Installation of supply valve to window. Supply valves. Solving the problem with a vent valve

Normal air exchange is necessary for any room. However, it is not always possible to install a mechanical ventilation system. The best option is a ventilator for plastic windows. It provides housing with fresh air, which will flow constantly, which will eliminate drafts and condensation.

Ventilation of rooms

The easiest way to ventilate rooms is to open windows. However, it is not the most effective. Together with fresh air, harmful substances from outside penetrate into the home. This is dust and exhaust gases from road transport, and also cold. Near nearby industrial centers such ventilation is practically impossible.

Now they have begun to produce PVC windows with micro-ventilation mode. In them, it is enough to turn the handle 45 degrees so that a gap appears between the frame and the sash. Air from outside will pass through it. With this method there is almost no noise, and the amount of pollution is minimal compared to an open window. However, the volume of fresh air with such ventilation is not enough for the room.

Another good way to ventilate a room is to install a limiter (comb). The system is attached to window frame and makes it possible to adjust the ventilation gap. This is an inexpensive method, but it does not solve the main problem - access to fresh air. Cold and noise in ventilation mode penetrate into the living space.

They also produce designs with stepped ventilation mode. This ventilation system in plastic windows works like a comb. When you turn the handle, several positions open with different sizes cracks.

Self-ventilated windows

After installation modern windows Made of plastic, they provide almost complete sealing. For high-quality ventilation, self-ventilated structures were invented. They can be installed in almost all civil and industrial buildings.

In this option, ventilation holes are made in plastic windows. The holes in the profile are located at the top and bottom of the frame. Air masses pass through the lower part, after which already heated air enters the room. The system works quite effectively, but it has some disadvantages. For example, apartments on the upper floors will receive insufficient air. For this reason, special ones were invented.

Optimal valve options

This device for window ventilation is considered relatively simple. However, it has design differences depending on the variety. To understand this, you should know the features of all valve options.

Seam valves are considered the most inexpensive and simplest. Holes in allow air to enter the room through small cutouts. The features of this design are as follows:

  • low price;
  • possibility of installation without dismantling PVC windows;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • guarantee of high sound insulation of double-glazed windows;
  • possible automation.

Despite all the advantages listed above, this type of valve has one significant drawback - poor throughput. This can be felt well with the windows closed.

Air enters the slots through special valves. They are equipped with two blocks: inlet and regulating, and in more modern models there is only one universal type block. Among the advantages of the technology are:

  • thanks to the control unit there is complete protection from various external factors, such as precipitation and insects;
  • good throughput;
  • use without dismantling the glass unit.

A serious disadvantage in such valves can be called relatively complex installation. However, in some models this drawback is eliminated, for which they are very popular.

There are overhead models, but they are practically not used for residential premises. This is due to the major shortcomings of the valves. They significantly reduce the thermal insulation efficiency of windows, and sound insulation is also completely absent. Such valves are usually installed before the installation of window structures begins. This is due to preliminary adjustment of the opening. In the manufacturing sector this type supply ventilation found wide application. The demand is due to its excellent throughput.

Ventilators for plastic windows

Selection criteria

During operation of a ventilated window, it is necessary for the supply ventilation to function effectively. Each valve option has its pros and cons. To make the right choice, you need to take into account the following characteristics:

Experts advise not to consider options in which it is not possible to adjust the valve. During their operation, the need to change the air flow is mandatory. Usually they make mechanisms with manual, automatic and mixed settings. It is advisable to choose a tandem from the first two. Supply ventilation will be most effective if exhaust ventilation fulfills its function. Any design is easy to maintain, and this is another advantage. The basic rule of maintenance is to clean the surface from dirt. which is done once a year.

Depending on the design mechanism, its structure varies. The air flow can be regulated or it will work in constant mode. To create an optimal microclimate in the room, it is advisable to give preference to models with the ability to adjust.

