Warm gutters. How are gutters heated? Installation of an icing system for flat roofs

So that there is no ice in the drainage system and snow does not accumulate, clogging the drain, in lately Heating of gutters is actively used. Roof heating and drainage system protects against deformation that can be caused by freezing water. This heating system for the roof and gutters helps prevent the appearance of icicles and prevent rupture of storm pipes. Preventing the appearance of snow on the roof and in the drainage system significantly increases the safety during operation of the building.

To prevent ice buildup in the drainage system, it is recommended to use heating.

Description of technology

The technology for heating gutters and roofs is considered relatively new. Roof heating systems have been actively installed over the past 3-5 years. It is worth noting that attempts were made to implement similar technology in the mid-20th century in the USSR, but then it was considered quite expensive. The main reason for abandoning this technology was the high cost of electricity and the high costs of manufacturing a special cable (the cable for heating gutters is significantly different from the usual one). In connection with the development of new materials in the 90s of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century, roof heating began to spread widely (mainly in shopping centers, where there is an urgent need for it).

The system solves the problem of heating the roof using a special cable. The main disadvantage of all types of such cables is the impossibility of their full functioning at temperatures below -15 degrees Celsius. Such cables are recommended for use during thaws in winter, early spring and in autumn. This is due to the following factors:

  1. High energy consumption. The formula is simple: for every 3 degrees the temperature drops below -15, the consumption increases by 1.5 times;
  2. At temperatures below -15, precipitation (in the form of snow) usually does not fall. Therefore, the use of such a system at such temperatures is not beneficial;
  3. The main disadvantage of turning on such a system at temperatures below -15 is that the melting process occurs gradually, with the formation of water. At low temperatures water very quickly (instantly) turns into ice. This is exactly what it is main reason It is pointless to turn on the heating system for gutters, since ice can damage (tear) gutters and storm drains.

To prevent the system from turning on at low temperatures, the system is automated by installing temperature control sensors.

These should be purchased separately as the cable without sensors (by itself) is quite capable of working. Such regulation allows you to prevent false activation of the system and configure parameters for a specific climatic region. This significantly optimizes energy costs. It is important to place humidity sensors in different points roofing to prevent false activation of the heating system (the system should only turn on when there is precipitation).

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Cable selection

Today, stores offer 3 types of cables that are used for heating. They are divided into resistive, self-regulating cables and mixed cables. The selection of cable primarily depends on financial capabilities, as well as on whether the system will heat only gutters or will heat the entire roof. Let's take a closer look at all types of cables.

Resistive cables are considered the cheapest. The operating principle of such a cable is very simple: the cable cores are made of materials with high internal resistance. This causes intense heating of the wire after it is connected to the network. The power consumption of such a cable is not regulated in any way and does not depend on external influences; in addition, connecting such a cable to the network will not cause a voltage drop in the network (since the starting and operating currents are equal). It also has positive aspects, and negative. The negative side is the inability to heat specific gutters (for example, on the side closed from the wind) more intensely than others. But this disadvantage can be eliminated by increasing the amount of cable in these gutters.

A self-regulating cable (self-regulating) has a price 2-3 times higher than resistive cables. In addition, such material is more expensive to operate (the material ages very quickly, which makes it necessary to frequently change the cable). This wire uses a matrix that itself controls temperature and humidity indicators. In this case, the resistance automatically changes in certain areas. Since the resistance changes chemically, this causes rapid aging of the cable.

Mixed cable appeared relatively recently and is considered a new product. Despite active advertising, such a cable has not been able to gain popularity over the past 2-3 years. In addition, this type of material is the most expensive. Due to low demand, there are virtually no reviews of mixed cable.

You can also compare cable installation. It’s much easier and cheaper to install a self-regulating cable this way, but cheap installation does not cover the high initial cost of the material. It is more economically feasible to lay the resistive cable yourself. Since on at the moment Resistive cables are the most popular, and there is a choice between different manufacturers. The risk of running into counterfeits is significantly reduced, since the technology has long been established and mass production of such material is carried out.

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Preparation for installation

Fastening the heating cable using special clips.

