Plaster laying technology. Plastering technology. How to do the preparatory work

The surface must first be cleaned of dirt, dust, old wallpaper, oil stains and other deposits that can affect the adhesion (adhesion) between the plaster and the treated area.

  • The wallpaper is generously moistened with a wide paint brush and peeled off with a spatula.
  • old paint remove with a scraper or burn out using a blowtorch. A steel brush and abrasive paper can also be used to clean the base.
  • Heavily contaminated areas are washed using alkaline detergent. Then the surface is washed cold water.
  • Grease stains are treated with a solvent or removed mechanically.
  • Metal parts are cleaned of rust and treated with special compounds to protect against corrosion.
  • The beads are cut down using a chisel or a double-pointed hammer.
  • On final stage the surface is either dusted with compressed air or treated sandpaper and then wipe with a rag.

Before you start plastering, make sure that the surface is sufficiently smooth, stable (does not crumble if scraped with a sharp object) and does not wobble anywhere. Examine the base, make sure there are no chips or cracks on it, tap the surface with a mallet. Seal the seams so that they do not stand out, then clean the sealed areas, smooth them with finishing putty and treat them with an alkaline solution.


Before plastering, the surface must be primed. Applying a primer improves the adhesion of the coating to the base, promotes uniform distribution of the solution, ensures high-quality dust removal, and helps prevent the development of fungus and mold.

The primer is applied to the surface with a roller or brush in 1-2 layers. When treating intensely absorbent surfaces (foam concrete, aerated concrete, gas silicate), the number of layers should be increased.

Reinforcing mesh and shingles

The plaster mesh ensures retention of the coating on the wall, increases its mechanical strength, and prevents the formation of cracks. Its use is especially important when plastering ceilings, block and brick walls, as well as when the plaster layer is thick.

When the thickness of the plaster layer is less than 3 cm, a mesh of synthetic or glass fibers is used, which is aimed at the base using a construction stapler. If the thickness of the plaster layer exceeds 3 cm, it is recommended to install a metal mesh with an anti-corrosion coating, fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws.

The shingles are used for plastering wooden walls. It consists of narrow thin strips made of wood coniferous species, which are stuffed crosswise onto the base at an angle of 45 degrees so that they form cells of the same size (40*40 cm for the ceiling and 45*45 cm for the walls). To increase the strength of the plaster layer, insulation and improve sound insulation, fibreboards, matting, felt and other materials are placed under the shingles.

Alignment by beacons

Beacon plaster allows you to create a smooth and even surface that looks like a solid slab. Strips of hardened plaster applied to the wall can be used as beacons, aluminum structures, thin wooden blocks and even drywall scraps. The simplest and most convenient option is to use metal (aluminum) beacons.

Beacon installation technology

Drill a hole in the corner of the wall, 10 cm away from the other wall and from the ceiling. Insert a self-tapping screw into the hole. Using a plumb line, draw a vertical line from this point. Repeat the operation, stepping back from the first line (the distance between the lines should be 20-30 cm less than the length of the rule). Mark the entire wall this way.

Throw plaster along the outermost marking line. Attach the beacon to the plaster, level its position using a level, make sure that it is level vertically and horizontally. Repeat the operation, installing the outermost beacon on the other side.

At the top and bottom of the wall, stretch the cords between the beacons, placing them horizontally parallel to each other.

Throw plaster at the locations of the intermediate beacons. Install the beacons and align their position with the cords.

Upon completion plastering works(after completely dry mortar), the beacons can be removed, and the remaining holes can be sealed with plaster mortar. Some craftsmen prefer to leave beacons in the wall.

To work you will need a falcon, a spatula or trowel, a grater, a grater and a rule.

Choose a composition taking into account the characteristics of the surface. For curved walls with broken geometry, coarse-grained plaster is suitable, allowing you to smooth out unevenness and large defects.

A reinforcing mesh is pre-glued onto the block or brick base to prevent cracking of the plaster. The thickness of the plaster must be at least 5 mm, otherwise the masonry seams will be visible through it.

A smooth concrete wall can be plastered in one layer using fine-grained (finishing) plaster. Layer thickness is about 5 mm. For better adhesion, the surface is pre-primed with concrete contact.

