Folk remedies for pediculosis at home. The best folk remedies for the treatment of pediculosis at home and general rules for the fight against parasites

No need to panic and mentally say goodbye to your hair - there are many ways to get rid of lice and nits forever at home. We will talk about this in the article.

The reasons

That's why most often you can catch pediculosis in such places:

  • kindergarten and school.
  • children's camps and sanatoriums.
  • other public places.

You can also become infected with lice when using other people's hats, combs, towels and other personal items.


  • head;
  • pubic;
  • clothes lice.


Symptoms of pediculosis include:

  1. Intense itching in the scalp. Over time, swelling may appear on the surface, which turn into scratches and open sores.
  2. On the skin upon close examination you can see traces of insect bites. They look like needle puncture sites with redness around the area. Also, small spots of gray or gray-blue color appear in some areas.
  3. In the occipital and temporal regions, as well as behind the ears scaly plaques form, which eventually begin to get wet.

However, the most reliable signs that allow you to diagnose lice and nits at home are the following:

  1. The presence of nits - eggs of the head louse, which are attached to the hair shafts in their lower part.
  2. The presence of the lice themselves- small insects moving through the hair and scalp.

The life cycle of lice is about a month, and from the moment the female hatches to the first clutch, about two to three weeks pass. Accordingly, the course of treatment for pediculosis can be considered completed only if it has been carried out for at least a month, and a month after the start of treatment, neither adult insects, nor lice larvae, nor nits (lice eggs) are found on the head.

Also trying to remove lice and nits at home, it is worth remembering that lice and nits, in fact, are very different from each other. What works on lice is completely harmless against nits, and vice versa.

What do lice and nits look like: photo

In the photos below you can see what lice and nits look like on the hair of an adult or a child.

A quick way to get rid of lice and nits in 1 day

The most radical, fastest and most reliable method in the fight against head lice at home can be a haircut, this will get rid of lice in 1 day forever. However, this is far from suitable for everyone, it is unlikely that any girl will want to say goodbye to her long hair, albeit temporarily. But guys can easily shave.

So, when a haircut is impossible, you will have to start treatment. At the same time, it is worth mentioning right away that it will not be fast. The fact is that the lice themselves - adults can die from poison or other means rather quickly. They are also sensitive to too high or low temperatures. But their eggs - nits are more tenacious.

As a rule, they can be disposed of either by combing or waiting for hatching. The egg maturation period is about 7 days. Accordingly, any treatment after this period should be repeated. Then the question of getting rid of lice will no longer bother you.

How to get rid of lice and nits at home

In general, lice can be disposed of either in special receivers operated by a sanitary and epidemiological station, or at home. Considering the presence of a large number of pediculicides on the free market, getting rid of lice and nits at home in a child is much easier than looking for a special detention center in your city and going there for treatment.

In addition, the low-income contingent usually "rotates" in such places - these are homeless people and disadvantaged members of the population who are not friends with soap in principle. Therefore, let's figure out how to remove lice at home quickly, reliably and at the same time safely for health.

Methods of influencing pediculosis are divided, depending on the main substance, into:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • mixed - the use of the first two methods.

To mechanical methods relate:

  • shaving bald;
  • combing hair with lice combs.

To chemical methods effects on nits and lice include:

It is very important to treat pediculosis correctly, while you need to follow some rules:

Most quick results can most often be achieved by combining mechanical and chemical method. Decide for yourself which options for treatment for lice to choose, based on the degree of development of the disease, the length of the hair and the affected area. For example, it is easiest for men to just shave their heads, but for girls with long hair, this method is unlikely to work - here you will have to spend both time and effort to permanently remove lice.


  1. The drug Nittifor available as cream and lotion. How they are applied, you need to look in the instructions. The same drug rids the body of fleas and scabies mites.
  2. Nyuda. One of the most effective modern means based on dimethicone to fight lice. The drug penetrates the respiratory tract of lice, which leads to the death of insects from suffocation. Eliminates both adult lice and nits.
  3. Para-plus is an aerosol. One bottle is enough for the entire course of treatment. An effective and fast-acting preparation that is applied to the entire surface of the head, including the hair.
  4. Varnish "Charm". The head is treated after washing with a whole bottle of varnish (of course, in the air). Then wrapped in a towel (or put on a plastic cap) and left overnight. The principle of operation is similar to the action of Nyuda. The difference is only in price (Nyuda is significantly more expensive than a bottle with this varnish).
  5. Pedilin - a solution for rubbing into the scalp and hair. Rinse it with diluted vinegar, then repeat the treatment with the solution for seven days.

