1.8. Depending on the formaldehyde content, the boards are manufactured in two emission classes, indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

Particle boards technical specifications. Chipboard: production, GOST, characteristics, dimensions. Main types and sizes

When harvesting and processing wood, approximately half of the raw materials are sent to waste, which is then not used for the production of wood masses, but forms wood pulp from which various types wood boards. In this article we will talk about perhaps the most popular type of wood-based panels - chipboard.


Aspects related to . Now we will focus on the description of the material - Chipboard (chipboard).

In the first lines, I would like to immediately make a reservation that technologists and professionals understand by the abbreviation chipboard “Wood-Laminated Plastic”; if we talk about “Wood-Fiberboards”, then the correct abbreviation would be chipboard. Nevertheless, the abbreviation chipboard as chipboard has already taken root among the people, so we will adhere to the same so as not to cause confusion.

Wood waste makes up about 20% of the mass of all wood at the cutting down stage; during processing into lumber, waste in the form of sawdust, shavings, and wood fragments reaches 40%.

Of three types (hard, soft and bark) manufacturers building materials opted for sawdust and solid pieces, from which industrial chips are subsequently obtained as raw materials; from the latter, individual glued products or fragments of construction and furniture designs. Subsequently, depending on the specialized direction of production, chips are used to make shavings, crushed pieces, and fibers with the required technological parameters and characteristics for a specific production.

Innovative technologies have significantly affected the production of products from wood waste of any size and type; automated production of boards from particle boards has almost completely provided the consumer with an aesthetic, reliable and environmentally friendly product.

Chipboard is lumber in the form of flat rectangular sheets, made by high-temperature pressing of small particles of wood with binding components. These boards can be easily processed as hand tools, and on machines. In particular, they are often produced with a jigsaw with.

Sawdust, wood chips, veneer residues, fibers and other materials are used as raw materials. wood waste, their content in the product is about 90%. The binding elements are resins on synthetic base: formaldehyde, phenol-formaldehyde and others, their content in the board is about 7-9%. Sometimes, to improve the quality of the material and give the product the necessary properties, hydrophobizing (water-repellent additives) substances, antiseptics (antibacterial additives) and fire retardants (substances that increase the material’s resistance to ignition) are added to it.

Chipboard GOST

Chipboard production technology, physical and chemical parameters, performance characteristics and other aspects are regulated by the following regulatory documents:

1. Particle boards. Technology. Terms and definitions
2. Particle boards. Method for determining impact strength
3. Particle boards. Hardness determination method
5. Particle boards. General rules preparation and conduct of physical and mechanical tests
6. Particle boards. Method for determining the resistivity of pulling out nails and screws
7. Particle boards. Method for determining the specific resistance to normal tearing of the outer layer
8. Glued wooden structures. Method for determining the strength of adhesive joints between wood-based materials and wood
9. Particle boards. Methods for determining physical properties
10. Particle boards. Methods for determining the tensile strength and elastic modulus in bending
11. Particle boards and . Perforator method for determining formaldehyde content
12. Particle boards and wood-fiber boards. Size and shape control methods
13. Wood-fiber and particle boards. Terms and definitions
14. Particle boards. Specifications
15. Particle boards. Method for determining the tensile strength perpendicular to the plate face
17. Particle boards lined with films based on thermosetting polymers

Production technology

The main raw materials for the production of chipboards are various wood wastes - substandard products, slabs, branches, chips, sawdust. Thus, the environmental value of this process becomes clear - it allows making production waste-free, and accordingly saving newly deforested areas, as well as significantly reducing the area for industrial waste.

The entire production process is divided into several stages:


All wood waste goes through the stage of grinding into chips. This is done using special chipping machines. Subsequently, this mass undergoes further grinding on chipped machines to the state of chips. I distinguish two types of chips based on their location in the structure of the future slab:

  • for the outer layer;
  • for the inner layer.

In the outer layers of the slabs, smaller chips are used; accordingly, for the inner layers they can be larger.

It should be noted that the geometry of the chips itself is of particular importance - it must be smooth, flat and have a fixed thickness. This is especially critical for the production of laminated chipboard, where the most important parameter is the quality and evenness of the surface of the material. Thus, in its production, special equipment is used (mills, shredders, crushers) that allow the necessary quality indicators of raw materials to be adjusted.


To ensure consistency of product characteristics, it is extremely important to use dried raw materials so that the moisture contained in it does not allow changes in the geometric and physical properties future slab.

Therefore, before production, it is necessary to dry the chips in special drying chambers. As with the different geometric requirements for chips for outer and inner layers, there are differences in moisture content requirements.

Division into factions

It is after drying that the chips are separated according to geometric parameters for use in internal and external layers. To do this, it is divided into fractions using special sieves or pneumatic devices. This process is very important, since its execution requires highly qualified specialists and the quality of this operation largely determines the quality of future products.

Resinization of chips

This is the process of mixing chips with a filler (binder) in special industrial devices called mixers. This process is also not simple and requires special qualifications from the master, since on the one hand the shavings must be evenly saturated with the composition, and on the other hand, an excess of the binder composition worsens the characteristics of the future product. In addition, all chips in the entire chip mass must be saturated, and not just those on the surface or in the immediate vicinity of the filler. Unresined chips will not stick together and, accordingly, form a fragile cavity in the slab, and unabsorbed resin will be excess on the tarred areas. These defects negatively affect the quality of the slab as a whole and lead to overspending. consumables. Resinization occurs in the mixer in the form of supplying a solution of the binder component to the chip mass in the following proportions.

Recently applied new technology mixing, in which a binder component in the form of a torch is sprayed onto a moving flow of chippings. The two flows are mixed, as a result of which the resin settles on the surface of the chips and impregnates it. An important factor in this process is the ratio of the chip mass and the volume of the flow of the binder component directed to it.

Formation of shaving carpet

This process is carried out by special forming machines. They place the tarred shavings in a chip carpet (this is an even, uniform, continuous layer of tarred shavings of a fixed width) on special protractors. This shaving carpet is divided into packages, each of these packages will later become one chipboard slab. As noted above, the laying of the chip mass into a chip carpet should take into account the division into outer and inner layers.

Pre-compression and pre-pressing

Pre-compression allows you to make briquettes from bags - these are denser formations, have increased strength and are suitable for further transportation. There are two types of conveyors:

  1. Pallet
  2. Belt conveyors

As their names suggest, pallet conveyors move future products on pallets, and in the case of belt conveyors, the movement is carried out by means of a conveyor belt. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the pallet option is less expensive, easier to operate and more reliable, however, when using it, the likelihood of obtaining products of different thicknesses is much higher, and there is also an increased consumption of thermal energy. Belt conveyors (palletless type of conveyor), on the contrary, have a more complex design to operate, have a higher cost, but their use is more efficient in terms of energy consumption, and the products have best characteristics according to thickness variations.


The pressing process is also important and is part of the operations on the main conveyor. Its essence is to reduce the thickness of the resulting briquette and thereby increase its transportability. When pressing, the thickness of the briquette decreases from 2 to 4 times.

Types of single-deck presses for pre-pressing:

  • Stationary (most common type)
  • Movable (mobile) press

Hot pressing

This is the most crucial moment in the entire production process chain. Since exactly on at this stage the formation and consolidation of the binder composition (resin) occurs, and accordingly the final product– Chipboards. Pressing is performed on a multi-story hydraulic press - this is the largest and most expensive unit in the entire production chain. Its height can reach 8 meters in height. In addition, the speed of its operation and productivity determines the capacity of the production site, therefore the most important indicator work is the duration of the pressing cycle.

Pressing takes place at high temperatures and under the following parameters:

  1. Pressure (specific): from 2.5 to 3.5 MPa
  2. Temperature: 170 to 200 degrees Celsius
  3. Duration of the pressing cycle: from 15 to 25 seconds per 1 mm of plate thickness

In this case, the size of the slab is 6,000 x 3,000 mm. Up to 25 slabs can be produced simultaneously. It is obvious that manufacturers are striving to reduce production cycles, which can be achieved by using resins with a faster curing rate, and possibly using higher temperatures. On the one hand, these factors increase the productivity of the production site, on the other hand, they can affect the quality of the products produced.