In order for the coating to be of high quality and durable, several rules must be followed:

  • Plastering must be performed at temperatures from +5 to +30 ºС. During the cold season, this temperature regime in the room should be set in advance (so that the base has time to warm up) and maintained for 3 days after plastering work. Relative air humidity should be no more than 60%. Study the information on the mixture pack in advance - some formulations may require special conditions.
  • Perform work from top to bottom. Start with the ceiling and then move to the walls.
  • Clean and rinse tools thoroughly after each stage of work.
  • Apply the next layer of plaster only after the previous one has completely dried.


This layer of plaster ensures adhesion of the coating to the wall. To create it, a solution that is not too thick is used, with a consistency similar to sour cream. The layer thickness is about 0.5 cm.

Scoop out the solution and place it on the center of the falcon. Do not take too much material so that it does not fall off the surface of the tool. Bring the falcon to the base, tilting it slightly towards the wall. Take a small amount of mortar with a trowel and throw it onto the surface, making a sharp movement away from you.

Cover the base with the solution gradually, in strips, moving from bottom to top. Try to throw the material from the same distance all the time. When finished, remove protruding areas if necessary. There is no need to level the coating.

Wait until the plaster layer hardens. After making sure that the material does not crumble or press through when pressed, proceed to the next step.


This layer makes it possible to align walls with broken geometry, ensures the strength of the coating and gives it heat-protective properties. To create it, use a thicker solution. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 1.5-2 cm, otherwise the material will begin to slide. If it is necessary to create a thick soil, the solution should be applied in several layers.

Apply the solution to the base between the two beacons. Set the rule on the protruding parts of the beacons, and then move it from top to bottom with a sharp movement. Repeat the operation until a smooth surface is formed, located flush with the edges of the beacons. Do not try to eliminate small holes and minor roughness - their leveling will be done in the next step.

Level each layer of soil. Particular care should be taken when leveling the top layer. Allow the soil to harden.


The covering is the top layer of plaster, which will subsequently be rubbed down to create a smooth and smooth surface. To create it, a liquid solution with a creamy consistency is used. The layer thickness should not exceed 2 mm.

Before preparing the solution, sift the components of the mixture through a sieve with cells no larger than 1.5 mm.

Wet the primer with water using a paint brush. Apply the solution with a trowel, and then smooth the surface with a trowel, making circular or wave-like movements.

Grouting (grouting)

This operation is performed immediately after the end of the previous stage, when the solution is still processable, but no longer sticks to the grater. Mashing can be done in a circular or accelerating manner.

When grouting in a circular manner, use a float to make circular movements counterclockwise, pressing the tool tightly against the surface.

Competitive grouting allows you to create a more even and smooth coating. It is usually performed after grouting in a circular manner, pressing the float to the surface and making straight, sharp strokes.

If some areas of the coating have already hardened and are difficult to machining, they should be moistened with water using a paint brush.

To make the surface even smoother, it can finally be treated with a float, upholstered soft cloth(felt or felt).

Every person sooner or later is faced with the need to carry out repairs in a house or apartment. This could be major work or simple cosmetic finishing. In any case, it may be necessary to plaster the walls or ceiling. This operation is necessary to level surfaces, form external and internal corners, providing fire protection, heat and sound insulation, as well as for decorating premises or creating an original exterior. There are several technologies for performing plastering work, the choice of which depends on the characteristics of the material used.

Modern construction market offers huge amount various products that are used for plastering. They are divided into two large groups: for external and interior works.

Features of plastering indoor surfaces

It has a rather decorative role, but not a functional one. It has much lower requirements in terms of resistance mechanical stress, influence of moisture and water, temperature regime, reliability and so on. This makes mixtures for interior use more affordable. In addition, they can be used to create high-quality, perfectly smooth surfaces, which can subsequently be tiled, painted, wallpapered, or left without a decorative layer. There are several groups of materials for internal plastering.

Ordinary plaster

Includes three main types: gypsum, cement and. The technologies for performing plastering work using these mixtures are similar; the differences lie only in the method of preparing the composition and its drying time.