However, antipediculosis drugs have a number of contraindications, with which without fail you need to familiarize yourself even before using such a drug. Therefore, only mechanical removal of nits and, at most, compresses from natural products (cranberries, etc.) are recommended for pregnant women and babies.

Mechanical Methods

There are few of them: just a few. The first is a bald shave. The second is combing. We have already discussed about the haircut above, so we will focus on combing.

After washing, you should carefully drive the “tool” along each individual strand of hair, starting from the roots. Nits and lice will get stuck on the comb, they must be removed immediately, wiping on a towel. You need to comb your hair in this way several times and observe the effect within a month. You can do without any means, just wash your hair before combing with rinse aid, balm or lubricate vegetable oil(anise, olive) - then it will be easier to separate the lice from the hair.

But know that the shampoo itself does not get rid of nits or lice, but only improves and facilitates their combing, therefore, in addition to shampoo, it is also recommended to use anti-pediculosis agents.

How to remove lice and nits with folk remedies

In addition to medicines, folk remedies are also used to get rid of lice and nits at home. Some of them are harmless, others can be very dangerous. Consider the most common folk remedies for the treatment of pediculosis:

Folk remedies for getting rid of lice are of course very good. The effectiveness of these funds is approximately 90%. Of course, these funds can be used at home, but with increased caution, and you should know that:

  1. Vinegar is very drying to hair, and a concentrated solution of vinegar can burn your scalp.
  2. When using kerosene, you should remember and know that the hair is enough long time can't get it right. Kerosene is oily and therefore washed off for a long time, thereby spoiling the hair.

It is important to carefully monitor that the solution is completely distributed throughout the hair. After applying the drug to the head, you need to put on a simple plastic bag or tie a scarf. The product should be left on the hair for 30 minutes. After this time, you must thoroughly wash your hair first. running water and then with regular shampoo. AT final stage it is necessary to carry out a thorough combing of dead lice and nits.

When removing lice, it is important to remember that hellebore water is a dangerous substance. It is believed that even 1 ml of this water entering the digestive tract can cause serious poisoning, and in large quantities it can be deadly to humans.

Nevertheless, hellebore water may well be used against lice, it is only important to ensure that there are no wounds and scratches on the skin in the treatment area. After applying hellebore water to your hair, you need to control your feelings - if excessively strong burning sensation, itching, a feeling of hotness on the head begin to appear, then you do not need to endure it, you need to wash off the product as soon as possible.


Be sure to wash all the things of the child or your own in hot water or boil. After that, iron well with an iron on high temperature and steam the seams of the clothes (there are often nits left).

Those things that cannot be washed in boiling water should be put in a tightly closed bag for 3-4 days. Lice and nits without human nutrition will die during this time. An additional examination of the head of all family members will not hurt, since pediculosis is transmitted very quickly.

Lice are insects that feed on human blood.

But how to quickly remove lice at home, if the disease has not yet gone far?

Get rid of lice at home - you can!




Finding insects is quite difficult, because they hide in the folds of things, in hair, on the folds of linen, and so on. Only two weeks after infection, they become noticeable.

Pediculosis is a very common disease, most often it affects children. They can easily become infected with head lice while in kindergarten, school, or other activities. After all, it is in these places that children come into contact with each other, and insects can easily crawl from a sick baby to a healthy one.

If they are not detected in time, the situation can become quite serious, and a real epidemic can begin in a school or kindergarten.

Of course, it's best to check with your doctor before you start taking them out. Many mothers begin to panic, do not know what to do. But, despite the fact that the disease is serious, it can still be cured using effective methods.

How to remove lice at home: pharmacy products

1. Antibit- This is a shampoo, it must be applied to wet hair and held for five minutes.

2. Nyuda- available in the form of a spray, it is necessary to apply to dry hair and walk with it for 45 minutes, then wash your hair thoroughly.

3. Spregal- spray, distribute through the hair and leave for 12 hours.

4. Hygia- shampoo, before applying, you need to wash your hair, apply it to wet hair and hold for 10 minutes.

In addition to drugs for treatment, you can also use special means, as a preventive measure:

nit-free- spray, must be distributed on dry hair, suitable for use not only on hair, but also on clothes;

essential campfire oil- works without exposure, applied to dry hair, can also be used on clothes.