The automatic setting mode is considered the most comfortable. In such a mechanism, when changing optimal parameters regulation occurs. The hygroregulation sensor in the room monitors humidity levels. It can change the air flow section in several modes and even completely close access. This type of control device can significantly reduce heat loss. When there are no people in the room, ventilation does not occur.

With the manual ventilation method, you need to think independently about regulating the flow of fresh air. The valve operating time is selected manually by the person himself. Only strong winds can limit the air flow with this setting.

When operating such a system, drafts occur in the room, which is harmful to health and uncomfortable. A normal flow of fresh air with automatic settings will relieve poor health and mood.

They have quite a few advantages over their wooden predecessors. But they also have some disadvantages. For example, perfect tightness saved the home from drafts, but at the same time the microclimate changed for the worse.

A ventilation valve for a plastic window will help get rid of this and other problems.

Is it really necessary?

The loose fit of the wooden window parts generated constant drafts. And if in the summer this made me happy, in the winter it caused inconvenience. The older generation remembers how they had to caulk cracks in the fall. But at the same time, the home had an ideal microclimate, there was no stale air. For the same reason, ordinary wooden windows do not sweat, and plastic ones often “cry”, which leads to the rapid formation of mold.

Don’t forget about the factors of normal life:

Drying washed clothes in the apartment;

Human breathing produces carbon dioxide


Emission of steam, heating of oils during cooking, etc.

These factors can significantly damage plastic double-glazed windows. Experts recommend ventilating a room with such windows 1.5-2 hours a day at any time of the year.

Solid advantages

According to manufacturers, a ventilation valve for a plastic window is an ideal device. It does not reduce the amount of incoming light, does not cause drafts, maintains air exchange, creates a constant flow of fresh air, without at the same time cooling the temperature in the room and without impairing one of the highly valued properties of plastic double-glazed windows - sound insulation.

In addition, a constant flow of air keeps the indoor microclimate at a comfortable level, while ventilation causes the temperature to constantly jump.

Design features

Narrow oblong plastic part is a ventilation valve for a plastic window. The openings from which the air taken from the street comes out are directed upwards. Thanks to this, there are no drafts and the air temperature in the room remains constant.

Valves from almost all manufacturers have several operating options. Adjustment is necessary to set a certain air exchange mode. There are usually two reasons: the difference in humidity and temperature in the home and outside.

Ways to regulate air flow

Settings vent there are two types:

Manual. For this purpose, some models have a cord (like a blind), since the valve is usually located quite high. For other devices, adjustment takes place via a slider. As a rule, its leftmost position completely opens the valve curtain, while the right position blocks the air flow. Therefore, how to close the ventilation valve on a plastic window with manual setting, usually does not raise questions. The only inconvenience is that it is quite difficult to choose the right mode yourself.

Automatic. This option is ideal, but you will have to pay extra for it. However, the expenses are justified. For example, saving heat in winter. In the absence of residents, the humidity in the room decreases and the device reduces the flow of fresh air. The operation of automatic adjustment is based on sensors that measure either humidity inside and outside, or pressure.

If the automatic option is based on pressure measurement, then the system works as follows. A curtain with an upper suspension rises or falls depending on the air flow (wind) pressing on it. If the ventilation valve for a plastic window is equipped with a pressure sensor, which is made of nylon tapes, then the adjustment will be carried out by increasing or decreasing the cross-section of the throughput hole. The system is simple: the more humid the air in the room, the wider the valve is open.

Types of valves

There are only three types of ventilation valves on the market:

  1. Slit valves. Provide sufficient air flow. It enters through an opening, the width of which ranges from 170 to 400 mm, and the height from 12 to 16 mm. On the street side, the hole is closed by an inlet block. It reliably protects the gap from insects, large particles of dust blown by the wind, and from rain. From the side of the room, the hole is closed by a control block. This supply valve for plastic windows is placed in the upper part of the sash or in the horizontal dividing profile. The advantages of this type of device are high throughput and ease of mounting, which does not require dismantling.
  2. Seam valves. A cheap and simple ventilation valve for installed plastic windows. Seam valves supply air into the room through small narrow cutouts in the vestibule. The undoubted advantages are installation, which takes place without much effort, and the preservation of sound insulation. A small disadvantage is the low throughput, which is why rebated valves are not suitable for large rooms.
  3. Overhead valves. A similar ventilation valve for plastic windows (reviews from numerous customers confirm this) has the highest throughput. But the overhead option cannot be used on already installed double-glazed windows. You need to prepare a place for it in advance.

