Design and research work on ecology “Treasure under your feet” - a plastic bottle. The best projects of the competition “School for Ecology: think, research, act”


1. Main part

1.1. Current state of the problem

1.2. Household waste disposal

2. Research results, conclusions and suggestions





Recently, the world has begun to pay much more attention to environmental problems than before. On average, each person in the world generates about 1 kg of household waste per day, but this amounts to hundreds of millions of tons per year, and in the USA, for example, this amount increases by 10% every 10 years. 63 thousand garbage trucks are required to remove this amount of garbage. Russia in 1991 generated significantly less waste per capita than America, but due to the expansion of Western lifestyles, including disposable free bags, disposable tableware, disposable aluminum cans of beer and other soft drinks, we We're quickly catching up. And if in some countries there is a system of separate collection and recycling of individual components of garbage, then in our country all the disposable packaging and other “benefits” of civilization are replenishing landfills that are growing like mushrooms.

During the development of human civilization, the absolute amount of solid household waste has steadily increased. This is due to population growth, its excessive concentration in cities and changes in people’s lifestyles. The topic for the project was not chosen by chance; it is relevant not only for large cities (for cities with large populations), but also for small ones like the city of Bryansk.

Hypothesis, The basis for the work is: “If, due to the use of disposable packaging, the amount of waste produced increases, then there is a need for sorting and recycling to reduce the amount of waste.”

Target project - to develop possible options for reducing waste at the household level.

Based on the goals of the project, the following are set: tasks:

1) Study the literature on the problem of household waste;

2) Explore and describe the garbage accumulated in the trash can by one family;

3) Calculate the amount of garbage per family, per person per week, per month, per year;

4) Identify points for collection and processing of secondary raw materials in the city;

5) Offer options for reducing household waste: develop a booklet for residents encouraging them to use recycling rules in everyday life.

1.1. Current state of the problem

The surface of the earth is experiencing the most significant and very dangerous anthropogenic load. If less than 1 billion tons of harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere (without CO 2), and about 15 billion tons of pollutants are emitted into the hydrosphere, then approximately 85 billion tons of anthropogenic waste fall onto the earth annually. According to some estimates, their total volume by the end of the 90s exceeded 1,500 cubic meters. km, which corresponds to the volume of 600 thousand Cheops pyramids. Even if the predominant part of this volume is chemically inert, then in order to place it on the earth, people destroy natural ecosystems over a large area.

IN Russian Federation About 7 billion tons of industrial waste are generated annually. On the territory of the country, about 80 billion tons of solid waste have been accumulated in dumps, landfills, landfills, and storage facilities, including more than 1.1 billion tons of toxic industrial waste. Their number increases annually by approximately 120 million tons. The main technogenic pollutants of the earth are heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum products and their highly toxic derivatives.

Household waste, formed in living conditions, usually solid, consisting of solids (plastic, paper, glass, leather, etc.) and food waste. But they can also be liquid, represented by domestic wastewater.

One of the serious environmental problems is municipal solid waste (MSW). Every home generates a huge amount of unnecessary materials and products, from old newspapers, empty cans, bottles, food waste, wrapping paper to worn-out clothes, broken dishes and broken household appliances. According to data for 1994, for each of the 6 billion inhabitants of our planet there is an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year. Its quantity increases annually by approximately 120 million tons. In cities and large towns of the Russian Federation, 140 million cubic meters are formed every year. m of solid waste, i.e. almost a cubic meter for each resident.

The bulk of solid waste consists of food waste and paper, as can be seen from the data provided.

Approximate morphological composition of solid waste in Russian cities.

For different cities and regions of Russia, the composition of solid waste varies widely. In addition, in each city, the composition of solid waste depends even on the days of the week and the season of the year. For example, the content of food waste in spring is 20–25%, and in autumn 40–50%, which is associated with high consumption of vegetables and fruits. There has been a tendency to increase the content of paper and polymer materials.

There are several reasons for the increase in the amount of garbage:

1. Increased production of disposable consumer goods;

2. Increasing the amount of packaging;

3. Increasing the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.

In the whole country, only up to 5% of solid waste is processed industrially (at waste incineration plants), the rest goes to landfills. Moreover, more than 70% of waste is transported to unauthorized landfills, occupying about 250 thousand hectares. land. Garbage, despite the prohibitions, is dumped in places that are not intended for this purpose.

A feature of modern waste is the difficulty of its biochemical breakdown. The quantity and variety of waste have become so great that the problem of their storage and disposal is becoming more pressing every year for any country in the world.

KSU "Zevakinsky complex general education" high schoolkindergarten»

"Homeless Animals"


Grigoryan Daniil

3rd grade student

Scientific supervisor:Lyapunova A.V.,

teacher primary classes

Shemonaikha, 2015


1. Homeless animals………………………………………………………...6

1.1 Reasons for the appearance of stray animals…………………………….6

1.2 Problems associated with homeless animals………………………. 7

1.3 In defense of dogs and cats …………………………………………………...7-8

2. Research on the number of homeless animals in our village…………………………………………………………………………………9

2.1 Sociological survey of the population……………………………………9-10

2.2 Setting up and conducting propaganda work “Lend a Helping Hand”………………………………………………………...……………….10

3. Results and conclusions about the work done……………………………….12




Feedback from the supervisor…………………………………………….16


Modern society is so proud of the achievements of science and technology that many people get the impression that animals are unnecessary in practical business life. This is a common opinion:
“In ancient times it was impossible to do without animals, but now a dog, especially in the city, is a fun toy, a luxury for people with extra money...” Is this true? Is it really time to part with a friend who has shared all the hardships of life with a person for thousands of years? In this research work we have to figure this out.


Relevance and choice of research topic

Every day I see a terrible picture: many dogs and cats roaming the streets of our village, eating in garbage dumps in order to survive. I started having questions:

    Where are they from?

    What happened to them?

    Did they have owners?

    Or maybe they were abandoned, or they disappeared?

I feel sorry for homeless animals thrown out onto the street by their previous owners. Why have people forgotten about the loyalty and affection of those they have tamed and pass by them indifferently, pretending not to notice anything?

To answer these questions, I decided to try to find out the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals and try to draw people's attention to this problem.

Moreover, this problem has been relevant for a very long time and is global in nature. Homeless animals suffer and cause harm to people, and this is a consequence of a person’s irresponsible and indifferent attitude towards them.

Project typology:

Abstract - research;



Medium term.

The purpose of my research: find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets, attract students and adults to the problem of homeless animals.

Research objectives:

Study literature and Internet resources on this topic;

To study the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village;

Conduct a survey among students;

Create a propaganda leaflet;

Analyze the work done and draw conclusions.


If you carry out propaganda work with the population, you can reduce the number of stray animals.

1. Homeless animals

Who greets you every day when you leave home? Whom do we disgustedly push away with our foot when opening the door, and without whom we cannot imagine our life?

Stray animals are stray dogs, cats or other domestic animals that live in packs or alone on the streets. Homeless animals exist in all cities, towns and villages. There is no exact data on the number of stray animals.