The main advantage of pharmacy products is that they act quickly enough, and most importantly, for sure.

Disadvantages - many drugs are toxic substances. If they enter the respiratory tract of a person, significant harm will be done. Many of these drugs are contraindicated in children under three years of age, as well as pregnant women. Funds require mandatory consultation with specialists. Also alone pharmacy medicines may not always give the desired effect, so it is recommended to use them in conjunction with folk methods.

How to remove lice at home: folk remedies

Vinegar and salt.



You will need one handful of berries. Squeeze the juice out of them and mix with honey. After that, take the prepared remedy and rub it into the scalp. Berry juice allows you to quickly get rid of lice and nits.


Burdock will come to help from the unpleasant inhabitants on your head. Take a few leaves of the plant and pour boiling water over it. Let the product brew for 30 minutes, then strain and wash your head with it. If you don’t have burdock, then take elecampane root, you need to cook it in the same way.

Geranium oil.

This oil has several types, you need to take two drops of each of them and add to 10 grams of shampoo. It turns out a kind of lotion that you need to rub into the scalp and hold for one hour. After that, take a comb and comb your hair, wash it well. Then again take two drops of oils and dissolve them in one liter of water, add three tablespoons of vinegar there. Rinse your hair thoroughly with this solution, dry it without using a hair dryer and towels.

Black cumin.

Finely grind the cumin seeds and take one cup from this, then mix with apple cider vinegar(it must be taken in the same amount). You will get a solution that you need to strain and rub well into the hair roots and scalp. It is advisable to go out into the sun and spend 20 minutes there, then just wrap your head with something and walk like that for five hours. The course of treatment in this way is exactly one week.

Pomegranate juice and mint.

Take mint leaves, grind them thoroughly and separate two tablespoons. You will also need one glass of pomegranate juice. Mix both ingredients and boil everything for 10 minutes. After the remedy has cooled, rub it into the most affected areas from bites.

Mercury ointment.

This remedy is more suitable for getting rid of pubic lice. But unlike the previous methods, the first thing you will have to do is get rid of the hair completely. Then wash the bikini area thoroughly with laundry soap. Rub mercury ointment, 5% into the affected areas. This must be done twice a day general course treatment is two weeks.


Take the roots of hellebore and angelica, chop well and mix in equal proportions. For one part of this mixture, you need to take four parts of pork fat. Rub the product into the affected areas.

How to remove lice at home: an integrated approach

You need to know not only how to remove lice at home, but also how to protect yourself and your child in the future from their recurrence. Treatment folk remedies and medicines should be used in conjunction with preventive measures.

If you suddenly find yourself or your relative with lice, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. There are three ways to deal with them: chemical, mechanical, physical.

1. When lice are found, it is necessary to wash the body hot water using a washcloth and soap. Change underwear as often as possible.

2. With a small, or rather insignificant lesion, it is advisable to start treatment with combing them out. Also, keep your hair as short as possible.

Also try to avoid contact with those from whom you may have adopted this disease. Make sure that your hair is always clean and tidy.

In your family, each person should have individual underwear. Never use someone else's combs, clothes and hats. Even if you are sure that you have completely got rid of lice, still periodically check your head and body.


If lice were found in one of your family members in your house, this does not mean that only the patient should be treated. Since the presence of even one louse involves the processing of the entire room.

The first thing to do is to heat treatment:

Rewrite everything. And wash bed sheets and clothes need at the highest possible temperature;

If some things cannot be washed, it is recommended to dry-clean them and then dry them in the sun for a long time. This allows you to disinfect things;

Steam helps a lot;

Everything in the house must be washed with disinfectants and vacuumed. Dispose of all trash bags in the trash chute immediately.

To disinfect clothes, you can use special drug A-PAR. It is used in the event that the linen cannot be washed and steamed. After it, no stains or marks will remain on the clothes.

You also need to disinfect combs and combs, it is advisable to do this after each use.

Once again, it is worth saying that lice are not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous. Watch your lifestyle and prevent them from appearing.

Alas, sometimes, no matter how hard a person tries to protect himself from infection with lice, this is inevitable. They can be infected by simply riding in public transport, sitting next to a sick person. Insects are capable of jumping several tens of centimeters, so even not very close contact can be dangerous.

Once a louse gets on a person's head, it is almost impossible to shake it off. You will shake your head as you like, but the infection, which tightly clung to its new owner, cannot be reset.