A fairly large range of products of this type is presented in stores and markets. They differ in installation methods, volume of air passed through and other characteristics. The main disadvantage of using overhead valves is significant losses in sound and thermal insulation characteristics double-glazed windows. Therefore, experts do not recommend using them at home.

For those who do not want to spoil the window design, the designers have offered the ideal solution. This is a ventilation valve handle for plastic windows. The advantages are significant:

The device is designed to provide natural air flow, which is especially important in the off-season and cold season;

The valve, in combination with the exhaust system, restores the microclimate of the room, eliminating excess moisture;

The handle valve for double-glazed windows is a direct-flow design, so the flow of cold air entering the room does not create condensation, which allows the window to low temperatures do not freeze;

An air filter is built into the valve, which prevents dust from entering the living space. It needs to be replaced every six months.

How to choose

A ventilation valve for plastic windows (price starts from 200 rubles) is selected according to several criteria. They start with the material. It can be metal, wood or plastic. Another important aspect- adjustment of the air supply hole. Ruler inexpensive models does not have this function. They only provide for restricting the air flow in strong winds.

Attention should also be paid to the efficiency of the device. As noted in user reviews, it is necessary to start from the number of people living in the room. It is believed that an air flow of 30 m3/h is required for one adult family member.

The noise-absorbing characteristics of the selected valve should be close to the corresponding characteristics of the installed double-glazed windows.

If you have to install it yourself, it is better to choose rebated or slotted valves.

There are no other special nuances. All that remains is to compare prices, find out brands and study the quality of the goods offered.


The most popular devices are the brands Aereco, Air-Box (Comfort, Comfort-S) and Regel-Air.

Aereco models have different air flow rates. Both oblique and straight direction can be adjusted. They also differ in great functionality. In addition to their main responsibilities, Aereco, for example, normalizes the level of humidity in a living space. The hygrocontrol function is responsible for this.

Air-Box is a leading manufacturer of ventilation valves. Devices from this manufacturer have best parameters efficiency, easy to install. They are also compact and relatively cheap.

Ventilation valves also appear on sale domestic manufacturer. For example, the Mabitek company released a line of these devices.

Installation of a ventilation valve on plastic windows

There are only two options. The first is global. Complete glass replacement. Moreover, the new one should be a little smaller, because a valve will appear at the junction of the frame and slopes. In addition to high costs, there is another disadvantage - the luminous flux is significantly reduced.

The second option is installation in a window frame. The work lasts no more than 30 minutes.

Step by step instructions

The device can be mounted in the following ways:

On any sash from above;

On the frame;

At the junction of the window and the wall (only possible when installing a double-glazed window).

The easiest installation option involves the following steps:

  1. Determine where to install the valve.
  2. Apply the device, then open and close the door. The valve should not rest against the slope.
  3. Having outlined the mounting locations for the device, we make side cuts with a utility knife.
  4. We remove the insulation that was laid when installing the double-glazed window and insert the fastening seal.
  5. Remove from the device body protective film and fasten it with self-tapping screws to the prepared place.
  6. We insert the additional seals included in the kit between the fasteners.
  7. Opposite the installed product, cut out the old seal and insert the one supplied with the valve.

Installing ventilation valves on plastic windows is not particularly difficult.


The supply valve for plastic windows has some operating features. It is strictly forbidden to wet or wash it. It is also not recommended to disassemble it. You can use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. In case spring cleaning, construction or finishing works The device must be sealed (for example, with special tape).

Clean the valve at least twice a year.

Before the winter cold, it is necessary to properly insulate the valve. Pay special attention to its inner part. If the device body is metal, then a plastic thermal break must be installed between the external and internal parts.

