Types of transparent fabrics: properties, where they are used. Delicate airiness of transparent fabrics Features of installing a translucent roof

The secret to the survival of many animals lies in their strength and size, while others come to the aid of the ability to remain unnoticed. On our beloved planet, lives huge amount species of animals, some of which are worthy special attention. For example, being transparent, these animals can't help but amaze with their futuristic appearance, similar to the disguise of an alien from the movie "Predator". The "glass" animals of planet Earth are waiting for you next.

Glass shrimp

Also known as the ghost shrimp, it lives a normal freshwater crustacean life and is a skilled scavenger.


The bizarre fish has extremely light-sensitive eyes, which it uses to peer through its transparent, fluid-filled head. The fish's tubular eyes are decorated with bright green lenses. The eyes are directed upward (as shown in the photo) when the fish is looking for food, but when the fish is eating, its eyes are directed forward. The two spots above the fish's mouth that look like eyes are actually olfactory organs, which are essentially nostrils.

Glass frog

There are several various types glass frogs, which all live in the rainforests of the Central and South America. When glass frogs sit still, they are virtually invisible to predators.

Greta Oto

Also known as the glass butterfly, it is found in forests in Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Glass butterflies do not like to rush through their meal and can sit on a flower for hours, enjoying the nectar.

White-blooded fish

Also known as the Crocodile Icefish, they live in Antarctica and are extremely pale, as even their blood, just like their body, is colorless. The icefish is the only vertebrate without red blood cells and the protein hemoglobin.

Turtle beetle

There are several types of these beetles, but they are all united by a transparent shell with dark spots.

Salpa Maggiore

One of the subspecies of salps that moves along the surface of the ocean, distilling water through its own digestive organs, simultaneously eating phytoplankton. Salps are known for their unique life cycle, throughout their lives they can exist as individual individuals or be part of a collective organism. During their existence as a collective organism, salps bind their bodies together in massive chains, as shown in the photo below.

Transparent sea cucumber

This strange sea creature crawls along the ocean floor using its tentacles, sucking up rich nutrients sediment from the bottom. Since their tentacles are short, the speed of movement of the “cucumber” is 2 centimeters per minute.


Also known as glass squids, of which there are about 60 various types. Cranchiids spend most of their lives swimming in partially sunlit shallow waters, where their transparency provides ideal camouflage.


There are a huge variety of transparent and translucent jellyfish that can pose a serious danger to swimmers, since the tentacles of some of them are poisonous.

Great California stingray

They can grow to quite massive sizes. Through very pale skin, you can see them internal organs, if you manage to get close enough to them.

Transparent amphipod phronima

The body size of this tiny shrimp is 2.5 cm, but this does not prevent it from being brutally cruel. Thanks to its transparency, it blends expertly with environment, waiting for inattentive prey to swim past in order to grab it with its claws.


Discovered just a few years ago, this nocturnal wanderer is only a few millimeters in length. It lives in a tributary of the Amazon River and has one conical tooth in its mouth.


Predatory gastropods, whose favorite delicacy is monkfish. Their appearance inspired the authors of Pokemon to create two new species, called Phione and Manaphy.

Barton Springs salamander

This lungless salamander's home is Barton Springs, a group of natural springs in Austin, Texas. They cannot be found in any other body of water in the world. Since their existence requires exclusively clean water, this species is endangered.

Costa Rican tadpoles

Before becoming frogs, these tadpoles have transparent skin that reveals their twisted intestines.

Glass catfish

The Asian glass catfish is one of the most transparent vertebrates on the planet (at least known). They live in quiet ponds along the coasts of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Transparent slug

Gaeotis flavolineata are short-bodied gastropods. Their body size is approximately the size of a bullet.

Transparent jumping spider

There are thousands of species of jumping spiders in the world, and they all have the terrifying ability to move toward your face at lightning speed. A transparent jumping spider was discovered in Ecuador. His most amusing ability lies in his eyes, which you can see moving thanks to the transparency of his body.

Mnemiopsis leidyi

Ctenophores Mnemiopsis, also known as marine walnut, have an oval shape and a transparent body, with four vertical rows of ridges. These ridges are capable of displaying crazy rainbow colors and emitting a blue-green glow when the jelly body is damaged.