After hot pressing, the slabs are cooled on special shelves or fans, since after the hot pressing procedure they have a long shelf life high temperature and for further processing they must be cooled. After the slabs have cooled, they go to the sawing area, where they are cut to size. After this, they must be placed in piles and remain in them for several days to consolidate and fix their physical and chemical properties.


On final stage The surface of the slabs is leveled, various unevenness, roughness and other manufacturing defects are removed. This is especially important for slabs that will later have a laminated coating.

Production process video

This video talks about the chipboard production process.

Manufacturing Cost Reference Materials

Here are some parameters technological process chipboard production per one cubic meter products.

Name Quantity
Wood pulp, m3 from 1.7 to 1.9
Resin, kg from 70 to 80
Water (steam), tons from 1.3 to 1.6
Electricity, kW/h from 160 to 170
Labor costs, man-hours (direct production process) from 2.5 to 5

Chipboard classification

We list the main types of classifications:

  • Purpose
  • Sheet sizes;
  • Sheet thickness;
  • Surface treatment;
  • Chemical composition resins;
  • Availability of special additives;
  • Toxicity class;
  • Grade (quality).

Let's look at these characteristics in more detail.


  1. Chipboard general purpose. For such slabs it is not required special requirements, such as water resistance or fire resistance. They are used mainly indoors and are used for the construction of partitions and the production of furniture, etc. Perhaps the main requirement is environmental friendliness, since indoors there is a restriction on the release of released harmful substances (formaldehyde) into the atmosphere. How basically these are chipboards using urea-formaldehyde resin.
  2. Unlike general-purpose chipboards, these types of boards must have water resistance, fire safety, thermal insulation properties, water resistance, etc. As a rule, such boards are made on the basis of phenol-formaldehyde resins, less often on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resins, and appropriate additives are also used.
  3. Chipboard special purpose. These products are produced to order and have chemical, physical properties, as well as dimensions determined by the customer.

Sheet sizes

The dimensions of chipboard sheets must comply with the current GOST. Manufacturers still adhere to this rule, however, there are cases when they deviate from it due to the fact that furniture production (or other large customers) dictate their wishes and requirements for the sheet form factor due to planning their production in order to minimize waste. Standard overall dimensions sheets:

We also provide a table with some typical (most common) sizes of chipboard sheets.

Length, mm Width, mm
2750 1830
2620 1830
2440 1830

Sheet thickness

pretty chipboard universal material and has wide scope applications. There are sheets with different thicknesses. As the thickness of the sheet increases, its strength increases, but its flexibility and ductility decreases. Thus, the thickness of the sheet largely determines the scope of its application.

Thickness, mm Purpose
from 8 to 10 mm Decorative elements in furniture production and interior decoration
from 16 to 18 mm Furniture production, as well as as a basis for laying floors (under linoleum and laminate)
from 22 to 25 mm Doors, countertops, highly loaded furniture structures
from 28 to 38 mm Production of highly loaded furniture and structural elements. For example, bar counters, massive countertops, etc.

Surface treatment

When describing the production process of particle boards, the surface treatment process was mentioned, so three main types can be distinguished:

  1. Sanded plate. As the name implies, the surface of such plates is polished using special grinding machines, while the surface is perfectly flat and smooth. Among themselves, craftsmen call such slabs white (or simply squirrels).
  2. Not sanded slab. Of course, the surface of the slab is processed and leveled, however, the process of fine grinding and finishing is not carried out and the quality of the surface is much inferior to ground samples.
  3. Laminated board. These are slabs whose surfaces are covered with special films that have the following purposes:
  • Tinting. Films can have the required color or pattern.
  • Protection. The plank is waterproof, therefore it protects the slab from moisture, which is destructive.
  • Strength. The films are very durable and protect the surface of the slab from external mechanical influences.

Chemical composition of resin

The following types of resins can act as a binding element:

Type of resin used Advantages Flaws Application
Phenol-formaldehyde Moisture resistanceLow cost Increased harm to humans due to the release of harmful substances in the air Outdoor construction structures
Melamine-formaldehyde Moisture resistanceEnvironmentally friendly High price Special productions
Urea-formaldehyde Low costLow moisture resistanceLow cost Small release of harmful substances More than 87% of all chipboards produced are made using this type of resin

Availability of special additives

Special additives are often added to resins to improve the physical and chemical properties chipboard sheet.

Additive Description
Fire retardant This is an additive that improves the fire safety of chipboard.
Antiseptic This is an additive that prevents the process of decay (formation of fungus, mold, etc.)
Paraffin emulsion This is a supplement that increases moisture resistant characteristics slabs The marking contains the letter “B”.

Toxicity class (formaldehyde emissions)

Since in the production process they can use not only different types resins (see “Chemical composition of resin”), but within each type there are specific manufacturers of these resins, resins may differ in composition, then additional classes of toxicity of harmful substances are introduced (presence of formaldehyde).

Toxicity class Formaldehyde content Harm level
E0 Practically = 0 Short
E1 up to 10 mg per 100g dry slab Average
E2 from 10 to 30 mg per 100g dry slab High

Video about the dangers of using chipboard in residential premises.

Grade (quality)

The grade of chipboard is a basic characteristic indicating the quality of the board.

Slab type Description
1 The following are not allowed: · protrusions and depressions, · resin, paraffin and other stains; · chipped edges and chipping of corners.
2 The following are allowed: · chipped edges within the limits of deviations along the length (width) of the slab; · grinding defects (no more than 10% of the area); · to a greater extent (compared to the first grade) the presence of inclusions of bark and large fraction of chips.
Off-grade slab (OPN) Will not satisfy the parameters of either the first or second grade

Reference materials

Here are some reference materials on technical and physical characteristics Chipboard. They can be useful if it is necessary to calculate the volume, weight, area of ​​sheets during transportation or ordering.

Density of chipboard

Thickness, (mm) 8 10 16 20 22 30 32 38
Density, (kg/cubic meter) 740 720 680 670 660 620 600 600

Areas and volumes of chipboard

Width, mm Length, mm Area, square meter Volume (with a thickness of 10 mm), cubic meter. Volume (with a thickness of 18 mm), cubic meter. Volume (with a thickness of 20 mm), cubic meter. Volume (with a thickness of 38 mm), cubic meter.
2440 1830 4,47 0,045 0,080 0,089 0,170
2750 1830 5,03 0,050 0,091 0,101 0,191
3060 1830 5,60 0,056 0,100 0,112 0,213
3060 1220 3,73 0,037 0,067 0,075 0,142
3060 610 1,87 0,019 0,036 0,037 0,071

Chipboard weight

Thickness, mm Size, mm
2440x1830 2750x1830 3060x1830 3060x1220 3060x610
10 mm 26 kg 29 kg 33 kg 22 kg 11 kg
18 mm 33 kg 37 kg 41 kg 27 kg 14 kg
20 mm 60 kg 67 kg 75 kg 50 kg 25 kg
32 mm 86 kg 97 kg 108 kg 72 kg 36 kg

Number of sheets in packs

For transportation chipboard sheets packed in packs. The number of sheets in packs is shown in the table below.

Sheet thickness, mm Number of sheets, pcs.
8 90
10 85
16 54
20 45
26 36

Interstate standard GOST 10632-2007
"Particleboards. Technical specifications"
(put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated August 29, 2007 N 219-st)

Wood particle boards. Specifications

Instead of GOST 10632-89

1 Application area

This standard applies to general-purpose particle boards made by hot flat pressing of wood particles mixed with a binder (hereinafter referred to as boards) used in industry and construction.

The use of slabs for specific types of products is established in agreement with national sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities.

