that of the conventional ceramic version. But clinker brick will last longer, and additional finishing won't require it.


In addition to the material, it is important to initially decide on the size of the porch. One thing is important - the structure must provide free access to the house. The porch plays the role of a buffer zone when entering the house from the street. Another optimal size of the porch should ensure the free movement of objects. For example, sometimes you will have to bring large items such as a refrigerator, furniture, and household appliances into the house.

The dimensions of the extension should also ensure safe operation, especially if there are children or elderly people in the house. For example, a porch of one meter or more in height cannot be called safe without railings. The ideal width of the porch would be up to a meter wide.

It will also be attractive and comfortable to sit on wider structures. It is important to consider the height of the stairs. They should be comfortable to climb. For convenience, all steps are made the same in width, which should be about 25 cm. Optimal height steps - 12-20 cm. When arranging the upper platform, it is important to ensure that its height is several centimeters lower than the door.

Style and design

The design of the porch at the house depends on the location of this structure. If this is the front part, then the porch should serve as a business card for the building. In this home decoration it is important to consider fashion trends and skillfully combine them with personal tastes and preferences.

Porch design must do private house attractive. For example, the most current style in house building today is country. It features wood decor. The result of its use should be the atmosphere of a country mansion. Often in this design option, wood is complemented with decorative stone. These two materials combine very harmoniously and are suitable for finishing porches.

House of modern minimalist style The concrete porch design will successfully highlight it. Concrete porch You can give it any shape, add decor in the form of tiles, or you can leave it without any coating. This idea allows you to emphasize the texture of the wall decoration and the attractiveness of their colors.

IN modern design Brick is often used. It is believed that this material is not only attractive, but also reliable. Natural stone is no less durable. Designers often use different varieties of this material. All of them perfectly resist unfavorable weather conditions and do not require additional maintenance. Natural stone goes well with monumental columns, sculptures and other elements of the Empire style.

Metal is often used in porch decoration. Forged canopies, railings and decoration elements are already familiar. The advantage of forged structures is their strength, and therefore their service life. With forged elements, the building acquires a special architectural sophistication. A carved porch becomes a real decoration of a home.

How to build with your own hands?

The design of the extension is always related to the architectural design of the structure. The height of the base and the landscape features of the site are important. The design may have one or more bases with one or two ladders. The staircase is equipped with internal and external supports. Internal detail- This is the part fixed in the crown of the house. For the outer part, a monolith is poured or columns (piles) are driven in.

If the porch staircase includes one or two steps, the railings do not need to be installed. If there are more steps, railings are required; they must correspond to the overall design of the structure.

A canopy may be required to protect the site from rain and snow. I can do it home craftsman make a regular porch out of wood.

To comply with the technology, consider the following stages of activity:

  • calculation and planning;
  • definition of materials;
  • frame definition;
  • construction of the structure.

The size of the extension is important in order to pour the foundation correctly. Later it is worth comparing the dimensions of the stairs with the distance to the entrance. Average length and step height 15*15 cm. Up to front door there should be 2-4 cm left.

For a simple wooden porch you will need the following materials:

  • bars for beams and rafters - 10-20 cm;
  • boards for the platform and steps 5*15*20 cm;
  • cement and gravel for the base.


  • file;
  • hammers;
  • nails;
  • meter.

The foundation is the main structure. For a simple wooden porch, a base on stilts is suitable. You can make the design with your own hands quickly and inexpensively. The structure for the piles requires holes approximately 80 cm deep. The piles themselves can be made of timber, but the wood for them needs to be processed protective equipment. The installed piles are backfilled and compacted with earth. The base can be filled with concrete, but then all subsequent stages will be possible only after the mixture has completely hardened. It is important that the height of the supports is the same. After leveling, the cuts are prepared. They are needed to fix the base trim. Reliable strapping minimizes the possibility of lag deformation. Some craftsmen attach the structure to the wall of the structure for reliability.

The ladder is made by forming a bowstring. This element comes with cut-out ledges, inserted or mortise steps. To ensure that the recesses for the feet are the same, a pattern is prepared, the dimensions of which correspond to the tread and riser. Using the pattern, markings are prepared along the bowstring itself.

