Ground cover rose "Fairy": description, cultivation. Rose “Lovely FAIRY” (Rosa LOVELY FAIRY “Spevu”) - belongs to the group of “polyanthus roses” The charming charm of the garden

Rose “Lovely Fairy” (Rosa LOVELY FAIRY “Spevu”) - belongs to the group of “polyanthus roses”. deciduous shrub 60-70 cm high and up to 1 meter wide. Branched bushes. The shoots are thin, spreading, covering the ground. The leaves are small, bright green, shiny. Flowering is abundant, almost continuous, until late autumn. Flowers intense pink color, small, 2-3 cm in diameter, densely double, collected in large clusters, slightly fragrant. Blooms later than other varieties. Winter hardiness is high, but light shelter is required for the winter. Light-loving, but tolerates partial shade. IN shady places resistance to diseases decreases somewhat and the bush becomes more elongated. Prefers fertile, moist, drained soils. Does not tolerate drought, stagnant water, heavy soils. Plant in sunny places, with fertile, well-drained soils. Planting density 5 - 6 pieces per square meter. meter. To increase decorativeness, it is recommended to fertilize. Sanitary pruning comes down to removing old, weak and broken branches. Used for low hedges, as a ground cover plant, in flower beds, for planting in containers. Planting: For roses, it is better to choose an open, sunny place, protected from northern and eastern winds. You cannot plant roses in the shade, where they grow poorly, bloom poorly, are more susceptible to pests and diseases, and do not tolerate winter well. Closely planted areas are completely unsuitable for roses. groundwater. Suitable soils are cultivated, fertile, with a neutral reaction. In autumn, the soil for planting roses is dug up to a depth of 40-50 cm and large doses are applied. organic fertilizers based on 1.5 - 2 kg. manure, compost for each bush. Before planting, complete mineral fertilizer is applied at 20-25 grams. on the bush. It is useful to add 20-25 grams of stove ash. on the bush. Fertilizers applied during basic tillage satisfy the roses' needs for nutrients for 1-2 years. The best time to plant roses in middle lane- this is early spring (before the flowers bloom). In the southern regions, roses can also be planted in the fall. Before planting, you need to cut the shoots short and the roots slightly. For hybrid teas, polyanthus, and floribundas, it is recommended to leave 3-5 eyes, and shorten park roses by 1/3 - 1/4 of the length. For better survival, the roots should be moistened in a solution of clay and mullein (3:1), adding 1 tablet of heteroauxin, previously dissolved in water, to a bucket of solution. Roses should be planted in holes, the depth and width of which allow the plant’s root system to be freely placed. Planted bushes should be watered and hilled abundantly. Hilling up plants after planting is the most important agricultural technique; without hilling, pruned rose shoots can easily dry out. Care: During the summer, roses must be systematically watered (every 7-10 days), fed, loosened and hilled. The lower part of the stems should be hilled up to 7-10 cm - this helps retain moisture at the roots and prevents young shoots from drying out. During the season, roses need to be fed 3-4 times. The first fertilizing should be done in early spring, at the very beginning of plant growth (20-30 grams of nitrogen, 40-50 grams of phosphorus and 10-15 grams of phosphorus). potash fertilizers), the second - during the budding period - with mullein infusion (for 1 bucket of mullein, 10-15 grams of potassium fertilizers). The third feeding - before the start of the second flowering - mullein infusion with the addition of 10-15 grams. nitrogen, 50-60 gr. flsfornyh, 10-15 gr. potash fertilizers. The fourth feeding should be done at the end of summer (50-60 g of superphosphate, 30-40 g of potassium salt). For young plants, the feeding rate is 1 bucket per 2-3 plants, for adults - 1 bucket per bush. Before the onset of the first frost, the bushes must be hilled up to 15-20 cm with peat or loose soil. In October, all leaves should be cut off, weak and disease-affected shoots should be cut to the ground, and all healthy and strong shoots should be trimmed to a height of 40-50 cm. After the onset of light frosts, when the soil begins to freeze, the roses should be covered with spruce branches or wooden boxes. In the spring, the shelter is removed gradually and only with the establishment of warm days (in the second half of April) the shelter is removed completely, while shading the shoots with matting, paper or non-woven material. By the end of April - beginning of May, when the soil has warmed up well, you can remove the shading and immediately begin pruning. Polyanthus roses should be pruned short, i.e. 2-3 well-developed buds. Then, during the summer, several strong shoots develop from the lower buds, which will bloom from mid-summer to late autumn. The shorter last year's shoots are pruned in the spring, the more replacement shoots develop, the more luxuriant the flowering. Reproduction: Easily propagated by seeds and rhizome suckers. At winter sowing shoots appear at the end of June.