The standard does not apply to slabs for special purposes, as well as to slabs with a lined or painted surface.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 12.1.004-91 System of occupational safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.014-84 System of occupational safety standards. Air working area. Method for measuring concentrations of harmful substances using indicator tubes

GOST 12.3.042-88 System of occupational safety standards. Woodworking production. General safety requirements

GOST 12.4.009-83 System of occupational safety standards. Fire fighting equipment for the protection of objects. Main types. Accommodation and service

GOST 12.4.011-89 System of occupational safety standards. Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rulers. Specifications

GOST 577-68 Dial indicators with a division value of 0.01 mm. Specifications

GOST 3560-73 Steel packaging tape. Specifications

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications

GOST 8026-92 Calibration rulers. Specifications

GOST 10633-78 Particle boards. General rules for preparing and conducting physical and mechanical tests

GOST 10634-88 Particle boards. Methods for determining physical properties

GOST 10635-88 Particle boards. Methods for determining the tensile strength and elastic modulus in bending

GOST 10636-90 Particle boards. Method for determining the tensile strength perpendicular to the plate face

GOST 10637-78 Particle boards. Method for determining the resistivity of pulling out nails and screws

GOST 10905-86 Testing and marking plates. Specifications

GOST 11842-76 Particle boards. Method for determining impact strength

GOST 11843-76 Particle boards. Hardness determination method

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15612-85 Wood products and wood materials. Methods for determining surface roughness parameters

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 18321-73 Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece goods

GOST 21650-76 Means for fastening packaged cargo in transport packages. General requirements

GOST 23234-78 Particle boards. Method for determining the specific resistance to normal tearing of the outer layer

GOST 24053-80 Particle boards. Furniture parts. Method for determining warp

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged piece goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements

GOST 27678-88 Chipboards and plywood. Perforator method for determining formaldehyde content

GOST 27680-88 Chipboards and wood-fiber boards. Size and shape control methods

GOST 27935-88 Wood-fiber and particle boards. Terms and definitions

Note- When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the information system public use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information index published this year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Dimensions and classification

3.1 The nominal dimensions of the slabs and their deviations must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters


│ Parameter │ Value │Limit deviation│


│Thickness │ From 3 or more with gradation 1 │ +-0.3 │

│ │ │ (for polished │

│ │ │ slabs) │

│ │ │ -0,3/+1,7 │

│ │ │ (for unpolished │

│ │ │ slabs) │

│Length │1830, 2040, 2440, 2500, 2600, 2700, │ +-5.0 │

│ │2750, 2840, 3220, 3500, 3600, 3660, │ │

│ │3690, 3750, 4100, 5200, 5500, 5680 │ │

│Width │1220, 1250, 1500, 1750, 1800, 1830, │ +-5.0 │

│ │2135, 2440, 2500 │ │


│* Both within one slab and within a batch of slabs. │


│1 It is allowed to produce slabs with dimensions smaller than the nominal ones by 200 mm with │

│gradation of 25 mm, in an amount of no more than 5% of the batch. │

│2 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to produce │

│slabs of formats not specified in this table. │

3.2 Classification

3.2.1 Plates are divided into:

According to physical and mechanical indicators - at grades P-A and P-B;

In terms of surface quality - grades I and II;

According to the type of surface - with a regular and fine-textured (M) surface;

According to the degree of surface treatment - polished (Ш) and unpolished;

According to hydrophobic properties - with normal and increased (B) water resistance;

3.2.2 The symbol of the slabs must include: brand designation, grade, type of surface (for slabs with a fine-textured surface), degree of surface treatment (for polished slabs), hydrophobic properties (for slabs with increased water resistance), formaldehyde emission class, nominal length, width and thickness in millimeters, the designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

Plate grade P-A, grade I, with a fine-textured surface, polished, emission class E1, size 3500x1750x15 mm:

P-A, I, M, Sh, E1, 3500x1750x15, GOST 10632-2007

Plate grades P-B, II grade, with a regular surface, unpolished, emission class E2, size 3500x1750x16 mm:

P-B, II, E2, 3500x1750x16, GOST 10632-2007

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Deviation from edge straightness should not be more than 1.5 mm per 1 m of edge length.

4.2 Deviation from perpendicularity of the edges of the slabs should not be more than 2 mm per 1 m of edge length.

The perpendicularity of the edges can be determined by the difference in the lengths of the diagonals of the face, which should not be more than 0.2% of the length of the slab.