1.1 Reasons for the appearance of stray animals

There are homeless animals all over the world. The source of homeless animals is discarded, lost dogs, as well as those that were born on the street, that is, initially homeless. There are always and everywhere people who first get animals and then decide that they no longer need them. Cruel, soulless, irresponsible people drive out, throw away, and leave defenseless animals on the street. Sometimes an animal simply gets lost or remains on the street because its owner dies and relatives do not take this animal into their home. Someone, if lucky, finds a new owner. But the majority join the army of stray animals, dying from cold and disease, under the wheels of cars. Many are caught and destroyed. Not only a dog can get lost, but also a cat, for example, one that can sit for hours on the balcony or by the window. IN veterinary clinics deliver hundreds of skydiving cats every year. In addition to the injuries received, falling from a window threatens the flyers with the loss of their owner.

1.2 Problems associated with stray animals

Problems associated with homeless animals remain relevant, although most people do not pay attention or pretend not to notice them. Even street animals themselves pose many problems for human society. Let me give you a few examples: let’s remember a familiar picture. On the way home, many times warily avoided packs of angry dogs. True, it cannot be said that anger is caused by unreasonable aggression; in most cases, it is just a response to the cruel attitude of people towards stray animals. It is also necessary to note the problem of the spread of dangerous diseases that spread among homeless animals and can be transmitted to people in various ways (with a bite - rabies, with stroking - helminthiasis, lichen, etc.). However, even in the very emergence of such a problem, the guilt of human society is undeniable. People don’t hesitate to get rid of their pets, thereby adding to the already large army of street animals. Unfortunately, this is not the only reason for the increase in their numbers; uncontrolled reproduction leads to the same effect.

1.3 In defense of dogs and cats

I wonder what would have changed if one fine day we had not seen homeless animals on the streets. We are so used to them that we cannot imagine it. Modern society is so proud of the achievements of science and technology that many people get the impression that dogs are unnecessary in practical business life. The following opinion is widespread: “Before it was impossible to do without dogs, but now a dog, especially in the city, is a fun toy, a luxury for people with extra money.” Is this true? Is it really time to part with a friend who has shared all the hardships of life with a person for thousands of years?

On May 9, 2015, our entire country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, and the horrors of its events are still alive in people’s memory. And at that harsh time, his devoted dogs were next to the man. They walked, or rather, ran into a rapid attack, carrying soldiers, machine guns, and ammunition through the snow. In 1944, there were 60 thousand service dogs in our army! They destroyed 300 enemy tanks, discovered 4 million mines, and took 680 thousand wounded from the field. Do people really not remember this at all?

But also in everyday life Dogs play an important role in human activities. With their phenomenal instincts, they help sappers and geologists, looking for explosives, water in the desert or minerals. We must not forget about the border service - and today the fighting comrades of the border guards - dogs - carry out patrols. How can one not remember that the first living creature to fly into space was the dog Laika. Dogs are also guides for blind people.

We must not forget about cats, they are no less important for humans. They have an excellent ability to lift spirits, brighten up loneliness, and catch mice. Not everyone knows that cats can be public service. So, to prevent mice from spoiling the priceless collections of the world-famous British Museum, a “cat company” of six cats was enlisted on its staff. Each of them receives a salary. So that no one touches the cats, and all visitors know that the cats are museum employees, they are given a uniform - a lush yellow bow is tied around their necks.

But most importantly, both dogs and cats give a person fidelity, devotion, friendship and love - in no way irreplaceable feelings.

2. Research on the number of homeless animals in our village.

While studying the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village, I observed the situation on the streets for some time. During my observations, I identified about 20 homeless animals. In addition, a sociological survey of school teachers and students was conducted.

A census of homeless animals and a sociological survey of students made it possible to obtain general idea about this problem in our village:

    total inhabitants in the village - 1200 people

    st. Lenin (stray animals encountered – 8)

    st. Embankment (stray animals encountered – 3)

    st. Chapaeva (stray animals encountered – 2)

    st. Construction (stray animals encountered – 7)

2.1 Sociological survey of the population

I conducted a sociological survey of students at our school (see table of results in Appendix 1)

Analysis of the results obtained allows us to draw the following conclusions.

Most of the students surveyed have a pet, mostly cats, cats, dogs, but there are also decorative rabbits and turtles. Many people would like to have more pets, although they already have a pet. Most children help homeless animals, which is good news. But at the same time, they believe that stray animals are dangerous, and this happens in some cases to be true, because on the way home, many have often cautiously avoided packs of angry dogs. But they are evil because they have no shelter and food. To the question “Has it ever happened that you took a stray animal into your home?”, the majority of respondents answered no. Maybe it's time to reconsider this issue, because homeless animals need protection.

And the most important question: “How to deal with the problem of homeless animals?” Students suggested possible solutions to the problem. Most responded that it is necessary to open shelters, but this is very rare. They offered to feed them, take them home, some even offered to destroy stray animals. Unfortunately, little can be done by schoolchildren. Such a large-scale problem cannot be solved without government intervention. But it is also impossible to watch and do nothing.

2.2 Setting up and conducting propaganda work “Lend a Helping Hand”

Don't pass by when you see a puppy with a broken paw or an exhausted kitten. After all, you can become the savior of a little soul! Remember that the huge number of homeless dogs and cats is the result of our own monstrous negligence.

Try to help such an animal, find owners for a dog or cat that lives in your yard and that you are not ready to take into your home. You can take a photo of the animal, post it on websites, social networks and in means mass media, where advertisements about animals are published.

If this pet, which you think is lost, try to look for its owners. Post advertisements with photographs in nearby yards and bus stops.

Do you think this is all complicated? Of course! But providing real help is always much more difficult than pretending to help. But that is exactly what is required!

In the summer, there were a lot of abandoned kittens on our street. And my parents and I decided to help them. But we understood that summer would soon end, and in winter the kittens would die. We couldn’t take them for ourselves, since we have an adult cat, Ryzhik, whom my dad found last year, he wandered around at their work, dad took pity on him and brought him home. We tried with all our might to place the kittens in caring hands, so that they would find a home, owners who would take care of them. My granny also took kittens from the street and now she has two cute cats.

It’s not easy, but we can call at least a few homeless animals pets; they have found a home and will not die from cold and hunger. The main thing is the desire to help. It makes your soul warmer when you were able to help someone!

3. Results and conclusions about the work done.

Based on the test results, we made the following conclusion: Most of our classmates have some kind of pet at home. Almost everyone understands that the problem of homeless animals exists and that it must be combated.

But how to fight? Here opinions are divided. Mostly the guys think about shelters, but many of them do not understand that shelters are not intended for permanent residence there are homeless animals there, and this is only a temporary shelter for the poor things, where they will be washed, treated, fed and, most importantly, found an owner.”

I offer my vision of solving the problem of homeless animals:

“I believe that the problem should be solved from the very beginning: you should not throw animals out into the street, before taking them home, think about whether you can devote enough time to them.

My actions:

    Feed and care for homeless animals.

    Try to find an owner for a homeless animal.

    Tell friends and adults about this problem.”