Simple plaster is applied according to the following instructions:

Important to know! At each of the above stages, it is necessary to check the evenness of the surface with a building level. It is also important to follow all recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Dry plaster

It consists of plasterboard boards. The basis of the material is gypsum, the share of which is 93%. Conventional products of this type are covered with cardboard or paper, but for difficult conditions(fire hazard, high humidity) special materials are used. There are two options for applying this coating.

The technology for performing plastering work using glue includes the following steps:

Important! Hanging furniture or appliances cannot be installed on drywall.

Installation of the slab on profiles:

  • The preparatory stage is similar to the first option.
  • Installation of the frame. The first profile is fixed at the bottom of the wall near the floor, checking the level. Then place the vertical profile at one edge of the bottom rail and mark it highest point, the same must be done from the other end. Then connect the points into one line and install the upper profile along it. Two slats connect vertical profiles, fixing them with U-shaped brackets.
  • Installation of sheets. Drywall is installed on the frame using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.
  • The last stage of work is the same as in the previous version.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is finishing material, with which you can really create original interior. After drying, such solutions acquire a certain texture, for example, wood, stone and even fruit.

Application to simple surfaces

Do-it-yourself plastering work is carried out in the following order:

To save time and effort, you can use a curved roller. First, all the main steps listed above are completed, after which the roller is rolled into a container with a solution and applied to the wall. The result is a surface with a relief pattern. Finally, you will need to treat the wall with acrylic wax.

Application to drywall

Usage decorative plaster It is not always advisable to cover plasterboard surfaces. By using of this material It is recommended to correct only minor defects or create so-called “color zones” in the premises. Application technology is similar to processing concrete surfaces, but has the following features:

  • The solution dries in about a week.
  • The layer should be as thin as possible.
  • Pre-treatment of the surface with a primer is required.
  • The solution is applied in a circular motion.

You should know! Majority decorative mixtures dry quite quickly, so it is better to prepare small portions of the solution to avoid it hardening in the container.

Plastering facades

The external walls of residential buildings are constantly exposed to atmospheric influences, various mechanical loads, exposure to natural radiation and so on. To protect housing from the above negative factors, facade plasters are used.

What should the materials be like?

Modern building materials this type is made on the basis of cement or lime with the addition of various additional components that are necessary to increase performance qualities the resulting surface.

They must have the following properties:

  1. Resistant to temperature changes, moisture and wind.
  2. Good ventilation. High quality coating should be well ventilated so that moisture does not accumulate under it. Otherwise, the plaster will simply fall off after a short period of time.
  3. Frost resistance. This indicator is especially important for areas with cold climates. The fact is that prolonged exposure to low temperatures can lead to cracking of the material.

Facade work technology

First of all, the surface must be leveled and cleaned of possible contamination. Then follow the steps that are similar to applying regular plaster (see above). The spray is applied, after two days the primer is applied, and after 2 weeks the covering is applied. The thickness of the layers is 0.5, 2 and 0.5 centimeters, respectively.

During finishing work on external walls need to be taken into account weather conditions. If it rains, then the work needs to be postponed, and also add 1-2 days to the drying time of the plaster.

Technology Features:

  • If there is an old layer of plaster on the external walls, then you need to choose a material that is as similar in composition as possible.
  • To avoid cracking of the material, it is necessary to begin work only after the structure has completely settled. Depending on the construction method and the building materials that were used for construction, shrinkage can last from six months to five years.
  • Only special tools should be used to apply the solution to the facade.

All types of plastering work are carried out quite simply, and they do not require expensive construction equipment. Therefore, most home craftsmen prefer to do them themselves.

If you have confidence in your abilities and a desire to do the work yourself, then following the application technology and following the above rules, as well as the manufacturer’s recommendations, will allow you to perform plastering on top level. Otherwise, it is better not to tempt fate, but to immediately contact specialists to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Do-it-yourself wall plastering– this is a simple process, it is only important to perform all the technology correctly. If earlier this method was used to prevent the entry of moisture into the room and the subsequent “breeding of dampness”, to increase sound and thermal insulation, today plaster also performs a decorative function.

Agree, even if it's not textured plaster, and the solution was used exclusively for sealing seams and leveling folds, the general appearance Painted or wallpapered walls look much neater. Walls are usually plastered after the foundation has settled, that is, about a year or two after the construction of the building.