4.3 The physical and mechanical properties of the slabs must comply with the standards specified in Table 2.

Table 2


│Indicator name │ Standard for slabs │

│ │ marks │

│ ├────────┬─────────┤

│ │ P-A │ P-B │


│1 Humidity, %: │ │

│Т_в │ 13 │


│2 Maximum density deviation within the slab, │ +-10% │


│3 Thickness swelling in 2 hours (sample size │ 12 │ 15 │

│4 Bending strength, MPa, for thickness, mm │ │ │

│(T_n): │ │ │

│from 3 to 4 inclusive. │ 13.0 │ 14.0 │

│ " 5 " 6 " │ 15,0 │ 14,0 │

│ " 7 " 13 " │ 14,0 │ 12,5 │

│ " 14 " 20 " │ 13,0 │ 11,5 │

│ " 21 " 25 " │ 11,5 │ 10,0 │

│ " 26 " 32 " │ 10,0 │ 8,5 │

│ " 33 " 40 " │ 8,5 │ 7,0 │

│ St. 40 │ 7.0 │ 5.5 │


│5 Modulus of elasticity in bending, MPa, for thickness, mm │ │ │

│from 3 to 4 inclusive. │ 1800 │ - │

│ " 5 " 6 " │ 1950 │ - │

│ " 7 " 13 " │ 1800 │ - │

│ " 14 " 20 " │ 1600 │ - │

│ " 21 " 25 " │ 1500 │ - │

│ " 26 " 32 " │ 1350 │ - │

│ " 33 " 40 " │ 1200 │ - │

│ St. 40 │ 1050 │ - │


│6 Tensile strength perpendicular to │ │ │

│plate face, MPa, for thickness, mm (T_n): │ │ │

│from 3 to 4 inclusive. │ 0.45 │ 0.31 │

│ " 5 " 6 " │ 0,45 │ 0,31 │

│ " 7 " 13 " │ 0,40 │ 0,28 │

│ " 14 " 20 " │ 0,35 │ 0,24 │

│ " 21 " 25 " │ 0,30 │ 0,20 │

│ " 26 " 32 " │ 0,25 │ 0,17 │

│ " 33 " 40 " │ 0,20 │ 0,14 │

│ St. 40 │ 0.20 │ 0.14 │


│7 Specific resistance to normal tearing │ │ │

│outer layer, MPa, for thickness, mm (T_n): │ │ │

│from 3 to 4 inclusive. │ 0.8 │ - │

│ " 5 " 6 " │ 0,8 │ - │

│ " 7 " 13 " │ 0,8 │ - │

│ " 14 " 20 " │ 0,8 │ - │

│ " 21 " 25 " │ 0,8 │ - │

│ " 26 " 32 " │ 0,8 │ - │

│ " 33 " 40 " │ 0,8 │ - │

│ St. 40 │ 0.8 │ - │


│8 Warping, mm (T_v) │ 1.2 │ 1.6 │


│9 Surface roughness Rm, µm, not │ │ │

│more: │ │ │

│for polished slabs with normal surface │ 50 │ 63 │

│for polished boards with a fine-textured surface│ 32 │ 40 │

4.4 The surface quality of the slabs must comply with the standards specified in Table 3.

Table 3


│ Defect according to │ Standard for slabs │

│ GOST 27935 ├────────────────────────────┬────── ─────────── ───────┤

│ │ polished, grades │ unpolished, grades │

│ ├───────────┬────────────────┼────────────┬───────────┤

│ │ I │ II │ I │ II │


│Recesses │Not │Allowed on │Allowed on the area │

│(protrusions), │allowed│1 m2 of surface│no more than 5% of the surface │

│scratches on │ │slabs no more than 2│slabs, │ deep

│plastics │ │pcs. diameter up to│(height), mm, no more:│

│ │ │20 mm and depth│ │ │

│ │ │(height) up to 0.3│ 0.5 │ 0.8 │

│ │ │mm or two │ │ │

│ │ │scratches length │ │ │

│ │ │up to 200 mm │ │ │


│Paraffin and │Not │Allowed per 1 m2 │Allowed│

│oil stains, and│are allowed│spots on the surface of the slab │on the area │

│also spots from │ │with an area of ​​no more than 2 cm2 in │no more than 2%│

│binder │ │amount of 1 pc. │surfaces│

│ │ │ │slabs │


│Dust-resin │Not │Allowed on │Allowed │

│spots │allowed│area no more than│ │

│ │ │2% of surface │ │

│ │ │slabs │ │


│Chips of edges │Not │Allowed within deviations according to │

│ │allowed│length (width) of the slab │

│ │(single │ │

│ │depth by│ │

│ │layers 3 mm│ │

│ │or less │ │

│ │extended-│ │

│ │by │ │

│ │edge 15 │ │

│ │mm and less │ │

│ │not │ │

│ │taken into account│ │

│ │) │ │


│Chipping │Not │Allowed within deviations according to │

│angles │allowed│length (width) of the slab │

│ │(length along │ │

│ │edge 3 mm│ │

│ │or less │ │

│ │taken into account│ │

│ │) │ │


│Defects │Not │Allowed │Do not define │

│grinding │allowed│no area │ │

│(under-grinding, │ │more than 10% │ │

│grinding, │ │the area of ​​each │ │

│linear marks from│ │the side of the slab │ │

│grinding, │ │ │ │

│waviness │ │ │ │

│surface) │ │ │ │


│Individual │ 3 │ 10 │ 3 │ 10 │

│particle inclusions │ │ │ │ │

│crust on the surface │ │ │ │ │

│slabs of size, │ │ │ │ │

│mm, no more │ │ │ │ │


│Individual │Allowed in quantities of 5 pieces. per 1 m2 of slab surface │

│inclusions of large│size, mm: │

│chips on the face│ │

│slabs size, │ │

│mm: │ │

│ │ │ │ │ │

│for slabs with │ 10-15 │ 16-35 │ 10-15 │ 16-35 │

│fine-textured │ │ │ │ │

│surface │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │ │ │

│for slabs with │ Not defined │

│regular │ │

│surface │ │

│Outsiders │ Not allowed │

│on │ │


Note- Allowed for slabs with a regular surface no more than 5 pcs.│

│individual inclusions of bark particles per 1 m2 of slab size, mm: for │

│I grades - from 3 to 10; for grade II - from 10 to 15. │


4.5 Marking

4.5.1 Each batch of slabs must be accompanied by a quality document containing:

Name, trademark(if any) and location of the manufacturer;

Symbol of slabs;

Dimensions and number of slabs (in pieces, square and cubic meters);

Date of manufacture of the slabs;

Stamp of the technical control department.

It is allowed to apply additional markings when delivering for export.

4.5.2 The marking is applied to the edge of the slab and/or on the label of each package, and/or in the shipping documentation in the form of a clear stamp with dark dye, containing:

Name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer (if available);

National mark of conformity, if the product is certified;

Brand, grade, surface type and emission class;

Date of manufacture and shift number.

Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

4.6 Packaging

4.6.1 The slabs are formed into packages. Slabs of the same size, brand, grade, type of surface according to the degree of processing are placed in packages.

4.6.2 Packages are formed on a pallet using top and bottom covers. Low-grade chipboards, wood-fiber boards, plywood or other material that protects products from mechanical and atmospheric influences are used as covers.

The dimensions of the upper and lower cover slabs must be no less than the dimensions of the packed slabs.

4.6.3 The height of the formed package is set taking into account the characteristics of lifting mechanisms and load capacity vehicles, but not more than 1000 mm and weighing no more than 5000 kg.

4.6.4 Each package is fastened with transverse straps made of steel packaging tape with a width of at least 16 mm and a thickness of at least 0.5 mm in accordance with GOST 3560. The number of straps must be at least two (for a package height of up to 500 mm) and up to six (for a package height of package over 500 mm).

4.6.5 Transport packages - in accordance with GOST 26663, GOST 24597 and other regulatory documents.

Means for fastening plates in packaged form - in accordance with GOST 21650 and other regulatory documents.

4.6.6 By agreement with the consumer, another type of packaging is allowed.

4.6.7 Boards intended for use in the Far North and equivalent areas are packaged in accordance with GOST 15846.

5 Safety requirements and security environment

5.1 Boards must be manufactured using materials and components approved for their manufacture by national sanitary and epidemiological authorities.

5.2 Depending on the formaldehyde content, the boards are manufactured in two emission classes indicated in Table 4

Table 4


│ Formaldehyde emission class │Formaldehyde content, mg per │

│ │ 100 g absolutely dry slab │

│ E1 │ Up to 8.0 incl. │


│ E2 │ St. 8.0 to 30.0 incl. │


Note- Formaldehyde content is valid for slab humidity │

│W = 6.5%. │

│For slabs with different humidity (for humidity range from 5% to 10%) │

│the formaldehyde content indicated in the table must be multiplied by │

│coefficient F, which is calculated by the formula │

│ F = -0.133 x W + 1.86. (1)│


5.4 The production of slabs must meet safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, GOST 12.4.009, GOST 12.1.014, GOST 12.3.042.

5.5 Persons associated with the production of slabs must be provided with funds personal protection according to GOST 12.4.011.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Plates are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the number of slabs of the same brand, size, grade, degree of processing and type of surface, the same hydrophobic properties and emission class, manufactured according to the same technological regime for a limited period of time (usually during one shift) and issued with one quality document.

6.2 Selection of slabs for quality control, dimensions and testing is carried out using a random “blind” selection method in accordance with GOST 18321.

6.3 To control dimensions, straightness, perpendicularity, surface quality and roughness (when monitoring using roughness samples), slabs are selected from each batch in the quantity indicated in Table 5.

Table 5


│ Batch volume │ Controlled indicator by │

│ ├─────────────────────────┬────────────────────┤

│ │ 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 │4.3 (roughness),│

│ │ │ 4.4 │

│ ├────────────┬────────────┼──────────┬─────────┤

│ │ Volume │ Acceptance │ Volume │Acceptance │

│ │ samples │ number │ samples │number│


│Up to 500 │ 8 │ 1 │ 13 │ 3 │

│ │ │ │ │ │

│From 501 to 1200 incl. │ 13 │ 2 │ 20 │ 3 │

│ │ │ │ │ │

│ " 1201 " 3200 " │ 13 │ 2 │ 32 │ 5 │

│ │ │ │ │ │

│ " 3201 " 10000 " │ 20 │ 3 │ 32 │ 5 │


6.4 To control physical and mechanical parameters (including roughness when monitoring it with a profilograph), slabs are selected from each batch in the quantity indicated in Table 6.

Table 6


│ Batch volume, pcs. │ Sample size, pcs. │ Acceptance constant │

│ │ │ k_s │


│Up to 280 │ 3 │ 1.12 │

│From 281 "500 incl. │ 4 │ 1.17 │

│ " 501 " 1200 " │ 5 │ 1,24 │

│ " 1201 " 3200 " │ 7 │ 1,33 │

│ " 3201 " 10000 " │ 10 │ 1,41 │


It is allowed to include in the sample slabs selected for control in accordance with 5.3, and also to distribute the test results of the physical and mechanical characteristics of slabs manufactured according to one technological regime during one shift to the entire shift volume of workings, regardless of the grade of the slabs.

6.5 The indicator “formaldehyde content” is monitored on samples taken from one board at least once every 7 days, as well as when there is a change in the technological parameters of the production of boards or the binders used.

6.6 The batch is considered to comply with the requirements of this standard and is accepted if in the samples:

The number of slabs that do not meet the standard requirements in terms of size, straightness, perpendicularity, surface quality and roughness (when controlling roughness by samples) is less than or equal to the acceptance number established in Table 5;

The values ​​of Q_н and Q_в, calculated using formulas (2) and (3) for each physical and mechanical indicator, are equal to or more than the acceptance constant indicated in Table 6.

