Wooden houses from foam blocks: technology. Standard projects. Choice of wood. Features of the foam block. Combined houses

During the construction of a combined house, the lower floor is made using stone, and the upper one is constructed from wood. Such a design makes it possible to fully implement all positive sides selected materials and avoid the appearance of their negative features.

Service life

The stone is used due to the fact that it is very durable, has long term operation, does not rot, and also does not begin to deteriorate from the influence of water and moisture. It is worth noting that many people are often not comfortable in stone buildings. Moving from an apartment outside the city, I want to feel more comfort. It is a little more difficult to heat a stone structure than a wooden one, but the reliability of the structure fully compensates for this shortcoming.

The tree, in turn, has a positive effect on the atmosphere inside, making the cottage more comfortable and warm, and also perfectly regulates the humidity in the room. Wooden house creates a more emotional and personal feeling of home than typical high-rise buildings with neighbors from all sides. Some people are intimidated by the fact that wood is a great burning material, and is also afraid of exposure to moisture, fungi, small rodents or termites, but with modern technologies All these problems have already been solved.

Houses made of stone and wood perfectly combine such an original base and upper floors, which makes it possible to eliminate two birds with one stone, dividing the functionality of wood and stone in such a way as to get the advantages of each material. This structure also has a very non-standard, stylish and original design. appearance, which will not fail to please its owners.

Where to put wooden structures, and where brick

You need to build an inexpensive combined house correctly. The first floor of the building is made using brickwork. The most effective and successful solution would be the arrangement of insulation with the method of a ventilated facade. Also can be used aerated concrete blocks. Thus, on the first floor it is worth installing the most “flammable” rooms, such as a kitchen, a hall with a fireplace, a sauna, and a place for cars.

The attic floor is being built using wood. Most often, logs, glued or profiled timber, unplaned timber with finishing and insulation are used. From above, the wood is securely covered by large roof awnings, and it is a whole floor away from the damp earth. Thanks to special protective coatings this kind of wood can last a very long time. long time without spoiling or aging. Therefore, on this floor, with greater comfort and better ecology, it is worth placing living quarters.

With great responsibility, it is necessary to approach the choice of decoration inside the house, so that the stone and wooden parts of the house blend harmoniously with each other. However, you should not create a monotonous interior, it is better to emphasize the advantages of each of the materials. Such buildings inside are equipped in the “country” style, which will effectively emphasize the advantages of materials, as well as natural forms.

How to build a combined house inexpensively

The price of building a house depends on:

  • materials that you decide to choose for construction;
  • your design requirements;
  • site location;
  • building area.

By choosing high-quality and reliable performers, you can build a real dream cottage!

Combined Vacation home- This is always an attractive building that has been popular for many years. For the first time, such buildings began to appear in the Middle Ages in the Alps, they were erected by shepherds during wintering. Gradually, they began to gain popularity throughout Europe, until they reached our country. The "chalet" style allows designers to show all their creativity and imagination. For example, the upper floor can be decorated in a medieval style.

Prices for the construction of combined houses in the company "Vitoslavitsa"

In our company, the prices for turnkey combined houses are very affordable for everyone. We can carry out both standard options, prepared in advance by our specialists, and the construction of houses according to private drawings, which will be developed in strict accordance with your wishes.

Vitoslavitsa company builds country houses in the best Russian traditions, improving their professionalism and introducing new engineering solutions and creative ideas into each subsequent project. If you want to order the construction of a combined house in Moscow, then perhaps it's time to turn your desire into reality by contacting us.

We can bring to your attention typical combined buildings or implement individual project turnkey houses.

Advantages of combined houses

A combined house is a harmonious symbiosis of the solidity and aristocracy of stone with the natural warmth of wood, which provides the exterior of the housing with a wonderful appearance, and the interior with an inimitable atmosphere saturated with coziness and comfort. However, this is not all, with which these buildings have earned an excellent reputation and secured wide popularity.

