Sun treatment. For health – to the beach? IV. general treatment method

Hardening the body means a complex combination of activities, the purpose of which is to increase the human body’s resistance to various adverse effects. environment by means of training the thermoregulatory system.

From birth, the little man finds himself in a new, largely hostile world around him. Nature has given the baby a wide variety of defense and adaptation mechanisms to help him survive, continue to grow and develop in a new environment.

The child's body is endowed with thermoregulation mechanisms that prevent the body from overheating or overcooling. But by overly wrapping and overheating the baby, we disrupt these mechanisms, depriving it of the ability to resist negative meteorological influences, which, in turn, can lead to the emergence of diseases.

Basics of hardening children

Endurance and the body's resistance to the outside world are increased through hardening with air, water and sunlight. Hardening is the leading method of improving the resistance of a child’s body. Under the influence of hardening factors, children’s immunity increases, physical development improves, and adaptive properties are developed.

But to develop the correct effect from hardening procedures, you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. Systematic nature of hardening: carry out hardening procedures at any time of the year, do not interrupt the process, as this can lead to a weakening of the adaptation mechanism;
  2. Increase the strength of irritating factors consistently and gradually, this is especially true for children in the first years of life and children with poor health;
  3. Take into account the individual and age characteristics of each specific child, his state of health;
  4. All hardening procedures must be carried out against the backdrop of a positive attitude of the child, to prevent the baby from crying, fear, or anxiety;
  5. Adhere to the normal temperature regime of the child’s skin, carry out hardening only when the baby’s hands, feet and nose are warm.

Tempering air procedures

1 type– Ventilation of the room in which the child spends most of the time. This should be done regularly, at any time of the year.

2nd view- Walk on fresh air. You should start walking outside with your child when he is two to three weeks old. Walk in any weather, increase the walking time gradually. Avoid overly wrapping your baby. It is advisable for the baby to sleep at least a little outside, but it is also possible to open veranda or balcony.

3rd view– Air baths. For newborns first air baths is swaddling, when, while changing diapers and diapers, the child is left naked for some time. A combination of air procedures with gymnastic exercises and massage is useful. In the summer, you need to combine air baths with the influence of sunlight.

Tempering solar procedures

Since the kids early age Since prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is contraindicated, such procedures begin to be carried out under the influence of scattered sunlight. A baby up to one year old needs to be dressed in thin clothes or covered light fabric, and cover your head with a scarf or panama hat.

If the baby is in good condition, after some time he is exposed to direct sunlight with a gradual increase in the time spent in the open sun. But at the same time, it is necessary to avoid overheating the child.

Tempering water procedures

The most commonly used water procedures in life include baths, washing, washing the child, and wet rubbing.

Hardening procedures for children under 1 year of age associated with water must begin daily from the very birth of the child.

The water temperature during general baths is between 36-37 degrees. Then you need to pour water over the child, whose temperature is 2 degrees lower.

They wash the child with water at a temperature of 28-29 degrees, and gradually reduce it by 1-2 degrees every 2-3 days (lower to 20-21 degrees).

Local wet rubbing is performed with a towel or mitten soaked in water at a temperature of 33-36 degrees. Once every 5-6 days the temperature needs to be lowered by 1 degree ( gradually adjusted to 27-28 degrees).

The hardening of children also includes other activities that can be carried out from the first months of life: contrast baths and rubdowns, contrast showers, sea ​​baths, visiting a Russian bathhouse and steam room (in the latter case, you need to more carefully take into account the baby’s health characteristics, monitor his mood, and consult with your doctor).

An obligatory part of the complex of hardening procedures should also be compliance with correct mode child's day, rational nutrition, gymnastics, physical exercise, preventive massage.

Never carry out any hardening procedures in case of feverish conditions in a child! Approach hardening wisely, take into account personal characteristics baby's age, his state of health, physical characteristics, mood. Be sure to consult with your child’s doctor—a pediatrician or family doctor. Let the baby grow up healthy and harmoniously developed!