Many people often ask the question: where should I start installing cables? As in any other engineering work, a laying diagram is first drawn up. When drawing up a diagram, it is worth taking into account the gutters, which require more intense heating. They put 3-4 cores there, instead of the standard 2. In addition, the amount of fasteners is calculated based on the amount of cable. So for every 2 horizontal linear meters, 3 fastening points are required, and for 1 vertical linear meter 2-3 points. In the diagram you can consider the possibility of laying the cable on the roof.

Warm zones must be identified before installation. Such places are considered to be areas of snow accumulation. Since snow has good thermal insulation properties, the likelihood of water and moisture forming in these areas is very low. Areas that are blown by the wind do not require strong heating, since the wind dries out the moisture.

Once these zones have been identified and the cable length has been calculated, the sensors and control system must be selected. A primitive system consists of a temperature sensor and a weather station. An intelligent programmable relay is used as a direction system. It is highly recommended to purchase a number of humidity sensors. Next, electricians complete the wiring diagram. Separately, it is worth saying that you should bet as much as possible distribution boxes, since they save wire footage and allow for quick replacement of the damaged section. Boxes must be waterproof (marine grade). Usually they are installed for every 2-3 linear meters of wire. During the calculation process, it is recommended to take 10% of the cable as reserve for “cutting” and for laying in hard-to-reach places.

Most of Russia belongs to the territory where winter lasts four to five months, or even all nine. Such weather conditions are a serious test for the roof and drainage system of the entire building. It is especially difficult when the temperature changes between zero degrees. Therefore, heating the gutters is an integral part construction work when constructing any modern house.

In Russia it often happens that there is a thaw during the day, and frost comes at night. As a result, ice accumulates in gutters, pipes and funnels of the drainage system. All this provokes icing of roof elements. Ice destroys roofing and gutters. And most importantly, it threatens the life and health of people, since ice and icicles falling from a great height can cause serious injuries. In addition, cars parked near houses are often affected. Owners of housing constructions are responsible for such incidents. It is worth noting that such liability is often criminal.

How to avoid these problems? You can, of course, hire consistently industrial climbers to clear the roof of snow and ice, but this is almost impossible to do every day. There is another option that is gaining more and more popularity - automatic heating of gutters and drains. If you decide to install such a new product, then it is very important to do this without skimping on heating the roof itself, otherwise ice and icicles will remain on the eaves.

Experts divide roof heating into two types:

  • Heating a cold roof.
  • Warm roof heating.

A cold roof is one that has attic space. In this case, you can get by with heating only the drainage system. In addition, you can install the heater with less power- 30−70 W per square meter.

A warm roof is a roof that conducts heat outward, creating an almost constant melting of snow and ice. In this case, severe icing of the cornices and gutters is created. Therefore, in mandatory heating of the roof itself is also installed. The heating power also increases and can be up to 200-250 watts per square meter.

Electric heating is the most widely used for heating roofs and gutters. It helps to quickly eliminate the problem and protect the building from unwanted ice.

Let's look at its main components:

Professionals can handle the installation of such equipment perfectly. wide range . Services can be ordered from a trusted company. As for self-installation, then it’s better not to take risks here. Installation is so complex equipment Doing it yourself can lead not only to violations of safety rules, but also to disable a complex mechanism, which will lead to additional costs.

The most critical and loaded element of the drain heating system is the cable. Heating is carried out by them.

There are two types of cable:

  • Resistive.
  • Self-regulating.

The design of a resistive cable is very clear and simple - a tape of high resistance metal runs inside it. When voltage is applied, the tape instantly heats up. The advantages of this type of cable include ease of operation and low cost. A system that involves the use of a resistive cable requires a thermostat.

The energy consumption of a system with this type of cable will largely depend on the accuracy of the settings. In terms of energy efficiency, a resistive cable is inferior to a self-regulating cable. Professionals advise using a zone resistive cable. This is a type of cable that uses nichrome as a heating element. The advantages of this type of cable also include durability and very simple installation, which can be easily done with your own hands.

A self-regulating cable is considered more progressive b. Its device is much more complex compared to resistive ones. Two heating elements pass inside the cable, a special matrix is ​​created around them that controls the temperature environment. Accordingly, the warmer the external environment, the less the cable heats up and, conversely, the colder it is, the stronger the heating will be.

This cable has many advantages: it saves energy, it does not require thermostats, it can be cut (minimum cut length is 20 centimeters), it can be twisted in any way, it can be mounted anywhere.