The main advantages of such houses include the following:

  • Saving. From brick (sometimes from clay adobe, river shell rock or cinder blocks), only the first floor is built, and the second is made of wood. Such an architectural solution provides a relatively low weight of the structure and, as a result, no need for a very expensive foundation. Moreover, the cost of building a second floor also using stone is usually much higher than the cost of using wood materials.
  • High fire safety. Obviously, wood is a combustible material, but the construction of the first floor, where the kitchen, fireplace, boiler room is usually located, from stone significantly reduces the risk of fire, and if necessary, it simplifies the localization of the hearth.
  • Durability. The brick has an extremely high resistance to destruction under the influence of moisture and is characterized by mechanical strength. In turn, timber and wood composites manufactured at Vitoslavitsa's production facilities also have high resistance to negative influences environment and mechanical stress, however, reducing the frequency and intensity of such impacts only increases the service life of the house.
  • All season comfort. Combined houses made of stone and wood retain heat well. At the same time, the latter material contributes to the stabilization of indoor humidity, thanks to which a comfortable microclimate is achieved in the premises.

Construction stages

If you do not take into account the development of the project, then the construction of any capital building begins precisely with the construction of the foundation. In this case best options are buried tape and slab.

  • The beginning of the construction of walls made of stone (as mentioned above, materials such as brick, clay adobe, river shell rock, cinder block can be used);
  • Installation of floor coverings;
  • Completion of the construction of stone walls;
  • Installation of wall coverings;
  • Assembling the second floor (using a rounded log, glued or profiled timber);
  • Mounting load-bearing structure roofs;
  • Arrangement of thermal, steam and waterproofing, as well as installation of roof ventilation;
  • Roofing;
  • Summing up engineering networks and systems;
  • Exterior and interior decoration of the house.

Advantages of ordering combined houses from Vitoslavitsa

  • Rich choice beautiful houses: we can implement both the projects presented on our website combined houses and develop an exclusive solution for you.
  • Availability own production: this allows us not only to guarantee the quality of the materials used, but also to provide you with the maximum benefit from cooperation with us.
  • Impeccable reputation: for more than 5 years Vitoslavitsa has been building private houses, and during this time we have made more than 150 customers satisfied.
  • Tuesday, 7 July 2015 5:25
  • romario
  • Projects of combined houses are named so because of the construction features. For the construction of such a house, several types of building materials are used.

    It can be brick, stone, wood, block and so on. As a rule, the division by materials occurs by floor, but there are exceptions.

    Such house designs undoubtedly have their advantages. For example, using stone as a material for the ground floor, you make the house stronger and more durable.

    The same can be said about the construction of a deepened, fortified foundation. It is necessary because of the increased weight of the structure and the pressure created as a result of this.

    In most cases, the planning and construction of a combined house follows the same principle.

    The lower floor is being built from a heavier and more durable material. It gives the impression of reliability and durability. As the material for the first floor, you can choose concrete plates, brick or stone.

    The second floor does not have to be so heavy. Here it is mainly used lightweight material, for example, wood, aerated concrete, or frame construction.

    This trick allows you to immediately achieve several improvements in the quality of construction:

    • The second floor of the house will be much lighter, so there is no need for additional strengthening of the foundation.
    • You can save on thermal insulation materials, since aerated concrete, for example, has good heat-insulating properties.
    • The combination of several materials in construction is not limited to constructive advantages. This combination looks very attractive.

    Stylish appearance and variety of use cases various technologies construction make such houses popular among users.

    The combined type will help you save on construction and get a full-fledged home, comfortable and modern as a result.

    Combined houses are usually built in two floors. This condition allows you to stabilize the load on the foundation and make the dwelling itself comfortable for living. More floors will require more strengthening of the foundation.

    There is another feature here. Heavier, the first floor, as a rule, serves as common rooms. There is a living room, kitchen and dining room, as well as a toilet and guest rooms.

    And the second floor is reserved for living rooms, which are completely isolated from each other, and a bathroom. See for yourself how simple and convenient a combined home can be.

    The project of a two-story combined house

    The project of the house presented below is designed for a large family. The total area of ​​the house is one hundred and ninety-three square meters.

