Scheme of water supply in a dacha from a well. Installation of water supply for a country house from a well: general tips and technological nuances

The issue of water supply must be approached responsibly, especially if it concerns a private house where there is no central water supply. In this case, a well or borehole will save you. But a water source, a piece of hose and an electric motor are not enough to organize a water supply. Let's talk about how to do everything as correctly as possible and what to pay attention to. This activity is very labor-intensive and not the easiest, so prepare for difficulties in advance.

About the advantages of well water supply

It is worth noting that organizing water supply from a well also has its advantages, but the well will be our priority. This is due to several factors. Firstly, digging a quality well is much cheaper than drilling a well. Another important point- You can dig a well yourself. At the same time, drilling a well requires special equipment and specialists. Of course, if you take a couple of comrades with you, the well will be dug even faster. If everything is done correctly, you can be sure that your home will have water for many years to come. And all this is completely free. All you have to pay for is your electricity bill. And nothing more.

All of the above advantages indicate that it is much easier and cheaper to dig a well. In addition, there is no need to obtain permission for the work being carried out. But don’t think that only advantages await you here. This water is more suitable for technical needs than for drinking. If you are going to eat it, it is recommended to install a filter system. Otherwise, do-it-yourself water supply to a private house from a well has only strong points.

Briefly about technology

The process itself must be divided into several stages. The first - also the main and most important - is the development of a water supply scheme. The efficiency of the system as a whole depends on how accurately and correctly the circuit is created. At the next stage, trenches are dug according to the scheme. After this, you can begin to select pumping equipment. The process, although not the most complicated, is important, but we will return to this a little later. As noted above, the water treatment system plays an important role, so do not forget to install filters. There should be several of them: coarse and fine cleaning.

On final stage a water supply is laid from the well to the house and the equipment is connected. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that in almost all cases even the most simple circuit implies the presence of water intake equipment. The pump is mounted either in the sub-pump room or in the caisson, which is located above the well. Now we will try to consider each stage in more detail and tell you what it should be good system water supply of a private house. You will also learn how to carry it out, but a little later.

How to choose the right installation location

The first stage of work is the construction of a well. It is advisable to dig it in the summer, since in hot times the depth of water is much less than in autumn and winter. In order not to involve specialists to determine the location of the underwater formation, you can talk to your neighbors who have their own wells, they will certainly help. If this method is not suitable, then use the old one - using a vine.

When choosing a location, pay attention to the fact that there are no cesspools, septic tanks, etc. within a distance of 50 meters. This is due to the fact that all this can significantly deteriorate the quality of water and make it completely unusable. But digging a hole too close to the house is also undesirable due to sand being washed out, which can lead to soil shifting.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that doing it yourself in a private house is a very labor-intensive process. However, if you prepared the trenches according to the diagram, then there should be no problems with this. Now you need to decide on one more important parameter.

System with or without storage tank?

The process of supplying water to a private home with your own hands will certainly lead to the fact that you will have to decide whether to buy storage tanks or not. In this regard it arises huge amount disputes and discussions, since some use tanks, others do not. As they say - there is no friend according to taste. However, it often all comes down to the price of storage tanks. In any case, you will have to install a hydraulic accumulator, which will accumulate a small amount of water, usually up to 40 liters, and release it when you open the tap in the house. When the pressure drops, a signal is sent to the pump. It turns on and refills the accumulator.

Storage tanks are a completely different matter. Usually we are talking about large containers with a volume of 200 liters or more. A pump from a well fills the tanks to a certain level. To prevent overflow, a float is installed there. When you open a tap in your house, water will flow from the tank through the pipes. The advantages of this solution are that the water supply from a well in a country house or in a private house will be used more efficiently. The pump will have fewer starts/stops per day, which will significantly extend its life. When will the renovation work, you will have a certain reserve, which is usually enough for some time.

How to install a system with a storage tank

Installation of such a system is somewhat more complicated than one that does not imply the presence of a large tank. The first difficulty you will encounter is where to install the storage tanks. It is usually advisable to place them in the attic. However, in this case there is a risk of leakage. If there is enough space under the floor, then this best solution. As for the volume of the tank, decide for yourself. It all depends on the needs of your family. Priority should be given to a storage tank made of stainless steel. However, it is very expensive, so you can choose plastic, but you need to be careful with it.

Select the type of pump: submersible or deep. First the view is suitable in the event that the water depth is no more than 9 meters. In other cases, it is only necessary deep well pump. Please note that the pipe from the pump to the reservoir must run underground. It is worth placing it deeper than the freezing depth of the soil in your area. If you use water supply to a private house from a well, the technology is no different, so don’t worry about this. Well, now let's move on.

Automated pumping station

The key feature of an automated pumping station is that a submersible or deep-well pump pumps the media into a hydropneumatic tank. The capacity of the latter can be different, from 100 to 500 liters. It is advisable to install such equipment in a utility room. The container is divided into two parts using a special rubber partition, and also has a relay. This allows you to regulate the pressure in the system. Any water supply scheme from a well that involves the use of a pumping station must include a receiver (storage tank). You may think that there is no difference from the method described above, but this is somewhat different. The fact is that the pump can operate in several modes at once. The first is to bypass the hydraulic tank, that is, directly supply the media to the room. The second mode is that water is taken from the hydraulic tank, when the pressure in it drops to a certain point, the pump turns on and replenishes the losses.

Installation work is very simple. To do this, you need to dig a trench from the caisson (the place where the pump is located) to the house. fits into it electrical cable for connecting the pump and pipe. The latter can be insulated if there is a possibility of freezing. This is roughly how the water supply from a well in a dacha is installed. The system diagram is shown in the picture, which you can find in this article.

