Septic tanks for a summer residence: which is better, prices, reviews. Modern septic tanks for summer cottages: which is better, market overview, professional recommendations, reviews from owners Reliable septic tanks for individual houses

A septic tank is a local sewage system on a site. There are many varieties of systems and types.

These include simple structures made independently and treatment plants. This article should help you in choosing the best septic tank for a private home.

The main purpose is to collect, settle and purify wastewater. Used in places where there is no centralized system- in dacha areas, outside the city.

There are several parameters by which this component of the local sewage system is classified:

  • by the number of wells;
  • by material;
  • on constructive solutions.

Based on the number of wells, there are single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber wells. The materials used in production are steel, reinforced concrete, and plastic. Based on their design, they are classified into storage tanks, with soil purification, and with deep filtration.


Consists of one chamber or two interconnected wells. The waste that enters the hermetically sealed storage facility is divided into liquid and solid. Organic matter are broken down and the liquid settles. To prevent the chambers from overfilling, they should be pumped out periodically.

This option is considered not the most expensive. They are used in dachas where people live only during the season or on weekends. In this case, you can clean it once a year.

Important: storage systems should be used when there is a small amount of wastewater, for example, in dachas, otherwise the cost of their maintenance will be high.

Concrete rings and plastic containers are used in the construction of the structure.

With soil purification

In a house with permanent residence and running water the best option An overflow structure will be installed. In it, the liquid not only settles, but is also further purified.

This type requires pumping less often. It is cleaned with your own hands every two to three years. To increase this period, special bacteria are used. As a result of their activities, the amount of denser waste is significantly reduced.

The only caveat to using this model is the soil type. It cannot be built on an area with clay soil and high groundwater level.

With biological treatment

The decomposition of waste in such a plant occurs in several stages and various methods. First, liquid and solid waste fractions are separated. Then the denser ones settle to the bottom, and bioprocessing of organic matter occurs.

This model is more of a treatment station equipped with a compressor. It is quite expensive, but it neutralizes up to 95% of waste matter. Installed in areas located near a reservoir or with high groundwater level. During operation, it does not emit any odors.

The principle of operation of a septic tank is based on connection to electrical networks. If the power supply is unstable, the station will not be able to operate.

Anaerobic and aerobic

Some types of modern settling tanks use bacteria. During their life, they absorb waste and contribute to the natural purification of wastewater. According to the principle of operation they are:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Aerobic bacteria purify and clarify the liquid by 95-98%. At the exit from the aerobic system, it meets the requirements accepted for process water. This liquid can be used to water the soil or fill a reservoir.

An anaerobic septic tank requires constant maintenance. Every two months it is necessary to add bioactivator to ensure wastewater treatment at the proper level. The advantages of using this type include the low cost of construction.

How to choose

In parallel with the construction of the house, a sewerage system is also being designed. Previously, they didn’t really care about this, and all the masses simply merged into cesspools.

Later they began to be replaced with septic tanks - containers for collecting wastewater from a residential building. To know which sump to choose, you should study all the factors that influence its location on the site.

Taking into account the type of soil

The type of soil on the site should be taken into account. Some of them are not suitable for use in clay rock, while others are preferable to be installed in sandy soil.

You should follow a few simple rules in your work:

  • when groundwater is located at a depth of one and a half meters, it is difficult to prepare drainage for a three-section sump;
  • on sandy soil it is preferable to install a container with biological treatment. The liquid is directly discharged into the sand, where it is absorbed. Filtration drainage is arranged closer to the surface;
  • at a high position surface waters the option with deep biological treatment should be used. It is made heavier using improvised means or fixed.

Clay is an unstable material, which requires additional work in installing a sump. At the end of the frost, the structure of the clay changes, it thaws and pushes the structure out of the soil. Therefore, a septic tank in clay rock is equipped with additional metal fasteners during installation.

For containers used in clayey soils, two filtration fields are installed. To do this, two trenches are brought to the sump. In one there are, and in the other there is a layer of gravel, the height of which is up to 30 cm.

Seasonality and volume calculation

An important point when choosing the type of sump is the period of residence at the dacha or in your home. When installing a minimum set of plumbing fixtures, an inexpensive single-chamber storage option is quite suitable.

Despite its simplicity, it is qualitatively different from a cesspool. Sand or crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the storage tank. Thus, a filtration layer is formed that purifies wastewater with a 50% result.

For longer stays, you should purchase a compact two-chamber version. It consists of sections for settling and infiltration of wastewater. The use of this type of equipment is effective if the volume of drainage masses does not exceed its standard value.

Important: When purchasing a septic tank, carefully choose it technical characteristics. Special attention attention should be paid to the number of residents it is designed for.

If you live permanently and have sufficient funds, it is better to purchase a whole station, consisting of two or three sections. It can be factory-made or constructed independently from reinforced concrete rings.

When constructing it, a single- or double-chamber storage tank and a filter section are combined. The settling tanks are made airtight, and the filtration septic tank has a drainage bottom made of sand and crushed stone. The liquid is pumped out from the storage sections using a vacuum cleaner, and the filter is changed every three years. This multi-chamber sedimentation tank purifies wastewater by 90%.

The volume of the device is calculated based on the average daily rate of sewage per person. This figure is 200 liters. Also, when calculating the capacity of the sump, the number of people living in the house and the possibility of accumulating a three-day supply are taken into account. For example, for a family of three people, the volume is calculated as follows: 200 * 3 people * 3 days - equal to 1800 liters.

If guests arrive, the resulting volume should be increased by two thirds: 1800 * 1.66 - equal to 3000 liters.

The recommended depth of settling tanks is 1.3-5 meters. Using these data, their cubic capacity is determined and the required type is selected. For wastewater volumes up to 1 cubic meter. use a single-chamber version, with a volume of up to 10 cubic meters. choose a two-chamber type if the volume of waste is more than 10 cubic meters. – three-chamber, with a drainage field.

A settling tank with a filtration field combines two or three wells. The drainage zone covers an area underground of at least 30 square meters. The distance from the field to the house is 30 meters.

If the groundwater level is high in the area, it is recommended to install a multi-section septic tank with a biofilter. This model includes four compartments: a settling tank, an anaerobic chamber where large wastes are decomposed, a separator containing a filter with microorganisms, and an aerobic septic tank with forced ventilation.

The performance of the proposed wastewater treatment plants meets a wide variety of needs. There are small options for sale for servicing a family of one or two people, and entire treatment complexes for servicing a holiday village.

Material for production

Most models of modern multi-chamber devices used in private homes are made from PVC. Products made from stainless steel and fiberglass are often found.

Main advantage plastic products– light weight. Their installation does not require the use of special construction equipment. On the other hand, this quality is also a disadvantage, since the container can float or be subject to mechanical impact from the soil. To protect the structure, concreting the walls of the pit and securing the septic tank with belts is used.

The choice of product material determines its service life and operational reliability:

  • Reinforced concrete rings used in the construction of settling tanks are not subject to destructive corrosion processes. To install them, you need to use special equipment.
  • Metal structures are durable and low cost. But perhaps these are the only advantages. Such types require additional waterproofing work. The inner walls are constantly in contact with active chemical material, which leads to destruction.
  • Fiberglass is a chemically neutral material, durable, lightweight and resistant to temperature changes.

Note: Fiberglass products are the most practical to use and have a long service life.

For cleaning structures in country houses, factory-made or home-made settling tanks are used.

Options made with your own hands from scrap materials are suitable only for summer cottages with seasonal residence of several people. For a home with permanent residence, it is better to use a purchased installation that guarantees long-term and safe waste disposal.

The use of a two-chamber device allows for primary wastewater treatment and safe disposal of purified water into the soil.


Trouble-free operation of a septic tank requires its maintenance. These works are carried out on our own or with the involvement of specialists.