Useful information

Installing plastic windows can lead to disruption of the microclimate in your home or office: increased humidity, lack of oxygen and stale air. Such problems can be easily eliminated with the help of supply valves on window openings.

The TBM-Market company has large selection window ventilators from leading Russian and global manufacturers. They normalize natural ventilation and stabilize air exchange in residential or non-residential premises.

Advantages of supply valves

The valve consists of an internal controlled grille with adjustment and an external visor. The last element blocks precipitation from entering the house and is equipped with a protective mesh against small insects. An internal controllable part allows you to set the amount and direction of movement of fresh air.

The features of window ventilators include the following:

  • the light zone of the glass unit remains free;
  • absence of drafts, like from an open window;
  • the influx of street air occurs organically, in full;
  • there will be no heat loss;
  • maintaining sound insulation;
  • you can set operating parameters, especially if it automatic systems;
  • easy installation and use.

The vent valve looks like this narrow box, which is attached to the crossbar of the window opening. Internal details, called feathers, are responsible for the flow of air from the outside. In good weather, the device allows air flow into the apartment, and in strong winds, the feathers block the cold from entering the room. Due to the fact that the ventilation is automatically regulated, there is no need to open the windows for ventilation in the morning and evening.


When choosing a supply valve, you can rely on the following criteria:

  1. Release material:

  • metal;
  • plastic.
  • By type of control:
    • mechanical adjustment, where the desired level of ventilation is manually set;
    • automatic option, when the element itself determines the period of opening/closing of the supply channel depending on humidity, pressure surges in the room, the number of people in the house, etc.
  • By type of air flow into the room:
    • Seam mechanism, when air flows pass through small holes in the shutter. There is no need to dismantle the window, but the valve capacity is low and the sound insulation qualities may suffer.
    • Slit systems, where air enters the room through an opening up to 16 mm high. The outside of the system is covered with a protective block against small insects and moisture. The internal part is represented by a regulating flap. Installation is carried out on the upper vertical or horizontal crossbar.
    • Overlay elements. Installation is not performed on an existing double-glazed window.
    • Wall-mounted mechanism, where air exchange passes through a hole in the wall and plastic pipe. It's expensive, but also efficient device goes on sale already with forced heating or filters for air purification.
  • By installation method:
    • With built-in valves that come with PVC windows.
    • With milling, when the element can be purchased after installing the double-glazed window.
    • No installation.
  • Depending on the manufacturer:
    • Russia;
    • France;
    • Germany.

    TBK-Market consultants will help you choose window ventilation to create an ideal microclimate in your home, office or industrial premises.

    Plastic windows help keep the room warm and keep cold and sound out. But at the same time, they significantly reduce the flow of fresh air. This omission of the designers can be corrected by installing a supply valve on the windows. The main task of the device is recovery natural ventilation in a commercial or residential area.

    The need to use a supply valve on plastic windows

    The benefits of using plastic windows have been appreciated by many residents of apartments and private houses. Comfortable, beautiful and practical windows allow to reduce heat loss and increase noise insulation of the room. However, along with the advantages, consumers also noted one significant disadvantage - lack of ventilation. This factor worsens the microclimate of the room - humidity rises, the air becomes stale, and people in the house begin to experience a lack of oxygen. As a result, mold appears on the walls and slopes of the room, and the concentration of toxic substances increases.

    For normal existence it is necessary to restore sufficient air circulation. Ventilating an apartment by opening window vents nullifies all the advantages of sealed “plastic” and significantly reduces heating efficiency. Inlet valves can solve the problem.

    A supply valve is a device installed on the top sash of a window in a horizontal position, which performs an exhaust function. The valve maintains an optimal microclimate in the room and eliminates condensation on the glass unit and frame.

    The advisability of using a supply valve on plastic windows is due to a number of advantages:

    • the light opening of the window remains unchanged;
    • there are no drafts in the apartment, as with normal ventilation;
    • the flow of fresh air is at a sufficient level;
    • there is no heat loss during valve operation, and the sound insulation of the room remains at the same level;
    • ability to regulate valve operation;
    • ease of installation and operation.