DIY plumbing in a private house: instructions and something else

It is very good when water constantly flows in the house. But to organize the system yourself, you will have to work hard. We have already figured out that it is possible to make water supply for a private house from a well with your own hands, but this requires certain theoretical data. As for the scheme, this is not important. You can organize the flow of water using a pumping station and a hydraulic tank or through reservoirs. If you manage to set up the station correctly, you will get good pressure in the tap. This is very convenient and sometimes necessary.

You will need a small space indoors for the pump. This could be a small storage room that can be easily converted. The pipe that takes water from the well is lowered to a depth of 40-50 cm from the bottom. The end of the pipe must be closed with a mesh filter; it will catch various debris. This filter needs to be cleaned periodically, but the procedure is very simple. When building a well, it is advisable to install an iron pin into its bottom and attach a water hose to it. But if you haven’t done this, then you can go any other way.

Directly in front of the pump it is necessary to install a coarse filter and a check valve. The fine filter must be installed behind the pumping station. This is due to the fact that it should not be exposed to debris and dirt, as it can quickly fail. A check valve is needed to prevent water from flowing back into the well through the main line. It is definitely worth installing a pressure gauge and a pressure switch. This will allow you to monitor the state of the system and, if necessary, bleed the media from the hydraulic tank. By the way, after all the work is completed, it is necessary to further debug the pressure switch. If you adhere to the rules described above, then the water supply from a well in your dacha, the system diagram of which has already been discussed, will work efficiently and correctly. But that's not all, so let's look at a few important nuances.

How to bring water to your dacha from a well or borehole

Often pumping stations are installed directly above a well or well. The equipment is placed in a special container called a caisson. Let's talk about how to establish water supply in this way.

At the first stage, it is necessary to dig the pipe to a depth of at least 2.5 meters. The pit itself should be twice the diameter of the caisson. A 20-centimeter layer of concrete is laid at the bottom. The solution is prepared in the standard manner. A caisson is lowered into the prepared pit. The pipe must be cut so that it protrudes no more than half a meter above the caisson.

At the next stage we will dig a trench under water pipes. We have already decided on the depth of their location. The optimal depth is considered to be 1.5-2.0 meters. After the trench is ready, a pump is installed in the caisson and connected to the water supply. The caisson is filled with concrete along its contour, but not to the brim. It is advisable to leave free space, approximately 40 cm to the ground. This place needs to be covered with soil.

Any automatic water supply with your own hands requires the presence of a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch. This equipment is installed directly in the living room, where other equipment, such as pressure gauges and other sensors, is installed. At the final stage, all elements of the system are interconnected and connected to the plumbing system.

What everyone should know

It is necessary to understand that the first launch of the system does not always go smoothly. Of course, if you did everything correctly, then the chances of success are high, however, no one is immune from mistakes. That is why the first start-up must be carried out very carefully. The first step is to monitor the pressure in the system. If it is insufficient, then this indicates that there is a leak at some stage. It must be found and eliminated. That is why it is recommended not to dig a trench before checking the functionality of the water supply system. Agree, this will be true in any case. If you are not sure that the depth of the pipes is sufficient, insulate them using mineral wool or similar material. In this case, you will have water both in winter and summer. Now you know how to install plumbing and what types there are. You can make hot water supply from a well or well. To do this, it is necessary to include a double-circuit heating boiler in the existing circuit. But at dachas they most often use solid fuel boilers. However, this is unlikely to be of significant importance. The connection process looks identical.

Often autonomous is seasonal. This is due to the fact that the pipe comes out of the well to the surface. That is why it must be brought out so that it is at least 1.5 meters underground. Another important detail: if the water in the water supply freezes and the pump does not have protection against dry running, it will simply burn out or the pipe will burst at the junction. In principle, this is how you can organize water supply in a private house with your own hands. We have reviewed the design and operating principle of the equipment.


Of course, building a water supply for a private house from a well with your own hands is good. But often the question is what the carrier should use for heating the room and for household needs. It is possible to have hot water and at the same time heat in the room, but for this you will need to connect the water supply to the boiler. It’s probably not worth mentioning once again that today the most popular heating equipment- these are gas double-circuit boilers. The efficiency of their work largely depends on the constant pressure in the system. Therefore, you will have to take special care of the pressure; believe me, a high-quality water supply requires it. Do-it-yourself water supply from a well should be done so that it gives good pressure. If it is not possible to provide pressure, use electric non-pressure tanks. True, in this case problems may arise during the operation of such household appliances, like a washing machine, dishwasher, etc.

After we have looked at the technology and other important details, it remains to decide on the pump model. Whether it is submersible or deep depends on the depth of the well or borehole. As for the manufacturer, it is better to give preference to a European or domestic brand. "What about the pipes?" - you will probably ask. There are two options: metal-plastic or polypropylene (plastic). The former are easier to install and can have a complex connection configuration due to connections with fittings, etc. Plastic pipes They are connected by soldering, so leaks occur much less often there. But installation can cause some difficulties, especially for beginners. Basically, this is all about how to establish a water supply for a private house from a well with your own hands.

The article discusses a scheme according to which you can organize water supply for a private house from a well with your own hands. The text contains a step-by-step analysis of the technology with recommendations, starting with basic information on arranging the system, ending with practical advice to help lay communications in a suburban area and connect the necessary equipment.

Most owners of private houses strive to maintain their usual living conditions in suburban areas. If the building is located far from central communication routes, this is not easy to achieve. For country house, which people use seasonally, you can collect water from a well using buckets. If the family lives in the house permanently, you should think about organizing an autonomous water supply from a well. In some cases, this is the only way to ensure the constant availability of water and good pressure in the pipes in the house.

