What needs to be done for a child to be born. How to give birth to a healthy baby: useful tips. Glossary of terms: what is what

I want a child. What to do when the baby is in no hurry? Cover Olga Dmitrievna



In the last chapter, we were looking for those to blame for the fact that you still don’t have a child. We didn’t find anyone to blame, but we understood who can change the current situation for the better. This person is you. I suggest you start making changes in your life right now.

Let's start this chapter with an exercise. This exercise sometimes confuses the participants in my trainings, but I am sure that you will cope with it perfectly.

Take it blank slate paper. Better yet, get yourself a separate beautiful notebook to work on this book. It’s good if on the cover of this notebook there is a child or a mother with a child - a photo from a magazine that you really, really like. And it’s even better if you cut out a similar photo, and in place of your mother’s face, glue your own face of the appropriate size - this is how you begin to shape your reality and attract a child into your life.

So, you have a blank slate in front of you. Divide it into two columns. In the first write sequential and detailed plan actions on the topic, What needs to be done in order to get the desired result in the field of childbirth.

By the way, what is the end for you? desired result?

Possible answers:

a) the onset of pregnancy;

b) successful pregnancy;

c) easy birth;

d) feeling like a mother;

e) becoming a mother;

f) birth of a child;

g) healthy child.

I'm very interested to know what you chose!

If you have chosen pregnancy as the final desired result, this is very good result, but look ahead a little, pregnancy can come and come and come. In practice, this is possible every month, but the pregnancy may not last... And such cases, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Think about it: do you want a pregnancy that won’t last?

If you have chosen to successfully carry a child, then you are one step closer to your dream. This is very good option, but is it finite? Let's assume that the baby is being born perfectly, but the birth is unsuccessful... As a result, you return to the starting point. Could this be the result you are aiming for? What would be your reaction to such an outcome?

If you chose an easy birth, that's great. Childbirth can be very fast and easy for you, but such a fast birth is not always favorable for the baby - it can get damaged due to passing through the birth canal too quickly. Do you want to order this result for yourself?

If you chose the option of feeling like a mother, that’s great, because it’s a magical feeling, and I really want you to experience it to the fullest in the near future. I suggest that with this answer option you think about the following topic: where in this option is your unborn child? It is important for you to feel like a mother, you can do this at any time. After all, our feelings depend only on us, right? We'll talk more about this in this chapter.

If you have chosen the option of becoming a mother, then this is a clear application for adoption or raising orphaned children. Why? Because the universe fulfills our desires with the least expenditure of energy, and often it is much easier for it to organize a child suitable for adoption (unfortunately, there are many such children) than to create conditions for pregnancy to occur in your body.

If you have chosen the option of having a child, then you are looking far ahead. This is really the result you want to get. I suggest you think about just one nuance: you’re not quite ready to become a mother. healthy child, you don’t care who it will be - a boy or a girl, will this child be born by you or by a surrogate mother, or will you adopt him? After all, your child may be born, but you will not give birth to him - now this is not possible. Are you ready to accept this option?

If you have chosen a healthy child as the result, then you are closest to your goal, you formulate as correctly as possible what you would like to receive as a result of fulfilling your dream.

Why am I describing in such detail? possible options your choice of end result? Using these examples, you can understand how to correctly formulate goals and events in your life. A lot depends on the correct determination of the final result of fulfilling your dreams. We ourselves often order such events in our lives from the universal table of orders that later we will only cry and ask: “Who did this to me?” Correct answer: ourselves. We ourselves ordered all the results that we get in life.

Therefore, already at the planning stage it is very important for us to decide on the correct formulation of what What will be the end result of fulfilling our desire.

So, you have time to determine what result you want to get.

Write it down in your notebook at the bottom of the page and frame it.

And now we will draw up an action plan - How you will come to this result.

We will write the plan on the same sheet where the final result is written down below, starting from the top of the page.

So, you have time to write a consistent action plan that will lead you to the birth of a healthy baby.

Write your outline first and then continue reading this chapter.

Is the plan ready?

I now propose to complement it together.

I’ll tell you what plan was drawn up at one of my trainings “I want a child: what to do when the baby is in no hurry?” its participants.

So, the action plan for obtaining the “healthy child” result:

1. Want a child.

2. Consider your decision.

3. Talk to your husband and find out if he wants a child.

4. Check your health status.

5. Have sex with your husband.

6. Don’t get hung up, live life to the fullest.

7. If your period is late, do a test.

8. See the second stripe.

9. Be happy.

10. Tell your husband.

11. Rejoice with him.

12. Register for pregnancy.

13. Start treating yourself like a crystal vase.

14. Go shopping and choose things for the baby.

15. Choose a name.

16. Choose the place of birth of the child.

17. Choose with whom to have a child.

18. Go to childbirth preparation classes.

19. Buy everything you need for childbirth and starting life with your baby.

20. Think about who will help for the first time after childbirth.

21. Feel happy that your dream is coming true.

22. It is easy to give birth to a healthy baby.

23. Feel like a happy mother.

24. Hug and kiss your baby and husband.

25. Feel that life is wonderful!

After drawing up this plan, all I could say was “Bravo!” participants of that training. I especially liked the points about “rejoice”, “feel happy”, “start treating yourself like a crystal vase”.

After drawing up this plan, I asked the training participants to think: which of the written points can they implement now, without waiting for the birth of the child and pregnancy?

I want to ask you this question too. Look at your plan. What points of the plan can you implement now, without waiting for the coveted two stripes?

If my question has puzzled you, then I will tell you how the participants in the training “I want a child: what to do when the baby is in no hurry?” solved this problem. They also thought about it at first, and then decided that:

1, 2, 3, 4. They can want a child, think about their decision, talk with their husband and check the state of their health now. And most of them have already done all these points. I think that you have already walked this path if you are reading this book.

Congratulations! You are already moving towards your desired goal!

