Roof hatch for access to the roof. Roof hatch: reliable and safe access to the roof. What types of hatches are there for the roof of a house?

If you are determined to actively use the attic space, most likely you will have to make a hatch into the attic. In villages in the past, this task was handled very simply - it was enough to use an extension ladder, but for a modern person such a dubious method can hardly be called suitable. Definitely, you will need a convenient access hole from inside the house, and not from outside, as was previously practiced. Available for sale ready-made solutions, but you will still have to install them yourself, and the dimensions of the structure may not work. This article will talk about how to make the roof of a house habitable.

Buy or make?

Those who plan to buy a finished product can use the instructions for its installation, which will also be given in this article, and those who want to make a convenient attic hatch with their own hands will be interested in the full information about the process, which we offer for reading. So here are a few important nuances that will be useful in your work:

  • choose a location for the opening so as not to hit your head on the rafters or roof when climbing up;
  • an entrance to the roof of the house is not built under the floor beams;
  • if the top floor is still not insulated, you will have to make thermal insulation;
  • the opening definitely needs to be strengthened. Suitable for wooden structures wooden beams, and in concrete houses reinforcement is carried out with metal corners;
  • It is necessary to provide free space under the hatch for the retractable ladder.

If you make the hatch along with the ladder yourself, do not be lazy to carefully study all the stages of the process, then you will not encounter difficulties in the work, and it will not seem complicated to you.

Manufacturing stages

Before you make a hatch into the attic, you need to draw up drawings on which all the necessary measurements and parameters are noted: the thickness of the ceiling, the dimensions of the lid and the opening that you will cut. Please note that insulated rooms can be equipped with a regular cover, while cold rooms will require additional thermal insulation. It doesn’t matter how you draw up the diagram - by hand on paper or in a special computer program, the main thing is to take into account all the necessary dimensions. Once the diagram has been drawn up, you can proceed to the practical side of the issue, as well as prepare the tools for the work.

Cutting the opening

If a roof access hole was not provided during the construction of the house, you will have to cut it out yourself. Of course, if such a hole for installing the door already exists, this stage of work is skipped.

To begin with, markings are carried out with the expectation that the hole should be 5–6 cm larger than the dimensions of the hatch frame. In the future, the gap will help compensate for the thickness of the boards from which the frame will be made. The material from a sawn piece of the ceiling can be used to cover the lid, of course, if it has a normal aesthetic appearance.

Assembling the opening frame

Here we will need boards with a thickness of 2 - 3 cm, this is precisely the caliber that will make the base durable. The frame can be round or square. The second option requires that all corners be straight. Frame sizes of 60x120 cm can be considered standard, and these dimensions are suitable for the vast majority of homeowners. You are guided by personal preferences and the dimensions of the opening; you may want to enlarge the opening to the roof of the house, but we do not recommend making it smaller. After assembly, the frame is mounted in its seat in the ceiling opening.

Making a lid

As mentioned earlier, the most ordinary cover can be assembled from the cut out remains of the ceiling, which were formed as a result of cutting out the opening. The assembled door must be reinforced on the reverse side cross bar. Then it needs to be secured in the selected place with loops located along the long or short side of the lid. Take a closer look at which side will be more convenient for you to open the door, and only then proceed to secure it to the frame. Also consider how the hatch leading to the roof of the house should open, inside or outside the room.

We do insulation and finishing

The issue with insulation, as we said earlier, will depend entirely on the degree of thermal insulation of the upper floor. An insulated floor can get by with a basic layer of insulation, but we advise you to pay attention to sound insulation. Naturally, a cold room needs a high-quality large-scale insulating coating. To do this, you will have to lay a layer of vapor barrier membrane and a layer insulation material according to the standard scheme for such a process. At the last stage you need to carry out the external finishing.

As you already understand, this is how the simplest hatch leading to the roof of the house is installed. To more difficult decisions This includes a design with a retractable staircase. The installation process here is carried out according to a similar scheme with only some differences.

Complex designs

The hatch to the attic can be equipped with a stationary ladder. Here, too, work begins with cutting the opening. The further course of the process depends on which design you have chosen and in what order you will make it. Let us immediately make a reservation that the work of assembling and installing the hatch with the ladder in this case will be somewhat more complicated than in the option discussed above. Be sure to ensure that all sizes of interacting elements match:

You can measure all these parameters yourself or remove them from a purchased product if you do not make it yourself. In this case, the cover must have a space that will accommodate the longest part of the retractable ladder in the assembled position.

Also remember that the weight of the ladder must be adequately supported by the lid, otherwise breakage and, in the worst case, injury cannot be avoided. We must not forget about the reliable latch, which will firmly hold the structure in the frame of the ceiling opening.

All the processes that we mentioned are presented schematically, but if you decide to build an attic hatch yourself, you do not need more detailed information, because you most likely have certain skills, but general recommendations illustrations won't hurt anyone. Anyone who buys a ready-made hatch for access to the roof of a house can use the installation instructions, which are necessarily included with the product.

Hatch to the attic: step by step installation with your own hands

A hatch to the roof of the house is necessary if you plan to actively use the attic space. How to make a hatch into the attic, read our article!