Heating system calculation

Heating gutters requires some calculations. Experts advise using a roof and gutter cable with a power of at least 25-30 watts for heating. Interestingly, these same cables are also used in systems for rapid underfloor heating. They are also considered the most powerful, practical and durable.

To calculate the system, its maximum activity is taken. This is approximately 11 to 33 percent of the cold season, for middle zone this is from mid-autumn to early spring. This period varies depending on the climate.

To calculate heating parameters, you need to know the performance of the drainage system. These data include the diameter of the gutter pipe and the cross-section of the vertical drain. Special Internet sites will help you accurately calculate the system parameter you need, where the drainage parameters are stored. However, it is best to contact specialists who will do necessary calculations and will install heating gutters.

Heating cables are laid in places where ice forms. The recommended power is 250-300 watts per square meter. On roof elements, the cable is usually laid in a snake pattern. Special attention When laying, care must be taken to avoid unheated areas, as this will lead to the formation of ice. Two strands of cable are laid inside the gutters. There is usually one heating cable in the drain pipe. Also, do not forget about the water intake funnels; they need as much heating as possible.

Self-installation complex systems may lead to further frequent breakdowns. Therefore such important stage In building a house, it is better to leave it in the hands of real professionals.

Let's briefly look at the installation of a heating system for gutters and drains:

Proper installation will make it easier for you own life high-quality heating of gutters. It will allow you not to worry about possible consequences ice collapses from eaves. The process of installing heated gutters and drains is quite labor-intensive and requires special skills. Therefore, this work should be entrusted to professionals or experts with extensive experience..

In a house where a drainage or storm sewer system is installed, a necessary element is the installation of a cable for drains. We will consider the types, installation and tips for choosing a heating cable for gutters in this article.

Operating principle and cable design for drainage

The operating principle of a self-heating cable is based on the operation of a flexible heating element. The cable device for heating gutters consists of a two-core copper wire, which is coated with tin or copper alloy. Thermoplastic plastic is pressed around the cable.

Scope of use of self-heating cable:

  • heating of the residential sector: water supply and storm sewer system;
  • heating of the commercial sector: heating of water supply systems, systems fire safety and storm drainage systems;
  • heating industrial premises in explosive and simple areas.

A self-regulating heating cable for drains, which is mounted on pipes or on the roof, is able to respond to changes in temperature.

The matrix on the heating cable generates heat at low temperatures. The heating temperature depends on the temperature on the surface of the pipes.

Metal coating functions:

  • providing grounding,
  • protection from aggressive influences,
  • protection from ultraviolet rays,
  • protection against spark formation.

The two-core wire is responsible for providing voltage along the entire length of the cable. The role of a continuous heating element is performed by a conductive plastic coating.

Advantages of installing cable for drainage:

  • no formation of local overheating areas,
  • the formation of unheated areas is excluded,
  • lack of ice formation in winter time,
  • ensuring positive temperatures in drainpipes Oh,
  • ensuring storm water drainage.

Main types of cable for drain heating

Depending on the type of adjustment, cables for drainage are divided into:

  • resistive cables for drainage,
  • self-regulating cable.

Advantages of resistive cable:

  • improved heat dissipation,
  • ensuring a constant power value of the heating system,
  • the cost of a resistive cable is much lower than a self-regulating one,
  • need for low starting current.

Disadvantages of resistive cable:

  • high level of energy consumption,
  • limited period of use,
  • In places where there is overlap, there is a risk of cable burnout.

Resistive cable is used to heat roofs that have a large area.

A self-regulating cable for drain heating is capable of controlling temperature changes depending on the ambient temperature.

Distinctive advantages of a self-regulating cable:

  • economical consumption of electricity;
  • easy installation: cable cutting is done at the installation site;
  • high level of resistance to burnout;
  • long period of use,
  • suitable for various types roofs with your favorite type of coating.

Depending on the material from which the cable is made, there are:

  • armored cables of single- or double-core cross-section;
  • self-regulating cable;
  • armored cable of two-core cross-section.

Advantages of armored cable:

  • high strength,
  • affordable price.

Advantages of armored cable:

  • high level of resistance to mechanical stress;
  • fire resistance.