The porch is a part of the house that is subject to constant use due to increased traffic. Made in harmonious combination with the material of the walls, it becomes a beautiful evidence of the well-being of the owner and his attentive attitude towards his home.

Several design options

First of all, you need to decide on your options entrance group, several landscaping methods are described below.

Open entrance

A porch without a canopy is sometimes used for private houses. This type of entrance represents a platform open on all sides. Railings are not installed, since the height usually does not exceed several steps. The site is exposed to precipitation, since there is no roof or canopy over it.

Most often, an open area is created if there is a veranda behind it. Such open types are arranged in southern regions with a dry climate, and in damp areas with a large number precipitation, open options are not built.

With terrace

To protect those entering the house, a porch of a private building with a canopy is made. This type allows you to approach the arrangement of the entrance with a huge range various options, as evidenced by numerous photographs. The roof above the platform plays the role of an elegant accessory or becomes the final detail in the whole ensemble of the façade exterior.

A covered area with a porch is the most effective solution; it is economical and practical to use. It is impossible to make a separate canopy in front of the entrance if the platform falls under the common extended edge of the roof or there is a balcony above it. Some canopy options involve expanding it to the roof of a parking lot or a small cozy terrace.

Buried option

This type involves fencing the site with walls made of wood. They can be solid and contain window openings in their design. The role of the roof is played by a separate canopy or a higher balcony above the entrance. Such a weather-protected room further expands usable area Houses.

Sometimes the area inside the closed entrance is made spacious and an additional kitchen is installed there in the summer for preparing food; in the winter, shelves are installed for storing food. Can be combined closed type entrance with a spacious terrace for parties and receiving friends. If you make a solid and spacious closed entrance, then most often you need to build a foundation.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands - step-by-step work

The construction of a wooden porch often does not require an additional foundation, which helps save money. When manufacturing the structure, attention is paid to massive steps and original railings.

Wood goes well with walls made of artificial and natural stone, brick, covered with siding or plastic. The canopy posts are made massive if the design concept requires it, or they are decorated with figures, light carvings, and balusters are installed. unusual shape. Wood can be easily painted in different colors, which makes it possible to develop design ideas.

Wood is a malleable material that can be easily processed and can be processed in complex ways. Steps and others wooden structures, treated with special impregnations against rotting and antiseptics against microbes, will last quite long term, and will not only have a presentable appearance, but also delight the owners of the house with their grandeur and splendor.

The porch is divided according to the method of connection to the house:

  • built-in type, located on a common foundation with the house and built together with it;
  • attached, carried out in the process of finishing work.

Construction device

The construction is carried out on a natural straight or sloping site using a frame. A wooden or metal box is made, which serves as the basis for installing and fastening the steps. This budget option and it can be implemented at any stage of construction or after the start of operation of the house.

A porch is built on a bowstring or a reinforced stringer, in which a metal box-base is provided only in the lower part, and the upper part rests on the base of the house or floor slab. This method opens up the possibility of more options design solutions, since it has a large bearing capacity than the previous budget option.

Common mistakes

It’s better to learn from the mistakes of others, so we were able to identify several common deviations that beginners encounter:

  • when designing, the materials of the house’s walls were not taken into account, and the porch stands out from the general style of the exterior;
  • errors in the dimensions of the structure do not provide a proportional combination with the dimensions of the house;
  • errors are made in measurements, the surrounding paths, flower beds, location and dimensions of the front door are not taken into account, which distorts the correctness of the design solution;
  • excess consumption of material is allowed as a result wrong choice designs;
  • the design strength of the structure is insufficient;
  • no additional treatment with antiseptics is provided and protective compounds open parts and load-bearing structures in the ground, which leads to premature damage to wood and reduces its service life;
  • the absence of a load-bearing foundation under a heavy, massive porch leads to sloughing of the soil and displacement of the structure;
  • soil characteristics are not taken into account, in particular, subsidence and the possibility of heaving.

Choosing building material

When planning construction, you should first determine the type of wood most suitable for the structure. For outdoor buildings, coniferous wood, pine or larch are chosen. You can make parts from a whole log, which looks very colorful for large estates and mansions. Stringers can be made from logs laid on top of each other, and steps are provided from a trunk sawn along the length.