Simple two-chamber structures, made by hand, are maintained by the home owners themselves. These works include pumping out solid fractions and sludge from the settling chamber, replacing microorganisms to decompose organic matter, and inspecting ventilation and overflow pipes.

The filter layer at the bottom of the leaking chamber should be replaced every three years. This should be done because the bottom becomes silted, which leads to a deterioration in its performance.

By performing these simple operations, you will extend the operation of your local sewage system for several years.

If your home is served by a multi-chamber treatment station, then its disassembly, filter cleaning, and membrane replacement should be carried out by qualified specialists.

Costs for local sewerage installation

The cheapest designs are sedimentation tanks or sewer tanks. If you dig a pit yourself, then the financial costs will only go to purchasing a container for wastewater. The approximate price of septic tanks with a volume of 1.4 to 5.0 thousand liters is 15.0-62.0 thousand rubles.

When installing a local sewer system, the costs include not only the purchase of sedimentation tanks, but also the purchase of pipes, waterproofing, and the purchase of components for.

The cost, consisting of two or three reinforced concrete settling tanks with waterproofing and a cushion of sand and crushed stone, is about 42.0-47.0 thousand rubles. The price depends on the diameter of the rings, their number, and the choice of water purification method.

The used deep biological wastewater treatment plants are expensive. Arranged in the form of combined blocks, equipped with biofilters. They are made of reinforced concrete, plastic and metal. Price from 80.0 to 345.0 thousand rubles.

Popular models and principles of operation

  • two-chamber septic tank with drainage field. It allows you to make drains cleaner and use the services of a sewer cleaner less often. The drainage area occupies up to 30 square meters. areas underground. The distance from the house is at least 30 m;
  • multi-section settling tank with biofilter. Used in case permanent residence families of 3–4 people in a country house and with high groundwater levels on the site.

The standard model consists of four sections: the settling tank itself, a chamber for breaking down coarse waste with anaerobic waste, a separator with microorganisms, and an aerobic septic tank that plays the role of a drainage field.

Designs can be found to meet a wide variety of user requirements. These could also be wastewater treatment plants. Rating:

  • "Triton". Compact in size three-chamber sump for a summer residence.

Available in models whose volume ranges from 2 to 40 cubic meters. Cleaning of coarse waste is carried out twice a year. The service life, if the rules are followed, is about 50 years.

During installation, the walls of the pit are concreted to securely secure the structure.

For small summer cottages with seasonal residence of one or two people, they use the two-chamber Triton-mini model.

  • "Tank". The septic tank is made of high-strength plastic.

The principle of operation is based on the gradual purification of wastewater using sedimentation and the use of biofilters. The main advantages include ease of installation, high level of purification, and low cost. Cleaning is carried out every five years.

  • "Topas". It is a volatile model, as it runs on electricity.

The wastewater undergoes purification in several stages: decomposition of large particles, reduction in the degree of their mineralization, mechanical removal of components. Allows you to purify wastewater by 98%, which is the best indicator. Purified water is used to water the soil.

In order to choose the right option, you should find out the requirements of its operation and study the conditions of the site. Then compare the characteristics of models offered by different manufacturers.

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Everything on the shelves:

Times when you could just use outdoor toilet in dachas and country houses are long gone. Modern hygienic requirements have increased significantly, and now it is necessary to strictly monitor safety when handling household waste. Good septic tanks help solve the problem, but in order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to carefully study their nuances.


Connection to centralized sewer systems is not possible everywhere. Disposing of sewage and household waste using a septic tank is much more practical and reliable than using a banal cesspool. Speaking about the advantages and disadvantages of septic tanks, it should be noted that only one circumstance can cause certain inconvenience. This is the need to pay a certain amount of money even if the device is made by hand.

The principle of operation of a storage type device is simple:

  • waste enters the container;
  • as it fills, they call a car with a pump and a sewage tank;
  • After some time, the emptied container is again ready to receive waste.

As for the second type of device, it works fundamentally differently. The simple accumulation of contaminants is replaced by their filtration, absorption and thorough neutralization. Complicating the design in this case is completely justified, since it allows the problem to be solved most effectively. When choosing products, it is recommended to take into account how many residents are in the house or can visit it. Also of no small importance is the type of plumbing equipment and the intensity of its work.

Regardless of the specific design, it is necessary to achieve a high level of wastewater purification so that it can be discharged into the ground without the threat of clogging. Typically, the flow of sewage entering through the sewer is directed to the source chamber, where it is divided into fractions. This leads to the fact that the largest solid particles settle to the bottom, and the relatively fine suspension reaches the next chamber. Specially selected anaerobic microorganisms deal with them there. As a result of biological influence, fermentation occurs and methane begins to be released.

The passages to the septic tank compartments are covered with special devices (water seals). Thanks to this solution, the nuisance characteristic of simple cesspools and sedimentation tanks is eliminated - the spread of a bad odor everywhere.

The third chamber also plays a role, in which, using a filter of a special design, contaminants that have overcome the first two stages are captured. The filter is also assisted by aerobic bacteria that live freely in an oxygen environment. A similar device is typical for any septic tank, be it a Russian or imported product.

After delivery to the site, fully finished specimens are lowered into a pre-formed pit. Those wastewater that managed to go through three stages of purification are completely safe in chemical and biological terms. You can safely redirect them to the filtration field and into the soil. The treatment plant, which complies with SNiP standards, successfully operates even in the harshest climatic conditions. It is not afraid of severe frosts and snowstorms, and some versions do not depend on power supply at all.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with factory products or there is a desire to save money, land owners can make a septic tank themselves.

For this purpose, completely finished tanks are supplied, but with the difference that their installation will be carried out not by a team of specialists, but by the owners themselves. It is recommended to choose the strongest materials that can successfully withstand the aggressive effects of sewage waste. Before installing septic tanks yourself, you should prepare drawings to eliminate errors and omissions. Sometimes 3-6 concrete rings are enough to complete the task.

How to choose and make it yourself?

When working on an autonomous sewer system, there are no trifles, because even the slightest mistakes and shortcomings can lead to serious consequences. It is advisable to consider first the selection of the finished product, and then its design with my own hands. In both cases, you need to take into account:

  • how much waste accumulates per day;
  • do they live in the house? all year round or only in the warm season;
  • the amount of plumbing used;
  • presence of groundwater and its height, chemical properties;
  • the amount that owners can allocate for the purchase of plumbing equipment;
  • characteristics of the soil on the site.

When assessing the properties of any septic tank, whether homemade or industrial, it is better to start analyzing them with the performance of the device. This parameter is closely related to the number of working chambers and their dimensions. Minor flows of wastewater can also be passed through single-chamber septic tanks with a preliminary cleaning unit. In this case, household waste will be cleaned quite effectively. But if the total flow is more than 1 cubic meter. m. in 24 hours, we need a more productive model.

In its design, such a device often looks like a simple storage tank, which is systematically cleaned with your own hands or by calling a sewage disposal truck. For permanently used houses such solutions are unacceptable. Active accumulation of waste will provoke significant costs for the services of vacuum cleaners. Increased efficiency work is typical for biological purification complexes.

Anaerobic wastewater treatment methods inevitably generate gases that are hazardous to people. Therefore, you need to choose only kits with a fan riser. When choosing suitable solution You also need to find out:

  • what body material will be optimal;
  • whether the tank should be placed horizontally or vertically in the soil;
  • How many cleaning chambers are required?

Simple installation of concrete settling tanks from blocks of standard dimensions or by pouring concrete into formwork is accessible to almost everyone. The use of ready-made elements allows you not to worry about problems with the quality of manufacturing parts, but it increases the cost of construction. To transport concrete rings, you need powerful transport, and they are installed using special lifting machines. Self-filling is more economical, but it will take significantly more time. The settling tank will need to be operated only after the cement mixture has completely set.