The closest star to us is, of course, the Sun. The distance from the Earth to it, according to cosmic parameters, is very small: sunlight travels from the Sun to the Earth in only 8 minutes.

The Sun is not an ordinary yellow dwarf, as previously thought. This is the central body of the solar system, around which the planets revolve, with a large number heavy elements. This is a star formed after several supernova explosions, around which a planetary system was formed. Due to the location close to ideal conditions, life arose on the third planet Earth. The Sun is already five billion years old. But let's figure out why it shines? What is the structure of the Sun and what are its characteristics? What does the future hold for him? How significant an impact does it have on the Earth and its inhabitants? The Sun is a star around which all 9 planets of the solar system, including ours, revolve. 1 a.u. (astronomical unit) = 150 million km - the same is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun. The Solar System includes nine major planets, about a hundred satellites, many comets, tens of thousands of asteroids (minor planets), meteoroids, and interplanetary gas and dust. At the center of it all is our Sun.

The sun has been shining for millions of years, which is confirmed by modern biological research obtained from the remains of blue-green-blue algae. If the temperature of the surface of the Sun changed by even 10%, all life on Earth would die. Therefore, it is good that our star evenly radiates the energy necessary for the prosperity of humanity and other creatures on Earth. In the religions and myths of the peoples of the world, the Sun has always occupied the main place. For almost all peoples of antiquity, the Sun was the most important deity: Helios - among the ancient Greeks, Ra - the Sun God of the ancient Egyptians and Yarilo among the Slavs. The sun brought warmth, harvest, everyone revered it, because without it there would be no life on Earth. The size of the Sun is impressive. For example, the mass of the Sun is 330,000 times the mass of the Earth, and its radius is 109 times greater. But the density of our star is small - 1.4 times greater than the density of water. The movement of spots on the surface was noticed by Galileo Galilei himself, thus proving that the Sun does not stand still, but rotates.

Convective zone of the Sun

The radioactive zone is about 2/3 of the internal diameter of the Sun, and the radius is about 140 thousand km. Moving away from the center, photons lose their energy under the influence of collision. This phenomenon is called the convection phenomenon. This is reminiscent of the process that occurs in a boiling kettle: the energy coming from the heating element is much greater than the amount that is removed by conduction. Hot water close to the fire rises, and colder water sinks. This process is called a convention. The meaning of convection is that denser gas is distributed over the surface, cools and again goes to the center. The mixing process in the convective zone of the Sun is carried out continuously. Looking through a telescope at the surface of the Sun, you can see its granular structure - granulations. It feels like it's made of granules! This is due to convection occurring beneath the photosphere.

Photosphere of the Sun

A thin layer (400 km) - the photosphere of the Sun, is located directly behind the convective zone and represents the “real solar surface” visible from Earth. Granules in the photosphere were first photographed by the Frenchman Janssen in 1885. The average granule has a size of 1000 km, moves at a speed of 1 km/sec and exists for approximately 15 minutes. Dark formations in the photosphere can be observed in the equatorial part, and then they shift. Strong magnetic fields are a distinctive feature of such spots. A dark color is obtained due to the lower temperature relative to the surrounding photosphere.

Chromosphere of the Sun

The solar chromosphere (colored sphere) is a dense layer (10,000 km) of the solar atmosphere that lies directly behind the photosphere. The chromosphere is quite problematic to observe due to its close location to the photosphere. It is best seen when the Moon covers the photosphere, i.e. during solar eclipses.

Solar prominences are huge emissions of hydrogen, resembling long luminous filaments. The prominences rise to enormous distances, reaching the diameter of the Sun (1.4 mm km), move at a speed of about 300 km/sec, and the temperature reaches 10,000 degrees.

The solar corona is the outer and extended layers of the Sun's atmosphere, originating above the chromosphere. The length of the solar corona is very long and reaches values ​​of several solar diameters. Scientists have not yet received a clear answer to the question of where exactly it ends.