Glass octopus

This ghostly octopus lives in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. Very little is known about him, except that the number of his organs can be counted just by looking at his body.



adj., used often

Morphology: transparent, transparent, transparent, transparent; more transparent; adv. transparent

1. Transparent are called a material, substance, object that has the constant property of almost completely transmitting light rays, which allows you to see objects behind them.

Transparent glass. | Transparent gemstone. | Under clear ice water flowed.

2. Transparent is an extremely thin material, a layer of something, etc., that allows one to partially discern what is behind it.

Transparent veil. | Under the almost transparent skin of her hand, he could see blue, pulsating veins.

3. Transparent called openwork, with a large number of light-transmitting holes in the structure, decorative elements, weave.

Transparent arches of the bridge.

4. You name air, water, etc. transparent, if they are extremely clean, allow you to see clearly over a considerable distance.

The air in the mountains is unusually clear and filled with the aromas of herbs. | At the edge of the forest flowed a clear stream with very cold water.

5. The liquid is called transparent, if there are no insoluble impurities, turbidity, or sediment in it.

He adored her raspberry jam with thick clear syrup.

6. Transparent is called an easy-to-understand, simple and clear-to-understand style of conveying information.

Transparent style of Yesenin's village poems. | The meaning contained in the words was so transparent that it was difficult not to catch it.

7. Speaking about what is contained in the speech or text a clear hint of anything, you imply that their hidden meaning is designed to be easily understood.

The transparent hint of a salary increase contained in Petrov’s speech remained completely misunderstood by his superiors.

transparency noun, and.

Water transparency. | Transparency of glass, paint.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



See what “transparent” is in other dictionaries:

    TRANSPARENT, transparent, transparent; transparent, transparent, transparent. 1. Transmitting light through itself, shining through. Transparent glass. Transparent paints. Transparent skin. “Your pensive nights have transparent twilight, moonless brilliance.”... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See clear... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. transparent, unclouded, self-evident, glazing, luminous, indisputable, clear, gentle, pure as a tear, understandable,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    transparent- TRANSPARENT, translucent, see-through, see-through... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    TRANSPARENT, the definition of a material that has the property of transmitting light (or other electromagnetic radiation). In this case, the light is practically not scattered, so that objects located behind the material can be clearly seen. Various materials… … Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    TRANSPARENT, oh, oh; chen, chna. 1. Transmitting light through itself. Transparent glass. P. air (very clean). 2. transfer About color, tone: light and delicate, as if glowing. Transparent blue sky. Transparent face (pale, with thin skin).... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    transparent- - Topics information protection EN transparent ... Technical Translator's Guide

Even 20–30 years ago, a transparent roof was spoken of in reverent whispers, considering it an unusual invention. Now they are talking about it out loud, and not only by creative people who want to stand out due to a special roof. The roof is made of transparent materials affordable option decoration of country real estate.

Transparent roofing: features and applications

The roof is made of transparent materials and is constructed using a post-transom system. In other words, the frame is assembled from aluminum profiles, and the space between them is covered with glass or other construction raw materials.

A roof that allows light to pass through can be one of the following unusually shaped structures:

  • arch;

    The transparent arch-shaped roof creates a special atmosphere, making it suitable for recreational areas, such as a swimming pool

  • slope at an angle;

    Transparent pitched roof, despite its ordinariness, it looks decent

  • dome;

    The transparent roof in the form of a dome amazes the imagination and is perceived as something grandiose

  • pyramid;

    The transparent roof in the form of a pyramid seems to be directed towards the light

  • polygon.

    Polygonal transparent roofing can ordinary house turn into a real work of art

More often transparent roof made for buildings and places such as:

  • winter garden;

    Winter garden under a transparent roof you won’t leave anyone open-hearted

  • exit to the balcony or street;

    A transparent roof over the porch does not add weight to the house, unlike a metal one

  • greenhouse;

    A greenhouse under a transparent roof will not make you doubt whether the plants have enough light

  • alcove;

    A transparent roof over a gazebo always seems special

  • two separate houses that need to be combined.

    Using a glass roof you can connect two buildings

Having decided to build a roof through which the sun will peer into the house, you need to be prepared for a comprehensive design of the lighting system. The issue will need to be analyzed taking into account the operational properties of the premises and the climate in the area where construction is planned.