5. You can have sex with your husband right today (if your husband is not on a business trip, of course).

6. Don't get hung up, live life to the fullest. This is one of the difficult moments, but, you must admit, this is quite accessible to you now. We will talk more about how not to get hung up in chapter seven.

7, 8, 10. Doing the test without delay, of course, makes no sense, nor does it make sense to tell your husband. Therefore, we leave these points until your dream comes true.

9.11. Rejoice yourself and together with your husband. But you can complete these points right now! Why, you ask?

It's very simple. This is the mechanism for attracting desired things into your life: if you are sincerely happy, as if you already have what you dream of, reality has no choice but to adjust the circumstances to your feelings! If you are already happy about the onset of pregnancy, then reality may decide: “Yeah, she’s happy that she’s pregnant, sincerely, without a shadow of a doubt, we’ll see... It’s a mess: there’s joy, but there’s no pregnancy. We will fix it!”

But before that, reality will check every corner of your soul for insecurities, fears and doubts that you really believe that you are pregnant. Start enjoying yourself right now! It will move you forward in any case!

12, 22. We leave these points until the time of your pregnancy.

13-21. But start treating yourself like a crystal vase; go shopping and choose things for the baby; choose a name; choose the place of birth of the child; choose with whom you will have a child; take a childbirth preparation course; buy everything you need for childbirth and starting life with your baby; think about who will help for the first time after childbirth; feel happy that your dream is coming true - you can do it all now!

You may ask: How? Very simple, these are quite affordable things. I see you thinking and saying: “But that wouldn’t be true?” I will answer you: “This will be the real truth, which has every chance of becoming a reality very soon.” Why?

The fact is that our subconscious does not distinguish events that happened in reality from events that we vividly imagined in our imagination - the subconscious adds both to the treasury of its experience indiscriminately. What remarkable conclusion can we draw from this knowledge?

You can shape your reality yourself. It's a long time ago known fact, which not everyone can accept the first time. Many people watched the film “The Secret”, but did not draw any conclusions and live as they lived before. And someone changed their life completely. Which of these groups do you want to belong to?

Who is stopping you from starting to treat yourself with care and love now? Is it necessary to get pregnant in order to love yourself?

You can make any choice regarding your future child and you now. More than half of the participants in my trainings, when asked with whom they will give birth, say that they would like to invite me as a psychologist. I am gladly ready to fulfill this honorable mission - to help a woman go through childbirth so that it becomes a vivid spiritual experience.

You can already take a big step forward by taking courses for expectant mothers. There you will be saturated with the energy of motherhood, you will become your own and feel pregnant. To do this, it is enough not to close this opportunity to yourself. It's best if you fake your pregnancy and come to the course in disguise. Don’t be afraid that you will be declassified - so far there has not been a single such case in my practice. We are at the training “I want a child: what to do when the baby is in no hurry?” We spend the entire third day (or the entire third module) in the image of deeply pregnant women, and all visitors to the training center, when they see my beauties during breaks, ask the administrators: “Do you have courses for pregnant women here?” We do have courses: a school of psychological preparation for childbirth and life with a baby. And I hope to see you all there. This is my thing favorite wish to all participants of the training “I want a child: what to do when the baby is in no hurry?”: “Next time I want to meet you at the school for pregnant women!”

Participation in courses for pregnant women is a very powerful bid for victory;

Visiting maternity stores - try on everything you like there, and don’t be afraid that you will be declassified;

Participation in forums for pregnant women - no one there will be able to check whether you are actually pregnant.

Come up with a legend for yourself and start declaring to life your determination to become a mother!

And you can feel happy that your dream is coming true right now. After all, you have already bought this book, declaring to the universe your desire to give birth to a healthy child - which means you are on the right track!

Start enjoying yourself right now!

Now in the second column, which you haven’t filled in yet, write opposite each point of your personal plan, When you can do it: Now or after two lines appear on your test.

Now count the number of points that you can do now.

Which points are there more: Now or after two lines appear on the test?

If more points Now, then you are ready to start doing them right now. You can start doing them anyway, regardless of their number. On a new sheet of paper, write down these points again and write the deadlines next to them, When you will make them. Usually one month is enough to work on these points.

Once you've completed these steps, look at what's left. You have reduced the path to your child by more than half. You are now more ready than ever to become a mother. And you formulate your desires for the universe in a language it understands - this is a very valuable and important skill for your entire future happy life.

Now let's move on to the exercises.

Exercises, tools and meditations

1. Exercise “Joy”

We begin to enjoy our future child now.

Your motto is not a day without joy!

We open our notebook again and write in it every day:

A. What did I please myself with today?

B. What did I do to please my husband today?

B. What pleasant thing did I think about today for more than five minutes?

D. Who has been a source of joy for me today?

D. Write a plan of at least five “joys” for tomorrow.

Important: do this exercise every day for at least forty days in a row.

2. Meditation “My road to motherhood”

A. Choose calm music without words that you like.

B. Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you for half an hour. Relax. Close your eyes.

B. Repeat the words of the meditation slowly to yourself and try to see everything they say.

This meditation can be done either independently - read, memorize and reproduce from memory, or listen to the finished recording on disk: I recorded all the meditations from this book in professional studio sound recordings.

All meditation CDs can be found and ordered on my website www.kaver.ru in the “Moods and Meditations” section.

Meditation text

You see yourself at the beginning of some road.

Look at the road. What is she like? Wide or narrow, straight or curved? What material is it made of?

You are at the beginning of the journey, but you know that at the end of this road you will meet your child. And you are ready to start your journey.

You start moving along the road ahead.

Suddenly, in the distance you see a person. You are approaching him.

Do you know this person? He may or may not be familiar to you, but you understand that he will play an important role on your path to the child you want.

Approach this person and ask: “What should I do to make my dream of a child come true?” And listen to what he tells you in response.

Ask this person for help and support on your path, and then thank him and move on.

You continue on your way and see some kind of pond in the distance. Try to see what it is like: is it a lake, a river, or maybe an ocean? Are its waters calm? Is the water in the pond clean? Take a closer look at it. Do you want to swim in this pond?