Reinforced concrete rings are difficult to seal, and their suitability for repair remains questionable. Such parts are very bulky and heavy in design. But concrete products are more resistant to soil pressure and ground water than plastic ones.

You should not choose budget septic tanks with metal tanks, because the savings will be illusory. It will be necessary to constantly treat the surface of the septic tank with anti-corrosion mixtures.

Metal blocks are preferred where it is necessary to create geometrically complex overflow pipe complexes. Welding is used to install metal septic tanks. Connections to plastic pipes are made using flange systems, complemented by rubber cuffs. The strength and significant heaviness of steel bodies helps to avoid being pushed out by water circulating in the soil. In many cases, plastic septic tanks are used for a cottage or a simple private house.

Plastic elements can be assembled manually, and the tightness of the connections created using the cuffs is completely guaranteed. There is no need for complex protection against various substances.

After installation, plastic tanks are filled with water, this will help equalize the pressure inside and outside.

Please note: the industry produces a number of products that are characterized by increased rigidity. This allows you to bury septic tanks in dry mode.

When choosing a device, you should also pay attention to how the drainage will be organized. Directing the liquid by gravity implies the need to lay pipes at an angle. The chambers of storage or filtration septic tanks are equipped with stable waterproofing or are made of materials impermeable to water. When building a cleaning system with your own hands, you need to add overflow pipes to the septic tanks, which transfer water to the filter section. The pipes must be supplemented with vertical segments continuously immersed in water.

As in self-production, and when purchasing a ready-made kit, different methods of final soil cleaning can be used. Widespread:

  • filtration wells with a layer of drainage material at the bottom;
  • tunnel infiltration devices;
  • underground cleaning “fields” where perforated pipes are laid.

Choosing the right approach is not easy, because you will have to take into account the required depth of wastewater treatment, soil category, height of soil water and their chemical aggressiveness. When one of the chambers is reserved for aerobic microscopic cleaning, it is supplemented with aerators, so you will have to take care of a stable power supply. An air pipe is laid between the parts of the septic tanks, compensating for the uneven pressure in them.

Regardless of the design features, you will have to make hatches for inspection and cleaning of containers.


A septic tank for a dacha with 2-3 residents can be made according to cesspool option; This is the most economical type in terms of water consumption. The container must be very durable, and the higher its capacity (within reasonable limits), the more practical the device is.

For permanent residence with a small amount of waste generated, it is preferable overflow systems. Such equipment produces partial waste treatment, and the tank will have to be emptied using special equipment on average once every two or three years. The soil filter fields that complement such septic tanks are made from rocks that are permeable to water.

The advantages of this solution are:

  • ease of service manipulations;
  • long intervals from one cleaning to another;
  • increasing the efficiency of waste use.

But septic tanks that have additional purification in the soil cannot be used in clay soil with insufficient permeability to liquid. In addition, such a design is incompatible with the high position of the first horizon. For a private home, in many cases, more powerful and advanced treatment plants are used. Overall performance is determined by the number of cameras; There is no need to make calculations when choosing a device; the number of residents served is written on the packaging.

An autonomous storage (non-volatile) septic tank is always cheaper than one dependent on the electrical network. It's not just about operating costs, but also about the necessary basic components. The lack of connection to the electrical network allows you not to equip the septic tank with pumps, compressor systems and fittings. But valves and hoses will be used in a specific case.

It is worth considering that if it is necessary to process waste as deeply as possible (for use or as prescribed by sanitary authorities), you will have to abandon energy-independent solutions completely.

The increased efficiency of devices connected to the electrical network results in the need to constantly maintain strictly specified conditions.

Volatile devices are best installed on a turnkey basis with the help of specialists. Sewerage for country houses It may also be common to several buildings. The discharge should be planned so that it is above the soil water horizon. The hatch of the simplest storage system rises 10-15 cm above the soil. To less often call the machine for pumping, you should choose a product with a capacity for a month and a reserve of at least 1/5.

Non-volatile complexes are selected in such a way that the full capacity allows the volume of wastewater to be absorbed in 72 hours and there is still a spare volume of approximately 30-40%. Normal operation of overflow-type devices implies that the liquid fills a maximum of ¾ of the entire cavity of the tank. Active devices are in any case equipped with ventilation systems. In order for the system to operate without odor, the outlet must be located at a height of 300-500 cm. The tanks are cleaned of accumulated sludge every few months.

Local purification stations help reduce the intensity of bad odors as much as possible.

Compared to simple septic tanks, such devices are more expensive, since waste treatment is carried out not only with biological and by mechanical means. In addition to infiltrators, chemical treatment agents are also necessarily used. Such devices cannot be used for non-permanent areas. But the level of remaining contaminants is a maximum of 5% of the original value.

Clarified water can be used for:

  • irrigation of gardens, vegetable gardens and fields;
  • filling a landscape reservoir;
  • conducting construction and repair work.

When there is no need for such use of treated wastewater, it is allowed to pour it into natural reservoirs and various ditches. Sewage facilities can withstand several hours during a power outage, but no more. Therefore, it will be necessary to supplement the treatment station with systems backup power, even if the energy networks in a particular area operate quite reliably.

In any case, the fewer seams in a volatile or autonomous septic tank, the more efficient and sustainable it works.


  • Polyethylene structures do not have seams at all, so cracking and leaks are excluded. Synthetic material does not rot and is not prone to corrosion. Multilayer polyethylene works stably even in frosts of 30 degrees. Fiberglass blocks are considered no less high quality. They are stronger than polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride, but the overall cost is much higher. Plastic is mainly used for commercial properties or for several private houses at once. Many fiberglass structures can meet the needs of up to 200 residents at a time.
  • Metal products (almost always steel) usually have two parts. The internal volume of the welded body contains an additional plastic tank. Even the best steel is rarely used on its own because it can easily lose its seal, and if the outer layer is damaged, corrosion will quickly develop.
  • Combined devices (metal + plastic) can have up to four sectors for sequential cleaning of incoming wastewater.

  • Depending on the designers’ decisions, the walls are made either continuous with special holes or with overflow projections. Brick blocks They are popular largely because waste material can be used in their construction. In this case, ensuring the tightness of the walls poses a serious problem. Building stone initially has many cracks and gaps. To cover these holes, special sealants or penetrating mastics are usually used. Brick septic tanks are beneficial for economic reasons; complex machines or professional skills are not required when working on them. Single brick masonry is allowed. A more reliable solution is to choose a structure made of concrete; they are very durable. But there is also a weak point - the need for complex equipment.

  • For the manufacture of a septic tank, it is allowed to use both monolithic and prefabricated concrete. Monolithic elements must be poured into the formwork after preparing the pit. As with the use of bricks, the tightness of the joints must be assessed as carefully as possible.

Metal structures are used least often because negative qualities the positives almost always outweigh.

Analyzing the properties of various solutions, most experts give preference to plastic septic tanks.

Returning to fiberglass, we can also name such advantages as:

  • service life up to 50 years;
  • resistance to extreme cold and putrefactive processes;
  • immunity to rodent attacks;
  • the ability to pump out all waste in 60 minutes;
  • the ability to use salvo discharges of a significant amount of wastewater;
  • protection from foreign objects;
  • Suitable for winter preservation without special preparation.

As for the use of other available materials, such steps are not approved by professionals. They can only be used in small dachas that are visited only occasionally. Barrels, tires, old tanks, and the like are used as storage devices of this kind. A surface septic tank should be installed where a lot of soil water is concentrated, and near the very surface of the soil. If these problems do not exist, it is recommended to use underground options.


