First solar treatments. Heliotherapy: treatment with sunbathing

Sunlight is the source of life for all life on Earth. Natural organic life, flora and fauna can only develop under the influence of sunlight. Under the influence of sunbathing, the body produces vitamin D, which counteracts the development of rickets, promotes the absorption of calcium and normalizes the process of hematopoiesis. Lack of sunlight can provoke anemia, diseases of the nervous system and other diseases. Observations have shown that people in nice apartments those with windows facing north get sick more often than people who live in the same ones. apartments, but with windows facing south. Let's look at the benefits of sunbathing treatment, or heliotherapy.

Principles of heliotherapy:

How does sunbathing (heliotherapy) work? The sun's rays have a significant physical and biological effect on the human body. It is due to three factors. The sun's rays give us three streams of radiant energy. Simultaneously with light (visible light energy), the sun emits thermal (or infrared) energy, and in the morning hours ultraviolet rays reach the surface of the earth. In our country, ultraviolet radiation has different biological activity throughout the year. In regions where the midday height of the sun above the horizon does not exceed 25 ° C, there is insufficient activity of ultraviolet rays; in others (from 25-45 ° C), radiation has weak or moderate activity. In those areas where the sun rises above 45 °C at noon, the activity of ultraviolet rays manifests itself on high level.

The types of radiant energy differ from each other as physical properties, and photobiological effect of exposure.

When carrying out heliotherapy or sunbathing treatment, the greatest impact is exerted by ultraviolet and infrared rays.

Heliotherapy: treatment with sunbathing - what is the benefit of the method

Infrared rays during heliotherapy procedures penetrate 4 mm deep into the skin. Under the influence of sunlight and heat, blood circulation accelerates, especially in the capillaries of the skin.

Thanks to heliotherapy, that is, treatment with sunlight, arterioles (small terminal branches of arteries), precapillaries (muscle-type vessels) and skin capillaries dilate, and hyperemia (excessive filling with blood) of the skin occurs. At the same time, the temperature of the skin increases, and the intensification of tissue metabolism differs. The effect of heliotherapy on the body causes changes in the blood circulation: the pulse quickens and blood pressure may increase.

Numerous skin pores evaporate sweat, which cools the body and removes cell waste products. Metabolic products (metabolism) formed as a result of tissue respiration are removed through the skin by evaporation. Also, during treatment with sunbathing (heliotherapy), the external respiration systems, gas exchange and oxygenation functions (oxygen enrichment) are activated.

Best time for heliotherapy, that is, sunbathing, these are the morning hours: in the summer - from 9 to 11 a.m., in winter - from 11 to 14 p.m.

The duration of sunbathing treatment (heliotherapy) should not exceed 20-30 minutes, unless the duration of the procedure is agreed upon with the doctor. Moreover, the duration of the first heliotherapy procedures should be much shorter, no more than 5-10 minutes, until the body adapts to the effects of sunlight.

Prolonged exposure to the sun and underdosed treatment with sunbathing (heliotherapy) can cause serious burns of the skin and provoke significant complications, including the development of cancer.

Heliotherapy: treatment with sunbathing - history of the method

The healing powers of sunlight were actively used by ancient doctors in the history of heliotherapy. Even the “father of medicine,” the ancient Greek philosopher Hippocrates, noted the beneficial effects of sunlight in the treatment of many diseases. The sun has been warming our planet for millions of years and giving it its light. Thus, Hippocrates, the famous ancient Greek healer and founder of European medicine, prescribed solar treatments for his patients for certain diseases, sending them to sunbathe on the seashore. He even advised building houses without roofs, so that free access to light would not be limited.

Another evidence of the use of sunlight is its treatment of smallpox patients. To do this, light was passed through red matter. That is why in the Middle Ages, the windows of infirmaries were covered with red curtains, and the sick were wrapped in red sheets.

How does sunbathing treatment work?

Nowadays, doctors are again prescribing solar treatments. The Swiss August Rollie, remembering the instructions of Hippocrates, founded a “solar hospital” in the Swiss Alps, where he treated his patients with the sun and herbs. Heliotherapist, as he called himself, healed patients with tuberculosis, anemia, asthma, atherosclerosis, colitis, skin diseases and gout. Treatment with sun rays was prescribed for emotional disorders, nervous diseases, as a restorative remedy after suffering serious illnesses.

In his book “Sun Treatment”, he not only promoted sun and air baths, but also developed a method of solar treatment medicinal herbs. A. Rollier believed that the more the grass is saturated with sunlight, the higher and better quality chemical composition substances contained in the plant, which means treatment is better and more effective.