    The size of the building is nine by twelve meters. Such dimensions make it possible to build a house according to this project on the site even small size. However, when planning, consider the need to build other buildings: a garage, a bathhouse, and others.

    To equip the foundation, it is necessary to use monolithic reinforced concrete piles. Here you must take into account the total load in order to achieve maximum stability and reliability of the building.

    As a material for the construction of the first floor, it is optimal to choose ceramic block. This modern material allows you to make the foundation of the house strong, while the walls themselves will be durable and aesthetically attractive.

    The second floor can be built from glued beams. It's not as heavy as wooden frame, and its thermal insulation properties have long been proven.

    Such a construction will be much lighter than, which reduces the load on the foundation.

    Traditionally, all rooms common use in this house are located on the first floor. Here you will find a spacious living room, which is combined in the project with a kitchen and a dining room.

    In addition, the layout of the first floor assumes the presence of a separate office for work.

    On the second floor you will find three separate bedrooms. The entrance to the rooms is through a common hall.

    Both the first and second floors suggest the presence of a place to relax. On the first floor there is a spacious veranda, on the second floor there are two full balconies.

    Utility rooms can be conveniently located on the ground floor. There is a place for a utility room and a boiler room. There is also a spacious wardrobe.

    Such a house is convenient in operation and there will be enough space for each member of the family.

    As for the appearance of the new house, it meets all aesthetic requirements. Such a house will look European-style modern and stylish.

    The extension of a garage or other outbuildings does not imply this project of a combined house. Such buildings are best located at some distance from the dwelling.

    This will allow you to do landscape design organic and attractive and not spoil the appearance of the house with unnecessary structures nearby.

    Dreaming of building a country house, but reached a dead end when choosing a building material. This is not surprising. There are people who appreciate the stone for its strength, monumentality. Someone chooses wood for environmental friendliness, speed of construction, natural color and wood pattern. There are people who are equally related to both materials. The solution is quite simple - to consider projects of combined brick and timber houses. The problem of choice will disappear, it will be possible to combine two elements under one roof.

    Any design cannot be perfect. There are always pros and cons individual houses and materials used for construction. Has its own characteristics combined projects. Let's talk about the advantages of sharing timber and bricks.

    Reliability of the combined house

    Any building can be reliable if everything is taken into account during construction. important points. The combined project provides for greater reliability of the house. They build according to this principle mainly two-story cottages. Basement, first floors are made of brick. This provides structural strength, prolongs the life of the house. Brick is not afraid of fire, water, strong wind, sun rays. With proper foundation, brick box will not lead, will not destroy the elements. The second floor is better to make from a bar. There are several variations of the beam:

    • not profiled;
    • profiled;
    • glued.

    Before choosing a beam, read quality characteristics everyone, so as not to be mistaken. Mostly profiled and glued beams are used for felling. Wood has different properties, which can be extended by building the bottom of a brick box. A reliable brick base will allow you to resist a light timber box under any circumstances. For example, during a flood, it often floods a dwelling to roof level, if the house is without a superstructure. Wooden structure rarely stand big flow water and its influence:

    • the log is difficult to dry;
    • the box is deformed or, in general, falls apart;
    • required overhaul or installation of a new frame.

    When building a building according to a combined project, the following consequences can be avoided:

    • the lower floor of brick is not subject to destruction;
    • enough to dry the walls, foundation;
    • do the interior work.
    • the second floor from a bar will not suffer from water.

    There can be many such situations, we will not list them.

    Combination home comfort

    Possibility of accommodation common rooms on the first floor:

    • kitchens;
    • bathroom;
    • living room;
    • toilet
    • boiler room.

    Brick withstands drops:

    • temperatures;
    • humidity;
    • fumes from cooking.

    The tree does not behave so perfectly. Therefore, a private zone is placed on the second floor. In the recreation area, sleeping timber retains its natural properties:

    • breathes;
    • passes moisture;
    • retains heat;
    • creates a comfortable microclimate.