Design of drain heating system

Before disassembling the device of the drain heating system, let’s get acquainted with the functions of this system:

1. Component protection storm system from mechanical damage due to the formation of icing in the winter season.

2. Guaranteeing the safe stay of people, cars or animals near the drainage system.

3. Installing a heating system for gutters eliminates the need to remove ice-covered areas of the roof.

To provide effective work heating systems, the cable is installed around the perimeter of the entire roof or in places where precipitation is expected to accumulate.

The heating system consists of:

  • cable,
  • connecting and ring couplings,
  • cable that supplies power to the system,
  • control wire, which provides power to the sensors,
  • control sensors, with a temperature regulator,
  • fastening elements.

Advice: to protect the heating system from damage, during installation of the heating system, snow-retaining elements should be installed.

The main components of the heating system:

1. Heating unit - responsible for the installation of heating cable sections.

2. The control unit includes sensors, temperature controllers, system start-up devices, protection devices and a control panel.

3. The distribution unit is characterized by the presence of power and control wiring, which is responsible for the interaction of the control and heating unit.

Calculation of the power of the heating system for gutters and roofs

The choice of system power is significantly influenced by the type of roof. If the roof does not have thermal insulation, it is recommended to use a cable with a minimum power of 40-50 W per linear meter. If thermal insulation work was carried out in advance, a cable with a power of 25-30 W is suitable for the heating system.

To make an accurate calculation of the heating system, you should perform a number of actions:

  • determine the total length of the cable required for heating: the total length of the horizontal drains is multiplied by two;
  • determine the total length of the vertical drainage system;
  • add the second value to the first and multiply the result by the estimated cable power.

The power of the cable depends on the type and material from which the gutters are made:

Installation of a heating system for gutters and roofing

To install a heating system, you must have:

  • temperature change controller,
  • air temperature measurement regulators,
  • power supply, which is connected to the temperature sensor,
  • precipitation and water control sensor.

The main stages of installing a heating system for gutters and roofs:

1. Compilation general scheme installation of a heating system, which indicates the location of the wires for the gutters and roof.

2. Preparation and installation of cables. This stage, includes measurements and cable preparation, in accordance with the size of the gutters and the total roof area. It is better to install the cables before installing the top layer of the roof and carrying out finishing walls

3. Using special clamps, the cable should be tied into bundles. After bundling, the cables must be laid in trays and lowered into pipes. The pipes are installed in a zigzag manner. The pipes are placed at one end of the roof; the pipes are secured using clamps, rivets or strips.

4. After securing the pipes to the roof, install a heating system for the gutters. In horizontal gutters, the cable is laid in two layers. The cable is installed on the eaves in a zigzag manner to prevent icing.

5. The next stage is laying the distribution network from the distribution box to the equipment cabinet. To facilitate this process, you should prepare a place for the equipment cabinet in advance and make preliminary measurements.

6. Final stage includes installation and connection of the equipment cabinet.

7. After installation is complete, you should testing work which include:

  • resistance measurements of all cables of the heating system;
  • measuring the resistance in the heating cable;
  • grounding installation;
  • checking the security system;
  • zero phase check;
  • checking the automation system;
  • drawing up a report on the work performed;
  • operation of the heating system.

Launch of a heating system for roofing and gutters

When ambient temperature hits the cable, a relay mechanism is activated, removing the chain interlock. The system starts for the time set by the timer. After this time has expired, the machine turns off and the sensors for measuring precipitation and water begin to work.

At large quantities precipitation, the heating of the roof and gutters is turned on. When precipitation stops falling on the roof, the roof heating system stops working. Heating of gutters works to get rid of melt water. The heating of the gutters is switched off automatically.

1. When choosing a cable for a drain, it is better to give preference to a combination of a resistive cable with a self-regulating one. Install a resistive cable on the roof, and a self-regulating cable in the drainage system.

2. The cable for the drain is secured using mounting tape. Choose mounting tape of maximum thickness to ensure more secure fastening.

3. The installation pitch length of the resistive type cable is 25cm, and self-regulating cable- 50 cm.

4. In the drainage system, the cable is secured using a heat-shrinkable tube.

5. Mounting tape with rivets will help secure the cable inside the pipes.

6. Sealing tape is used when securing the cable to the roof.

8. In the place where the cable is installed, the presence of sharp objects that can cause mechanical damage to the heating system should be excluded.

9. When purchasing a cable for a heating system, first of all, pay attention to the service life of the cable. It is recommended to give preference to a cable with highest term operation.