The history of heliotherapy is based on the fact that natural medicinal products contain the healing power of sunlight. Moreover, plants that received more doses of solar radiation over the summer bring great benefit.

But experts studying the influence of the sun on plants did not stop there. During drying and further processing, heliotherapists began to place medicinal plants into purple glass vessels and expose them to intense sunlight. They believed that the violet part of the solar spectrum kills harmful bacteria, while the plants themselves come to life and are enriched with useful substances. After this, the plants that have been subjected to additional solar irradiation are processed into sun balms and elixirs, all kinds of essences and pills, as well as products that are used in solariums. Today it has been proven that solar treatments are not only pleasant, but also useful.

Heliotherapy: indications for sunbathing

Sunbathing is important integral part climate treatment. Heliotherapy brings significant benefits in rehabilitation treatment, has positive impact in the treatment of hypersensitivity to weather changes and climatic conditions. Exposure to sunlight or artificial sources light brings great benefits in combination with temperature effects, air baths and water procedures. In case of pathological symptoms (presence of signs of disease), which is caused by a deficiency of natural climatic factors, in particular a lack of ultraviolet radiation, treatment with sunbathing (heliotherapy) can compensate for this factor and significantly improve health. When prescribing a heliotherapy regimen, the following factors should be taken into account:

The region in which the patient permanently resides;

Patient's age;

Severity of the disease.

Infrared and visible rays from the sun affect cells human body in different ways, but generally produce a positive effect.

Heliotherapy is indicated for chronic and subacute local inflammatory processes, not complicated by suppuration; for injuries of joints and the muscular-ligamentous system.

Ultraviolet sunlight during general heliotherapy is indicated for disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, as a means of preventing rickets, to increase the body's resistance to infectious and colds, with extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

As a local treatment with sunbathing, when only a certain area of ​​the body is exposed, ultraviolet sunlight is indicated for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, joints and respiratory organs, gynecological diseases, certain skin lesions (in particular, infected wounds) and fungal diseases.

Heliotherapy: contraindications to sunbathing

Treatment with sunbathing (heliotherapy) is contraindicated in patients with anemia and systemic blood disease, with severe exhaustion, increased nervous excitability, acute and febrile diseases, suspected development of neoplasms, pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculosis intoxication, some cardiovascular diseases.

Heliotherapy increases the excitability of the central nervous system and stimulates the formation of histamine-like (nitrogen-containing) substances in the skin, which activate the neuroglandular apparatus of the stomach. Therefore, treatment with sunlight is contraindicated in chronic gastritis.

If you have complex and serious illnesses, it is advisable to take sunbathing in a gentle manner in a familiar climate.

Application of heliotherapy in medicine

Treatment with sunlight and sources of artificial infrared and ultraviolet radiation actively used in medicine. Sunbathing has a positive effect on a person even during his intrauterine development, as they affect the body of a pregnant woman and help prevent the development of rickets in a child.

To tan properly, you need to determine your skin type.

Which one protective agent give preference to the sun? Despite the fact that a lot of information has been written on this topic, the question remains relevant, since many want to achieve a chic skin color without developing problems with it. Is it possible to combine healthy skin and tanning?

Ultraviolet rays are waves of energy that are shorter in length than rays daylight. They are divided into three types: ultraviolet A (UVA), B (UVB) and C (UVC). Only the first two species have the ability to pass through the atmosphere, and under their influence the skin acquires a different shade, writes

Exposure to UVA rays triggers skin aging mechanisms and the early appearance of wrinkles, since their effect does not cause pain and goes unnoticed. The main means of maintaining skin health include protection from such rays. UVB rays, in turn, can leave burns on the skin.

The logical conclusion: if these waves are so dangerous, then you just need to avoid exposure to the sun. However, there is one “but”. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vital vitamin D is formed in the skin. The norm is to spend time in the sun to produce required quantity This vitamin is considered to be fifteen minutes.

In addition, ultraviolet light delays the progression of skin diseases such as psoriasis or lupus, and also reduces acne and eliminates the causes of its appearance.

To continue the conversation about harmless tanning, we should remember that all people’s skin does not resist ultraviolet radiation in the same way. Based on this, experts divided the earth's population into six blocks.

1st block. It includes people with extremely light skin and hair. There is an alternative name for such people - albinos. Their skin is not able to protect itself from radiation, which is why it instantly turns red, but does not tan. To maintain health, they are not recommended to spend time in the sun, but simply stay under an awning.

2nd block. People with Baltic, English or Scottish roots. They are distinguished by light blue eyes, light curls and the presence of freckles. The skin of people in this block is capable of tanning, but only slightly; most often, burns appear on it. To avoid a sad outcome, it is recommended to use cosmetics with maximum level protection. The shade appears only after four days.