If yes, then go to it. This is the reservoir of your health.

Do you enjoy being there? Thank your health for its life-giving moisture and ask to heal your body so that you can let a healthy child live.

Ask the pond: “What should I do so that my body can easily give birth to a healthy baby?” And listen to the answer of the water.

Thank your health and continue on your way.

You walk and see in the distance beautiful garden. You approach and enter this garden. Look what flowers grow in it? Is it big or small? Light or dark?

This is the garden of your joy. Ask him: “How can I increase the amount of joy in my life so that the baby comes to me as soon as possible?”

And listen to the garden's answer. Thank the garden, take a seed as a souvenir beautiful flower and continue on your way.

You come closer and see that it is a child. Your child.

Look what he is like. Is it a boy or a girl? What does he look like? At what age do you see him now?

Come to the child. Tell him how much you love and are waiting for him. Ask if you can hug and kiss him? If permission is received, then do it.

Ask your child: “What do I need to do to bring you closer to my life?” And listen carefully to the answer.

And now you see an envelope in the hands of your child. You understand that in this envelope is the plan for his coming into your life. And your baby hands you this envelope - he really wants to meet you. Carefully take your child's gift, unwrap the message and try to read what is written in it. Remember every point.

Kiss your baby again and tell him, “Goodbye!”

Say you're heading to real world carry out the plan for him to appear in your life. Kiss your baby, take the envelope with the plan and return to your reality.

In this meditation, it is important to remember the person who will be able to provide the most effective assistance on the way to achieving your dream. The answers to your health, your joy and, especially, your unborn child can also be very valuable. Try to remember everything that was written on the piece of paper that he gives you. After finishing the meditation, be sure to write down all the information received in your notebook.

3. Tools for creating a desired pregnancy

Let us remember what we talked about in this chapter: our subconscious does not distinguish real events and events vividly represented in the imagination. Therefore, we begin to shape our pregnant reality using the following tools.

Tool No. 1: “Two Stripes”

Buy a pregnancy test, choose a purple marker or pen that is similar in color to the stripes that appear on this test. I'm sure you already know what they look like. Do a test, one line will appear. And now, attention, you joyfully look at the test and exclaim: “Did this really happen? I - pregnant!“and... you joyfully draw the second stripe on the test with a felt-tip pen or marker. After which you rejoice for at least another fifteen minutes and jump around the apartment, waving the dough (try to do this when no one is home, so as not to arouse suspicion). The main thing in this exercise is a vivid rehearsal of those feelings and sensations when you don’t need to draw a second stripe - it will manifest itself.

Try to remember the whole range of joyful feelings from the sight of the second stripe on the test. These feelings will be very useful to you.

Tool #2: Maternity Clothes

Find your nearest maternity store or baby fair. Your goal is to find a place with a large selection of maternity clothes.

Come into the store and try it on maximum quantity clothes. Spend at least half an hour on the process. And try to enjoy it! If you have any doubts about whether you have the right to try on maternity clothes, feel free to make yourself a small pregnant belly from a pillow or soft toy - and go ahead. This will be an additional exercise!

The purpose of this exercise is to experience the joy of joining the world of pregnancy! You will need it when you return to this store with a real belly. In the meantime, this experience will bring your pregnancy one step closer.

Tool No. 3: “Courses for pregnant women”

We make ourselves a belly and go to classes for pregnant women. First, you usually need to make an appointment by phone - the following tool “The Legend of Pregnant Me” will help you with this. I signed up and came to class.

Your goal: to remember the positive atmosphere of the group for pregnant women, feel the energy of pregnancy and appropriate it to yourself so that it becomes your natural state. You can also look for a place where you will go to study with a real belly.

Tool No. 4: “The Legend of Pregnant Me”

Write a legend about your “pregnancy” before calling and signing up for courses. These will be the answers to the questions:

1. When did you get pregnant?

2. What is your deadline now?

3. When is your due date?

4. How did you tell your husband about your pregnancy?

5. How did you feel when you saw two lines on the test?

6. Do you already know who you are expecting - a boy or a girl?

7. Have you already chosen a name for the child?

8. Have you already bought anything for the baby?

9. Where are you being monitored during pregnancy?

10. Do you know where you are going to give birth?

Write the answers in your notebook.

Check your answers for contradictions based on the following:

Pregnancy consists of forty weeks;

You can find out the sex of the child no earlier than the twelfth week, and in reality - no earlier than the sixteenth week;

The date of birth is calculated using the formula: three months are subtracted from the first day of the last menstruation of the cycle in which you “fell pregnant” and seven days are added.

For example, the first day of the last menstruation is March 1, then the due date is December 8 (March 1 minus three months is December 1, plus seven days is December 8).

Now read your answers again and try to feel and live This the state is already now, as if it had already become true.

This way you will take one more step towards the desired pregnancy.

Tool #5: Pregnant Day

Spend the whole day like you're pregnant. Make yourself a belly and go for a walk around the city. This day may include a number of “pregnant” things:

Going to a maternity store;

A walk through a children's fair, full of pleasure from choosing tiny things. (No need to buy! Just catch and remember the sensations!);

Going to a cafe that serves healthy food and don’t smoke - you’re pregnant!

Traveling on public transport - make sure your pregnancy is noticed and look at the reaction of others;

Going to some class for pregnant women - we wrote about this above;

Going to the cinema to see a film about motherhood;

A walk in the park where expectant mothers gather - try to start a conversation with one of the pregnant women on the topic of future motherhood.

The task of this day is to feel the state of pregnancy, get pleasure and joy from it so much that your subconscious finally believes that you you might be pregnant!

Attention: Convincing your subconscious may take some time. If you were practically sure for several years that you could not get pregnant, then the reverse process will also take time. But I know that if you believe and don’t give up, you will definitely succeed.

And you can always enlist my support on the website www.kaver.ru.