Construction of houses

The attic is a great place to store old things, clothes and other accessories. However, for its operation, it is necessary to install a hatch that will help you easily get into the attic. We’ll talk about the types of attic hatches and the features of making them yourself later.

How to make a hatch into the attic: choosing a location and preparing for work

A fairly common purpose of the attic is to serve as a storage room. There are located various kinds things that have seasonal or periodic use. In order to get them, you must have constant access to the attic. For these purposes, it is recommended to install a hatch that will allow you to get any necessary thing out of the attic.

There are two ways to enter the attic. The first involves making a special entrance hole on the gable part on which the attic door is installed. This method The good thing is that you don’t need to make a hole in the ceiling and violate its integrity. Although, when using a door, it is necessary to install an additional ladder, and this requires material investments. The second, easier to manufacture method is to install a hatch in the attic, which is located on the ceiling.

In the process of choosing the location where the hatch will be located, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the hatch cover must open freely, without any obstacles.

In addition, the hatch design must be in harmony with the overall style of the interior. If you plan to use stairs stationary type, then it should also not interfere with free movement around the room.

If there are beams on the ceiling, then make sure that the hatch is not located directly on them, since the strength of the ceiling is significantly reduced.

The hatch to the attic with your own hands should be:

  • attractive and distinguished by the presence of modern design;
  • differ in ease of installation;
  • be reliable, durable and safe;
  • it is preferable to choose or construct insulated hatches;
  • additional fittings: lugs and handles will help simplify the procedure for using the hatch.

Hatch to the attic: features and varieties

Depending on the location of the hatch installation and its design features, hatches in the attic are:

The first option involves installing a hatch on the ceiling surface. Such hatches are easy to use and easy to manufacture. The second type of hatches is also called a manhole. The corner type of hatch is most often mounted on attic room, in the presence of a sloping roof type.

In addition, attic hatches are made of wood, metal, plastic and others. alternative options. Most often, wood is used in the construction of hatches.

Insulated attic hatch - manufacturing technology

To build a hatch with insulation, we recommend using these instructions:

1. Before starting the manufacture of the hatch, you should make a drawing of the hatch for the attic, which indicates its shape, dimensions and additional design features.

2. To build the hatch frame, prepare boards that are at least 2 cm thick. Try to build a rectangular structure of a previously determined size.

3. Please note that all corners must be absolutely even. Standard attic hatch dimensions are 600x1200 mm. Although determining the size of the hatch depends on the constitution of the people who will use it and on the size of the things stored in the attic.

4. The next stage is cutting out an opening in the ceiling; note that the opening should be 5 cm larger than the dimensions of the hatch. The main function of this allowance is to cover the opening using a special frame.

5. If work is carried out in wooden house, then the same tree that is cut from the ceiling is quite suitable for making a hatch. Otherwise, you need to purchase wood.

6. When choosing wood, it is better to give preference to larch, since this type of wood has good performance and strength characteristics.

7. The side of fixing the hinges on the hatch depends on the individual preferences of its owners.

8. So that the lid acquires extra strength, you need to take care of installing a diagonal spacer, for fixing which you use self-tapping screws or steel corners.

9. In order to ensure thermal insulation of the hatch, it is recommended to use insulation. Most often, the same material is used as when insulating the attic, for example, polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

10. Please note that a vapor barrier must be pre-installed at the bottom of the cover, since these types of insulation are susceptible to moisture.

11. At the next stage, fittings in the form of latches and closers are installed. Installing a seal around the perimeter of the hatch will prevent cold air from the attic from entering the room.

12. C inside the frame is sheathed with a platband, thus improving appearance hatch.

13. The work is completed by installing a ladder that will help you climb up and down to the hatch.

Installing a hatch in the attic: installation of purchased structures

Installing a hatch purchased in a store is a little easier than making it yourself. However, in this matter there are nuances that must be adhered to.

The cost of a purchased hatch directly depends on the material from which it is made. The price of metal hatches is significantly higher than that of wooden ones.

Before purchasing a hatch and ladder for the attic, first take measurements of the ceiling height in the room, optimal size for the hatch, where the stairs are installed. Among the advantages of purchased sliding ladders for hatches are:

  • compactness and ease of location even in a small room;
  • multifunctionality;
  • ease of installation;
  • attractive appearance.

For folding attic stairs you don't need to put in too much effort. It is because of this that purchased models are more common than homemade ones. A minimum of two people are required to assemble the hatch and ladder. One of which is located in the attic, lifts the structure to the top.

Before fixing the frame, two boards are installed on the lower part; it is on them that the hatch is laid. Next, the structure is laid on them and leveled with wedges. To control evenness corner structures use a level.

This way, it will be possible to avoid deformation of the hatch during its installation. After the ladder is fixed to the frame, the hatch is secured to it with screws. If a small gap forms, use polyurethane foam to fill it. Next, remove the boards that protected the hatch from distortion; keep in mind that until the foam has completely hardened, it is not possible to operate the hatch.

The side bolts on the ladder are loosened and it unfolds to the desired size. If there is a skew, the ladder should be adjusted so that it becomes level; this is done by twisting the bolts.