Q = ──────; (2)

Q = ──────, (3)

where X is the sample mean calculated from the results

testing all slabs in the sample;

T - lower limit of indicators according to table 2;

T - upper limit of indicators according to table 2;

S - standard deviation calculated from the average

values ​​of all tested slabs.

Results are rounded to the second decimal place;

The surface roughness of each sample, when controlled by a profilograph, must comply with the standards established in Table 2.

7 Test methods

7.1 General rules for testing to determine physical and mechanical parameters and sample preparation - according to GOST 10633.

7.2 Control of length, width, thickness - according to GOST 27680.

Perpendicularity control - according to GOST 27680 or by the difference in the lengths of diagonals across the face, measured with a metal tape with a division value of 1 mm according to GOST 7502.

Control of edge straightness - in accordance with GOST 27680 using a device or straight edge in accordance with GOST 8026 with a length of 1000 mm not lower than the second accuracy class and a set of styli No. 4 according to the regulatory document.

7.3 Density, maximum deviation Densities within the slab, humidity and thickness swelling are determined according to GOST 10634.

7.4 Ultimate strength and bending modulus of elasticity are determined according to GOST 10635.

7.5 Tensile strength perpendicular to the face of the slab is determined according to GOST 10636.

7.6 Specific resistance during normal separation of the outer layer - according to GOST 23234.

7.7 Specific resistance to pulling out screws is determined according to GOST 10637.

7.8 Warping - according to GOST 24053.

7.9 Surface roughness is determined according to GOST 15612 using a profilograph with a probe radius of 1.5 mm or using roughness samples.

7.10 The type of surface is determined from samples.

7.12 The surface quality of the slabs is assessed visually.

7.13 Determination of the types of spots and waviness on the surface of the slab is carried out by comparison with samples approved in the prescribed manner.

The surface area of ​​the slab covered with stains is determined as the sum of the areas of individual spots on both sides of the slab.

To determine the spot area with an accuracy of 1 cm2, use a grid with square cells with a side of 10 mm, applied on a transparent sheet material. The accuracy of drawing grid lines is +- 0.5 mm. When calculating the number of cells overlapped by a spot, cells with an overlap of more than half of their area are counted as whole, and those with an overlap of less than half are not taken into account.

7.14 The depth of the recess and the height of the protrusions are determined using a dial indicator of the ICh-10 brand according to GOST 577, fixed in a metal U-shaped bracket with cylindrical supporting surfaces with a radius of (5+-1) mm and a span between supports of 60-80 mm.

The indicator scale is set to the zero position when installing the bracket on a straight edge in accordance with GOST 8026 or a calibration plate in accordance with GOST 10905.

The stroke of the indicator rod in both directions from the reference plane must be at least 2 mm.

7.15 The linear dimensions of bark inclusions, large chips, stains, corner chipping, edge chipping and scratch length are determined using a metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427.

8 Transportation and storage

8.1 The slabs are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport with mandatory protection from precipitation and mechanical damage.

8.2 Plates are stored in clean indoors in a horizontal position in stacks up to 4.5 m high, consisting of stacks or packages separated by spacer bars with a thickness and width of at least 80 mm and a length of at least the width of the slab, or on pallets.

The difference in thickness of the gaskets used for one foot or package is allowed to be no more than 5 mm.

Spacer bars are laid across the slabs at intervals of no more than 600 mm in the same vertical planes.

The distance from the outer spacer bars to the ends of the slab should not exceed 250 mm.

9 Manufacturer's warranty

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees that the slabs comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to storage and transportation conditions, for a period of 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Appendix A


Physical and mechanical properties of particle boards

Table A.1


│ Name of indicator │ Value for brand slabs │ Method │

│ ├─────────────┬──────────────┤ tests │

│ │ P-A │ P-B │ │


│Density, kg/m3 │ 550-820 │According to GOST 10634│

│ │ │ │ │

│Thickness swelling for 24 │ 20 │ 30 │According to GOST 10634│

│h (sample size 100x100 │ │ │ │

│mm), %, no more than │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │ │

│Resistivity │ │According to GOST 10637│

│pulling out screws, N/mm, │ │ │

│(T_n): │ │ │

│plastic │ 55-35 │ │

│from the edge │ 45-30 │ │

│Impact strength, J/m2 │ 4000-8000 │According to GOST 11842│

│Hardness, MPa │ 20-40 │According to GOST 11843│


Appendix B


An example of calculating Q_n for the indicator “bending strength”

During one shift, 954 pieces were produced. chipboards 16 mm thick.

The sample volume of slabs from a batch for testing according to Table 6 is 5 pcs.

From each selected slab, 8 samples are cut to determine the tensile strength in bending according to GOST 10633.

Sample test results according to GOST 10635, MPa:

1st plate 15.9; 15.1; 15.8; 17.3; 16.0; 16.4; 16.8; 18.1;

2nd "16.8; 17.2; 17.0; 18.3; 18.0; 18.0; 17.4; 17.3;

3rd "19.2; 19.0; 17.1; 19.5; 21.0; 18.9; 18.0; 18.5;

4th "15.9; 17.9; 20.0; 19.1; 17.0; 17.3; 16.2; 16.0;

5th "19.0; 19.0; 19.1; 19.8; 18.7; 18.8; 17.7; 18.8.

In accordance with the requirements of GOST 10635, a sample average is calculated for each slab arithmetic value test results of all samples selected from this slab according to the formula

sigma = ─── x sum (sigma), (B.1)

where m is the number of samples taken from each slab;

sigma - test results of the jth sample, i-th slab samples

ij of n slabs;

sigma = ─── x (15.9 + 15.1 + 15.8 + 17.3 + 16.0 + 16.4 + 16.8 +

18.1) = 16.425 (MPa).

In accordance with the requirements of GOST 10635, calculation results are rounded to the first decimal place

sigma = 16.4 MPa.

Determine the arithmetic average values ​​of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th slabs:

sigma = 17.5 MPa; sigma = 18.9 MPa; sigma = 17.4 MPa;

sigma = 18.9 MPa.

The sample mean value of sigma slabs is calculated using the formula

sigma = ─── x sum (sigma); (B.2)

sigma = ─── x (16.4 + 17.5 + 18.9 + 17.4 + 18.9) = 17.8 MPa.

The standard deviation is calculated from the average values ​​of all tested slabs using the formula

"Formula (B.3)"

To check the compliance of a batch of slabs with the brand P-A value Q_н is calculated using the formula

Q = ──────────;

Q = ─────────── = 4.44.

The resulting value Q_н = 4.44 is greater than the acceptance constant k_s = 1.24. The batch of slabs meets the requirements of this standard in terms of “ultimate bending strength”.

Application of particle boards of various formaldehyde emission classes

Table B.1


│Emission class │ Application of slabs │

│formaldehyde │ │

│ slabs │ │

│ E1 │For the production of household furniture and furniture for │

│ │public premises, as well as products operated│

│ │inside residential premises │


│ E2 │For the production of products used outside residential areas │

│ │premises │


Specifications Chipboard »





Official publication


UDC 674.815-41:006.354 Group K23


Wood particle boards. Specifications

Date of introduction 01/01/90

This standard applies to general-purpose particle boards made by hot flat pressing of wood particles mixed with a binder, used for the production of furniture, in construction (except for housing construction, construction of buildings for children's, schools and medical institutions), in mechanical engineering, radio instrument making and packaging production.

The use of slabs for specific types of products is established in agreement with sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities in the relevant standards and technical conditions.

The standard does not apply to slabs with a lined or painted surface.

Mandatory requirements for particle boards, aimed at ensuring safety for life and health of the population and environmental protection, are set out in paragraphs. 1.5, 1.6 (in terms of tensile strength in bending and tension perpendicular to the face of the slab), 1.8, 1.10.


1.1. Plates are divided into:

according to physical and mechanical indicators - for grades P-A and P-B; in terms of surface quality - grades I and II;

by type of surface - with a regular and fine-textured (M) surface; according to the degree of surface treatment - polished (Ш) and unpolished; in terms of hydrophobic properties - with normal and increased (B) water resistance; according to formaldehyde content - into emission classes El, E2.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.2. The dimensions of the slabs must correspond to those indicated in the table. 1. * *


1. The thickness of unground slabs is set as the sum of the nominal thickness of the ground slab and the grinding allowance, which should not be more than 1.5 mm.