Properly plastering walls is a job of applying several layers of plaster. One, but massive layer is not enough. This is due to the fact that the thick layer of solution does not have time to set and slides.

Preparation of mortar for plaster

The first thing you need to do if you decide to plaster the walls yourself is to prepare the solution and the surface on which it will be applied.

To prepare walls for plastering work you need:

  • hammer-pick;
  • a hammer with a notch (an ax can replace it);
  • shoe knife;
  • spatula.

To prepare the solution directly you will need:

  • box;
  • container for water;
  • sieve for sifting sand and dry mixtures;
  • a sieve for straining the solution;
  • scoop;
  • shovel.

It is important to choose the right solution. It always includes three main components:

  • binder material;
  • aggregate;
  • water.

When mixing all components, it is important to observe correct proportion so that the work is not in vain. The fact is that in the absence of fillers, cementitious materials begin to crack and crumble after drying.

As for the liquid, to prepare the working solution you must use only clean drinking water(in no case mineral) and in such quantity that the resulting mass is similar in consistency to dough.

Selection of aggregates and binding materials depends not only on the type of surface that is going to be plastered, but also on the operating conditions and durability of the structure.

Grabbing and applying plaster solution

After the solution is prepared and the wall is primed, you can begin plastering the walls. This procedure is performed in stages with a certain time interval.

  1. The first layer is called splash;
  2. second - priming;
  3. third - cover.

Sometimes the primer is applied twice. Its total thickness on the walls is, as a rule, 1.5-2.0 centimeters.

Align external or internal brick wall possible using metal guides

The solution can be applied in two ways:

  • by throwing;
  • spreading.

Smearing- a simpler process in its technology, but only thick solutions can be applied using this method. A composition of any consistency can be sketched out, but this is somewhat more difficult for a beginner, since it requires certain dexterity and skills.

Using the scribbling method The first layer of plaster, the so-called spray, is applied. The creamy solution flows well into uneven areas, adheres reliably to them and holds all subsequent layers of plaster on the surface. After the spray has hardened, the primer is applied directly. A mass similar in consistency to dough is either thrown on with a trowel and leveled, or spread with a falcon.

Plaster leveling

The wider the trowel, the smoother your wall will be.

As a rule, there is no need to level the spray. The exception is those cases when protruding clumps of solution form on the surface and must be removed.

But the soil needs to be leveled. This is done either as a rule (in the case of throwing the solution with a trowel) or with the help of a falcon. The latter occurs when applying the solution with the same falcon. The leveling process in this case is similar to the process of spreading primer, only the primer is no longer placed on it, and the pressure on the tool is applied depending on the plane in which it is necessary to level the solution.

Applying a top coat of plaster

After the primer has been applied (if necessary, this can be several layers), it must be allowed to set and then brushed over it with a brush dipped in water.

Only after this can the final layer of plaster be applied - the covering. It is important here that there are no large sand particles in the solution itself, since when grouting and smoothing they can leave behind running streaks.

Step by step instructions

  1. Apply the coating solution with a trowel, and use a trowel for leveling.
  2. The last ones make wave-like movements from bottom to top.
  3. When the covering layer has dried a little, but not yet completely dry, they begin to rub it with a grater.
  4. Pressing tightly this tool to the surface, it is moved in circles, while the existing tubercles are cut off, and the solution removed in this way will fall into the recesses, leveling the plastered surface.

Working with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster will replace wallpaper and is a very aesthetic and durable solution

Plastering walls with your own hands can be done not only with the aim of removing any defects in the walls, improving their heat and sound insulation properties, and avoiding dampness and moisture entering the room.

Decorative plaster used for design purposes is sold in the form of dry mixtures in containers.

  1. All you need to do with it is dilute it with water according to the instructions and mix thoroughly.
  2. It is recommended to prime the walls the day before.
  3. Afterwards the plaster can be applied to the surface.
  4. How to do this, in which direction and with what movements depends solely on the desired result, on what kind of relief and what kind of pattern you would like to see in the future.
  5. It may be necessary to make markings before applying the solution (this is required in order to obtain a certain relief, a pattern that is repeated at approximately equal distances).
  6. If desired, you can add a little color (paint) to the plaster, or you can paint it after drying in the desired color.