How to make an attic hatch with your own hands

If you plan to install a hatch for the attic on a reinforced concrete floor, it is recommended to install the hatch at the junction of two slabs. This will prevent the entire structure from weakening.

To make standard or fire-rated hatches, you need to make a hole for a concrete slab; the work will take at least an hour and a half. To make a hole you will need a grinder with attachments for working with metal, a hammer drill, a crowbar and a sledgehammer.

First of all, make a marking; the size of the hole on the concrete should be several centimeters larger than the size of the hatch itself. To obtain strictly vertical end sections of the hatch, it is necessary to have a hammer drill and a drill in it, the length of which is much greater than the thickness of the slab.

Make sure that the hammer drill is strictly vertical to the surface. Drill one hole in each corner of the previously marked plate.

Using a diamond blade, cut one of the marking lines first. Make sure that the disc does not come into contact with the fittings, as there is a risk of damage. After preparing the slots, use a hammer drill to find empty areas of the slab by drilling through it.

Using a sledgehammer, break the slab; use a crowbar where the concrete touches the reinforcement. After covering all the concrete, carefully cut off the reinforcement and, using leveling, smooth out all the unevenness that appears on the surface of the metal. Please note that the accuracy and quality of the hatch installation depends on the evenness and smoothness of the opening.

Tip: If you plan to use a purchased device, then the dimensions for the opening should be indicated in technical specifications hatch. At self-production attic hatch, at least one centimeter should be left on each side.

In order to build a hatch staircase to the attic, you must first build a frame, which is secured in the opening with the help of anchors. To ensure smooth closing or opening of the hatch, it is necessary to purchase door closers. In addition, the surface of the cover should be similar to the finish of the ceiling. The best option– the use of polystyrene foam boards, which are covered with chipboard on top.

The finished hatch must be equipped with seals and face strips. Therefore, the hole for its installation must be made with maximum precision.

To carry out the work, it is better to climb into the attic and start from this part. In relation to the external dimensions of the casing, it is necessary to mark the floor on which the hatch will be installed.

To remove the top layer of the ceiling, it is best to use a grinder. If there is waterproofing and insulation on the ceiling, you should carefully remove them and trim them with a knife. To see the perimeter of the hatch in the room, you need to make several control holes.

Next, take the hatch and place it on the floor surface in the attic, compare its dimensions with the perimeter of the holes made. The hatch frame should be located in the opening as airtight as possible. If there are cracks on it, then use polyurethane foam to seal it. Work with it should begin only after careful alignment and determination of the hatch's position.

If there are rafters on each side, secure the hatch between them. A high-quality attic staircase requires special framing to help protect people living in the house from accidental falls.

If there are rafters on only one or two sides, it is necessary to install a beam on the third side on which the hatch will be fixed. Please note that hatch installation work requires special responsibility from the person who performs it. The minimum load on the ladder and hatch is 200 kg.

Direct installation of the hatch requires the following actions:

  • assembling the frame and installing it in the hole;
  • fixing the rim on the surface of the rafters from above, if they are not on the beams;
  • fixing the rim from the bottom of the room;
  • securing the cover to the hatch;
  • connection of the ladder with the hatch;
  • checking the functionality of the entire system.

Features of fire hatches in the attic

Such hatches have very simple design features; they consist of a steel frame, for which a non-combustible material is used as a seal, and a steel door that automatically latches after closing.

To enter the attic space there is a hatch on the hatch retractable ladder. Before installing such a hatch, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of its selection:

1. Fire resistance from 40 minutes to one hour.

2. Minimum thickness the steel from which it is made is 1 cm. It is possible to cover the hatch with the same material as the decoration of the room to ensure its complete harmony in the interior.

3. The presence of a non-flammable thermoactive seal, which, when expanded, blocks smoke from entering the attic or room.

4. Internal filling – mineral wool or any other fire-resistant material.

5. The presence of closers, handles, locks are of high quality.

6. If you plan to install the hatch on a wooden floor, then you must additionally purchase materials installed between the hole for the hatch and the hatch itself.

DIY attic hatch, Construction portal

Construction of houses The attic space is an excellent place to place old things, clothes and other accessories. However, for its operation, it is necessary to arrange

DIY attic hatch

The attic is used to store old things. This room is used to store household items that are used only for certain time. For example, it could be a sled or skis. From the owners country houses Questions arise about how to get into the attic. How to provide access to this room? To do this, you need to install an attic hatch in the floor with your own hands.

How to choose a location for installing a hatch

There are several types of attic hatches. Homeowners use 2 options for entering the attic. In the first case, the owner makes a special hole on the front part. An attic door is installed in the resulting opening. However, with this method there is a need to install an additional ladder. This requires additional investment on the part of the home owner.

Another option is to install a hatch in the attic. When choosing a location for the hatch, it is necessary to take into account that the lid must open freely. Pay attention to the design of the hatch. It should match the overall style of the interior.

If you plan to use a standard type of staircase, make sure that it does not interfere with free movement around the room. Removing part of the ceiling when installing the hatch is unacceptable. This leads to a decrease in their strength.