I believe that the goal of my work has been achieved. I studied the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village and was able to find out the main reasons for their appearance on the streets. I think that I managed to attract the attention of my classmates to the problem of homeless animals.

What has already been done

While doing this research work, I learned a lot of interesting things about both animals and people; analyzed the information received; suggested possible ways to help homeless animals; prepared a presentation; spoke in front of his classmates.

Prepared an information sheet calling people to take responsibility for those who have been tamed (Appendix 2).

We held a drawing competition on the theme “Take care of animals.”

Ways of development

In the future, I plan to continue working on this topic together with my teacher and classmates. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done by schoolchildren. But you can’t do nothing either. Therefore, we decided to prepare and carry out the following events:

    the campaign “We are responsible for those we have tamed” with the release of information leaflets, which draws students’ attention to the problem of homeless animals;

    a series of classroom hours dedicated to pets and homeless animals;

    whenever possible, provide real assistance to homeless animals;

    hold a drawing competition among students on the theme “Looking for an owner!”

List of used literature:

  1. Vera Chaplina “Pets” Publisher: Eksmo Moscow 2008.p.208
  2. 1. A. de Saint-Exupery " Little Prince", 2007.

    Internet site:

    Internet site:

    Home for stray dogs. Balaganov A.

Appendix 1

The total number of respondents was 58 people.

Questionnaire “Stray animals are a problem for everyone”

Do you have a pet?

Would you like to have a pet?

Is there a problem with homeless animals?

How do you feel about homeless animals?

I don't notice

I have a negative attitude

Do you agree that stray animals can be dangerous?

I find it difficult to answer

Has it ever happened that you took a stray animal into your home?

How to deal with the problem of homeless animals?

we need to open shelters


take with you


Where do you most often see homeless animals?

trash can

Feedback from the supervisor

Daniil decided to find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets and to involve students and adults in the problem of homeless animals. We studied literature and Internet resources on this topic,

studied the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village, conducted a survey among students; shared the information received with classmates; created a propaganda leaflet; After analyzing the work done, we drew conclusions.

This work useful in that all people on earth take care of and protect animals, where the number of stray animals is reduced.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that these works can be of interest to any person, as well as when studying the topic “Animal Protection” in world knowledge lessons.

Appendix 2

Their trouble is our fault. They come into this world to teach us how to love.

Today, thousands of pets die in agony, from pain and suffering, falling into the territory of the human essence, where ruthlessness, indifference, and anger are sown. They are killed, maimed, thrown away like a boring toy and they die without tears and what is most amazing is that they go into another world with love for a person.

If you decide to get a pet, you need to know the following:

Reminder for caring for animals

Determine and equip a corner for your pet;

Feed your pet at least 2 times a day;

Walk with him at least 2 times a day;

Take him to the veterinarian for a check-up once a month;

Don't forget about vaccinations;

Once a week my pet is treated with special means.

Caress him, play with him.

Love your pet, become his friend.

The life of domestic animals is precarious; they are not able to protect themselves from the cruelty that is sometimes inflicted by the ruler of this world - man.



Zheleznodorozhny urban district, Moscow region


st. Novaya, 34 8-495- 527-55-37



Nomination "Global Ecology"

Ganina Natalya

4th grade students


Project Manager:

Anisimova Valentina Alekseevna

(social teacher)





    Forest areas.

    Animal world.





    List of used literature.


Relevance of the problem

More and more often we hear and pronounce the word “ecology”. Science is complex, important and necessary. The science is relevant. Ecology is the science of relationships in nature, of man’s relationship to the environment. The Earth's wealth is being depleted faster than it is being restored.

The natural resources that we had in abundance not so long ago are being depleted. Nature cannot heal its wounds indefinitely. It is quite possible that last weeks Another mammal, another bird, or another plant has disappeared from the face of the Earth. Let's remember that every animal or plant is unique.

Project goal:

    Drawing the attention of others to an environmental problem;

    Expanding your horizons in the system environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development);

    Development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it);

Project objectives:

Learn to observe objects of living and inanimate nature.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions by establishing cause-and-effect relationships between natural objects.

Develop environmental skills safe behavior in nature;

To cultivate a sense of empathy and desire to help natural objects in need: plants, insects, animals, birds, humans.

Implementation stages

Preparatory stage

Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods.

Research stage

Finding answers to the questions posed in different ways.


Generalization of the results of the work in the most various forms, their analysis, consolidation of acquired knowledge, formulation of conclusions and, if possible, drawing up recommendations.

Project result

Ecological culture is understood as a holistic system that includes a number of elements:
- system of environmental knowledge;
- culture of feelings (sympathy, empathy, sense of patriotism);

A culture of environmentally educated behavior.

As a result of working on the project, we expect:

    increasing environmental and cultural awareness;

    acquiring the skills to pose and solve problems, anticipate situations, make informed conclusions about the state environment;

    making every person's contribution to environmental protection.


Russia is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of forest reserves. The forest area in the Russian Federation exceeds 1180 million hectares.

Do you know?

    Forests play an important role in water purification. The fact is that the root system of trees creates soil conditions that purify groundwater, making it truly clean and natural. Taking care of trees means taking care of water for our descendants. And one of the goals of Rodniki Rossii is precisely to show concern for future generations of Russians.

The role of forests in natural complex and economic activity is difficult to overestimate. Over the past 20-25 years, the state of forest resources has been continuously deteriorating, and the situation with forest use has become increasingly aggravated. Government officials are doing everything to preserve and increase the forests of the region. But malicious violators destroy trees.

Each of us can contribute to the conservation of trees.

So, in October, our school held a competition “Let's save nature together!”, Students, teachers and parents planted trees. Interesting and useful.

Animal world

The role of animals in the biosphere and human life is extremely great.

The diversity of animal species in itself is beneficial for humans. They serve as sources of food, technical and medicinal raw materials, and guardians of the genetic fund for improving breeds of domestic animals.

From year to year, scientists record a decline in the number and extinction of animals for the following reasons:

Habitat disturbance;

Overharvesting, fishing in prohibited areas;

Direct destruction to protect products;

Accidental (unintentional) destruction;

Environmental pollution.

The protection of animals is, first of all, the protection of their habitats.

My call: do not destroy birds’ nests, do not pollute nature, treat it with care!


Water is a constant, inseparable companion of a person throughout his life. It is more valuable than oil, gas, coal, iron, since water is irreplaceable. It plays a decisive role in a person's life.

"Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without believing that you exist. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life, you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings, with you the strength to which we have already said goodbye returns to us. You are the greatest wealth in the world!”

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).

We, people, do not perceive this value: the waters of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are polluted every day. Unscrupulous enterprises dump their waste into water. It is necessary to strictly monitor their work in the field of environmental protection!

Many years ago, Cook (a navigator) found lumps of fuel oil in the ocean, the largest ones were the size of potatoes! But what about the inhabitants of reservoirs? They get a lot too!

Each of us can do our part to protect the environment - don't throw trash! Especially near a pond!


