Sealant for home heating system reviews. Choosing a sealant for the heating system. Preparatory work before refilling batteries and pipes

It can be modern, include expensive devices with complex automation. But if the connections are leaky, you can’t even talk about heating efficiency. Constant leaks, loss of pressure.

Numerous problems will turn your life into a constant struggle with accidents. And fixing the situation is quite simple. It is necessary to use a special sealant for heating at all connecting points, and at least you can forget about leaks for the coming years.

In old open-type systems, it was enough to lay tow at the places where the pipes connected to the boiler and, and the heating worked normally, but was not very efficient. Today on the market you can find modern materials that are easy to apply and provide reliable connection elements. The main task of the sealant is to join the surfaces so that they do not allow water or air to pass through. Moreover, the materials used for heating circuits must have specific properties:

  • Durability - given the difficulty of replacing them, it is necessary that they retain their properties for as long as possible;
  • Thermal resistance - due to the conditions in which all elements operate and frequent temperature changes, joints must be designed to withstand various thermal changes;
  • Chemical resistance - various liquids can be used as a coolant, including those that act aggressively on parts of the circuit. The sealant should not disintegrate or lose its properties when interacting with antifreeze.
  • Ease of application - sometimes it is necessary to seal joints without the possibility of disassembly.

What type of sealant can you choose?

Heating system elements can be connected in several ways. They can be securely fastened by welding, but in this case there is no possibility of disassembling the structure if necessary. The use of flange connections is not always convenient and is more common when installing heating plant elements. The most popular is the threaded connection, which is the easiest to assemble, but necessarily requires the use of seals, which can be divided into several categories based on their composition:

  • Solid, including various washers and rings;
  • Elastic, made from fabrics or threads;
  • Liquid or viscous compositions.

Each type of sealant has its own advantages and features of use.

End gasket

From a technological point of view, this is the most interesting option. A gasket made of paronite, fluoroplastic or simply rubber is taken, placed on a part that has a narrowing, onto which a thread is cut, and pressed against the counter part. When the threaded connection is tightened, the gasket compresses and tightly closes all the cracks. Despite the ease of assembly, this seal has several disadvantages:

  • It is ineffective without precise processing of parts;
  • To connect, the part must have a narrowing;
  • Hydraulic resistance increases.

This connection is usually used when installing sensors, and is rarely used in the heating circuit.

This material has a low coefficient of friction, so assembly does not require much effort when making a threaded connection. Using FUM tape you can quickly join parts. This material will last a long time and will not react to chemical influences. Its use is limited by several features:

  • When the size of the parts being connected exceeds 25 mm, the sealing deteriorates significantly;
  • The tape may break when sealing elements with rough threads;
  • Fluoroplastic has low adhesion and can be squeezed out when connecting parts subject to thermal deformation.

This material is not suitable for mounting radiators.

Sealing with special thread

The thread is made from a type of fluoroplastic, Teflon, and has all the properties inherent in FUM tapes. It is even more susceptible to tearing and extrusion. The adhesion of the thread will increase when impregnated with a non-drying sealant.

Linen span

This sealant has been known for a long time and today is widely used in heating systems. The seal is especially convenient when used for connecting radiators. At the same time it is impregnated oil paint. The disadvantages of such connections include:

  • Requires a certain level of skill to wind correctly;
  • Not too long service life;
  • Possibility of drying out.

These problems can be avoided by using silicone sealant for impregnation.

Liquid and paste sealants

These substances are the most convenient to use and highly technological. Depending on their composition they have various properties and are divided into several types:

  • Acrylic - rarely used in heating systems, as they are not designed for temperature changes;
  • Polyurethane is heat-resistant and does not corrode, has high adhesion to metals, is elastic, but quite expensive;
  • Silicone ones are the most versatile; they combine durability with preservation of characteristics at any temperature.

The latter can be produced in several modifications. For fastening metal parts, a neutral option is used, since an acidic one can cause corrosion of the metal.