    Design and principle of operation of the supply valve

    Proper arrangement of window ventilation is possible only if you have a complete understanding of the mechanism of operation of the supply valve.

    When installing the valve, part of the rubber seal on the window frame and sash is removed. A thinner special seal is installed in this place. Together with the new seal, a supply valve is also installed on the window sash - the main element of passive ventilation.

    Air from the street is sucked into the room, and warm air it is pushed out through the exhaust ducts. Air circulation occurs due to pressure differences. Natural air exchange works if the outside air temperature is not higher than +5°C. In hot weather, ventilation operates using forced exhaust.

    The window ventilation valve consists of the following components:

    1. The outer part is the “air intake”, installed on the outside of the frame. A prerequisite is the presence of a canopy over the air intake, which prevents rain, snow, etc. from entering the valve.
    2. Telescopic channel - passes through the frame. The element is milled into the plastic window frame and fixed with a sleeve.
    3. Internal part installed from inside the room. The most complex unit, which is equipped with an exhaust nozzle, a simple filter and a mechanism for adjusting the throughput.

    Basic conditions for the operation of the supply valve:

    • proper exhaust ventilation in the apartment;
    • air temperature outside the window from +5°С;
    • free air exchange between rooms in the apartment - cracks under interior doors not less than 2 cm;
    • sealed entrance door.

    Advice. Job exhaust ventilation You can check the apartments yourself. Close the door to the room tightly and open the window in the room as far away from the ventilation duct as possible. Attach a sheet of paper to the grill. If it does not fall and is held by the air flow, then everything is fine with the hood

    Types of supply valves for windows

    There are many different models and variations of window supply valves. They differ from each other according to different criteria.

    According to the material of manufacture:

    • plastic;
    • wooden;
    • metal.

    By control method:

    • automatic;
    • manual.

    When operated manually, the valve is equipped with a special rope. The automatic valve is more convenient to use. The device independently determines the need to open/close the ventilation hole. The adjustment indicators are set in accordance with the humidity level and pressure differences in the room.

    Important! Operating the inlet valve manually is a bit risky. The desired level is selected through trial and error. In addition, there is a risk of freezing if incorrectly adjusted winter time

    According to the method of air entering the house:

    1. Rebated inlet valves. One of the most economical options for PVC windows. Cold air is supplied to the room through small cutouts in the vestibule. To install such a valve, the windows do not need to be dismantled. Seam valves have low throughput, sound insulation is at a sufficient level.
    2. Slotted inlet valves. Air enters through a gap whose height is about 16 mm. On the outside of the window, the valve is covered with an inlet block (protection from precipitation and small insects). The inside of the device is closed by a control block. Installation of the slot valve is carried out in a horizontal impost or upper bar of the sash. The advantages of such a valve: high throughput and the ability to install without dismantling the window.
    3. Overhead valves allow air to pass best. However, the size of the window opening and frame must be “adjusted” to the valve. Installation of an overhead valve cannot be performed on an installed double-glazed window. Such valves are usually used in production and warehouse areas.

    An interesting option is a valve-handle, which is installed instead of an ordinary window handle. Such a device has a number of advantages:

    • the appearance of the window does not change;
    • the ventilation valve can be located in the place where condensation most often appears;
    • effective removal of excess moisture;
    • the valve does not freeze in winter (the device has a direct-flow design);
    • The handle valve has a built-in filter that prevents dust from entering the room.

    Selecting a supply valve: review of manufacturers

    Choosing a supply valve from a wide range of models is quite not an easy task. Let's look at the general characteristics of the products of the most popular manufacturers of fresh air ventilation. After all, conscientious companies in the vast majority of cases produce a high-quality product.

    The French company Homearea produces supply valves Aereco. The principle of operation of supply units is based on changing the flow area depending on the level of humidity in the room. Air circulation is carried out under the condition of mechanical or natural exhaust operation.

