Stylish decor in the kitchen: turning bottles into works of art. Several recommendations for making decorative bottles with fruits and vegetables How to beautifully fill a bottle with cereal

Well, who among us doesn’t like to drink? Well, at least if he doesn’t love you, then from time to time you have to. Sometimes after fun get-togethers with friends or family celebrations, there are a lot of bottles of wine or other “fun” drinks left behind. The first thing that comes to mind is to throw it in the trash. But don't rush! You will be surprised, but empty bottles of the same wine can bring much more more benefits than you think. Take a look at these ideas for using empty bottles around the house - you might discover a ton useful little things and you can create one of these practical works of art with your own hands.

(Total 22 photos)

Place one of these special terracotta things on the neck of the bottle and voila! Your plants will water themselves.

2. Bookshelf.

Strong boards + bottles = book house with your own hands.

3. Candlesticks.

The long neck of the bottle will prevent the candle from going out, and the glass will protect from the wind.

4. Torches.

Fill these unique torches with citronella oil and stop mosquitoes from invading your property.

5. Hanging flowerbed.

It feels like the bottles grew from plants, and not the other way around.

6. Terrarium.

Clear or colored glass bottles are ideal for growing your own tiny garden.

Add some color and flair to your garden while still maintaining your personal space. This idea will work at home too.

8. Hummingbird feeder.

Tiny pollinators will love this awesome and eco-friendly feeder.

9. Chaise longue.

Looks cool, but is it comfortable?

10. Wind chime.

This distinctive wine bottle with cork sticks is ready to take on the wind.

11. Chandelier.

A luxurious detail that would suit even a ballroom interior.

12. Hat rack.

The idea was presented by Lucirmás in Milan. Partly an art, but at the same time a useful thing.

13. Necklace.

Handmade in the USA. A similar necklace can be made to suit your own color taste.

14. Glassware.

Wine bottles are the most durable due to annealing, which means they are ideal for making glassware.

15. LED lamp.

Looking for a unique lamp at an affordable price? Simply insert the LED stopper into the wine bottle and voila!

16. Serving dish.

An affordable way to serve appetizers at your next party.

17. Bottle tree.

One of the latest trends design solution in the kitchen there are “bottle” decorations and various accessories filled with colorful vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs. Many people do not know the secret of making such decor, how to preserve the color and shape of the contents of such jars. They buy expensive ready-made jewelry instead of making their own. The secret ingredient is regular vinegar! Decorative bottles are created on the basis of a “marinade” - vinegar, in turn, vinegar affects the chosen internal filling products such as preservatives.


Forget about buying overpriced kitchen decorations and “talms” for a bottle filled with peppers, citrus slices, onions, bay leaves and other natural elements. It’s quite possible to make decorative bottles yourself using table vinegar, as well as any colorful fresh produce, herbs and spices, without them becoming colorless or spoiled over time.

Decorative bottles with vinegar will serve as a gift, or will be a wonderful decoration for a kitchen or dining room of almost any style. Try the ones below simple ways to make the most beautiful accessories. Believe me, you will really enjoy the “entertaining” and not at all labor-intensive process of assembling bright containers from interesting natural elements.

Necessary materials for decorating bottles using vinegar

To make decorative bottles using vinegar, you need to choose heavy glass bottles, preferably original and unusual shapes, with a stopper or a tight-fitting lid. Also prepare vinegar and small fresh ingredients to fill the bottles. For example, such as small red peppers, finely chopped onions, boiled green beans, sprigs of dill or other herbs, thin slices of citrus fruits, or any other types of foods, herbs with interesting natural colors and shapes. Long flexible wooden stick will help, if necessary, adjust the location of the elements without damaging them when they are located directly inside the glass bottles. Such a stick is not used if the internal filling is represented by small elements laid in layers.

Additional materials

Raffia, cardboard, scissors - these materials and tools are mandatory when carrying out the final finishing stage of decorating bottles. Raffia will give vinegar bottles a finished look. It is advisable to process cardboard cards with stamps and use them to make gift tags and create a beautiful presentation final product. An option for designing the tags themselves is to attach them to raffia tape. Decorative pendants and glass beads will give the bottle an extra unusual, interesting and attractive appearance.