From the point of view of changing the state, sealants can be drying, hardening some time after application, and non-drying, convenient for application, but capable of being squeezed out when the pressure in the system increases.

If the hardening seal shrinks over time, this can lead to depressurization of the joint. The most reliable method of sealing may be a combination of one of the elastic sealants with silicone.

How to eliminate a leak without dismantling the structure

Sometimes leaks occur in places that are difficult to access or require disassembling not only the system, but also elements of the building. Gaps may appear in pipes cemented into the wall or in underfloor heating systems that are hidden from view.

For such cases, a liquid heat-resistant sealant is used. This new material poured directly into the system or into the radiator if a leak has formed in it.

It is added to the coolant and continues to remain liquid until it reaches a leak through which air leaks. When interacting with oxygen, polymerization of the substance occurs. Hardening does not occur immediately. Gradually, these particles close the gap from the inside. For various conditions You can purchase a certain type of liquid sealant:

  • For gas and;
  • For heating pipes;
  • For water or used as a coolant.

You need to purchase a seal that is suitable for a specific case. It should not be used for other purposes.

Liquid sealant is designed for use with heating equipment and does not cause any damage. Many manufacturers indicate this in the description of their products. Once such a substance is poured into the circuit, there is no need to drain the water after sealing the resulting gap.

The sealant will circulate in the pipes without affecting the heating efficiency, and will show its special properties if a leak occurs. Thus, for several years you can not think about the appearance of leaks. The only device it does not affect is the expansion tank.

Mistakes in applying liquid sealant can have the opposite effect and cause pipe blockages. It is better to consult a specialist before using it and check that several conditions are met:

  • The expansion tank is in good condition and does not cause a drop in pressure;
  • The selected brand of sealant can be used with this coolant;
  • The installed boiler can operate using this substance;
  • The concentration of substances is selected correctly.

Sometimes for heating systems a car radiator sealant is used.

Selection criteria

The main condition for selection is the ability to tolerate deformation well. The sealant must be elastic and resistant to temperature changes. Therefore, when purchasing an acrylic sealant, make sure it is suitable for hot weather conditions. Better to use silicone sealant, more suitable for .

Any, even the highest quality, heating system (HS), sooner or later, needs repair. The simplest, most convenient and sufficient effective method Elimination of leaks that have arisen (especially in COs recessed into the wall) is the use of a material such as sealant for the home heating system.

There are a lot of sealants on the market today for various purposes and composition. All brands can be divided into several main groups (by type and chemical composition basics).

Oligomer-based sealants

They also have different terminal functional groups:

  • Polyurethane;
  • Polysulfide;
  • Polysiloxane.

They are widely used in construction and, in some modifications, can be used for sealing CO. But, when choosing such brands, you must first read the manufacturers’ instructions.


Only certain brands are suitable for use for CO repair purposes, because Most of these products are poorly resistant to temperature changes and significant temperatures.

You should choose a liquid sealant for the heating system.


They are used exclusively in construction and do not belong to the group of heat-resistant sealants.


They represent a universal group of sealants. They also include heat-resistant (high-temperature) sealants, which, first of all, can be recommended for sealing CO in apartments and individual houses.

This sealant for eliminating leaks in the heating system has the necessary durability and heat resistance. It is supplied to retail chains in two forms: liquid and paste. The latest design provides increased thixotropy of the sealant.

It has excellent adhesion to almost any surface and vulcanization of the original composition at room temperature, resistance to aggressive substances and moisture, significant elasticity. The material easily seeps into any cracks and joints and is environmentally friendly.

The mentioned sealant for heating pipes is designed for operation at temperatures of -60°/+250° and has the ability to briefly retain its properties at +300°.

When using such sealants, you must remember that they, in turn, are divided into two groups:

  • neutral;
  • acidic.

When used to eliminate places where CO leaks are leaking, if the latter includes metal elements, acid sealants are not applicable. Since acetic acid, included in their formulation, accelerates corrosion processes.

