Types of roofs of private houses. Roofs of private houses: how to make the right choice What is the name of the triangular roof of a house

Each of which can have its own type of construction, method of protection and original design. Before deciding on the type of roof for your home, you need to understand the design characteristics.

The main selection criteria are:

  • type of material;
  • type and shape of structure;
  • roof slope.

Only with the right choice of these components is it possible to create a strong, durable and reliable coating that can withstand any weather conditions. When giving preference to one type of roof or another, you need to focus on the climate in the area. Thus, a roof with a gentle slope in an area of ​​active precipitation in winter period– not the best option. Otherwise, the constant accumulation of snow will subsequently only destroy the structure.

Roofs are classified according to the number and shape of slopes. There are single-pitched, gable and hipped roofs. By slope we mean the slope of the roof itself is more than 10°. There are also complex designs with combined slopes. Examples of these are hipped and multi-gable roofs. Less often in the construction of a private house you can find conical and domed types of roofing. Often several forms are used in structures; this type of roof is combined.

We will analyze in detail each of the listed types of roofs of private houses, taking into account placement in certain climatic conditions.

A pitched roof is the most simple design, which does not require significant labor and monetary costs.

Gable roof - the same inexpensive design, which is often used for houses of a wide variety of shapes. Great for snowy areas.

A mansard roof is a type of gable roof, characterized by a broken profile, that is, when each slope has two levels - flat and falling.

A hip roof is designed to withstand high winds; this is an excellent option for houses with large areas.

Hip roof with an arched slope. It is quite difficult to make such a design, but outwardly it attracts attention.

Hip roof- one of the types of hip. Ideal option For square houses. This type of roof is made up of four identical triangles, connected at the top like a tent.

The multi-gable roof is a complex structure, suitable for rectangular and square houses.

Vaulted roof - in the form of a vault, often used as an addition to the main roof.

Diamond roof - looks like four diamonds brought to the center, suitable for buildings with a square-shaped base.

IN modern times Roof surfaces are increasingly being used to create stunning landscaping.

If we talk about the practical side, installing solar panels on the roofs of private houses as alternative source energy is a great way to save energy.

Choosing a slope for the roof

Based on the type of slope, roof surfaces are divided into flat and pitched. Slope refers to the angle of inclination of the roof relative to the horizon. Typically measured in degrees.

The arrangement of the roof slope is due to the need to remove various precipitation from its covering. If there is no slope, roof leakage is inevitable. Yes and appearance Such coatings are more suitable for commercial buildings.

When choosing the degree of roof slope, you need to keep in mind that the greatest load from snowfall on the roof is achieved when the slope angle is 30 degrees. Self-cleaning of the roof (snow rolls down on its own) occurs at 45 degrees of inclination.

In addition to precipitation, strong gusts of wind also affect the roof surface. Increasing the slope angle to 30% increases the wind load by 5 times. But a small slope is also unacceptable, since in this case the wind, penetrating through the joints of the coating, can tear down the structure. Therefore, it would be wise to entrust the choice of roof slope and shape to experienced professionals who will take into account all the nuances.

Obviously, pitched roofs are much more expensive than flat ones. But still, durability, strength and reliability are much more important than the initial costs. Therefore, pitched roofing remains the most popular among coverings for private houses. As mentioned earlier, the slope of this type of roof is determined by snow and wind load. But besides this, aesthetic appearance is of no small importance.

Selection of building materials

The choice of roofing materials directly depends on the angle of inclination of the slopes.

Slate (wavy-shaped asbestos-cement sheet) - used for roof slopes of 13-60 degrees.

Ceramic tiles - this type of coating provides for a roof slope of 30-60 degrees. If the slope is less than 30 degrees, installation of ceramic tiles is allowed, but in this case it is necessary to additionally organize waterproofing and ventilation of the roof.

Metal tiles are the most popular material in the construction of private houses. The main advantage of this roof is that the maximum slope angle is not standardized, but the minimum is 15 degrees.

Corrugated sheeting is used quite rarely as the main material for roofs, more often for garages and outbuildings. Laying is carried out with a roof slope starting from 10 degrees. The maximum angle is not standardized.

Bitumen shingles are an excellent option for roofs with arched original shapes. The angle of inclination should not be less than 12 degrees.

Bitumen slate - this type of roof is quite rare and has a slope of at least 5 degrees. The maximum limit is not standardized, but the slope angle must be taken into account in order to calculate the sheathing. As a rule, a slope of 5-10 degrees requires the construction of a continuous flooring.