3rd block. People with dark hair and eyes, but light skin, are mostly residents Central Europe. The skin of such people tans normally, but excessive exposure to the sun can cause burns. Recommended time is morning and afternoon. For the first few days, it is imperative to use cosmetics with the maximum level of protection. The shade also appears after four days.

4th block. People with dark skin and brown eyes, i.e. representatives of the East. The skin of such people tans evenly, burns are rare. The first few days of exposure to the sun, you need to use products with an average level of protection.

5th block. People with extremely dark skin and dark hair, mostly Africans and Indians. The tan goes on easily and there are no burns. However, such people also need to use protective equipment while in extremely hot climates.

6th block. The last block includes African Americans and Australian Aborigines. Their black skin is not susceptible to burns, so they do not need protective equipment. It is recommended to use only moisturizing cosmetic substances.

During sunbathing, the human body is exposed not only to direct, diffuse, reflected radiation, but also to basic meteorological factors (air temperature, humidity and speed). That is why it is more correct to call sunbathing taken in the open air solar-air.

Previously, the method of dosing sunbathing by minutes was used, the number of which increased depending on the effectiveness of the treatment. Starting from 5-10 minutes with constant addition with each subsequent sunbath, it is brought up to 40-60 minutes. This dosage still exists today, where for technical reasons it is not possible to use more advanced devices. However, the duration of exposure does not determine the radiation dose. For example, under a cloudless sky, when the sun shines brightly and is high above, the duration of exposure should be less than on a cloudy day or in the early and late hours of the day when the sun shines weaker. The invention of a device that makes it possible to accurately determine the amount of heat from solar energy falling on a certain surface (Michelson actinometer), and the study of the transparency of the atmosphere made it possible to verify that the dosage of solar energy during sun treatment minute by minute is inaccurate and is physically unjustified.

Soviet scientists developed and introduced a new method of sunbathing in calories. In this case, along with the duration of the procedure in minutes, the amount of solar energy falling per square centimeter of the irradiated body is determined. The amount of light energy is expressed in small calories.

Therefore, the caloric dosage method takes into account variations in the intensity of sunlight on different days and at different times of the day. For example, sunbathing with an intensity of 5 small calories per square centimeter at 8 o'clock in the morning requires a duration of 10 minutes, and at 12 o'clock in the afternoon only 4-5 minutes. Where there are no actinometers that allow measuring the voltage of total solar radiation at any time, calorie tables compiled from long-term data are used to dose sunbathing. The table is compiled for each month, divided into three decades.

Depending on the time of visiting the beach, the nurse, according to this table, indicates to the patient the duration of his procedure. They usually start with a general sunbath and then add five calories for each subsequent one.

A well-known specialist in sun treatment, Professor P. G. Mezernitsky, considers it unacceptable to take a sunbath of more than 60 calories (roughly approximately 60 minutes). This is due to the need to spare the body from negative influence sunlight (overheating, etc.).

But the caloric method is not without significant drawbacks. We use it to determine the total energy of sunlight, mainly the thermal energy of infrared rays.

It is known that people are unequally sensitive to light rays and especially to chemical and ultraviolet rays: blondes and people with pale skin react faster and more strongly to the sun's rays than brunettes or people with tanned skin. In addition to general individual sensitivity, local photosensitivity is also distinguished. Different areas of the body are not equally sensitive to ultraviolet rays. The skin of the abdomen, back and torso in general is the most sensitive; the skin of the extremities is less sensitive. Local irradiation is easier to tolerate than general irradiation. Therefore, the dosage of local irradiation can be stronger and longer than general irradiation. With general irradiation, strong doses can cause negative reactions: overheating of the body, general weakness, etc. As a rule, general irradiation begins with low doses.

Along with the calorie method, they began to use the method of biological dosage of solar radiation, proposed by N. I. Gorbachev. By irradiating small areas of the skin with increasing doses of sunlight, the time required to obtain minimal erythema (redness) is determined. In other words, the sensitivity of the skin to these rays is established. Essentially, this method is not a measurement of the intensity of the radiation itself. It only establishes the ratio of the intensity of the active radiation and the reactivity of the skin at a given time, that is, the minimum duration of irradiation for a weak erythemal reaction, the so-called biological dose, is determined. The determination of such a minimum (threshold) dose is usually carried out as follows. A small area of ​​skin is exposed, and a special biodosimeter, consisting of a plate with 6 holes covered with a retractable lid, is tightly secured to it using a belt. These holes open sequentially every 5 minutes. This results in a series of irradiated areas with increasing duration from 5 to 30 minutes. The test is carried out 24 hours after irradiation. The time in minutes that produced minimal intensity but sufficiently defined erythema is taken as a unit of biological dose for this patient under these conditions. The average biodose was established experimentally and corresponds to 30 small calories.