It is important to take into account not only the properties of individual materials, but also the size of septic tanks. When calculating dimensions, we must not forget that the volume is calculated as the total volume of all component parts; it is calculated from the bottom to the pipe entry. In the first compartment, the count is carried out from the bottom point to the overflow device, in the final one - to the place where the liquid is discharged into drainage or filtration structures. It is worth considering that in the initial chambers the average volume of solid accumulation reaches 1/5 of the height. Therefore, it is subtracted if they want to know only the space where the liquid is located.

According to building codes and regulations, even for miniseptic tanks, the daily volume of water per user is 200 liters or 0.2 m3. The smallest storage facility is designed to operate without draining for 72 hours, this allows you to compensate for various incidents and problems. When designing or choosing a solution, it should be remembered that water can be discharged into the soil layers after at least 14 days. Only under this condition will anaerobic bacteria and a settling tank be able to completely neutralize liquid waste. Formally, it turns out that for one person you will have to install a tank with a capacity of 2.8 cubic meters. m.

In practice the situation is different; The standard consumption of the standard volume of water is rarely achieved; sometimes it is half as much. This happens in rarely used houses or among frugal people. And the rising cost of water resources forces us to conserve them more and more. The problem is that when small-volume septic tanks are discovered, sanitary inspection authorities may issue orders for the installation of more powerful systems. And they will be completely right even from a purely practical position!

The reason is simple - wastewater contains many substances that are poorly processed or not absorbed by bacteria at all. Most often these are heavy fats, and therefore only the intake of a large amount of water can achieve normal lightening. This is important not only for compliance with hygiene requirements, but also for keeping the equipment safe and sound. If the filter elements and layers are overfilled with substances that are difficult to decompose, they will lose their throughput. We will immediately have to redo the entire storage and filtering infrastructure.

On the other hand, you need to choose the volume of the chamber, focusing on the capacity of the sewage transport tanks. Small cleaning tanks arriving on call can take no more than 3.75 cubic meters. m. liquid. It is also worth thinking about the depth at which the sludge pump can operate; it does not exceed 3 m. These moments determine the linear parameters of the septic tank inlet chamber. In order for sedimentation and microbiological improvement to occur more effectively, it is recommended to use at least two-chamber complexes whenever possible.

The standardized height of the rings is 90 cm, and with an internal diameter of 1000 mm their volume is 0.7 m3. If the diameter increases by 1.5 times, the volume of the rings already reaches 1.59 m3, and two-meter structures have a volume of 2.83 cubic meters. m. Regarding deepening drain pipes at the entrance to the septic tank, it can be quite different. Excessive lowering is undesirable; it is better to strengthen the insulation layer. But there are other considerations, such as the need to hold the pipes firmly enough.

Removing septic tanks from houses more than 10 m is impractical, and the minimum pipeline slope is 3%. This indicator allows you to avoid freezing of pipes and reduce the risk of them filling with solid particles. The average depth of the waste pipeline reaches 50 cm (together with the insulating block). As a result, the depth of the overflow between the first and second compartments is 700 mm. Top insulation made with EPS boards at least 5 cm thick.

Taking two meter rings, you can achieve a typical volume of 2.7 m3 with a pair of compartments. If you take concrete products one and a half times larger in size, you can get by with a single-chamber design. But as already mentioned, one should not pursue simplicity here. It should be taken into account that each pipe introduced into the septic tank must end with fittings pointing downwards. Tees that open upward are also used (this helps reduce debris buildup).


The color of the septic tank can be very different, but in any case you should avoid flashy and irritating shades. Concrete blocks They look good on their own. It is recommended to use blue, white or black tones for optimal appearance. The paint for any septic tank must be resistant to harmful wastewater and damage from moving soils. Any most durable and stable composition will be suitable for solving this problem.

Manufacturers and reviews

The production of septic tanks is being improved year after year. Modern technologies allow you to solve any given problem. The leading positions in various ratings are occupied by:

  • "Topaz";
  • "Mole";
  • "Tank";
  • "Triton";
  • "Cedar";
  • "Ecoline".

Version "Tank" designed to combine mechanical and biological methods clarification of domestic wastewater. The very first fragment of the septic tank is a settling tank; the initially purified liquid moves to the next chamber. There, auxiliary settling occurs and suspended particles precipitate. The third block of the “Tank” contains beneficial microorganisms - this increases efficiency, but also increases the volume of the device.

The Triton brand has such competitive advantages as:

  • low cost;
  • the ability (with the help of infiltrators) to leave only 2% dirt in the water;
  • acquisition of models with a variety of practical properties;
  • complete exclusion of unpleasant odors;
  • strict compliance with sanitary standards;
  • long period of operation in normal mode.

Problems may be associated with the lack of an infiltrator or aeration fields. If there are no such possibilities, the efficiency of the septic tank turns out to be insufficient, and it will not cope with a significant increase in the flow of sewage. Design "Topaz" It is excellently economical and works through aeration and the use of microorganisms. In normal mode, it is possible to purify the liquid by 98%. The developers took care of solid tightness and excellent anti-corrosion characteristics.

To install Topaz, you will have to prepare the pit carefully. A good recess must have special stiffening ribs, this ensures zero risk of deformation. The first compartment is capable of separating solid matter from the wastewater, only then the mixture is purified using oxygen. Purified water can be used in a wide variety of ways. But Topaz is highly dependent on electrical energy.

Firm "DSK" tried to make three-chamber products, where two segments become settling tanks, and the third is equipped with a biological filter. Decomposed and clarified sewage moves into the soil filter layer.

Company "Unilos" focused on increasing the mechanical strength of its products by creating stiffeners on them and using molecular welding. The design of devices of this brand allows you to do without moving parts. The carefully designed 20mm thick wall easily resists soil pressure. The wastewater flows successively through a primary settling tank, an aerobic plant and a secondary settling tank. Removing water from pollutants by 95% allows it to be used for watering agricultural plants. The disadvantages of the system are dependence on the power grid and instability in the cold. In addition, such blocks are very expensive.

Septic tanks "Ecoline" According to the manufacturer, they are the best choice for summer seasonal use. At correct installation Their regular use is allowed. The system has only two cameras, which have no electrical components. The entrance chamber is much larger than the exit chamber, which is responsible for gravitational brightening. Additional purification is carried out in the soil.

The profitability of Ecoline does not allow us to consider their septic tanks optimal solution. The fact is that the amount of remaining contaminants is as much as 40%. In addition, it will not be possible to use such systems in places with increased level soil waters. Without enhanced cleaning by other means, there is a high probability of contamination of soil horizons with microorganisms. Equipment of the Kedr brand certainly requires cleaning with special equipment.

At the inlet, primary filtration is carried out, and the water cleared of sediment passes into the second block, where it is clarified deeper. Then the flow moves up and down, reaching the fixed microflora. The final compartment is responsible for the accumulation of waste.

Finnish manufacturers Uponor and Green Rock deliver products of excellent quality and excellent reliability. The highest characteristics of genuine Scandinavian goods, unlike fakes, do not allow them to be sold cheaply.

Uponor's selection has three main subtypes.

  • Products "Sako" They are distinguished by partial sedimentation of sewage and autonomy. A filtration section in the soil must be completed, otherwise the surrounding area will be a very unpleasant place.

  • For dachas you can also place products from the series "Bio"(with enhanced chemical and microbiological water purification). Perfectionists will be pleased with Bio Clean products, which are very compact and easy to use.
  • "Green Rock" supplies only septic tanks with multi-stage treatment. All equipment of this brand combines the efforts of special reagents and microflora. This technique allows you to develop a local sewer system from scratch and significantly improve the existing one.

The Bio device requires periodic disposal of used filter blocks and special reagents and replacing them with fresh portions. Products from the Sako group do not resist cold well enough. In the most northern regions you will need to either install insulation or choose equipment that is more stable for winter.

Finnish goods are made using seamless technology. This is much more reliable than the Russian approach, which involves connecting prefabricated parts.