Seam steel roof - used at an angular slope of 20 degrees.

A special group of roofing materials includes sheets of tempered glass and double-glazed windows. Basically, only part of the roof is made from them. More often it is a canopy near the veranda, sometimes in the living room or kitchen. Undoubtedly, this design is incredibly beautiful. Just look at the aesthetic appearance of the ceiling indoors! But in order to afford such an architectural composition, you will need to allocate a considerable budget. Glass reliably withstands snowfalls and winds. As a rule, it is attached to a metal profile.

When choosing a roof covering, always take into account the climatic conditions in your area and remember - the denser the roof structure, the smaller the slope angle. This is the only way to ensure the durability and strength of the structure.

Aesthetic design

Color palette of roofing materials in collections modern manufacturers very wide. Using color, you can highlight the roof with a bright contrast, thus highlighting it against the general background of the environment, or vice versa, create a harmonious tint ensemble when the color of the roof practically merges with the rest of the exterior elements.

All of the listed roofing options not only play a significant functional role in the structures of private houses, but can also serve as an excellent aesthetic addition to an impeccable exterior.

Roofs for private houses come in a variety of types. But in order for this design to fully comply with all the necessary requirements during operation, you need to approach the issue of choice wisely.

Functions and role of the roof

The primary task of the roof is to protect the house from rain, snow, cold and heat. But in order for your home to always be cozy and comfortable, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • the roof must be designed correctly;
  • correctly choose the design and material for the roof, taking into account the architectural features of the house and the climate of the area in which it is being built;
  • carry out high-quality installation.

You should not discount such a parameter as attractiveness. After all, a roof can not only significantly improve the appearance of a building and give it originality, but also emphasize the status of the owner of the house.

Regarding the latter, the main thing is not to overdo it: the option you like may not always be suitable for a particular building, because a lot depends on design features the house and the material from which it is built. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to study the existing types of roofs, their pros and cons, as well as the features of construction and operation.

When choosing a roof shape for a house, you need to focus on the climatic features of the area

Roofs of houses: principles of classification

Today, such a variety of roof shapes is offered that the average person is literally at a loss when choosing. Nevertheless, builders have a clear classification depending on certain criteria:

  • classification by slope;
  • classification by design solution.

In addition, roofs are divided into non-attic and attic, exploited and non-operational, and are also classified according to the type of roofing material (tiles, corrugated sheets, slate). The correct selection of all parameters will influence how well the original option is suitable for the home.

Video: roof types

  • flat roofs;
  • pitched roofs.

The first are simply flat roofs, which can be used, that is, equipped, for example, with a recreation area, or unused. Pitched structures are divided into subcategories according to the type of configuration.

The classification of roofs by slope is considered basic and divides structures into two types: flat and pitched.

The simplest solution in every sense, but at the same time not particularly popular. The angle of inclination of such a roof is no more than 3%, and therefore one of the main disadvantages is the accumulation of snow and water on its surface. This is fraught with leaks, and also forces the owner to manually clean the roof.

The main advantages of a flat roof: easy installation roofing pie and low cost compared to pitched structures

To ensure natural water drainage for such a structure, builders recommend pouring a layer of expanded clay onto the surface at a slight angle.

The main advantages of a flat roof are the ease of installation of the roofing pie and the relative cheapness compared to pitched structures. The load-bearing base is most often reinforced concrete slabs. Sometimes, for this purpose, metal profiled sheets are used, on which layers of the roofing cake are laid alternately, and then the selected coating.

The load-bearing base of a flat roof is reinforced concrete slabs or metal profiled sheets

It is for these reasons that flat roofs in the private segment are usually used in the construction of garages and outbuildings. However, in lately they began to be used a little more often due to the fashion to create terraces, sports grounds, lawns, and sometimes real gardens with an equipped recreation area on the roof of a house.

Photo gallery: how to arrange a flat roof

On a flat roof, you can create a lawn if desired.
The flat roof of a private house can be an excellent place to arrange a relaxation area with a fireplace
The flat roof of a private house allows you to realize the most daring design projects
You can arrange a small green garden on a flat roof

Video: advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof

Pitched roof

The roof got its name due to the fact that its surface consists of slopes that are located at a certain angle of inclination. The latter is expressed as a percentage, and it is thanks to this that all atmospheric precipitation is removed from the roof surface. Based on the design features of pitched roofs, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • pitched roofs;
  • gable structures;
  • hip roofs;
  • half-hip;
  • mansard roofs;
  • multi-pincer;
  • tent structures;
  • domed roofs;
  • vaulted roofs;
  • spire-shaped;
  • combined designs.