10. Study the features of the cable heating element.

11. It is advisable to select components for the roof and gutter heating system and cable from the same company to ensure reliable operation of the entire system.

12. It is better to buy a heating system from companies that are direct suppliers of the manufacturer of components for the heating system.

Review of manufacturers of cables and components for gutter heating systems

The price for cables for heating gutters is determined by the following factors:

  • cable power,
  • type of cable: resistive is cheaper, and self-regulating is more expensive,
  • cable footage,
  • quality and manufacturer.

1. Raychem (Belgium)


  • ensuring reliable protection of the drainage system from icing;
  • long cable life;
  • availability of branded components;
  • The cable consists of two copper cores, a self-regulating element, polyolefin thermal insulation, tinned copper braid, and a protective polyolefin sheath.

2. Hemstedt (Germany)


  • one-way connection;
  • seamless cable connection;
  • Teflon insulation, which is not affected by ultraviolet radiation;
  • simple installation;
  • automatic control of the heating system;
  • power from 30 to 525 W.

3. Devi (Denmark)


  • 5 year warranty on self-regulating cable;
  • lack of end couplings;
  • number of cores - two;
  • prevention of icing;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation;
  • availability copper plating in combination with foil;
  • Teflon insulation;
  • manufacturer's warranty: 20 years;
  • maximum power 230 W.

4. Defrost (Norway)


  • avoiding cable burnout when crossing;
  • easy cutting and simple installation;
  • scope of use: heating of roofs, pipes, containers. gutters and drains;
  • maximum voltage - 240 W;
  • does not require additional equipment, except for the temperature controller, to ensure that the cable is disconnected in the summer.

5. Eltrace (France)


  • availability of a wide range of capacities and uses;
  • UV resistance;
  • high level of heat transfer;
  • availability large maximum length connection, allows you to use the cable for heating large area gutters;
  • overheat protection.

Scope of use:

  • preventing pipes from freezing;
  • containers,
  • gutters,
  • roofing systems,
  • gutters.

Hello dear friends!

Today we will talk about the dangers of ice on roofs. Few people know, but every year in Moscow alone more than 300 people die from icicles and more than a thousand are injured. The main risk group, as always, is young children. But there is an engineering solution, the widespread use of which would solve this problem once and for all. And his name is . In today’s article I propose to get to know him in more detail.

A heating cable is a wire through which electric current passes. Energy electric current is converted into heat, the amount of which directly depends on the resistance of the cable material and the current strength.

Designed to prevent the formation of ice on drainage systems.

When is heating needed?

Heating of the drain must be carried out in the off-season - when the first snow falls and in the spring, at the beginning of melting. The temperature outside at this time ranges from -5 to 3˚С. It is at this time that ice and icicles form.

In addition, in country estates there is often a need to warm up external water and sewer pipes.

Why does ice accumulate?

Ice accumulates on the roof and in gutters for several reasons:

  • Temperature jumps. The snow lying on the roof first melts and then freezes in the form of icicles;
  • Incorrectly calculated roof slope angle;
  • Uncleaned gutters. Leaves and dirt clog the drain holes, which prevents the normal outflow of water;
  • Warm attic roof. The difference in temperature inside and outside the room leads to the formation of condensation, which freezes and forms ice.

Installing a roof and gutter heating system will help prevent the formation of icicles. With its help the following tasks are solved:

  • Ice removal;
  • Preventing roof damage due to water accumulation;
  • Preventing sudden temperature changes;
  • Reducing snow load;
  • Roof cleaning;
  • Extending the service life of the entire roofing pie.

Operating principle

The heating system operates automatically, with virtually no user intervention. A special sensor transmits a signal about the temperature of the wires to the regulator, which closes the electrical current supply circuit.

The wire heats up and heats up the gutters.

Heating cable device

The main working part of any heating cable is a two-core copper wire coated with a tin or copper protective layer.

The cable is pressed into thermoplastic.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Like any engineering solution, a heating cable has a number of pros and cons.


  • Fast, uniform heating;
  • Long service life - at least 10 years;
  • Safety and environmental friendliness;
  • The system configuration can be easily changed;
  • Quite low power consumption.
  • Resistance to external influences.


  • The need for accurate, competent calculations;
  • The cost of a good cable is quite high.

Types of heating cables

There are 2 types of heating cable.