For the device you will need to prepare the following types of material:

  • It is recommended to make the porch supports from 10 x 20 cm timber. This is a standard solution; the choice of section for each specific case depends on the load, the number of supports and other operating conditions;
  • for the manufacture of an array of platforms and steps, a board with a thickness of 2.5 to 5 cm, depending on the span, is optimal;
  • you can install ready-made balusters and railings in the structure, or you can make them from slats or thin timber, the dimensions of which are determined depending on the project;
  • provide protective solutions and compositions for impregnation of finished parts;
  • concrete and metal profile(if they are provided for by the design for the foundation).

We design

If you start construction without a project or diagram, then the difficulties that arise will put the craftsman in front of the need to change something in the process of constructing the structure. The presence of all diagrams and dimensions in a visual form on paper will make changes easier and simpler. The project must contain:

  • drawing, drawing or photo appearance porches in frontal and lateral projection;
  • the location, number and height of steps are indicated;
  • height and placement of railings, frequency of balusters;
  • size and shape of the visor;
  • dimensions of the platform base;
  • the dimensions of the side walls, their thickness, the presence of window and door openings.

There are patterns, defined by norms and rules, used for the rapid construction of structures:

  • the platform is made at the level of the foundation or base of the house;
  • the width of the area in front of the front door, taking into account the size of the first step, is usually taken to be 1.3–1.7 m;
  • the width of the step should be within 30–40 cm, its standard height is 15–20 cm;
  • the bottom of the visor is located 25–30 cm above the top of the entrance door;
  • The minimum width of the passage on the porch for one person is taken to be within 70–80 cm; for two people to walk hand in hand, this passage is increased to 1.4–1.6 m.
  • if the rise to the platform is more than three steps, then the porch is mandatory must be equipped with railings;
  • the front door usually opens outward, so the last finishing layer of the platform should not raise it more than 5 cm below the level of the opening line;
  • The project includes waterproofing wooden walls from concrete base, if provided;
  • the width of the platform is made taking into account the opening of a double or single leaf door;
  • it is recommended to provide night lighting for the entrance area and the surrounding area;
  • the extension of the canopy is made by 40–50 cm in length and width relative to the platform;
  • It is recommended to include in the design an inclination angle of the steps and platform of about 2–3 degrees to avoid the accumulation of water and the formation of ice.

Making the foundation

A lightweight structure can be installed without a foundation, but its foundation will help avoid the structure’s dependence on seasonal shifts and swelling of the soil. To do this, you can choose a columnar foundation.

A solid slab-type foundation is located under the porch and platform and is made in the form of a foundation for massive large entrances combined with terraces and verandas. The strip foundation is the most economical, as it has sufficient tensile strength with reduced material costs.

It is better to take the depth of the foundation at the level of the foundation of the house. It is recommended to fasten these two foundations together using embedded parts made of reinforcement or strip metal.

During construction, a number of mandatory rules must be observed according to the instructions:

  • the base of the stringer beam must rest in an area isolated from moisture, which is located on the foundation;
  • supports are best made from coniferous wood, which works better in wet conditions of contact with the ground;
  • It is imperative to treat all load-bearing and structural parts with an antiseptic to a height of up to 52 cm above the soil level; drying oil or used machine oil is used as impregnation;
  • the supports are installed to a depth of at least 80 cm or at a distance equal to 1/3 of the length, the number of racks depends on the massiveness of the structure;
  • after hardening concrete mortar adjust the height of the racks;
  • for reliable laying of beams and joists in the upper part of the racks, quarters are chosen;

Installing the steps

The steps are installed from below and gradually move upward. They are attached to the beam with self-tapping screws or wooden pins. It is advisable to lubricate both of them with wood glue before use. The heads of the screws must be well sunk into the wood to avoid foot injuries.

The porch is a functionally significant element of the architectural ensemble of a country house, which, in addition to its practical purpose, performs an aesthetic function, emphasizing the beauty of the entire building. Being the front part of the building, the porch of a private house can tell a lot about its owner: about his tastes, attitude towards his site, material wealth. That is why many of us try to decorate the facade of the house so that it stands out from others. And even if at the construction stage the owner does not have the opportunity to add a beautiful wooden porch to the house, he can always realize what he wants after a while.