Pitched roofs: description, construction features, pros and cons

It is pitched roofs that are most often used in private construction due to their wide variety and reliable design. To choose the right option, you need to carefully study all their varieties.

Shed roof

This is the name for a roof that consists of one plane. The slope (from 4 to 6°) is formed due to the fact that the rafters of the structure rest on those located on different heights external walls. The simplest design in all respects, which also does not require large financial outlays.

Small garden house, equipped with a pitched roof, looks compact and attractive

However, due to its simplicity, which is considered its main disadvantage, it is not popular and is usually used in the construction of small country houses and outbuildings.

There is only one plus pitched roof more than enough:

  • low cost of construction;
  • ease of installation;
  • possibility of roof conversion;
  • use of almost any material for roofing installation.

Due to their easy installation, pitched roofs are often used in the construction of small country houses, garages and outbuildings.

You can create an unusual design for a residential building by placing several pitched roofs in different parts of the building at different levels.

By placing several pitched roofs at different levels, you can create an unusual residential building design

The type of roof chosen is of great importance. Only not from a functional, but an aesthetic point of view. For example, a house under a pitched roof made of galvanized sheets will look more like a barn, while the same structure covered with tiles will take on a very impressive look.

Gable roofs

This is the most common option when building private houses. The roof consists of two slopes resting on external walls of the same height.

Due to the triangular pediment between the slopes, reminiscent of gables, a gable roof is often called a gable roof.

Due to the peculiarities of the configuration - a triangular pediment between the slopes, reminiscent of gables in shape - a gable roof is often called a gable roof. Very reliable design, which is able to withstand heavy rains and snowfalls, withstand gusts of wind and protect from the cold. And it looks much more interesting than a single-slope one.

The advantages include:

  • simple installation of the structure;
  • durability;
  • the presence of an attic from which you can easily make a living space;
  • the ability to use almost any roofing material;
  • maintainability.

There are almost no downsides as such, except that it is not recommended to make such a roof in places where stormy winds are raging - due to poor streamlining, it can simply be torn off.

The slope angle of a gable roof is selected based on the amount of precipitation falling in the region. The more there are, the stronger the slope should be.

As for the construction features, the main thing is to carefully follow the technology, since creating such a roof requires a large number of elements, in addition to the basic rafters and mauerlat: crossbars, stops, racks, etc. All components (including vapor and waterproofing, insulation and type of roofing) must be taken into account when creating the drawing.

When creating a drawing of a gable roof, you need to take into account all structural elements, including insulation, hydro- and vapor barrier

Asymmetrical roof

One of the options for a gable design, when the slopes either differ in length or are located under different angles tilt The visible advantages definitely include the unusual design, thanks to which you can stand out from other buildings.

Regarding performance qualities, then such a roof will allow you to maximally adapt to the weather conditions of the area, especially if they are constant. The roof can be positioned so that on the side from which the winds most often blow there is a gentler slope, and on the leeward side there is a steeper slope, which will reduce snow loads.

An asymmetrical roof can be positioned so that there is a gentler slope on the windy side, and a steeper one on the leeward side, which will reduce snow loads

Thanks to the asymmetrical structure of the roof, you can use the attic much more functionally, especially if you plan to equip it for living quarters. Moreover, it can be used to cover a veranda or a garage attached to the house, which will allow you to save significantly financially.

The disadvantages include the complexity of calculations and the installation of the structure itself. It is necessary to correctly calculate the number and pitch of rafters, and choose the right material for the frame and roof at the stage of creating the project. In this regard, it is best not to do all the work yourself, but to turn to professionals.

Attic structures

The main difference between this design is the presence of broken slopes. The upper slopes are created flat, the lower ones - falling. Thanks to this technique, you can significantly increase the area attic space, which will be called the attic.

The attic roof will significantly increase the living space of the house due to the large attic space (attic)

As a rule, architects do not ignore the opportunity to make maximum use of usable area, therefore, attics are most often equipped for living quarters. There are usually no difficulties with the construction of such a roof, but the problem of insulation should be given as much attention as possible.

If you have small attic, the ceiling need not be hemmed. This will visually expand the room.

