How to install a sliding door. Installation diagram of sliding interior doors. Various design options

In an effort to free up as much space as possible in a small apartment, the owners even remodel the door blocks. One of the smart solutions is an installation whose sash rolls back behind the wall without forming a dead zone.

The main difference between sliding systems is the operating mechanism. Traditional hinges are replaced with rollers. The web moves along the rail. Rollers can be attached only to the top of the sash or simultaneously to the top and bottom. In the second case, the load is evenly distributed over two rails. The service life of the mechanism increases, but there is one drawback. The lower element often becomes clogged with dirt. If you don't clean it, the sash will jam.

Perform installation interior doors DIY coupe is easy. The main work consists of correct measurements, installation of the roller mechanism, guides, and hanging the door leaf. The sash is suitable from,.

There are two types of sliding structures:

  • the door goes behind the wall;

  • the canvas goes inside the wall.

The second option is more convenient, but difficult to manufacture. The system involves the assembly of a pencil case installed instead of a partition.

The popularity of sliding structures is due to a large number advantages:

  • saving usable area due to the absence of a dead zone;
  • creating a beautiful modern style;
  • simple installation;
  • single-leaf or double-leaf design allows you to close an opening of any width;
  • increase in service life door block due to uniform distribution of load along the rail.

Disadvantage is considered to reduce the level of sound insulation and tightness. A gap of about 5 mm is formed at the top and bottom of the door structure, through which extraneous sounds and odors penetrate into the room.

What is needed for installation?

Having decided to install it yourself, you need to know what you will need materials:

  • Railing. It is a beam secured with anchors to the wall surface. Usually used wooden beam section 50x50 mm. A rail is fixed to it.
  • Mechanism. The set includes rollers, stops, guide blade, and rails.

  • Accessories. For sliding systems, special mortise handles and locks are produced.

  • Sash, .

From tools You will need a drill, screwdriver, screwdriver, jigsaw, level, tape measure and pencil.

How to install sliding interior doors with your own hands?

The installation of sliding interior doors begins after the walls are leveled. The room must have a clean floor and the verticality of the doorway must be checked. If there is no floor covering, then its thickness is taken into account when taking measurements.

The main problem with how to install is the difficulty of installing the top beam and rail. The railing must be perfectly aligned in level and height, fit tightly to the wall, and securely fixed with anchors.

Before the start installation work determine in which direction the sash will roll back. If there are two products, then provide free space on both sides of the opening.

The instructions for installing a sliding door consist of the following points:

  • timber installation;
  • rail fastening;
  • assembling the mechanism and hanging the canvas;
  • installation of accessories;
  • decorative finishing of the opening.

Installation of timber

The beginning of installation involves marking the wall for the top beam. The sash is leaned tightly against the opening. Taking into account the width of the rail and a gap of 5 mm, mark the boundary of the beam location on the wall. The canvas is set aside. A horizontal line is drawn along the mark.

For a right-opening sash, the beam is positioned so that its middle is above the right side of the frame. The level is set to horizontal. Holes are drilled in the timber and the wall and reliable fastening anchors of the top beam.

Guide installation

When installing sliding doors, the top rail is screwed with self-tapping screws to the bottom plane of the beam. For convenience, it can be secured to the beam in advance. After fixation, rollers are inserted into the rail and driven to check for unhindered sliding.

If the interior installation involves bottom mount, then the installation of the guide is carried out in three ways:

  1. A groove is cut into the floor covering. The bottom rail for the rollers is immersed inside.
  2. The guide is fixed from above to floor covering without cutting a groove. They close with a threshold on both sides.
  3. The guide is installed on the end of the lower part of the sash inside a pre-cut groove.

The third method is suitable if, instead of lower rollers, a guide knife is used, which simply holds the opening blade. The element is fixed to the floor covering.

How to assemble sliding doors?

Assembly begins by installing the rollers. The location is chosen based on the manufacturer's instructions. The rollers can be installed at a distance from the edge of 1/6 of the sash width or directly on the edge. In the second option, the indentation is formed by mounting plates.