The transparent roof attracts the eye, like a crystal vase, and causes amazement with its amazing lightness, but it has a number of features that affect the operation of the entire structure:

  • in the summer it gets hot under the transparent roof, like in a tropical climatic zone, therefore, in the warm season, such a roof must be protected from increased impact sun;
  • when installing transparent design the lower rows of material cannot be overlapped with the upper ones, as happens during the construction of a slate roof, which means that all seams have to be additionally insulated from moisture;
  • transparent material is fraught with some danger, because being extremely fragile, it can break and injure people indoors;
  • The transparent surface, like a magnet, attracts dust, which is why its main property - the ability to transmit light unhindered - may be less pronounced over time.

Advantages of a translucent roof

A transparent roof has the following significant advantages:

Types of transparent roof

A translucent roof can be:

  • polycarbonate (from cellular polycarbonate);
  • glass (from laminated or acrylic glass);
  • plastic (made of profiled PVC);
  • fiberglass (made of glass fiber reinforced polyester).

Polycarbonate roof

Cellular polycarbonate can be used to build a roof for any structure, including a gazebo, greenhouse and veranda.

Cellular polycarbonate is also called cellular due to its special structure

A roof made of cellular material is famous for the following advantages:

  • attractive appearance obtained by painting polycarbonate in various colors;
  • light weight, contributing to the creation of an elegant and airy appearance of the structure;
  • resistance to mechanical impact, which makes the material immune to snow and hail;
  • Sound insulation is at the proper level.

A roof made of cellular polycarbonate looks colorful because it can be of different colors

When constructing a roof, polycarbonate sheets are connected to each other with special joining profiles made of aluminum or plastic.

It is extremely rare to cover a roof with simple glass, because this material can easily break and cause serious harm to health. Instead, they actively use triplex, that is, laminated glass, and plexiglass, which is also called acrylic.

The glass roof seems like a window to the sky

Triplex is produced by pressing two sheets of glass. Multilayer construction product passes heat treatment and is covered protective film, due to which it acquires special properties: it cannot be cut or drilled.

Triplex is so durable that if damaged it does not turn into a mountain of sharp fragments. It crumbles into granules, which remain on the film.

Triplex can withstand heavy loads due to its multilayer nature

Acrylic glass (plexiglass) is superior to ordinary glass, as it has the following advantages:

  • 5 times stronger than traditional glass;
  • 2 times lighter than ordinary glass;
  • not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • perfect for complex structures(arches or domes).

Plexiglas is most often used in the construction arched structures

Profiled PVC is a plastic copy of a metal corrugated sheet, which exactly repeats its parameters and shape.

Profiled PVC is similar to corrugated sheeting, but is transparent

Profiled transparent polyvinyl chloride sheets have the following positive characteristics:

  • chemical inertness;
  • immunity to mechanical stress;
  • protection from moisture.

When covering the roof with profiled sheets of polyvinyl chloride, steel profiles should be used as rafters.

When constructing a roof, profiled PVC is fixed to steel rafters

Polyester roof

Glass fiber reinforced polyester is a fusion of polyester resins with glass fiber. In other words, the material is fiberglass and looks like slate, albeit transparent.

Transparent slate comes not only in sheets, but also in rolls

The advantages of transparent reinforced polyester are:

  • a variety of shapes, since the material can be flat or wavy, sheet or roll;
  • economical consumption;
  • convenient installation;
  • wide scope of application;
  • low price;
  • resistance to high temperatures.

Reinforced polyester is indispensable in the construction of greenhouses, canopies, recreation areas and individual roof sections of complex configurations.

A transparent slate roof looks more beautiful than an asbestos-cement analogue roof

DIY transparent roof

The choice of transparent material requires an individual approach to roof construction. If you build a glass roof by analogy with a metal one, it simply will not withstand the load.

Installation features

Before glazing the roof, it is necessary to find suitable rafters. For large spans, steel profiles are suitable, for medium spans - aluminum, and for small spans - polyvinyl chloride.