Depending on the tasks being solved, a sealant is selected to eliminate leaks in the heating system. Paste-like silicone sealant perfectly seals threaded connections. Currently there are brands:

  1. Drying sealant. After completely dry it shrinks, which can (if the drying technology is violated) lead to drips and cracks;
  2. Non-drying sealants. An excellent choice for eliminating small leaks and sealing threaded connections (making them easier to disassemble). Disadvantage - it is squeezed out under overpressure in a system of joints.

Anaerobic sealants (a type of acrylic) are also widely in demand for work on sealing heating systems. This sealant for heating radiators is resistant to temperature fluctuations, has the necessary strength to mechanical influences, alkaline and acidic solutions (which allows you to clean the CO with special chemical compounds).

When it enters any closed airless space (crack, etc.), it fills the entire volume and quickly hardens, forming a homogeneous polymer mass. This reduces the required force when screwing in threaded connections, but makes them very difficult to dismantle.

How to use sealant to fix a leak?

It is not always possible to repair the CO using external means only ( hidden wiring, warm floors). In such a case, a universal heat-resistant liquid sealant for heating pipes is poured into the system.

In cases where elimination emergency situation requires immediate action, but the required brand of sealant is not available, you can use sealant of those brands that are intended for car radiators.

Preparing for work

The sealant for heating boilers is selected taking into account the type of the latter and the coolant used. An error in selection can cause blockage of CO pipes in arbitrary places.

Modern liquid brands of sealants for the intended purpose are usually divided into three groups (according to conditions of use):

  • for working with CO, the coolant in which is either water or antifreeze;
  • for sealing CO (water supply) pipes;
  • heating boiler is running on solid fuel, or on gas.

The best solution today is considered to be the German liquid sealant for the heating system produced by BCG. Eliminates leaks and does not have a negative impact on the boiler and central heating units installed in the system.

It is important to determine the required concentration of the binder that is added to the coolant. This largely determines the quality of stopping the leak that has arisen. If up to 80 liters of the total coolant volume leaks from the system during the day, then it is enough to add 1 liter of sealant.

The total volume of house CO is calculated as the sum of the volumes of pipelines (pipe length per diameter), batteries and boiler (from the technical passport).

It can be made simpler. Drain the coolant into a single container(s) of known volume.

High-temperature sealant for heating boilers and heating systems in general is added to the system for more than one year, and allows leaks to be eliminated during this period, preventing a drop in pressure in the CO. But only in pipes or radiators. If the malfunction occurs in the expansion tank, the mentioned method will not help.

Setting up CO for filling

All (IMPORTANT!) air is vented. Because, otherwise, the sealant, under the influence of the air remaining in the system, will begin to polymerize in any places, which can lead to the formation of blood clots in the CO pipes.

All valves in the system should be opened, which will allow the sealant to circulate freely and enter all working areas of the CO. In the first radiator (along the path of movement of the sealant), you should completely turn off the Mayevsky valve and install a pump in this place, which pumps the sealant into the system. Afterwards, you should start the heating system and warm it up to a temperature of 60° (this will take about an hour to an hour and a half, in a private house). In this case, the pressure in the system should be at 1.5 bar.

Before the start of the mentioned works, everything installed filters overlap or are removed, because sealant that gets into them will completely disable them.

Pouring process

About a bucket of heated coolant is poured into a separate clean container. in another another 0.5 buckets (for subsequent washing). The sealant should be shaken and added to the bucket. Prolonged contact of the solution with air should not be allowed. It should be promptly uploaded to the CO.

Bleed the CO lines again.

The solution disperses throughout the system over several hours. Complete sealing of all cracks and leaks will be completed within 4 days. Fifth, you should check the system under excess pressure (pressure testing).

A situation with a leaking heating circuit is not uncommon, since the heating system consists of many components and elements, the tightness of their connection with each other is sooner or later broken. In addition to joints, the depressurization zone can also be an entire span of pipe that is physically worn out or damaged due to the influence of some factor.