Brief summary

It is important to correctly determine the final desired result of your dreams. If you dream of becoming a mother, then the desired result is better formulated as “The birth of a healthy child.”

Today you can implement most of the points in the plan for realizing your dream of a child - start today:

Enjoy your future baby;

Treat yourself with care;

Feel with every cell that life is wonderful!

Attract pregnancy into your life:

Act like you're pregnant;

Perceive this world like a pregnant woman;

Practice feeling pregnant;

Enter the pregnancy community with your legend;

Feel happy that soon all this will become a reality!

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What you need to do to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby

Anyone who has already become a parent or is just waiting to become a parent joyful event, more than anything in the world wants one thing - to have him the child was born healthy. However, this wish does not always come true. What to do - even the youngest children are susceptible to serious illnesses, and I don’t even want to talk about the possibility of any congenital disorders and diseases. But it is necessary! After all, many of them can be prevented, taken away from a small fragile creature long before its birth! And future parents should worry about this in advance - as soon as they decide to “give birth to a child.”

But swimming in open waters, unfortunately, will have to be limited - in most of them the risk of contracting an infection is too high. Take reasonable care, combine activity with rest, eat right, get regularly examined and consult a doctor - in this case everything will go well and your baby will be born healthy!

Many parents are concerned about what needs to be done to ensure that the child is born healthy and strong. But this requires very little; first of all, the result depends on the parents, their patience and health.

First of all, you need to pay attention to your health, because the health of the unborn baby depends on it. Pregnancy is a time in life that needs to be planned. It is advisable for both spouses to undergo a medical examination before a planned pregnancy. It is easier for a healthy mother to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

Health of the expectant mother

If parents do not know how to give birth to a healthy child, then you can address this question to a professional doctor who will give useful recommendations and advice.

It must be remembered that during pregnancy, chronic diseases often worsen, so you need to treat anything chronic in advance. This is required for the unborn child. It is better to treat in advance everything that can be treated, without passing on unnecessary problems to the future baby. In case of chronic diseases, you need to at least achieve stable health and condition.

Also, you need to know that there are diseases that may pose a risk during pregnancy. That is why, with some diseases, pregnancy may be contraindicated for women, and it is simply impossible to give birth to a healthy child.

Such diseases include:

    Oncological diseases;

    Severe hereditary diseases;

    Severe hypertension;

    Lung diseases with respiratory failure;

    Serious illnesses endocrine system: thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus;

    Chronic renal failure due to kidney disease;

    Some infections during pregnancy: toxoplasmosis, measles, rubella. Severe myopia, complicated by retinal detachment.

If you want to give birth to a healthy baby, then you should not neglect the recommendations of doctors, because the risk may increase many times over, both for the expectant mother and for the baby.

Prevention of deviations and violations

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary not only to monitor the health of the parents and baby. Also, it is necessary to carry out prevention of various possible deviations and disorders, and prevention should be started by both parents two months before conception (in men, during this time the sperm “reserve” is completely renewed).

In order for a child to be born healthy, one must avoid physical fatigue and nervous stress, protect yourself from colds and other “accidental” diseases, exclude completely alcoholic drinks, and stop smoking if possible (or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke as much as possible). At this time, it is allowed to take dietary supplements and medications only with the approval of a doctor. IN mandatory It is necessary to exclude drugs that are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle

Pregnant women need to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow a diet. You should try to eat more vegetables and fruits; every day your diet should include meat or fish, which are an irreplaceable source of protein, cottage cheese and others. fermented milk products, which contain vital calcium required for correct formation the fetus, especially the teeth and skeleton, as well as to maintain the health of the expectant mother.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of starchy and sweet foods (excess weight has an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy), carbonated drinks, and salty foods. Coffee and strong tea can create unnecessary stress on the cardiovascular system - it is healthier to replace them with berry and fruit drinks and juices. You cannot eat spicy foods or dishes with a lot of seasonings.

If possible, expectant mothers should consume only natural, pure products. You can discuss the menu with your doctor; you will also need to develop a special nutrition plan that will be useful not only for expectant mothers, but also for babies. Eating a good, healthy diet helps increase your chance of having a healthy baby.

Physical activity

Carefully planned and moderate physical activity is very useful: it is not recommended to “stay too long.” To maintain the health of mother and baby, special sets of procedures and exercises are developed to prepare for childbirth, about which it is necessary to consult with a leading doctor.

Various water sports and procedures help give birth to a healthy baby. If the city has an indoor pool, then you can practice swimming, which allows you to be well prepared for the upcoming loads on the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen and back. Currently, many swimming pools have special groups organized health-improving gymnastics– water aerobics, various complexes have been developed, especially for women with different stages of pregnancy.

But swimming in open water will have to be limited, because there is a high risk of contracting various infections. Also, various options are currently offered for pregnant women. easy courses gymnastics taught by experienced professional instructors. At such courses, mothers are offered a set of classes for pregnant women; these classes have a beneficial effect on the health and condition of mother and baby. They help women endure this difficult period of their lives more easily, and also prepare well for childbirth.

Thanks to such activities, childbirth is much easier. In addition, during the classes, pregnant women are taught how to behave correctly during childbirth. You can also perform sets of exercises at home if for some reason it is not possible to visit swimming pools and sports facilities.

To do this, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor or an experienced instructor who specializes in classes with pregnant women. This will allow you to compile correct complex exercises. When performing exercises at home, you should regularly consult with your doctor to calculate the optimal load on the body at different periods of pregnancy.

Hello, dear readers of the site about health. website !

Today I want to consider very important topic for every married couple who is planning a child - " How to give birth to a healthy baby"In this article I will try to provide maximum useful information about how to plan a pregnancy, what a young couple who has decided to take this important step needs to remember, what tests are recommended to be taken, advice and recommendations from doctors, and many more useful things on this topic.

From childhood we are taught that the greatest value in life is family. And that's true! After all, where else if not in the family we are always loved, expected, understood, appreciated and supported. And of course, what is a family without a child? Or better yet, two or three.