Traditional, simple and inexpensive. Represents copper wire high resistance, covered with an insulating layer. The entire length of the product is heated evenly. Ideally, protect the wire with a layer of thermal insulation.

The resistive cable is available in two versions - serial and zonal. Zonal is an improved version of sequential. Its design contains 2 cores, connected at equal intervals with a special wire. These gaps form independent zones, and if one burns out, the others continue to operate normally. If the serial cable burns out, it cannot be restored.

The main advantages of resistive cables are low resistance, ease of installation and operation, and fast heating.

An important nuance is that the heating of the cable is distributed evenly over its entire length, but its temperature in different areas of the roof is different. For example, in severe frost, the part of the wire located under the wire will be colder. open air, and the one located inside the pipe will be warmer.


It has a more complex device. Inside there are 2 wires placed in a special matrix.

The matrix regulates the resistance of the cores depending on the air temperature. The entire structure is wrapped in several layers of insulation and covered with a shell that protects against external influences. The warmer it is outside, the less the wire heats up, and vice versa.

This option, although more expensive, is more reliable than the resistive one, it does not burn out, does not overheat, and can be divided into sections of the required length.


The screen is a protective shell made of aluminum or copper foil. Serves additional source heat distribution, but its main function is to prevent electric shock to a person carrying out repair work.

The design of a shielded conductor is more complex, and therefore the price is higher.

Most often there is a cheap unshielded option on the market. For him safe operation device is required protective shutdown(RCD).

Power and duration

The power of the cable depends on its temperature class.

  • Low temperature. Heating up to 65C, power up to 15 W/m;
  • Medium temperature conductor. Heats up to 120C, power 10-33W/m;
  • High temperature. The most powerful is up to 95W/m, heats up to 190C without problems. Designed for industrial enterprises and large diameter pipes.

It is rational to select a wire of suitable power for different communications; underestimating it will lead to poor heating, and overestimating it will lead to increased energy consumption.

Selecting cable power depending on the diameter of the drain pipes:

  • Pipe outer diameter (D) from 15 to 25 mm – power 10 W/m:
  • D25-40mm - 16W/m;
  • D40-60mm - 24W/m;
  • D60-80mm -30W/m;
  • D 80-300mm - 40W/m;

Service life

The service life of the cable depends on the operating conditions and the materials from which it is made.

You can give the service life of products different manufacturers to a common denominator:

  • Resistive - in a screed it lasts up to 50 years, in other conditions - on average 15;
  • Self-regulating - “lives” up to 20 years.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of manufacturer.

Make it yourself or buy it

The range of heating cables in stores is very large. But there are several ways to make a wire with your own hands. Let me give you an example of a home-made cable:

  1. We take a two-core copper wire in double insulation and a 300W power supply (a computer one will do), in addition, to measure the parameters you will need a temperature sensor.
  2. We connect the wire to the 5V output of the power supply.
  3. After 10 minutes, the temperature of the cable will reach approximately 50 C-, this is quite enough to heat the drain.

Plus homemade system is the low cost of the components (all equipment on average costs no more than 1000 rubles), and besides, the cable is easy to repair, it will not burn out or melt. The power supply is very easy to replace if necessary.

Disadvantages: the process is not automated; it is necessary to adjust the temperature manually and periodically check the power supply.

Therefore, the industrial option is still simpler. Professionals recommend installing combined system heating In it, the resistive cable is located in areas with the same temperature (roof slope, etc.), and the self-regulating cable is located in gutters, valleys, and pipes.

You can manually turn on the resistive part of the system for convenience.

Do-it-yourself cable making and installation

Drawing and diagrams

Regardless of whether the heating wire was made by yourself or purchased in a store, it is quite possible to install it yourself.

Let me give you a few examples ready-made schemes For different areas roofs (a little lower in the text: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3).

Size calculation

Initially, we measure the diameter of the pipes and select the power of the wire. It should be noted that if the roof is reliably thermally insulated, a cable with a power of 25-40 W/m will be sufficient. If the roof is cold, choose a product with at least 40-50 W.

There is another formula for an accurate calculation, in which the length of the cable is added to the length of the heated space and multiplied by 2. The resulting number is the required power.

The resulting power value should be compared with the value recommended based on the physical and technical characteristics of the material used:

  • for plastic gutters - minimum 20 W per linear meter;
  • for metal gutters - minimum 25 W;
  • for wooden gutters - at least 18 W.