Advantages of water supply systems for a private house from a well and a well

Water in private house may come from a closed or open well. The choice of system depends on the geological features of the site. Although in most cases the owner himself decides how to supply water to the house: from a well or a well. Some regions are located on the territories of basalt plateaus. Local waters flowing to a level of 7 m are considered spring water, and the upper reserves consist of liquid flowing from the ground surface. IN similar situation will be the only solution to the problem.

Advantages of wells:

  • long term system services;
  • the water entering the house does not have biological impurities and high waters, although it may partially contain salts of heavy metals;
  • There is no need for constant maintenance and cleaning.

Useful advice! When a hydraulic reservoir occurs at a depth of 5 to 11 m, experts recommend using a shallow well.

Advantages of wells:

  • relatively low construction costs;
  • convenient service system;
  • the ability to visually monitor the system status;
  • autonomy.

If there is no electricity in the house, liquid from the well is supplied manually using a conventional pump.

Review of a typical water supply scheme for a private house

Professionals consider a water supply system in a private house, where liquid is drawn from a well, as one of the options for a well system, only deeper. The choice of equipment in this case depends on the level of placement of the water surface in the soil. If the supply line has a height of up to 10 m, you can limit yourself to purchasing a suction pump with a top installation type. For deeper wells, a submersible pump is required, the operation of which is based on centrifugal principle actions.

The internal autonomous system does not depend on how the liquid is taken and supplied. A mandatory element of the scheme is a storage tank that provides a constant supply of water in a certain volume. As an alternative, a hydraulic accumulator can be used. Its work is aimed at maintaining pressure at a given level. Piping between the tank and points of consumption is carried out taking into account generally accepted rules for all communication systems.

A pipe or hose is buried in the well, equipped with a filter consisting of check valve and a mesh cylinder. The upper end is connected to the suction flange of the pump. The lower part of the hose should be at a height of 80-100 cm from the bottom surface. After collection, water is supplied to a hydraulic accumulator or storage tank.

According to standard scheme water supply system for a private house from a well pump submersible type placed inside the water source suspended on a cord. The optimal height for placing the unit above the bottom surface is 0.8 m. For hanging submersible pump Steel or polymer cable can be used.

Pay attention! When polypropylene or nylon cords get wet, their elasticity increases. The result is an increase in length by 2-4%. This means that a 40-meter cable in a wet state will have a length in the range of 40.8-41.6 m.

How to bring water from a well to a house: system requirements

If the site already has one, it wouldn’t hurt to check it and prepare it for use. To do this, you need to inspect the condition of the bottom and walls, as well as clean the structure and disinfect it. Before bringing water into the house from a well, it is advisable to check it for compliance sanitary standards. To do this, a sample of the liquid is submitted to the laboratory for analysis.

Water preparation is as follows:

  • liquid clarification;
  • removal of mechanical impurities;
  • demineralization process;
  • disinfection;
  • adjustment of indicators (adjusting the level of alkalinity, acidity, etc.).

For correct operation of the system, an optimally calculated depth of water intake and a performance corresponding to this indicator are required, which is calculated based on the volume of liquid entering in a certain unit of time. Classic version design is capable of providing water to a building with 2-4 intake points.

You should also check the well structure for leaks. The material from which the walls are made must be resistant to shedding. The presence of brick chips or loose concrete in the liquid can lead to breakdown of the pump for water supply to a private home. Insulating materials intended for sealing seams should not affect the smell and taste of water. The use of membranes and bitumen mastics is not allowed. For these purposes, cement mixtures with polymer additives or fiberglass are best suited.

The well must be equipped with a bottom filter. If the structure is old and does not have a filter layer, it can be formed additionally. A layer is poured quartz sand and pebbles 0.15-0.2 m thick each. In this case, the sand should be at the bottom.

The presence of a filter layer solves two problems at once:

  1. Prevents siltation of the mine.
  2. Protects water from pollution.

A well with a pipe or pump is insulated for the winter. To prevent a decrease in temperature, the above-ground part of the structure is insulated. The minimum permissible is not lower than +2 – 4ºС.

Pay attention! The shorter the distance between the house and the primary water intake point, the more economical the construction will be, because the cost of materials will be minimal. The proximity of the well to the building also affects the operation of the pump, which does not need to operate at maximum power.

Selecting equipment for water supply to a private home

To install the external system, pipes made of PVC, polyethylene or plastic are used. The cross-sectional size is selected taking into account the diameter of the outlet hole on the pump (approximately 20-32 mm). For connection different areas pipes, hot welding technology or special elements - fittings can be used.

To find out the length of pipes required to build a water supply system from a well with your own hands in a private house, you need to calculate the distance from the well to the point at which the system enters the building and develop a layout for their installation. You will also need to buy a squeegee. This element is a short tube with connections along the edge, which is mounted into the wall of the well at the inlet. The insertion point must be sealed.

For sealing you will need:

  • coupling;
  • sealant;
  • insulating cement composition.

A pump is used as working equipment. He is the most important element systems.

The choice of well pump for water supply at home depends on the following points:

  • source condition;
  • equipment characteristics;
  • the required level of power and performance.

The main advantage of submersible pumps is their quietness. Such devices have reliable factory protection, which is built into the case. Modifications with an average price provide internal press control. They also have an automated dry-running protection mechanism. Pumping equipment requires precise installation and compliance with all operating rules. Only under these conditions will the device be able to operate effectively over a long period of time.

Related article:

Selection of equipment, overview of characteristics and installation features. Advantages and disadvantages of systems. Rating of the best manufacturers.

The pump is completely immersed in water. The minimum permissible distance from the bottom surface is 0.7 m. The device cannot be lowered below. You will also need to additionally install a filter system at the inlet. It will prevent sludge and mechanical particles from entering the pump. External equipment is installed indoors.

Useful advice! Even the most expensive pump modifications make noise during operation. It is not recommended to install equipment near living rooms.