In order to make a hatch into the attic with your own hands, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • The design should be attractive and have a modern design.
  • Ease of installation is of great importance.
  • The hatch must have high strength and reliability.
  • When choosing models, preference should be given to insulated type structures. Otherwise, cold may enter the room. As additional fittings closers and handles can be used.

When choosing a location to install a hatch, there are several points to consider. Ensure that the hatch cover opens freely. There should be no obstacles to functioning. When installing a structure, many owners make a common mistake. They do not take into account their height and, when climbing stairs, can hit their heads on structural elements.

If you install a hatch in the attic yourself, then under no circumstances mount it on load-bearing beams. During operation, their integrity may be compromised. This will affect bearing capacity, and will reduce the strength of the ceiling. When installing, consider characteristics such as reliability, safety and durability. To avoid manufacturing errors, you must adhere to the drawing.

What to do if the top floor is not insulated? In this case, before installing the hatch, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation work. Wooden beams are used to strengthen the opening. In concrete houses, you can strengthen the opening under the hatch using metal corners. Be sure to consider the availability of free space under the hatch for a retractable ladder.

What types of hatches can there be?

Depending on the installation location and design features distinguish:

  • Horizontal models.
  • Vertical structures.
  • Corner models.

Horizontal hatches are very convenient to install on the ceiling surface. Many owners of country houses have already appreciated their ease of use. In addition, they are quite simple to make.

Wood, metal or plastic are used in the production of attic hatches. It all depends on the preferences of the owner who decided to equip an attic in the house. Metal models have high strength.

How to make an insulated attic hatch

To make an attic hatch with your own hands using this technology, you must adhere to the following sequence. First you need to prepare a drawing taking into account the design features, shape and size of the frame. When making an insulated hatch, boards with a thickness of at least 2 centimeters are used.

In the future, the owner must make a rectangular structure based on the size of the room. All corners must be absolutely even. Typically, home owners use designs with standard sizes, which are 600 by 1200 mm. However, a lot depends on the constitution of a person - so that it is convenient for him to climb into the attic. Be sure to measure the height of the ceiling before proceeding with the installation of the hatch.

When fixing the hinges on the hatch, take into account the individual preferences of the owners. The cover should not reduce the strength of the structure. To do this, you need to install a diagonal spacer. It is fixed using self-tapping screws or steel corners.

Thermal insulation of the hatch is ensured through the use of insulation. This can be polystyrene foam or mineral wool. Please note that condensation will begin to accumulate in the attic after rain. To prevent the formation of moisture, you need to think about a vapor barrier. Thanks to vapor barrier materials, condensation accumulation can be avoided.

After this, they begin to install fittings in the form of latches and closers. Using a seal will help prevent cold air from the attic from entering the main rooms of the house.

Covering the frame not only increases the strength of the structure. In this way you can change the appearance of the product. At the final stage, a ladder is installed that rises to the hatch.

How to make a hatch with your own hands

Installing a hatch at the junction of two slabs weakens the entire structure. When installing standard hatches, you must first make a hole in the concrete slab. The work will take approximately 2 hours. During this time, you can make an opening in the floor according to the markings.

The most convenient way is to cut a rectangular opening for the hatch using a grinder. The tool must include special attachments. They are designed to work with metal. When installing the hatch, prepare a hammer drill and a sledgehammer.

First, mark the hole in the concrete. After this, drill control holes using a hammer drill. The length of the drill must be greater than the thickness of the ceiling. Otherwise, you will not be able to drill the ceiling to the required depth.

Now take diamond blade and cut through one of the marking lines. During operation, it is necessary to take into account that the disk should not come into contact with the reinforcement. Otherwise, the ceilings may be damaged. Damaged beams may not be able to withstand the load. Construction mistakes can be costly for a home owner.

Installation features

Use a sledgehammer to break the floor slab. To make the job easier, you can use a crowbar. Carefully cut off all the reinforcement and smooth out any irregularities. The accuracy and quality of the hatch installation will depend on the smoothness of the opening.

When making a hatch at home, the following point must be taken into account. You need to leave 1 centimeter on each side. This play is used to cover possible defects.

To secure the hatch in certain place anchors are used. After installation, it is necessary to achieve smooth closing of the hatch. This can be achieved through closers. To prevent deformation, the hatch is covered with chipboard. This way you can increase the strength of the structure.

When installing attic hatch it is necessary to take into account what can be found in stores ready-made options. They just need to be mounted in the opening. However, their quality largely depends on the material from which the products are made. Metal structures are more expensive because they are more durable and reliable.

All purchased products are equipped with mechanisms that ensure the safety of the owner. The factory ladder meets all safety requirements. Its steps are made in such a way that it is impossible to slip on them. This reduces the risk of injury.

What are the advantages of a rope opening system?

The hatch handle can be replaced with a more original opening system. For this, a rope is used, which is secured with special blocks. A hole must be made in the ceiling surface. Through it, the rope is lowered to a certain distance. At the end of the rope there is a hook, which is attached to the wall ring. Thanks to this mechanism, even a child can open the hatch, since this does not require significant effort.