You know that the Moscow region has a number of mineral resources. In the first place among them in terms of reserves and use is peat, there are also various clays, there are many deposits of limestone rocks in the Moscow region, there is brown coal and iron ore.

So, we see that although the Moscow land is not very rich in minerals and ores, there is material in its depths for construction and for crafts, and even for decoration. You just need to take care of nature.

The soil is destroyed due to improper mining, the use of fertilizers, and water and air pollution.

Soil protection is critical global problem today.


Our planet is shrouded in a continuous thick layer of atmosphere, which consists of a mixture of gases, water vapor, drops of moisture, and ice crystals. The thickness of the atmosphere is approximately 20 thousand kilometers.

The atmosphere is the “clothing” for our planet. It protects the Earth from overheating and cooling, protects all living things.

90% of air pollutants come from the combustion of fuels in power plants, factories (smoke emissions) and in car engines.

Air pollution has harmful effects on living organisms.

Trying to solve this problem, people install filters in factories, invent gas-powered cars, and plant trees.

Each of us can contribute, for example, by planting a tree. Tree leaves purify the air.


Planet Earth is a common home for all people. Only prudent management and reasonable use its wealth can ensure the well-being and safety of the inhabitants of our planet!


List of used literature

For students

    Great encyclopedia animal world. M.: JSC "ROSMEN-PRESS", 2007.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Plants./Comp. L.A. Bagrova - M.: TKO "AST", 1995.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Animals./Comp. P.R. Lyakhov-M.: TKO "AST", 1999

Municipal educational institution "Dubrovskaya secondary secondary school»

Social project


8th grade students

Fotina Elena,

Kobeleva Daria,

Okulova Alena


Kobeleva S.A.

2013-2014 academic year


    Justification of the project………………3

    Goal and objectives………………………..5

    Implementation deadlines and participants......6

    Expected results…………….8


    Implementation methods………………...9

    Project results………………..10



Project name: "Ecolanders"

Project geography: Perm region, Elovsky district, Dubrovo village.

Project implementation period: September – November 2013

Legal address of the organization: MOU "Dubrovsk secondary school"

618173 Perm region, Elovsky district, Dubrovo village, Yubileinaya street 1-a

Abstract of the project.

The project will be implemented by residents of the School Republic and representatives of the Dubrovsk School Council under the leadership of S.A. Kobeleva and is aimed at improving the environmental situation in the village of Dubrovo, and consists of a research and practical part. The research part is related to sociological surveys village residents, interviewing individual representatives of local society, summarizing the materials received.

The practical part is connected with a company to attract village residents to solve environmental problems, and attract charitable funds for the implementation of the project.

Project justification

Man, look around: this is your country, your city, your village, your fields, rivers, lakes. And, unfortunately, the trash is yours too! We think that every person has an internal dissatisfaction caused by the surrounding garbage, so habitually included in the landscape of forests, squares, parks, and even just residential courtyards.

Small Motherland is the place where you were born, where you grew up and where you live. A place that you miss when you are away from home and where you want to return again, with which good moments in life are associated. This is the corner that is so dear to the heart. And I really want our small Motherland it was clean and comfortable, so that every resident could be proud of their village.

At the moment, in the village of Dubrovo in the center it is gray and boring, there are not enough flowers and bright colors. The bus stop, the first thing a visitor to the village sees, requires cosmetic repairs. The local population is not very careful about the environment; they throw garbage at their feet and arrange dumps on the street.

Maybe we shouldn’t wait for some kind wizard to come and clean up our village, but try to do at least something for this ourselves?

But just talking about this problem is not enough; it doesn’t make things cleaner around us. This problem needs to be solved with practical actions. The time has come to give this process a clear form and organization.

And we came up with this idea - to involve local authorities and the village population in solving this problem. We'll do it ourselves. And in order to bring this idea to life, we decided to approach the matter in an adult way. We will develop a real project.

We have to analyze the pollution situation in the village, conduct propaganda among the students of our school, and attract the attention of all residents to think about the problem of garbage in the village of Dubrovo. We believe that through joint efforts we can, if not solve the entire problem, then at least move it away. dead center.


1. Pollution by household waste in the village center.

2. Lack of environmental culture among the population

We had the idea to organize residents of the School Republic and village residents to solve some of the environmental problems. We decided to conduct our work in three directions:

1) Educational activities among students and village residents, aimed at making them aware of the problem of household pollution;

2) Activation of the actions of the Village Administration;

3) Practical activities for nature conservation.

Target: Clear the streets and central square of the village of Dubrovo of household waste and paint the bus stop.


    Carrying out a number of activities aimed at cleaning and putting in order the territory of the village center:

    Survey of village residents

    Release of leaflets and propaganda posters,

    Painting the stop,

    Cleaning up trash around the bus stop

    Involving the public (parents, village residents, school students)

    Speech at a school-wide meeting about the results of work

Project implementation timeframe.

Since this idea was proposed at the first meeting of the Business Council, dedicated to the Year of Ecology, it was decided not to postpone the good deed and set the dates: September - November 2013

Project Implementation Plan



Available resources

Missing Resources

Compose a questionnaire for village residents to find out their attitude towards environmental problems in the village

Kobeleva Daria


Interview village residents and get results

Kobeleva S.A..

Studying 7th grade

Organize school students, parents and village residents for the environmental action “Clean Village”

Elovikova S.B. - biology teacher

Kobeleva S.A. - organizer

Lozinskaya L.V. - head of the settlement

Garbage bags

Whatman paper for announcement


Take photographs of problem areas of the village from an environmental point of view /village center, landfills, garbage near houses, bus stop/

02.09. to 10.27.13

Okulova Alena

digital camera

Prepare a presentation

about the project implementation

18.10. to 11/19/13

Fotina Elena

Prepare a speech by the Ecodesant propaganda team and speak to school students

Okulova Yana

Pastukhov D.A.

Hold a poster drawing competition at school “The nature of the countryside is in danger”

Kobeleva S.A - art teacher

Whatman paper, album sheets

Development of sketches for painting stops and thematic leaflets

Tatarkina Diana

Painting a bus stop

7th grade initiative group

Paint, brushes, ditch, roller, containers for mixing paint

paints, color

Distribution of leaflets and promotional information on bulletin boards

Studying 7th grade

Files, buttons

Project participants:

1. Students of the municipal educational institution "Dubrovskaya Secondary School".

2. The teaching staff of the municipal educational institution "Dubrovskaya Secondary School".

3. Administration of Dubrovsky rural settlement.

4. Residents of the village of Dubrovo.

Expected results

Awareness of the significance of the problem and improvement of the aesthetic and environmental condition of the village.

Conscious improvement of the environmental culture of schoolchildren and village residents.

At least 120 students and village residents will be able to watch the propaganda team’s performance.

Project estimate.

1. For printing leaflets - Paper (white and color) for the printer - 1 pack (150-00 rub.)

3. Whatman paper - 5 pcs. 15 rub. (75 rub.)

    Stationery (buttons, files, markers, pencils) – 100-00 rub.

    Water-based paint 7 liters (460 RUR)

    Color 2 pcs. 30 rub. (60 rub.)