The root causes of the disease

Of course, most often pediculosis can occur due to insufficient hygiene standards, poor living conditions, natural disasters or a military situation. However, this problem also appears in very neat people who love and keep cleanliness if they find themselves in close contact with an infected person.

Pediculosis in children

The risk of infection is especially high among girls with long hair. It is they who like to play with each other, doing hairstyles during their free time in kindergarten and recess at school. But it’s worth using a comb or hairpin of a girlfriend infected with pediculosis, as this “joy” will be on a new head.

Lice can only be transmitted from another infected person or through shared objects. Most often, you can get infected with them in kindergartens, camps, schools, sanatoriums and rest homes, hotels, trains. It is also easy to get head lice if you wear someone else's hat or dry yourself with a towel that is not your own.

As soon as the parents discover the first symptoms of the disease in the child, it is necessary to take timely measures and choose the most appropriate folk remedy for lice for children.

An experienced pediatrician will also always find a suitable method of treatment for a pediculosis condition. However, it is important to remember that most chemical medicines can cause a severe allergic reaction and are contraindicated in pregnant women and children. Therefore, folk remedies for lice and nits are the best way out of this situation, since they are less toxic and contain natural ingredients.

How to determine the appearance of lice?

Most main feature the appearance of lice - severe itching. If it is spread over the head, neck and ears, then the person is infected with head lice. It is necessary to examine the hairy part as soon as possible for a sign of lice, as well as nits. An adult, laying eggs, firmly sticks them to the hair on a special solution, which she secretes herself.

If a person infected with lice is not treated in time, then abscesses or boils appear at the site of the bites, which contributes to the transfer of certain infectious diseases. In addition, it negatively affects the psycho-emotional state and nervous system because the patient is in constant tension and cannot relax.

Lice: how to get rid of folk remedies

There are many methods of folk methods. It cannot be argued that only one is effective. The choice of treatment will depend on the preferences and circumstances of the patient.

The first folk remedy for removing lice, well known to our grandmothers, is kerosene. To cure head lice with it, you need to take one part of purified kerosene and add 10 parts of vegetable oil to it. Apply this mixture to your hair and wrap your head carefully. wax paper by securing it with a scarf.

To get rid of these blood-sucking insects, keep the kerosene solution preferably for several hours. However, it should be borne in mind: if a burning sensation occurs, the product must be washed off! It is most convenient to do such procedures at night. By morning, the head must be washed using no fragrances and dyes. Now, using a special lice comb, you can begin to remove the dead individuals. Just before combing, the comb should be moistened in a solution of table vinegar.

Vinegar and salt

If head lice, treatment with folk remedies involves removing them with a mixture of vinegar and salt. You need to take a glass of table vinegar, dissolve 43 grams in it table salt and mix thoroughly. To the resulting solution, add 5 milliliters of strong alcohol. I wash my hair in the usual way. Lightly dry them with a towel. Pre-prepared gauze bandage is abundantly impregnated with the prepared solution.

Now carefully lay it out on the place affected by the bloodsuckers. After a few minutes, the fight against lice folk remedies continues with the help of a new compress. Regular change it should be carried out for a whole day in a row. In this case, in 24 hours it will be necessary to change the solution 2-3 times so that it is still effective. A mixture of vinegar and salt is appropriate not only because it kills lice. This method helps to relieve pain and relieve itching from insect bites.

Herbal products

  1. To prepare this ointment, in addition to hellebore root, you will also need rosemary leaves. You need to take these two components in equal proportions and grind them until smooth, and preferably into powder. Then mix them with pork lard in a ratio of 1:2. The ointment is ready.
  2. Another remedy includes anise seed. It will take five grams of hellebore and five grams of anise. They also need to be ground to a powder state. To this powder, add twenty-five grams of butter, after melting it in a water bath. We mix everything thoroughly and get a ready-made ointment to use as an excellent folk remedy for lice.
  3. A decoction of hellebore roots also helps. Ten grams of roots should be brewed in one liter of boiling water. Boil for about thirty minutes. The decoction is ready.

All the ointments described above should be applied at night, lubricating the hairline affected by lice. Despite the fact that there are many medicinal methods for combating lice that successfully cope with their task, a very large percentage of people who become infected with lice choose their folk remedy for lice.