Porch wooden house is an extension in front of the entrance to the building, which serves as a transition from ground level to floor level.

Since the height difference between the ground and the floor often reaches from 50 to 200 or even more centimeters, the porch is equipped with a staircase made of steps

The practical function of the porch is also that wooden extension designed to protect the front entrance of the house from snow and rain. Therefore, the area adjacent to the entrance door is also equipped with a canopy. Depending on the shape and purpose, the porch may have one of the design options; let’s look at some of them.

Option #1 – open area on the steps

A compact platform with adjacent steps is an excellent addition to the architectural ensemble of a small one- and two-story wooden house

Option #2 – platform with partially closed walls

When arranging a porch located on a small elevation, low fences are used protective function, protecting against falls and possible injuries.

On the porch, the height of which does not exceed half a meter, such railings and partially closed walls act more as a decorative design

Option #3 – closed porch

Screened porch owners country houses Most often they are equipped if they have the opportunity to build a more spacious area next to the entrance.

The space of such a porch - veranda, furnished with comfortable garden furniture, allows you to receive guests and enjoy a pleasant holiday outdoors

Self-construction of a wooden porch

Before you start building a porch to your house, it is important to decide not only the size of the structure, but also consider the presence of steps, the height of the handrails and general view porch.

A detailed project of the future structure or at least a drawing of the porch will allow you to visually formalize the idea and calculate required quantity material

When designing a structure, a number of points should be taken into account:

  1. The width of the porch area should be no less than one and a half times the width of the front entrance. The porch is located on the same level as the first floor of the building. In this case, a margin of 5 cm should be provided from the level of the porch platform for the front door. This will allow you to avoid complications in the future if the surface of the wooden platform is deformed under the influence of moisture when opening the front door. After all, according to the requirements fire safety The front door should only open outwards.
  2. The number of steps is calculated with the aim that when climbing, a person steps onto the porch platform leading to the front door with the foot with which he started moving. When arranging a porch in country house Usually they make three, five and seven steps. Optimal size steps: height 15-20 cm, depth 30 cm.
  3. Wooden steps leading to the porch should be placed at a slight inclination of several degrees. This will prevent puddles from stagnating after rain or melting ice during the cold season.
  4. It is advisable to provide a canopy to protect the front entrance from precipitation. The presence of fences and railings will make it easier to climb and descend stairs, which is especially important in winter period when the surface is covered with a crust of ice. From an ergonomic point of view, the most comfortable height for a person is 80-100 cm.
  5. When building a porch, it should also be taken into account that when attaching an extension to a monolithic building, it is extremely undesirable to connect the building structures “tightly”. This is due to the fact that the house and the porch, having different weights, create different shrinkage. This can cause the formation of cracks and deformations at the joints.

Stage #2 – preparation of materials and construction of the foundation

To make a wooden porch you will need the following materials:

  • Beam with a section of 100x200 mm for installing support pillars;
  • Boards 30 mm thick for arranging the platform and steps;
  • Rails with a cross section of 50 mm for side posts and railings;
  • Antiseptics for treating wood surfaces;
  • Cement mortar.

From construction tools should be prepared:

  • Saw or jigsaw;
  • Hammer;
  • Level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Fastening materials (nails, screws);
  • Shovel.

Construction of any building structure begins with laying the foundation.

The optimal option for laying a reliable and durable support for the construction of a wooden porch to the house is the construction of a pile foundation

Unlike traditional concrete types of foundations, pile foundation does not require large financial costs for construction. In addition, it is quite easy to install: any owner with basic construction skills can build a pile foundation.

Wooden beams intended for supports should be treated before installation. This allows you to prevent wood rotting and extend its service life. supporting structure. In the places where the supports are installed, we dig holes 80 cm deep, the bottom of which is lined with a sand and gravel “cushion”.

Having leveled the base, we install the support pillars vertically, level them, check the height, and only after that fill cement mortar

The height of the piles should be calculated taking into account that even after the platform has been laid on them, the distance to the door remains at least 5 cm.

Fill vertically installed support pillars with cement mortar, wait for it completely dry. Only after this we fix the outer row of support posts to the wall of the house using self-tapping screws. This will significantly increase the strength of the structure. We lay the logs horizontally directly on the support pillars.