When constructing a transparent roof, some points should be taken into account:

Most often, they construct a polycarbonate roof over a summer cottage with their own hands. The step-by-step process is as follows:

Video: example of building a roof from transparent slate

Way to half glaze the roof

If you have an idea to glaze only half of the roof, then it is best to use a combination of metal corrugated sheets and profiled PVC. Such materials look good together and are mounted in the same way: the lateral overlap is made in one wave, and the longitudinal overlap is 10–15 cm, used for fastening roofing screws with washers.

As an option, one roof slope can be covered with a metal profiled sheet, and the other with polyphenyl chloride. It is also a good idea to alternate these materials, creating a kind of chessboard on the roof.

The combination of slate with reinforced polyester is considered good. In this case, only one strip on the roof slope can be covered with transparent material.

The combination of asbestos-cement and transparent slate will help illuminate the space under the extensive roof

How to build a pyramid roof

To make a transparent roof in the form of a pyramid, simple in design, you need to prepare 4 bars for the mauerlat, 4 diagonal rafters, a stand and a bench.

Photo gallery: airy transparent roofs

If you want to make the space under the roof more illuminated, you can make the middle of the roof transparent. Under a gable roof made of transparent material, you can create a comfortable recreation area. A half-glazed roof can combine a living space and a gazebo. Under a transparent roof, you can park a car in the yard. In a room with a swimming pool, they can be transparent. both walls and roof A transparent roof over the passage between two buildings, made in the form of an arch, expands the space A transparent dome-shaped roof is often created high above ground level A transparent glass roof turns an ordinary house into a luxurious mansion

For such an interesting undertaking as the construction of a transparent roof, you need to take on inspiration. The roof, which allows light to pass through, is built using a special technology, but will shine in the rays of the sun and the glory of its owner - a jack of all trades.

Every needlewoman from time to time wonders about what material to use for the next product. This is not surprising, because there are so many different types fabrics: natural, synthetic, combined...

Natural fabrics are made from natural materials. They are pleasant to the touch and do not cause allergies. They are also hygienic and good for making clothes. Fabrics from natural fibers are divided into cotton, wool and silk. Each type has different properties. For example, a silk group has lightness, softness, strength and an attractive appearance. Fabrics can be made from natural, mixed and synthetic silk. This group includes: satin, chiffon, satin, toile.

One of the most commonly used fabrics is chiffon. This is an excellent choice as it can be used for sewing clothes, curtains and other products. But most often it is used to create women's tops, romantic dresses and flowing skirts.

What is chiffon?

Chiffon is lightweight transparent fabric with a magical shine. She is associated with the image of a gentle girl in a light flowing dress made of this material. Its history begins many centuries ago in the vastness of China. However, chiffon became popular in Europe only in the 18th century. Due to its high cost, only rich and status people could afford it. But when industry began to develop, artificial materials began to be added to silk, and the price of this fabric fell sharply. Thanks to the new invention - nylon, outfits made from this material have become available to all fashionistas.

Properties of chiffon fabric

Characteristics of chiffon fabric: it is soft, most often translucent, light and airy. The demand for such material is very high. The most valuable chiffon is made from natural silk threads. However, this fabric can be produced using artificial and synthetic materials.

Chiffon, like all fabrics, has certain properties. Now we will look at the pros and cons of this material.


  • Beautiful appearance (transparent, shiny).
  • Has high breathability.
  • Pleasant to the touch.
  • Easy.
  • Hygroscopic (able to absorb water vapor).
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Chiffon clothes are slimming.
  • Draps well (that is, it can form folds).


  • Low thermal protection.
  • High crumbling.
  • Wears out quickly
  • Fragile.
  • Not good for sewing.

Types of chiffon

There are several types of chiffon with different external characteristics. Shiny, matte, with or without a pattern - everyone can choose the fabric that they like.

Types of chiffon by composition

Many people wonder what the composition of chiffon fabric is? The fact is that there is no definite answer to this, since chiffon fabric can be made from different materials. There are 3 groups of chiffon based on the composition of raw materials.