An air-sun bath is the effect of two factors simultaneously: the air environment and solar radiation. Based on the fact that the main biological effect in sun treatment belongs to ultraviolet rays, the calorie dosage system is inferior. Knowledge of the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is also required. For this purpose, M.I. Shishkov designed an automatic ultraviolet ray dosimeter. It makes it possible to measure the voltage of all ultraviolet radiation and carry out dosimetry of ultraviolet rays on therapeutic beaches.

The main condition for therapeutic dosimetry of ultraviolet rays is the measurement of the intensity of ultraviolet energy in units that stand in a certain relation to any biological reaction of the body; in this case, the most commonly known skin ultraviolet erythema (redness). Upon reaching the amount of ultraviolet energy equal to 1/30 of the average biodose, 1 unit is marked on the mechanical counter of the Shishkov biodosimeter. This is considered to be one unit of ultraviolet radiation. Before starting sun treatment, to identify skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, an individual biodose is determined by the usual method using the Gorbachev grid.

After establishing an individual biodose, the patient is prescribed a course of sun treatment. For example, a patient’s biodose is 30 units of ultraviolet radiation. He was prescribed a course of sunbathing up to one and a half biodoses. On the first day, the patient will receive a bath of 1/6 biodose, or 5 units of ultraviolet light; on the 2-3rd day, 10 units of ultraviolet light, or 2/6 of the biodose, on the 6-7th day, 15 units of ultraviolet light, or 2/6 of the biodose; on the 8-10th day, 30 units of ultraviolet radiation, or 1 biodose; and then every next two days it increases by 5 units of ultraviolet radiation and thus brings it to one and a half biodose. Depending on the patient’s condition, the reactivity of his skin, the initial radiation dose, its increase, as well as the maximum dose are established individually in each case.

Along with the correct dosage of the radiant energy of the sun, the influence of the external environment, air temperature, humidity, wind speed, as well as all thermal radiation of the surrounding space - radiation temperature - must also be taken into account.

In the summer season, the most favorable radiation-perceptible temperatures for the body are from 19.5 to 24.5°.

There are several types of sunbathing: 1) baths of direct sunlight, 2) baths of diffused sunlight, 3) baths of reflected sunlight.

1. Baths of direct sunlight are those when direct sunlight falls on a naked body, as well as radiation from the sky and radiation reflected from the surface of the earth.

The most common method of sunbathing in the Sochi resort is the standard method of sunbathing. They irradiate the entire body with gradually increasing doses, starting with 5 calories, or 5 units of ultraviolet radiation.

So-called staged sunbathing, which puts a sharp load on the body, can be prescribed only once every 7-10 days, so that during this period of time the body has time to recover. Typically, such baths are taken in the form of “local” ones, for a specific area, for example, with sluggish radiculitis.

In the treatment of patients who require long-term irradiation (for example, with certain skin diseases), the intermittent or intermittent method of sunbathing is of great benefit. Such baths are prescribed at intervals of 15-30 minutes in the shade, which makes it possible to avoid overheating of the body. The sunbathing procedure here is lengthened by reducing its intensity.

2. Along with baths of direct solar radiation, baths of diffused sunlight are also used, when using natural defense(upright growing cypress trees) or by means of awning-screens, the effect of direct sunlight is eliminated and a naked person is exposed to sky and reflected radiation. Baths of scattered radiation, with a sufficient amount of ultraviolet rays, have a small amount of red and infrared rays, which mainly have a large thermal effect.

It was indicated above that long-wave rays (infrared) are scattered more weakly than short-wave rays (ultraviolet). In terms of its load on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, irradiation with scattered light can be considered weaker, “gentler”. In terms of their therapeutic effect, they are close to weakened sunbathing. They are prescribed to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and functional disorders of the nervous system.

3. Baths of reflected sunlight are very widely used, when the action of direct and diffuse sunlight is excluded, and the human body is affected by rays reflected from the surface of the earth and surrounding objects. Such baths are usually called air baths.

In order to make the most rational use of solar wealth, especially for weakened and heart patients, protecting them from redness of the skin and overheating, cellular awning systems are used

N. I. Mishchuk. The cellular awning of A. M. Voronov is considered more convenient, where the size of the cells is small (5 × 5 cm with a slats width of 5 cm). Under this screen, the sunspot does not linger on the body for more than 5 minutes, giving way to shadow. This serves as a guarantee against redness.