Content options for decorative bottles

Use a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables as toppings. Use coarsely chopped white or purple onion rings, diced sweet pepper all flowers possible in nature, beans, tiny carrot roots, corn seeds, chili peppers, black and green olives, bay leaves.

Choose products that you think are bright. Experiment with color combinations layers.

The procedure for assembling decorative bottles

It is advisable to place small items, such as finely chopped onions and peppercorns, on the bottom layer. This placement is due to the fact that they are lowered and mixed among others if they are placed on the upper level. After placing small items, you should add larger and more colorful ones, such as small whole or chopped bright peppers. Cut the pepper crosswise into narrow strips to display the complex internal texture behind the walls of the bottle. They look like tiny wheels. The last layer make a layer of green beans or olives. Place on top bay leaves, thin slices citrus fruits, or sprigs of dill on each side.

Fill filled decorative bottles to the top with vinegar and seal with corks or a tight-fitting lid. The bottles serve only a decorative function and cannot be opened in the future. Therefore, use durable all-purpose or “super” glue to permanently secure the lid or stopper. This step is optional, but will protect your bottle from careless and unexpected opening by children and other curious people.

The decoration of decorative bottles should be completed with decoration using raffia. If necessary, include a small card or tag. Do-it-yourself ready-made decorative bottles look no worse or even better than those sold in stores, and their cost is much cheaper.

The contents of each bottle (unlike those sold in stores) are regulated by you and carefully selected. And the ingredients are combined to create a perfect composition that will last as long as the fruits, vegetables and spices remain infused with vinegar.

If you want to get a unique and creative design premises, turn to handmade techniques. To create unusual art objects you will need inexpensive materials, imagination and a little free time. Today we will tell you how such a completely ordinary household item as a bottle can become an original gift, addition festive table or a practical decorative element.

1. Decoration with salt

The process of decorating with salt is so simple that even a child can handle it. Therefore, involve your young inhabitants of the house and start creating. Have a nice time and excellent result provided for you.

To begin, take a nicely shaped bottle and remove the labels from it. Then start processing the salt. It can be painted with paint or chalk. Divide the total mass into several parts, and then paint each of them with acrylic or gouache in a different color, mix. Dry the resulting mass - do this traditional way, or heat in the oven for an hour.

If you want to use chalk, then portions of spices will need to be laid out on thick paper and rubbed with colored chalk. This method is best suited for small amounts of material. By the way, the salt should be coarse, sea or Himalayan.

Once you have prepared the salt, carefully place it into the container in colored layers using sheets to regulate the flow. Try not to move the vessel so that the crystals do not mix with each other. To get smooth lines, just carefully tilt the bottle to the sides.

2. Decor with cereals

This type of bottle decoration in its appearance and execution method is reminiscent of decorating with salt, only millet, buckwheat, wheat, rice, peas, beans, lentils and large spices are used instead. Everything is extremely simple: you pour handfuls of each variety in the same way as in the case of salt crystals. Finished decorations also visually resemble decorative conservation, but in this case you do not have to worry about sudden explosions at unfavorable temperatures.

Decorating bottles with semolina deserves special attention. It is used to finish the surface to create exquisite patterns. The ideal image can be obtained using stencils, and if you are faced with this task for the first time, turn to double-sided adhesive bases.

3. Coloring

Another easy way decoration, but by no means less attractive than others. You can choose transparent stained glass, or acrylic paints, for decoration of indoor or outdoor space.

Painting the inside of a bottle does not require any special skills or tools. Prepare a container, boil it and then dry it. After these procedures, pour paint of one or several colors inside. To ensure even distribution, rotate the pan until all areas are coated.

With the help of painting outside, you can depict any composition you have in mind: be it a congratulation inscription, patterns or even a landscape. First, clean and degrease the surface. Apply the background color with a washcloth or sponge. As soon as the base is completely dry, start applying the ornament itself and let it dry. Secure the image with varnish or lightly sand with fine sandpaper. sandpaper. For a glossier look, apply several coats of varnish, allowing each coat to dry.

4. Decoupage

Using this technique, you can easily turn the most ordinary bottle into wonderful gift or original item decor. Plus, this creative process is quite simple!

First, wash and degrease the vessel. Then cover it evenly or randomly with fabric, nylon stocking or burlap. Whatever material you choose, it must be saturated with glue.