Stages of making an attic hatch

To ensure tightness finished hatch seals and face strips are used. Before installing the hatch, holes must be drilled. To perform this operation, go up to the attic. You can avoid mistakes if you carry out preliminary markings. In the process of installing the hatch, you cannot do without an angle grinder.

What to do if a layer of insulation and waterproofing is laid on the attic floor? You need to work carefully. Construction materials can be removed with a knife. After this, the area occupied by the hatch is determined. This way you can avoid mistakes when installing a hatch in the attic. Match the size of the cover with the inspection holes provided for installing the housing.

The hatch should be located in the opening as tightly as possible. Cold air will flow into the rooms of the house through the cracks. Condensation will begin to accumulate on the walls. Therefore, existing cracks are sealed using polyurethane foam. This way you can achieve a seal between the attic and the rest of the house.

After this, careful alignment is carried out. The hatch is fixed between the rafters. To equip the staircase you need to use a special frame. Otherwise, people climbing the stairs into the attic may fall and be injured.

When installing the hatch, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • First you need to assemble the frame and mount it taking into account the pre-drilled holes.
  • The next stage is the installation of rafters, which are necessary to ensure the safety of people.
  • After securing the ladder and hatch, the functionality of the system is checked.

What are the features of fire hatches?

All hatch elements are installed on a steel frame. It is designed to strengthen the structure. To prevent drafts in the room, a seal is used.

The insert door automatically latches when closed. To get into the attic faster, the hatch is attached to a movable ladder. Thanks to the fire-resistant coating, the structure can withstand about 40 minutes even during a fire. The owner of the house gives great value appearance of the hatch. It should not stand out too much due to a mismatch in style. Non-flammable materials are used as sealants.

Mineral wool is used as internal filler. When installing a hatch, pay attention to the quality of the fittings. The reliability of the design depends on the strength of closers and locks.

The advantages of purchasing purchased products include less labor intensity during installation. During the installation process, consider the characteristics of the stairs. It is necessary to know the height of the ceiling to avoid collisions with structural elements. A person should not be afraid that at any moment he may hit his head on structural elements.

Be sure to consider the size of the opening. It should be 5 cm larger than the hatch. This allowance is necessary in order to cover the opening with a special frame. When buying a tree, it is best to give preference to larch. It is characterized by high strength and reliability.

DIY attic hatch: step by step instructions, photos and videos

DIY attic hatch. How to choose a location for installing a hatch. Stages of making an attic hatch. How to make a hatch with your own hands.
  • Any roof, no matter what its design, requires periodic inspection and maintenance. Extremely important in this aspect is the ability to have safe access to systems located on the roof, be it antennas, air conditioners or lightning rods and de-icers. Therefore, a special access to it, for example, a roof hatch, is considered a mandatory additional element of the roof.

    A mandatory additional element of the roof is a special exit to it - a roof hatch.
    It should be noted that the maximum roof area, according to SNiP, for which it is not necessary to have an exit to the roof, is 100 m2.

    Traditional methods of organizing access to the roof

    You can go onto the roof in different ways, in particular, using:

    • vertical external stairs;
    • sliding stairs;
    • stems mounted to the wall;
    • roof ladders.

    Types of stairs


    This is perhaps the easiest option to get onto the roof. It is placed in a perpendicular position to the horizon along external wall. Since they are more often installed outdoors, the surface of the steps must ensure safety when lifting people. They are made of corrugated steel or reinforcement with a crescent-shaped protrusion, and are necessarily coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

    Children are prohibited from climbing the stepladder, so the bottom of the structure must be 1 m above the ground, according to the standards.

    To access the roof, by analogy with a stepladder, you can use a roof ladder - the only difference is that the latter is located on the roof surface. These can be single steps, or a single structure consisting of several steps.

    External staircase

    In the case of a flat roof, it is more convenient to replace the stepladder with one securely attached to the walls of the building. Structural elements can be made of steel: corrugated, stainless or polished, or wood from ash, oak or beech. All of them must be treated with antiseptics and anticorrosives. For additional safety, railings are installed.

    The presence of metal fire escapes is mandatory for buildings with more than two floors.

    The issue is resolved somewhat differently if access to the roof must be provided from the interior.

    Folding ladder

    You can use such a ladder if the roof hatch has an internal cover that practically hides the structure of the stairs. Typically its thickness is up to 66 mm, including a dense layer of thermal insulation. Preference should be given to sectional rather than accordion-like scissor staircases, as they are safer to climb and descend.

    It is interesting that roof technical hatches with an internal cover can also connect rooms with different temperatures, that is, residential and non-residential.

    In a residential attic it is quite suitable for access to the roof dormer window.

    Roof hatches: distinctive features

    In residential multi-storey buildings access to the roof is through a hatch, usually located above landing the last one. This option can be considered universal, since it is equally good for both pitched and flat roofs.

    In pitched roofs, the attic exit is usually a booth or canopy equipped with side walls.

    Exit to pitched roof arranged using the installation step of the rafter legs as a basis, since it is to them that the hatch box is attached. Between the nearest rafter and the hatch trim, as required by SNiP, approximately 7 mm should be maintained. If the distance between the rafters more sizes hatch, make an additional frame from wooden blocks. The design of roof hatches traditionally has a square shape with a side of 120 or 45 cm, and the number depends on the roof area.