At the end, mark with a pencil the place for the rollers. You can pre-drill holes for free entry of hardware. Mounting plates screwed with self-tapping screws no less than 70 mm long. Threaded supports and side covers are inserted into them. The roller platform is screwed onto the threads of the pins.

If a guide knife is installed on the bottom of the rollers, then a groove is made at the end of the blade 2 mm wider than its thickness. The rail itself doesn't even need to be installed. The depth is usually between 10 and 18 mm. The groove is not selected for the entire width of the end of the blade, but a section without a slot of about 10 mm is left at the edges. These will be the limiters.

After assembling the mechanism, they begin to install the sliding door with their own hands on the prepared guides. The product is rolled along the rail to check its progress.

Installation of fittings

The final step in installing a sliding door with your own hands is the installation of fittings. It is more convenient to attach all elements before hanging the canvas. First you need to install a door limiter - a rubber shock absorber - into the runners. The sash is checked again for free movement, the places for the handles and the lock are marked, and the leaf is removed from the guide.

Grooves are cut for fittings. Wood cutting is usually done with a chisel. Drilling helps partly. After installing the handles and lock, the sash is hung back on the guide.

Finishing the opening

Once the installation of the hinged doors is complete, they begin to decorate the opening and. The elements give the structure a complete look. In order to hide the mechanism, an additional board is attached to the beam.

Care and operation

When using a sliding structure, it may be necessary to adjust the canvas if sagging is noticed. To eliminate the defect, remove the top panel. An adjusting screw is located on the roller. It must be scrolled while simultaneously checking that the sagging of the canvas is eliminated.

Caring for the sliding system involves cleaning the guides from debris. The rollers are lubricated and replaced when worn. The door closes smoothly. With sudden movements, the rollers may fly out of the guide.

How to remove a compartment door?

Methods for removing the sash depend on the type sliding system. If there are rollers with one wheel on top and a guide knife on the bottom, then the blade is slightly raised so that the knife comes out of the groove. The bottom is pulled towards you. The canvas is lowered to the floor at an angle. At this time, the rollers should come out of the guide.

If there are double rollers at the top and bottom of the sash, then first unscrew the stops. The door leaf is simply rolled out of the guide. Premium sliding systems are equipped with a closer. The mechanism fastening is unscrewed only from the canvas. The closer remains hanging on the door frame.

The sliding system is convenient to use and easy to install. If you follow the operating rules, high-quality rollers will last for many years.

Sliding doors were originally designed to save space in small spaces, where every centimeter, literally eaten up by the plowing radius, counts regular door. But today the question of how to install a sliding door yourself is also asked by those who do not need to squeeze sideways from one room to another. And all because such doors are comfortable, functional and very elegant. And if you install them yourself, they are not that expensive.

What types of sliding doors are there?

Before you think about how to install sliding doors, you need to decide which ones you want to see in your interior.

Types of sliding systems are distinguished by the method of sliding:

1. These can be two parts of the canvas that open in both directions
2. One door goes left or right along the wall.
3. When the canvas goes into the wall, hiding in the opening of a pocket (pencil case) made of plasterboard or a finished metal cassette.

Number of canvases...?

First of all, sliding doors, as they are also called, differ in the number and width of the panels, which depend on the parameters of the doorway or niche that you want to close.

  1. For a standard opening, one movable panel is sufficient, which will completely block it in the closed position.
  2. For wide openings, it is more advisable to use two canvases rather than one wide one.
  3. If you want to partition a room by dividing it into functional areas, it is not necessary to build partitions - it is enough to install multi-leaf sliding doors. Depending on your needs, all canvases can be movable, or only the central ones or only the side ones. The options can be anything.

Sliding door installation process

1. Installation of guides
2. Fastening holders to the door leaf, fittings (handles, locks)
3. Installation of the door leaf
4. Installation of limiters and closers
5. Fastening platbands and extensions
6. Check and final adjustment of the door

Tools for assembling a sliding door:

  • construction tape;
  • corner;
  • water or other level, plumb line;
  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver with bits;
  • hammer;
  • rubber mallet;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • gun for polyurethane foam;
  • set of chisels;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • dowels;
  • plastic plugs for self-tapping screws;
  • polyurethane foam.