Dry the bottle, paint it with white acrylic, and dry it again. At this time nail scissors trim the napkin design and very carefully peel off the top layer. Apply the resulting image to the surface of the dish and cover the napkin acrylic varnish. Try to work quickly and carefully, otherwise you risk getting extra wrinkles and bubbles. After the substance has dried, apply acrylic of the selected shade to the area around the design, covering its borders. Dry again. Paint with a final layer of acrylic and, if desired, continue decorating with small elements - lace, beads, sparkles may be quite appropriate.

5. Twine decor

Bottles covered with twine look very modern. They will perfectly complement any interior in maritime, rustic, Scandinavian style, or will become an addition to the festive surroundings.

As in other cases, the first stage of work consists of removing the label and thoroughly washing and drying. Moisten inner side twine with glue and wrap the product tightly with threads. After the adhesive has dried, continue decorating if necessary, for example with anchors and lifebuoys for nautical style, or lace for a shabby chic style. It is worth noting that even when decorating with twine alone, you get a rather original and interesting subject, fits perfectly into almost any room.

6. Decoration with vegetables and fruits

Decorative canning is an excellent alternative to painting and decoupage. The transformed product will look natural and natural, organically fitting into the kitchen design. This is not the most easy method, however, the result will definitely please you, and you will not regret the effort expended.

Choose a clear bottle unusual shape, peel off the label and get rid of the glue, wash and sterilize it thoroughly. In parallel with sterilization, prepare food (fruits, vegetables, spices) and clean them as necessary. Come up with an order and lay out the ingredients according to it. It's best to alternate foods different colors and sizes.

To carry out the canning itself, use concentrated vinegar, saline solution, formaldehyde or ethyl alcohol. Please note that some of these substances are volatile and hazardous and should be used with extreme caution when handling them. Use a funnel, gloves, and if necessary, wear a rubberized apron and a respirator. Finally, fill the neck with melted wax and cover the contents with a lid.

7. Floral decor

If you appreciate the delicate beauty of flowers and think that without their presence the interior seems boring and “lifeless”, then regular bottle will help preserve fresh look plants for a long time. Inflorescences are preserved in a container and used for growing indoor plants, or simply as a vase.

Canning is very easy. Place the flowers in a pre-sterilized container and fill them with glycerin. Place in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks. Completed flower arrangement looks beautiful and weightless.

In order for the bottle to become a cozy home for indoor plants, perform the following manipulations. Take a small rope and soak it in alcohol, wrap it around a glass bottle, dividing it in half, and set it on fire - this way you will get two parts. Plant a plant in the top one, and pour water into the bottom one, or leave it empty. Place the neck in the resulting glass - the original pot is ready.

You can also put ordinary flowers in the container. Finish the surface with paint or using decoupage techniques, or simply pour decorative sand and place a flowering branch in it.

8. Decor with eggshells

Eggshells can give an interesting textured texture. There are many variations of transformations using this method, but in general, the principle of creating such a decorative object for any modification is the same.

Start by preparing the shell - wash it well, peel off the film and dry it. Apply glue to the glass of the bottle and lay out the pattern. Dry for 20 minutes. Apply the shade of your choice with a sponge, and if some areas are difficult to reach, use a brush. Next, take paint a tone darker than the base one and work it over the entire surface. Secure the result with varnish.

Abstract images and curly lines are created using paint, so think in advance about what exactly you want to get and sketch out the drawing before you start painting.

9. Decor with sparkles and gold

Shimmering paraphernalia will add notes of elegant luxury to the New Year's or wedding table. It’s especially nice to create such decorations with your own hands.

First, you need to remove the labels from the bottle using dishwashing detergent or heating with a hairdryer. After the vessel is prepared, spread paper, cellophane or cloth and place the containers on them. Wear gloves to keep your hands clean. We move on to covering it with gold spray paint. To avoid drips, it must be applied at a distance of approximately 10-15 centimeters, without bringing the can too close. You need to apply 2 layers, then let the product dry.

Decorative bottles with flowers, salt and other materials will become a worthy decoration for the kitchen. Original design you can easily do it yourself.

To decorate the interior own kitchen, it is not necessary to purchase expensive accessories in the store, because some items can actually be made with your own hands. Decorative bottles are considered among the most popular decorations for interior decoration today. There are many ways to decorate, you just need to choose the most interesting option for yourself. A bottle, as an accessory for the kitchen, should highlight the style, attract attention and serve as a worthy piece of furniture.