When studying the strength of solar radiation under a fine-mesh awning, it was found that it reaches 28-35% with 0.35 small calories per square centimeter of skin, whereas in a regular solarium there are 1.2 small calories per 1 square centimeter of skin. The temperature in the center of the sunspot is 3.5° higher than in the center of the shadow spot, which creates favorable conditions for blood flow in the skin.

We have already noted that modern scientific data show the possibility of obtaining a better treatment and hardening effect by combining climate therapy with physical activity.

The human body reacts more actively to sun exposure during movement because it is exposed to a number of additional stimuli, for example, movement. On the other hand, this sunbath is softer and more gentle, since possible overheating when lying on the trestle bed is eliminated.

Taking all this into account, on hot summer days (July-August) we observed patients with a pre-sclerotic process in the vessels of the heart and brain, with functional disorders of the nervous system, and with a disorder of the endocrine glands. Sun irradiation was carried out only in motion, so-called “vertical sunbathing” was given, which was taken during gymnastics, sports games, rowing, sea bathing. They were held in the morning before 11 o'clock and in the evening after 5 o'clock. Experience has shown that such repeated exposures with the body in an upright position give an excellent training effect. This type of use of sunlight is more effective than uniform, prolonged exposure to sun loungers.

Local sunbathing is used mainly for neuralgia, single inflammation of the joints (monoarthritis), and gynecological diseases. In all cases where it is necessary to speed up the resorption process and enhance tissue nutrition, such sunbathing is widely indicated. However, we must not forget that with these sunbathing there can be an effect on the entire body, although much less pronounced than with general solar irradiation.

In some cases, “local” procedures are also indicated for diseases of a general nature, for example, when irradiating the “collar” area (shoulder girdle, neck) with ultraviolet rays. Thanks to the reflex effect on the central nervous system, it is possible to achieve therapeutic success not only local, but also of a general nature - improving the functions of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, etc.

Irradiation of the lumbar region in diseases of the pelvic organs and lower extremities has the same effect. They are used on the principle of segmental reflex therapy, based on the fact that each segment of the spinal cord is assigned a certain area of ​​the skin.

Treatment with concentrated rays of the sun is carried out using a special mirror, the surface of which reflects up to 75% of the solar spectrum. The radiant energy of the sun can be concentrated on small area, and therefore its influence is significantly enhanced. The desired surface can be irradiated without affecting surrounding tissue. A course of treatment with concentrated light from 6-10 sessions with a dosage of up to 40-100 calories, starting with small doses of radiation, is indicated for the treatment of a number of diseases: peripheral nervous system, purulent diseases (furuncle, carbuncles, inflammation of the finger - panaritium), sore throats, trophic ulcers .

According to the observations of gynecologist A.L. Mukhina, very good result gives treatment with concentrated sun for erosions (ulcers) of the cervix.

The method of treatment with concentrated rays of the sun is very effective, especially in combination with treatment with Matsesta baths.

The best time for sunbathing is from May to September from 9-10 and from 11-12 hours, when the air temperature is not yet too high. On the hottest summer days during the midday hours, when the air temperature is too high, sunbathing should not be done. More gentle, with less radiation voltage, sunbathing is taken from 7 to 11 or from 16 to 19 hours. At this time, general sunbathing (direct radiation) is tolerated more favorably.

When sunbathing, you also need to take into account the nature of the beach flooring. On a pebble solarium it happens high temperature from the heating pebbles (sometimes up to 56°), and therefore is reflected large number heat, which creates unnecessary stress on the cardiovascular system of patients. Taking into account the reflected heat, it is recommended to take sunbathing on a trestle bed at least 45 centimeters from the surface of the earth.

Sunbathing is also possible on grass and surface beaches. There is less solar radiation here, and it acts softer and more gentle. On an overwater solarium, cooling from the water is observed.

When taking a sunbath, the patient must accurately follow the doctor’s instructions, which usually indicate: 1) the type of sunbath: direct or diffuse radiation; 2) what time should you take a bath; 3) how many calories or units of ultraviolet light are prescribed. In the future, the doctor most often increases this dose to a certain maximum, for example, to 1-1.5 average biodose or to 30-45 units of ultraviolet radiation. In no case should the patient go beyond the maximum dose prescribed by the doctor.

The dosage of sunbathing prescribed by a doctor should be carried out as precisely as when taking Matsesta and other baths, in order to avoid harmful consequences.