2. It is allowed to produce slabs with dimensions smaller than the main ones by 200 mm with a gradation of 25 mm, in quantities of no more than 5% of the batch.

3. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to produce slabs in formats not specified in the table. 1.

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

* © Standards Publishing House, 1989

© IPK Publishing House of Standards, 1998 Reissue with Changes

1.3. The deviation from the straightness of the edges should not be more than 2 mm.

1.4. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the edges of the slabs should not be more than 2 mm per 1000 mm of edge length.

The perpendicularity of the edges can be determined by the difference in the lengths of the diagonals of the layer, which should not be more than 0.2% of the length of the slab.

1.5. Plates must be manufactured using synthetic resins approved by sanitary and epidemiological inspection authorities.

Under operating conditions, the amount chemicals emitted by the slabs should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations in the environment approved by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authorities for atmospheric air.

1.6. The physical and mechanical properties of slabs with a density from 550 kg/m 3 to 820 kg/m 3 must comply with the standards specified in table. 2.

Reference values ​​of physical and mechanical parameters of particle boards are given in Appendix 1.

Table 2

Indicator name

Standard for slab grades

Humidity, % T* n

Swelling by thickness:

in 24 hours (sample size 100 x 100 mm), %, (G in)

in 2 hours (sample size 25 x 25 mm), %, (T in)**

Bending strength, MPa, for thicknesses, mm (Tn):

Tensile strength perpendicular to the formation

slabs, MPa, for thicknesses, mm (Tc):

Specific resistance to pulling out screws, N/mm (T u)***:

from the formation

Warp, mm (T in)

Formation surface roughness Rm, µm, no more, for samples

a) with a dry surface:

for polished titanium with a fine-textured surface

for unsanded slabs

b) after 2 hours of soaking***:

for sanded boards with normal surface

for sanded boards with fine-textured surface

for unsanded slabs

* Tn and Tv are the lower and upper limits of the indicators, respectively. ** For slabs with increased water resistance.

*** Determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

1.7. The surface quality of the slabs must comply with the standards specified in table. 3.

Table 3

Defect according to GOST 279 35

Standard for slabs

polished, varieties

unpolished, grades

Depressions (protrusions) or scratches on the layer

Paraffin, oil and binder stains

Dust-resin heels

Chipped edges

Corner chipping

Grinding defects (under-grinding, over-grinding, linear grinding marks, surface waviness)

Individual inclusions of bark particles per g of slab mouth size, mm, no more

Individual inclusions of large chips:

for slabs with fine-textured surface

for slabs with normal surface

Foreign inclusions

Not allowed

Not allowed (single units with a layer depth of 3 mm or less and an edge length of 15 mm or less are not taken into account)

Not allowed (edge ​​length 3 mm or less is not taken into account)

Not allowed

No more than two depressions with a diameter of up to 20 mm and a depth of up to 0.3 mm or two scratches with a length of up to 200 mm are allowed per 1 m2 surface

Spots with an area of ​​no more than 1 cm 2 are allowed on 1 g of slab surface in an amount of 2 pgg.

Allowed on an area of ​​no more than 5% of the slab surface, depth (height), mm, no more than:


Allowed on an area of ​​no more than 2% of the surface

Allowed on Allowed

area no more than 2% of the surface

Allowed within deviations along the length (width) of the slab

Allowed within deviations along the length (width) of the slab

Allowed for an area of ​​no more than 10% of the area of ​​each layer

Not defined

Allowed in quantities of 5 pieces. per 1 m 2 layers of slab size, mm:

Not defined Not allowed

Note: Allowed for slabs with a regular surface no more than 5 pcs. individual inclusions of bark particles per 1 m 2 of slab size, mm: for grade I more than 3 to 10; for grade II - more than 10 to 15.

Formaldehyde emission class

Up to 10 incl. St. 10 » 30 »

1.5-1.8. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.9. The symbol for the slabs indicates:

type of surface (for slabs with a fine-textured surface); degree of surface treatment (for polished slabs); hydrophobic properties (for slabs of increased water resistance); formaldehyde emission class; length, width and thickness in millimeters; designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

slab brand P-A first grades with a fine-textured surface, polished, emission class E1, dimensions 3500 x 1750 x 15 mm:

The same, brand slabs P-B second grades with a regular surface, unpolished, emission class E2, dimensions 3500 x 1750 x 16 mm:

1.10 Markings containing:

name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer;

brand, grade, surface type and emission class;

date of manufacture and shift number.

Boards for export are marked according to regulatory and technical documentation.

Certified products are marked with a national mark of conformity in accordance with GOST R 50460*.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.11. Boards intended for use in the Far North and equivalent areas are packaged in accordance with GOST 15846.

For export, slabs are packaged in accordance with the requirements of foreign economic organizations.

2 1 Plates are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of slabs of the same brand, size, grade, degree of processing and type of surface, the same particle-repellent properties and emission class, manufactured according to the same technological regime, for a limited period of time (usually during one shift) and issued with one quality document , containing: the name of the organization, the system of which includes the manufacturer; name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer and its address; symbol slabs;

average density slab batches in kilograms per cubic meter; number of slabs in a batch in pieces and square meters; technical control stamp.

2.2. The quality and dimensions of the slabs in the batch are checked by selective control.

2.3. During random control, slabs are selected “blindly” according to GOST 18321.

P-A, I, M, Sh, E1, 3500 x 1750 x 15, GOST 10632-89.

P-B, II, E2, 3500 x 1750 x 16, GOST 10632-89.


Valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.4. To control dimensions, straightness, perpendicularity, surface quality and roughness (when monitoring using roughness samples), slabs are selected from each batch, depending on its volume, in the quantity indicated in the table. 5.

Table 5

2.5. To control physical and mechanical parameters (including roughness when monitoring it with a profilograph), slabs are selected from each batch, depending on its volume, in the quantity indicated in the table. 6.

It is allowed to include in the sample slabs selected for control according to clause 2.4, and also to distribute the test results of the physical and mechanical parameters of slabs manufactured according to one technological regime during one shift to the entire shift volume of workings, regardless of the grade of the slabs.

Table 6

2.6. The “formaldehyde content” indicator is monitored at least once every 7 days on samples taken from one slab.

2.7. The batch is considered to comply with the requirements of this standard and is accepted if, in the samples:

the number of slabs that do not meet the standard requirements in terms of size, straightness, perpendicularity, surface quality and roughness (when controlled by roughness samples) is less than or equal to the acceptance number established in table. 5;

the values ​​of Q K and £> in, calculated by formulas (1) and (2) for each physical and mechanical indicator are equal to or more than the acceptance constant (Table 6).

QvT -y~ n (1); Q"=^s- (2),

where X is the sample average, calculated from the test results of all slabs in the sample;

T and - the lower limit of indicators according to the table. 2;

T in - the upper limit of indicators according to the table. 2;

S is the standard deviation calculated from the average values ​​of all tested slabs.

Results are rounded to the second decimal place.

An example of calculating the value of QH is given in Appendix 2;

the density of each slab is within the limits established in clause 1.6 and should not be lower than that specified in the quality document by more than 12%.

The surface roughness of each sample, when controlled by a profilograph, must comply with the standards established in table. 2.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1. General rules for testing to determine physical and mechanical parameters and sample preparation - according to GOST 10633.

3.2. Control of length, width, thickness - according to GOST 27680.

Perpendicularity control - according to GOST 27680 or by the difference in the lengths of diagonals across the face, measured with a metal tape with a division value of 1 mm according to GOST 7502.

Control of edge straightness - in accordance with GOST 27680 using a device or straight edge in accordance with GOST 8026 with a length of 1000 mm not lower than the second accuracy class and a set of styli No. 4.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.3. Density, moisture content and thickness swelling are determined according to GOST 10634.