    The most common manufacturer models:

    1. Aereco valves of the EMM series are moisture-sensitive, hygro-adjustable. The valve has two mounting methods, which characterize the air supply options - with an inclined or vertical jet direction. It can operate in two modes: “minimal ventilation” and “automatic”. Air consumption up to 35 cubic meters/hour at 10 Pa.
    2. Aereco valves of the EHA series are equipped with a hygroscopic sensor-drive, which ensures a healthy microclimate in the room. The set includes acoustic accessories that perform noise-absorbing functions. Air consumption - up to 50 cubic meters/hour at 10 Pa.
    3. Aereco valves of the EHA2 series are available in a stylish slim body. The device guarantees sound insulation of the house up to 42 dB. The inclined air flow is directed to the ceiling area. This ensures progressive heating of the street air. The device has three operating modes: minimum, automatic and maximum air flow.

    Inlet valve for window Air Box Available in three trim levels: Standart, Comfort without milling and Comfort-S.

    The Comfort model is installed in two ways - with/without milling. Milling - drilling or sawing at the top of the ventilation duct sash.

    Important! Milling doubles the performance of the supply valve. But usually the ventilation problem can be solved by standard installation- without milling

    The Comfort-S damper is designed for installation on fixed windows. Installation of such a valve is quite labor-intensive, as it requires drilling a reinforced steel profile. Typically, the Comfort-S valve is installed at the factory.

    Passive ventilation supply valve - installation Regel-air. Ventilation of the room occurs automatically. Depending on the temperature in the room and outside, the device independently regulates the degree of ventilation.

    Supply valve for plastic windows: photo

    The Regel-air climate valve has the following advantages:

    • affordable price;
    • hidden installation - when the flap is closed, the valve is not visible;
    • the incoming air circulates inside the frame - the air temperature rises;
    • high maintainability;
    • The sound insulation of the room does not deteriorate.

    How to install a supply valve on a window: step-by-step installation

    The ventilation valve can be installed on the window in two ways: with or without perforation. Let's consider both options.

    Installation sequence of a climate valve with perforation:

    1. Preparation of tools:
      • electric drill;
      • jigsaw;
      • file;
      • drills 5-10 mm;
      • construction knife;
      • template for marking valve contours;
      • sealant.
    2. Using a template, outline the location of the supply valve. The marker must be attached to the top sash. For this work, it is better to remove the window sash, since the marking is carried out from the outside and from the outside. inside details.
    3. According to the markings, drill several through holes with a 5 mm drill. This row will serve as the base for larger perforations.
    4. Drill the prepared holes with a 10 mm drill. For convenient location of the valve, holes are drilled from the inside of the window sash.
    5. Expansion of the supply valve. Between the pair of outer holes, use a jigsaw to cut out the remaining material. As a result of the work done, a through gap should be obtained. Sand the edges of the hole with a file.
    6. Install the valve mounting strip on the flap surface and secure with self-tapping screws. The part must first be treated with sealant.
    7. Mill a groove in the frame overlay. Mark the position of the supply valve according to the template, and then cut out the groove using a jigsaw and file.
    8. Install the outer part of the climate valve with a visor on the outer surface of the frame. The part is fixed with self-tapping screws and sealed with sealant.
    9. Assemble the sash and install it in place - on the hinges of the frame.
    10. Check the position of the holes in the sash and frame overlap.
    11. Commit inner part valve onto the mounting plate. Use clips and latches as fastening elements.
    12. Adjust valve operation.

    Let's look at how to install a supply valve on a plastic window without resorting to perforation:

    1. For installation work prepare:
      • a regular cross-head screwdriver;
      • stationery knife;
      • marker and ruler.
    2. Open the window sash and remove part of the seal that seals the gap between the frame and the sash. The old gasket is cut off with a knife from the frame overlap. Stick a special gasket, which comes complete with the supply valve, onto the free space.
    3. Direct valve installation:
      • install three plugs with the “skirt” down in the grooves from the seal;
      • fix the valve on the flap of the sash - the device is attached from above in the direction of the brackets to the window;
      • secure the valve with self-tapping screws passed through the brackets;
      • Install a seal in the groove between the brackets.