The composition of the solar corona is a rarefied, highly ionized plasma. It contains heavy ions, electrons with a helium core, and protons. The temperature of the corona reaches from 1 to 2 million degrees K, relative to the surface of the Sun.

The solar wind is a continuous outflow of matter (plasma) from the outer shell of the solar atmosphere. It contains protons, atomic nuclei and electrons. The speed of the solar wind can vary from 300 km/sec to 1500 km/sec, in accordance with the processes occurring on the Sun. The solar wind spreads throughout solar system and, interacting with magnetic field The Earth causes various phenomena, one of which is the northern lights.

Characteristics of the Sun

Mass of the Sun: 2∙1030 kg (332,946 Earth masses)
Diameter: 1,392,000 km
Radius: 696,000 km
Average density: 1,400 kg/m3
Axis tilt: 7.25° (relative to the ecliptic plane)
Surface temperature: 5,780 K
Temperature at the center of the Sun: 15 million degrees
Spectral class: G2 V
Average distance from Earth: 150 million km
Age: 5 billion years
Rotation period: 25.380 days
Luminosity: 3.86∙1026 W
Apparent magnitude: 26.75m

Protect your body. Best Practices cleansing, strengthening and healing Svetlana Vasilievna Baranova

First solar treatments

First solar treatments

It is recommended to continue the first solar treatments for no more than 30 minutes, gradually increasing to 2–3 hours. Every hour you need to take breaks, resting for at least 15 minutes in the shade. Ideal option is staying in the sun all day long, which helps to absorb its energy and transform it into your own vitality.

It is best to take a sunbath, sitting on a trestle bed or mat, with your feet facing the sun. The head should be covered with a light-colored headdress or an umbrella. You should not tie a towel or scarf around your head, much less put a rubber or plastic bathing cap on your head. It is recommended to change position more often.

You should not sleep while sunbathing to avoid getting burns. Sweat that appears on the skin must be wiped off, since wet skin also increases the likelihood of burns.

When you purposefully absorb solar energy into various organs and tissues, concentrate it on emotions, states, situations, etc., alternate periods of relaxation with periods of movement - walking, dancing, exercise, swimming in a pond...

While sunbathing, take a dip or douse yourself with water every 15–20 minutes. This is very useful. In the sun, the skin temperature rises by 4–8 °C in 10–15 minutes, and in the shade during the same time it decreases to the original temperature. The temperature of body tissues lying at a depth of 2–3 cm normalizes within an hour. Therefore the combination sunbathing with water procedures creates a hardening effect.

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Treatment with sunlight, or heliotherapy (from the Greek “helios” - sun) is one of the most available types treatment. The sun is a natural source of light, and people have long enjoyed the benefit that God has given them.


Modern research has revealed that when exposed to sunlight, the pineal gland, located in the diencephalon, produces a hormone called melatonin. For example, the rate of aging of the body depends on the amount of this hormone. Melatonin intercepts so-called free radicals - compounds that are formed as a result of metabolism. Free radicals harm the entire body, make blood vessels fragile, contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and destroy genetic information in cell nuclei. What effect does sunlight have?

Blood circulation is stabilized. In summer, the number of deaths from heart attacks decreases. Solar energy affects sperm production. Scientists have found that sexual activity increases in summer. The heartbeat and pulse increase, blood vessels dilate, and, as a result, blood flow to the skin increases, making it look much better. Muscles become more elastic Metabolism increases: food is processed better, fats break down faster, protein is more easily absorbed. Solar energy also has a stimulating effect on the brain. Even after a short stay in the sun, brain activity noticeably improves. Sun rays stimulate the immune system. It is useful to look at the sun - this good workout for the eyes.

