Cherry symphony description of the variety. Sweet cherry "Krasnaya Gorka": characteristics. Cherry varieties for Central Russia

In the gardens of the middle zone in lately increasingly imprisoned cherries. From exotic it moves into the category of familiar cultures.

In the gardens of the central zone, cherries have recently been increasingly planted. From exotic it moves into the category of familiar cultures. Unfortunately, success does not always accompany gardeners. Therefore, we think it would be appropriate to turn to the experience of gardeners with extensive experience and find out what conditions their cherry orchards are in, how they care for them, what agricultural technology is used in them, and which varieties withstand weather troubles better. We hope that the information shared today by V.V. Egorkin, it will be useful to many.

My site is located in the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region near the Faustovo station. The soil in the area is sandy to loamy and fertile. Groundwater lies more than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth. The plot is irrigated. From the north it is protected by houses and a poplar grove, and along the east-west line it is open to the winds. The minimum temperature over the past 15 years in our area was in 2006 - minus 360. The frost was accompanied by strong winds.

I have been involved in cherries since 1991. At first I grew varieties Leningradskaya black, Zorka, Symphony, Folk, Iput, Bryansk pink, Zolotaya Loshitskaya, Compact. They are grafted at a height of 1-1.5 m into the skeletal branches of the cherry tree. All fruited after frosts of 300, which indicates the winter hardiness of their flower buds. According to V.I. Vertilev, whose site is located on the border of Mordovia and the Ryazan region, cherry varieties Zorka, Folk, Symphony And Bryansk pink survived after a frost of 370. I also tested cherry varieties Valery Chkalov, Yulia, Heart, but they turned out to be non-winter-hardy and died off in the first years after grafting.

Since 1997, I have been testing varieties Red dense, Revna, Pobeda, Nord and M. Kanshina forms 2-4-24, 2-7-39, 2-13-52 and 2-4-46. Variety Red dense never bore fruit. Other varieties and forms produce crops regularly. Forms 2-4-24 and 2-13-52 stand out especially. They bore fruit abundantly after a frost of 330. I appreciate the 2-4-24 form for the early ripening of large (up to 6.5 g) fruits of excellent taste (4.4 points). The fruits are yellowish pink color. Form 2-13-52, which is characterized by frost resistance, turned out to be resistant to fruit cracking after a week of rain. Fruits weighing 4-5 g, pink-red, good taste. The variety selected by A. Evstratov was successfully tested Fatezh And Chermashnaya. I especially like the variety Chermashnaya: yellow fruits of good taste (4.3 points) ripen very early. Variety Sinyavskaya from the same breeder turned out to be non-winter-hardy in our conditions.

Since 2002 I have been testing new varieties of different origins: Annushka, Vasilisa, Donetsk coal, Sister from Donetsk, Gascinets from Belarus, Early pink from Rossosh, Pink pearl from Michurinsk, No. 23-291 from Orel, Odrinka, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa And Tyutchevka from Bryansk. All of them withstood a frost of 320 in the grafting. In 2004 they bear fruit Ovstuzhenka, Early pink, Pink pearl And Tyutchevka. Fruit variety Ovstuzhenka proved to be resistant to cracking and had excellent taste. Pink pearl And Early pink unstable to cracking - their entire harvest was lost. Variety Tyutchevka produces large fruits of excellent taste and has shown high winter hardiness. I grafted these cherry varieties into a skeleton-forming plant on cerapaduses PN, PZ and P7 at a height of more than 1 m. The results of testing the PZ and P7 rootstocks were negative - there were cases of death of the rootstock bark from a level of 8 cm above the soil to the scion. I can’t say about the reasons, because part of the dead bark was in the snow, and the other part was above the snow. In all cases, the scion remained alive, although the frost was up to 300. I am preparing to try a rootstock resistant to damping off from Altai 11-59-2. Now I am testing the rootstocks VTs-13 and LTs-52, as well as winter-hardy cherries as a rootstock.

After the winter of 2006, the cherries did not bear fruit. Varieties fell out Annushka, Vasilisa, Donetsk Uglek, Sister, Gascinets, Pink Pearl, Early Pink, Nord, form 2-4-46. The remaining varieties froze, but survived. Less affected than others Symphony, Ovstuzhenka, Tyutchevka, Folk, Revna. In the summer of 2006, I was in Chelyabinsk and was able to compare frost damage to cherries in local orchards and in the Moscow region. On the site of experimenter V. Pitelin, after a frost of 380, form 3-3-7 (Bryansk), varieties Ovstuzhenka, Tyutchevka, Revna, Fatezh, which, taking into account the better ripening of shoots in the Southern Urals, corresponds to the data obtained for the Moscow region.