Organization of water supply and sewerage at the dacha: turnkey price

Work on the construction of communications at summer cottage You can do it yourself or order installation of systems from a specialized company.

The following factors influence the cost of installation:

  • soil type on the site;
  • method of disposal of treated wastewater;
  • level of communication depth;
  • modification of septic structure;

  • groundwater level;
  • geological features of the territory;
  • the need to use special equipment.

Average prices for organizing water supply to a dacha from a turnkey well:

Service typePrice, rub.
Sealing50 (m.p.)
Main line installation150-180 (m.p.)
Setting the cold water pointfrom 1000
Connecting filter systemsfrom 1100
Installation of hydraulic accumulator tankfrom 3500
Installation of the collector unitfrom 6200

How to organize a water supply system from a well to a house with your own hands

The construction of a communication system at a summer cottage is carried out in stages. Step-by-step technology The water supply arrangement looks like this:

  • searching for water on the site;
  • development of a diagram for the placement of the highway;
  • formation of trenches for installation of caissons and pipes;
  • selection of equipment and its installation;

  • organization of a treatment system;
  • laying a pipeline from the house to the well;
  • installation of a washing machine, dishwasher, water heating and other equipment provided by the system.

Pay attention! When water is consumed in the kitchen or bathroom, the pressure in the system gradually decreases. When the value reaches 2.2 bar, the relay is activated, starting the pumping station. The device begins pumping fluid into the accumulator until the pressure level rises to 3 bar. Having recorded this indicator, the relay turns off the equipment.

How to bring water into the house: choosing the optimal location for a well

The construction of the system begins with the arrangement of a water source - a well. Define optimal place can be done in different ways:

  • find out from your neighbors the features of the area and find a convenient site;
  • hire specialists to conduct geological research;
  • observe the dew in the area (where the water lies close to the surface, dew will accumulate in large quantities);
  • use the dowsing technique, which involves the use of electrodes and wire.

An important aspect when placing a well is that the water source is sufficiently distant from the sewer septic tank

To determine the location for a well using the dowsing or dowsing method, you will need to bend the electrodes into the letter “G” and form them from metal wire frame. The short ends of this structure must be held so that the long ends rotate freely.

By moving around the site with this frame, you can easily determine the optimal area for construction. Where the underground spring is located, the long ends will intersect. The intersection between the long ends indicates that the water source is located near the surface or that the power of the underground flow is very high.

Useful advice! It is recommended to carry out initial work on arranging communications in the hot season. Between June and September there is high temperature, so the height groundwater does not increase due to precipitation. At this time, you can obtain real geodetic data.

It is not recommended to install a water source closer than 5 m from the building. This can lead to erosion and damage to the foundation part of the building. Communication elements such as cesspool, drains and toilet should be located at a distance of 50 m from the well. Otherwise, the waste liquid will pollute the water.

The initial stage of organizing water supply for a private house from a well with your own hands

Before starting work, you should develop a diagram. Availability finished project allows you to effectively solve many problems:

  • optimize work by clearly planning the sequence of actions;
  • accurately determine the time required for construction;
  • correctly calculate the amount of materials;
  • draw up cost estimates;
  • achieve ideal performance and quality results.

The water supply project from a well must include all the necessary elements, indicating their location and other technical data. In addition to the main components (well, pump, bottom filter, relay and accumulator), the system also contains other components.

These include:

  • tees for routing the main line to different points;
  • pipes for carrying water into the house;
  • heating equipment();
  • elements of the sewer system;
  • plumbing fixtures;
  • check valves, valves and fittings.

Test drilling will help make sure that the aquifer is in the right place. It is necessary to go deep into the soil in layers of 5-10 cm. The aquifer may have a small thickness, with this approach the possibility of missing it is eliminated. As you move deeper into the soil, water quality and purity will improve. When a stream is found, the well is left for 24 hours. All this time it will be filled with water. After a day it will be possible to determine the water level. The optimal figure is 1-1.5 m.

Next is carried out interior decoration well shaft. This procedure will prevent water from entering the well and will also protect the structure from destruction. For these purposes, wood can be used in the form of beams made of oak, pine or larch. The cross-sectional size is 12 cm. This type of finishing is short-lived and is only suitable for shallow wells (up to 3-4 m). Rubble stone or brick can also be used to decorate the walls of the shaft. Although the use of these materials significantly increases the duration and complexity of construction work.

It is best to use reinforced concrete rings to supply water to the house from a well. The recommended diameter of the elements is 90-120 cm, optimal height– 1 m. As a result, work is simplified and the reliability of the shaft increases. In this case, the well can have a depth of up to 20 m.

Useful advice! If the water level drops, you can easily increase the depth of the well by installing repair rings.

Features of the well installation system on the site

To determine the size of the shaft circumference, you need to add twice the thickness of its walls to the diameter and add an additional 20 cm for backfill. When the depth of the shaft is equal to the height of one ring, the first concrete element is lowered to its bottom. This procedure requires accuracy. First, the ring is laid on its side, and then turned over and placed in the recess.

After this, excavation work continues and the second ring is installed. As a rule, a hole is formed in this element for attaching an intake pipe, which will ensure the transportation of water to the house from the well. Although this element of the system can be installed in any of the rings, which are fixed to each other using two or more brackets. In this case, the size of the hole should exceed the diameter of the pipe by 1.5 times.

During operation, water will flow into the rings. It should be removed by pumping out. If the liquid fills 1-1.5 rings, it means that the installation work is being carried out correctly and the water level is sufficient.

By adhering to the basic rules for installing rings for water supply in a dacha from a well, you can achieve a high-quality result. It is very important to choose reliable way fastenings Ideal option the elements will be fixed using a groove system. It is also recommended to use additional fasteners. The presence of staples will eliminate the possibility of the rings moving relative to each other in the horizontal direction.