Total: 1095 rubles from parental funds

2. Implementation methods

In order to attract the attention of students, their parents, and village residents to the problem of household pollution and intensify their actions to correct this situation, we have chosen the following methods:

    Action “Clean Village”/cleaning the territory of the village center and bus stops /Appendix 4/

    Conversations with students about the problem of rural pollution

    Observation method

    Placing posters in public places in the village calling on residents to restore order on their streets, near their homes; /appendix 4/

    Creativity (painting a stop, drawing competition “Village nature is in danger”, propaganda performance at a school-wide assembly

/ application 2)

    Questioning of village residents “Cleanliness and order for my native village” /Appendix 1/

    Cooperation with the village administration

    Using ICT technologies /creating a presentation on the implementation of the project/

Project results:

A beautiful, well-kept bus stop in the village of Dubrovo.

The territory of the village center is clean from household waste

The propaganda team’s performance was watched by at least 120 students

70% of students took part in the school drawing competition primary school

Distributed 45 thematic leaflets among the population

Conducted the “Clean Village” campaign

Conveyed suggestions and wishes from village residents to the Council of Deputies

Prepared a presentation on the implementation of the project

Involved the public to participate

Prospects of the project.

For the further development of the Ecodesant project, it is planned to follow the following directions:

1. Update information posters encouraging fellow villagers to maintain cleanliness in the village.

2. Annually hold cleanup days, actions and conversations with students about the cleanliness of their native village.

In this academic year work in this area continues/Appendix 5/.

In September, residents of the School Republic took part in the all-Russian action “Green Russia - 2014”; high school students brought seedlings to school, which were then planted near the Leisure House in the center of the village of Dubrovo. In total, 20 maples, 10 rowan trees and 10 spruce trees were planted. Primary and secondary school children took part in the “Clean Village” campaign, collecting garbage in the center of the village, at the stadium, and on the side of the roads along the streets.

We hope that our village will be beautiful, green, and most importantly – clean! Let's welcome spring 2015 and Great Victory in a clean village!

Appendix 1

Questionnaire “Cleanliness and order for my native village!”

    Who litters more on the streets?

    “Do you consider environmental safety (cleanliness of air, water, soil) to be the main thing in life?”

Your wishes, suggestions or request.

Survey results from 29 respondents

      Do you think the village of Dubrovo is clean?

      Who litters more on the streets?

Children, residents, everyone, youth, alcoholics, adults

    What causes rural pollution?

Burnt houses, bad manners, untimely garbage collection, irresponsibility, lack of control, lack of culture of people, household garbage, unmown grass

    What needs to be done to make the village clean?

Develop a love of cleanliness, remove waste and garbage in a timely manner, conduct propaganda and re-educate residents, do not litter

    Do you consider environmental safety (cleanliness of air, water, soil) to be the most important thing in life? Yes-27, no-1, don’t know-1

Your wishes, suggestions or request:

      Clean up near houses

      Everyone should work according to their conscience /address to deputies/

      Lead a normal life

      Love your village, decorate it

      Clean up after yourself

      Organize the removal of waste and garbage at the request of residents

      Install more bins and containers in the village center

      Don't throw trash out of cars

      Plant trees, create a park

All wishes and suggestions were conveyed to S.B. Elovikova, a teacher of biology and chemistry, a member of the Council of Deputies of the Dubrovsky rural settlement.

Appendix 2

The students presented the results of the project at a school-wide assembly with a creative performance, the author of the words was mathematics teacher D.A. Pastukhov.

What is "ekos"? This is home
What is "logos"? This is knowledge.
This means ecology is knowledge about
how not to destroy the building of Life.

Our “life building” is also a home.
The home where we grow, mature, love.
So, we need to take care of him!
How to care? We will discuss it here.

Everything is important - neatness, cleanliness;
We are often greeted by our clothes.
Beauty attracts us like a magnet,
Everyone in the world knows this very well.

We think that every village
see starting from a stop.
So, the time to act has come;
we paint the stop, together, deftly.

We also need to ask the Dubrovtsy residents,
How to improve life in your native village?
What can we do? And what to ask for
competent assistance from the authorities?

We are capable of not throwing garbage;
in the center, at school, at home, on the roads...
If you make a mess, then clean it up!
Cleanliness is the key to health.

The authorities can decide a lot:
more trash cans in public places,
garbage needs to be taken out more often,

It is necessary for order to become the norm.

The cleanest ones will be rewarded.
And let people know the dirty stuff too...
It is possible to create a “clean landing force”,
and then life will definitely be better!

And also, let our kids
act as they teach in school.
This is the beginning of great things.
This way the country will get better citizens.

It is necessary that by the dictates of the Soul
there was a desire for purity;
so we will take a huge step
to Truth, Goodness and Beauty!

Appendix 3

Leaflets for public agitation

“Our village is not a garbage dump”

“We want to live in a clean village”

Appendix 4 Appendix 5

Appendix 3

Municipal educational institution "Dubrovskaya secondary school"


In the Pacific Ocean there is a large.

"plastic spot" 45 meters deep,

The area is equal to the territory of the United States.

There is no exact data about the "spot", no one

didn't research. Because the ocean isnobody's...

And such landfills are near us.

And they OUR !!!

Garbage is serious.

Natural processing of waste requires many years and even centuries;

Glass bottles- 1 million years;

Tin cans-50-80 years (bury it under a plum tree - 2-3 years);

Rubber soles of boots-50-40 years;

Skin-50 years;

Nylon products-30-40 years;

Plastic- 700 – 800 years;

Plastic bag-10-20 years;

Cigarette butt-1-5 years;

Wool sock-1-5 years;

Orange or banana peel-2-5 weeks.


In our area, landfills occupy huge areas around and in the populated areas themselves.

The damage from landfills is HUGE!

Decomposing waste penetrates into groundwater, is dispersed by the winds, and thereby causes damage to the environment and human health.

We, the students of the Dubrovskaya school, know and understand the danger that landfills bring and are not inactive!

Perhaps, having seen how the guys clean up the landfills (in the village), maybe you will also have a desire to clean up the mess in your yard, on your street and around your village!







Friends! Fellow villagers! Dubrovtsy!

A lot of exotic things in the world:

Egypt, Canary Islands, Maldives,

But our home is in our native village.

Clean, cozy, beautiful!


Don't litter on the streets!

7th grade students

Municipal government educational institution secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects

urban-type settlement Demyanovo, Podosinovsky district, Kirov region

direction: humanitarian

Research work on ecology

“Household waste of humanity.

How to save your village from garbage."

Work completed:

Karandasheva Evelina,

student of 4th grade


Kapustina N.I., primary school teacher, 1st category

village Demyanovo 2017


Relevance of the research topic………………………………………………………3-4

    Garbage is a global problem………………..………….. ………5

2.1. Classification of waste………………………………………………………...…………5-7

2.2. Pollution of the village of Demyanovo…….…………………………………...7-9

    Research results.