Do-it-yourself interior sliding doors


Space saving. There is no need to waste useful space on closing and opening the door, which can be observed in the case of swing structure. It can be used for some additional purposes.
The ability to easily open the doors without putting any effort into it.
They can easily be left ajar. No wind flow can close them spontaneously.
They are easily amenable to automatic regulation, that is, you can automate the control system without any problems.

Advantages of sliding doors:

  • unusual, non-standard solution;
  • absence of blind areas and problems with furniture placement;
  • safety. The owner of sliding doors is not in danger of hitting the corner of the door in an unlit room (however, you need to be careful, children can stick their fingers between the wall and the door);
  • such a door will not open with a draft.

Disadvantages of sliding doors:

  • high installation cost. But by doing the work yourself, costs are kept to a minimum and no higher than when installing swing doors;
  • poor insulation. The absence of obstacles to the penetration of noise, light, and odors can be eliminated by installing a felt gasket on the end of the door;
  • difficulty in caring for the pencil case, i.e. the place where the sliding door goes with a hidden structure. This problem can be solved in two ways. Using a vacuum cleaner with the attachment removed, remove debris from the pencil case. The second option, more radical, involves removing drywall from one side of the wall. It should be noted that in a residential building, the vacuum cleaner copes with the task perfectly;
  • difficulty of repair. When installing a sliding door yourself, you can buy several rollers in reserve to replace them if necessary.

  • Keep in mind that, as a rule, there are no sockets and switches near the installation of the sliding door cabinet. If you still need them on the wall, consider installing them before you make the pencil case. IN finished products There is usually no space for wiring and sockets (or switches). But look, there are already manufacturers who provide such options.
  • A sliding door can be higher than a standard swing door.
  • In order to increase sound insulation, use seals.
  • If you are making a door in a new building, do not forget to consider how the finished floor will be located so that you can take this into account when making calculations.
  • To install the finished pencil case, foam is used, which has a reduced expansion coefficient (it hardly expands)
  • When buying a ready-made pencil case, find out what material it is mounted in (plasterboard, brick, concrete, etc.)
  • Use a plumb line when working; it will more accurately show the place, after installing the upper profile (or beam), where the lower guide rail should be located.
  • To ensure that the fasteners do not become unscrewed or become loose anywhere in the system, all adjustment screws must be secured using the locknut principle, applying glue or sealant to the fastener threads.
  • Before inserting the rollers into the upper guide, thoroughly blow it out so that small debris, shavings, and scale cannot spoil their movement.

One of the compelling advantages that speak in favor of installing sliding interior doors is their quick and relatively simple installation - it’s all about the absence of hinges, which are difficult to assemble door frame and no less troublesome installation. In general, if you understand sliding doors thoroughly, you can identify a lot of advantages that make them preferable.

In this article we will look at the question of how to make sliding doors with your own hands and talk about how easily and simply old swing systems can be converted into more convenient sliding ones.

How to make sliding doors with your own hands: 5 steps

Sliding doors or partitions, you will agree, a very practical solution in many respects, both for small and for large apartments. Zoning of space, saving space, the ability to arrange furniture in a certain way - these are some of the main advantages that are worth mentioning. However, for most, all the advantages come to naught when it comes directly to the cost. I will try to refute the opinion that sliding doors are too expensive, and I suggest you make them yourself.

For work you will need: a door leaf without fittings, wheels, a metal cornice (remember the length of the cornice - it should be at least twice as long as the door itself), metal hinges, paint, nails, screws, a drill.
Step 1: Process the door leaf, sand it, paint it in your preferred color.

Step 2: Using screws, screw the wheels to the bottom of the door in two places.

Step 3: We screw in metal loops from above, which should eventually slide freely along the cornice.

Step 4: We attach the cornice to the wall first with one side, then insert it into the hinges and fix the other end of the pipe.

Step 5: For convenience, you can install door handle. The doors are ready!