Sealant for heating pipes produced by different types and execution.

Requirements for sealing materials for heating systems

The first thing that needs to be done if the tightness of the heating system is broken is to eliminate the coolant leak, thoroughly or temporarily - before production overhaul. And the main thing that needs to be ensured when installing heating is its reliable tightness.

The listed factors determine the requirements for sealants used in the installation and repair of water heating systems:

  • ease of use;
  • heat resistance;
  • high adhesion and strength;
  • fairly rapid achievement of a sealing effect;
  • safety of use.

Types of sealing compounds, their characteristics and methods of application

Based on the place of use, sealants for heating systems are divided into compositions:

  • for external use - applied to the site of damage to the pipeline from the outside and, after curing, restores the tightness of the system;
  • For internal use(liquid, volumetric action) - introduced into the circuit and seals damage from the inside;
  • sealing - applied to gaskets and threads to improve the tightness of connections.

The choice of sealant type depends on the degree of damage and accessibility of the repair site. In addition, the choice of sealing composition determines the method of preparing the heating system for the upcoming repair.

Let's consider sealants in relation to common types of damage and connections of heating system elements.

Sealing compounds for external use

These sealants are produced as one or two component sealants.

Considering that the coolant in the pipes of the heating system is not only hot, but also under pressure, damage to the pipeline should be sealed with particular care. First of all, the sealant must be designed for operation at high temperatures, which is indicated on its packaging in the form of the “heat resistant” marking and the operating temperature range.

Important! Acrylic-based sealant (acrylic) is used only for sealing pipelines cold water. For repairing pipes of heating and hot water systems acrylic glue not suitable, since after curing it is not plastic and therefore collapses during thermal deformations of the base.

Among the one-component compositions for repairing water heating systems, silicone-based sealing adhesives are common.

Heat-resistant silicone-based sealants

To restore the tightness of heating systems from the outside, the most common use of sealants based on various types of silicone, including rubber.

For repair steel pipes it is necessary to use neutral types of silicone (a mark with this parameter is on the package), because those produced are also “acidic” silicone adhesives, which form acetic acid during curing, react with the metal.

If the material meets the required temperature requirements, it is necessary to enhance the effectiveness and reliability of its application with additional means to ensure success. As a rule, the manufacturer recommends such sealants for use as a filler for cracks or holes. If the material indicates another application, but its characteristics and potential are high, the adhesive is quite suitable for use. For example, a composition recommended for sealing components on an engine can easily cope with the same task in a home heating system.

And yet, taking into account the responsibility of the application, it is necessary to apply silicone sealants to the pipes of the heating system in combination with a reinforcing mesh, for which striped fiberglass tape “serpyanka” is successfully used.

Sealing method

A layer of sealant is applied to the prepared surface of the pipe (drying, cleaning, degreasing), on top of which coils of sickle tape are laid end-to-end, then sealant again, after which the tape is wound in turns with an overlap of 1 cm. The number of layers of sickle tape with glue between them should be 4-5 , it is necessary to prevent the formation of air bubbles or loose areas between them. The last 2-3 turns of the serpyanka are made on a section of the pipe without glue and are tightly attached to it with a nylon clamp, which, after the silicone has cured, will be removed along with the excess turns of the tape. The top repair layer is made of sealant and smoothed out.

Work should be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 °C, silicone should be at room temperature (20-25 degrees). Curing of the composition, which occurs due to contact of silicone with moisture, occurs depending on the type of silicone and amounts to several millimeters per day.

Two-component compositions for repairing heating and hot water systems are various types based adhesives epoxy resins and polyurethane.

These compositions are less common for pipeline repairs, since they require certain skills in maintaining proportions when preparing the mixture, have a short “survival” time of the solution after mixing the components, and are high compared to other adhesives.