Successful examples and options

In addition to choosing the appropriate brands and models of septic tanks, you need to pay attention to the components that complement the cleaning system. The use of devices with a biofilter (colonies of anaerobic organisms) allows you to do without connecting to the electrical network. Microbes can get the energy they need by breaking down organic matter without oxygen. Carbohydrates and various amino acids contained in sewage are broken down into low-molecular compounds that are safe for the natural environment. An anaerobic biological filter is made as a plastic container, divided into fragments of a certain type.

A biological purifier necessarily contains an inert material with a large specific area, which makes it possible to combine the development of microbial colonies and additional mechanical filtration. Organic matter breaks down when passing through the biofilter into simple soluble substances and sludge deposits. The sludge will have to be removed, but in many cases it is used as fertilizer.

Typical fillers:

  • expanded clay;
  • plastic brushes or meshes;
  • granular polymers of a strictly defined fraction.

Typically, the distribution of microbes in biological filters is made uniform over the surface, and if their supply is replenished in a timely manner, it will be possible to ensure stable operation throughout the year. Such filtering does not require any complex technical skills to operate. Systems are in place long time and odors do not penetrate outside. Safety is completely guaranteed.

In addition to organic filtration means, septic tanks are often equipped with a grease trap. In gravity drains, fatty deposits become a serious hazard and increase the likelihood of blockages and blockages. Grease traps must be installed at production facilities and in places where many people live. Private homeowners do not have such regulations, but it is better to protect your system in advance before problems arise. The design and operating principle are quite simple.

When water penetrates the inlet pipes, the first chamber begins to fill. As this filling occurs, the fat particles rise to the top because they are lighter than water. Next, the fat reaches a special tray, where it gradually accumulates. The liquid released from it moves to another compartment, which ensures the residual breakdown of fats. For this purpose, the most powerful and effective methods are used, and when the equipment finishes its work, the water flows into the drain.

The first sector is saturated with water-insoluble particles. Therefore, the grease trap will need to be removed, washed and cleaned regularly. Industrial devices are easier to clean; there are special drainage pumps or shut-off valves at the bottom. Placing a coarse delay filter in front of it helps reduce the likelihood of early contamination of the catching mechanism. Trappers are used most effectively; if the fat is heated more than the water, then it will dissolve in it and float.

Waste separation is sometimes carried out using a physical-chemical method. The essence is the use of special reagents capable of binding single particles into large collections. Such agglomerates can be more easily removed from the liquid by mechanical filters. But even during sedimentation cleaning in special chambers or settling tanks, preliminary chemical treatment helps improve results. The flotation method involves the use of special compressors that supply air bubbles to the cleaning chambers.

Fats, in contact with air bubbles, form special films. The bubbles go to the top. This technique works best with significant heating of wastewater, in which the fat is practically dissolved. The mechanical technique consists of using special membranes with finely dispersed cells. The pace of work turns out to be too slow, the filter quickly becomes dirty due to the strong influx of fats.

But the overall efficiency of fat extraction will be very high. The solution is suitable for filtering wastewater regardless of its temperature and degree of dissolution. The coalescent approach relies on the ability of fats to be drawn into specific structures and settle. The emulsified fat in the filter chamber, subject to gravity and surface tension, collects on the surface. At this point, mechanical devices (manual or automatic) can assemble it.

There is another approach - the use of centrifuges. Differences in the molecular weight of water and fats cause different moments of inertia. Therefore, during rotation in the centrifuge, separation of various substances occurs. The body of any grease trap is sealed, but it can always be disassembled. Inlet and outlet pipes are connected to the device.

The lid is made in a removable or opening version, this allows you to:

  • maintain the system;
  • remove fat;
  • evaluate the performance of the system.

The housings are divided into at least two segments, which allow you to receive wastewater, filter it and discharge clean liquid into the waste pipe. Regardless constructive solution use mechanical filtration, an intake apparatus and a liquid level indicator. Manual collection of accumulated contaminants is practical for a private home, where high productivity is not needed anyway.

Plastic grease traps are used when it is necessary to neutralize a small amount of wastewater, and therefore they are ideal for domestic purposes. Perfect environmental safety and ease of maintenance allow you not to encounter problems.

Casting and molding of plastics gives wide range all kinds of forms. The attachment is made to the pipe itself (in a compact version). For maximum efficient work Free-standing devices are well suited; they are easy and comfortable to use. In addition, in autonomous devices the capacity of the dirt compartment is larger. Fiberglass products are similar to simple plastic ones in their structural diversity.

The susceptibility of fiberglass to all the main reagents found in everyday life and in waste water is very low. The special composition does not affect the lightness, but the rigidity to mechanical damage is very high. Stainless steel grease traps are considered the most durable and stable, effectively resisting chemical and physical destroyers. This technique is mainly in demand in the industrial sector because it tolerates strong heat well. Disadvantage - it is impossible to make a steel grease trap with streamlined contours or with a non-standard configuration; the fees for metal appliances are higher than for other options.

There is one more question - is it worth choosing a two-chamber or single-chamber septic tank. Not a single such device is capable of working on its own; additional cleaning in the ground is required. These are precisely the instructions of the building codes and regulations adopted in the Russian Federation. Septic tanks perform mechanical cleaning of sludge, ferment the sludge itself, and make it mineral composition, suitable for fertilizing farmland. The water will be precisely purified in the necessary way, either in one or in several chambers.

But handling sludge is a more delicate matter. In a single section, sedimentation of suspension occurs non-uniformly; closer to the entrance, this process is more intense. When the septic tank is divided into several sectors, this allows you to collect the key mass of the substance in the very first compartment. This will prevent water clogging in subsequent parts and simplify the cleaning process. Besides, environmental characteristics final flow will be the best.

The more sections there are, the more gentle the operating mode of the filter well, underground filtration fields and cleaning trenches will be.

It is almost impossible to clean soil filter systems; you will have to spend a lot of money to update them. Therefore, the increase in the complexity of the septic tank has a positive effect on the convenience and comfort of consumers. It is important to take into account that septic tank equipment with microbiological cleaning forces you to use only detergents that are safe for microorganisms. In addition, at temperatures of 4 degrees and below, microbial activity is zero, and therefore the cleaning efficiency drops sharply.

When choosing the point where the treatment plant will be installed, a number of sanitary restrictions must be taken into account.

  • They should not be brought closer than 5 m to the foundations of a residential building. The gap to the foundations of non-residential buildings and their ground structures is at least 1 m.
  • Distance to a well or a replacement well drilled in clay soil, is at least 20 m. If the ground is composed of sandy rocks, this gap increases to 50 m.
  • You can bring the septic tank closer to the road at most 5 m, and there should be at least 100 cm to any type of fence.

It is very important to prepare the place in such a way that a car with a pump can drive there. As an option, it is practiced to equip the container with a fecal pump. The sludge extracted from the outside can be used as garden and garden fertilizer. A capacity of 150-200 liters per resident allows you to confidently use bathrooms and toilets, washing machine, wash the dishes.

The gap from the cover to the wastewater surface should be the same as the depth of soil freezing. The entire calculated volume must be placed below this mark. The higher the temperature, the better the sewage will be processed by microbes. Geometric shape The septic tank is not particularly important; it is not reflected in the level of operational efficiency and quality of wastewater treatment. But there is another consideration - round equipment allows you to save construction materials.

When using brick, a rounded structure will help to use 10-15% fewer blocks. Rounding allows you to better tolerate the load that occurs when the soil moves. It is advisable to make monolithic two-chamber systems in the form of a square or rectangle. Such forms make it easier to obtain formwork where concrete needs to be poured. Filled elements can be made with your own hands, and it is only slightly more expensive than simple brick elements.