Children are our happiness and our future. And planning for this future must be approached with all responsibility. I present to your attention a list of points that are recommended for married couples to carry out in order to give birth to a healthy baby.

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Observe proper nutrition.
  3. Take vitamin complexes.
  4. Plan, plan and plan some more.
  5. Take all tests on time.
  6. Undergo consultations and examinations with doctors.
  7. No stress or worries!
  8. Gentle exercise.
  9. Protect yourself from diseases.
  10. Do not self-medicate.
  11. Take medications with caution.
  12. Vaccination against diseases.

So, we have familiarized ourselves with the list of the most important recommendations which must be followed to give birth to a healthy child. Let's take a closer look at each of these tips and find out why it is so important to follow them.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

In order to maintain your health for many years, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This is a simple truth that everyone should know and use in their lives. For a married couple who has made a firm decision to have a child, management healthy image life is the most important priority.

Experts recommend gradually changing your usual lifestyle a year before conception. This time should be enough to saturate the body with useful macro and microelements, vitamins, strengthening it physically and spiritually.

During the year before conception, you need to cleanse your body of toxins and toxic substances. To do this, it is important to give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol), eliminate “dead food” (fast food, etc.) from your diet.

If possible, it is important to move to an ecologically clean area to avoid exposure to chemicals on the body of the expectant mother. Many experts recommend taking measurements of the air quality in your home. If found large quantity hazardous substances, urgent action must be taken.

Measures to improve the environment in an apartment (house)

Do cosmetic repairs(use exclusively environmentally friendly building materials).

Get rid of toxic things ( harmful furniture, plastic utensils, electronics, toys, etc.)

Carry out regular wet cleaning.

Clean your home from dust.

If possible, remove all sources of electromagnetic radiation (take them out of the bedroom mobile phones, computer, TV, use only a wired landline telephone, it is recommended not to use a microwave, etc.).

Remove air conditioner and replace plastic windows on wooden ones.

A man and a woman must realize that the health of the unborn child will depend only on their lifestyle, and only compliance with certain rules can protect against many chronic diseases, restoring immunity and greatly improving emotional well-being.

It is important for a woman to prepare her body for this test in advance. Both spouses must make every effort to achieve this goal.

Maintain proper nutrition

Proper and balanced nutrition is one of the main factors for a healthy pregnancy. First of all, spouses need to consult with a nutritionist on this issue. It is the specialist who will be able to correctly select the right diet, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

I would like to bring to your attention a general list of food products, the consumption of which is recommended by many experts during pregnancy.

List of Foods for a Healthy Pregnancy

  1. Coarse rye bread.
  2. Vegetable oil (olive oil is recommended).
  3. Hercules cereal.
  4. Buckwheat.
  5. Fruits and vegetables (especially apples).
  6. Seafood.
  7. Fish.
  8. Meat (especially boiled beef).
  9. Dried fruits.
  10. Fermented milk products.
  11. Legumes (peas, beans).
  12. Nuts (walnuts).
  13. Fresh juices made at home (apple juice, pomegranate juice, carrot juice).

It is necessary to exclude the following products: sweets, spicy seasonings, flour products, canned food, alcohol, coffee, strong tea, soda, ketchup, mayonnaise, chips, fast food, margarine, smoked meats, eggs, products containing preservatives, sushi, dyes, pineapples (and pineapple juice), crab sticks, chips, semi-finished products, spicy dishes, fried foods, vinegar, chewing gum, caramel, unpasteurized milk.

Take vitamin complexes

It is important to saturate the body with vitamins, microelements, and macroelements. Proper nutrition and consumption of “live food” (fruits and vegetables) can partially saturate the spouses’ body with useful substances.

It is very important for an expectant mother to receive a full range of vitamins. Folic acid is important element. It helps fight depression and nervous disorders. A lack of folic acid can lead to impaired development of a child.

In order to prevent vitamin deficiency, doctors recommend drinking vitamin complexes. To choose a vitamin complex that is ideal, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

It is important to saturate female body vitamins and microelements, namely: vitamin C, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, Omega-3 fatty acids, you need iron, iodine, vitamin E, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, group of B vitamins.

Plan, plan and plan some more

Planning is an important part of achieving the couple's goal of having a healthy child. Thanks to this tool, which is often used in business, organizational issues can be greatly simplified (from conception to childbirth). Next, let's get acquainted with the main problems that very often occur and concern future parents.

I offer an example of a table that every expectant mother needs to create and maintain. It can be different, be different in each family, with its own points, tasks and solutions.

Example of questions when planning pregnancy

Solution options

Action selection

Psychological preparation1) Attending special courses for expectant mothers. 2) Do not attend special courses for expectant mothers. 3) Study everything on your own.1) Attending special courses for expectant mothers.
Financial issue1) Borrow from relatives or friends. 2) Take out a loan. 3) Family budget1) Family budget.
Search for a clinic and doctors1) Trust reviews from the Internet. 2) Trust the reviews of your friends. 3) Search for cheapness. 4) Search by distance from home. 5) Search by the level of professionalism of the staff.1) Search by the level of professionalism of the staff.
Analyzes and examinations1) Do not take tests or undergo examination. 2) Get examined and take tests before conception. 3) Get examined and take tests after conception.2) Get examined and take tests before conception.
Nutrition1) Don't change your diet. 2) Gradually change your diet. 3) Drastically change your diet.2) Gradually change your diet.
List of things to take to the maternity hospital1) Search and purchase via the Internet. 2)Search and purchase in regular stores. 3) Other options.1) Search and purchase via the Internet.
List of medications1) Search and purchase online pharmacies. 2) Search and purchase in regular pharmacies. 3) Other options.2) Search and purchase in regular pharmacies.
Physical activity1) Do not do any exercises. 2) Perform light physical exercise. 3) Do strong physical activity.2) Do light physical exercise.

Take all tests on time

Testing by spouses is a necessary condition for preventing any complications that may arise during pregnancy or childbirth. I offer you a list of basic tests that women and men need to undergo.