3.4. The accuracy limit for bending is determined according to GOST 10635.

3.5. The tensile strength perpendicular to the plate face is determined according to GOST 10636.

3.6. Specific resistance to pulling out screws - according to GOST 10637.

3.7. Warping is determined according to GOST 24053.

3.8. Surface roughness is determined according to GOST 15612 using a profilograph with a probe radius of 1.5 mm or using roughness samples.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.9. The type of surface is determined by samples.

3.11. The surface quality of the slabs is assessed visually.

3.12. Determination of the types of spots and waviness on the surface of the slab is carried out by comparison with samples approved in the prescribed manner.

The surface area of ​​the slab covered with stains is determined as the sum of the areas of individual spots on both sides of the slab.

To determine the spot area with an accuracy of I cm 2, use a grid with square cells with a side of 10 mm, applied on a transparent sheet material. The accuracy of drawing grid lines is ±0.5 mm. When calculating the number of cells overlapped by a spot, cells with an overlap of more than half of their area are counted as whole, and those with an overlap of less than half are not taken into account.

3.13. The depth of the recess and the height of the protrusions are determined using a dial indicator of the ICH-10 brand according to GOST 577, fixed in a metal U-shaped bracket with cylindrical supporting surfaces with a radius of (5±1) mm and a span between supports of 60-80 mm.

The indicator scale is set to the zero position when installing the bracket on a straight edge in accordance with GOST 8026 or a calibration plate in accordance with GOST 10905.

The stroke of the indicator rod in both directions from the reference plane must be at least 2 mm.

3.14. The linear dimensions of bark inclusions, large shavings, stains, corner chipping, edge chipping and the length of scratches are determined using a metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427.


4.1. The slabs are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport and the technical conditions for loading and securing cargo of the Ministry of Railways with mandatory protection of them from precipitation and mechanical damage.

4.2. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

4.3. The slabs are stored indoors in a horizontal position in stacks up to 4.5 m high, consisting of stacks or packages separated by spacer bars with a thickness and width of at least 80 mm and a length of at least the width of the slab or pallets.

The difference in thickness of the gaskets used for one foot or package is allowed - 5 mm.

Spacer bars are laid across the slabs at intervals of no more than 600 mm in the same vertical planes.

The distance from the outer spacer bars to the ends of the slab should not exceed 250 mm.

APPENDIX 1 Reference


APPENDIX 2 Information


During one shift, 954 pieces were produced. particle boards 15 mm thick.

The sample volume of slabs from a batch for testing is according to table. 6 - 5 pcs.

From each selected slab, 8 samples are cut to determine the bending strength (according to GOST 10633).

Sample test results according to GOST 10635 (MPa):

1st plate 15.9; 15.1; 15.8; 17.3; 16.0; 16.4; 16.8; 18.1;

2nd" 16.8; 17.2; 17.0; 18.3; 18.0; 18.0; 17.4; 17.3;

3rd » 19.2; 19.0; 17.1; 19.5; 21.0; 18.9; 18.0; 18.5;

4th" 15.9; 17.9; 20.0; 19.1; 17.0; 17.3; 16.2; 16.0;

5th » 19.0; 19.0; 19.1; 19.8; 18.7; 18.8; 17.7; 18.8.

In accordance with GOST 10635, for each slab, a sample arithmetic mean value of the test results of all samples selected from this slab is calculated according to the formula

where a U ij are the test results of the y-th sample, the i-th slab of a sample of n slabs; t is the number of samples taken from each slab;

a u i= d (15.9+15.1+15.8+17.3+16.0+16.4+16.8+18.1)=16.425 (MPa).

In accordance with GOST 10635, calculation results are rounded to the first decimal place:

o and 1 =16.4 MPa.

Determine the arithmetic mean value of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th slabs:

b and 2 =17.5 MPa; st «e = 18.9 MPa; and and 4 =17.4 MPa; b and b =18.9 MPa.

The sample average of st and slabs is calculated using the formula

a and = ~ (16.4 + 17.5 + 18.9 + 17.4 + 18.9) = 17.8 MPa.

The standard deviation is calculated from the average values ​​of all tested slabs using the formula

To check the batch’s compliance with the requirements for P-A slabs, the value of Q H is calculated using the formula

17,8 - 16,0 1,08

The resulting value £? n = 1.67 is greater than the acceptance constant k = 1.24, which means that the batch of slabs complies with this standard in terms of bending strength.



O.E. Potashev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.F. Abelson, Ph.D., Tech. sciences; I.V. Pinthus

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated 02.02.89 No. 13

3. INSTEAD GOST 10632-77

4. Date of the first inspection - 1994.

Inspection frequency - 5 years


GOST 427-75 GOST 577-68 GOST 7502-89 GOST 8026-92 GOST 10633-78 GOST 10634-88 GOST 10635-88 GOST 10636-90 GOST 10637-78 GOST 10905-86 GOST 11842-76 GOST 11843 -76 GOST 14192 -96 GOST 15846-79 GOST 15612-85 GOST 18321-73 GOST 23234-78 GOST 24053-80 GOST 27678-88 GOST 27680-88 GOST 27935-88 GOST R 50460-92

Item number, application

3.1, Appendix 2

3.4, appendix 1, appendix 2

Appendix 1 Appendix 1

Appendix 1

6. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 4-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 4-94)

7. REISSUE (December 1997) with Change No. 1, approved in April 1994 (IUS 7-94)

Editor M.I. Maksimova Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector M.S. Kabashova Computer layout V.I. Grishchenko

Ed. persons No. 021007 dated 08.10.95. Delivered to set 12/30/97. Signed for publication on January 21, 1998. Uel. oven l. 1.40.

Academic ed. l. 0.95. Circulation 214 copies. C56. Zach. 49.

IPK Standards Publishing House, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14.

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GOST 10632-89




Date of introduction 01.01.90

This standard applies to general-purpose particle boards made by hot flat pressing of wood particles mixed with a binder, used for the production of furniture, in construction (except for housing construction, construction of buildings for children's, school and medical institutions), in mechanical engineering, radio instrument making and in container production.

The use of slabs for specific types of products is established in agreement with sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities in the relevant standards and technical conditions.

The standard does not apply to slabs with a lined or painted surface.

Mandatory requirements for particle boards, aimed at ensuring safety for life and health of the population and environmental protection, are set out in paragraphs. , (in terms of the ultimate strength in bending and tension perpendicular to the face of the slab), p. , .


1.1. Plates are divided into:

according to physical and mechanical indicators - for grades P-A and P-B;

in terms of surface quality - grades I and II;

by type of surface - with a regular and fine-textured (M) surface;

according to the degree of surface treatment - polished (Ш) and unpolished;

in terms of hydrophobic properties - with normal and increased (B) water resistance;

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.2. The dimensions of the slabs must correspond to those indicated in the table. .

Table 1



1. The thickness of unground slabs is set as the sum of the nominal thickness of the ground slab and the grinding allowance, which should not be more than 1.5 mm .

2. It is allowed to produce slabs with dimensions smaller than the main ones by 200mm with a gradation of 25mm , in an amount of no more than 5% of the lot.

3. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to produce slabs in formats not specified in the table. .

1.3. The deviation from the straightness of the edges should not be more than 2 mm.

1.4. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the edges of the slabs should not be more than 2 mm per 1000 mm of edge length.

The perpendicularity of the edges can be determined by the difference in the lengths of the diagonals of the layer, which should not be more than 0.2% of the length of the slab.

Under operating conditions, the amount of chemical substances released by the slabs should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations in the environment approved by the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities for atmospheric air.

* Tn and Tv are the lower and upper limits of the indicators, respectively.

** For slabs with increased water resistance.

*** Determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Note. Allowed for slabs with a regular surface no more than 5 pcs. individual inclusions of bark particles per 1 m 2 of slab size, mm: for grade I more than 3 to 10; for grade II - more than 10 to 15.

Table 4

1.5-1.8.(Changed edition, Rev. 1).