Sun treatment at the Sochi-Matsesta resort is also carried out in winter period. Observations by S. M. Chubinsky showed that at an air temperature of +10°, sunbathing can be prescribed for open veranda, if the wind force does not exceed one meter per second. At the same temperature, but with greater wind strength, protection from it is necessary with screens made of cellulose acetate film or plexiglass, no more than one and a half millimeters thick. With more low temperatures air and strong wind Sun treatment is carried out in winter aerosolariums or in individual cabins. For solar exposure, insulated trestle beds are used - cabins. Doctor L.A. Kunichev observed the microclimate of individual cabins. So, in December 1954, at an outside air temperature of +15°, the temperature in the cabin was 27°C; in February, at a temperature of +2°, the air temperature inside the cabin reached 19°C. In such cabins throughout the winter it was possible to create favorable conditions for solar radiation.

In autumn and winter, at midday, the sun is relatively low above the horizon and does not cause redness of the skin. But the sun's rays this season contain long-wave ultraviolet rays, which cause a pigment reaction, due to which the skin acquires a brown tint - tan. Thus, the biological indicator of sunbathing dosimetry in the autumn-winter period is the pigment reaction. Depending on the individual sensitivity of the skin, it takes 20 - 45 minutes. At this time of year, during the midday hours, five calories flow through twice as much as in the summer season.

The initial dose for winter sun treatment should be considered 10-12-15 calories; This procedure takes from 20 to 30 minutes. The maximum dose should be considered 30-40 calories, from an hour to an hour and a half. Depending on the disease, the functional state of the body and its general reactivity, the dose increase should be differentiated. During this period, sunbathing should be prescribed during the day from 10 to 14 hours.

During the cold period of the year, solar irradiation is mainly pursued for the purpose of training and hardening the body. Winter sun treatment - effective method climatotherapy.

Action solar radiation, as already noted, affects the state of a number of organs and tissues of the body, the sensitivity and reactivity of which can be very different. Therefore, the dosage of sunbathing and its medicinal use require careful and continuous medical supervision, monitoring the patient’s condition, taking into account changes in body temperature, pulse and blood pressure.

Sunbathing should not be taken without medical supervision. Both the positive and negative effects of sunlight are characterized by a number of subjective and objective signs.

With the positive effects of sunbathing, your well-being usually improves, your mood improves, and pain decreases or disappears completely. Body weight increases in exhausted people. Body temperature remains normal. Blood composition improves. Nervous disorders are reduced.

With the negative effects of sunbathing, general well-being and mood decrease, sleep becomes uneven and restless. Headaches, weakness, apathy or, conversely, irritability occur. The temperature fluctuates, and unwanted complications appear.

If one or another negative sign appears, you should definitely consult a doctor. Most often, this cause is too forced treatment, abuse of sun treatment. It is always fraught with dangerous consequences.

The above characteristics relate mainly to changes that occur during the course of treatment. As for the changes caused by individual baths, in most cases they are not so demonstrative, and the positive and negative effects are characterized mainly by subjective symptoms.

After correct acceptance After sunbathing, you may feel tired and weak at first. In the future, after some time, they should be replaced by vigor, freshness, good location spirit and overall pleasant feeling.

After an improperly taken sunbath, severe fatigue, weakness, and drowsiness are observed. These signs often appear already during sunbathing. In the future, they not only do not weaken, but sometimes intensify. They are often joined headache, feeling unwell, poor appetite, troubled sleep. With a sharply negative effect, they are accompanied by inflammation of the skin, fever and a number of disorders. internal organs(palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, etc.).

Treatment with sunlight should be carried out according to the principle individual therapy in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient, taking into account his sensitivity and endurance to sunlight. At first, treatment is carried out with the utmost caution. In the future, as the patient gets used to sunlight, treatment is carried out in a gradual sequence in order to increase the activity of treatment day by day. If exposure to the sun is intended to have a therapeutic effect, it must be brought to a certain therapeutically effective dose and not go beyond that. By changing the conditions for sunbathing (morning, noon, evening), or using irradiation of different types of direct radiation (standard, staged, intermittent), or diffuse radiation and using different zones on the beach (over-shingle, grass, surface) - you can significantly change the nature of the irritating influence of the sun in both quantitative and qualitative terms.

Until recently, sunbathing was considered contraindicated for heart patients, and its use requires great caution. They are absolutely contraindicated in patients with severe atherosclerosis, in the presence of disorders of cerebral, venous and renal circulation, in cases of heart failure and heart rhythm disorders - arrhythmias.


Treatment with sunlight, or heliotherapy (from the Greek “helios” - sun) is one of the most accessible types of treatment. The sun is a natural source of light, and people have long enjoyed the benefit that God has given them.