Hip roofs

This design has four slopes. Two of them - the front ones - are triangular in shape (they are called hips), and the remaining two are made in the shape of a trapezoid. Features of the construction of hip roofs include the need to install beams with double tightening and install gutters on each slope at a mandatory angle of 45°.

The hips are the front slopes of the roof in the shape of a triangle, the other two slopes have the shape of a trapezoid.

The advantages include:

  • reliability of the design;
  • original appearance and respectability;
  • the ability to use almost any roofing material for covering.

The disadvantages include:

  • complexity of calculations and installation of the structure;
  • a large amount of waste when laying roofing, the complexity of the process;
  • significant reduction in the size of the attic space.

The hip roof looks respectable, but requires complex calculations and installation

Video: which roof to choose - hip or gable

Half hip roofs

The difference between this design and the previous one is that the hips here are noticeably shortened and have a truncated appearance. In essence, this is the same double-leaf roof, the gables of which are covered with a hip, and the slopes take the shape of a trapezoid.

Due to the absence of sharp corners, half-hip roofs are suitable for windy regions

The design is quite complex to implement, requiring both professional skills and a large consumption of materials, which is one of its undoubted disadvantages. The positive aspects are the same as for hip roofs. Plus, this design, due to the presence of fronts, allows you to equip the attic space with windows.

Due to the complexity of construction, half-hip roofs are recommended to be preferred in windy regions. This is due to their special stability due to the absence of sharp corners.

Tent structures

What it is can be understood from the name. This roof is shaped like a tent, and its peculiarity is that all the slopes are symmetrical, have the shape of a triangle and converge at one point.

A hip roof can only be erected on buildings with a regular square or polygonal shape

It is possible to erect such a roof if there is one main condition - the box itself must have a regular square or polygonal shape. Sometimes the base can be rectangular. The main thing is that each of the roof slopes has the form of an equilateral triangle, and their vertices are connected at one center without a long ridge.

The design requires professional execution, as it has a very sophisticated rafter system. When choosing roofing for a hip roof, it is recommended to avoid sheet materials because the amount of waste will be enormous.

The only advantage worth highlighting is the chic appearance.

Multi-gable roof, or valley

It is used in cases where the project involves a polygonal complex shape of a house with all kinds of extensions. An amazingly beautiful, but at the same time the most complex design to implement.

The peculiarities of its construction are due to the presence of many joints, internal and external corners, and kinks. All junctions of these elements are potentially dangerous in terms of the likelihood of leaks, so it is recommended to trust the installation of such a roof only to trusted specialists.

Multi-gable structures are the most difficult to implement due to the many joints, kinks, internal and external corners

The advantages of a multi-gable roof include:

  • multifunctionality;
  • strength (subject to compliance with the technology during the construction process);
  • possibility of arrangement of attic and utility rooms;
  • unusually attractive and rich appearance.
  • complex and labor-intensive construction process;
  • a large amount of roofing waste.

Dome structures

Not yet very often used, but very interesting design, made in oriental style. Construction features include the need to use curved elements to create a frame and flexible or soft roofing material.

For a dome roof, curved frame elements and flexible roofing material are used

Such a roof is usually erected over round buildings, and since houses rarely have this shape, it is used mainly over individual elements of the building (such as turrets, round terraces or a winter garden).

A very beautiful and durable design that does not withstand any vagaries of the weather. But it is extremely complex and expensive to implement.

Vaulted roof

Another name is arched. It is mounted on arched rafters and requires a flexible roof covering. It cannot be said that the design is not used in the construction of private houses, but still it is not particularly popular.

The vaulted roof is mounted on arched rafters and can give the house an exclusive look

Most often, public and warehouse premises are equipped with it. As for private construction, the structure is used only to cover individual elements of the building or when constructing houses in the Art Nouveau style.

The vaulted roof has no significant disadvantages; it is simply completely impractical for use in private construction. However, it can become a real decoration of any home if it is properly designed.

Spire-shaped structures

Due to the very sharp slopes during installation, an acute angle is created, resulting in the formation of a spire. Undoubtedly beautiful design V gothic style, but absolutely impractical, and therefore is almost never used in the construction of private houses. It is relevant only as a decorative element, decorating all kinds of turrets on a house or a domed roof.

Spire-shaped roofs can be beautiful decorative element Houses

Combined roofs

The design of such coverings includes several types of roofs. That is, due to a combination, for example, multi-pincer, dome and hip (three in one, and sometimes more) a completely new form roofs.