    Primers and paints are applied to the surface of the lid. Naturally, it should not stand out against the background of the roofing carpet, so the main roofing material is laid on the roof. It is also possible to make it from translucent material.

    May differ in roof design:

    • work up or to the side,
    • for fixing in open position shock-absorbing cylinders are used,
    • The security of residents is ensured by the locks usually included in the package,
    • The safety issue can be solved using a metal grille with a shutter.

    In heated rooms, passages to the roof must be insulated, and in non-residential attics you can get by with simple ones.

    The number of hatches is also regulated by the requirements of SNiP for fire safety. The location near the chimney pipe is considered optimal, since there is no need to install additional drains required when servicing chimneys.


    • They are attractive in appearance and complement or continue the design of the room.
    • Properly installed, they prevent leakage from precipitation and minimize street noise.
    • Convenient to use - they can be opened 95˚ or more, to the right or left.
    • The gas shock absorber prevents the lid from accidentally closing. If the hatch flaps are opened to 25⁰, additional access to fresh air can be provided.
    • Can serve as an emergency exit.
    • The locking system eliminates the possibility of unwanted “guests” entering the attic space.
    • Lightness is about the same as ceiling trim the same area.
    • Easy to install and adaptable to all types of roofing materials.

    Features of hatches for some types of roofs

    For flat roof

    One of the most common options is the Huopa roof hatch. Thanks to its device, you can easily get into the under-roof space. The kit includes a cover and frame with flange. The tightness of the installation is ensured by the presence of double grooves. Bituminous adhesive is applied to the flashing flange, after which it is glued between layers roofing material. There is a hole in the lower surface of the flashing through which possible condensate can be drained through a special groove.

Many people are used to sunroof- this is a blank cover to which a ladder is attached, because the roofs of most old country houses have such a device. Now there is an opportunity to make such a hatch functional and attractive, which will not spoil the roof surface and interior spaces Houses.

There are several sunroof options, each of which has its own pros and cons:

1. Roof hatch. It is convenient and practical to install in unheated rooms (attics). On the roof of a house, such structures are used if it is necessary to provide an exit to the roof surface and create natural light attic. Frames are usually made of wood, aluminum or polyurethane, reinforced double-glazed windows are installed, and the sash opens outward. Benefits this option the hatch is the possibility of natural lighting of the interior and simple installation. And the impossibility of attaching a ladder (you can only use an extension) is a disadvantage of this design; in order to open or close a window, you need to climb up to it. But this type of window exit is still used most often, as it is convenient and has an attractive appearance.

2. Service hatch. This roof hatch is a box with a blank lid, often equipped with a lightweight metal ladder. For industrial, high-rise buildings and outbuildings with a flat roof, this exit is used. For the manufacture of models of such a hatch, ordinary metal is used, they are installed already assembled and therefore their installation does not take much time. Among the advantages, it should be noted the presence of thermal insulation, a layer of paint and galvanizing, as well as the possibility of using non-standard shapes and sizes. Disadvantages: even if the lid is not made solid, but has a translucent coating, such models rarely look decorative.

3. Wooden roof hatches with special folding stairs. This type of roof hatch is used for small private houses; it is designed as an insulated wooden hatch, to which a convenient folding ladder is attached from the inside. When the exit to the roof is open, you can climb up this ladder quickly and conveniently. An ordinary wooden cover is a hatch when folded, which does not spoil the interior of even a residential building.

Also, the advantages are aesthetics, ease of installation, ease of access to the roof of the house, and the disadvantage of such a hatch is for protection from weather conditions, external wooden surface must be covered with any materials.

4. Dormer windows. This is a type of hatch for access to the roof of a house. They perfectly illuminate the room and are convenient to use for ventilation. Often such windows act as an excellent interior element, decorating not only the surface of the roof of the house, but also the attic itself.

But the disadvantages are as follows: quite high cost and complex installation, which is best left to professionals.

Getting to the roof if the house is low is not a problem. A ladder will help. In multi-storey buildings, a hatch to the roof is used. This is an opening in the roofing material that is covered with a lid. If the roof is flat, then the opening is formed in the upper ceiling; if it is an attic roof, then the functions of the hatch are performed by dormer windows.

Purely structurally, a roof hatch is a frame on which the doors are hung. The latter can be solid or transparent, made of durable glass. The main task of hatch manufacturers is to create structures that are sealed against precipitation. And if in pitched roofs More often, hatches are installed vertically, constructing so-called cuckoos for them. With flat roofs everything is much more complicated. Here they use either hatches in the form of doors in pure form, or in the form of skylights, which perform two functions at once: natural lighting of the rooms under the glass skylight and the opening for access to the roof.

Hatch design

As mentioned above, the roof hatch consists of a frame, which is attached to the roofing base, a sheet and hinges. IN modern models the latter have been replaced with shock-absorbing cylinders, which make it easier to open and close the doors. In some designs they install additional elements, for example, stoppers, limiters, clamps of various design solutions.

What are the requirements for a roof hatch?