Modern research has revealed that when exposed to sunlight, the pineal gland, located in the diencephalon, produces a hormone called melatonin. For example, the rate of aging of the body depends on the amount of this hormone. Melatonin intercepts so-called free radicals - compounds that are formed as a result of metabolism. Free radicals harm the entire body, make blood vessels fragile, contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and destroy genetic information in cell nuclei. What effect does sunlight have?

Blood circulation is stabilized. In summer, the number of deaths from heart attacks decreases. Solar energy affects sperm production. Scientists have found that sexual activity increases in summer. The heartbeat and pulse increase, blood vessels dilate, and, as a result, blood flow to the skin increases, making it look much better. Muscles become more elastic Metabolism increases: food is processed better, fats break down faster, protein is more easily absorbed. Solar energy also has a stimulating effect on the brain. Even after a short stay in the sun, brain activity noticeably improves. Sun rays stimulate the immune system. It is useful to look at the sun - it is a good exercise for the eyes.

Sunlight is necessary for the formation of vitamin D, which serves as a building material for teeth and bones. With a lack of sunlight, children develop rickets, a disease that causes curvature of the spine. Without vitamin D, normal bone development is impossible. Osteoporosis, which causes brittle bones in old age, is also largely the result of a lack of vitamin D. Osteoporosis most often affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and rarely get exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays slow down the growth of cancer cells; with the help of sunlight, our body produces substances that successfully fight cancer cells: interleukocytes and interferon. People who rarely get exposure to the sun are at greater risk of getting cancer.

Heliotherapy is based on the idea that natural remedies contain the healing power of sunlight. Thus, plants or plant extracts that have accumulated sunlight over the summer can bring undoubted benefits in the treatment of diseases. When dried and further processed, medicinal plants are deliberately placed in purple glass vessels and exposed to intense sunlight. It is believed that this makes them come alive and enrich themselves. The violet part of the solar spectrum kills harmful bacteria. Then the plants are processed into solar elixirs, essences for solariums, and solar pills.


The English doctor Edward Bach developed his own flower therapy, which is very popular these days. Its essence is as follows: for each disease and each individual, certain flowers are selected. They are harvested only when they have fully bloomed and have absorbed as much sunlight as possible. Dr. Bach placed them in fresh water, exposed them to the sun and waited until they withered, since he believed that this was the only way their energy and healing power would be transferred to the water. The doctor called this process of making medicinal potions the “solar” method. The Swiss August Rollier, who called himself a heliotherapist, maintained a “solar hospital” in the Swiss Alps and treated tuberculosis patients there with unprecedented success. He treated with the sun and herbs. He argued that the higher the dose of solar radiation a plant receives, the better the treatment. He successfully treated colitis, anemia, gout, atherosclerosis, skin diseases and asthma. He described his method in the book “Sun Treatment”.


Optical radiation from the Sun consists of visible radiation ( own light) and invisible - infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Different layers of the skin absorb these rays differently. The depth of their penetration increases with the transition from ultraviolet to infrared radiation. The sun's rays have a healing effect on the entire body. Blood circulation and the work of the heart muscle are activated, the nervous system is strengthened, physical activity increases, and the supply of calcium to organs and bones improves.

Attention! Solar radiation is contraindicated for malignant and benign neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases.

Sunbathing. Sunbathing is beneficial for many diseases. But there are certain rules for taking them that should be followed so as not to harm yourself. On the first day you should not be in direct sunlight for more than 5-10 minutes, on the second day the bath time can be 15 minutes, the next day the time spent in the sun is increased by another 5 minutes, eventually bringing it to 50-60 minutes. Staying in the sun for more than 1 hour is not recommended.

Infrared radiation. Its source is any heated body, and the intensity and composition of such radiation are determined by the temperature of the body. The human body, by the way, is also a powerful source of infrared radiation. Infrared rays make up up to 45-50% of solar radiation hitting the earth. Under the influence of these rays, blood flow in the tissues increases. Infrared radiation stimulates healing processes in the area of ​​inflammation. If large areas of the body are exposed to radiation, breathing will increase. Infrared radiation has anti-inflammatory, metabolic and vasodilating effects. It is useful for chronic and subacute non-purulent inflammatory diseases of internal organs, burns and frostbite, sluggishly healing wounds and ulcers, diseases of the peripheral nervous system (myositis, neuralgia), consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system. You should not be exposed to infrared irradiation in case of malignant neoplasms and suspicions of their presence, a tendency to bleeding, acute inflammatory and purulent processes, cerebral circulatory failure, cardiovascular failure.