If the cable in the anti-icing system is laid using the spiral piping method, its length must be calculated using the following formula:

Overall Length = Pipe Length x Spiral Factor.

The spiral pitch is determined depending on the pipe diameter using special tables.

Fig.1. Laying cables along the edge of the roof:

Fig.2. Installation in gutters and pipes:

Fig.3. Placement in valleys:

Installation video

Some useful videos for clarity:

Budget option:

Installation features

Installation of a heating system for roof communications should be carried out taking into account the following rules and in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to take care of the presence of a temperature change controller, a power supply with a temperature sensor, and a precipitation control sensor;
  2. A wire of the required length is prepared according to measurements and diagrams. Ideally, install the cable before installing the top layer of the roof and finishing;
  3. The cable is tied into bundles using special clamps and then laid in trays and pipes. The cable at the edge of the roof is mounted in a zigzag, secured using special clamps;
  4. The heating cable is secured in gutters and pipes using mounting tape, in stripes across. If a heated drain or sewer pipe longer than 6 m, the wire is first attached to a sheathed metal cable, and then the entire structure is lowered into the pipe;
  5. To heat the drainpipes, 2 pieces of the required power are laid simultaneously. Installation is carried out from above and below.
  6. The place where the wire is attached must be inspected for sharp edges and unnecessary objects;
  7. Thermostat sensors are fixed;
  8. The control panel is installed;
  9. Commissioning works are being carried out.

Frequent errors and problems during installation

Installing a heating system is not difficult, but common errors occur during assembly:

  • The cable cannot be secured using self-tapping screws, steel strips, wire, vinyl tape, or tape. Sealant and mounting tape are always required;
  • Incorrectly selected power is fraught with either high costs or ineffectiveness of the system;
  • The wires must not be twisted, otherwise a short circuit will occur;
  • Any connection should be carefully insulated from moisture;

Common problems:

  • Circuit breaker malfunction;
  • Malfunction of the residual current device;
  • Poor quality braided cable termination;
  • Low voltage, hence the reduction in heating power;
  • Mechanical damage;
  • Overheating (resistive version);


Maintenance of the system comes down to monitoring its operation, periodically checking all sensors and visual inspection integrity.

Winter and early spring are a special period characterized by icicles hanging from the slopes of roofs. And they look quite menacing. They can harm you. What's even worse is when the entire gutter freezes over. In most cases, the system will need to be replaced or an individual element replaced. But to prevent the drainage system from freezing in winter and dangerous icicles hanging from the slopes, there is a simple solution - a heating system for the drains. Thanks to it, icing on the roof and gutters is not a problem.

But why does ice form on eaves and in gutters? How does a roof heating system work? What are its components? We learn all this from the article.

Why does ice appear?

Let's start from the root of the problem. Icicles appear for a reason. This is accompanied by at least two factors. Which ones exactly?

These are the two main reasons for the formation of ice dams. To solve this problem, you will have to heat the roof and gutters. This means that they will constantly maintain a positive temperature, so the liquid will not freeze. What are roof and gutter heating systems? Let's find out.

How to heat the drainage system and roof slope

What is the main element that does all the heating work? If we talk about heating the house, then everything is clear, there are pipes and radiators. What insulates gutters? This is a heating cable for gutters and roofs. It is laid around the entire perimeter of gutters, pipes and overhangs so that it maintains their temperature. It is noteworthy that such heating wires are used not only for heating the roof, but also for plumbing, fire safety systems, drainage pipes, etc.

What is the essence of insulation? The heating cable for the roof is installed in all elements of the drain. It performs heating using electrical energy that comes from the outlet. For the system to work properly, there are many additional elements, which we will talk about later. They measure the temperature outside, start or stop the heating, serve as fuses, etc. Electricity passes through the wire, which heats it, producing the necessary heat. There are two different types cables that can be used to insulate the roof and gutters.

Types of heating cables for heating drainage systems

If this is your first time hearing about heating wires, then there are only two types. They are strikingly different from each other, but both the first and second types successfully do their job. What kind of cables are these?

What's the difference between them? Very big. If we talk about the resistive type, then in life it looks like a simple wire that has an internal metal core (conductor) and protective insulation. Its characteristic is that it has constant resistance, the same heating temperature in all areas and constant power. This is both a plus and a big minus. It is heated through a closed circuit of electricity.