There are also one-component polyurethane sealants that cure upon contact with air. The quality of these mixtures is also high, curing takes a little longer than two-component compositions, and they are also significantly more expensive in price than silicone materials. The main disadvantage of polyurethane sealants is toxicity during work - the room must have good ventilation, and work must be done in protective clothing and gloves to avoid getting glue on exposed skin.

To guarantee success when using two-component compositions, it is also necessary to carefully prepare the section of pipe being repaired and use reinforcing tape – serpyanka – in combination with glue.

Liquid sealants

Such sealants are used in situations where, in order to detect a leak, a large amount of dismantling of the decorative and insulating shells of the heating system (for example, a “warm floor” system) must be done, or the intensity of the leak is insignificant - no coolant leak is observed, but its volume decreases, and the pressure in the system is reduced when the circulation pump is running.

Important! If there is a visual absence of a leak and there is low pressure in the heating system, before adding liquid sealant to the circuit, it is necessary to check the functionality of the expansion tank - a drop in coolant pressure may also be due to the destruction of its membrane.

Liquid sealant, unlike adhesives for external use, affects damage to the pipeline or radiator from the inside. The sealing compound is introduced into the coolant of the circuit cut off from the main heating system. When the sealant is added to water, no reaction occurs, but in areas of leakage where the coolant comes into contact with air, polymerization of the glue begins and sealing of the damage.

Many types of liquid sealants are produced, focused on use in certain heating systems, differing in the type of coolant, fuel of the heating unit, material of the pipeline, radiators, etc.

If the leakage of the system is not significant, and the sealing compound is selected and used correctly, then the likelihood of success in eliminating the damage from the inside is high.

Important! In heating systems with pipes and radiators made of steel or aluminum, if sealing is necessary, it is permissible to use a means to repair the car’s cooling system, but not the powder type, which settles in the lower part of the pipeline and its elements, but the liquid one.

Directions for use

This means of combating leaks in heating systems is relatively new, and there is no universal technology for its use, although the operating principle of all liquid compositions is common.

The sealant is purchased in accordance with the characteristics of the heating system installed in the home. In addition, when buying a composition, you need to know how much coolant the heating circuit holds in order to purchase the sealant in required quantity– the glue instructions indicate the concentration in which it should be present in the system.

The use of each type of such sealant has its own nuances: the permissibility of the presence of filters in the circuit, the method of introducing the composition into the coolant, the duration of action, the size of the damage, the possibility of the presence of glue in the system after achieving the effect, etc. The algorithm for performing sealing with a liquid composition is described in detail in the instructions for its use, but often to independently perform this operation it is necessary to have a special tool or equipment, such as a compact electric pump for the initial introduction of the sealant into the circuit and its complete dissolution and uniform distribution throughout the entire volume of the coolant. Therefore, without practical skills in this matter, it is better to contact specialists who will perform this procedure without possible negative consequences such as system clogging or failure of its components.

Sealing sealants

To ensure the sealing of threaded connections, many years ago flax tow was used, strands of which were wound on external thread and covered with red lead on natural drying oil(GOST), after which the joint was assembled along the thread. With the advent of modern artificial coolants in heating systems, tow has partially lost its effectiveness due to high degree permeability of antifreeze and lost primacy to FUM tape, although it is used in combination with a special Unipak paste, which also contains flax fibers, when assembling cast iron pipelines of large diameters or simply due to the lack of fluoroplastic.

FUM tape is a synthetic fluoroplastic material of a matte, less often transparent color, which, due to its fluorine content, can withstand mechanical and temperature impacts without compromising its qualities.

Depending on the conditions of use, fluoroplastic tape is produced in several varieties:

  • industrial, containing 20% ​​petroleum jelly;
  • household;
  • for acidic environments;
  • for systems with special requirements to the cleanliness of the environment.

Important! Fum tape is used for sealing connections in systems with cold and hot water at a maximum pressure value of 9.5 MPa.