DIY sliding doors: let's go shopping

Before you go to the store to buy everything you need to make a sliding interior door with your own hands, you need to take a tape measure and take some measurements. In particular, you will need to know the width and height of the existing door leaf - the height, as a rule, is standard and is 2000 mm, and the width can be 600, 700 or 800 mm. Knowing these sizes, you can already purchase everything you need. To be specific, you will need to buy the following.
The most important component, without which the operation of such doors is impossible, is the sliding mechanism. In principle, if you indicate the width of your canvas to the seller, he will select it for you necessary mechanism, but for general development you need to know that its length should be twice as long as the door leaf. You can purchase a slightly longer mechanism - it can be easily cut if necessary.
Fittings for sliding interior doors - handles and locks special design, if there is a need for it.

In principle, this is already quite enough to convert an old swing door into a sliding door. But, as they say, everything needs to be done thoroughly and it is not at all necessary to stop there. You should also think about a new door frame (it will require a rail, the width of which corresponds to the thickness of the partition in the doorway - it needs 5 m), trim, a strip covering the sliding door system and a stop strip if we are talking about lockable sliding interior doors . And, of course, a brand new door leaf will come in handy - only in this case will you be able to make a beautiful doorway.
You can select and purchase everything you need both on the market and in large construction stores. The price of the issue is not that high - at least less than the cost of similar swing doors.
How to make sliding doors: preparing the door leaf To prepare the door leaf of a sliding door, you will need either a hand router or an angle grinder with a drill, hammer and chisel. What you will work with is, of course, up to you, but I will add on my own that through hand router All work is performed more accurately and, most importantly, more accurately. If we imagine the process of preparing the canvas for the installation of sliding doors point by point, it will look like this.
As a warm-up, along the lower end of the door leaf, strictly in the center, you need to cut a 3mm wide groove - it is necessary for the operation of the lower guide, which at the same time serves as a stop and does not allow the leaf to swing back and forth during operation. This is best done with a hand router, but this work can also be done with an angle grinder, equipped with a fine-tooth wood wheel. Now we open the sliding mechanism and find a pair of rollers and brackets in the kit. First, we connect the rollers with the brackets - for this, the latter have holes in which the former are secured using two nuts and washers. Now we take the resulting nodes and attach them to the upper end of the door leaf and outline their contours, after which we select grooves with a depth that is equal to the thickness of the metal of the brackets. And then, using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, we screw the rollers to the canvas. In principle, you can do without inserting staples into the end of the leaf - if you simply screw them to the end, the appearance of the doors will suffer less than if you cut grooves, especially if this work is done with a hammer and chisel.

Now you need to install the lock.

Finally, you will need to install special handles for sliding doors - for them you will also have to cut either two grooves on both sides of the leaf, or one oblong through hole. With the latter it will be easier - we drill a small through hole in the blade, insert the blade of an electric jigsaw into it and cut out a seat in accordance with the pre-designated contour.

The work with the canvas is completed, now we move on to the sliding mechanism and installation of sliding doors.

Door installation: installation of the sliding mechanism and connecting it to the door leaf

The sliding mechanism is installed quite simply - all that is required is to secure the guide profile in accordance with the horizon level and the location of the doorway. Here you can highlight just a couple of nuances.
The edge of the guide should protrude 50mm from one side of the opening. On the other side of the opening (the one into which the canvas will open), the profile should extend exactly to the width of the canvas. This point needs to be calculated and the door guide trimmed if necessary. Installation height of the sliding mechanism - calculations are also needed here. This installation size consists of two components - the height of the door leaf including the rollers and the gap under the door, which is 10-20mm (depending on the curvature of the floor).

The installation itself, or rather the distance of the guide from the wall.

Here again, everything depends on the curvature of the walls - if they are smooth, then the guide, without any additions, is attached directly to the wall through pre-drilled holes in it. If the wall is curved, then you may need to move the guide some distance away from it - in this case, first attach it to the wall wooden slats, and only then the guide is fixed on it. You can clearly see the process of installing a sliding door in this video.
The door leaf is installed on the guide quite simply - the rollers are inserted into it from the side. After the door takes the required position, you will need to attach a stop to the floor, for which we selected a long groove from the bottom of the door leaf. We open the door as much as possible so that they don’t fly out, inside the guide we first attach a rubber cushion, which acts as a limiter, using a metal screw, and then we insert the stop halfway into the lower groove of the door leaf and fasten it to the floor with dowels on one side. Now we move the canvas towards closing, select it desired position and again we first fasten the upper travel stop of the blade, and then finally fix the floor stop with two more dowels.