The ground cover rose is usually classified as a separate group of shrub plants, which stands out against the background huge amount different varieties of this culture. As for the most best qualities Fairy roses, they were borrowed from wild varieties of rose hips - the plant is distinguished by abundant flowering, unpretentiousness in cultivation, and also high frost resistance.

The Fairy ground cover rose is easy to care for and does not need to be regularly pruned or fed. It is for this reason that this plant variety is popular, especially in those countries where weather conditions change dramatically. With the help of this type of rose bushes you can decorate your garden plot in an original way, as well as transform your terrace orchard without putting in almost any effort.

General information and description of the Fairy ground cover rose

The main ancestor of the ground cover rose is the Rugosa rubra culture, represented by the wrinkled or Japanese rose, better known as rose hips. The homeland of the plant is considered to be East Asia: Japan, northeast China and Korea, and the natural habitat is coastal zones and open areas with sandy soil.

Rose Fairy

In the second half of the 90s, breeders obtained a whole subspecies of creeping roses that can cover huge areas of land. During the selection process, scientists used another variety of roses, Wichurana, which is used landscape designers for decorating a flower carpet. At the beginning of the 20th century, several more varieties of the crop were bred, the best of which were rose Fairy Dance and Queen of Sweden.

In 2001, in the process of crossing a miniature and a ground cover plant, the White Fairy rose was obtained, which was distinguished by its beauty, short stature, vitality and compactness. Ground cover rose Fairy has a number of advantages compared to other varieties; its main advantages include the following:

  • unpretentiousness during cultivation and care;
  • easy propagation using cuttings or layering;
  • there is no need to prune rose bushes every year;
  • The plant is not afraid of frost, diseases and pests.

Pay attention! Rose The Fairy Tale at the age of 2 years begins to suppress weeds. Due to the strong vegetation and rapid rooting of seedlings, it is possible to short term Grow a dense flower cover on your site.

Characteristics of popular Fairy rose varieties

Quite a lot of time has passed since breeders bred the first ground cover roses. Today, there are countless representatives of this plant, which can be classified according to the color of the buds, beauty and flowering indicators. If we consider the most popular varieties, these include:

  • Fairy Dance Rose, which is distinguished by flowers of a dark pink hue, which have a rounded shape. Inflorescences tend to fade gradually, but they do not become less attractive. During periods of heavy rain, Fairy Dance rose flowers may become spotted, and a barely noticeable golden stamen appears in the middle of the inflorescence.

Rose Fairy Dance

  • Ground cover rose Red Fairy - the main decoration of the variety is its beautiful bright red miniature buds. Against the background of dark green foliage, the Red Fairy rose and its flowers look very beautiful.
  • Rosa polyanthus Ze Fairy. The color palette of inflorescences of this variety is represented by all shades of orange and pink. The plant has not very large but strong buds that are resistant to rain and also have excellent immunity to disease.
  • Rose White Fairy, which most gardeners consider the best representative of the ground cover variety. This plant took part in numerous exhibitions and was awarded honorary awards. The White Fairy bush is decorated with small semi-double buds that have a pleasant and light aroma.
  • Rose Lovely Fairy, the advantages of which are represented by dense terry, dark red hue, moderate aroma, and medium-sized flowers.
  • Rose Yellow Fairy - this variety is relatively young due to the fact that it was created in 2006. But in such a short time, the plant has already become a hardy “fighter”, suitable for almost any growing conditions. The Yellow rose bush is decorated with lush, soft yellow inflorescences with a pleasant aroma.
  • Rose Pink Fairy, which has charming cup-shaped buds with a red-raspberry color. Due to the rapid growth of the bushes, this variety is very popular; its height, in some cases, can reach 4 m. Another advantage of the rose is its high frost resistance.