Rules of application:

  • the tape is wound tightly, with slight tension, in the direction of the thread;
  • the end of the tape should not be located at the end of the joint.

FUM tape is wound onto the thread in a number of layers depending on the diameter of the thread:

  • Ø 16-25 mm – 3 layers;
  • Ø 25-42 mm – 4 layers.

The number of layers is very arbitrary, since low-quality material will require twice as much consumption.

Disadvantages of FUM tape:

  • when assembling rough threaded connections, the tape breaks and is squeezed out;
  • does not have adhesion to the surface of materials;
  • does not provide sealing of threads with a diameter of more than 25 mm, therefore cannot be used when assembling heating radiators.

To seal threaded connections, liquid and paste-like compounds are also used, which can dry out or remain elastic throughout their service life.

An example is the same non-hardening paste “Unipak” with flax fibers in the composition, used as independent material, ensuring not only the tightness of threaded connections, but also their protection against corrosion, as well as ease of disassembly

Drying pastes are solvent-based sealants, modern material, plastic when assembling the joint and hardening through certain time. For more effective use, they can be used in combination with flax strands, which slow down the assembly process and, after drying, provide a strong connection without shrinkage during use.

The disadvantage is the impossibility of tightening the threaded connection without breaking the tightness of the joint.

Anaerobic sealants are ready-to-use mixtures that differ in properties depending on the conditions of use (pressure, temperature, vibration), thread diameter, assembly density, etc.


  • ease of use;
  • low labor intensity of the process due to lubricating properties;
  • seals the threaded connection even with low assembly force;
  • wide range of operating pressures of the medium in the pipeline;
  • easy removal of excess mixture upon completion of work;
  • presence of species with to varying degrees fixation;
  • optimal price-quality ratio.

Anaerobic sealants are applied to both threaded surfaces being connected (internal and external), previously cleaned and degreased. The instructions for use, as a rule, indicate the air temperature permissible for the work - usually it is about 15 degrees Celsius (if no curing accelerators are used in the process).

An example of an anaerobic glue is the universal heat-resistant sealant for heating pipes PERMATEX 59214, which has proven itself in Russian market.

Sealing and sealing fixation compound medium strength, heat-resistant and vibration-resistant, allows adjustment of the threaded connection within 24 hours after completion of assembly. Maximum working pressure– 700 atm., limit temperature+ 200°C.


Sealant for repairing and connecting heating pipes is a material that is impossible to do without when installing a heating system, so the importance of choosing this material when installing and repairing coolant circuits is difficult to overestimate. From which it follows that when purchasing adhesives, you should give preference to products from well-known manufacturers, whose ratings on the Russian market are quite high.

Liquid sealants are used to seal cracks in the heating system. This substance is sold in any hardware store and costs little.

However, the product is used only to eliminate small cracks; it is useless to seal large holes.

Types of sealants for pipes and threaded connections

For sealing small holes and cracks in the heating system The following sealants are used:

  • Oligomer based

Easy to use and inexpensive. Widely used in construction (installation of windows, installation of wall coverings, and so on).

There are a large number of subtypes- polyurethane, polysulfide and others. Not all oligomeric substances are effective for sealing seams in heating systems, so read the instructions before purchasing.

  • Acrylic

Cheap, adheres well to various porous surfaces(wood, concrete, brick, plaster and so on). Easy to handle sandpaper and other abrasive surfaces. It is allowed to paint and coat with a primer. The main disadvantages are poor water resistance, temperature dependence environment, average mechanical strength after drying, and so on.

That's why This composition is used to cover surfaces located inside the house. It is allowed to cover heating pipes with this connection if the temperature inside the system is not very high.

  • Thiokols

Resistant to mechanical damage after hardening. Do not come into contact with gasoline, paints, solvents and other chemically active substances. They tolerate precipitation well. Optimal temperature range for use: from -50 to +80 degrees. Due to its high inertness, it is possible to coat surfaces and pipes that will come into contact with chemically active substances.