3.1. Determination of the approximate composition of waste……………………….………..9-10

3.2. Sociological research: “Ecological problems of our village”………………………………………………………………………………………………10-13

3.3. Assessment of soil toxicity in the area……………………………………..13-14

    Conclusions on the topic of work…………………………………………………………….15-16


    List of information sources used………………….18

    Appendix (provided separately)

    • 1 Booklet

      №2 Presentation

      3 Questionnaire for parents and students


Relevance of the research topic.

On January 5, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree according to which 2017 was declared the year of ecology in Russia. The purpose of this decision is to draw attention to problematic issues existing in the environmental sphere and improve the state of the country’s environmental security.Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Ivanov noted that the environment, first of all, determines the quality of life of people, their well-being and health. Therefore, it is necessary to act now:

“The time has come to clean up Russia. We have to change the approaches of society, authorities, and business to such seemingly prosaic things as household waste disposal. Now tens, even hundreds of millions of tons of waste are, at best, taken to landfills or burned in factories. And at worst, to be honest, they just fall out anywhere. The outskirts of many populated areas have turned into giant landfills, and you probably know this as well as I do. Modern civilized society simply cannot live like this. As you know, it’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.”

In the old days, there was little waste or refuse from human activity. Clothes in the family were passed down from older to younger, sometimes even serving several generations. It was repaired and patched until it became completely dilapidated. The same applies to household items and furniture. Empty glass containers and cute tin jars were adapted for household needs. Junk dealers walked from house to house, they paid the owner money for old things or offered to exchange them for something.

Even 500 years BC, the first known edict was issued in Athens, prohibiting throwing garbage on the streets, providing for the organization of special landfills and ordering garbage collectors to dump waste no closer than a mile from the city.

Since then, the garbage has been stored in various storage facilities in rural areas. As a result of the growth of cities, the available space in their surroundings decreased, and the unpleasant odors and the increased number of rats caused by landfills became unbearable. Free-standing landfills have been replaced by waste storage pits.

The growth of cities and the resettlement of nationalities in them led to a completely different consumer structure. Products began to be exchanged, which means they were packaged for greater convenience, and packaging, especially made from synthetic materials, heavily pollutes the environment. The huge amount of waste generated as a result of human activity has led to the emergence of an entire industry dedicated to its recycling.

Since 1987, the amount of garbage in the country has doubled and amounted to 120 billion tons per year, including industry.

Even a new scientific direction has emerged - garbology, which means garbage science. Garbologists all over the world are looking for different ways out of the garbage impasse in which humanity finds itself.

Purpose of the study:

Study the impact of garbage on the environment and find out ways to combat it.

Research objectives:

    study literature on the topic;

    conduct a survey among classmates and their parents about what they think about the environmental situation in the village or region;

    make your own observations;

    study the effect of soil pollution on plant growth and development;

    evaluate the growth and development of plants on different soil samples;

    process the data obtained and draw conclusions.

The object of the study is - household waste, soil in the area.

Subject of research – ecology in the village of Demyanovo.

Practical significance : materials of this research work can be used in lessons about the surrounding world, geography and extracurricular activities in local history, class hours.

Research hypothesis:

It is possible that garbage remains in water and soil for a long time and thereby causes great harm to the environment and human health.

Research methods:

I used the following research methods: questionnaires, analysis; synthesis; generalization; practical work.

    Garbage is a global problem.

In the spring, as soon as the snow begins to melt, you can see mountains of garbage along the roads, in ditches, on the outskirts of populated areas, at the stadium, near houses, and near shops. Huge mountains of garbage are a real threat to the health of residents.These landfills are also breeding grounds for mice,rats, insects and can become sources infectious diseases. Plastics occupy a special place among household waste, since they are not subject to biological degradation processes and can long time be in the environment. So, for example, for the decomposition of substances, leftwe use a plastic bag, it will lie in the ground for 200 years, paper from 5 to 10 years, iron 100 years, plastic 500 years. Not on Earthbacteria that can destroy them. And shards of glass, cans, bottles are capable ofhow mines “work” even after 1000 years: a piece of glass in sunny weathermay act as a lens and cause a fire. How many people get injured due tobroken glass that can easily cut through even shoes.

Wherever there is no garbage! He's everywhere. Garbage accompanies our lives, we see it everywhere:

    at the bus stop (cigarette butts, bottles, cans, candy wrappers, etc.)

    in the forest ( tin cans, plastic bottles, packaging, plastic bags)

    in the store (lots of receipts, wrappers)

    on a walk (paper wrappers, etc.)

Garbage not only spoils the aesthetic appearance. It causes enormous harm to the environment. We don’t think about the fact that this garbage will return to us in the form of contaminated groundwater and toxic dust. It will become impossible to drink water from wells and springs, vegetables and berries will be poisoned. Most people don't see any problem with this. And therefore, despite the prohibitions, garbage is dumped in places that are completely inappropriate for this purpose. These landfills (even very small ones) pose a threat to people.

Until recently, specialists did not have a clear idea of ​​the composition and reactions occurring in a mixture of household waste.
As a result of research, it was established that the composition of landfills is a complex complex of various chemical compounds.

    1. Garbage classification:

household special waste industrial

In every family, a bucket of waste makes a daily trip to the trash container.

INhousehold waste go:

    paper, books, notebooks, magazines;

    glass jars and bottles;

    metal cans;

    vegetable peelings, eggshell(organic residues);

    plastic packaging;

    cardboard milk or juice bags;

    plastic bags and packages;

    worn textiles (socks, tights that cannot be darned, etc.)

    wood products;

    metal, iron, rubber things (for example, old toys) and many other things.

Special waste , Vfrom some of them:


    remnants of paints, varnishes, adhesives;

    remnants of cosmetics (eye shadow, nail polish, nail polish remover);

    unused or expired medications;

    leftovers household chemicals(cleaning products, deodorants, stain removers, aerosols, furniture care products, etc.);

    mercury thermometers;

    auto cosmetics.

Old electrical equipment and electronics are very dangerous (because they contain mercury, copper, lead, etc.). A battery becomes life-threatening at the moment of purchase.What exactly makes itso dangerous to health? For example, let's take one AA battery. Weighs less than 100 grams and is comparable in volume to a little finger. Nevertheless,according to the staff of the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev, she is capable of polluting heavy metals approximately 20 sq. Batteries contain metals such as mercury, nickel, cadmium, lead, zinc and manganese. All of them have the ability to accumulate in the human body and cause serious harm to health.
Moreover, each metal has its own “target” organs. Lead has a destructive effect on the kidneys, cadmium destroys the liver, bones and thyroid gland, and
mercury does its dirty work on the brain, kidneys and liver.

Batteries thrown into the trash represent a delayed danger. Take a look at any of them: you will see a sign in the form of a crossed out trash container. This is an unequivocal warning: under no circumstances should a used battery be thrown into the trash - it must be taken to a special recycling point. A seemingly harmless battery in a typical solid waste dump quickly becomes damaged under the influence of high temperature and acidity. Toxins and carcinogens enter groundwater, poison the soil and accumulate in living organisms. Including ours!So a person receives them in the form drinking water, both in the form of wheat ground for flour, and in the form of milk from a cow grazing in a poisoned meadow. It is difficult to imagine how much harm is being caused to the environment on a global scale. Batteries are especially dangerous for children who like to “taste” objects that are new to them, and in the case of batteries this is deadly. Once in the body, it is a “silent killer” in the literal sensewords will burn your stomach and intestines.