Bottle decoration options

Thanks to the abundance of information on the Internet and magazines, you can independently create decor for any room. It includes all kinds of boxes, panels, paintings, sculptures, candlesticks and even watches. The same applies to decorative bottles: they are fashionable and relevant. In addition, they will not require large financial expenses, but will look original, stylish and attractive.

In fact, there are many ways to make a decorative bottle with your own hands: it all depends on your own imagination and taste. First of all, you should choose a suitable container. Her form should be graceful, beautiful and unusual, and is definitely not suitable for this role simple jar from compote or pickles: it is best to use a cognac or wine bottle original form. You can also find suitable option in accessory stores or order the product online.

Suitable for filling various materials: small vegetables, fruits or berries, both whole and cut into slices, spices, beautiful stones, beads, buttons, grain, sand, pasta. The bottle with salt looks original. For convenience, it is better if all objects can easily pass through the narrow neck of the bottle.

To safely store items in a glass container for a long time, you must follow some rules:

  • A preservative should be used to decorate bottles of fresh produce. Otherwise, after some time, fruits, vegetables or berries will begin to lose their attractive appearance, dry out and spoil. Table vinegar, ethyl alcohol, formalin, ordinary table salt, diluted in water, a solution of gelatin with sugar.
  • Bulk fillers or items other than food products, can be stored in in the usual form, without using a preservative. These include a decorative bottle with salt.

Formalin – medical drug, requiring caution when working with it. Here you will need rubber gloves and a respirator, and if you do not have the experience and necessary knowledge, it is better not to use it.

Almost all of the above preservatives have their disadvantages. For example, products in acetic acid will turn yellow over time, and ethyl alcohol will make vegetables faded. The most successful option is a saline solution; in addition, it is the simplest and most affordable.

Decoration with fresh vegetables, fruits and berries

At first glance, it may seem that these are ordinary pickles prepared for the winter. But decorative decoration for the interior, you can guess them by the elegant shape of the bottle and the berries or vegetables artistically laid out inside. Such an item will not only awaken the appetite, but also delight the eye with its appearance.

For decoration you can use yellow or red cherry tomatoes, bean pods, chili peppers, small size mushrooms, greens. It is better to cut large vegetables or fruits into small cubes or slices; you can also make an original curly shape.

The first thing you need to do is select a suitable container - a beautiful glass bottle, remove excess labels from it, rinse it thoroughly and sterilize the inside.

Vegetables, fruits, berries or mushrooms should be carefully sorted, discarding damaged, rotten and darkened ones. The bottle must be filled in layers, placing them tightly on top of each other. The preservative is selected according to at will, but it is important to consider its possible impact on appearance products in the future. After placing the vegetables, the preservative is poured in, and in order for it to fill the entire container, you should tilt the bottle in different directions, and then close it with a lid or stopper. For greater strength and reliability, you can fill the lid with melted paraffin. So you don't have to worry that small child accidentally opens the bottle and enjoys the contents. This should not be allowed, as it is not edible!

The top of the lid can be decorated to your taste: leather, a piece of colored fabric, burlap, ribbon, thread. Before placing decorative bottles on a shelf, you should keep them for seven days in a dark place.

Decorating bottles with flowers

The principle of decorating bottles with flowers is the same as in the case of vegetables. Only as a preservative it is better to use not a saline solution, but gelatin with sugar one to one. To fill a beautiful container, you can take flower petals bright color, buds of roses, chrysanthemums, irises, small sunflowers.

Unlike the previous option with fruits and vegetables, flowers do not need to be laid in dense layers; one bud per bottle is enough. As a preservative, instead of gelatin, you can use glycerin with water (3 to 1) and add shells to the vessel, decorative stones, pearls, beads, mother of pearl.

Decorating with seeds, grains and pasta

This method of decoration is quite simple: it does not require the use of a preservative; it is enough to have a clean, dry container made of transparent, colorless glass of a beautiful and original shape and a variety of bulk products. Suitable for decoration: dried peas and beans, spices, seeds, seeds, rice, buckwheat, dry herbs and berries.

You can give free rein to your imagination and create various patterns using bulk products, laying out the seeds in multi-colored layers. In addition, making decorative bottles with your own hands in this way is not at all expensive, and the result can be original decoration kitchen interior.