It is worth considering that laying a seal between concrete elements is mandatory. As a result, the likelihood of water penetration into the well is reduced.

The sealing material can be:

  • hemp;
  • rope;
  • linen rope;
  • special gaskets.

The seams between the rings should be treated with a quick-hardening cement mixture. The area where the last two elements of the shaft are attached to each other must be additionally insulated. This procedure is performed from the outside. The insulation will block the access of melt water to the well and protect the rings from the external environment.

Important! Do not use bitumen or liquid glue to seal the seams between the rings. These materials will not provide the desired effect, but will spoil the water.

The space on the outside of the rings must be filled with fine gravel or sand. These voids are designed to compensate for shortcomings that arise during earthworks, but they are not needed to supply water to the house from a well. This layer will be unique drainage system to delete excess liquid. In addition, the gravel layer will reduce the negative impact on the mine walls caused by frost heaving of the soil.

Then the bottom of the structure is filled with small stones and covered with a layer of crushed stone. This is how a bottom filter is formed, the thickness of which is 30-50 cm. It can be used as a lining under stones. If there is clayey quicksand on the site or clay soil, no need to equip a bottom filter. Deviations from the rules are allowed if work is carried out on false quicksand consisting of sand and clay.

Installation of equipment for water supply to a dacha from a well

To bring water into the house from a well, it is used pumping equipment, which can be either submersible or surface. Submersible versions of devices can be completely or partially lowered into the liquid. They are efficient and operate silently, using natural water pressure. Rarefied air does not take part in this process. Submersible devices do not require preservation during cold periods. The liquid flows down the pipe on its own; pumping is not required. Surface equipment is intended for wells with a depth of no more than 10 m.

The power and performance of equipment for introducing water into the house is selected taking into account the following parameters:

  • shaft dimensions (width and depth of the well);
  • water quality;
  • frequency of operation (seasonal or permanent);
  • water column height;
  • dynamic liquid level;
  • static water level.

Pumping equipment is installed where the temperature does not fall below +2ºС and there are no sudden climatic changes.

Laying a pipeline for organizing water supply in a country house from a well

The liquid is supplied to the residential building from the well through an outlet pipe. The hole through which it connects to concrete ring, need to be sealed well. It is unacceptable for the perched water to contaminate the liquid in the well. When the construction of the structure is completed, an underground highway is laid to the house. To do this, a trench is dug according to the drawn up diagram. It should be located at a half angle to the building so that water can move freely through the pipes. The minimum diameter of the water pipe is 3.2 cm.

Useful advice! If the house has already been put into operation, the pipe can be inserted into the building using a surface method. Otherwise, it is better to lay the main line through the foundation. The pipe should be protected from influence low temperatures and mechanical loads.

The depth of the water supply depends on two parameters. First, you need to decide on the period of operation: seasonal or year-round. If people do not live in the house during the cold season, the main line can be placed at a depth of 1 m. Secondly, it is important to take into account the level of winter soil freezing. Pipes should be located below this indicator.

To build a water supply system for a private house, pipes made of various materials are used:

  • polypropylene;
  • metal-plastic;
  • steel;
  • plastic.

Pipe diameter depending on the length of the line:

Line lengthOptimal section size, mm
<10 20
10-30 25
>30 32

When choosing pipes for laying a water main, you need to consider the following points:

  • complexity of the installation system;
  • service life;
  • weight of products;
  • possibility of application welding machine for fixing parts;
  • degree of reliability;
  • price;
  • resistance to corrosion and aggressive environments.

The wiring diagram can be collector. It is also possible to install the system by connecting consumers in series. To supply cold liquid, it is better to take products with a wall thickness of 2.8 mm, for hot water A pipe with 3.2 mm reinforcement is suitable.

Choosing a scheme for arranging a water main in a dacha, as well as the process of its construction itself, is not complicated. After installing the pump, electrical cable and drain channel, all that remains is to fill the trench. This must be done gradually, compacting each layer so that the soil in the trench does not sag over time. If all technology requirements are strictly met, a high-quality construction result will be ensured.

A well for water supply can be of different depths, it all depends on what kind of water you want to receive in the end. For example, for an artesian, it is better to make a well. And if you need water for irrigation, or are simply interested in clean drinking water, then it is more advisable to make a well. We will touch on this topic in this article.

A diagram for connecting the water supply from the well will be proposed. And you will learn how to make a well and how to connect the water supply. The video in this article will show all the stages of the work.

The advantage of running water from a well

Before deciding how to make a water supply from a well, you need to clearly understand how this option will be better than a well and a centralized option.

The construction of a well has some advantages compared to the construction of a well:

  • This does not require the use of special drilling equipment or complex equipment. You will need simple shovels and 2-3 craftsmen to carry out construction work.
  • You should also clean it no more than once every 7-8 years, while the well must be cleaned regularly in the autumn and spring.
  • Due to the fact that the well has a small diameter and a large length, it may not behave in the best way during operation. In addition, you will have to invest a lot of money in construction. The price of such work will be quite high;
  • With the production of a well, you get high-quality water, the price for which will not increase every year. Therefore, such a design will quickly pay for itself.

Making a well

First we find. There is a detailed article on this topic on our website. When the location for the well has been determined, then we begin to extract the soil. This is a simple task, but the overall service life of the well depends on it.

First of all, you will need help. Digging workers with good physical fitness will be required. You can also use special equipment, but it happens that the equipment does not reach the right place. And if you need a depth of less than 10 meters, then it will be quite expensive.

In addition, an excavator bucket can destabilize the density of the walls, which will lead to their deformation and the entire water supply system of the well. To use special equipment for digging soil, you will need to invest additional funds in delivering it to your home, so it will be cheaper to do the work manually.