In conclusion, I will say a few words about the design of the opening itself - without this stage of work, the installation of sliding interior doors will be incomplete. From a strip 10-20 mm thick and a width corresponding to the thickness of the wall, some semblance of a door frame is rolled up, which is mounted in the opening using polyurethane foam. When the polyurethane sealant has dried, platbands are installed on both sides of the box. If you plan to install a door with a lock, then instead of one of the platbands, a thrust beam with a groove for the door leaf is installed. The counter part of the lock is also mounted in the same thrust block.
That's it. All that remains to be added is that the opening itself can be designed in different ways, and a wooden slat is not a panacea. For example, laminate looks quite good in this place (it is also mounted on foam), and harmoniously selected natural stone or regular tiles. In general, there is a lot to think about here, and the choice of materials for decorating the opening depends solely on your preferences.

Sliding interior doors, which have many models and can be used in any room, have become quite popular in apartment interiors. With their help, they divide living rooms into several zones and improve the design of an apartment or house. Sliding doors are especially popular in conditions small apartments, combining limited space (see).

Sliding interior doors: installation methods

Sliding interior doors are divided according to:

  • manufacturing method;
  • the material used;
  • decorative coating.

Based on their production, panel and panel products are distinguished. They are made solid and with glazing. The material for production is wood fiber and particle boards, MDF boards. Veneer that imitates natural wood is used as decor. different breeds, lamination and melamination of surfaces.

A sliding door is, first of all, a product that combines wood, metal and glass elements, with high-quality fittings and functional mechanism.

Installation methods

Installation of sliding interior doors is carried out in two main ways:

In the first case, the doors move along rails that are installed on the floor and ceiling. The second option involves installing one rail above the doorway.

Cheaper and affordable option is the installation of sliding doors along two guides.

Sliding interior doors move using rollers that move along guides. It is especially important to maintain the horizontal surface of the floor and the beam on the ceiling where the upper guide is installed. Otherwise, the door on rollers will move spontaneously. In some cases, metal fasteners are used, but they can ruin general view products.

Using the second installation option - along two guides - has a more aesthetic appearance. There is no obstacle in the form of a plank on the floor. When the doors roll back, the spaces of adjacent rooms smoothly connect with each other.

The canvas itself moves through the movement of rollers, which move along a guide installed on the ceiling. The number of rollers depends on the type of door leaf.

There are also more innovative sliding door systems. These include the cassette installation method. In this case, the door leaf is hidden in a niche. Install sliding doors yourself using cassette system not difficult, although this option is considered the most expensive.

The design of interior sliding doors ensures that the movement system is completely built into the wall. It is necessary to arrange a niche with a built-in metal frame. For this purpose, the segment is destroyed existing wall and a plasterboard box is made.

The work may become more complicated if the wall into which the box with the cassette block is mounted is load-bearing. Before making a sliding door with your own hands, you must obtain permission for such repair work.

Installing doors in this way allows you to conveniently place furniture or household appliances and does not reduce the area of ​​the room.

Types of sliding doors and their scope

One of the most popular models is the sliding door system. This is the safest option and is suitable for families with small children. They open without using excessive force.

has a silent sliding system that does not create extraneous sounds when moving the web. The design has soundproofing properties. It is attached to the ceiling and walls using special cassettes. They are quite expensive, so false wall sliding door systems are more popular.

When using such a mechanism, the door is placed along the wall and moves with guides installed on the floor and ceiling.

The door leaf is made from aluminum profile and glass composite. The second option is more unique. Fiberglass composite is transparent material, consisting of fiberglass and having particular strength. He does not rot and is not afraid of influence chemical solutions used for surface cleaning.