Photo 1. Two cans (1 and 10 kg) of thiokol sealant from the manufacturer Nord-West. A similar substance is used for heating systems.

  • Silicone

The most common type. They differ from others in their low price and relatively high quality. Withstands temperature changes within from -30 to +60 degrees, tolerate contact with water and mechanical deformation, as well as contact with chemically active substances.

After hardening, painting a different color is pointless, because the paint will peel off the hardened surface(that’s why a dye is added to this compound). Exists large number subtypes of silicone sealants, to which various impurities are added to improve the properties of the composition. For example, natural or synthetic fungicides are added to this substance to kill the fungus.

Liquid sealant for eliminating leaks in pipes, use with antifreeze

Liquid sealant in the heating system - self-curing solution, which is used to seal seams and small holes in pipes.

The substance is a thick liquid that is poured into pipes; upon contact with air, it hardens, which leads to sealing and elimination of leaks in the pipes.

Liquid mixtures in heating systems are used in following cases:

  • When it is impossible to detect the location of the leak.
  • A leak is detected, but it cannot be eliminated with soldering or a clamp.
  • When installing pipes in closed, isolated systems, when there is no external access to the pipes.
  • When the use of other methods is difficult due to the danger of compromising the integrity of walls and floors.

Due to their properties, liquid mixtures are used in everyday life not only for repairing pipes and heating systems. The compositions are also used for sealing gaps and cracks in walls, plumbing systems, car engines and so on. Liquid formulations They tolerate mechanical deformation well, and their properties do not depend on the ambient temperature (with the exception of acrylic).

Chemical inertness and temperature stability allows the use of sealants in heating systems, where water is used as a coolant.

If antifreeze circulates in the heating system, then It is recommended to buy a sealant that matches the temperature properties of antifreeze. It is a good idea to purchase a thiokol compound as it can withstand large temperature changes. When sealing pipes, antifreeze is removed from the heating system, since most even the most flexible sealing substances become heat-resistant after complete hardening.

Attention! Liquid mixtures seal cracks well, but There is no point in using them against large holes.

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What to rely on when choosing

To eliminate leaks in a heating pipe, almost any sealants (acrylic, silicone, etc.) are used.

When choosing the optimal substance, pay attention to the price, temperature regime, resistance to water and mechanical deformation.

And also remember some subtleties:

  • If the heating installation is not located in the house, then it is advisable not to use acrylic sealant, since it does not tolerate water and mechanical damage well(for example: if during prolonged rain water gets into a crack, this will lead to cracking of the substance).
  • Acrylic sealant It is also not recommended to use when a powerful heating boiler is installed, since the product may crack at very high temperatures. It is better to give preference to heat-resistant silicone and thiokol mixtures.
  • For sealing threaded connections it is recommended to use silicone and thiokol sealants, because after hardening they do not deform and do not clog the thread.

Reference. In everyday life, to solve most problems, it is recommended to use silicone sealant because he has good performance characteristics And low price.

Choosing a high-temperature sealant for the boiler and heating system of a private house

If the heating boiler is not located in the house, but on the street in a separate extension, then the temperature regime of the pipes connecting the boiler and home radiators is taken into account. This point is especially critical for the northern regions, where the temperature drops in winter below -30 degrees. In such cases, it is recommended to give preference to thiokol types. In addition, silicone mixtures that contain additives that improve temperature properties are suitable.

Photo 2. High-temperature silicone sealant Moment used for heating boilers. The substance is red-brown in color.

If a crack appears in the boiler, seal the equipment using a high temperature compound. To perform this task, use thiokol and silicone mixtures.

Also suitable for this purpose anaerobic heat-resistant sealant. Anaerobic mixtures have a slightly different mode of action, so they are easier to tolerate high temperatures and harden quickly. Main disadvantage is quite expensive, but the use of anaerobic sealant is fully justified in emergency cases.