List important analyzes for a healthy pregnancy

  1. General blood test.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Blood to determine group and Rh factor.
  4. Both husband and wife must take this test.

    Rh positive – pregnancy is possible.

    Rh negative means we take an additional test for antibodies. If the result is positive, it is unfortunately impossible to get pregnant now. If it is negative, it is possible, but it will be necessary to repeat the analysis every month.

  5. Analysis for the TORCH complex.
  6. It will help determine the presence of antibodies to various infections, such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, etc.

  7. Blood test for HIV.
  8. Must be given to both partners.

  9. Colposcopic examination.
  10. Testing for infections - a smear test - must be taken by both potential parents. It will help to identify, if present, various hidden infections.
  11. Blood sugar test.
  12. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  13. It is important to have an ultrasound examination of the woman’s pelvic organs. An ultrasound will detect or help exclude, for example, an endometrial polyp, uterine fibroids, etc.

  14. Basal temperature chart.
  15. Thanks to him, a woman will be able to monitor the functioning of her ovaries. However, you need to start measuring no earlier than a couple of months before conception.

  16. Coagulogram and nemostasiogram.
  17. Assessment of a woman's blood clotting ability.

  18. Blood test for sex hormones.
  19. Test for antibodies to hCG.
  20. It will help prevent miscarriage.

  21. Fluorography.
  22. It is important to do this in order to identify hidden diseases (for example tuberculosis).

Comprehensive examination by medical specialists

It makes sense for both parents to undergo a full medical examination before conceiving. But where should we start from? It’s completely incomprehensible, especially for those who plan to become happy parents for the first time. So below will follow quick guide for beginners.

Choice good specialists is an important step for every married couple. But here you need to rely on a couple of main factors - cost and reviews.

I don't think cost can greatly affect the quality of our medical care. Unless it adds a couple of extra tests (the equipment is expensive) and politeness to the staff. So, the main guideline here is your family budget.

But with reviews everything is more complicated. It’s still worth collecting more of them and drawing your own conclusions.

Ideally, visit several clinics yourself. If this is not your first pregnancy planning and you are quite satisfied with the previous result, everything is quite simple, go to the same place where you were last time.

To give birth to a healthy child, it is important to undergo timely examinations by certain doctors. I would like to bring to your attention a list of specialists that a married couple needs to undergo.

Comprehensive examination by doctors during pregnancy

  1. Therapist.
  2. The main and very important doctor is the therapist. He's the one watching general condition health of men and women. It will help determine your overall health. If necessary, sends them to other specialists for examinations and prescribes additional tests.

  3. Dentist.
  4. It is important for the expectant mother to check the condition of her teeth. Any problems (caries, pulpitis, etc.) cause complications in the development of the fetus. Oral diseases are dangerous during pregnancy, so it is better to prevent this risk.

  5. Gynecologist.
  6. It is imperative that a woman be examined by a gynecologist to exclude cervical pathology.

  7. Geneticist.
  8. It is important for spouses to consult with a geneticist to prevent the risk of serious diseases in the child in the future. The specialist studies the pedigree, health status, changes in the human body.

  9. Oculist.
  10. It is important for the expectant mother to monitor the condition of her vision. The specialist will be able to conduct a thorough eye examination and offer vitamins to improve vision.

  11. Otolaryngologist.
  12. This specialist will be able to conduct a complete diagnosis of the nose, throat, and ears. In case of detection of pathologies, identification of hidden diseases.

No stress or worries

The first thing you need for a successful and happy pregnancy is a positive attitude and unshakable confidence that everything will be fine! And nothing else!

It is the girls who worry the most during this period, since too much responsibility and testing awaits them. To achieve harmony, confidence and good mood, the expectant mother should throw out all the negativity that has accumulated before from her life.

No stress, worries, depression or anger! Negative emotions- big enemies that greatly undermine the health of a woman and her unborn child. On the shoulders loving husband You should create a comfort zone for your loved one. To do this, he should protect her as much as possible from all problems (financial, household, etc.) and provide time for psychological adaptation.

During this period, it is recommended to attend special courses together for future parents, read literature about the stages of pregnancy and childbirth. Lots of rest, calm music, video training, communication with specialists - all this is the key to a successful pregnancy, good childbirth, and the birth of a healthy baby.

Gentle exercise

Physical activity is an important tool for healing your body. Playing sports when planning a new addition to the family can strengthen a woman’s body, restoring immunity.

For a woman, playing sports helps strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, restore muscle elasticity, and normalize hormonal levels. It is important not to overdo it when playing sports. You need to remember a simple truth - everything needs to be done in moderation. Too much stress on a woman’s body can be very harmful when planning pregnancy and childbirth.

The most the best option is swimming, race walking, gymnastics. You can join a yoga class for conception. A girl should also pay attention to the following exercise systems:

- Callanetics.

This is a complex that consists of static exercises which are based on yoga asanas. In this case, the muscles of the whole body are involved, and it restores the figure well.

-Kegel exercises.

Thanks to this set of exercises you can strengthen your pelvic muscles and intimate muscles women. By performing this complex, you can prepare the body for a painless birth.

-Breathing exercises.

This set of exercises must be performed to relieve anxiety or anxiety during labor. The important thing is that they can help you calm down, restore your strength, your energy. Correct breathing is an important condition painless childbirth.

It must be remembered that physical exercise They also have contraindications. Before you start performing certain sets of exercises, it is important to consult with your doctor. Only a specialist can choose optimal mode exercises for you, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and diseases.

Protect yourself from illnesses

Disease prevention is a priority for expectant parents. Spouses must understand that any infectious or viral disease can lead to disturbances in the development of the fetus, deterioration of well-being throughout the entire period of pregnancy, complications and difficult childbirth. Experts recommend taking the following preventive measures:

Preventive measures for a healthy pregnancy

  1. Ventilate the house frequently.
  2. Wet cleaning every day.
  3. Wash your hands with soap.
  4. Use wet wipes.
  5. Walk more in the fresh air.
  6. Try to avoid public places (you cannot travel by public transport).
  7. Strengthen immunity.
  8. Wear a mask or lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment.
  9. After going outside, rinse your nose and throat.
  10. Dress appropriately for the weather.