When board panels are placed on both sides, the pits must be made 0.4 - 0.5 m wider than the size of the tank (including the walls). If you plan to pour the solution into the gaps between the soil and formwork, digging a pit is carried out according to the external dimensions of the septic tank. When calculating the cost of work, you need to take into account the fee for removing the extracted soil. It is quite possible to get by with planar reinforcement. But bulky reinforcing frames will be completely redundant for a septic tank; they will only complicate installation and increase its cost.

To learn how to make a septic tank at your dacha with your own hands, see below.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Many owners of private houses in our country dream of a central sewer system. Not all settlements in Russia have the opportunity to take advantage of this benefit of civilization. Therefore, before buying a house or cottage, you should take this sensitive issue seriously. Moreover, today a septic tank helps solve the problem of domestic wastewater in a private house. If previously they were ordinary pits or concrete tanks made of several circles, then at the moment there are not just plastic containers, but real miniature treatment plants. They provide comprehensive purification, allowing the output to be practically spring water. Thrifty owners use it to water their gardens. To choose the right septic tank for your home, you need to listen to the advice of experts.

Selection criteria

    You should start your choice by determining the tasks that will be assigned to the septic tank. If this is a small dacha where people visit only on weekends from spring to autumn, then inexpensive compact models are suitable.

    Tank volume depends both on the number of permanent residents and on the type of residence (daily or occasional). For 1-2 households, a capacity of 1-2 cubic meters is enough. m, and for a large family of 4-5 people you will have to look for septic tanks with a capacity of more than 4 cubic meters. m.

    The presence of a bath in the house requires a large salvo release, when all the contents instantly go into the cleaning system. In this case, models are selected that have a receiving chamber of the appropriate volume (200-500 l).

    In order to use a sewer (sludge) machine less often, you should pay attention to the offered cleaning system. In modern septic tanks, along with settling and retention of mechanical impurities, aerobic (anaerobic) bacteria are used, which effectively process organic matter. This not only reduces the overall volume of deposits in the tank, but also increases the degree of purification. Some models allow you to get clean water at the output.

Our review includes the best septic tanks for home and garden. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

    system performance;


    expert opinion;

    consumer reviews.

Rating of the best septic tanks

Nomination place product name minimum price
The best inexpensive septic tanks for a summer residence 1 23,300 RUR
2 22,000 ₽
3 18,000 ₽
The best autonomous septic tanks 1 19,800 ₽
2 67,500 ₽
3 52,000 ₽
4 21,500 ₽
5 62,000 ₽
6 RUB 31,500
The best volatile septic tanks 1 74,500 ₽
2 76,500 RUR

The best inexpensive septic tanks for a summer residence

Country septic tanks are simple and available systems sewage treatment. They are small in size and lightweight, which allows property owners to handle the installation themselves. Self-contained units usually have a settling tank and additional filtration. They cannot boast of high performance, but they are unpretentious in operation. Experts have selected several high-quality models.

The best option for installing a sewer system at your dacha would be to purchase a ROSTOK MINI septic tank. The settling tank has the optimal combination of price and technical parameters. Therefore, experts put this model in first place in the rating. Thanks to its small volume (1 cubic meter) and low weight (65 kg), installing the container in your summer cottage will not be difficult. The septic tank is capable of receiving sewage during the summer season, which is formed as a result of the life of 1-2 people. You will have to remove accumulated processed products no more than 1-2 times a year.

The settling tank is distinguished by a rigid body, a powerful filtration system, and autonomous operation. Users in their reviews confirm the effectiveness of the septic tank.


    lightness and strength;

    reliably seals unpleasant odors;

    easy operation;

    reasonable price.


  • not found.

A universal and very affordable septic tank for a summer residence is the DKS-OPTIMUM(M) model. It was created for the needs of a small family (3 people), and the container can be installed in different types of soil. In this case, the groundwater level does not play a decisive role. The settling tank has a high degree of wastewater purification, which allows purified water to be discharged into the ground.

Experts highly appreciated the thoughtful design of the septic tank. Capacity 1.55 cu. m. is divided into several compartments. In them, sewage goes through several stages of purification, including aerobic. As a result, the septic tank turns 200 liters of discharge into water per day. Precipitation also accumulates in the container quite slowly. You will have to order a sludge sucker no more than once every 2-3 years.


    low price;

    hassle-free installation;

    effective cleaning;

    durable and reliable body.


  • Doesn't block odors reliably.

To ensure comfortable accommodation for 3-4 people in a country house, a spacious septic tank Termit Profi 2.0 is perfect. The volume of the polyethylene container is more than 3.5 cubic meters. m. Considering the weight of the product (115 kg), you will have to use a truck crane for installation. Sewage goes through several stages of purification, starting with sedimentation and ending with biological filtration. Only after passing through all sections does water enter the ground.

To maintain a septic tank, you will have to pump out sediment every 1-3 years, and also wash the filter element. The settling tank earned third place in the ranking, but the high price did not allow it to rise higher.



    no odors during operation;

    high-quality cleaning.


    not suitable for areas with high groundwater;

    installation difficulties.

The best autonomous septic tanks

Autonomous septic tanks are a reliable option for sewage treatment. Their operation does not require additional energy, and maintenance is carried out quite rarely. Autonomous systems do not have a high degree of purification, but they are capable of providing high throughput. Owners of country houses love them for their ease of use and affordable price. Our review included the following autonomous septic tanks.

Autonomous septic tanks Tank are very popular among owners of private houses. The container is made of thick-walled plastic (10-17 mm); there are stiffening ribs to increase strength. Thanks to unique shape The septic tank can withstand soil pressure in different seasons of the year. Experts note the durability of the model (more than 50 years) and effective cleaning technology. Along with settling and subsequent biodegradation, the septic tank has an infiltrator that evenly distributes water into the soil.

The uniqueness of the design lies in the fact that it consists of separate blocks. Therefore, the user can assemble the system most suitable for his home. The compartments are connected to each other using overflow pipes. If used correctly, the container should be cleaned once every 4-5 years.


    unique prefabricated design;


    effective cleaning;

    durable container.


  • not found.

Experts call the Tver septic tank a local treatment facility. He took second place in the ranking due to his strong performance. Even when draining the bathtub contents, untreated wastewater will not enter the soil. The basis of the septic tank is a multi-chamber plastic container.

At the first stage, sedimentation of the sewage occurs, where most of the sparingly soluble substances are retained. In the second compartment, anaerobic processes occur, microorganisms process organic components. And at the last stage, chlorine-containing reagents are added, after which the disinfected water enters the soil. High productivity and complex multi-stage cleaning are reflected in the price, which is higher than the winner.


    high performance;

    multi-stage cleaning;



  • high price.

The Ecopan septic tank was created specifically for use on problem soils. The use of a unique two-layer design with a large number of internal partitions allowed the manufacturer to increase the strength of the container. The innovative approach did not go unnoticed by experts, who gave the septic tank third place in the rating. Highly appreciated Stage-by-stage cleaning of sewage drains also deserves.

In a six-section tank, sedimentation of suspensions and aerobic processing of organic compounds occur. From the last section, water is removed from the system by gravity or using a pump. It can be used to irrigate a personal plot. The septic tank perfectly resists corrosion processes, so its service life exceeds 50 years.


    use on problem soils;

    multi-stage cleaning;



  • complex installation.

A good autonomous septic tank is the Triton treatment system. Experts gave it fourth place in the rating for its affordable price and high tightness. The sump tank is perfect for a country house; it will have to be cleaned no more than once every 1-2 years. The container is made of durable plastic, so there will be no problems with installing small models. Triton is not afraid of moisture and the aggressive effects of sewage. Service life reaches 50 years.

The manufacturer recommends providing an “anchor” before installing the septic tank. It could be concrete slab or a monolithic base that is capable of holding the container in a given horizon. The septic tank has a three-stage cleaning system.


    affordable price;

    high tightness;

    resistance to aggressive environments.