When applying decorative plaster, an ideal flat surface is usually not required. It hides minor defects, but you still need to get rid of large irregularities!

I must admit construction work- This is hard physical work that requires serious skills and attention to the results of your work. Manual labor, moreover, is also very expensive, individual, and many things at a construction site are made by craftsmen according to their own patterns and recipes. Continuous construction methods often require getting rid of individual handwriting, which is very expensive and varies in the results of labor.

Progress in plastering walls

In addition to standardizing the results of plastering walls, the use of advanced methods and technologies can dramatically increase labor productivity. Modern methods construction allow you to get good speed erection of the walls of the building, but finishing work still largely depend on manual labor. The real problem with plastering technology arose with the advent of load-bearing concrete frames and aerated concrete walls in the construction of high-rise buildings. Light and strong blocks needed large quantities plaster compositions.

To simplify the work advanced technology wall plastering offers the following methods:

  • Mechanized methods of applying mixtures to walls, their leveling using automatic surface quality control systems;
  • New construction and plaster mixtures;
  • Reducing unproductive loads on the employee.

Important ! Improvement of process technology is aimed at increasing the speed and quality of laying plaster, while reducing the requirements for worker qualifications.

Thus, most construction contractors have a vested interest in increasing the level of mechanization of processes and increasing productivity in new technology applying plaster.

Transition to the use of new construction technologies

Improved construction technology required high speeds for applying plaster. Walls made of aerated concrete blocks turned out to be especially sensitive to the quality of plaster application. The low weight and the ability to automatically cast entire fragments of future masonry walls made it possible to build at high speed. The open porous surface of aerated concrete structures required compositions with an improved structure and, most importantly, high-speed plaster application technology, both for concrete structures, and walls made of aerated concrete.

Small and large intensification technologies

A minor line of improvement in operations associated with applying plaster to walls includes modernization and improvement of the method of preparing the plaster mixture. The list of small technologies includes numerous devices that relieve physical stress from a worker in the process of performing simple non-productive operations: preparing walls for plastering the surface and mixing the components of the plastering material.

Systems with a high degree of mechanization include installations that perform up to 70% of physically difficult work:

  • Cleaning and even washing concrete walls before applying a protective layer of plaster;
  • Mixing the plaster mortar in the required quantity;
  • Applying the solution to the surface with precisely dosed consumption of the plaster mass and the force of its fixation on a vertical or even ceiling surface.

Auxiliary mechanisms and equipment

The first assistants of the new technology in plastering were automatic wall plane geometry meters and mechanisms for preparing the plaster mixture. In the first case, ultrasonic equipment and thickness sensors of the applied layer allowed the craftsmen to confidently level the rough layer without any beacons or guidelines, and even finishing layer finishing according to the readings of the plane control device. The speed of applying plaster to aerated concrete increased, but still remained clearly insufficient.

For high altitude apartment buildings with a large wall area, it is more economically profitable to prepare plaster mortar, primer mixtures and coating compositions centrally, using special high-capacity mixing plants. As well as concrete mortar for filling load-bearing structures, the plaster mixture began to be supplied to the places of its use. The application of plaster to the wall was speeded up, but did not fundamentally change the work of plasterers.

Improved wall plastering technology

Significant progress in the technology of laying plaster on concrete walls and aerated concrete masonry has been the use of special installations for applying concrete and plaster mixtures under pressure, giving improved adhesion of the solution to the wall surface.

Automated application of primers

First of all, automation technology has made it possible to simplify preparatory work related to cleaning and applying primer to the surface of concrete walls, brickwork and aerated concrete blocks. Before applying the main spray, the wall surface is blown with air. high pressure. The smallest dust and suspension is collected by the dust collector. This gives improved quality of cleaning pores on the surface of aerated concrete and ordinary brick. Immediately before applying the plaster solution, a primer solution is sprayed onto the wall. This method results in significantly improved wall preparation, especially for aerated concrete masonry.

For example, in private low-rise housing construction, blocks made of aerated concrete or wood concrete are increasingly used as a material for the walls of a house. The advantage of such masonry is improved thermal insulation, but, unlike concrete structures, it requires the application of plaster over an area of ​​several hundred square meters. Performing such a volume of work manually without process mechanization technology is very difficult and physically difficult.