By combining options, architects can create unusually shaped roof structures

A building equipped in this way is very attractive and has its own zest, however, it is worth remembering that the work to create such a structure will require not only professionalism, but also very impressive funds.

Other types of roofs

Architects work tirelessly in their offices to wow their clients. unusual solutions. For this reason, it makes no sense to present all their delights, since they are practically not used in private construction. More or less acceptable options include the following:

  • a retractable roof, which can be removable, sliding, partially retractable or completely movable. Used in the construction of verandas, swimming pools, garages attached to the house;
  • Chinese roof - a structure with raised corners, made of wood. Used in the construction of houses or gazebos in Asian style.

Chinese architectural forms are successfully used in private construction

  • The more sophisticated the roof, the more expensive it is. This should be kept in mind if the construction budget is limited. Most best option in this case - single-slope (for a small house) or gable;
  • if you plan to make the roof yourself, but don’t have much experience, it’s also better not to attempt complex structures;
  • When choosing the type of roof, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the foundation and walls. After all, the more complex the design, the heavier the rafter system it will require, which will entail additional load on the house;
  • It is also recommended to take into account what is planned to be done on the second floor: will there be just an attic space there or will it be residential. In the latter case, perhaps the most acceptable option would be a mansard roof;
  • The climate in the region also matters. Where the amount of precipitation, especially in winter time, very significantly, the best option would be a roof with a large angle of inclination (45–50°). If strong winds are raging in the area, then the angle of the slope should be no more than 10–20°.

Choosing a roof depending on the type of building

In addition to general factors, the choice of roof is also influenced by individual factors: what kind of building it is, what size it is, what it will be built from and for what purpose it is intended.

Frame house

Main feature frame house is its lightness. Therefore, it is not recommended to overload it with complex and heavy structures.

If you still want to make the roof unusual, then you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to attach (anchor) the house to the foundation. The most acceptable options for a frame house are considered to be such types of roofs as gable and hipped. A hip design can also be considered as an option.

One-story house

As a rule, one-story buildings are based on a lightweight foundation. Therefore, the roofs for them should not be heavy either.

For a small house, a good option would be a lean-to structure, which will give the structure originality and at the same time do not require special costs for construction. In general, for one-story buildings, a gable roof is most often chosen. This is the most common option.

For one-story houses, a gable roof is most often chosen; this is the most common option

Two-story house

In this case there are no special restrictions. The main thing is that the roof fits harmoniously into the overall design of the building and is chosen taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. Otherwise, it all depends on taste, desire and budget.

Restrictions on the choice of roof for two-story house practically none, it all depends on the budget and preferences of the owner

There are zero restrictions. You can choose any roof according to your wishes.

For a house made of timber, you can choose any roof option

Roof for garage and outbuildings

Naturally, no one will build a domed or multi-gable roof over a garage or outbuilding. In this case, it is worth proceeding from cost and functionality.

The garage and utility block can be combined under one double-leaf roof

The most budget option there will be a regular flat roof. In second place you can put a lean-to structure. The third option is gable. Such a roof will cost more, but the bonus will be an attic space that can be used for economic purposes.

Video: variety of roofs of private houses

Today, the roofs of private houses are striking in their diversity. Options are available to suit the most sophisticated tastes and for any climatic conditions. The main thing is to approach the choice responsibly. And then the roof will serve for a long time and reliably protect the house.

Types of roofs by design are determined at the design stage of the house. When choosing a configuration it is worth considering appearance and the facade of the building, as well as the climatic conditions in which the building is located, general architectural requirements.

General information about roofs

Types of roofs of private houses and their names are determined by their technical characteristics. In many ways, the aesthetics and character of a building depend on the roof. It can have one, two or several slopes, be flat or exclusive. Roofs with two or four slopes are more typical for cottages.

Flat structures are used in multi-storey and industrial buildings. These are the most common types of roofs for garages and outbuildings. However, flat ones have a big drawback - they leak quickly and their maintenance costs more than a pitched roof.

The concepts of “roof” and “roofing” should not be confused, since although these elements are related to each other, the essence of their structure is different. The roof is the uppermost element of the structure, performing enclosing, load-bearing, water and heat insulation functions. The roof is the part of the roof that protects the building from external influences atmosphere. For its installation, slate, tiles, metal and others are used. roofing materials. Types of roofs for a private house will be presented in this article.