  • low degree of sewage treatment.

One of the most popular models in our country is the Unilos Astra septic tank. The main advantage of this model is high degree cleaning. This allowed the septic tank to be included in our rating. The operation of the system is based on combined cleaning (mechanical and biological). It effectively handles sewage and maintains an environmentally friendly environment in the garden. At the first stage, mechanical impurities are deposited. Then aerobic technology comes into play, thanks to which organic matter is processed.

Experts also note the reliability of the plastic container. It is resistant to both mechanical stress and aggressive environments. Only the high price somewhat chills potential buyers.


    high degree of purification (98%);

    durable container;

    good performance.


  • high price.

A non-volatile local cleaning system is the Termite Transformer septic tank. It is intended for both occasional and permanent residence. The model is distinguished by its affordable price and simplicity of design. This allowed the sump to be included in our rating. You can install the septic tank in position yourself if you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. In case of permanent residence, the container must be insulated.

The degree of wastewater treatment is limited to 85%, which does not allow the system to rise to the prize podium. Purified water is removed from the septic tank by gravity. It is possible to transform the settling tank into a full-fledged biological treatment station.


    affordable price;

    simple design;

    possibility of self-installation.


  • low cleaning rate.

The best volatile septic tanks

When a high degree of sewage treatment is required, owners of country houses should take a closer look at energy-dependent septic tanks. These systems are among the safest and most environmentally friendly options. They use multi-stage filtration using aerobic bacteria. Pumps and compressors are required to move the liquid through the filters. Clean water is also removed from the container automatically. Experts attribute high price and lower reliability to the disadvantages of volatile systems. Several septic tanks have attracted the attention of our experts.

An economical solution to the problem of sewage waste in a private home will be the installation of a volatile Topas septic tank. The main players in the purification system are microorganisms. Thanks to them, it is possible to rid water of impurities by 98%. Experts gave the septic tank the palm not only for high-quality cleaning, but also for economical energy consumption compared to its competitors. The presence of special filters in the septic tank allows you to forget about human intervention and unpleasant odors.

The container is made of especially durable polypropylene, reinforced with stiffeners. The entire internal space is divided into several sections. Large inclusions are deposited in one chamber, aerobic bacteria work in another compartment, the third sector is responsible for sedimentation, and sludge is stored in the last zone.


    effective cleaning system;

    low power consumption;

    durable body;

    easy operation.


  • not found.

A worthy competitor to the leader of the rating was the Eco-Grand (Topol) septic tank. It is designed for large cottages and country houses. Experts note the good performance of the treatment system. There are 4 compartments inside the polypropylene container. The receiving chamber is capable of accommodating a serious salvo release of 450 liters. The next two sections contain aerobic bacteria that process organic matter. In a separate chamber there is a pump, which is responsible for pumping waste water.

The Eco-Grand (Topol) septic tank loses to the winner in electricity consumption (2.8 kW per day), which increases the owners’ costs for operating the treatment plant. According to user reviews, there are no particular problems with the installation or maintenance of a volatile septic tank.


    spacious receiver;

    high performance;

    high-quality cleaning.


    high price;

    increased energy costs.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Depending on the material, which is used in the manufacture of a septic tank, all structures are divided into the following types:

  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Plastic.
  • Made from stainless metal.

The most widespread are reinforced concrete and plastic septic tanks. Hardware They are rarely used because they are very expensive and wear out quickly.

And this video describes the rules for building a septic tank for a country house.

Comparison of septic tanks for a country house. How and which one to choose?

Let's consider plastic and reinforced concrete septic tanks.

Characteristics of reinforced concrete septic tanks

Cleaning systems based on monolithic reinforced concrete have their own advantages:

  • Durable. The service life reaches up to 30 years.
  • They have high resistance to mechanical stress and aggressive substances.

There are reinforced concrete septic tanks:

  • Prefabricated: collected from massive rings, the diameter of which is from 1 to 2 meters. Installation is carried out using construction equipment, since their weight is very large. Installation takes a day or two.
  • Monolithic: They dig a hole directly at the installation site and begin equipping the septic tank. A septic tank, the design of which is monolithic and has fittings inside, is made in a few days.

This photo shows the process of installing a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings for a private house.

Features of plastic septic tanks

Advantages at plastic structures many:

  1. Eco-friendly, safe. High tightness of the structure and durable material avoid leaks and waste getting into the soil.
  2. Reliable.
  3. Service life is long.
  4. They have less weight, so during installation you can do without the use of expensive special equipment.

Plastic septic tanks only need to be purchased and installed on the site. There is no need to collect anything.

Important: installation of all types of septic tanks and connection with sewer pipes must be carried out by specialists.

How many chambers should a septic tank have?

Devices for drainage of wastewater and household waste have the following number of cameras:

  • One;

For sufficient functionality of the system, the expected waste volume. It affects the number of cameras:

  • Single-chamber design: the volume of wastewater is no more than 1 cubic meter per day;
  • Two-chamber design: no more than 10 cubic meters per day;
  • Three-chamber septic tank: wastewater exceeds 10 cubic meters per day.

Important: V ready septic tank the container, which has the format of a plastic Eurocube, has chambers of the same size. The chambers in finished reinforced concrete rings are also the same.

If you plan to make a homemade septic tank for a country house, it is advisable to take into account the recommendations of specialists and make design compartments of different sizes:

  • Double chamber product: the first chamber is two-thirds of the volume, the second is one third.
  • Three-chamber septic tank: the first chamber is half of the total volume, and the second and third are 25% each.

Septic tanks for country houses come in different sizes. The choice of model depends on the number of drains, the volume of which will pass through it. The minimum volume is the amount of waste that can accumulate within three days. The septic tank must have an optimal volume. A large area prevents the uniform distribution of sedimentary masses over the entire surface of the bottom.

Autonomous septic tank for a country house. What is this?

If there is no central sewer system or the connection is difficult for a number of reasons, do not give up. Autonomous septic tank- a rational way out of the current situation.

What does the device look like? The tank for drainage and waste is made of polypropylene. The cleaning process is as follows:

  1. The settling tank is filled with wastewater.
  2. Next, they are disinfected and cleansed from various impurities.
  3. Special bacteria process contaminated wastewater.
  4. Mechanical treatment allows you to achieve good purity of wastewater.
  5. Purified water is drained into the soil.

The newest generation of autonomous septic tanks allows you to release almost clean water into the soil. In this case, groundwater contamination is excluded.

A septic tank operating autonomously in a country house has a fairly high cost. It is cheaper to equip a drainage pit. But the obvious advantages of an autonomous wastewater treatment system throughout its entire service life confirm the correctness of the choice. An autonomous septic tank relieves owners from many problems with waste disposal and wastewater disinfection.

Sewer septic tank for a private home: reviews

Many owners of cottages and country houses positively evaluate the use of a septic tank on your own farm.

Andrey, Bryansk: I purchased a Picobell septic tank with a tank volume of 3700 liters. Enough for our family of four. The tank is single chamber. There are no problems at work. I've been using this system for three years now. About cleaning the chambers from silting. It is enough to drain the sludge and wash the chamber once or twice a year, and everything works great. If the lights are turned off, the system continues to work, although the speed decreases, but still, the process continues! I recommend it.

Sergey, Novokuznetsk: I bought a BIOTAL series 4 septic tank and have never regretted my choice. The wastewater settles and is cleaned of bacteria very well. There is practically no smell. I call the vacuum cleaner once a year. It's not expensive. My house is big, 8 people live in it. 4 cubic meters of capacity is enough so that our family is not bothered by the problem of drains. The instructions say that there is a high-quality biological filter inside. This won me over. I am for environmental friendliness.