Grass larkspur to the rescue

You need to take ten grams of this herb, steam it with one glass of boiling water and, adding five grams citric acid, leave to infuse. After six hours, the infusion can be used by applying to the affected areas. The fight against lice folk remedies in this case will last about ten days.

The power of ordinary mint

Familiar to everyone, mint can also be of great help in getting rid of lice. Two tablespoons of grass should be stirred in a glass of pomegranate juice, heated and allowed to boil for at least ten minutes. Then rub into the desired areas of the skin.

Geranium oil

It happens different types, depending on the type of flower itself. You have to try to find everything. possible options this oil, because best result treatment will be achieved with the complex use of all types of this product. While washing your hair, add two drops of each type of oil to the shampoo. After applying the product on the head, carefully rub it into the roots of the hair and, after wrapping it, leave it for at least one hour. After holding the right time, comb out the dead lice with a special comb, and then rinse your head with water.

Mix three teaspoons of vinegar, two drops of each type of geranium oil and mix. Wash your hair with this solution. No need to rinse with water afterwards. There is no need to dry thoroughly with a towel. Just let your hair dry naturally without using a hair dryer. It should be remembered that, using folk remedies for lice, it is necessary to rinse your head with vinegar.

Black cumin

A good way to deal with lice is a lotion. To prepare it, you need to take one glass of the seeds of this plant and grind well in a coffee grinder to a powder state. In a 1:1 ratio, add the whole mixture, stir thoroughly and filter with special paper or gauze rolled up in 2-3 layers. With the resulting lotion we rub the scalp on the head.

The effectiveness of this method increases exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is best to make such lotions in the morning or afternoon, so that you can go out into the sun, allowing sunbeams affect the head. sunbathing with a compress on the head, it should be taken for about twenty minutes. After that, the hair should not be washed for about five more hours. Such a folk remedy for lice should be used for seven to ten days.

How to deal with nits?

There are two most common ways to deal with nits. These are masks, which must include acids. For example, you can take kerosene, after diluting it with water, add slightly diluted vinegar and a little cranberry juice to it. Treat nit-damaged hair with this mixture, then rinse with slightly warm water.

To make it easier to comb out the nits, it is better to use a conditioner when washing your hair. Take a comb with very thick teeth. Start combing your hair, separating strand by strand, dividing your head into zones. After each combing carefully wipe the comb with a waffle towel.

If nits or lice appear in a child, folk remedies should still be used with caution. Though they can't hurt like chemicals, you need to know some points of working with them. Remember that kerosene is best used on short hair, as from it the hair remains greasy for a long time and deteriorates. Vinegar without an additional therapeutic component, on the contrary, dries the hair. In addition, it works to eliminate nits, but is ineffective in the fight against lice.

Sometimes we are powerless to protect ourselves from a head lice infestation, but it is still possible to do something. It is important to adhere to the norms of cleanliness and personal hygiene, not to use other people's combs, to keep track of who is nearby, avoiding close head-to-head contact with strangers.

Consequences of pediculosis

Lice bites lead to itching of the head and to the appearance of red spots all over the skin of the scalp. Knowing what discomfort lice can bring, how to get rid of nits with folk remedies, a person becomes more protected, and if he ever has to face this problem, he will be informed how to act in such a delicate situation.

The most dangerous diseases that can be transmitted with blood by lice are typhus and Volyn fever. The causes of pediculosis are called: unsatisfactory sanitary and living conditions, close contact with patients, visiting baths, pools, closed reservoirs.

Symptoms of the disease: severe itching in areas inhabited by lice, the appearance of nits (eggs), insomnia, scratching, spots and pustules on the body. Getting rid of pediculosis today is not difficult. Read more in the article "".

There are lice: head, clothes and pubic. Let's get acquainted with effective folk recipes against pediculosis, which were used in ancient times, our ancestors.

Infusion of elecampane, angelica and bird cherry will relieve pediculosis

They fought pediculosis with the help of infusion of elecampane. To do this, they took the grass and crushed roots of the plant, and poured boiling water. (For a liter of boiling water, you need to take five tablespoons of raw materials.) They insisted on the remedy for about one hour (preferably in a thermos) and washed their hair.

There is a recipe for a fairly effective old remedy for lice and nits, which is prepared on the basis of ivy-like budra. Take 20 grams of grass and grind into powder. Pour raw materials with 100 milliliters of table vinegar. Shake well and let it brew.

The finished product is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp twice a day for three to four days, and then washed well and combed out with a comb with thick teeth.