The advantages of the technology of machine application of plaster solution include the following:

  1. High productivity of applying plaster solution, regardless of working conditions;
  2. Uniformity of the composition of the plaster mortar over the entire area of ​​the walls;
  3. The adhesion of the solution to concrete and aerated concrete surfaces is more than doubled due to the dynamic effect of the material jet on the wall.

Important ! The high-speed pressure of the plaster solution easily clogs all the cracks and defects on the wall surface, easily compacts the mass and evens out the layer thickness to the required value in one treatment.

A layer of plaster is formed in one session, so there is no need for layer-by-layer application of the solution with intermediate drying, due to which the total time for performing plastering work is reduced from two to three days to one day.

Use of new materials in wall plastering technology

New finishing technologies affected not only the method of preparation, application or leveling of the mass and the production of plaster with improved mechanical properties. Such mechanization is quite widely used in serious construction projects, at the price of use, rental of such equipment is available even in private housing construction.

More exotic in construction are new materials with improved strength, thermal insulation and decorative characteristics.

Most often this concerns new fiber fillers made of ultra-fine polymer and glass fibers used for reinforcement and compaction. The diameter of such fibers is comparable to the size of cement particles, so the mixture material is obtained with improved thermal insulation and strength properties.

The second direction in the development of wall plastering technology is the use of special organic additives in the mixture that actively displace air between the cement particles. Thanks to this, the concrete casting acquires more than 60% improved bending strength and resistance to alternating loads.

The third direction, already quite popular in the field of decorative and finishing plasters, is complete or partial replacement cement binder with organic - epoxy or polyester material.

A similar material is already commercially known as microcement. The composition includes separate components in the form of liquid resin, powder filler, and a special solution for preparing a primer. Before applying the plaster, the wall is cleaned and primed with diluted epoxy resin. After displacing air bubbles from the primer layer with a special smoothing tool, the prepared main batch of plaster is applied to the wall, leveling the thickness of the layer. After 30-40 minutes, the layer of material can be leveled using a regular metal spatula.

It should be noted that the cost of such plaster is significantly higher than conventional plaster compositions, so it is most often used as a sublayer for finishing and applying decorative textures from marble or calcite chips.


The technology of plastering walls is developing dynamically, both in the field of mechanization of methods for applying solutions, and in the use of materials with new properties. But it is unlikely that new technologies will make mechanized finishing work cheaper than the traditional manual method.

The plaster mark consists of 3 layers, which are applied sequentially:
- splash;
- soil;
- covering.

The purpose of the first layer is to fill cracks and irregularities on the wall. The spray is applied to the wall without leveling, using a solution that is more liquid, like kefir. When dry, it forms a rough surface that improves the adhesion of the base layer. The thickness of the first layer is from 2 to 5 mm

To apply the second layer, use a solution of a thicker consistency. The soil levels the surface. It is applied in several layers, and each layer should be no more than 7 mm.

The third, top layer is made from 2 to 5 mm thick with a more liquid solution based on finer sand. The total thickness of the plaster layer is:
- 12 mm - simple:
- 15 mm - improved;
- 20 mm - high quality.

The evenness of the surface is checked with a long rod - the rule. Improved plaster may have 1-2 gaps 3 mm deep per length of the applied lath (2 m), and high-quality plaster - no more than 2 mm.

The first layer of plaster (spray) is applied to the wall in a continuous layer without gaps. You need to throw the solution on the wall in such a way that it does not splash, but sticks to the surface. There is no need to level this layer. It is important that the spray fills all the unevenness of the wall and penetrates under the shingles of the wooden walls. It should cling well to the wall, then the entire layer of plaster will not come off.

The next, main layer of plaster, primer, is applied using a trowel from a falcon or a ladle from a bucket onto the first layer after it has partially dried and set to the wall surface. The consistency of the soil resembles good sour cream or dough. It must be applied in several layers until the required thickness is achieved, each layer being leveled, and the last one - especially carefully.

Primer application technology.
1. Using a trowel, apply a portion (2-4 liters) of solution to the falcon, resting one end of the falcon on the box with the solution and lifting the other at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
2. Adjust the collected portion of the solution, removing the excess with a trowel.
3. Spread the solution or throw it on the wall. Tilt the falcon away from you. Scoop the mortar from the falcon with the end or edge of a trowel, bring it to the wall and with a sharp, but not too strong movement of the brush, throw the mortar onto the wall.