Rating of the best septic tanks for a country house

  • Rosecology.
  • City Eco Plast.
  • Helix.
  • Aqua.
  • Topas.
  • Bioxi.

Prices for septic tanks for a private (country) house

The cost of septic tank models depends on:

  1. Tank volume;
  2. Number of cameras;
  3. Manufacturing companies;
  4. Cleaning technologies;
  5. The material from which the structure is made;
  6. “Fillings” of the septic tank.

Most Popular the following septic tanks for the private sector:

  • Ecopan. 62 thousand -141 thousand. rub;
  • Breeze. 58 – 88 thousand rubles;
  • Count. 55-75 thousand rubles;
  • Biotal. 55-85 thousand rubles;
  • Green Rock. 70-200 thousand rubles;
  • Eurobion. 56-124 thousand rubles.

A wide selection of products on the market for sewer stations and septic tanks allows home owners to choose a device that will meet all requirements.

When choosing a model, pay attention to the characteristics of various types of septic tanks for installation in a private home, their volume, number of chambers, level of cleaning - and You will forever forget about problems with wastewater treatment and waste disposal.

When planning the construction of a country house, along with drawing up the design of the building itself, it is necessary to design engineering systems, including drainage and wastewater treatment systems. To do this, you need to find out what types of septic tanks are used today so that you can choose the most suitable option.

Previously, the installation of an outdoor shower and a “birdhouse” toilet was considered the pinnacle of landscaping a dacha. These days, more and more owners prefer to equip their homes with a full set of plumbing fixtures.

And in this case, it is necessary to build a local drainage system. To dispose of wastewater from private households, a septic tank is usually used. Let's consider what types of this equipment exist and what features they have.


Septic tanks, which can be included in local sewerage systems, can be classified according to several criteria:

  • by cleaning method;
  • by body material;
  • according to the installation method.

Varieties based on operating principle

For private households, the following types of septic tanks can be used:

  • storage tanks;
  • settling tanks with soil filtration;
  • installations with forced aeration, providing deep biopurification.

Let's look at the features of each option

Storage tanks

This is the simplest type of equipment; it is a volumetric sealed tank used for collecting and storing wastewater. It works on the same principle as cesspool, the difference is the environmental safety of the drive. After all, the storage tank, unlike cesspools, prevents contaminated liquid from getting into the ground.

As the storage tank fills, it will need to be cleaned. This work is carried out using sewage disposal machines. The contents of the container are pumped out by a pump into a tank installed on a vehicle and transported for disposal in the prescribed manner.

This option for organizing wastewater disposal can be recommended for a summer residence, provided that the volume of wastewater is small. Otherwise, the drive will need to be cleaned frequently, which will incur additional costs.

Septic tanks

This option is universal; it is recommended for a small summer cottage or a spacious country cottage. The difference in this case will be only in the volume of the settling tanks and the area of ​​the devices for post-treatment. The greater the daily volume of wastewater, the more capacious the settling tanks should be. To ensure better cleaning quality, multi-stage settling is organized.

Advice! For an ordinary private house, it is recommended to purchase or build a two or three chamber septic tank. In such an installation, two chambers serve as a sump, and in the last one additional cleaning is carried out using biofilters.

These treatment plants work like this:

  • The first section of the installation, as a rule, is the most voluminous. Here the accumulation of wastewater and its primary settling occurs;
  • water enters the second section, which has already been freed from most of the large inclusions, here the liquid settles additionally, smaller undissolved particles that did not have time to precipitate in the first section settle to the bottom;
  • then the water enters the compartment with a biofilter, if it is included in the design of the treatment plant, and then is supplied to the soil filtration installation, where it is finally purified;

  • the sediment at the bottom of the settling tanks gradually becomes denser. Bacteria contained in wastewater initiate methane fermentation processes, due to which the sludge partially decomposes and decreases in volume. Due to this, it is not necessary to pump out sludge often; it is enough to perform this operation annually.

Advice! If the settling tanks are not cleaned in a timely manner, the sediment will begin to thicken, gradually reducing the volume of the chambers. And reducing the volume of settling tanks will lead to a deterioration in the quality of cleaning.

The advantages of this option:

  • simplicity of the device, reliability;
  • fairly high efficiency;
  • inexpensive and easy maintenance.
  • Significant volume of containers. In order for the water to settle well, it is necessary for the water to remain in the sump for at least 72 hours. Therefore, when water consumption is high, it is necessary to use large-capacity tanks.
  • The need to build soil filtration devices. This increases construction costs. It is especially difficult if the area has clay or high groundwater level.

Deep biopurification

A modern septic tank is no longer just a septic tank, but a station that provides complete cleaning in a minimum amount of time. short terms. Due to this, the installations are compact in size, and there is no need to build devices for soil treatment. Working principle:

  • the first stage of processing is to settle the liquid;
  • but in the second section additional equipment is installed - an aerator. Through the holes of this device, air is supplied to the cleaned environment, which ensures the creation of conditions for the occurrence of biological aerobic processes;
  • then the liquid settles again and is sent to the outlet.

Advice! To ensure the highest level of purification, you can install an additional water disinfection unit using ultraviolet light.

Advantages of the option:

  • high quality waste treatment;
  • compactness, choosing a place to install a biorefinery station on a site near a country house is much easier than allocating space for installing settling tanks and filtration fields;
  • complete absence of odors, so residents and guests of the country house will not feel discomfort.

  • high installation cost;
  • need to connect electricity.


The materials for the manufacture of septic tank tanks are: special requirements, namely:

  • corrosion resistance;
  • strength;
  • tightness.

When equipping the local sewage system of a country house, the following septic tank options are most often used:

  • Brick. Previously, this was the most popular option, since tanks of any volume and shape can be made of brick. Moreover, the wave work can be done independently, without the involvement of construction equipment. This is important if the owners of a private house decide to do the construction on their own. The disadvantages of this option are the insufficient tightness of brick tanks and the need for additional waterproofing work.

  • Plastic. Currently, plastic septic tanks are the most used option for treatment plants recommended for use in autonomous sewage systems of a private home. Such installations can be purchased ready-made, or assembled independently using ready-made plastic containers of the required volume. Plastic models They have a lot of advantages and only one drawback - they are too light and can float during the seasonal rise of groundwater.
  • Reinforced concrete. Reliable, heavy-weight structures. They can be prefabricated (from prefabricated reinforced concrete parts) or monolithic. The latter are more airtight, since they do not have seams, but prefabricated structures can be assembled much faster. The disadvantage is the complexity of installation, as well as the need to use special equipment.

Advice! Metal tanks are practically not used in the construction of sewerage systems for a private country house. Due to the metal's susceptibility to corrosion, a metal septic tank will not last long, and the use of stainless steel will make the treatment plant prohibitively expensive.

Installation method

According to the location of the sections, all treatment plants are divided into horizontally and vertically oriented. Vertical type treatment plants are the preferred option for a private home, as they require much less space during installation.

However, this option can only be used at low GWL. If the level of soil water is high, then you have to choose the horizontal option. In this case, the depth of the reservoir will be small, but the area for installing the septic tank will require a significant amount. In addition, according to the installation method, underground and surface ones are distinguished. The latter option is chosen if local conditions do not allow installation in the ground.

What to consider when choosing?

To make the right choice of treatment plant, you need to consider the following factors:

  • daily amount of waste;
  • frequency of use (permanent, seasonal or periodic residence);
  • features of the geology of the site;
  • construction budget.

So, for a summer house used for periodic recreation, an inexpensive storage tank is quite suitable, but for a country house it is better to use more productive models - settling tanks or bio-treatment stations.

So there are different types septic tanks, so for any operating conditions you can choose the most best option. A correctly selected and installed septic tank will last a long time, providing sufficient high efficiency disposal of sewage wastewater.



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