Veneered sliding doors are often used in the interior of a house. They are made from aluminum profile. In appearance, the doors resemble a product made from natural wood, but much cheaper.

The budget option is considered to be installed in the house sliding accordion door. In the recent past, they were made from cheap plastic and installed instead of doors in closets and other utility rooms.

Modern accordion doors are made from metal, glass and wood. They are successfully used in design modern apartments. With the help of such sliding doors, the space of one-room small apartments is zoned.

When to install sliding doors

Sometimes, to decorate the interior of a house, the use of sliding interior doors is mandatory. This applies to the following cases:

  1. The need to close a large opening. It happens that a standard double-leaf door cannot cope with such a task, and also takes up a lot of space.
  2. If there is a catastrophic lack of space in the apartment. This confirms the main advantage of sliding doors - freeing up space. The design of some rooms does not at all provide for the presence of traditional swing doors.
  3. Zoning of premises. Sliding doors are especially indispensable when combining the living room and kitchen. When dining with guests, the effect of being in a large, spacious kitchen is created. Sliding doors can also be used to combine a corridor and a dressing room.
  4. Correction of room space. With the help of sliding doors you can adjust the door and window openings of the loggia. If you install them in the form of an arch, the opening becomes wider and higher, which improves overall design apartments or houses. They adjust the space of the room in height by installing the upper guide in the ceiling niche.
  5. If there is large furniture in the house. An interior sliding door allows you to place furniture close to the doorway.

The sliding interior door is also used in case of replacement interior partition. The latter is limited in choice appearance and the material from which it is made. Then, like a sliding door, it can complement any interior.

Sliding door designs

Each type of sliding door design solves individual functional problems in arranging the space of a house or apartment. Depending on the tasks, the following design options are distinguished:

Installing sliding interior doors with your own hands, the video is posted below, in addition to the advantages, it also has some disadvantages.

When opening, the roller mechanisms create noise. It is almost impossible to move such a door silently. This is especially inconvenient in the morning. During prolonged use, the sounds when opening only intensify.

Over time, the components - rollers and carriages - wear out. They need to be changed more often than, for example, hinges and locks on a swing door.

Installation of sliding doors, taking into account the cost of installation, the cost of components and the canvas itself, will cost more standard doors. Sliding doors have less sound and heat insulation, since there is a gap between the door leaf and the wall that cannot be removed.

Which doors to choose – hinged or sliding – depends on the individual preferences of the homeowner. However, a sliding interior door solves the issue of saving free space in small rooms.

Installation of sliding doors in thin walls - video

Sliding doors can become great solution not only when arranging interior openings, but also as an entrance group. I was convinced of this on personal experience, installing such a structure on the porch of your house. As it turned out, making such doors with your own hands is not so difficult: especially if you have clear instructions at hand and step by step guide to action.

Especially for those who decided to repeat my experience, I have prepared a short description of the entire process of their assembly and installation. I will also tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of design.

Pros and cons of sliding systems

Sliding systems compare favorably with traditional swing doors both aesthetically and in their functionality. But behind many advantages they hide a number of disadvantages. Of course, they cannot be called significant, but they are still worth taking into account when choosing a particular door system.

The main advantages of sliding door systems include:

  • Significant space savings. These are their most important advantages. Such doors do not require additional space to open; when open, they do not interfere with free passage. Location door mechanisms, like the movement of the panels, is parallel to the wall, which makes such doors optimal solution for small spaces;
  • Safety and ease of use. Such a door will not slam shut due to a sudden draft or careless movement. For me, this significantly reduces the likelihood of being left on the street without my keys in my pocket;
  • Versatility. Such structures can be used as entrance and interior structures, or even as mobile partitions necessary for temporary delimitation of space.

In practice, literally any door can be made sliding - rather traditional hinges can be replaced with a mechanism of slides and rollers, and a standard lock can be replaced with a special locking mechanism for sliding doors. Accordingly, canvases from any material can be used as a base: for example, I used OSB boards already known to you from my previous articles.