Sunlight is necessary for the formation of vitamin D, which serves building material for teeth and bones. With a lack of sunlight, children develop rickets, a disease that causes curvature of the spine. Without vitamin D, normal bone development is impossible. Osteoporosis, which causes brittle bones in old age, is also largely the result of a lack of vitamin D. Osteoporosis most often affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and rarely get exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays slow down the growth of cancer cells; with the help of sunlight, our body produces substances that successfully fight cancer cells: interleukocytes and interferon. People who rarely get exposure to the sun are at greater risk of getting cancer.

Heliotherapy is based on the fact that natural medicinal products contain the healing power of sunlight. Thus, plants or plant extracts that have accumulated sunlight over the summer can bring undoubted benefits in the treatment of diseases. During drying and further processing, medicinal plants deliberately placed in purple glass containers and exposed to intense solar radiation. It is believed that this makes them come alive and enrich themselves. The violet part of the solar spectrum kills harmful bacteria. Then the plants are processed into solar elixirs, essences for solariums, and solar pills.


The English doctor Edward Bach developed his own flower therapy, which is very popular these days. Its essence is as follows: for each disease and each individual, certain flowers. They are harvested only when they have fully bloomed and have absorbed as much sunlight as possible. Dr. Bach placed them in fresh water, exposed them to the sun and waited until they withered, since he believed that this was the only way their energy and healing power would be transferred to the water. The doctor called this process of making medicinal potions the “solar” method. The Swiss August Rollier, who called himself a heliotherapist, maintained a “solar hospital” in the Swiss Alps and treated tuberculosis patients there with unprecedented success. He treated with the sun and herbs. He argued that the higher the dose of solar radiation a plant receives, the better the treatment. He successfully treated colitis, anemia, gout, atherosclerosis, skin diseases and asthma. He described his method in the book “Sun Treatment”.


Optical radiation from the Sun consists of visible radiation ( own light) and invisible - infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Different layers of the skin absorb these rays differently. The depth of their penetration increases with the transition from ultraviolet to infrared radiation. The sun's rays have a healing effect on the entire body. Blood circulation and the work of the heart muscle are activated, the nervous system is strengthened, physical activity increases, and the supply of calcium to organs and bones improves.

Attention! Solar radiation is contraindicated for malignant and benign neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases.

Sunbathing. Sunbathing is beneficial for many diseases. But there are certain rules for taking them that should be followed so as not to harm yourself. On the first day you should not be in direct sunlight for more than 5-10 minutes, on the second day the bath time can be 15 minutes, the next day the time spent in the sun is increased by another 5 minutes, eventually bringing it to 50-60 minutes. Staying in the sun for more than 1 hour is not recommended.

Infrared radiation. Its source is any heated body, and the intensity and composition of such radiation are determined by the temperature of the body. The human body, by the way, is also a powerful source of infrared radiation. Infrared rays account for up to 45-50% solar radiation hitting the ground. Under the influence of these rays, blood flow in the tissues increases. Infrared radiation stimulates healing processes in the area of ​​inflammation. If large areas of the body are exposed to radiation, breathing will increase. Infrared radiation has anti-inflammatory, metabolic and vasodilating effects. It is useful for chronic and subacute non-purulent inflammatory diseases internal organs, burns and frostbite, slowly healing wounds and ulcers, diseases of the peripheral nervous system (myositis, neuralgia), consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system. You should not be exposed to infrared irradiation in case of malignant neoplasms and suspicions of their presence, a tendency to bleeding, acute inflammatory and purulent processes, cerebral circulatory failure, cardiovascular failure.

Ultraviolet radiation. The ultraviolet part of sunlight is divided into component rays of the spectrum: A - long-wave radiation, B - medium-wave radiation, C - short-wave radiation.