Choosing materials for the well

After the pit for the well is prepared, you need to proceed to the next important stage– strengthen the walls of the pit.

To carry out this process, various materials are used, the main ones being:

  • , this option is most often used;
  • Brick and natural stone;
  • Wooden logs, this material nowadays it is mostly used as a top finish.

If you decide to use the wooden log method, then choose a moisture-resistant type of wood. These can be pine or oak logs.

Using them may change the taste of the water. For example, if the walls of the pit are reinforced with pine logs, then the water will acquire the aroma of pine needles.

Attention: In order to save money, you can use reinforcement of the walls with bricks or concrete rings, but note that unreinforced concrete rings are susceptible to rapid crumbling.

The part of the well protruding above the surface is called the “head”. What it will look like depends on your imagination. Usually the head looks like a small log house, which is covered on top with a roof made of boards. It is not only convenient to use, but also attractive as a design element.


  • The standard well model is made on the basis of reinforced concrete ring elements. The pit should be dug to the required depth. Then, reinforced concrete elements must be lowered into it one by one using a winch;

Attention: If on your site loose soil and it’s difficult to dig a pit right away, then you need to read how it’s done in another way. There is a detailed article on this topic on our website.

  • Before purchasing rings, check their quality in advance and whether the production technology is followed: is the material homogeneous, dimensions, are there any cracks, and so on. It is necessary to periodically check the dimensions of the ring and the diameter of the pit during the deepening process. Vertical position helps to maintain a plumb line.

Attention: For any water supply system from a well, it is necessary to form a source. They dig it up at any time of the year, except spring, because the location of groundwater may not be accurately determined.

  • If you need to place a sealing tape between them, it will make the structure more airtight. When performing work, be sure to ensure that the installation is perpendicular;
  • After installing the rings, we seal the seams. For this, cement mortar is used. After it has completely dried, the seam should be treated with liquid glass, this will enhance the tightness;
  • Now we make a filter at the bottom of the well. To do this, backfill coarse gravel. On top we make a rash of clean river sand and sprinkle fine gravel on top;
  • A blind area is made along the upper contour of the ground level, which has a diameter larger than the well by a couple of meters. Here the ground is lowered and after this the site is concreted.

Making water supply from a well

When working, you can use water pipes or polyethylene wells for water pipes, but all work is done in a certain order. Now let's figure out how to do this.

First of all, we decide what option we will have:


  • Summer, in this design less work, the water supply will be used only in the summer;
  • Winter the option will look more complex and costly. The winter one will need to be insulated and this must be done efficiently, otherwise you risk being left without water during frosts.

Attention: When using the water supply system in winter, the pipes should be laid to a depth below the freezing point of the soil.
Also, if you use an electric cable for heating, then it will be generally good. Pipes at correct installation should be well insulated.

What you need

To install a water supply system, you need to prepare the equipment; without complete equipment, it is simply impossible to do the work.

The absence of even one detail will not work:

  • Pipes: metal, polypropylene or metal-plastic. Here, choose for yourself. It all depends on your desire;

  • Plumbing fittings, fittings and taps. This should be selected depending on the cross-section of the pipes;
  • Equipment for lifting and supplying water: pumping station or . This must be selected depending on how much water you want to receive. We also do not forget that the pressure in the system also depends on the equipment;
  • Regulating devices: pressure gauge, expansion tank (hydraulic accumulator), pressure relay-regulator.
  • Protection of electrical wiring from short circuit in the network and overloads: circuit breaker or electric machine;

Attention: All wiring must be done using terminal blocks. They will provide a reliable and high-quality connection. Do not use twists. Their use can significantly reduce the duration of equipment use.

  • Water purification devices from pollution and suspended particles: filters.
  • Storage boiler (water heater).

Attention: When purchasing pipes and other consumables, you should also take into account the waste that will definitely be. Correctly calculate the slope of the system and the number of turns. This also takes a lot. For convenience, you should take adapters; they will greatly simplify installation.

For winter water supply

To operate the water supply system in winter, experts advise fulfilling certain conditions:

  • You need to choose the right pump. Determine the volume of water consumption. You shouldn't take it end to end. It is necessary to provide a reserve in the direction of increasing power by 20 percent;
  • For the pumping station and hydraulic accumulator it is necessary to select a heated room;
  • When insulating pipes, use only frost-resistant sealing options.

Water supply schemes

Before we tell you how to bring water into a house from a well with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the water supply connection diagrams.

And there are at least two of them:

  • One of the options is sequential pipe routing through tees. In this case, water is supplied from one distribution node to another. The advantage of this scheme is its cost-effectiveness: when using this connection option, fewer pipes are required. But there is also a minus. It is inconvenient to use such a water supply when taps located in different rooms. The water pressure in such a situation is distributed unevenly. And in case of repairs, you have to completely turn off the water supply. A serial connection diagram is only good for small house, having no more than one or two water distribution points.
  • Second, more in a convenient way pipe routing, the collector routing scheme is rightfully considered. This means that for each point where a plumbing fixture is installed, water is supplied individually. With this option, there is no need to turn off the water in the bathroom if you need to replace the faucet in the kitchen. There are also no changes in water pressure in the collector system. To maintain pressure in the system, an expansion tank is used, otherwise called a hydraulic accumulator.

To distribute the flow of water in the collector system, a tee and shut-off valves are installed after the accumulator. Then the water is supplied to the collector cold water and a heater, where valves must be installed on each of its lines.

Pipe selection

Before you begin preparing the area, you must decide which pipes you will use for installation. And the choice is quite large, and what tools and consumables you will need during installation.