Pay attention! The wire can be single-core or double-core.

But a self-regulating heating cable works differently. It is not so simple, but quite high-tech. It consists of copper conductors, thermoplastic elastomer insulation, protective braiding and main insulation. But the peculiarity of the heating element is its semiconducting self-regulating matrix. It interacts with the temperature outside, and, depending on it, changes the resistance of the wire. As a result of this, the degree of heating in a particular area also changes. But what does this give? Which heating cable for a drain should I choose?

Resistive or self-regulating

We looked at two types of cables, but which one is better, how do they differ and what are their advantages? Resistive cable is not entirely economical. The thing is that the temperature is always the same in all areas, which increases energy consumption. It costs much less than a self-regulating cable and has the following advantages:

  1. Fast heating.
  2. High heat dissipation.
  3. Capable of providing a constant power value of the heating system.
  4. Has a low price.
  5. Requires low starting current.

But still, there are also plenty of shortcomings. And they are quite serious:

  1. High consumption of electrical energy.
  2. Has a short service life.
  3. In places where there is overlap, the cable may burn out.

All together this negatively affects the operation of the cable. Although it is cheaper than a self-regulating one, it will last less, it may burn out, and the money you spend on heating will be much more. What can we say about a self-regulating cable for a heating system?

Its main advantage is the ability to control the air temperature outside the house, adjusting your temperature regime. This means that he will not constantly spend thermal energy for unnecessary heating of gutters and roofs. It uses all energy purposefully and economically. The advantages are clear:

  • economical energy consumption;
  • ease of installation;
  • increased resistance to burnout;
  • high level of insulation;
  • long service life;
  • versatility, it can be used for any type of roof with any coating.

As for the shortcomings, there are few of them:

  1. High cost.
  2. Slow heating.
  3. Requires high starting current.

Most people prefer to use a self-regulating cable for heating gutters. But in order to save money, you can consider combining one and another type of cable. But, without additional elements of the heating system, the cables would be useless. What are these elements?

Complete set of drainage heating system

To heat the gutters, you need to have a set of components:

  1. Fastening elements.
  2. Control panel.
  3. Distribution network components.
  4. Thermostat.

But that's not all. If we talk about the control panel, it includes:

  • circuit breaker consisting of three phases;
  • a device that forcibly turns off the system (RCD);
  • four-pole contactor;
  • single-pole circuit breakers for each phase;
  • signaling light.

If we talk about the elements of the distribution network, then there are 4 of them: power cables, from which heating wires are powered, signal cables used to connect the thermostat sensor to the control panel, mounting boxes, couplings that allow for hermetic connection of cables.

The thermostat is a sensor that regulates the entire heating system. It can perform control via a temperature sensor or weather station. The temperature sensor starts the heating system at specified temperatures. It measures the air temperature, and if it drops below the programmed temperature, it turns on the system, and vice versa. But the weather station not only determines the temperature, but also measures precipitation and the process of melting snow on the roof. It's all about the humidity sensor.

If cable heating is carried out using a temperature sensor, then the owner will need to start and turn off the heating system himself when there is precipitation and when there is none. If a weather station is used, then the whole process is completely automated. But if you compare the price, it is more profitable to start the heating yourself, using a temperature sensor. Now you know how roof heating works. Cables in one or two strands are installed in gutters, pipes and on the roof slope. The system is assembled and everything is put into operation.

  1. To save money and increase system efficiency, combine resistive and self-regulating heating elements. For the roof, use the resistive type, and for the gutter system, use the self-regulating type.
  2. The cable must be secured in pipes and gutters with mounting tape of maximum thickness. This way you can ensure good fastening.
  3. The fastening pitch of the resistive cable is 250 mm, and the self-regulating cable is 500 mm.
  4. All cables must be connected using a heat-shrinkable tube, since water ingress is unacceptable. The joints must be well insulated.
  5. The roof cannot be drilled. Fasten the cable to the roof using sealed mounting tape.
  6. All sharp objects near the cable must be removed.
  7. It is better if all components of the heating system are from one manufacturer.


If you do not want icicles or ice on the roof to harm both you and your family, as well as the roof and gutter elements, then a heating device will solve all your problems.



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