Pasta is an excellent decorative filler for bottles. Since pasta does not have a beautiful bright color, you can color it yourself. To do this, you should use gouache paint of one or more colors, depending on the idea.

Any shape you like will work here: horns, rings, bows, shells, spirals. The main thing is not to take spaghetti and other long products that will look bad inside the bottle. The pattern is laid out as you wish, you can alternate multi-colored layers or arrange the pasta in a chaotic manner.

Decorating bottles with salt

A decorative bottle with salt can become not only an original and creative accessory for interior decoration, but also a successful gift for friends and family. In addition, making it yourself will not be difficult and will not require large expenses, and there will be a lot of positive emotions!

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a bottle, jar or other transparent glass container of a beautiful shape;
  • salt;
  • gouache paints;
  • small jars, preferably glass;
  • cork, ribbon, burlap, fabric, colored thread or other elements for decoration.

First of all, you need to completely clean the bottle of labels and other unnecessary parts. You can put it in hot water for a while, and then scrape off the stickers with a brush, knife or other sharp object. The remaining glue is removed with acetone, and then the bottle needs to be rinsed thoroughly and the filler can be made. Here you will need to use pre-prepared small glass jars. Their quantity depends on the colors of the salt that you plan to use in decoration. You also need to prepare water, paints and the salt itself.

IN glass jar you need to pour a little water and dilute any chosen color in it. Then, pour the paint into salt (the amount of which is determined by the author’s idea) and mix thoroughly until a thick paste forms. This should be done with all flowers, diluting them in separate jars and mixing with salt.

The finished glass containers with salt and a clean bottle must be placed in the oven and dried at a temperature of one hundred degrees. This procedure will allow the water from the jars to evaporate, leaving only the colored salt, and the bottle to dry properly.

After an hour, you can remove the contents of the oven and leave to cool. After this procedure, the salt becomes like a solid lump and in order to make it free-flowing again, it is necessary to thoroughly knead and sift. As an option for decorating bottles, you can buy multi-colored sea salt.

To do this, you will need a fabric bag and a regular rolling pin or other heavy object. It is important that the bag is made of fabric, preferably thick, since any plastic bag It will easily tear during this procedure. It is necessary to place the salt in a bag and mash it with a rolling pin, and then sift it using a sieve.

Now the salt is ready to decorate the bottle, and at this stage you will need a funnel. How it will be filled glass bottle colored salt, depends solely on the idea. These can be multi-colored layers alternating in a certain order or patterns that imitate a certain style. The main thing is to show imagination and an extraordinary approach. The result must exceed all expectations! The final stage will be decorating the neck. satin ribbon, braid, thread or just a beautiful cork. Decorating bottles with salt is a fun, creative activity that you can get the whole family involved in!

Important points in work

To ensure a perfect result, you must thoroughly wash the glass container with detergent and dry. If fresh berries, fruits or vegetables are used as a filler, then the bottle should also be sterilized.

For dry herbs, spices or nuts, it is better to use any vegetable oil. To make filling the container easier, you can use a thin stick such as a straw, knitting needle or skewer in the process; Japanese chopsticks are also suitable. Decor made from canned vegetables and fruits cannot last forever, a maximum of six months, after which the bottle should be washed and re-decorated. Its contents should not be eaten!

For salt bottles, a desiccant bag is useful, which is often found in shoe boxes. It should be placed at the bottom of a glass container and filled with colored salt on top.

As decoration, you should not use ordinary pickle jars or simple-shaped, unremarkable bottles. Such items are unlikely to become a worthy interior decoration. In addition, glass containers must be transparent and, preferably, colorless. And multi-colored decor will help give it originality.

If vegetables are chosen as a filler, then it is better not to use ordinary tomatoes, cucumbers, squash or zucchini. Otherwise, it will be difficult to distinguish these containers from preparations for the winter.

Additional decoration of the cork with melted paraffin or wax will not only add tightness to the contents, but will also give a certain noble appearance to the entire composition. Such an item, without a doubt, can become both an original gift. If you make something with your own hands, it will be valued much higher than something purchased.

Thus, decorative bottles can become bright accent interior, especially kitchen. Created with your own hands, they will not require a lot of money or physical effort, and the process will be an exciting pastime for the whole family!



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