Special waste should not be thrown away and destroyed in a general trash heap, because it causes great harm to the environment and human health for many reasons.

In addition to household and special waste, there is alsowaste industrial enterprises, Fortunately, there are no such large enterprises in our village, but they are in the neighborhood and it would not be superfluous to know what kind of waste such enterprises leave behind and how this threatens both the environment and us.

    radioactive waste;

    mercury and its compounds – chemical industry waste;

    arsenic and its compounds contained in waste from metallurgical industries and thermal power plants;

    lead compounds, etc.

As a result of research, it has been established that the composition of our garbage is a complex complex of various chemical compounds.

2.2. Pollution of the village of Demyanovo.

Residents of the village suffer from emissions of combustion products in the form of ash and soot from local boiler house No. 3 (it is located within the village). Since the boiler house was built and put into operation in December 2013, running on local fuel (chips and sawdust), they literally cannot breathe deeply. The entire territory of the village is covered with a layer of ash and soot. Black soot settles on window sills, windows of houses, cars, playgrounds and benches. Children cannot play outside in winter because the snow is black everywhere and they can put it in their mouth. Ventilation of premises has become almost impossible - instead of fresh air The rooms are filled with the smell of smoke, soot and soot. Combustion products in the form of ash and soot accompany the village residents at every step. From the street, black soot is transferred to the entrances, then to the residents' apartments. And you can forget about drying clothes on the balcony and outside. Many people say that their nose is constantly blocked and it is difficult to breathe. The fact is that when we inhale dangerous substances, irritation occurs in the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. All this can lead to chronic rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa) and pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa), bronchitis and even bronchial asthma. For people with heart disease, toxic substances may cause cardiospasms. One or two emissions may not have any effect on health, but if they occur regularly, they can even contribute to the development of cancer. In winter, your eyes constantly water and hurt (pain, pain, irritation and inflammation of the eyes) when ash, soot and unburned fuel particles get into your eyes. As evidenced by repeated appeals to ambulance. When using local fuels in the boiler room, the requirements for the protection of atmospheric air and technological process. An obligatory element of any modern boiler room is ash collectors, which must purify the smoke emanating from the installation by at least 90%. But during the installation of the boiler room, for some reason the ash collectors were not installed

Walking through the village, each of us encounters smoking garbage containers. And in spring and autumn during territory cleaning campaigns. The picture is even more depressing - the village is immersed in stinking smoke screens, for example, when burning autumn leaves. It is a pity that this serious threat is not recognized by our population.

In the fire and smoke of such fires at high flame temperatures, various chemical substances interact with each other, new ones are formed, many of which are dangerous to humans. With smoke, these substances are easily transported over vast distances.
We often pass by burning garbage with an indifferent look and think that it does not concern us. However, through windows and even air conditioners, toxic substances enter the house and settle on food, clothing and skin. Some of them, for example, dioxin, are dissolved by sebum and penetrate into the blood through the skin. Finally, they enter our body through the lungs. The toxic ash remaining after burning garbage is carried by the wind, washed into groundwater, and then this poisoned solution goes into aquifers.

Considering the ecological state of the village of Demyanovo, it can be noted that the level of pollution from household waste is very high. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the garbage truck runs on the streets very rarely, and there are not enough garbage containers.

There is not one in our village public toilet. This leads to violation of sanitary and epidemiological standards and pollution.

The solution to any problem must start small - the cleanliness of the village (and the planet as a whole) begins with you.

    Research results.

3.1. Determination of the approximate composition of waste.

To determine the approximate composition of the garbage that is collected in our homes, I conducteda study to determine the amount of garbage thrown away by one family (ours).

Purpose of the work : find out what the composition of the garbage waste of one average family is, waste disposal. An assessment was made of the amount and composition of garbage thrown out by a family of four per week, month, and year. The garbage was sorted and then carefully weighed. The results of the research are shown in the table.

The total weight of waste per week is 5800 g. 2. On average per month - 23200 g. 3. On average per year - 278400 g.

Conclusion: We see that the trash bin contains the most food waste. There is a lot of paper in the trash: old newspapers, student notebooks, magazines, wallpaper, etc. All this garbage is transported, at best, to a landfill, and at worst, it is burned.

3.2. Sociological research

“Environmental problems of our village”

Students from grade 4 “A” were surveyed.


1. Do you know the meaning of the word ecology?

a) yes b) no

2. Does our village have environmental problems?

a) yes b) no

3. What do adults do wrong?

a) your answer

4. Is it customary in your family to clean up after yourself in an outdoor recreation area?

a) yes b) no

5. How to improve the environmental situation in the village?

a) your answer

Analysis of the questionnaire showed:

Yes (in %)

No (in%)

“They litter” – 75%, “they do everything right” – 25%


“remove trash” - 100%

Parents of grade 4 “A” students also took part in the survey. (16 people)


1. How would you assess the environmental situation in our locality or area?

1) The environmental situation is favorable. Environmental problems No;

2) There are certain environmental problems;84%

3) The environmental situation is close to catastrophic;16%

4) I find it difficult to answer.

2. In your opinion, what poses the greatest environmental threat to the environment in our region or village today?

1) Household waste;60%

2) Transport; 6%

3) Industrial waste;42%

4) Deforestation and parks;60%

5) Industrial enterprises;36%

6) None of this is dangerous;

8) Other (specify);

9) I find it difficult to answer.

3. In your opinion, how has the environmental situation changed over the past year or two in our locality or area?

1) Environmental problems have become significantly less;6%

2) Some environmental problems have been solved, some remain unresolved;30%

3) Environmental problems have increased significantly;58%

4) I find it difficult to answer.6%

4. How, in your opinion, will the environmental situation in our locality change in the next 2-3 years: will it improve or worsen?

1) There will be a significant improvement in the situation;

2) In some ways the situation will improve, in others it will worsen;18%

3) There will be a significant deterioration in the situation;24%

4) The situation as a whole will not change;48%

5) I find it difficult to answer.6%

5. In your opinion, on whom, first of all, does the improvement of the environmental situation in our locality depend? (any number of answers)

1) Federal power, government as a whole;6%

2) The people themselves; 78%

3) Local government (district);60%

4) Regional authorities (governor, head of the regional administration);42%

5) Enterprises; 66%

6) Public organizations, including environmental ones;18%

7) I find it difficult to answer.