Lice are afraid of geranium, mint and saka pomegranate

It has long been known that geraniums can repel lice with their pungent odor. For the treatment of head lice, geranium oil is recommended to be added to various means for hair care: conditioners, shampoos, masks, balms.

Head lice can be treated with mint leaves and pomegranate juice. For 200 milliliters of juice, you need two tablespoons of grass. Cook the composition over low heat for at least 8 minutes. The finished and cooled potion is abundantly moistened with the scalp, rubbing into the roots.

Soap with dust and tar

To kill all lice and nits, it is enough to carry out only one treatment with dust soap. After the procedure, wet hair must be carefully combed out (preferably with a wooden one) with a thick comb. This will make it possible to remove dead insects and nits from them.

Pediculosis treatment with kerosene

Long hair and roots should be lubricated with turpentine or anise oil. These liquid components are diluted with any vegetable oil before application according to a ratio of 1:8. Then they put on an oilcloth cap and keep the mask for 40 minutes. Next, the hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo. Wet strands are combed out and dried.

Oriental recipe

With body lice, all underwear and bed linen should be boiled for at least 20 minutes with dust soap or some insecticide. Clothes can be hung out in the sun or frost and left in the air for 7 days. The lice will die of starvation.

To avoid the disease, you need to limit contact with patients with pediculosis. Use only your comb. Don't wear other people's clothes. Avoid casual sex. Wash clothes in hot water with insecticidal detergents. Periodically treat your head and body with tar soap or anti-pediculosis shampoo.

Lice can settle in a person, going to him in baths and pools, upon contact with the patient, from other people's combs and hats.

How to cure pediculosis folk remedies

The appearance of lice can not be felt. Itching begins, nits (eggs) appear. There are scratches and spots on the body, sometimes pustules. This condition causes insomnia. But you should not despair. Pediculosis is curable, and getting rid of harmful neighbors is not difficult today. Chemical insecticides kill lice quickly.

1. To remove lice, you need ivy boudra(20 g). Grind it into powder and pour table vinegar (100 ml). Shake well and insist. The agent is rubbed into the skin for four days (twice a day). Then we wash and comb the hair with a comb.

2. Elecampane roots and the plant itself is crushed (5 tablespoons) and poured with boiling water (1 l). We insist an hour and wash my head.

3. Mint leaves(2 tablespoons) cook in pomegranate juice (200 ml) for ten minutes. When the potion has cooled, rub it into the roots of the hair.

4. Grind the garlic and rub the gruel into the scalp three times a day. On the fourth day, the insects die.

Ways to get rid of lice and nits

Lice do not tolerate geraniums. She has a very strong smell. And all you need to do is buy geranium oil and add it to shampoo, balms, hair masks and conditioners.

Effective means are turpentine and anise oil. Before applying liquid component, mix it with vegetable oil. For example, 1 part turpentine and 8 parts oil. Then we apply the mixture to the hair and put on a tight shower cap. After about forty minutes, wash your hair with shampoo and comb out the strands.

1. Eliminate lice ointment, which is popular in folk recipes. The aerial part of the wild rosemary (1 part) and hellebore roots (1 part) are ground into powder and poured with hot lard (3 parts). We put the pot with the composition in a preheated oven and let it brew for 12 hours. Before going to bed, we lubricate both the skin and hair with ointment. Wrap with foil and towel. Wash off in the morning with warm water and shampoo.

2. Hellebore roots (2 parts) and anise seeds (2 parts) grind. To the powder of plants (1 part) add pork fat (2 parts) and mix. We use the ointment, as in the first recipe.

Pediculosis treatment with kerosene

When using kerosene you need to be extremely careful and very careful to avoid skin burns.

Kerosene (1 part) is mixed with vegetable oil (12 parts). At night, apply the mixture to the hair and cover it with a film. Be sure to wrap with a scarf. In the morning we wash our hair with shampoo, and with a comb dipped in an acetic solution, we comb out the wet strands.

How to get rid of body lice

If body lice are found, we immediately collect all linen, both underwear and bedding, and boil for 20 minutes in a solution with any insecticidal preparation and dust soap. After that, we hang out the laundry for a week on the street, dooming the insects to starvation.

No one is immune from pediculosis, but to avoid it, do not use other people's hygiene products and especially combs. Avoid casual sex. When washing, add insecticides to the water detergents and as a preventive measure, use either tar soap or anti-pediculosis shampoo.



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