Preparatory work before refilling batteries and pipes

First, choose the best sealant that will suit your system. Before purchasing, pay attention to the consumption of the active substance. For every 60 liters of water coolant in the pipes is required about 1 liter of sealant, however, these values ​​may vary depending on the type of sealant used. To determine the volume of coolant, multiply the cross-sectional area by the total length of the pipe. And also add to this indicator the volume of radiators and boiler (this information is indicated in the installation passport).

Important! You can do the calculation by direct measurement- for this, all the water is drained from the pipes and the volume is measured using containers of a known size. This method is more labor-intensive, but more reliable.

The process of setting up for pouring

Complete the process of setting up the system for pouring:

  • Remove air from the heating system, since premature solidification will lead to the formation of unwanted clots in the system.
  • If the system has filters, That dismantle them so as not to damage the system.
  • Open all heating system taps so that the sealant penetrates every work area.
  • Install an automatic pump on the first radiator. Turn it on 1-2 hours, to warm up the pipe and remove remaining air ( optimal level pressure - 1 bar).
German liquid sealant from BaCoGa Technik.

This pipe sealant repairs the heating system, which is filled with antifreeze, and eliminates pipe and boiler leaks. BCG F is capable of eliminating coolant leaks up to 20 liters per day. Eliminates leaks in metal and plastic system materials. Capable of crystallizing in air. By eliminating system and boiler leaks, ageless elastic and rigid seals are formed in these places. BCG F is added to the system in the same way as water and antifreeze. Before adding sealant and sealing a leak in the boiler, the sealant is diluted with distilled water or antifreeze if a “Malysh” pump is used. There are times when the question arises: how to eliminate a leak in the heating system, boiler, pipes. This instruction describes in detail what to do if the pipe connection is leaking and how to seal the leak in the boiler and system. Prices for German liquid sealant.

How to seal a leaking heating pipe and eliminate leaks in the system and boiler:
  • 1. Before eliminating a leak in a pipe or system, remove dirt filters or cut them off with taps.
  • 2. Remove air from the pipes and fill the system with coolant to eliminate boiler leaks.
  • 3. Before sealing the pipe and eliminating the leak, a safe temperature and pressure in the system is set.
  • 4. To eliminate heating leaks in normal mode, open all main valves of the system.
  • 5. When repairing heating pipes and eliminating leaks, drain the coolant equal to the volume of BCG F added to the pipes.
  • 6. Shake the container so that the sediment is mixed with the rest of the solution.
  • 7. Using a pump, sealant is added to the system pipes to eliminate leaks.
  • 8. Check whether there is any air left in the system pipes before proceeding to eliminate the leak.
  • 9. BCG F liquid sealant is distributed through the pipes of the heating system in 7 hours, with the pump running. This is how the repair of heating boilers and systems begins and pipe leaks are eliminated.
  • 10. A leak in a heating pipe or boiler is eliminated in 1-7 days. This depends on the specific environment in which the pipe is leaking.
  • 11. Sealant for heating pipes, boilers, is left in the heating system after the leak has been eliminated.
  • 12. Undiluted spilled sealant for heating, boiler, system is cleaned from the tiles and floor after completion of work. Once it crystallizes, this is difficult to do.
Working with sealant, eliminating leaks in the system, boiler, pipes

Protect sealants for heating systems, boilers, and pipes from frost. It retains all properties for 5 years. When working with BCG F and repairing a leak, adhere to safety regulations, as this chemical substance. Causes allergies and irritation. If the substance gets on your skin, eyes or mouth, wash the area with water and seek emergency medical attention. You can use sealant for pipes and systems to repair heating in your home and eliminate leaks. They repair “warm floors” and solar heating systems, eliminate leaks of salt and anti-corrosion compounds. If heating pipes or boilers are leaking, BCG F will become an indispensable assistant to eliminate a leak in the heating system. Leaking heating pipes are repaired with anti-leak sealant. Do not store near food or acid. Does not burn or explode. Resistant to pressure and temperatures.



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