    In this case, the gap between the valve and the seal on the frame acts as a ventilation duct.

    Installing a supply valve on plastic windows: video

    Adjustment and operation of the supply window valve

    The inlet valve can be controlled manually or automatically. Automatic is more convenient and is usually supplemented with a hygroregulation sensor. When humidity decreases, air flow decreases, and vice versa - air circulation increases when humidity in the room increases.

    With manual control, you can make mistakes, which sometimes lead to overcooling of the room and freezing of the climate valve.

    Important! In severe frosts, the supply valve cannot be completely closed

    Maintenance of the ventilation valve is limited to cleaning every 6 months. Dust from the external visor can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, and the body can be wiped with a damp cloth.

    Cannot be used for cleaning chemicals. In addition, you should refrain from cleaning the device under running water. running water. When carried out indoors repair work the valve must be covered - this will protect it from dirt and dust.

    Supply valve for PVC windows - practical and necessary purchase, which improves the microclimate in the house. You can install the supply valve on plastic windows yourself. The installation method depends on the valve model and its configuration.

    When renovating any house or apartment important stage There will be a replacement of outdated wooden window structures with new plastic windows. Such a change, as a rule, makes dramatic changes in appearance of the entire premises that apartment owners only think about why they didn’t do this earlier. In addition, thanks to this design, it is possible to significantly reduce heat loss and protect yourself from street noise. In extreme heat, the room will not heat up much, maintaining an optimal indoor microclimate.

    However, due to such tightness, the apartment may be broken. IN apartment buildings Soviet-built ventilation channels do not always cope with the increasing load, so you need to know what constitutes supply-type ventilation on plastic windows.

    Most modern housing designs feature the simplest ventilation systems, which consist of ordinary kitchen hood or a hood installed in the bathroom. The influx of air masses is ensured by cracks in windows and doorways. This option is successfully used in houses in which conventional wooden boxes. If you install a set of plastic windows in such a house and install door seals, the flow of air masses becomes too limited, which can lead to disruption of the microclimate of the room and also:

    • Significantly increase the level of humidity, which leads to the fact that it becomes difficult to stay in the room due to extreme stuffiness.
    • There is severe discomfort in the rooms due to lack of fresh air.

    Sidebar: Important: Due to a lack of fresh air, such an unpleasant effect as “overflow” may occur, when, due to the lack of air in the ventilation shaft, many odors from neighboring apartments begin to penetrate into yours, which, of course, is an extremely undesirable “side effect.”

    The ventilation system of plastic windows has a number of its own features. Many people note that in addition to the draft-free system, they begin to have problems such as severe fogging of the glass and stuffiness.

    In the event that users have complaints against the manufacturer, then most often a recommendation is given to open the doors, setting them to the “ventilation mode”. However, in this case, the advantages of the system are not fully understood.

    It is recommended to start dealing with the problem of room ventilation at the stage of purchasing plastic windows. When contacting a company that sells such designs, you need to inquire about the following features:

    • Is there a window?
    • Is there a "comb"? Although the cost of such a device is low, the benefits of its use are very noticeable.
    • Does this design have a valve for ventilation?
    • Is there a possibility of self-ventilation?

    Comb. Thanks to this device, you can adjust the shutters to the required position. This design has a number of differences from an ordinary folding mechanism and allows you to independently adjust the opening width of the doors in different positions.

    Thanks to the use of a window, you can guarantee the normal operation of everything. The air, entering the upper space of the room, mixes with the air in the room, spreading directly throughout its volume. The main disadvantage is the fact that due to the complicated design, the price of such a window increases significantly. At the same time, the luminous flux in the room is slightly, but still reduced.