Long-wave ultraviolet radiation A causes pigmentation, or tanning, of the skin. Under the influence of these rays, the body’s immune system is stimulated, its resistance to harmful factors environment. Such training of the immune system is especially necessary for people weakened by chronic diseases. Indications for this type of irradiation are chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially respiratory system); diseases of joints and bones; burns and frostbite; sluggishly healing wounds and ulcers; eczema; seborrhea; fatigue. Psoriasis (psoriasis) responds well to sun treatment. At the same time, excessive and uncontrolled ultraviolet radiation leads to skin aging and can cause cell mutation, that is, subsequently lead to malignant neoplasms. Contraindications to long-wave irradiation: benign and malignant tumors, cardiovascular diseases, acute inflammatory-purulent diseases, liver and kidney diseases with severe dysfunction, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Mid-wave ultraviolet B irradiation causes skin redness. Redness appears 3-12 hours after the start of irradiation, persists for up to 3 days, has clear boundaries and an even red-violet color. When irradiated with mid-wave ultraviolet rays On the surface layers of the skin, the provitamin contained in it is converted into vitamin D3, an essential component of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. In the kidneys, vitamin D3 regulates the excretion of calcium and phosphate ions in the urine. Calcium accumulates in bone cells, again with the help of this vitamin. If there is not enough of this element in the body, mental performance decreases, the excitability of the nerve centers increases, calcium is washed out of bones and teeth, and blood clots worse. Children are developmentally delayed. The reactions that occur during irradiation with medium-wave rays of the UV spectrum stimulate the activity of almost all body systems. Mid-wave ultraviolet radiation is useful for inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially the respiratory system); consequences of wounds and injuries of the musculoskeletal system; diseases of internal organs (pneumonia, bronchitis, gastritis); rickets, metabolic disorders; diseases of the nervous and muscular system (neuritis, radiculitis); skin diseases; diseases of bones and joints.

Short-wave ultraviolet C radiation has a high bactericidal effect. It is very useful for wounds, cuts, skin diseases (abscesses, pimples), purulent inflammation. This radiation, like other types of radiation, is contraindicated for malignant and benign neoplasms, and cardiovascular diseases. Devices ultraviolet radiation can be purchased at pharmacies or electrical goods stores, and can be successfully used in winter.

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IN recent years In Russia there is an increase in the number of frequently ill children. That's why special attention should be focused on disease prevention. Increase the child’s body’s resistance to colds hardening will help.

A.A.Ruleva, Jr. Prevention Researcher infectious diseases FGU

Hardening – This is a scientifically based systematic use of natural factors to increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors. Hardened children are not afraid of hypothermia, pressure changes, and are resistant to both low and high temperatures air and water, the influence of wind. In such children, the incidence of illness sharply decreases and the immune system is strengthened.

Main methods of hardening: water procedures, air, sunbathing, barefooting, hardening with wet and dry steam (baths). Any method or a combination of them helps strengthen the child’s protective and adaptive forces. There are no absolute contraindications to hardening. It is a mistaken opinion that hardening procedures are not allowed for weakened children. It is necessary to correctly select and dose the procedures for hardening the body.

Water treatments

Rules water procedures. One of the most important methods of hardening is water procedures. It has long been believed that water has healing and healing properties. The first medical practitioner to use hydrotherapy was Hippocrates. His healing method was based on the change from cold and hot water followed by rubbing the body. This method is not forgotten today.

Water hardening has a more powerful effect on the body compared, for example, with air procedures. This circumstance is explained by the fact that the thermal conductivity of water is 30 times, and the heat capacity is 4 times higher than that of air. Water is one of the best natural massagers, the action of which has a beneficial effect on nervous system child.

Distinguish three phases of the body's response to action low water temperature.

First phase characterized by increased spasm of blood vessels in the skin, and with deeper cooling – of subcutaneous fat.

In the second phase due to adaptation to low water temperatures, the blood vessels of the skin dilate, which turns red. At the same time, blood pressure decreases, mast cells and leukocytes of the vascular depots of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are activated with the release of biologically active substances, incl. having antiviral activity. This phase is characterized by improved well-being and increased activity.

Considered unfavorable third phase, during which the body’s adaptive capabilities are exhausted, vascular spasm occurs, the skin acquires a bluish-pale tint, and chills appear.