    This allows you to create comfortable conditions for residents. The first brick floor is set up for an active life, the second floor made of timber helps to relax, enjoy the tranquility, natural decor walls.

    Combined home safety

    Fire safety is not only a concern apartment buildings but also an individual mansion. This is no coincidence. How much equipment, engineering structures are provided in the cottage for a full-fledged stay. gas, electrical devices carry a fire hazard. Brick is resistant to fire. Its use in the construction of the first floor is highly advisable due to the location of the ignition sites. The brick will not allow the fire to spread quickly. The second floor from a bar, with a timely reaction, will not be exposed to fire.

    The speed of the construction of the box according to the combined project

    If there is no time to wait, combined housing projects will come to the rescue. Attic from glued or profiled timber chamber drying going fast:

    • poured the foundation;
    • allowed to dry;
    • laid out a brick wall;
    • assembled the second lightweight floor from timber;
    • a wooden box looks aesthetically pleasing even without finishing;
    • start communications;
    • move to live on the second floor of a combined building.

    The first floor needs more time to finish. Here we'll take care of it last turn living on the second floor.

    Price of combined projects

    I want to save money on construction. Projects of combined houses allow you to do this. Brick, its masonry, mortar will cost the developer a decent amount. We'll have to build a house on one floor. It is cheaper to install a log house from a bar if you do the installation yourself. It is not difficult to do this from profiled or glued timber. Here's your savings. House at an affordable price. The project of a combined frame made of bricks and glued laminated timber is more expensive, but the properties of profiled timber are no worse. Choose for yourself what to make the second floor.

    The disadvantages of combined projects include the following:

    1. Exterior view of the façade. The combined house does not have a specific style design. The rough simplicity of a brick - natural look timber. It can be fixed. There are facade finishing elements. They will give a finished look to the walls.
    2. Search for generalist builders for a combined project.
    3. It is necessary to correctly calculate the transitions of the walls from the first to the second floor, to perform their installation.

    Otherwise, the shortcomings may be of a personal nature based on the requirements of the owner of the combined housing.

    Varieties of houses according to the combined project

    Houses made of brick and timber are different modifications.

    1. Often projects are represented by two-story houses. You can build structures of greater height. It all depends on the imagination of the client, his capabilities.
    2. There are single-story projects - alteration of an existing house. Not so long ago, hand-cut logs were used to build an individual house. The box has retained its appearance and strength, but needs to be increased square meters. On the wooden box to build a second floor is not always possible due to the foundation or soil. Then a project is created to expand the house at the level of the log house:
    • Attach toilet, shower room, new kitchen. Brick is more suitable for this. It turns out the project of a combined house of timber and brick in one level.
    • Sometimes log house covered with bricks in one layer. Environmental friendliness, comfort, room climate are preserved, and functions are expanded.

    Projects of combined brick and timber houses are welcome:

    • If the soil does not allow to build two-storey house from brick. The load is large, the foundation may burst and cause deformations, distortions.
    • The second floor of glued or profiled timber will reduce the load.
    • You can save on strengthening the foundation for a heavy house. There will be no need to raise the soil layer to a sufficient height.

    The combined project will make the dream of a two-story cottage accessible. For decisiveness, watch a video clip about houses made of bricks and timber:

    Consider a photo of projects of combined houses made of brick and timber: A house built of brick and timber looks unique. AT last years there was a demand for projects. Abroad combined housing is very popular. famous example is a “chalet” house or buildings that combined the first floor of brick and the frame second tier. Projects of combined houses made of brick and timber deserve attention. Having studied the features of the designs, you can safely proceed to the creation and implementation of your own version.

    The combination of materials is a favorite pastime of designers; in capital construction it is used to solve important practical problems. A competent combination of the physical qualities of stone and wood in the load-bearing walls of the building gives the developer a tangible gain in cost and comfort.

    It was these two factors that made the houses of combined materials popular and common in modern suburban construction.

    What combinations are reasonable and permissible in the construction of such a structure?