If you are plastering over metal mesh or shingles, then the soil should not be thrown on, but spread with a steel trowel. The same applies to the case of using a mortar without sand for covering. Holding the falcon horizontally in one hand, use a trowel to remove a small layer of mortar. Then, slightly tilting the falcon towards the wall, remove and smear part of the soil with a trowel and, moving it upward, distribute the solution over the wall section. Continue spreading the primer onto the wall, turning the falcon a quarter each time so as not to lose alignment.

When applying the solution to the wall, you can use a falcon or trowel directly. There is another way. Take the falcon in one hand and the trowel in the other. Apply the solution to the falcon, place it close to the wall with the bottom edge, and the top edge should be 5-10 cm away from it. Place the end of the trowel under the key of the shield and move the falcon up the wall. Moving along the surface, gradually press the upper edge of the falcon against the wall.

If you work with a trowel, then apply the solution onto it in a bed. Approach the wall, place the tool against the surface and, pressing, move it up the wall. At the same time, make sure that no air bubbles remain and that the solution adheres tightly to the wall. Choose a grater with a blade width within 120 cm, then you will be able to hold on it more soil. The trajectory of the grater can be either zigzag (short movements to the left - right) or a long arc upward and oblique at a slight angle.

Leveling the solution.
There are two ways to level: smoothing and cutting. Smoothing is carried out using a trowel with a blade length of up to 120 cm - for large surfaces or 80 and 35 cm for small areas. If you cut off the corner chamfers of the trowel and treat one longitudinal and one end edge with roofing steel, the work will become much easier. Make sure that the thickness of the coating is the same over the entire surface. You can level the soil with a falcon without mortar on it. If, when leveling, the solution drags behind the tool, then you should wait a little until the soil sets.

The mantle is cut using a rule, malks and flat templates. After applying the soil, apply a rule to the wall and, resting it on the beacons and moving upward, cut off the excess mortar, which is removed from the lath with a trowel and returned to the total mass of soil. From time to time, the solution in the container must be stirred without adding water. Since the solution dries quickly, you do not need to prepare too much of it, but just enough so that there is enough of it while it sets.

Applying the finishing layer - covering.
Its thickness ranges from 2 to 4 mm, depending on the evenness of the soil and the required quality of the plaster. Apply to leveled soil, which should still be damp. If it has dried out, you need to moisten it with a wet brush. The coating solution should be the same consistency as the soil, or a little thinner.

If you plan to paint over the covering, then you should use finer sand, sifting it through a sieve with 1.5x1.5 mm cells; Then the grout will be clean and there will be no need to putty. If it is necessary to increase the thickness of the covering to more than 5 mm, then furrows in the form of waves should first be cut on the surface of the soil.

After the covering has set, you can begin grouting, which will eliminate marks and roughness left by the trowel. The cover must be damp. If it is dry, moisten it slightly, but do not overdo it: wet plaster cannot be grouted.

For grouting, use a well-moistened sponge trowel, which is moved in two ways:
"round"- pressed to the plaster with a float cloth, circular movements are made, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. At the same time, the solution is compacted and minor irregularities disappear. By adjusting the degree of pressure on the grater, you can remove existing protrusions on the surface of the covering. Do not forget to clean the grater with a trowel and wash it from time to time. The accumulated solution removed from the edge of the grater must be transferred to its canvas and the holes on the surface of the plaster (if any) should be covered. Experts advise keeping a bucket of water somewhere nearby to periodically wet the grater and wash off excess solution from it.

"in acceleration"- make translational movements with the trowel up and down and from side to side to remove traces of the circular grout. Grouting of the surface is done as follows: on an area of ​​approximately 1 sq.m, make circular movements with a trowel over the wet covering, then immediately apply the trowel. The surface should become smooth without bumps and holes, without gaps.

To obtain a smooth wall, it is advisable to repeat the entire grouting process after a few hours, after slightly wetting the surface. As a result of repeated grouting, the surface of the plaster will become glossy, and the subsequent painting will be of the highest quality.



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