    Self-ventilated windows. For their manufacture, a special type of profile is used, which has holes in the outer and inner upper elements. This ensures the flow of air masses into top part premises. The design of the window provides for the presence of a special chamber that moves the air flow, which returns to the space of the room after passing through heating.

    There are certain restrictions. For example, those who live on high floors, installation of a wider and more expensive profile is not recommended. In this case, weak draft will not be able to ensure the influx of air masses in the required volume. In hot weather, full operation of the system will be difficult, and it will not be able to work due to the nature of the convection process.

    Air exchange rate table

    Room Estimated air temperature for the cold period of the year, °C Air exchange rate or the amount of air removed from the premises
    influx hood
    1 Retail floors of stores with an area of ​​400 m2 or less:
    food 16 1
    non-food 16 1
    2 Sales areas of stores with an area of ​​more than 400 m2:
    food 16 By calculation By calculation
    non-food 16 By calculation By calculation
    3 Razrubochnaya 10 3 4

    To maintain a normal microclimate both near plastic windows and throughout the room, it is necessary to use special ventilation valves, which are universal devices.

    The following installation methods are currently used:

    • Replacing old double-glazed windows with new ones that are smaller for installation ventilation valve into the vacated space.
    • A valve that is located in one of the elements of the upper window sash.

    The first method has certain disadvantages. In particular, there is a decrease in luminous flux, which increases material costs for additional sources lighting. Professionals advise using the second option, which can be implemented in a short period of time (no more than half an hour) and is also cheaper.

    There are automatic and manual options. It is recommended to avoid options in which the valves cannot be adjusted. Control manually not only more profitable from a financial point of view, but also allows you to conveniently regulate the air flow and reduce heat loss. Thanks to the automatic mode, you can constantly maintain a certain humidity and temperature in the room.

    The best option is to combine the two options, since best results can be achieved with combined system management.

    The outflow and inflow of air must be carried out according to air exchange standards. In order to achieve the best sound absorption, modern window designs Ventilation valves with similar capabilities and technical characteristics are installed.

    Since when operating during the cold season, difficulties often arise, since it is not always possible to predict the appearance of ice, condensation or. In order to remove certain “risk factors” it is recommended to do the following:

    • Ensure high thermal insulation of the valves, paying special attention to the part located outside the room.
    • Install a “thermal break” made of plastic if the at the moment a metal body is used.

    The valve is a rather complex device, so its price can be quite high.

    • Slot valves are available in both mechanical and automatic versions. The room is ventilated by the penetration of fresh air through the ventilation ducts. The advantage of slot-type valves is that they are easy to install and provide normal air exchange without the need for dismantling.
    • Rebated valves allow for a normal flow of fresh air, which is carried out thanks to rebated cutouts in window blocks. They are characterized by low throughput and excellent sound insulation. At the same time they have a low cost.
    • Overhead valves. They have the largest air flow and have a number of serious disadvantages. For example, they cannot be installed on already mounted plastic double glazed windows, as well as their use worsens the performance of heat and sound insulation.

    The use of overhead climate valves is most common for solving production and industrial problems; in apartment buildings, this method is not particularly common. The most common method of installing plastic windows with ventilation is the “binding” method. Regulation of double-glazed windows for ventilation is carried out both automatically and manually. Automatic control allows you to achieve optimal creation and reduce humidity levels.

    Thanks to the use of valves, it is possible to achieve complete isolation from outside noise sources and prevent the occurrence of drafts, dampness, condensation and fogging. Since mold, dampness and fungi do not have the best effect on human body, lowering immunity and performance, it is recommended to trust the installation of ventilation for plastic windows to real professionals with extensive work experience and knowledge in their field.

    Control valves do not require special care or maintenance. It is enough to literally clean their surface from dust and dust once a year. various contaminants. For the normal operation of ventilation of plastic windows, the correct functioning of an ordinary hood is necessary. Otherwise, it is violated, and condensation may accumulate in the room and the windows will fog up.


    For efficient work All of the options described above will require an established ventilation system. Despite the fact that the above options allow for normal air exchange in the room, there are various factors that can affect it.



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