  • Steel pipes are, of course, reliable and last quite a long time, but they have a drawback such as corrosion. Rust and scale, which regularly appear in water, cause certain inconveniences during the operation of the water supply: filters become clogged, pipe walls become thinner.
  • It's a different matter if you take galvanized steel pipes. Such coating of the internal walls, of course, increases their cost, but it will fully pay off over a longer service life. The only thing is installation steel pipes It must still be done by a specialist.
  • Because they are connected either by welding or threading. Both types of connections require special equipment and skills to use it. Cutting a thread on a pipe is no easier than welding, and any violations of the technology will lead to problems during the operation of the pipeline.

  • The same can be said about copper pipes ah - their installation should be carried out by a specialist. This is the most expensive and most durable option. We can say with all responsibility that a well-constructed and well-insulated copper water supply system can last much longer than your home.
  • There are no temperature restrictions for copper pipelines, so it can be used not only for laying cold water pipes, but also for supplying hot water. The most reliable method of connecting copper pipes, providing perfect tightness, is capillary soldering, which is performed at high temperatures.
  • Although, threaded connections are also used here - especially when installing pipes in the house. We cannot ignore the fact that copper is resistant to oxidation and is galvanically compatible with many substances, including chlorine.
  • And one more thing: copper, like silver, is a non-ferrous metal. It is able to enrich water with its ions, and they suppress the growth of bacteria, while significantly improving the quality of water. Everyone makes a decision based on their financial capabilities. Perhaps they will allow you to make just such a choice.

  • If you do not have such opportunities, turn your attention to polypropylene pipes. Of course, the advantages of copper are polymer material No. But when it comes to strength and lack of corrosion, polypropylene pipes even surpass some metal options in these indicators.
  • They are connected only by welding, using a special soldering iron with nozzles. PP pipes do not bend, so it is impossible to use them for internal wiring. But for hidden installation this option is ideal. The welded connection is extremely reliable, so the pipeline can be hidden even in a groove, under a layer of plaster, and not be afraid of leaking.

Metal-plastic pipes are also extremely popular. For self-installation This option is the simplest; you don’t even need instructions. All connections are made using a threaded method, only fittings are needed, wrenches, yes FUM tape.

The process of organizing water supply

The basement of a private house is ideal for compact placement of equipment for providing cold and hot water supply, or any utility room. Another thing is important - all types of equipment installed and operating in the water supply system must be equipped shut-off valves, allowing you to disconnect devices from systems when carrying out work on their maintenance, repair or replacement, without disrupting the water supply of the entire house.

To organize water supply, several sequences must be followed:

  • The process begins with digging a trench from the well itself to the house. The depth of the trench should be at least 1.5 meters, it depends on how much the soil freezes. Then a hole is made at the base of the well using a sledgehammer, which is then filled with solution. We will need a wet well on the water supply system to connect and we will need to place a pump there;

Attention: When digging a trench, do not forget about freezing of the soil. Insulate the pipe.

  • The next stage is lowering a flexible hose or pipe into the well, which is previously screwed to a pump with a check valve. Depending on the terrain, the depth is equal to the usual water intake depth;
  • It is necessary to lay a plastic pipe and a pumping cable into the trench. Typically the cable length should be 40 meters. If it is missing, then the cable will have to be extended. This will require some knowledge of the electrical system and compliance with safety regulations;
  • After the pipe and cable are laid, the connection begins. What method the connection will be made depends on the type of pipes themselves and what they are made of. Metal pipes are welded. Plastic pipes can be connected in several ways; it is important to ensure that the pipes provide a tight seal. Plastic is considered better than metal because when water starts to freeze, a plastic pipe will not crack;

Attention: When making turns and connections of pipes, couplings and adapters should be used. This will ensure quality work.
At the same time, make sure that the connection is tight. Purchase materials only from high-quality and trusted brands. Then you won't have problems in the future.

  • The next step is to insert the pipe into the house. You should excavate the foundation and make a place in the floor that will not be so visible. Then the relay is connected to the system.

Attention: B mandatory check how well the device is configured, even if it has passed factory tests. The pump cable must be connected to the relay. The cover of the relay itself should indicate the sequence of actions for correct connection.

  • Now you need to connect the cable and pump to the network. You can install an outlet with a separate circuit breaker in advance. An adapter tap for pipes that are distributed throughout the room is installed on the pressure switch;
  • It is definitely worth installing a pressure gauge that will determine the pressure in the system. This will be especially needed in winter time.

The process of laying pipes in the house

After running the pipe from the well into the house, the elements delivering water inside are routed to the desired location.

To do this, you must follow the following tips:

  • We install the water outlet through the tap at the bottom of the system. The tap will be needed for repairs or maintenance to drain water from the system;
  • It is not recommended to connect a bathroom with a plastic pipe, because the pipe may break due to pressure changes;
  • Such pressure drops damage the joining points of elements throughout the system, so the pipes should be connected to each other efficiently and reliably;

Now you have instructions for doing this job. The photo shows the stages of the work.
All this, of course, can be done in several ways. There are many articles on this topic on our website that will help you do almost any job at the lowest cost.

Well pump

Well pump

For water supply from a well, submersible centrifugal pumps and vibration pumps are used.
Vibrating ones can only be used in wells with dense soil. We recommend the one we have tested centrifugal pump for the Aquarius well. The power of the pump is determined by several parameters: the depth of the well, the distance from the well to the house and the number of consumers.

Cost of the Aquarius 40 pump- 10,800 rub.

Hydraulic accumulator

Hydraulic accumulator

The hydraulic accumulator in the water supply system performs several functions:

  • Mitigation of water hammer from turning the pump on and off
  • Water supply under pressure (fewer times the pump turns on)

In the hydraulic accumulator, water makes up 1/3 of the tank volume. The selection of the hydraulic accumulator volume depends on the pump power, the number of consumers and dimensions. The larger the tank volume, the less the pump will turn on (it’s better for the pump when it turns on less). There are vertical and horizontal hydraulic accumulators, the only difference is in size and ease of installation.