With the systematic use of water hardening, the duration of the first phase is reduced and the onset occurs faster.

second. The most important thing is that the third phase does not occur.

Depending on the intensity of the impact on the body, water procedures are arranged in the following order:

Wet wipe


Foot baths.

When hardening weakened children who have suffered a serious illness, caution is necessary. At first, during the first 2-3 days, only the hands are wiped, then the same amount - the arms and chest, then the arms, chest and back, etc.

To achieve a positive effect when carrying out hardening water proceduresThe following rules must be observed:

systematically carry out procedures at all times of the year, without interruptions. When hardening is stopped, even for a short period, sensitivity to natural factors (cold, heat) increases and after 2-3 months disappears altogether;

gradually increase the dose of irritant action;

take into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, health status, and tolerance to hardening procedures;

provide comfortable temperature regime(the child should not be allowed to become hypothermic);

combine hardening procedures with massage, physical exercise etc.;

carry out hardening procedures against the background of the child’s full physical health.

Violation of the rules leads to a lack of positive effect from hardening procedures, and sometimes to hyperactivation of the neuroendocrine system and its subsequent depletion


Since sunbathing is carried out during a walk, it can be considered as part of the air procedures. At the same time, the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the body must be dosed, so solar procedures are classified as special hardening measures.

Rules for conducting procedures.

For the effectiveness of hardening measures, a number of rules must be followed.

The child must be healthy and have a positive attitude towards the procedures

The best time for children to stay under the sun in the summer season: in middle lane– from 10 to 12 o’clock, in the south – from 8-9 to 11 o’clock.

Sunbathing can be taken no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals and finished no later than 30-40 minutes. before meals. This condition important to comply with, because in hot weather, the secretion of digestive juices is inhibited, and the process of food digestion worsens.

Children's exposure to sunlight should be increased gradually, adhering to the following recommendations:

Start sunbathing in the early morning or afternoon (oblique rays are less effective), as well as on cloudy days (cloudiness contributes to the scattering of rays);

Use reflected rays (in the shadows);

Change the area of ​​exposed skin surface (by gradually removing clothing);

Vary the duration of irradiation.

At the beginning of sun hardening, children are exposed to the sun's rays for a short time and tolerate the procedure calmly. As its duration increases, preschoolers find it difficult to remain still. Therefore, long-term air and sun baths, during which children must lie quietly for 20-40 minutes, are practically unacceptable and not useful. In this regard, hardening healthy children with sunlight, as well as with air, should be combined with various types activities.

The procedure for carrying out hardening procedures.

Young children can sunbathe at an air temperature of +20 degrees C and in the absence of wind. First, they should be under the sun in light clothing (pants and a shirt, a dress). In the middle of the procedure, children are undressed for 3-5 – 8-10 minutes (gradually, increasing the time after 1-2 days). The child's head is covered with a white Panama hat. In warm, calm weather, sunbathing using chiaroscuro can be taken on every walk.

Sun hardening begins under cloudy skies or in the shade. Reflected and scattered solar rays are weaker than direct and concentrated ones. In addition, scattered rays contain relatively little (unlike direct sunlight) infrared radiation, which causes overheating of the body.

After at least a week of walks in the light and shade, children over 1 year old can be taken out into direct sunlight. Light-colored clothing made from natural fabrics, as well as a light-colored Panama hat with wide brims will protect the child from overheating and excess radiation. Adults need to carefully monitor that children are not physically overloaded; control that the surface of each child’s body is exposed to radiation evenly.

To protect against overheating, it is very important to maintain water balance body. For this purpose, while walking in hot weather, the child should drink boiled water.

Valeological newspaper No. 9

on the topic: Application of hardening solar and water procedures»


Mikheeva O.V. (teacher),

Lylyk O.N. (head nurse)

Chegdomyn village

MKDOU d/s No. 10 “Rainbow”



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