  • Natural. Natural chiffon can be made from silk and cotton fabrics. It is durable, but despite this it is very light and pleasant to the body. Silk chiffon has a natural shine that sets it apart from other types. This can be understood while examining the fabric as if it is made from real silk fiber then it will have a natural glow and reflect light when worn. Cotton chiffon fabric loses its glow and looks dull and less shiny. Besides the shine and shine, you can recognize silk chiffon by touching it. Silk chiffon fabric is very soft to the touch. When you pick her up, she exhibits a quality that can be described as flowing - completely free of stiffness, she simply follows your every move. If you compare it with cotton chiffon, you will notice a huge difference. Cotton chiffon doesn't have the shine, and it tends to be stiffer and less responsive to movement than those made from silk. The price for silk chiffon starts from 1000 rubles/meter.
  • Artificial. In addition to natural, there is also artificial chiffon. This type of fabric is denser, but soft and pleasant. Artificial chiffon is made from viscose.
  • Synthetic. Chiffon made from synthetic fibers is very different from natural fabrics. He is tougher and rougher. Wearing it may cause discomfort due to the feeling of stickiness and stuffiness. However, it does not lose its attractive appearance due to the fact that modern manufacturers They do everything to make it lighter and more durable. The most common materials used to make synthetic chiffon are nylon and polyester. But the most important advantage is a much lower price compared to natural chiffon.

Currently, factories often combine natural and synthetic fibers so that the fabric retains its properties and at the same time is affordable.

Chiffon care

Despite all its advantages, chiffon items have a drawback: they require delicate care.

  • Chiffon outfits should be washed by hand. It is also possible to do this in washing machine at low speed, taking extra care to avoid fraying the fabric.
  • Do not wash chiffon items with other wardrobe items, especially in the first few washes.
  • The washing process itself should take a short amount of time, otherwise the item will begin to lose color.
  • In order to remove wrinkles, it is better to use a steamer, as an iron can damage the fabric.
  • It is best to iron using an iron, especially fabric with a synthetic composition.
  • It is best to iron fabric without an iron using a special mode with minimum temperature. The chiffon needs to be turned inside out.
  • It is best to straighten the item with your hands immediately after washing and hang it to dry, then you won’t have to iron it.


In conclusion, it remains to say that chiffon fabric is an excellent choice. Blouses, skirts, dresses - everything made from this material adds romance to the image of its owner. We can say with confidence that chiffon will not go out of fashion any time soon, and products made from it will delight us for many years.

The thin, sheer fabric combines oriental charm with a subtly teasing western sass. It drapes beautifully, is easy to wear and does not hinder movement. Products made from thin transparent fabrics look very elegant and are suitable for women regardless of body size and age.

These fabrics are very mobile, so before you start working with them, you need to lay them on work surface thin cotton fabric.

Features of working with delicate fabrics

The processing of such fabrics has certain nuances.


Transparent material requires very thin long needles. Machine seams are made with 70-80 needles (or special needles for thin fabrics).


The length of the machine stitch is within 0.2 cm. Do not stitch across the pins when sewing on a machine, so as not to cause strong tension in the material, which can lead to defects. Thin paper placed under the fabric will help improve progress.

Processing slices

The cut of a ruffle or flounce is processed using a double seam in the hem with a closed cut (the combination is called the Moscow seam) or a rolled seam (if there is an appropriate machine foot).

Oblique processing is also used satin ribbon or edging.

Cutting the shoulder and side seams will require great care. Thin, even cuts processed using an overlocker look very good, but if an overlocker is not available, processing with a closed seam or a French seam is used.


When designing products from thin transparent fabrics, they try to avoid them, replacing them with draperies or folds.

Ironing mode

Transparent material requires special care when working with an iron. You must use a special mode that is designed for this type of fabric. If necessary, the thin cloth is slightly moistened.


Below we will look at the main types of thin fabrics that are relevant today. Some of them are made these days from both natural and man-made fibers.


Very thin, almost transparent linen (less often cotton) fabric with a plain weave. As, indeed, with most similar lightweight materials, its homeland is India. The cambric lays down in soft, airy folds. Its name comes from the name of François Baptiste, a French weaver who recreated it in Europe in the 14th century.

In the era of the musketeers, men wore snow-white cambric shirts, beautifully trimmed with lace. Today this material is used mainly for sewing blouses, as well as all kinds of summer and simply elegant clothes.


This is a light and thin, almost transparent and predominantly cotton fabric made from twisted yarn (very thin). Its name comes from "marquisette", a French word for the external awning of a marquise window, which is used to protect against sun rays and was originally made from paper fabric.