The main disadvantages of such door designs usually include:

  • High cost compared to the price of traditional swing doors. A very controversial statement, especially if you do everything yourself and from scrap materials.
  • Difficulty of installation work. I didn't notice anything too difficult to do. No special or rare tools or equipment are required, and no assistant is needed either - you can do the work yourself.
  • Low level of heat and noise insulation of doors. This is due to the gaps both between two opposite canvases, and between the canvases and doorway. But this problem is easily solved - below I will tell you how I slightly modernized the design, avoiding the penetration of cold air and dust through the doors.
  • Noise when moving along the guides. When using expensive, high-quality mechanisms equipped with silicone inserts and special lubricants, the noise during operation of sliding doors is minimal. There are also ways to make the operation of a self-made sliding door mechanism silent. I plan to use them in the future.
  • The need for skid maintenance: cleaning and lubrication. However, the hinges of traditional swing doors also need to be lubricated periodically.

Having carefully weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of swing systems, I finally decided to focus on them. In addition, I had at hand everything necessary to make the sliding mechanism.

Features of the sliding mechanism for doors

Structurally, the sliding system is based on a roller mechanism with one or two carriages (depending on the number and stroke door leaves). The rollers and guide of this mechanism are usually made of durable and wear-resistant material. But I went further - I used sealed bearings as rollers, and metal channels as guides, which made the whole structure literally eternal and practically maintenance-free.

The door design itself is quite simple and consists of:

  • door roller mechanism;
  • door panels. I also made them myself.

Interesting to know! For sliding mechanisms, special closers have been developed to ensure smooth, self-closing doors. They are installed quite simply and, in addition to closing, also provide fixation of the door leaves in extreme positions.

Door mechanisms provide for the extension of the leaves both in opposite directions and only in one direction. I chose classic version, when 2 identical door leaves move towards each other and connect exactly in the middle of the doorway.

The basis of such doors is the top guide: although their design provides for the use of two guides (top and bottom), the bottom one is often not installed. But I chose to install it - it not only has a positive effect on the stability of the doors, but also serves as additional protection from drafts and moisture.

My version of manufacturing sliding systems

Process self-made and installation of doors with a sliding mechanism is quite simple and even a beginner can do it. The main thing is to know how to properly handle construction tool and have general installation skills.

To install a stylish, practical and reliable entrance group with sliding structure we need:

  • screwdriver and drill. If you plan to install doors in a concrete opening, then take a hammer drill;
  • set of bits for self-tapping screws;
  • measuring instruments: plumb line, level and tape measure;
  • nails and screws;
  • pencil;
  • saw for wood and metal. Can be used as hand saws, and take a grinder with a circular saw.

To make the canvases and the sliding mechanism itself, I used:

  • OSB sheets (the same ones I used for cladding the house);
  • wooden blocks (I used them as a platform for mounting door fasteners);
  • sealed bearings in a metal cage (4 pieces);
  • bushings installed in inner part bearing;
  • bolts with washers and nuts;
  • metal plates (4 pieces);
  • I used a channel as the top guide;
  • The role of the lower guide is played by a wooden block.

I also used a narrow strip - I attached it to the edge of the door leaf so that it behind closed doors completely covered the gap between the panels. Which also had a positive effect on protection from drafts.

The installation procedure is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Marking and cutting OSB sheets. To make the cut look as neat as possible, it is better to use a circular saw.
  • Attaching a wooden block to the top of the door leaves.
  • Preparation of metal plates. They must be strictly the same size. On one side of the plates a hole is drilled for a bolt, on the other there are many small holes for attaching self-tapping screws.

Assembling the roller mechanism. To do this, you need to attach the plates to the wooden trim on the doors (2 plates per panel). Then use bolts to secure the bearings to the plate.

Installing the top guide. There's nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to remember to use a building level. Hanging doors and installing bottom guide. This final stage installation

As you can see, self installation sliding doors - the procedure is simple. All work can easily be done with your own hands within one day.


Sliding entrance group- a great option for country house or dachas. I hope that my material will help you improve your own home and add uniqueness to it. Leave your comments and don't forget to subscribe to new articles.

Best regards, Alexander!



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