Do not self-medicate

There are cases when it was not possible to protect your body from the virus. Many expectant mothers begin self-medication, using the advice of their acquaintances, relatives or friends. This is a big mistake.

It is recommended to immediately consult a doctor for a complete examination of the body and tests. Experts warn that many medications can greatly harm the mother and unborn child. Great care should be taken when choosing medications. I would like to bring to your attention a list of medications prohibited during pregnancy that can cause complications.

List of prohibited drugs during pregnancy

Type of medicine


What are the health hazards?

Hormonal drugsGlucocorticoidsDisturbance in the development of the adrenal cortex.
Antitumor drugsActinomycinDisturbance in fetal development.
AnticoagulantsWarfarinCauses bleeding in the fetus and developmental delays occur.
AnticoagulantsFenilinCauses blood clotting in the fetus.
DiureticsFurosemideThe level of potassium in the blood is disrupted, and fetal development is disrupted.
ACE inhibitorKaponenDisruption of the development of the genitourinary system in the fetus.
AntidepressantsImizinNot recommended for use in the early stages of pregnancy.
AntibioticsTetracyclineMay cause developmental defects.
AntibioticsLevomycytinMay cause hematopoietic organ disorders in a child.
AntibioticsStreptomycinMay cause hearing problems in the unborn child.
Acetylsalicylic acidMay cause kidney problems in the unborn child.
Anti-inflammatory drugsAnalginNegatively affects the blood of the expectant mother.
Cytostatic agentAminopterinViolation of fetal development.
HormonesDiethylstilbestrolViolation of fetal development.
Anti-alcohol drugsDisulfiramPossible loss of fetus.
UterotonicsErgotamineDisruption of the central nervous system.
Anti-alcohol drugsDisulfiramPossible loss of fetus.
RetinoidsRoankcutanDisturbance in fetal development.
RetinoidsAcitretinDisturbance in fetal development.
RetinoidsTigazonDisturbance in fetal development.
RetinoidsIsotretinoinDisturbance in fetal development.
AlkaloidsQuinineDisruption of the nervous system, fetal development abnormalities.
Psychotropic substancesDiazepamAbnormalities of the limbs in the fetus, disruption of the cardiovascular system.
AntidepressantsImipramineDisruption respiratory system, developmental disorder.

The list of medications is not complete. You can ask your doctor for more detailed information. I can only advise - read the instructions for use of the drug (the "contraindications" tab).

Vaccination against diseases

In order to determine exactly what vaccinations the expectant mother needs, she should consult with her doctor. After studying all medical indicators, blood tests, and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, the specialist will recommend a list of mandatory vaccinations.

The most necessary vaccinations, which are often given before pregnancy, are:

1) Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps.

2) Flu vaccination. It is done once a year.

3) Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

If everything is completed successfully, then all that remains is to wish good luck and a positive attitude to the future parents!


I would like to bring to your attention a wonderful video of expert recommendations on how to give birth to a healthy child in our difficult time. I hope that the information will be useful to you. I wish you good health and the birth of a healthy baby.

After all, children are our happiness!

The long-awaited pregnancy, the sacred feeling of impending motherhood, the indescribable sensations of a new life under your heart... What thoughts are swarming in the head of the expectant mother? What is she worried about? So that the child is healthy, smart and happy...


Everyone has their own concept of happiness. From a philosophical point of view, influence this side future life relatively hard. But the health and intelligence of our children directly depends on us, the parents.

Health and mind are practically inseparable concepts. Therefore, the algorithm of actions described below will help the birth of both an intelligent and healthy baby.

Let's start with what we cannot influence...

This is the will of the Artist who writes our life. Simple and banal - fate... (I believe in it). And a purely scientific field - genetics.

Parental heredity certainly influences mental abilities children. Moreover maternal genes influence the baby's mind to a greater extent than the father's genes. Intelligent mothers have a great chance of giving birth to smart children.

According to various sources, hereditary predisposition determines intelligence by 40-70%. Everything else is the influence of the external environment. The intrauterine development of a baby, the lifestyle of a pregnant woman and childbirth - this is the main part of that very “external environment”.

There is little hope for fate and genes. What is needed is aspiration backed by action. More on this later.

Thinking about a child before conception is stupid or...

Many people, when reading fiction books, skip the preface. Let's get straight to the fun part. In the matter of having a child, the “introduction”, namely pregnancy planning, is very, very important.


Are partners preparing to become parents healthy? Friendly or not with bad habits? Concept healthy eating Does it make you sad or is it a way of life? Folic acid - a set of letters or a conscious understanding of the importance? The answers to these questions and consequences, I think, are clear to everyone.

The formation of the neural plate, from which the brain and nervous system will subsequently form, begins on day 11 intrauterine development. That is, when the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy! Therefore, depending on how expectant mother prepared your body to accept a new life, the quality of this life depends.

All 9 months, mother and baby are connected to each other. This connection begins on the 10th day after fertilization, when the embryo begins to attach to the wall of the uterus. The chorion is formed, and by the 16th week the placenta is formed.

Only well formed " children's place“will be able to give the baby everything useful from the mother’s body, protect it from harmful things, and thereby have a positive effect on health and intelligence.

Again, laying the foundation for the child’s future “house” occurs before seeing two lines on the test...


When we want to build nice house, we draw plans, create layouts. When we want to give birth to a pretty baby, we rely on fate... Plan your pregnancy!

Hooray! I am pregnant. What to do?

The first thing you need to review is your diet. A pregnant woman's diet should be expanded and increased. The phrase “eating for two” is not so meaningless. But one cake is enough for you, and one for two, and a portion of beef with fresh vegetables maybe more. Moderation and common sense are good in everything.