Stage #3 – making a stringer and installing steps

For arrangement flight of stairs you will need to make a special inclined board - a stringer or bowstring.

A flight of stairs can have two design options: with embedded steps or with cut out ledges

Using a special triangular pattern, we make recesses for the bowstring. You can make such a template yourself by cutting out a blank from thick cardboard. One of the sides of the pattern corresponds to the horizontal part of the future steps - the tread, and the second to the vertical part - the riser. The number of steps depends on the size of the porch area and the expected load that they will have to withstand.

Having calculated the required number and sizes of steps, we mark the profile of the future bowstring on the board. As a basis for making a bowstring, it is better to use unedged lumber, which is an order of magnitude wider than conventional edged boards.

To secure the lower part of the bowstring, it is necessary to pour concrete support platform. To protect the lower stage from steam rising from the ground, it is advisable to lay a vapor barrier with the top layer.

At this stage of construction, it is also necessary to provide a “cushion” device to drain excess moisture

Having filled the support area with cement mortar, we wait until the base has completely dried and only after that we proceed with the installation of the bowstring. We fix them on the supports using screws or nails. The distance between the bowstrings should not exceed one and a half meters.

Stage #4 – assembly of the wooden structure

We attach the finished stringers by sawing, or using the tongue-and-groove method, to the joists of the site. To do this, we fix the boards with grooves to the area beam so that subsequently the spikes of the bowstrings are inserted into the grooves of the board.

After this, we move on to installing the wooden floor of the site. When laying the boards, it is advisable to fit them together as tightly as possible. This will help avoid future formation large gaps during the drying process of wood.

The final stage of assembling a wooden porch is the installation of steps and risers

We begin laying from the bottom step, fastening using the tongue-and-groove method and additionally fixing them with self-tapping screws. First we attach the riser, and then the tread on it.

The porch is almost ready. All that remains is to make the railings and arrange the canopy. To give the structure a more attractive and complete look, it is enough to coat the surface with varnish or paint.

Videos with examples of porch construction

The arrangement of a private house falls entirely on the shoulders of its owner, and therefore the question of how to build a porch with your own hands still remains relevant. This element of the structure is mandatory, as it allows you to refine the entrance to the room, provides convenient access to it and, in addition, performs many more functions. useful functions. So, let's take a closer look at how to build a porch.

Selection of location and materials

Building a porch in front of the entrance to a house with your own hands is one of the stages of construction of almost any building. It can sometimes be very difficult to do without this element. The porch is a platform in front of the front door, most often with steps. It can be completely open, completely or partially covered with a canopy.

Main functions of the porch:

  • protects the room from water ingress during significant precipitation;
  • provides convenient access to the front door, especially if we are talking about a house with a high foundation;
  • is part of the building’s exterior and plays an important aesthetic role;
  • can serve as a place for a dining area or relaxation, storage, etc.

Before you decide to build to a wooden or brick house porch, you need to determine its size, configuration and location. Basically, it is built in such a way that there is enough space not only for swinging the door open, but also for arranging summer playground. It may have rectangular shape, contain curves and protrusions. The door can be located either strictly in the center or away from the stairs.

The porch can be located not only from the main entrance. A platform with steps is also necessary for an alternative exit to the backyard, if there is one.

A variety of materials for the construction of the porch of a private house

The following materials are most often used for the construction of a porch:

  • Wood. Aesthetic and easy to process material. Only used hard rocks, since the structure is subject to a large load and influence of the external environment.
  • Concrete. Durable and durable material, allows you to display any configuration for the porch. It is important to use high-quality raw materials and reinforce individual areas when pouring concrete.
  • Brick. An alternative to concrete. It has a more noble appearance and is convenient to work with. Nevertheless, the main elements are made of concrete and iron reinforcement.
  • Metal. Mainly used to strengthen poured platforms and steps, as well as in the construction of external stairs and fences.


Before building a porch at the entrance to the house, you should at least roughly outline the area and scale of the work. To do this, you need to identify the basic parameters of the porch. First of all, we are talking about its area. Optimal value It is difficult to determine, because everything depends on the area of ​​land available for construction. In general, the porch should have at least enough space to enter the house. Therefore, you need to take the distance from the opening to the fence as a basis.



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