1.9. The symbol for the slabs indicates:



type of surface (for slabs with a fine-textured surface);

degree of surface treatment (for polished slabs);

hydrophobic properties (for slabs of increased water resistance);

formaldehyde emission class;

length, width and thickness in millimeters;

designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

slabs of grade P-A of the first grade with a fine-grained surface, polished, emission class E1, dimensions 3500´ 1750 ´ 15mm:

P-A, I, M, Sh, E1, 3500´ 1750 ´ 15, GOST 10632-89.

The same, slabs of grade P-B of the second grade with a regular surface, unpolished, emission class E2, dimensions 3500´ 1750 ´ 16mm:

P-B, II, E2, 3500´ 1750 ´ 16, GOST 10632-89.

name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer;

brand, grade, surface type and emission class;

date of manufacture and shift number.

Boards for export are marked according to regulatory and technical documentation.

Certified products are marked with a national mark of conformity in accordance with GOST R 50460 *.

*Valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. To control physical and mechanical parameters (including roughness when monitoring it with a profilograph), slabs are selected from each batch, depending on its volume, in the quantity indicated in the table. .

It is allowed to include in the sample slabs selected for control according to clause , and also to distribute the test results of the physical and mechanical parameters of slabs manufactured using one technological regime during one shift to the entire shift volume of workings, regardless of the grade of the slabs.

Table 6

2.6. The “formaldehyde content” indicator is monitored at least once every 7 days on samples taken from one slab.

2.7. The batch is considered to comply with the requirements of this standard and is accepted if, in the samples:

the number of slabs that do not meet the standard requirements in terms of size, straightness, perpendicularity, surface quality and roughness (when controlled by roughness samples) is less than or equal to the acceptance number established in table. ;

values ​​of quantities ( Q n and Q in ), calculated using formulas () and () for each physical and mechanical indicator are equal to or more than the acceptance constant (table).

Control of edge straightness - in accordance with GOST 27680 using a device or straight edge in accordance with GOST 8026 with a length of 1000 mm not lower than the second accuracy class and a set of styli No. 4.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



During one shift, 954 pieces were produced. particle boards 15mm thick.

The sample volume of slabs from a batch for testing is according to table. - 5 pcs.

From each selected slab, 8 samples are cut to determine the bending strength (according to GOST 10633).

Sample test results according to GOST 10635 (MPa):

1st plate 15.9; 15.1; 15.8; 17.3; 16.0; 16.4; 16.8; 18.1;

2nd »16.8; 17.2; 17.0; 18.3; 18.0; 18.0; 17.4; 17.3;

3rd »19.2; 19.0; 17.1; 19.5; 21.0; 18.9; 18.0; 18.5;

4th »15.9; 17.9; 20.0; 19.1; 17.0; 17.3; 16.2; 16.0;

Appendix 1

Appendix 1

polished, varieties

unpolished, grades

Indentations (protrusions) or scratches on the surface

Not allowed

No more than two recesses with a diameter of up to 20 are allowed per 1 m surface.

Allowed on an area of ​​no more than 5% of the slab surface, depth (height), mm, no more than:

mm and up to 0.3 mm deep or two scratches up to 200 mm long

Paraffin, oil and binder stains

Spots with an area of ​​no more than 1 cm are allowed on 1 m of the slab surface in the amount of 2 pieces.

Dust and resin stains

Allowed on an area of ​​no more than 2% of the slab surface


Chipped edges

Not allowed (single units with a face depth of 3 mm or less and an edge length of 15 mm or less are not taken into account)

Allowed within deviations along the length (width) of the slab

Corner chipping

Not allowed (edge ​​length 3 mm or less is not taken into account)

Allowed within deviations along the length (width) of the slab

Grinding defects (under-grinding, over-grinding, linear grinding marks, surface waviness)

Not allowed

Allowed with an area of ​​no more than 10% of the area of ​​each face

Not defined

Individual inclusions of bark particles on the surface of the slab size, mm, no more

Individual inclusions of large chips:

for slabs with fine-textured surface

Allowed in quantities of 5 pieces. per 1 m slab size, mm:

for slabs with normal surface

Not defined

Foreign inclusions

Not allowed

Note. Allowed for slabs with a regular surface no more than 5 pcs. individual inclusions of bark particles per 1 m of slab size, mm: for grade I more than 3 to 10; for grade II - more than 10 to 15.

Formaldehyde emission class

Up to 10 incl.

St. 10 "30"


1.9. The symbol for the slabs indicates:



type of surface (for slabs with a fine-textured surface);

degree of surface treatment (for polished slabs);

hydrophobic properties (for slabs of increased water resistance);

formaldehyde emission class;

length, width and thickness in millimeters;

designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

slabs of grade P-A of the first grade with a fine-grained surface, polished, emission class E1, dimensions 3500x1750x15 mm:

P-A, I, M, Sh, E1, 3500x1750x15, GOST 10632-89.

The same, slabs of grade P-B of the second grade with a regular surface, unpolished, emission class E2, dimensions 3500x1750x16 mm:

P-B, II, E2, 3500x1750x16, GOST 10632-89.

1.10. A marking containing:

name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer;

brand, grade, surface type and emission class;

date of manufacture and shift number.

Boards for export are marked according to regulatory and technical documentation.

Certified products are marked with a national mark of conformity in accordance with GOST R 50460 *.
*Valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.11. Boards intended for use in the Far North and equivalent areas are packaged in accordance with GOST 15846.

For export, slabs are packaged in accordance with the requirements of foreign economic organizations.


2.1. Plates are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of slabs of the same brand, size, grade, degree of processing and type of surface, the same hydrophobic properties and emission class, manufactured according to the same technological regime for a limited period of time (usually during one shift) and issued with one quality document, containing:

name of the organization in whose system the manufacturer is included;

name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer and its address;

symbol of slabs;

average density of the batch of slabs in kilograms per cubic meter;

number of slabs in a batch in pieces and square meters;

technical control stamp.

2.2. The quality and dimensions of the slabs in the batch are checked by selective control.

2.3. During random control, slabs are selected “blindly” according to GOST 18321.

2.4. To control dimensions, straightness, perpendicularity, surface quality and roughness (when monitoring using roughness samples), slabs are selected from each batch, depending on its volume, in the quantity indicated in Table 5.

Table 5

Batch size

Controlled indicators by point:

1.2, 1.3, 1.4

1.6 (roughness), 1.7

sample size

acceptance number

sample size

acceptance number

From 501 "1200

" 1201 " 3200

" 3201 " 10000

2.5. To control physical and mechanical parameters (including roughness when monitoring it with a profilograph), slabs are selected from each batch, depending on its volume, in the quantity indicated in Table 6.

It is allowed to include in the sample the slabs selected for control according to clause 2.4, and also to distribute the test results of the physical and mechanical parameters of slabs manufactured according to one technological regime during one shift to the entire shift volume of workings, regardless of the grade of the slabs.

Table 6

Batch volume, pcs.

Sample size, pcs.

Acceptance constant

From 281 "500

" 501 " 1200

" 1201 " 3200

" 3201 " 10000

2.6. The “formaldehyde content” indicator is monitored at least once every 7 days on samples taken from one slab.

2.7. The batch is considered to comply with the requirements of this standard and is accepted if, in the samples:

the number of slabs that do not meet the standard requirements in terms of size, straightness, perpendicularity, surface quality and roughness (when controlled by roughness samples) is less than or equal to the acceptance number established in Table 5;

the values ​​of and calculated using formulas (1) and (2) for each physical and mechanical indicator are equal to or more than the acceptance constant (Table 6).

where is the sample average, calculated based on the test results of all slabs in the sample;

- lower limit of indicators according to Table 2;

- upper limit of indicators according to Table 2;

- standard deviation calculated from the average values ​​of all tested slabs.

Results are rounded to the second decimal place.

An example of calculating the value is given in Appendix 2;

the formaldehyde content according to the results of the last control corresponds to the standards established in Table 4;

The density of each slab is within the limits established in clause 1.6 and should not be lower than that specified in the quality document by more than 12%.

The surface roughness of each sample, when controlled by a profilograph, must comply with the standards established in Table 2.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



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