Since the article is about intelligence, below we will present food components that have a huge impact on the formation of the mental abilities of the unborn child.

  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

More than half of the structure of the brain is represented by fats and their complexes with proteins. Omega-3 fatty acids, which take part in the transmission of impulses across the synaptic cleft, are of key importance in the lipid composition. Increases brain endurance during periods of stress.


Animal experiments were conducted, during which it was found that a lack of essential omega-3 fatty acid during pregnancy leads to serious damage to the intellectual abilities future baby. Logical thinking suffers.

The daily requirement of omega-3 for pregnant women is 2.5 grams.

Table of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids content in foods.

Dietary supplements containing omega-3 should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Interesting fact: American scientists have found that the intellectual development of children depends on the body type of their mother! It turns out that more difference between the waist and hip volumes of a woman planning a pregnancy, the greater the likelihood of giving birth to a smart baby.


The explanation is very simple. The subcutaneous fatty tissue of the thigh area has a fairly high concentration of omega-3 PUFAs, which, as is already known, have a very beneficial effect on intelligence.

A rounded tummy appears due to an excess of foods containing omega-6 fatty acids in the diet. They have the exact opposite effect. With a high content of omega-6 in the body of a pregnant woman, the development of the baby’s brain can be inhibited.

  • Choline, or vitamin B4

The normal functioning of the nervous system is due to acetylcholine, the most important transmitter that transmits impulses from one neuron to another. Acetylcholine is synthesized in the body from choline.

Also, with a lack of vitamin B4, the protective myelin sheaths of neurons begin to collapse- you end up with exposed nerves, which logically causes breakdowns in their functioning. But our every movement, spoken word, every thought is a collection of nerve impulses.

Only with coordinated functioning of the nervous system can one count on high intelligence.


An experiment by English scientists can be cited as proof of the effect of choline on mental abilities. For 10 days, a group of volunteers received an additional 10 g of choline. The result is a significant improvement in short-term memory.

The minimum daily intake of choline for pregnant women is 400-600 mg.

Tablecholine content (Vitamin B4)in products.

Product type (100g)

Chicken egg yolk

Beef liver

Quail egg

Chicken egg

Turkey meat

Chicken meat


  • Iodine

An acute lack of thyroid hormones in the fetus, caused by iodine deficiency, can lead to severe, sometimes irreversible, “damages” of intellectual development. The formation of a child’s brain directly depends on the level of thyroid hormones T3 and T4.


Research conducted in various countries, showed differences in physical and intellectual development children who were born to mothers who received iodine preparations before pregnancy and took “dummy pills”. Moreover, most scientists note the proven benefits of prescribing iodine only during pregnancy planning!

The daily requirement for pregnant women is 200 mcg of iodine.

The Republic of Belarus is an area endemic for iodine deficiency in water, vegetables and fruits. However, the state is taking measures to compensate for its deficiency (for example, iodization of salt, bread and other food products, which are in special demand).

Therefore, it is enough to take an additional 100 mcg of iodine per day during pregnancy (if it is not possible to compensate for the deficiency with nutrition).

Tableiodine contentin products.

Breathe “for two” during pregnancy and childbirth

Oxygen. Fresh air. Breathe deeply... Yes, yes, and this is important in the development of intelligence. How important! Remember yourself in a stuffy, unventilated room. Doing any mental work is simply unbearable! The head feels like a lead weight. The brain gives weak signals of life...


Brain cells, especially in the fetus, are also extremely sensitive to oxygen starvation (hypoxia). Lack of oxygen can be chronic or acute.

Bad habits, poor social and living conditions, a sedentary lifestyle, and extragenital diseases in the expectant mother can lead to a constant lack of oxygen.

And chronic hypoxia during pregnancy is fraught with delayed growth and development of the baby. Therefore, roughly speaking, if you are offered to sit at home with a tablet or take a walk in the park, choose the latter without hesitation! Love oxygen cocktails.

Acute hypoxia is a condition that is 100% impossible to predict. In this situation, “spreading a cushion” does not always work. But we'll try.

As soon as they learn about pregnancy, many immediately begin to fear... childbirth. After all, childbirth is the period when the likelihood of encountering acute fetal hypoxia is greatest.

It’s normal to worry, worry, think, especially for the first time. But walking around with trembling knees and not preparing for the climax of the pregnant state is already stupid. Thus, you are “laying” on yourself not a pillow, but bricks...

Many women in labor are not prepared for pain and discomfort during childbirth. Fear and ignorance are doing their job. Breathing becomes difficult, behavior is disrupted. The result is that the child and his urgent need for oxygen, which only his mother can give him, are forgotten.


Childbirth and its outcome depend both on the woman giving birth and on the actions medical personnel, and from the will of Fate. But the expectant mother must first of all be prepared, determined and confident. Correct behavior women in childbirth are the key to the intellectual health of the future little Man.

Much has been written. But even this may not be all...

Let's summarize. What should you do to give birth to a smart, healthy and happy baby?

  • Work on yourself so that you are not ashamed of your genes.
  • “Read the prefaces”, i.e. plan pregnancy.
  • Make proper nutrition rule number one. Introduce foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, choline and iodine into your kitchen.
  • Inhale deeply the delights of life, preferably in nature.
  • Be prepared for childbirth in mind and soul.
  • Hope and believe that EVERYTHING WILL BE GOOD!

The column is led by:

Takunova Maria Grigorievna, obstetrician-gynecologist, director and lecturer of the School of Maternity and women's health"Lyra".

Courses for pregnant women at the Lira School - a qualified medical approach, sincere understanding and a warm attitude.

Advantages of the Lira courses:

  • small groups;
  • the opportunity to visit with a partner with the issuance of a certificate of partnership birth;
  • full program preparation for childbirth, including methods of labor pain relief, recovery after childbirth, breast-feeding and baby care;
  • information support on issues of bearing a baby;
  • there is a course about pregnancy;
  • nutrition, tests and examination, psychological adaptation and much more.



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