    Most often, stone is chosen for the walls of the first floor (brick, monolithic concrete, aerated concrete or expanded clay blocks). The second floor is built from round logs or glued beams.

    It should be noted that combinations of wall materials may also affect exterior finish. The combined house allows you to use any options for facade decor: brick walls the first floor can be finished with a blockhouse, insulated using the “ventilated facade” technology.

    The second frame floor can be ennobled decorative plaster or stone tiles. As an example, we suggest you consider the photo below.

    Looking at such a house, you will not be able to unequivocally answer the question of what it is built from. bearing walls. Although here also used combined technology wall construction. The first floor of this building is brick, lined with siding. The second is a wooden frame finished with ceramic tiles.

    Constructive options for combined houses

    Despite the variety of facade decor, the construction of combined houses must comply with the main principle: 1st floor stone 2nd floor wood. It provides the building with the necessary strength and creates conditions for comfortable living On the second floor. Another problem solved by the combination of materials is to reduce the labor intensity and cost of construction.

    The one who doesn't want to spend extra funds on the exterior, acts reasonably. The combination of stone and wood is optimal not only from constructive considerations, but also from the standpoint of aesthetics. Therefore, do not hide behind the finish what looks perfect in itself.

    An example is a mansion built in a deliberately rough combination natural stone and logs. It fully complies with the canons of country style.

    From the harsh mountainous terrain, it leads its pedigree, invented by alpine shepherds. It also used the idea of ​​combining durable stone and warm wood.

    Life in the mountains requires maximum reliability and functionality. Therefore, the first level of the chalet is always built from solid rock, which is not afraid of snow blockages, rockfalls and water. The second floor is designed to create comfort and coziness. For these purposes, do not find the best material than natural wood.

    The "generic sign" of all buildings built in the chalet style is wide roof overhangs that protect the walls from heavy rains and melting snowdrifts.

    Modern combined houses made of stone and wood are extremely diverse, since the choice of wall materials is very wide. If you are not satisfied with a torn stone or a flat limestone "flagstone", then build the first floor from. They are strong enough and at the same time as warm as natural wood.

    When preparing for construction, do not forget that houses made of foam blocks and wood require a reliable connection between the first and second floors. Cellular concrete is a rather fragile material. Therefore, it will not hold the steel anchors that fix the second level support beam.

    A competent solution for such a design is pouring a monolithic reinforced concrete belt along the foam block walls. It increases the spatial rigidity of the building and allows you to securely fix the anchor bolts.

    The appearance of the foam block wall is not very expressive. Therefore, it is better to sew it up with a blockhouse or siding, laying a vapor barrier and a layer of mineral wool insulation behind the facade cladding.

    For combined construction cottage can be used. They are stronger than foam concrete, not so fragile and very warm. Finishing wood concrete walls is not laborious, since any decorative plaster adheres perfectly to them.

    The second floor can be built from planed timber. This material retains heat well in a residential floor and does not require finishing cladding.

    If you need a three-level combined house of brick and timber, then build it according to the following scheme: the basement technical floor is monolithic reinforced concrete, the first level is brick, the second is a frame or log house.

    Speaking of frame version walls of the second floor, we note that it will not only save you money, but also allow you to flexibly change interior layout adapting it to family needs.

    You can hide the frame of the second floor behind the finish. Another interesting option- specifically highlight it, turning it into an element of facade decor. Fachwerk is best suited for this - an old frame system in which posts, beams and cross braces open onto the facade.

    A serious problem of all cottages is dampness on the first floor. The combined house solves it simply and functionally. The lower floor is reserved for utility rooms. Here you can equip a boiler room, a bathhouse, a workshop and a garage. Bedrooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, game rooms and the kitchen are located on the second, drier floor.

    A combined house and a combined facade are not the same thing!

    As we have already said, a combination of different wall materials is the main feature of a combined building. In contrast, the combined facade of the house can be used on any residential building.