  1. Reliability of the entire device in terms of strength and burglary resistance.
  2. When installed on a flat roof, the hatch should be mounted at a slight angle to drain precipitation and melting snow. Maximum inclination is 20°.
  3. Typically, hatches are installed between rafters or floor beams. If its installation is carried out according to reinforced concrete slab ceiling, then an opening is made on site exactly to the size of the manhole frame. It is important here that the supporting planes of the frame lie on the slab and are not located inside the opening, secured with some kind of fasteners.
  4. A ladder must be installed from inside the room to the hatch. Its design and fastening must be reliable.
  5. Some roofs have guardrails and supports installed to ensure safe movement on the roof.

Types of roof hatches and their sizes

There are no strict requirements for the size of roof hatches. Here we mean devices with the purpose of passage to the roof. Basically, the design parameters are determined by the dimensions of the average person. Therefore, the minimum dimensions of the opening are 45x45 cm, the maximum are 120x120 cm.

As for the varieties, they are divided according to the material from which the doors are made: solid and transparent. The first group uses sheet metal. In the second: glass, polycarbonate or acrylic. In the same group, a division can be made into two subgroups, the differences between which are based on the shape: flat or hemispherical. The latter is obtained by blowing and its brand includes the letter “C”.

In addition, these devices are divided by purpose.

  1. Ventilation. With their help, exhaust air is removed from the interior. But you can also use them as passageways.
  2. Walkthroughs. They just serve as an exit to the roof.
  3. Light. As mentioned above, such devices perform two functions: passage and natural lighting.
  4. For smoke removal. Such hatches are installed on the roofs of large industrial or public buildings. Their main task is to remove smoke from interior spaces during a fire. This is not a ventilation that is stopped or closed to prevent fresh air from entering the fire area. The smoke removal system only works to remove air and smoke, and not to supply it.
  5. Fireproof. From the name it is clear that they are used as openings for evacuating people in emergency situations. It should be noted that structures of this type have a minimum size of 60x80 cm, the lid should open only to the outside, the roof hatch is made only from non-combustible materials, the applied force to push the sash out should not exceed 30 kg.

By the way, about fire hatches. Firstly, they are installed only on flat roofs. Secondly, access to the roof through the fire opening is carried out using a ladder. Thirdly, after people are evacuated to the roof, the lid closes hermetically. Important Requirement– 100% tightness of the structure. It cannot be allowed to fresh air penetrated into the interior or smoke escapes through gaps and cracks. Fire windows are used only if it is not possible to evacuate through emergency doors located on the lower floors.

Frame materials

Most often, metal is used for this: steel or aluminum. Today, some manufacturers offer devices made from PVC profiles and even wood.

If the roof exit hatch is installed in an apartment building, industrial or public building, then metal structures are used, most often made of steel profiles (angle or profile pipe). In private housing construction, they have become popular plastic models. Wooden version also not bad, but the pleasure is not cheap.

Today, increasingly, demands are made for higher thermal insulation qualities. Therefore, insulation in the form of tapes is added to the hatch designs, which are used to lay the profiles of the device frame from the inside. If the device is transparent, then it is made multi-chamber: 2 or 3. If the passage is equipped with a blind sash, then it can also be insulated using one of a large number thermal insulation materials.


In fact, installing a sunroof is not the easiest process. This requires experience and knowledge, especially some of the nuances of installation and creating support for the device. The easiest way to install is between the rafters. But here it is necessary to create conditions for complete tightness of the joints. Moreover, in this case, no one canceled the insulation and waterproofing pie. Special attention laying roofing material in places where it adjoins the frame of the walk-through window.

Hatches are also easy to install on flat roofs. But if this concrete slab ceiling, then it will have to be hollowed out, creating an opening. The work is not easy and time-consuming. The installation process itself involves installing the frame into the opening on a slab plane and attaching the floor slab to the concrete body.


Every owner of his home should have access to the roof. Moreover, it should be carried out not only from the outside using a ladder, but also from the inside. To ensure this, you will need a sunroof. It can be of various configurations and made from several types of materials. Which one is better to choose and is it possible to do the installation yourself? This will be discussed in the article.

Is a hatch necessary?

If your roof is left unmaintained, it will deteriorate over time and require major repairs. It is not always possible to get to certain areas using a ladder. The sunroof is much more effective in this regard. The presence of a hatch on the roof is not an invention of installers who want to make money by selling and installing them. The design is regulated by SNIP 01/21/97, where fire safety standards are discussed. The installation of hatches is not mandatory, but recommended for buildings that have only one floor or an area of ​​no more than 100 m2.

The hatch can perform several functions at once:

  • provide access to the roof;
  • serve as an emergency exit;
  • provide natural light.

At the owner's request, several hatches can be installed on the roof. If we talk about his direct functional purpose, then it allows short terms carry out maintenance of smoke exhaust ducts. Without a hatch, lifting some equipment onto the roof can be problematic. Some owners have lighting fixtures installed on their roofs. Servicing them from a ladder can be very inconvenient, but through a hatch it can be carried out in a short time. Ventilation outlets may also be located on the roof; their maintenance is mandatory for the normal functioning of the system. Repair work It is almost impossible to replace individual sections of the roof from inside the room, so access to the surface is required.