Cost of a 50 liter hydraulic accumulator- 3,700 rub.

Water heater

Water heater

The design and materials used to manufacture a water heater are highly individual and depend on the customer’s wallet. It doesn’t really matter what the tank is made of (stainless steel, enamel, glass), but less scale forms on ceramic heaters. Flat and round - the difference is only in design and dimensions.
If you choose between horizontal and vertical, definitely vertical (not so quickly heated water is diluted by incoming cold). The manufacturer does not matter (the Chinese ones work the same). The volume of water, let’s say for 3 people, is 80 liters (1 person 25 liters). If there is a bathroom, we select it according to its volume.

Water heater cost- 8,000 rub. (round, 80 liters, manufacturer Ariston, easy adjustment).

Living in a private house comes with some inconveniences, one of which is water supply. Connecting a private or country house country house It is not always possible to access a centralized water supply, so owners have to decide on the issue of autonomous water supply. There are three options for such autonomy, the simplest of which is to supply water to a private house from a well with your own hands:

  • break through own well(the pleasure is not cheap);
  • use water from nearby natural body of water(only for watering, washing clothes or for animals);
  • organize water supply from well.

Water supply to a private house from a well - when is it rational to use it?

The answer to this question can be considered - always! Even if there is a choice - to connect to the central pipe or to provide yourself with water from a well, preference is given to the latter. The fact is that connecting to a central water supply has a number of disadvantages: the water pressure is often insufficient to properly supply the water supply, the water contains additives harmful to health (chlorine and other chemical elements). In the event of an accident, the house will be left without water.

Benefits of water supply from a well

Organizing water supply to a house from a well is a very popular country service that has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • dig a well yourself much cheaper how to drill a well;
  • simplicity in carrying out installation work;
  • no fee for the use of water;
  • no need for registration paper documents;
  • independence from central water supply;
  • no impurities;
  • if the pump breaks down, water can be taken from the well with a bucket;
  • long term trouble-free operation.

Scheme of water supply for a private house from a well

Water supply from a well is often carried out when the well is already installed. The technology for bringing water into a private house from a well consists of several parts:

  • detailed development of a water supply scheme;
  • digging a trench for the pipeline and laying it;
  • pump selection and installation;
  • installing a filter;
  • optional - installation of a water heater, washing machine, dishwasher and other equipment.

Pipes for carrying water can be metal, plastic, copper, cast iron, metal-plastic.

In the water supply scheme the key place is given to the pump. It is installed in a house, preferably in a heated room (it can be directly above a well, and in winter it can be well covered). The pump is connected by pipes to a water source and pumped into a so-called hydraulic accumulator, and then supplied through a branch system to all necessary places (usually a bathroom, sanitary room, toilet, kitchen).

When several taps are turned on in parallel, the water pressure drops, then the relay is activated and the pump turns on.

The design of the water supply system for a private house from a well is designed individually and depends on the purpose of supplying water to the house. For example, someone needs water exclusively for drinking purposes, while others will connect household appliances, use water to feed livestock, water the garden, wash the car, etc.

The pump is installed in the well in two ways.

  1. A hole is drilled in the side of the 2nd or 3rd well ring for a plastic hose, this hose is threaded, placed on the pump and lowered into the well, missing the bottom by 30-40 cm. An electrical cord is threaded into the same hole.
  2. Fix the pump hose to supply water directly to the well (this is convenient when you need to remove the pump).

This is interesting! According to statistics, the average depth of wells is 10-15 meters.

Do-it-yourself water supply for a private house from a well

It is necessary to indicate that water supply from a well, in addition to all of the above, can be made summer or all-season. In the latter, water does not freeze if it is laid below the depth of the soil.

Let's consider the easiest option for installing a water supply with your own hands, which does not require significant investments or special skills.

When installing a water supply from a well, the most difficult thing is to connect the hose to the wall of the ring where the hole is made. This joint is carefully isolated using cement mortar(with the addition liquid glass) so that dirty surface water does not penetrate into the well through it.

ADVICE! It is recommended to supply water exclusively in the warm season (preferably in late spring, summer, early autumn) and not only because the land is frozen in winter. The point is this: in summer and autumn the water level is slightly lower than early spring and in winter, so it will be more difficult to make a mistake with the level.

In the photo above - well rings, in which the manufacturer has provided holes for the ground pump.

If there are no such holes in the well, they are drilled with a drill. Hoses for this type of water supply can be silicone, rubber or rubber with nylon threads.

How to choose a well pump for water supply at home?

Submersible and above-ground pumps are used to supply water from a well. Let's take a closer look at all the options.

  1. Submersible pump- the simplest and cheap option, because the pump itself is inexpensive, and its installation is quite primitive. The downside is that it is problematic to use in winter due to possible freezing.
  2. Pumping station with the addition of a hydraulic accumulator. Unlike a submersible pump, this pump has limitations when immersed - up to a maximum of 9 m. The stations are equipped with a tank and surface pump, are designed to pump water into the tank until the required pressure is formed. Such equipment is convenient in that the pump turns on when a certain level of water in the tank is used up. The advantage of this type is that there should always be minimum quantity water, which is very important in case of problems or lack of electricity.
  3. Automatic pump. It has the same operating principle as the surface one. Its difference is that it does not accumulate water in the tank. When the tap is opened, the pump starts, and when closed, it turns off. There is dry run protection and a filtration system. The pump is relatively small in size.

If you decide to install water supply in country house from the well, we recommend watching a video with useful tips:



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