It seems to me that for places similar in conditions to my site, we can recommend such varieties of cherries as Symphony, Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Chermashnaya, form 2-4-24 (early); Zorka, Narodnaya, Bryansk pink, Leningradskaya black, Revna, Fatezh, forms 2-13-52, 3-3-7. This year the variety produced fruits Folk, Symphony, Bryansk pink, Fatezh, Chermashnaya, Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Revna, forms 23-291, 3-3-7. The harvest is small, but it is clear that the plants have recovered after the harsh winter of 2006. In conclusion, some advice to gardeners who decide to grow cherries.

To plant it, you need to choose a high, sunny place, protected from the prevailing winds. As a rootstock, I recommend using coppice cherries or its seedlings, which should be grafted at a height of 1-1.5 m from the ground. The trunks and skeletal branches of the cherry tree must be whitened no later than the end of January.

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Cherry in the Moscow region and Chelyabinsk

In the Moscow region

My site is located in the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region, near the Faustovo station. The soil in the area is sandy to loamy and fertile. The water level is more than 1.5 m. The area is irrigated. From the north it is protected by houses and a poplar grove, and along the east-west line it is open to the winds. The minimum temperature observed in the last 15 years was minus 33°C.

I have been involved in cherry cultivation since 1991. At first these were varieties Leningradskaya black, Zorka, Symphony, Folk, Iput, Bryansk pink, Zolotaya Loshatskaya, Compact. All of them were grafted at a height of 1-1.5 m into the skeletal branches of cherry trees. And they bore fruit after frosts of 30°C, which indicates their winter hardiness flower buds. According to V.I. Vertilev, whose site is located on the border of Mordovia and the Ryazan region, cherries Zorka, Narodnaya, Symphony and Bryansk pink survived the frost of minus 37°C.

Testing of cherry varieties was carried out Valery Chkalov, Yulia, Heart , but they turned out to be non-winter-hardy and died off in the first years after grafting.

The variety has been tested since 1997 Red dense, Revna, Pobeda and forms by M. Ya. Kanshina: N 2-4-24, 2-7-39, 2-13-52 and 2-4-46.

Variety Red dense never bore fruit. The remaining varieties and forms bore fruit regularly. Especially stood out N 2-4-24 And N 2-13-52 . Both of these forms fruited abundantly after a frost of minus 33°C. Number 2-4-24 valuable early maturation large (up to 6.5 g) fruits, excellent taste (4.4 points). The color of the fruit is yellowish-pink. Number 2-13-52 , in addition to frost resistance, stood out in 2004 for its resistance to fruit cracking after a week of rain. Its fruits weigh 4-5 g, are pink-red, and have good taste (4.3 points).

A. I. Evstratov’s varieties were tested positively Fatezh And Chermashnaya . The Chermashnaya variety is especially valuable for its early ripening yellow fruits of good taste (4.3 points).

Variety Sinyavskaya the same originator turned out to be unwinter-resistant in my conditions.

Currently, new varieties of different origins are being tested in my garden: Annushka And Vasilisa from Donetsk, Gascinets from Belarus, Pink pearl from Michurinsk, N 23-291 And 23-488 from Orel, Odrinka, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa And Tyutchevka from Bryansk. All of them survived a frost of minus 32°C in the inoculation. Fruited in 2004 Ovstuzhenka, Pink pearl And Tyutchevka . Ovstuzhenka stood out for its resistance to cracking and excellent taste of the fruit. Pink pearls proved to be unstable to cracking- all his harvest was lost. The Tyutchevka variety has large fruits of excellent taste, but, apparently, reduced winter hardiness, since freezing of annual growth is observed. Testing of these varieties needs to be continued.

I began testing new varieties of cherries on cerapaduses ( interspecific hybrid bird cherry Maaka and cherries Ideal , developed by I.V. Michurin) PN, P3 and P7 , grafting them at a height of more than 1 m into a skeleton-forming plant.

Rootstock test results P3 And P7 negative, since there are cases of damping off of part of the rootstock trunk located in the snow.

The rootstock is currently being prepared for testing VSL-2 from Krymsk and damping-resistant rootstock from Altai. Rootstock tests are being carried out VTs-13 And LC-52 .

To summarize the above, we can recommend the following varieties of cherries for conditions similar to mine:

Early varieties: Chermashnaya, Symphony, Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Compact Venyaminova, N 2-4-24;

Average and late varieties: Zorka, Bryansk pink, Leningrad black, Narodnaya, Revna, Fatezh, N 2-13-52.

It is better to graft cherries into a cherry trunk at a height of 1.2 m. When using cerapadus as a rootstock, they need to be grafted into the root collar or no higher than 10 cm from it. Cherries should be planted in a warm, dry place on the site, preferably with protection from northeast winds.

Vladimir Egorkin , Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists

And in Chelyabinsk

The article by V.V. Egorkin clearly demonstrates that thanks to the work of breeders who created a number of cherry varieties with increased winter hardiness, experimental gardeners managed to significantly expand the area of ​​distribution of this crop. Besides this, there is another objective reason forcing gardeners to increasingly introduce cherries,- This is the absence of absolutely resistant to coccomycosis cherry varieties. Unlike cherries, sweet cherries have a higher resistance to this disease, which has literally devoured our gardens in recent years. Of course, the conditions of Chelyabinsk differ sharply from the conditions of the south-eastern Moscow region. A more severe climate forces us to more carefully select cherry varieties for introduction. The results obtained are encouraging. In our conditions, varieties have proven themselves well Fatezh, Ovstuzhenka, 2-7-37, Red dense. The taste of the fruit is in no way inferior to the taste of cherries brought from the south. In the most favorable conditions the harvest is up to 5 liters of fruit per tree. Sweet cherry grafts well onto many varieties of cherries, and grows as a compact tree up to 2.5-3 m high. In other years, its top freezes, but in general this does not prevent it from continuing to grow and bear fruit.

The conditions of the past harsh winter were extremely unfavorable for cherries. The temperature dropped to minus 40°C. Insignificant snow cover did not allow snow to quickly cover all insufficiently winter-hardy crops. As a result, both adult and young cherry trees withstood the most severe frosts without shelter. Only after the first wave of severe frosts, when snowfalls began, was it possible to cover the annual cherry seedlings with snow. Due to the high height of up to 1-1.2 m, some of them were partially covered with snow. In the spring, all the cherry trees began to grow, and the seedling Revny It even bloomed. There was only minor damage Raditsa And And the way - their apical buds died due to the fact that these early varieties The cherries, having begun to vegetate and lost their hardening, were exposed to severe return frosts. An adult cherry tree grafted onto a cherry tree suffered more significant damage. His branch froze at a height of about 1 m from the ground.

For one of us, the winter damage to the cherries turned out to be much more severe, which is understandable: the hail that fell on August 17, 2005 literally destroyed all the foliage on the trees and bushes and disfigured the trunks. Churn process nutrients the root system was disrupted. The plants went into winter very weakened. And, despite all this, they withstood the harsh winter of 2005/06. Of the entire cherry collection, only one variety died- Red dense. The rest recovered successfully. There is a lot of exciting work ahead to select a rootstock for cherries in our conditions, to identify the best pollinators for each variety. But this is ahead, but for now the results of the past wintering give us hope that cherries in the Southern Urals- this is serious and for a long time.

Vladimir Pitelin, Gennady Utochkin , experienced gardeners, full members of MOIP

Brief recommendations for selecting cherry varieties and choosing a place for planting them.
Almost all varieties cherries self-sterile. For cross-pollination, it is necessary to select varieties of the same flowering period.
Cherries - light-loving plant. It is best to plant cherries with south side from buildings. And at such a distance that the shadow from them does not reach the plants. Plantings should not be placed on the lower sections of slopes or in lowlands where cold air masses accumulate in the spring. Cherries are demanding on soil. Like cherries, it does not tolerate excessive moisture, much less flooding, even short-term.

Variety Description Pollinator Flaws Advantages
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high. The crown is pyramidal, spreading, raised, of medium density.
Flowering time– medium (May 10-15)
Fruitlarge weighing 5.5-6.0 g, heart-shaped, dark red in color. Pulp dark red, medium density, gristly, red juice. Breakaway The fruit from the stalk is good. Bone
Taste great. Tasting score 4.7 points.
The best pollinators: In memory of Chernyshevsky, poetry, Rechitsa, Pink pearls, Teremoshka
Average winter hardiness of flower buds. Relatively resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. Productivity is average. The tree's winter hardiness is good. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in the 4th year). Large fruits with dessert taste. Table variety.
Bryanochka Late variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, with a round-oval, sparse crown.
Flowering time– late (May 15-20)
Fruitlarge 5-6 g, wide-heart-shaped, dark red in color. Pulp dark red, dense. Breakaway good fruit. Bone small, separates well from the pulp.
Taste great. Tasting score 5 points.
The best pollinators are Tyutchevka, Veda, Iput, Michurinka, Revna, Leningrad black.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Blooming flowers may be affected by late spring frosts. Resistance to clasterosporia and moniliosis is average. Winter-hardy (-32°C). Fruitful. Resistant to coccomycosis. Large fruits with dessert taste.
Bryansk pink Late variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, wide-pyramidal crown, medium density.
Flowering time– late (May 15-25)
Fruitmedium size weighing 4-5 g, round, pink. Pulp light yellow, dense, gristly, juicy. Breakaway good fruit. Bone small, difficult to separate from the pulp.
Taste good, sweet. Tasting score 4.1 points.
Ripening period is the end of July.
The best pollinators are Iput, Revna, Tyutchevka, Ovstuzhenka.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Productivity is average. Blooming flowers may be affected by late spring frosts. The bone is difficult to separate from the pulp. Winter-hardy (-32°C). Resistant to diseases. A tree with moderate growth and requires virtually no pruning. The pulp does not crack and is not affected by rot. Transportability is good. Universal
Veda Late variety
Tree low-growing, up to 2.5 m high.
Flowering time– medium (May 10-15)
Fruitmedium size weighing 4.3-5.2 g, dark red, almost black. Pulp red, dense Fetal separation dry from the stem.
Taste good. Tasting score 4 points.
Ripening period is the end of July.
The best pollinators are Tyutchevka, Bryanochka, Iput, Michurinka, Revna, Leningrad black.
Winter-hardy. Resistant to coccomycosis. Large fruits with good taste. Table variety.
Variety Description Pollinator Flaws Advantages
Gronkavaya Early variety
Fruitmedium size weighing 4-5 g, heart-shaped, leveled, dark red with a waxy coating. Pulp dark red, medium density, juicy. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone small, separates well from the pulp.
Taste good, sweet. Tasting score 4.8 points.
The best pollinators: Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa, Fatezh, Cheremashnaya.
Winter-hardy. Highly productive. Early fruiting (begins to bear fruit in the 4th year). Resistant to diseases. Universal.
And the way Early variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high. The crown is wide-pyramidal, of medium density.
Flowering time– early (May 5-10)
Fruitvery large, leveled, weighing 5-9 g, blunt-heart-shaped, dark red, almost black. Pulp dark red, medium density, tender, juicy. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, difficult to separate from the pulp.
Taste sweet. Tasting score 4.5 points.
Ripening period is mid-June.
Partially self-fertile.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). The bone is difficult to separate from the pulp. The berries may crack. The winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is high (-32°C). Fruitful. Resistant to diseases and pests. Large fruits with good taste. Universal.
Red Hill Early variety
Flowering time– early (May 5-10)
Tree low-growing, with a wide-rounded dense crown.
Fruitmedium, leveled, weighing 4-5 g, yellow with a beautiful pink blush. Pulp not colored, delicate, soft.
Taste good. Tasting score 4.6 points.
Ripening period is mid-June.
The best pollinators are Revna, Tyutchevka, Raditsa, Bryansk pink, Ovstuzhenka.
Average winter hardiness of flower buds. Moderately resistant to coccomycosis. The tree's winter hardiness is good (-31°C). Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in the 4th year). The tree is not tall. Fruits of good taste.
Leningradskaya pink Medium ripening variety
Fruitsmall, weighing 3.2 g, heart-shaped, yellow-fawn, with a bright red blush. Pulp light yellow, tender, juicy, with lightly colored juice.
Taste great.
The fruits are not large enough. Winter-hardy.
Variety Description Pollinator Flaws Advantages
Leningradskaya black Medium late variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, with a wide sparse crown.
Fruit large, dark cherry, almost black. Pulp juicy, tender.
Taste sweet.
Ripening period: end of July – mid-September.
The best pollinators are Tyutchevka, Veda, Iput, Michurinka, Revna, Bryanochka.
Fruit ripening is very extended. Fruitful. Weakly affected by diseases and pests. Large fruits with good taste.
Michurinka Late variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high. The crown is round-oval, raised, of medium density.
Flowering time– late (May 15-20)
Fruitaverage and large, weighing 5.5 g, round oval, dark red. Pulp red, medium density, tender, juicy.
Taste sweet and sour, good.
Ripening period is the end of July.
The best pollinators are Tyutchevka, Veda, Iput, Bryanochka, Bryanskaya pink, Revna, Leningradskaya black.
Relatively resistant to fungal diseases. Winter-hardy. Fruitful. Fairly large fruits with good taste. Universal.
Ovstuzhenka Early variety
Tree medium height, spherical, dense crown.
Flowering time– early (May 5-10)
Fruit large, weighing 4.2-6.7 g, leveled, round in shape, dark red, almost black. Pulp red, juicy, medium density. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone
Taste sweet, very good. Tasting score – 4.5 points
Ripening period is mid-June.
Partially self-fertile.
The best pollinators are Iput, Bryansk pink, Revna, Tyutchevka, Raditsa.
Winter-hardy (-31°C). Productivity is high and stable. Resistance to coccomycosis and moniliosis is high. The fruits are fairly large, have good taste, and do not crack. Universal.
Orlovskaya pink Medium ripening variety
Flowering time– medium (May 10-15)
Fruitsmall, weighing 3.5 g, leveled, wide-round in shape, pink in color. Pulp pink, medium density, juicy, colorless juice. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet and sour, very good. Tasting score 4.4 points.
Ripening period is mid-July.
The best pollinators: Adelina, In Memory of Chernyshevsky, poetry, Rechitsa, Pink Pearl, Teremoshka
The winter hardiness of the tree is average. Relatively resistant to fungal diseases. The fruits are not large enough. Winter hardiness of flower buds is high. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in the 3rd year). Productive (10 kg per tree). Table variety.
Variety Description Pollinator Flaws Advantages
In memory of Chernyshevsky Medium ripening variety
Tree large, fast growing. The crown is pyramidal, raised.
Fruitaverage,one-dimensional, weighing 4.8 g, wide-heart-shaped, dark red in color. Pulp dark red, tender, melting. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Partially self-fertile.
The best pollinators: Adeline, Poetry, Rechitsa, Pink Pearl, Teremoshka
Winter-hardy (-27°C). (The yield is high (20 kg per tree) and regular. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in the 4th year). Transportability is good. Quite large fruits with a dessert taste.
Poetry Medium ripening variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, pyramidal crown, medium density.
Flowering time– average (May 10-15).
Fruitlarge, weighing 5.5-6 g, leveled, heart-shaped, dark red in color. Pulp creamy, dense, gristly, colorless juice. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone
Taste sweet and sour, very good. Tasting score 4.8 points.
Ripening period is mid-July.
The best pollinators: Adeline, In Memory of Chernyshevsky, Rechitsa, Pink Pearl, Teremoshka
Moderately winter-hardy. Moderately drought-resistant. Relatively resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. Not early-bearing (begins to bear fruit in the 6th year). Productive (10 kg per tree). The durability of the tree is high. Large fruits with a dessert taste and resistant to cracking. Table variety.
Homestead yellow Early variety
Tree medium-sized, with a wide-rounded, medium-density crown.
Flowering time– early (May 5-10).
Fruit large , one-dimensional, weighing 5.5 g, wide-heart-shaped, yellow. Pulp yellow, juicy, gristly, colorless juice. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone large, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet and sour, very good. Tasting score 4.7 points.
Ripening period is mid-June.
self-fertile Not early-bearing (begins to bear fruit in the 6th year). The tree is very big. Winter-hardy. Fruitful. Resistant to diseases and pests. Self-fertile. The fruits are quite large and have a dessert taste and do not crack. Table variety.
Raditsa Early variety
Tree low-growing, with a spherical crown of medium density.
Flowering time– early (May 5-10).
FruitaverageAnd large , weighing 4-8 g, oval in shape, dark red, almost black. Pulp dark red, medium density, dark red juice. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone large, separates well from the pulp.
Ripening period is mid-June.
The best pollinators are Revna, Iput, Tyutchevka.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Moderately resistant to clasterosporiosis. Winter-hardy. Vintage. Resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. The fruits have a dessert taste and ripen together. Universal.
Variety Description Pollinator Flaws Advantages
Revna Late variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, pyramidal crown, medium density.
Flowering time– average (May 10-15).
Fruit medium-sized and large, weighing 4.7-7.7 g, wide-round, dark red, almost black. Pulp dark red, almost black, dense, juicy. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone
Taste sweet, excellent. Tasting score 4.9 points.
Ripening period is the end of July.
Partially self-fertile.
The best pollinators are Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Tyutchevka, Raditsa, Compact, Venyaminova.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Blooming flowers may be affected by late spring frosts. Winter-hardy. Productivity is high and regular. Highly resistant to fungal diseases. The fruits are quite large and have a dessert taste and do not crack. Transportability is good. Universal.
Rechitsa Medium ripening variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, pyramidal crown, medium density.
Flowering time– average (May 10-15).
Fruitmedium and large, weighing 5-6 g, leveled, round, almost black. Pulp juicy, dark red, dense, gristly, dark red juice. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet, very good. Tasting score 4.5 points.
Ripening period: end of June - beginning of July.
The best pollinators are Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Adeline, In Memory of Chernyshevsky, Poetry, Pink Pearl, Teremoshka
Winter-hardy. Productivity is high and regular. Resistant to fungal diseases. Fairly large fruits with good taste.
Pink sunset Early variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, compact.
Flowering time– early (May 5-10).
Fruitaverage, weighing 4-5 g, blunt-hearted, yellow with a pink blush. Pulp pink, dense, gristly, colorless juice. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet, very good. Tasting score 4.7 points.
Ripening period is mid-June.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Winter-hardy. Productivity is high and regular.
Pink pearl Medium ripening variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, with a round-oval, raised crown.
Flowering time– average (May 10-15).
Fruitlarge, weighing 5.5-7 g, leveled, round, orange-pink with a red tan. Pulp medium density, tender, juicy, orange-pink, light red juice. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet and sour, very good. Tasting score 4.8 points.
Ripening period is mid-July.
The best pollinators: Michurinka, Michurinskaya late, Adeline, In Memory of Chernyshevsky, poetry, Rechitsa, Teremoshka.
The winter hardiness of the tree is average. Not early-bearing (begins to bear fruit in the 6th year). Relatively resistant to disease. The fruits crack when ripe and are poorly transported. Winter hardiness of flower buds is high. Drought resistant. Productivity is high and regular. Large fruits with dessert taste. Table variety.
Variety Description Pollinator Flaws Advantages
Seda Medium late variety
Tree tall, with a spherical crown of medium density.
Flowering time– average (May 10-15).
Fruit large, with an average weight of 5.5 g, leveled, round in shape, dark red, almost black. Pulp juicy, tender, red. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet.
Ripening period - mid - end of July.
The best pollinators are Tyutchevka, Veda, Iput, Michurinka, Revna, Leningradskaya black.
Winter hardiness is average. The tree is big. Large fruits with dessert taste. Table variety.
Teremoshka Medium ripening variety
Tree low-growing, with a wide-rounded crown of medium density.
Flowering time– average (May 10-15).
Fruit large, weighing 5-7 g, leveled, blunt heart-shaped, dark red. Pulp dense, dark red color. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet. Tasting score 4.7 points.
Ripening period is mid-July.
The best pollinators are Bryansk pink, Revna, Ovstuzhenka.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Resistance to klyasterosporiosis is average. Winter-hardy. Productivity is good and regular. The tree is small. Resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. Large fruits with a dessert taste and do not crack. The fruits are well transported. Universal.
Tyutchevka Medium late variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, with a spherical crown of medium density.
Flowering time– average (May 10-15).
Fruit large, weighing 5.3-7.4 g, wide-round, dark red with specks. Pulp red, dense, juicy, light red juice. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium in size, difficult to separate from the pulp.
Taste sweet. Tasting score 4.9 points.
Ripening period - mid - end of July.
Partially self-fertile.
The best pollinators are Iput, Revna, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Blooming flowers may be damaged by late spring frosts. Resistance to coccomycosis and clasterosporiasis is average. The fruits are partially cracked. Winter-hardy. Productivity is good and regular. Resistant to moniliosis. Large fruits with dessert taste. The transportability of the fruit is good. Universal.
Fatezh Mid-early variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high, drooping crown, medium density.
Flowering time– early (May 5-10).
Fruitaverage, weighing 4-5 g, one-dimensional, round, red-yellow. Pulp dense, gristly, juicy, light pink. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet and sour, very good. Tasting score 4.5 points.
Ripening period: early - mid-July.
The best pollinators: Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa, Cheremashnaya.
Winter hardiness of flower buds is average. Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Demanding about agricultural technology. The wood's winter hardiness is high. The yield is good (up to 50 kg per tree) and regular. Resistant to moniliosis and coccomycosis. Universal.
Variety Description Pollinator Flaws Advantages
Chermashnaya Early variety
Tree medium-sized, up to 4.5 m high, round-oval crown, medium density.
Flowering time– early (May 5-10).
Fruitaverage, weighing 4-5 g, one-dimensional, round, yellow. Pulp tender, juicy. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet with subtle sourness, dessert.
Ripening period is mid-June.
The best pollinators: Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa, Fatezh.
Winter-hardy. Fruitful. Resistant to fungal diseases. Table variety.
Yaroslavna Mid-early variety
Tree vigorous, rounded crown of medium density.
Flowering time– early (May 5-10).
Fruitvery large, weighing 7-8 g, one-dimensional, round-oval, dark red, almost black. Pulp tender, juicy. Breakaway fruits dry from the stem. Bone medium size, separates well from the pulp.
Taste sweet and sour, good. Tasting score 4-4.5 points.
Ripening period: early-mid June.
The best pollinators: Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa, Fatezh, Cheremashnaya.
Precociousness is average (fruiting begins in the 5th year). Moderately resistant to fungal diseases. Winter-hardy. Drought resistant. Fruitful. Large fruits with good taste. Universal.

Until recently, growing cherries was considered possible only in the southern regions. But breeders have developed varieties that grow and bear fruit in most regions of our country. Every gardener can choose a variety suitable for their climate zone.

Types of cherries

The difficulty of growing cherries lies in the fact that the tall tree has a hard time withstanding cold winters. It places special demands on the soil and place of growth. Now there are many most diverse different varieties with excellent characteristics. These include the winter hardiness of cherries, their ability to self-pollinate, and the trees' short stature for more convenient harvesting.

Winter-hardy cherry varieties

The winter hardiness of cherries is manifested in two significant characteristics: the winter hardiness of the tree itself and the persistent tolerance of winter cold by its flower buds. The first category includes varieties such as Bryanskaya Rozovaya, Ovstuzhenka, Odrinka, Veda, Revna. Resistant to low temperatures flower buds of the varieties Iput, Rechitsa, Symphony, Orlovskaya yantarnaya, Fatezh, Revna, Lena, Orlovskaya pink, Bryanskaya Rozovaya, Bryanochka, Tyutchevka, Odrinka. Thus, the most winter-hardy varieties are those that combine the winter hardiness of the tree itself and its flower buds. Bryansk pink, Iput, Fatezh, Tyutchevka, Odrinka, Revna have such qualities.

Self-fertile cherry

Breeders and gardeners use the term “self-fertile cherry” for varieties that produce at least 20% of their fruit from flowers pollinated by their own pollen. Such trees do not require planting of other varieties for cross pollination, they do not need pollinating insects. The varieties Revna, Narodnaya Syubarova, and Ovstuzhenka are considered self-fertile.

Experienced gardeners argue that, to be on the safe side, it is still better to plant pollinating trees close to the cherries. This will provide an additional guarantee of obtaining a high yield.

Low growing cherry

Breeding scientists have developed low-growing varieties cherries. Their feature is uniqueness appearance: the crown of the tree is cylindrical in shape and the fruit branches are located in close proximity to the main trunk. A significant advantage of such cherries is the possibility of harvesting by mechanization. On a small garden plot you can plant several low-growing trees. There are disadvantages: it does not tolerate cold well, since it blooms earlier than ordinary varieties, its fruits are smaller in size.

Features and descriptions of different varieties of cherries

Breeders do not stop there and develop new varieties of cherries. However, there are varieties that have proven themselves over many years and which gardeners do not refuse.

Bryansk Pink

Iput cherry yield - about 40 kg of fruit per tree


According to the State Register, the Fatezh variety is suitable for cultivation only in the Central region. This cherry has a medium-early ripening period. The tree can stretch up to 4 m. The crown is spherical, spreading, and medium dense. Young brownish-brown shoots are thick and straight. The leaves are dark green, large, smooth, with a serrated edge. Cherries produce their first berries in the 5th year. almost regular spherical shape, bright red color. Their average weight is about 4 g. The light pink flesh has a sweet and sour taste.

The harvest ripens after July 10. The cherry tree doesn't like strong winds, incapable of self-pollination. The undeniable advantages of the variety: winter hardiness, high yield(up to 60 kg per tree), immunity to diseases, transportability.

The average weight of berries of the Fatezh cherry variety is 4 g

Valery Chkalov

This cherry variety has taken root more in the North Caucasus region. Valery Chkalov is characterized by early ripening. The tree blooms at the end of April, and ripe fruits you can enjoy it in mid-June. It grows up to 4 m in height. The crown is broadly pyramidal, sparse, the leaves are slightly elongated, of a dull green color. The variety is incapable of self-pollination. The berries are quite large in size - up to 8 g. The shape of the fruit is heart-shaped. When fully ripe, the berries become almost black. The stone is small in size, but is difficult to separate from the pulp. The disadvantage of the variety is its susceptibility to gray rot. Advantages of Valery Chkalov: excellent frost resistance (down to -23 o C), high yields, good transportability.

Advantages of the cherry variety Valery Chkalov - good frost resistance and high yield


Revna is mid-season variety. It is distinguished by high frost resistance, excellent resistance to coccomycosis, and good yield. The tree grows up to 3 m or slightly higher, with a pyramidal crown familiar to cherries. The leaves are slightly elongated, dark green in color. Revna is capable of partial self-pollination. Fruits appear only on bouquet branches, the first time this happens in the 4th year. They are distinguished by their flat-round shape, average weight - 5 g. When ripe, the berries appear almost black due to the fact that the skin and pulp are dark red. Ripe fruits are easily separated from the stalk. The berries taste sweet.

Cherry variety Revna is capable of partial self-pollination


Tyutchevka was proposed by the State Register for cultivation in the Central region. Medium late variety, its fruits universal application. Tree of medium height. The first harvest appears in the 5th year. The leaves are dark green with a noticeable crenate edge. When ripe, the berries acquire a dark red color and are not subject to cracking. The diameter of the fruit reaches 23 mm, the weight of most berries exceeds 7 g. The separation of the berries from the stalk is dry; the fruits do not lose their presentation during transportation. Tyutchevka is capable of self-pollination, tolerates frosty winters well, and the variety is resistant to fungal diseases.

Tyutchevka cherries tolerate transportation well and do not crack


The tree grows small, can reach 3 m. The crown is not very dense, spherical in shape. Young shoots are brown-brown in color, glabrous. The leaves are green with a matte coating. The oval-shaped berries gain weight up to 5 g and, when fully ripe, turn dark red. The pulp is the same color and tastes sweet. The bone is small and comes off perfectly. Starting flowering before May 10, it produces ripe berries at the end of June. Can partially self-pollinate. Productivity - from 15 to 30 kg of berries. The variety gives the best results in the central regions. Advantages of Ovstuzhenka: winter hardiness, disease resistance, early fruiting and excellent transport tolerance.

Cherry variety Ovstuzhenka bears fruit well in the central regions

Orlovskaya pink

Oryol pink - dessert variety. These cherries ripen in the middle period, approximately after July 10th. A self-sterile tree cannot bear fruit without a third-party pollinator partner. The tree is of medium height, up to 3 m. Usually in the 3rd year, cherries produce their first harvest. Young shoots are brown, straight, not thick. The leaves are dark green with a beautiful large-serrate edge. The berries are pinkish, small (up to 3–4 g). The pulp is also pink in color and has a sweet and sour taste. The average yield is low, but stable - about 60 c/ha. Oryol rosea is incapable of self-pollination. The State Register recommends the variety for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region.

Fairy tale

Cherry Skazka - excellent winter-hardy variety. A tree of medium height produces large, sweet fruits weighing up to 15 g. The color of Skazka berries is pomegranate; when fully ripe, they appear black. The harvest is harvested early, already in the last ten days of May - early June. With proper care in the 3rd year, you can achieve the first fruiting. The tree's yield increases with each season. In the first year, one plant will produce only 5–7 kg of berries, but in the 3rd year of fruiting it can produce 30 kg.

Cherry variety Skazka increases yields every year


Stella cherries arrived in Russia from Canada. This is a self-pollinating variety, the tree of which grows up to 2.5 m in height (occasionally up to 4 m). Stella's fruits are quite large - up to 9 g. The skin of the heart-shaped berries is painted in an attractive bright red color. The tree does not suffer from winter frosts and is capable of self-pollination. The ripening period is long: from mid-July to mid-August.

Cherry Stella - self-pollinating Canadian variety


The variety appeared at the Artyomovskaya horticultural station in Donetsk. The winter-hardy cherry tree also tolerates summer drought without loss and is resistant to coccomycosis. The tree grows of medium height (3–4 m), bears fruit after July 10. In the 4th year it is time to harvest the first harvest. The berries are large (10–15 g) and juicy, with a wine-sweet taste. The bone exceeds medium size, but comes off easily.

Rain during berry ripening leads to cracking of 1/5 of the crop.

Cherries of the Vasilisa variety may crack due to rain during the ripening of the berries

Bull's heart

The Oxheart tree is of medium height (3–4 m). Dark green leaves create a medium dense crown. Berries are formed only on bouquet branches in bunches of 2–3 pieces. Cherries become almost black when ripe. The berries are large - up to 10 g. Hidden under the smooth skin is a sweet and fairly dense dark red pulp. Sweet cherries are cold-resistant and resist fungal diseases well. The only disadvantage of the variety is the rapid cracking of the fruits. This does not allow the berries to be transported and requires their rapid processing.

Cherry Bull's heart needs to be processed quickly after collection

Homestead yellow

Homestead yellow is a cherry variety with rich yellow fruits. The berries are approximately the same weight - 5–6 g, and the same size - 20–22 mm. The flesh of the fruit is also yellow. The variety begins to bear fruit in the 6th year and is self-fertile and early ripening. Tall(up to 4 m) does not interfere with easily enduring both winter frosts and unpredictable spring frosts. The excellent taste of cherries and the stability of the harvest (40–60 kg of berries per tree) are attracting an increasing number of fans.

Cherry variety Homestead yellow bears fruit with amber-colored berries

Cherry varieties for the Moscow region

Varieties adapted for cultivation in the Moscow region:

  • self-fertile cherries - Ovstuzhenka, Revna, Narodnaya Syubarova;
  • early varieties of winter-hardy cherries: Iput, Priusadnaya zheltaya, Ovstuzhenka, Gronkavaya;
  • mid-season varieties of winter-hardy cherries: Tyutchevka, Rechitsa, Leningradskaya rozovaya;
  • late-ripening varieties of winter-hardy cherries: Bryansk pink, Michurinka.

In the Moscow region, the ripe cherry harvest is threatened by birds. Red berries attract rowan thrushes, which can eat the entire crop in a few hours. Therefore, gardeners have to use various methods to protect crops or scare away birds. Yellow-fruited cherries are not afraid of such a misfortune. The Priusadnaya yellow variety is ideally suited for the Moscow region.

Protective mesh - best way protecting the cherry harvest from birds



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