    For example, having built a cottage from insulated sandwich panels, you can easily “disguise” it as a stone one. For this you can use ceramic tiles, sandstone, porcelain stoneware or rustic plaster. If ordinary, rather than face bricks are used for laying walls, then a “combi-facade” will also be appropriate.

    The photo shows a house built of brick and timber. Obviously opaque brickwork would need additional finishing. It does not have to be decorated "under the stone." It is enough to fill the blockhouse along the guides and your house will be completely “wooden”. Another option is a combination of semicircular false logs on the first floor and glued beams on the second.

    Pros and cons of the combination idea

    Having noted the main advantages of combined buildings: efficiency, layout flexibility, aesthetics and functionality, we will point out the disadvantages of such buildings.

    The main one is the different time of "life" of stone and wood.. At rocks it reaches 150 years. The tree, at best, will last half a century. For light frame and shield walls this period will be even less. Therefore, the moment will inevitably come when the first stone floor is still quite strong and reliable, and the walls of the second are already in need of repair.

    Since the combined country houses in Russia are still quite young, the negative experience different speed there is no aging of wall materials. Therefore, the reviews of their owners are mostly positive.

    Summing up, we advise everyone who has decided to build a combined cottage, do not forget about different period operation of the first and second floors. To extend the life of the walls, buy well-dried and antiseptic wood, and trust the assembly of the frame to experienced professionals, not shabashniki.

    For wooden frame a well-assembled drainage system is required to prevent moisture from entering the tree. In addition, at the construction stage, constant quality control of sealing of all cross sections is required. wooden racks and beams.

    Today, people who plan to build a residential building may notice that there are a lot of building options. A house made of brick and timber is popular among owners of private plots. Not surprising, because such buildings have a number of significant advantages that indicate that such buildings have the right to life.

    A variant of the project of a combined house made of bricks and timber

    Construction of a house with a large attic

    Popular as projects of combined houses made of brick and timber, as well as lining wooden houses brick. Both options are quite worthy to find their place in the territories of private sectors. Before you finally bet on such a structure, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of such structures.
    First of all, the choice of such buildings is chosen by people who are tired of banality, and they want something fundamentally new. In fact, combined houses have recently begun to appear on the territories of private sectors.

    An example of finishing the first floor with decorative bricks

    That is why not everyone has heard of such structures, but only a few have seen them in reality. Everything new is attractive and interesting. Therefore, it is worth paying tribute to the architects, as well as thoroughly studying all the features of such buildings.

    A combined house is most often chosen by people who:

    These are just some of the factors that become key when choosing such designs.
    People who have chosen the option in one building are satisfied with the result of their work or the work of a construction company.

    What are the advantages of combined brick and timber houses

    What materials are chosen for such buildings

    It is worth understanding what kind of raw materials are used to build combined houses.
    Like any construction material, the beam has several varieties.

    Design and construction of a combined building

    Depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner of a private plot, you can choose the following types of timber:


    These bars are very close to each other. Therefore, this material does not require additional processing and polishing.

    Scheme with the size and connection of the profiled timber

    Existing Options locks for profiled timber
    That is, this option is ideal if you want not to make much effort for the completed type of building.

    not profiled

    The advantage of this material is a relatively low pricing policy. However, for the construction of combined houses, such raw materials are used extremely rarely due to the fact that its quality parameters are quite low.


    Such material is widely used for the construction of combined houses. has high heat resistance, and also provides sound insulation.

    Glued laminated timber for assembling a cottage

    Such material is considered the most reliable and durable for building combined houses. To build a house of brick and timber for decades, just such material will help.
    Some prefer to build a house of timber lined with bricks.

    This helps provide an aesthetically pleasing attractive appearance design, as well as significant savings on repair work indoors.

    Projects of houses made of bricks and timber

    Of course, the owners land plot can decide for themselves how it will look finished construction at home. However, it is much wiser and more economical to purchase ready-made. This will help:

    All these factors indicate that the project is profitable and reasonable. Despite the fact that he finished project it costs some money, if we analyze the benefits, then it is cheaper to initially build a building that is ideal in its design than to correct errors later, which also costs money.



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