6. Which of the following environmental hazards seem most real to you for our village:

1) man-made disasters at the enterprises of our village;

2)deterioration of air quality;24%

3) deterioration in the quality of drinking water;66%

4) deterioration of the condition of forests and parks;30%

5) the emergence of new landfills/an increase in the amount of garbage in courtyards/local areas.54%

8. Let’s imagine that your city will implement a special program for recycling household waste. Which of the following would you agree to do (+), and which, on the contrary, would you not do (-)

1) carry out separate collection of household waste78%

2) donate used plastic drink bottles to stores for a small compensation54%

3) hand over the old one household appliances to special collection points for further disposal78%

4) collect and hand over waste paper to specialized collection points48%

5) collect and return used batteries to specialized collection points66%

Questionnaire analysis showed that the environmental situation in the village has its own problems and over the past few years the problems have become significantly more numerous. And also the fact that the population of the village believes that the situation will not change towards improvement in the near future. The greatest environmental hazards to the environment are household waste and deforestation, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of air, drinking water, and an increase in the number of new waste dumps. In addition, the population believes that people themselves can improve the environmental situation with the help of local authorities by participating in special program for the disposal of household waste.

3.3. Assessment of soil toxicity in the area.

The soil cover performs the functions of a biological absorber, destroyer and neutralizer of various contaminants, and soil also plays a vital role in the life of society, since it is a source of food, providing 95-97% of food resources for the planet's population. Various compounds of natural and anthropogenic origin accumulate in the soil, causing its pollution and toxicity. These concepts must be distinguished. Pollution is the introduction into any environment or the emergence in it of new, usually uncharacteristic physical, chemical, biotic agents, or the excess, at a given time, of the natural average annual level (within its extreme fluctuations) of the concentration of the listed agents in the environment. Toxicity - poisonousness, the ability of some chemicals have a harmful effect on organisms, affecting them. Based on the definitions, soil can be highly contaminated but not toxic or slightly contaminated but highly toxic. The degree of soil toxicity can be determined using biotesting.

Biotesting is one of the research methods in the field of toxicology, used to establish the degree of toxicity of the effects of chemical, physical and biological unfavorable environmental factors that are potentially dangerous to living components of the ecosystem. Biotesting does not replace the system of analytical and instrumental control methods natural environment, but only supplements it with qualitatively new biological indicators, since from an environmental point of view, the results of determining the concentration of toxins themselves have relative value. It is important to know not the levels of pollution, but the biological effects they cause.

Based on principles and years of laboratory experiments, scientists propose the oat plant (Avenasatival) to evaluate toxicity. It refers to higher plants, eukaryotes, autotrophs, producers. Avena is a polymorphic genus. Oats, along with watercress, are one of the most commonly used organisms for biotesting with well-studied biology and ecology.

Soil sampling was carried out at the following points:

1 sample – the end of Yubileinaya Street;

Sample 2 – household waste landfill near the village. Sopovskaya;

3rd sample – personal plot.

Biotest results :

1 st. Jubilee

Test site near Sopovskaya village

Garden plot

Thus , it is clear that soil toxicity varies in different zones. The most toxic soil is at points 1 and 2 due to high traffic road transport, exhaust gases, proximity to boiler room No. 3, location of household waste at a landfill.

The soil at point 3 is less toxic.


What to do? Is there any hope of winning the “fight” against garbage?

The collection of secondary raw materials has already been established around the world. Most developed countries use separate containers for different types garbage: food waste, glass, paper, hazardous substances, etc. This significantly saves money when recycling them. Food waste, for example, is processed much more easily, with less energy and money, while non-food waste requires deeper processing. In addition, certain types of waste (paper, glass, metal) can not be destroyed, but can be recycled into useful things. Garbage can and should be given a “second life”. A few decades ago, schoolchildren collected waste paper and scrap metal, all of which gave a second life to garbage. Thus saving forest and other natural resources. Why not resume this work that is necessary for all of us now?

The conclusion is obvious. It is necessary to change a person’s lifestyle, his attitude towards a serious problem.

Cleanliness begins with ourselves, with our relationship to the environment, with the place where we live, work, and study. Vladimir Soloukhin wrote in his story “The Verdict”: “I am convinced that if you see a beautiful tree, a beautiful street from your window every morning, beautiful house, a beautiful landscape, even if it’s urban, you’ll feel better and live longer.”

To reduce waste, you need to stop unnecessary consumption. Instead of disposable items, use more durable ones, repair old but usable things, donate to those in need those things that you do not use.

It is imperative to recycle metal and paper; this will also help save energy, which is spent much less during recycling.

Food and garden waste are excellent materials for making compost, which can be used in the garden and for indoor plants.

Try not to buy extra junk. If you carry an extra bag with you, you will avoid using plastic bags. 5-6 plastic bags per week not going into the bin means 55 liters of oil per year not wasted, which reduces emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 150 kg per year. When purchasing a product, choose one that comes in reusable or recyclable packaging.

You should not buy things containing toxic chemicals, but try to find a replacement for them. When shopping, do not throw away plastic bags, reuse them, this will also reduce environmental pollution. Pay attention to the product labeling. Now there are signs indicating that the product is dangerous for the environment; try to avoid purchasing such products.

The procedure for collecting, storing and transporting batteries has the most uncertain status. The fact is that while containing a huge number of harmful toxic substances, federal legislation (both laws and by-laws) does not contain precise definition status of batteries and procedures for their disposal.

How to deal with waste?

1. Timely removal of waste to a place where it will least cause damage to people and nature, to a specially equipped landfill.

2. Pass a law prohibiting burning garbage and fine violators.

3. Construction of a waste treatment plant.

4. Nurturing the ecological culture of the population, starting from kindergarten.

5. Adoption of laws on penalties for individuals and legal entities.

6. Constant removal of waste from courtyards or specially equipped areas.

7. Weekly environmental cleanup days for residents in the courtyards of their houses.

8. Promotion of environmental knowledge among the population.

9. Design of new containers with lids.

10. Provide containers specifically for plastic containers, glass, metal and plastic bags.

11. Place additional ballot boxes in places where mass public celebrations take place (parks, squares).

12. In the evening, carry out police raids in those places where discos and folk festivals take place.

13. Garbage not only needs to be recycled, but also produces less (packaging).

14. Increase the staff of janitors.

15. Organize environmental raids to clean up garbage around each microdistrict by its residents.


Having studied theoretical material on the topic “ Household waste“After conducting my research, I came to the conclusion: the problem of garbage needs to be solved now and we need to start, first of all, with ourselves, with our apartment, school, and yard. Let it be with small, but specific things. For myself, I compiled a reminder “What can one do?”


    systematically clean the area around the school and home;

    do not throw garbage anywhere;

    do not leave garbage in the forest, near a pond, or at a vacation spot;

    collect and recycle waste paper (while preserving natural resources);

    hand over glass containers, scrap metal;

    use notebooks and paper sparingly (for example, the back side);

    handle textbooks and books carefully;

    treat things with care so that they serve us longer;

    give the things you don’t wear to those in need;

    When preparing food, try not to turn healthy foods into waste;

    give things a “second life”

If each of us follows these rules, I think that the world around us will become a little cleaner. I want to finish my work with a poem by Elena Smirnova

Let's decorate the Earth together,
Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.
Let's respect the Earth together
And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

We forget that we have only one -
Unique, vulnerable, alive.
Beautiful: be it summer or winter...
We have only one, one of our kind!

The work turned out to be interesting and useful for me.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs