Types of installation of roofs on bathhouses. Gable roof for a bathhouse: technology and instructions for constructing it yourself. We will equip a doorway and a viewing window on the outer truss


Every owner of a plot of land dreams of a bathhouse. Insulation plays a major role in such a structure. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the roof of the bathhouse, through which all the heat can escape.

The roof of the bathhouse - what everyone should know

Depending on the type of structure, the roof may differ in its design and shape. Main feature bath roofing - its light weight. Therefore, such a roof has no complex design.

Before you make a bathhouse roof, you need to think about the type of structure itself. Such a structure can be located on plot of land separately or attached to the house. You also need to think about the type of roof, which can be either single or gable.

The choice of roof slope is important. The angle of inclination of the slope depends on weather conditions. The roof must withstand wind and snow. Therefore, the smaller the angle of inclination, the less heavy precipitation the roof can withstand.

Features of a pitched roof

This type of bath roof is the easiest to construct, less labor-intensive and inexpensive. This design means that the beams are laid horizontally on opposite walls of the bathhouse. The slope angle is ensured by different heights walls of the structure.

A roof with one slope can be made with an attic or built there attic room. From the point of view of thermophysical indicators, such baths have the best thermal insulation properties. Such premises can be used to store bath equipment and store firewood for the fireplace and stove. It is possible to make a rest room there.

To save money, attics are not built. In that case bath roof can be combined with the ceiling. With this option building materials it will take significantly less than to construct an attic or attic.

Construction of a bathhouse roof - stages of construction

Step 2: Installation of support beams

Along the upper perimeter of the walls it is necessary to lay boards that will support the entire rafter system. During this process, it is imperative to ensure that the beams are evenly positioned. Such control can be done using a regular level. At this stage, support pillars will be required if the boards protrude more than 50 cm beyond the wall.

Step 3: Installation of the rafter system

At this stage, it is necessary to install the rafters on the supports in increments of 1–1.5 m. They can be secured using metal brackets.

Step 4: Construction of the sheathing

The sheathing is necessary so that the roofing materials have something to attach to. Depending on the roof covering, the sheathing can be either continuous or with gaps. The first option is used for ondulin or roofing felt. In this case, boards 20 mm thick will be required. It is imperative to take into account that the joints of each row must be in different places. To achieve this, it is better to use different lengths boards If metal tiles or slate are used, a continuous cover of sheathing is not required. To do this, you can attach boards with a gap of 20–30 cm.

Step 5: Steam-waterproofing of the roof

To avoid excess moisture and leakage during rain or melting snow, it is imperative to hydro-vapor barrier the roof. For this vapor barrier film secured to the sheathing using a stapler. Lay on top of this film waterproofing material. Flooring is usually done along the roof, starting from the eaves. The waterproofing must be laid with an overlap of 5 cm on each other. You can also fasten this material using a construction stapler.

Step 6: Covering the Roof with Roofing Material

The metal tile flooring starts from the bottom corner of the bathhouse roof. The sheets must be laid on top of each other with an overlap of 10–20 cm. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets in the area of ​​the cap. This will prevent leakage when it rains. When the last sheets of the top row are secured, you can begin installing the ridge. As a rule, galvanized metal is used for this procedure.

Step 7: Sheathing the End of the Roof

To cover the roof, you can use clapboard or ordinary boards, which must be fastened without gaps. Siding can also be used as end sheathing. This material is easy to use, inexpensive and looks nice.

The ceiling in the bathhouse - important properties

The structural elements of the ceiling should not contribute to the wetting of the insulation. Otherwise, the heat-insulating material may lose its heat-saving properties. As a result, the bathhouse will quickly cool down, which is unacceptable for such buildings.

The height of the bathhouse ceiling plays a significant role. The ceiling should not be too high or too low. To calculate the optimal ceiling height, take into account the maximum height of the people who will receive bath procedures. The next criterion for calculating the height is the size and number of shelves.

It is imperative to take into account the possibility of comfortably swinging a broom. If a log bathhouse is being built, then 10–20 cm must be added to the height of the ceilings for future shrinkage. As a rule, for people with a height of up to 190 cm, a ceiling with a height of 2.5 m is sufficient. And

Types of bath ceilings and their insulation

There are several common types of ceiling coverings. The first type includes false ceiling. Its design consists of boards (cut or tongue-and-groove) that are attached to the ceiling beams. It is also necessary to lay a vapor barrier on top of the beams and spread waterproofing. Thermal insulation material is laid on top of these layers, which also needs to be covered with a layer of vapor and waterproofing. Foam plastic, mineral wool, or bulk material (expanded clay) are used as insulation.

The positive properties of this type of ceiling include simplicity in design. High level thermal insulation, undoubtedly, is also a positive criterion for choosing which design. Because of large quantity different layers, such a ceiling is very reliable and can last for quite a long time. As for negative factors, this includes the cost of erecting such a structure. The price is affected by the use of thick timber for the ceiling beam.

The next type of ceiling is floor. It is distinguished by its simplicity of design, constructed using a continuous flooring of cut boards. Thermal insulation with a vapor barrier film is laid on top of them.

Basalt wool is most often used for insulation. Can also be used as a heat and vapor barrier bulk materials. They fill all the cracks and depressions well, resulting in a continuous layer of insulation. For bulk materials, it is necessary to make sides around the perimeter of the attic. When using this type of thermal insulation, it is impossible to use the attic space, since bulk materials cannot withstand high loads.

Among the main disadvantages of this design is the impossibility of creating a ceiling higher than 2.5 m.

This is due to the fact that it is not applied ceiling beam. Negative factors of this type also include the exposure of the insulation to moisture. The insulating material will get wet quite often and will need to be replaced frequently.

The third type is panel ceiling. This design consists of panels that are assembled separately. The main element is load-bearing beams. The box itself is assembled from boards. A cake made of hydro-, steam- and thermal insulation is placed inside such a trough. Boards must be laid on top of these materials. For this purpose, cut beams of any length can be used.

In this article we will tell you how to build a bathhouse roof, consider various options: single-pitch, gable, roof frame structure, and also demonstrate diagrams, photos and video instructions.

A pitched roof is most often installed for a bathhouse, which is used only in the summer. In this case, the roof can be used as a sunbathing area. You can also lay out various fruits, vegetables or mushrooms on it to dry them. And installed on a roof that has a slight slope, the water tank can be used for summer shower, the water in such a tank will heat up sufficiently on hot days.

On a pitched roof it is possible as roofing material apply turf laid in two layers: the bottom of which is laid with the roots up, and the second with the roots down. Caring for this type of surface is similar to caring for a regular lawn. Such “ green roofs” are quite popular in Europe, but are not widely used in our country, although in ancient Rus' were used everywhere.

Basically, the roofs of the baths are constructed as gable roofs with an attic. The attic is good for drying bath brooms, storing household equipment, and in rainy weather it is an excellent place for drying clothes. The attic also provides additional thermal insulation for the structure.

Shed roof

When building a bathhouse, many decide to build a pitched roof. Unlike other types, a single-pitched one is much easier to make. So, for its arrangement there is no need to erect a complex rafter system. And if the bathhouse is attached to another building, then such a roof will be a continuation of the existing one. But despite the apparent simplicity of its manufacture, it is important to take into account a number of nuances, such as slope.

The pitch of your roof is determined based on several factors, such as how much snow and wind load there is in your area. The selected roofing material also influences the determination of the angle. If there is a large amount of snow in your region, then the angle of inclination should be made steeper from 15°. This will allow the snow to quickly fall off the surface and also make it easier to clean. If strong winds prevail in your region, then the roof, on the contrary, needs to be made more flat.

Below is a diagram indicating permissible angle roof slope with a particular roofing material:

The design itself is very simple. The angle of its inclination is created due to the difference in height of two opposite walls. At the same time, you can also equip the attic space (optional). If there is no attic, then the roof can also serve as the ceiling of the bathhouse. It will need to be insulated and hemmed from the inside. If the attic is being built, then it is necessary to additionally make a ceiling between the attic and the room.

The roof is supported by rafters that are laid on the walls of the bathhouse. The rafters are mounted in increments of 0.6 m to 1.2 m. A sheathing, a layer of waterproofing and roofing material are made on top of the rafters.

If the length of the slope exceeds 4 m, then additional support must be installed under the rafters.

As a roofing covering, you can use corrugated sheets, metal tiles, bitumen shingles, ondulin. It is extremely rare to choose slate, since this material significantly increases the weight of the finished pitched roof.

To make such a roof, you must have the following set of materials and tools:

  • board 40x60 mm for the manufacture of rafters and floor beams;
  • moisture-resistant plywood or board for making sheathing;
  • waterproofing material;
  • roofing;
  • board for filing the ceiling;
  • vapor barrier film with metallized coating;
  • insulation – basalt, glass or mineral wool;
  • jigsaw;
  • stapler;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • antiseptic for wood coating.

The formation of a pitched roof begins when the walls are erected, i.e. perform one higher. If the bathhouse is rectangular, then it is usually one of long walls. Then the construction process looks like this (using the example of a timber building):

  • If you plan to make an attic, then at the level of a low wall it is necessary to make grooves around the entire perimeter for the ceiling beams. The distance can correspond to the distance between the rafters. The groove is carefully treated with a wood antiseptic.
  • Next, according to the size, cut out the floor beams from thick edged boards.
  • The ends of the beams will fit into the manufactured grooves. To do this, they must be impregnated with polymer waterproofing mastic and wrapped in roofing material.
  • Fastening is done using metal brackets or studs to the wall.
  • The rafters (mauerlat) are laid on the top beam. To tighten them, you can use metal plates or pins. If the length of the slope between the floor beams and rafters exceeds 4 m, then additionally install struts or supports.

  • The roof gable can be covered with boards.
  • If an attic is being built, then it must be done in the gable ventilation window. Otherwise, steam will accumulate under the roof, which will lead to condensation.
  • Lay a water vapor barrier film across the rafters on top. It should sag a little. On top of it, you attach the bars to the rafters, and then plywood for a continuous sheathing or boards in increments of 0.5 m. A solid sheathing is necessary for laying a soft roof, and a sparse one for ondulin, metal tiles, etc.
  • After this, the roofing material you have chosen is installed. If it is metal tiles or corrugated sheets, then they should be laid overlapping on one wave. For fastening, special self-tapping screws with rubber sealing are used.
  • After installing the roofing material, it is necessary to secure the wind, cornice strip and a skate.

The final stage will be insulation. The intricacies of performing this work will be discussed in this article.

If you are building a frame bathhouse, then when making the roof there are also some nuances that are important to consider. It is worth noting that with such construction it is best to build a gable structure with a slope of 20–23°. This will allow precipitation not to linger on the roof, but to quickly disappear. So, the roof truss system will rest on the walls frame bath. The rafters are made from 150×40 mm boards. At the top the rafters will rest on ridge beam, and below on the frame of the walls. The lathing is made from boards 150x25 mm in increments of 300 mm.

Immediately before installation of the roofing material, a heat-insulating layer is laid, as well as a hygroscopic waterproofing film PVC. Slats are nailed on top of it to form an air gap. Step wooden sheathing is selected depending on the selected roofing material. For example, for metal tiles, the lathing pitch can be 200–350 mm.

If the roof area exceeds 60 m2, then it is important to make additional ventilation ducts. Otherwise, condensation may form in the attic.

To build a roof for a frame bath, it is best to make truss structure on the ground on a flat surface. After this, it will need to be raised to the ends of the walls and secured.

The roof of the bathhouse must have good steam and heat insulation properties. For insulation you can use:

  • glass wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • mineral wool.

All these materials are characterized by ease of installation, strength, moisture resistance, and durability. One of the best options is extruded polystyrene foam, as it does not absorb moisture. It is not recommended to choose polystyrene foam when insulating the roof of a bathhouse, since it is exposed to high temperatures releases harmful substances.

For example, consider the principle of roof insulation mineral wool. It is advisable to lay the wool in two layers in a checkerboard pattern (if the wool is slab, if it is rolled, then the second layer is across the first) - this way you will completely prevent the formation of a cold bridge. For insulation, use cotton wool 10 cm thick.

If the roof insulation is carried out in an already built bathhouse, then all work will be done from inside the roof in the attic. And the sequence of its installation remains the same, using vapor and waterproofing.

The insulation is laid closely between the rafters so that there are no gaps or cracks. Upon completion of insulation, an overlapping film is laid on top of the insulation. When laying several layers thermal insulation material each subsequent layer should be positioned so that it overlaps the junction of the previous one. The same principle is used to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse.

When the roof is completely built, you will receive complete aesthetic pleasure from the work done.

Even at the bathhouse planning stage, you need to think about what the roof will be like. Its main functions are protective, but do not forget about the aesthetic side. For the simplest structure of a bathhouse, you should not take a complex roof structure. The fewer bends and skates, the more practical the system. For a bathhouse, they usually use a gable or single-slope structure, which you can easily assemble with your own hands. If you don’t know how to install a roof for a bathhouse with your own hands, then this article will be a real help. We will tell you how to do the work quickly and correctly, introduce you to some of the subtleties and tricks of installation, and help you choose a practical design.

Roof for a timber bathhouse, gable.

Bath roof truss system assembled from timber

There are many roof structures for bathhouses, but the basis is always taken as a standard one of 2 elements: a rafter load-bearing base and a roof, which is attached to a sheathing with waterproofing. Based on functionality, roofs can be divided into: with and without attic floors. The first option is more difficult to assemble, but the bathhouse will be functional. The presence of an attic floor does not in any way affect the choice: single-pitch or gable. Of course, you can find more complex hipped ones, but these are rarely assembled with your own hands.

Which roof is better, a shed roof or a gable roof?

When choosing a roof design, you need to take into account the following factors:

  1. Location of the building on the site. For attached baths, this is usually a lean-to system.
  2. Material possibilities. A single-slope building is built mainly to save money.
  3. Features of the bathhouse layout. For a building with an attic, it is better to choose a gable one.
Scheme of a pitched roof for a bathhouse

A lean-to structure is chosen mainly for a bathhouse at the dacha, when you need quick assembly With minimal costs. Mostly pitched roofs are made low, at a slight angle.

Scheme of a gable roof for a bathhouse.

More often you can find gable structures with a high ridge. If you equip and insulate the roof, you can get additional space. It is convenient to place a recreation room or billiard room in such a room. The uninsulated one is used as an attic for storing brooms and dried herbs for the steam room.

What to consider when choosing the height of the ridge or the steepness of the slope

When choosing the height of the ridge you need to consider:

  1. Peculiarities climatic conditions region (windiness, amount of precipitation).
  2. Aesthetic aspects.
  3. Features of the construction of a bathhouse.

The roof is gable on a bathhouse made of timber with a slope of 45 degrees.

The roof inclination angle can be from 2.5 to 60 °. A flat roof can be used in a region where the average annual rainfall is low. A steep one is made when the design includes an attic or attic space. But in regions with strong winds You cannot use a skate that is too high. For example, in steppe regions, where the amount of precipitation in winter is minimal, a flat roof with an angle of maximum 10 ° is used, in northern regions a large number snow - from 45–60 °.

The lower the roof, the less material and physical resources are spent on its installation.

Bath roof support system

Mauerlat made of timber with attached rafter legs.

Gable roof has a base of slopes that rest on the floor beams or are connected to the mauerlat piping on top. Mauerlat is a beam that is mounted on two walls of a bathhouse. The gable roof beams on wooden bathhouses are secured using special sockets, which are made in the upper crown. The nests must have a strict horizontal line where the support elements are placed.

Floor beams can protrude beyond the walls of the bathhouse. If the support beam protrudes beyond the walls by more than 1 m, then additional support is installed for it in the form of a column.

For a bath with pitched roof The beam system is made so that the stop on both sides has different heights. Rafter trusses are secured using purlins and rafter beams.

Rafter leg system

Diagram of a truss truss: rivel, legs, base.

A rafter truss consists of rafter legs that rest on the top link of the wall or mauerlat. The rafter legs in the structure are affected by two forces at once: compression and bending. Therefore, they need to be made from wood with a diameter of at least 120 mm or timber 60x60 mm. You can make the legs of the rafter system from boards 40x150 mm or larger.

It is easier to assemble trusses from glued or edged timber with your own hands. If you don’t have such materials at hand, you can take boards and join them together with nails or self-tapping screws. You can install notches in such legs only at support points.

According to the method of fastening, rafter legs can be layered or hanging.

Hanging rafters

Design of a hanging rafter system: diagram of fastening and elements

This system consists of rafter legs that rest on top of each other. A ridge is mounted at this junction. The reference points of the hanging rafters are the outline of the roof. Hanging systems are subject to horizontal pressure, which a special tightening helps to resist. Nodal connections of hanging rafters can be strengthened with rails, but in lightweight design you don't have to do them.

To build a lightweight system from small-section timber, it is necessary to perform additional runs. They will strengthen the structure.

The rafter system of a hanging structure must be as rigid as possible, since during operation it is subject to heavy loads. The slope planes are connected by additional diagonal beams, this is especially important in windy areas of the country.

Layered rafters

Design of a layered rafter system for a bathhouse.

Sloped roof structures are often used in single-pitched types. The system does not use additional puffs; it is as simple as possible. The rafters rest on a mauerlat, which is mounted on one of the load-bearing walls. They can be fastened with knitting wire or through the Mauerlat with screws or metal pins. The pitch of the rafters of the layered system is calculated depending on the total load of the roof and winter precipitation. In this case, you need to take into account the selected slope of the bathhouse roof.

Features of installation of a gable roof truss system

Gable roof on a bathhouse made of logs, covered with slate for shrinkage

The gable roof system of the bathhouse consists of trusses, which should be installed sequentially. All of them must have the same dimensions and are installed in one step. The rafter system is needed for laying roofing material for hydro and thermal insulation.

The easiest way is to put together a truss system on the ground with your own hands, and then raise it with the help of machinery. The shape of the rafters should resemble an isosceles triangle. If the roof is complex, then the structure can be strengthened with additional linings and ties. To simplify the work, you can make a truss template and substitute it during the manufacture of each subsequent one.

First, you should install the two outer rafters and connect them with a reel. Regel is cross beam, which connects the farms to each other. The regel can be secured using metal screws. To do this, you need to cut it out and drill holes for fastening.

Rafter trusses must be installed strictly vertically. To do this, they are checked with a plumb line. Defects are leveled out by trimming off excess or lining that does not reach under the rafter.

It will help you understand installation in more detail. short video:

Features of installation of a pitched roof truss system

Shed roof for a bathhouse made of brick, covered with corrugated sheeting.

If the distance between load-bearing walls baths are less than 4.5 m, then there is no need to provide additional support. a mauerlat is laid on one of the walls, in which grooves for the rafters are cut out. On the opposite wall, the same ones are cut out in the upper link. Their size should correspond to the rafters so that it fits snugly against the cut. You should not use all possible sealing gaskets.

The rafters should be such a length that they extend beyond the contour of the walls by 30–50 cm. This will make it possible to mount a cornice that will protect the walls from rain. The rafters are attached to the mauerlat and the top beam using iron pins or screws.

Roof sheathing

An example of different sheathing of a bathhouse roof for a soft and hard roof.

Next, for any design, the sheathing is made. Its pitch must be calculated depending on the material with which the structure will be covered. If this soft roof, for example, andulin, then the sheathing is made of wide boards, leaving a gap of 1 cm between them. For hard sheets, for example, slate or corrugated board, the sheathing is made of bars with a section of 50x50 mm. The fastening step can be from 15-50 m.

Installation of the sheathing should begin from the ridge downwards using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Along the ridge, installation of the sheathing begins with two boards, which should be attached to it. Next, the roof is waterproofed and covered with the selected material. The ridge and cornices are hemmed.

For roofs with an attic it is necessary to perform additional insulation. You can read about how to insulate the roof of a bathhouse in the following article.

If you don’t rush and do the work correctly, the roof of the bathhouse will last for more than one generation of your family. And her appearance and the shape will delight you for many years.

Gable roof with attic spaceoptimal solution to create reliable design in the bathhouse meeting all standards. It is functional and, with the right approach, can become good decoration. But in order for the gable structure to meet all the assigned tasks, it is necessary to design it correctly.

Advantages of a roof with two slopes

In some cases, you can get by with installing a simpler roof with one slope. But if you think about it, financial expenses are not that different. Moreover, in terms of functionality, a gable roof has a number of advantages:

  • the possibility of arranging a residential attic space or adapting it for bath accessories;
  • high degree thermal insulation of the bathhouse ceiling;
  • at proper organization slope, the structure will last as long as possible without repairs and additional maintenance;
  • decent appearance.

A simple example of a gable roof: 1 – rafters; 2 – transverse fastening; 3– Mauerlat; 4 – ridge beam.

What will you need for your job?

Construct a gable roof on small sauna You can do it yourself, but first you need to decide on the materials. This is not only the wood used to assemble the frame, but also the coating responsible for the angle of inclination. For each type of material, its own indicators are recommended:

  • ondulin – 3-15 degrees;
  • metal tiles - 27 degrees;
  • euroslate - 27 degrees;
  • seam roofing – 18 degrees;
  • roofing material - 5 degrees;
  • corrugated sheeting – 8 degrees.

The indicators are dictated not by the decorative finish, but by the weight load on the roof frame. The heavier the material, the greater the angle of inclination is necessary. Gentle slopes may break under the influence of precipitation (snow) and the load exerted by the coating. In addition, the heavy structure will create additional load on the foundation of the bathhouse. This also needs to be taken into account.

When choosing a material and determining the angle of inclination, it is recommended to take into account the climatic conditions in the region. If precipitation is not intense, then the given indicators for each material can be changed.

In addition to the covering, the construction of a gable roof on a bathhouse and other structures requires lumber:

  • embedded beam (mauerlat) is made of material with a cross-section of at least 150x150 mm;
  • roof trusses are wooden beams 50x100 mm;
  • Unedged boards are used as sheathing.

In addition, you will need a film to isolate the steam passing from the steam room and washing compartment and insulation.

Stages of gable roof assembly and rafter system

The roof in any structural plan is a frame sheathed roofing covering. All work is carried out in strict sequence.

First, the Mauerlat is installed. To do this, a 150x150 mm beam is laid along the top of the walls and attached to studs. They are built in in advance at the stage of laying bathhouse walls made of brick or other material. There is also the option of wire fixation. To do this, pieces of the required length are laid between the penultimate and last crown of logs, if the bathhouse is built of wood, or in brickwork. The Mauerlat must be laid evenly, both horizontally, and the diagonal of the structure must be checked.

Grooves are cut into the mauerlat for laying the rafter legs at a certain distance. If wall panel thicker than the base of the roof, it is additionally wrapped in several layers of roofing felt and bricked on the outside to increase strength.

Next, you need to assemble the rafter structure. This is a rigid triangular beam made of timber. To further strengthen them, a spacer is mounted across each one. A crossbar is installed at the top of the corner. It is installed after the rafters are installed, and it is better to assemble them on the ground, having previously “removed” the dimensions.

When collected required quantity rafters, they need to be installed on the Mauerlat. The ridge corners are installed first. Trim and attach to the Mauerlat. Everything is ready. Of all the types of bathhouse roofs with two slopes, the process of installing the main rafters in this system is the simplest. At the end of the work, the evenness of both structures is checked. Next, the rope is pulled along the top of the corners and the remaining trusses are mounted relative to this landmark.

After installing all the rafters, we check the evenness of the installation and carry out a control fixation to the Mauerlat and the ridge strip. If the roof slope is more than 4.5 meters, then you need to additionally install supports so that one side holds rafter leg, and the other rested against the floor beam.

Finishing work according to plan

The roof skeleton has been assembled, all that remains is to carry out the final work. First of all, we determine the location of the chimney outlet if it is not laid through a wall. We mount a metal adapter and insulate it with insulation.

Next, using a stapler, we attach the vapor barrier layer to the rafters. On top of it we stuff a sheathing of unedged boards. The pitch is selected according to the type of roofing material. For roll coverings, there is a continuous lining; for sheet materials, boards can be fixed at a distance of 15–20 cm from each other. The lathing is stuffed over the entire rafter system, with a protrusion of about 20 cm beyond the lower edge. There is no need to do more, and if the trusses turn out to be longer, then they are sawed off at the same distance.

There is no need to rush to lay the coating. First you need to give it extra strength, sewing up the end parts. For this you will need a board. IN brick baths, stone is laid out, with lining of the gables. If you plan to use the attic space, leave space for installation window frame.

When the structure is sewn from the gables, it will be much stronger. Now you can proceed to the next stage. Waterproofing is laid over the sheathing. In some cases, the membrane used for these purposes is laid between the rafters, under the counter-batten. This allows you to create an additional air layer for quick drying of the roof structure and additional ventilation of the bathhouse ceiling from the attic space.

Laying roofing material

The very last stage of assembling a gable roof. The installation principle is the same for all types of coatings. You need to start from the bottom of the cornice and gradually rise, covering the lower rows with the next layers. Make sure the installation is even so that the appearance is not spoiled by crooked lines. Having closed both slopes, we install the ridge strip, securing it with self-tapping screws.

The gable roof assembly process is complete. This is the simplest option for designing a rafter system. By taking these tips into account, you can design your own reliable roof in a bathhouse that meets all technological requirements.

A bathhouse is a building for sanitary and hygienic purposes, which is extremely popular among the Russian population. It has become an obligatory part of leisure and health improvement, a way of life of the Russian people, so not a single suburban or even garden house. If there is enough space on the site for construction, then a free-standing bathhouse with a gable roof the best option. It will be easy to maintain optimal temperature, the construction will be a reflection of ancient traditions in architecture. This article will tell you how to build a gable roof with your own hands that retains heat.

The gable roof of a bathhouse is formed by connecting two planes that are located at an angle to each other, called slopes. This is one of the easiest roofing structures to design and install yourself. In frontal projection, it has the shape of an isosceles triangle, which is considered traditional for this type of building. The gable roof consists of the following parts:

  1. Rafter frame. This term refers to a set of elements that provide support to the roofing material. It includes: Mauerlat, rafters, tightening, ridge girder, racks and struts. The rafter frame is made of high quality wood coniferous trees. The composition and relative position of its parts is calculated in accordance with the expected load, which is influenced by the weight of the roofing material and the amount of precipitation in winter time. Rafters, like a load-bearing skeleton, give shape and rigidity to the structure, protecting it from destruction. To build a bathhouse roof, hanging or layered rafters are used.
  2. Roofing pie. This term refers to the roofing material and waterproofing layer, which are laid on the sheathing resting on the rafters. As waterproofing, roofing felt is often used, which has a greater margin of safety than polyethylene films and diffuse membranes. To cover bathhouse slopes, corrugated sheeting, metal tiles, ondulin or slate are used.
  3. Pediments. The gable roof has two triangular-shaped pediments, which are a continuation of the end walls. The gables are covered with lighter lumber or made of the same material as the façade of the building. Baths made entirely of timber or logs have best ability keep warm, but they are more expensive due to the higher consumption of lumber and the difficulties associated with DIY assembly. To reduce fuel consumption to maintain temperature, the gables are insulated inside or outside, seal the cracks and line them with decorative material.

Pay attention! The microclimate that is installed in the bathhouse is an aggressive environment for building materials. The difference between internal and external air temperatures, heat and humidity have a detrimental effect on wood, so any instructions for building a roof for a bathhouse with your own hands involves treatment with antiseptic and moisture-proof compounds. High risk fires explains the need to use fire retardants to protect rafters from fire.

Types of structures

Gable roof - the most rational and popular type roofing design, used to build baths with your own hands. She wants the building to be similar to a traditional tower, making it not only functional, but also aesthetic. Experienced craftsmen They talk about the possibility of installing two types of gable roofs:

Important! If the bathhouse is being built as an extension to a residential building, then the most rational option for covering is pitched roof. It looks less presentable and has less energy efficiency, however, it costs much less and is built faster.

Rafter system

Totality wooden elements that support the shape of the roof is called a rafter system. It consists of roof trusses, each of which has the shape equilateral triangle, its base is equal to the width of the bathhouse, and the legs are rafters. Triangle – the most resistant geometric figure, so the roof frame can withstand significant loads. For construction gable roof Two types of frames are used:

Pay attention! When determining the composition of the rafter frame, its own weight and mass are taken into account attic floors and seasonal snow load. The thickness of the rafters is determined in accordance with the length of the slope, the width of the step between the legs and the type of roofing material. In order for the roof to last longer, you should leave a small reserve of strength, which will prevent breakdowns in extreme weather conditions.


Construction of a roof is a technically complex process, so when building with your own hands, it is important to thoroughly follow the recommended technology. Installation work performed in dry weather to keep the elements of the rafter frame dry. The tools you will need are a grinder, a jigsaw, a screwdriver, a drill, and a construction stapler. Assembly is performed in the following order:

Important! Since the bathhouse presupposes the presence heating device, That final stage roof construction - removal of the chimney pipe. It should be located at a distance of 30-50 cm from the ridge and rise above it by 50-100 cm.

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