Rose Pink Fairy

Pay attention! Each variety of ground cover rose has its own advantages and disadvantages. When purchasing this or that planting material you need to proceed not only from personal preferences, but also from the main characteristics of the subspecies.

Basic principles of agricultural technology for growing and caring for plants

Fairy Rose is a ground cover crop that is long lasting and abundant flowering which can be achieved with the right and step-by-step landing. Before planting seedlings in open ground, you should fertilize by scattering mature compost over the top layer of soil and mineral fertilizers. In the area where the plant will be planted, the soil needs to be dug up and weed roots, stones and large weeds must be removed.

Important! The distance between planting holes must be at least 0.5 m. Seedlings should be planted exclusively in individual holes, the depth of which depends on the length of the plant’s root system (in addition, you need to make a “reserve” of 10-20 cm).

If the cuttings have a long root system, it should be shortened, and the seedlings themselves should be trimmed to no more than 10-15 cm. As for watering the soil, it should be layered throughout the entire planting, since with this method the appearance of voids can be prevented. After the seedlings have been planted in open ground, the soil must be thoroughly compacted, watered abundantly and hilled up.

As soon as the young shoots on the rose bushes reach 5 cm in length, the entire plantation with flowers must be mulched using a layer of tree bark or shavings (3-5 cm). It is strictly forbidden to neglect this procedure, because after the rose grows, it will not be so easy to fight weeds. If the soil is properly prepared and mulched, after 2-3 years the rose bushes will grow densely and will be able to crowd out weeds.

As noted above, the Ze Fairy rose is an unpretentious crop that can quickly adapt to cold weather and severe frosts, and with its flowering it pleases not only household members, but also neighbors. The plant tolerates the shaping procedure well; it is with this shrub that you can easily give it a neat shape. If necessary, in order to ensure sufficient lighting and ventilation, the crop can be periodically thinned out.

Ze Fairy is an unpretentious crop

After one year after planting, the seedlings are shortened in order to activate tillering, after which sanitary pruning is held every year in the spring season. This procedure includes the removal of old shoots, as well as those that have dried out and been affected by disease.

As for watering, it should be plentiful, especially in dry conditions. weather conditions, while the buds are forming, as well as at the initial stage of flowering. Depending on the dimensions of the plant, for one rose bush You may need at least 10-15 liters of water. It is best to carry out the watering procedure early in the morning, use exclusively warm water and pour it only under the bush.

Growing the Fairy Red ground cover rose is a pleasant activity that does not cause any trouble, both for beginners and experienced florist. Indicators such as ease of care, frost resistance and disease resistance make it more and more popular every year. Thanks to the many different varieties this plant can act as a worthy decoration personal plot, and also fit optimally into the landscape design.

Rose Lovely Fairy will amaze with its beauty, leaving magical brushes of flowers like a trail of a beautiful fairy. This charming beauty will make any gardener's dream come true, giving your garden a bewitching look.

The flowering period occurs in June-July, forming luxurious clusters of 5-10 lush flowers. When opened rose bud Lovely Fairy it reveals a rich pink hue with large bright yellow stamens, giving the rose a whimsical appearance. The diameter of the flower is 3-5 cm, cup-shaped, the number of petals varies from 21 to 36. A magical fruity aroma will fill your garden for 10-14 days. The flowering is wavy, which will give your garden constant flowering.

The height of the bush is 60 cm, width is 60-80 cm, which should be taken into account when planting. The shoots are branched, semi-creeping. The leaves are dark green with a glossy sheen. Rose Lovely Fairy looks great on a trunk, and is also suitable for low hedges and covering low slopes. Rose variety Lovely Fairy unpretentious, resistant to fungal diseases, do not require special care, very frost-resistant.

Root system rose seedlingroseLovely Fairy To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, so your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy rose seedlingsroseLovely Fairy You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

Type of packaging: Rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in film, and have a label indicating the variety. The permissible shelf life in packaging without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions, is up to 3 months.

Orders with rose seedlings are sent during the autumn and spring planting seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).



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