A roof hatch can be an emergency fire exit. In some cases, residents manage to quickly get to the roof, from where it is easier to evacuate them. Such a device can also facilitate smoke removal, which is also a fire prevention measure. The hatch can easily be turned into a practical decorative element. If the under-roof space is used as a living space, then the product is made in the form of an inclined window, which promotes ventilation and also lets natural light into the room.

Design nuances

When you hear the word hatch, you may think of a metal lid that tightly closes the technological opening, but in reality this is not the case. appeared today large number various modifications, which the user is free to choose. It is easy to buy a product that will best match the interior, as well as the roofing. The hatch windows that were mentioned above have a pleasant appearance. Color solutions Such hatches can be very diverse. The base of such an outlet can be made of wood, aluminum, polyurethane and PVC profile. Frames made of wood can be the most expensive, since high demands are placed on their processing.

It is better to choose an aluminum profile for cases where the area where the building is located has a mild climate. This is due to the high thermal conductivity of the material, although various attempts have been made to minimize it. Polyurethane is an excellent insulator. But the cost of such hatches also leaves much to be desired. The glass unit for such hatches may consist of several separate glasses, between which there is air or an inert gas, designed to increase efficiency. Hatches of this type are quite simple to install, since they are already assembled structure. The downside is the need to constantly use a ladder.

Pay attention! It is better to entrust the installation of such a hatch to professionals if there is no experience in such work. This is due to the need for sealed installation to prevent leaks.

Another type of hatch that is used on roofs is the service hatch. Unlike the previous one, its lid does not have a glass unit and tightly covers the hole. The advantage of this solution is the presence of a built-in ladder, which you do not have to carry with you. Technological hatches are used in buildings that have several floors and a flat roof. Such hatches are also supplied assembled, which simplifies their installation on the roof. To order, you can make a hatch of any required sizes and shapes. Such hatches require insulation, as well as the presence of an anti-corrosion layer that prevents destruction from exposure to weather factors. In private houses, such a hatch does not look aesthetically pleasing; this can be considered a disadvantage of this design.

In private homes, it is common practice to use wooden hatches. They are installed with a folding ladder, which when folded takes up virtually no space. The ladder unfolds automatically as soon as the hatch begins to open. Sometimes this requires opening the latch. Some models come with railings that make climbing as easy as possible. From the inside, the hatch looks like a regular wooden cover. The advantages of such a hatch are aesthetics, ease of selection of colors and textures for a specific interior, as well as the mechanism itself. Disadvantages include the need for wood maintenance. The paintwork will need to be replaced periodically.

Pay attention! There are types of skylights available in the market that fold out along with a small rail that forms a balcony. Such windows are easy to use as a hatch to access the roof, since in some cases there is no need for a ladder, or it can be mounted permanently on the roof itself.

DIY installation

If you wish, you can try to install the sunroof with your own hands. To do this, the first step is to determine where exactly the hatch will be located. It is better to carry out the work in the spring and summer. It is at this time that there is the least amount of precipitation, which could ruin the entire process of installing the hatch, as well as the ceilings in the rooms. You should start marking the hatch with your own hands from the inside of the attic. Using a tape measure, notes are made on the size of the hatch with the necessary supplies. Nails are driven into the four corners of the rectangle or square. With a plumb line, the markings under the hatch are transferred to the rafters, which will undergo a certain modification. The space that will be used for installing the hatch must be reinforced with horizontal jumpers that are fixed to the rafters.

Pay attention! In some cases it is necessary to install a hatch for flat roof, the basis of which is a slab. Making a hatch in a slab is somewhat more difficult, since you will have to use additional equipment to prepare the hole. In this case, markings are made from the inside, and through holes are drilled in the corners of the future hatch, which will serve as a guide.

In order not to be mistaken about where to make a slot in the roof for the hatch from the outside, you need to clearly outline the dimensions for the hatch from the inside, piercing the skin right through with nails. If you try to re-mark the hatch from the outside, you may simply not get into the space of the prepared frame and will have to redo the work. In some cases, it is necessary to trim the rafter legs. In this situation, they will need to be further strengthened with jibs. The work on installing the hatch may last longer than one day, so care must be taken in advance to close the prepared hole. A tarpaulin or thick oilcloth folded in several layers is perfect for these purposes.

If a roof window is to be installed as a hatch, it must be prepared in advance. The sash is removed, as well as the skirt that covers the frame. The frame is installed in the opening prepared for the hatch. Waterproofing is installed along the edges of the hatch, which overlaps what is already on the roof. It is nailed to the rafters with a stapler. The next step is to install the skirt, which should provide waterproofing. It is covered around the perimeter with sealant or bitumen mastic. After this, you can install the hatch flap in its place. The process of installing a roof hatch is in many ways similar to installing a cellar or basement hatch in a house. More details on how to install such a hatch are described in the video.

Advice! Typically, companies that manufacture hatches install them. To speed up the process, according to their instructions, the customer can prepare the opening, and the installers will secure the hatch.


As you can see, the hatch is not only a nice addition, but also a necessity, especially when it comes to attic floor. Before installation, it is better to consult with someone who has already installed similar hatches to learn about the installation nuances.



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