The material drapes remarkably well, has excellent breathability, is easy to wash and iron. This cotton fabric is great for making blouses and other summer clothes. To visually represent the voile, it is enough to recall the feminine dresses of women of the 30s with puff sleeves and elongated flared skirts.


This is a sparsely woven, most transparent, predominantly cotton (less often wool or silk) fabric. It is characterized by plain weave, and in its own way appearance it looks like thick gauze. The name of this material comes from a long veil, which was part of women's toilets, and was intended to cover women's faces and bodies. Such a veil (mostly black) in eastern countries called "burqa".

Products made from a veil must be washed extremely carefully, avoiding large mechanical loads. The veil is perfectly ironed, perfectly breathable, so it is simply irreplaceable for the summer season.


It is a lightweight cotton fabric of plain weave, often with a bright printed pattern. Since ancient times, chintz with colorful floral patterns has been used for sewing Russian folk clothing (shirts, sundresses, etc.). Its name has come to us in such a form that it is difficult to immediately establish its original source.

Thus, the Dutch changed the Bengali name for variegated cotton fabric “chits” (English - “chints”) to “sits”, and in our country the material began to be called chintz.

The disadvantages of this cotton fabric are low strength and insufficient color fastness. These problems are partially eliminated by finishing.
As for the main advantages of such cotton fabric, they include lightness, good breathability, and relatively low cost. Chintz washes perfectly, dries quickly and is easy to iron. Items made from chintz are perfect for summer, including children's clothing.


Gas is probably the lightest, most transparent matter of a special gas weave. Thanks to the space between the threads, this fabric is soft and translucent.

According to one version, its name comes from the city of Gaza, where it was first made.

According to another opinion (Vasmer's etymological dictionary), the name refers to French word"gaze", in turn representing the Arabic word for "raw silk". In the second half of the 19th century, gauze dresses with a satin or satin cover were in fashion. Nowadays, gas is used for decoration and is mainly popular in wedding decorations.


Thin transparent cotton or silk fabric with plain weave of high density. Due to this, the material has a large weight, which allows the formation of plastic folds.

During the Art Nouveau era, chiffon was very popular, although the origin of its name remains a mystery. Refined ladies of that time preferred chiffon blouses with very puffy and gathered sleeves.

Today, chiffon is made mainly from synthetic fibers. This fabric does not wrinkle and is perfect for sewing elegant blouses decorated with various flounces and ruffles.


Georgette (another name is “crepe-georgette”) is a translucent silk crepe that has a matte, slightly grainy texture to the touch. Georgette is quite elastic and drapes beautifully. This fabric looks elegant and noble, and it is also extremely popular. lately. It is used to make blouses, skirts and dresses, and suits.


This is a thin, rigid, transparent silk fabric obtained as a result of finely patterned weaving. Unfortunately, the origin of its name is not known for certain. Organza has a matte texture and somewhat resembles a slightly shiny layer the thinnest ice. Although it is found not only in white, but also in other colors.

It is often used for collars and other trims, and because of its stiffness and transparency, the fabric is used for formal wear. For example, dark, glossy organza can be suitable for sewing an evening dress or even luxurious curtains.

New solutions

Awning fabric or PVC (full name is polyvinyl chloride) is a new generation of fabrics. It is distinguished by reliability, strength and durability.

Thanks to the magnificent technical characteristics, the scope of application of PVC is very extensive:

  • curtains for verandas and gazebos;
  • curtains for terraces of cafes and restaurants;
  • soft windows;
  • awnings for warehouses, trailers, hangars, etc.

PVC is soft and elastic, highly resistant to abrasion and repeated bending. It washes easily, while long time maintaining its color and structure.

Awning fabric has great mechanical strength. PVC does not lose its elasticity even in the coldest weather, thereby providing long-term resistance to various weather conditions.

These material qualities make it possible to use PVC fabric, including for the production of items that are used in unfavorable times weather conditions or undertake significant physical activity.

PVC is, first of all, optimal combination technical qualities, allowing the use of this material in a wide variety of industries.

As you can see, transparent fabric can be very diverse, but each of its varieties finds its purpose and is in demand among consumers.



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