Ultraviolet radiation. The ultraviolet part of sunlight is divided into component rays of the spectrum: A - long-wave radiation, B - medium-wave radiation, C - short-wave radiation.

Long-wave ultraviolet radiation A causes pigmentation, or tanning, of the skin. Under the influence of these rays, the body’s immune system is stimulated and its resistance to harmful factors increases. environment. Such training of the immune system is especially necessary for people weakened by chronic diseases. Indications for this type of irradiation are chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially respiratory system); diseases of joints and bones; burns and frostbite; sluggishly healing wounds and ulcers; eczema; seborrhea; fatigue. Psoriasis (psoriasis) responds well to sun treatment. At the same time, excessive and uncontrolled ultraviolet radiation leads to skin aging and can cause cell mutation, that is, subsequently lead to malignant neoplasms. Contraindications to long-wave irradiation: benign and malignant tumors, cardiovascular diseases, acute inflammatory-purulent diseases, liver and kidney diseases with severe dysfunction, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Mid-wave ultraviolet B irradiation causes skin redness. Redness appears 3-12 hours after the start of irradiation, persists for up to 3 days, has clear boundaries and an even red-violet color. When the surface layers of the skin are irradiated with mid-wave ultraviolet rays, the provitamin contained in it is converted into vitamin D3, an essential component of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. In the kidneys, vitamin D3 regulates the excretion of calcium and phosphate ions in the urine. Calcium accumulates in bone cells, again with the help of this vitamin. If there is not enough of this element in the body, mental performance decreases, the excitability of the nerve centers increases, calcium is washed out of bones and teeth, and blood clots worse. Children are developmentally delayed. The reactions that occur during irradiation with medium-wave rays of the UV spectrum stimulate the activity of almost all body systems. Mid-wave ultraviolet radiation is useful for inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially the respiratory system); consequences of wounds and injuries of the musculoskeletal system; diseases of internal organs (pneumonia, bronchitis, gastritis); rickets, metabolic disorders; diseases of the nervous and muscular system (neuritis, radiculitis); skin diseases; diseases of bones and joints.

Short-wave ultraviolet C radiation has a high bactericidal effect. It is very useful for wounds, cuts, skin diseases (abscesses, pimples), purulent inflammation. This radiation, like other types of radiation, is contraindicated for malignant and benign neoplasms, and cardiovascular diseases. Ultraviolet radiation devices can be purchased at pharmacies or electrical supply stores, and can be successfully used in winter.

Ultraviolet rays are moderately beneficial for the human body; under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced in the skin, which is involved in the process of calcium absorption. The higher the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, the younger child. It is forbidden to expose a child under one year to direct sunlight. With infants you need to be in the lacy shade of trees; direct sunlight is indicated for them only in the autumn-winter period, as a prevention of rickets. The air temperature during summer tanning should be no more than +30 degrees; it is best to sunbathe on a beach near a river or sea. The sunbathing time for children is no more than 20 minutes, the number of such procedures per year should not exceed 20-30.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the dangers of direct ultraviolet rays on the human body, as they can cause skin cancer. Therefore, listen to the advice and do not appear with your child on the street and open spaces, including on the beach from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The most useful time for exposure to the sun - these are the morning hours from 8 to 10 am and the evening after 17-00.

Now let's talk about the rules for hardening a child with the sun:

1. Protect your baby's head from sunstroke with a bucket hat made of lightweight natural light material.

2. The baby must wear a light blouse while sunbathing or a shirt best option– cambric vest.

3. Take children over one year old out into the sun, first in a shirt, then in a T-shirt, after a few days you can take off your T-shirt and combine sun hardening with. The air temperature should be above 20-22 degrees, and the weather should be calm.

4. Water procedures used after sunbathing, and not vice versa, so as not to cause hypothermia in the child. After bathing, dry him well.

5. The duration of the first solar procedure for a baby is 3 minutes, in children after one year - 5 minutes. Increase your child's time in the sun every day to 30-40 minutes a day.

6. Sun treatments above 30 degrees are contraindicated, as well as for children with cancer.

7. In the scattered rays of the sun(in the lacy shadow) there is almost the same amount of ultraviolet radiation as in direct rays, but there is much less infrared radiation, which leads to overheating of the body in the summer.

8. If your child has sunstroke or overheating, immediately bring him into a cool room, give him some water, or you can bathe him in the bathroom. If you have a fever or chills, give an antipyretic.

9. To prevent overheating and dehydration during solar treatments, increase your drinking regimen, and don’t forget a bottle of clean, high-quality water when you go for a walk.

10. It is best if the child is in motion during solar procedures. Sleeping in the sun is only beneficial in winter.



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