Classification by angle of inclination

Based on the angle of inclination of the slopes, roofs are divided into flat and pitched. A roof with a flat slope is considered to be one in which the angle of inclination of opposite edges does not exceed 2.5 degrees. This design has a significant drawback - precipitation is retained on it, which subsequently leads to wear and leakage.

Fallen leaves and sediments from the sloping roof are removed by hand. This design is not used for the construction of cottages and private houses. Flat roofs crown multi-storey and industrial buildings, non-residential buildings and garages.

When building private houses, pitched structures are almost always used. A roof will be considered such if the angle of inclination is equal to or greater than 10 degrees. Snow and moisture do not stagnate on the slopes, which reduces external pressure on the roof.

Types of roofs by design: photos and definition

There are roofs separated from the room, i.e. attic, and combined with the room - without attic. Attics, in turn, can be heated or unheated. Attics are divided into fully or partially ventilated and non-ventilated.

The possibility of using the roof for domestic and other purposes divides them into exploitable and non-exploitable. Technological progress and the imagination of designers have given us a wide variety of types of roof designs. The photos and drawings presented in this article will allow you to visually familiarize yourself with them.

Types and designs of house roofs according to geometric shape

Shed roofs are a single plane lying on rafters installed at different heights, due to which a slope is formed in one direction. The most suitable roof option for an outbuilding is not too expensive and not too labor-intensive. Any roofing material can be used as a covering. There is no attic space with one slope. However, it is still possible to equip an attic under a pitched roof, but this will require a special additional project.

Gable roofs consist of two planes lying on load-bearing walls at the same level. In another way, such roofs are called gable roofs. A triangular section of the wall, “sandwiched” between two slopes, is called a “gable”. The gable structure is more complex than the shed roof, but at the same time it is much simpler than all other types of roofs.

Gable structures are also divided in a certain way. Types and variety. The attic is characterized by slopes broken at different angles and pentagonal pediments. This design provides more free space for organizing the attic. The upper slopes are located at a small angle.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gable roof

The ability to adjust eaves plumbs is provided by gable roof types of private houses. In this case, there is no need to make drawings and additional projects, since the integrity of the overall roof is not compromised. A gable roof has other noticeable advantages over other configurations:

  • Affordability of construction.
  • Simplicity and efficiency of design.
  • Full height of the building and the possibility of installing windows in the gable area.
  • Simplicity self-construction without the involvement of expensive specialists.

The disadvantages include:

  • Dependence of height and angle of inclination on the area of ​​the house. How bigger house, those more material required to create a gable roof.
  • The organization of the attic requires an increase in the height and number of load-bearing elements, which increases the cost of construction.

Roof for a house with an attic

Mansard types of gable roofs are built during the construction of dachas and cottages. According to technological standards, the height of the attic roof cannot be less than 2.3 m, since this height is provided for the ceilings of residential premises. Attics can be layered or hanging.

The layered system is permissible only when the distance between two load-bearing walls is no more than 7 meters. Its essence lies in the fact that one end of the rafters goes into a load-bearing wall, and the other into an interior wall or a specially constructed supporting structure.

Some types of roofs of private houses with an attic are based on this principle. Hanging rafters are used when the building does not have internal main walls. The support for hanging trusses is the mauerlat (a log or very thick beam located on the upper edge of the outer wall). To resist loads, trusses are fastened with staples or wire.

The mansard roof is also divided into several types. This:

  • Symmetrical.
  • Asymmetrical.
  • Broken.
  • Tent.

A symmetrical attic is created with a gable roof. In this case, the attic space will have walls of the same height and width. The symmetrical shape allows you to install full-fledged windows under the roof, and, if necessary, doors if you intend to exit to the balcony.

The asymmetrical shape is ensured by the hip arrangement of the slopes. In this case, the attic space will be of small area. Two of its walls will be in the shape of triangles, and the other two will be trapezoidal.

A broken gable roof is so called because it has external breaks in the edges to expand the attic space. A feature of the broken structure is the low height of the walls in the attic room. Such a roof is often installed in cases where an attic is added to an already built house. Broken design eliminates the load on the foundation, which was not intended to create another residential floor.

Under a hip roof, the attic can be round, conical, or pyramidal. It is very difficult to arrange window or door openings in such a specific room, since they must be made according to special drawings. Simple rectangular openings will not work in this case.

Read more about hip and hip structures

As mentioned above, hip and hip roofs are suitable for construction.

The hip (four-slope) design is distinguished by the fact that two of its faces have and the other two are isosceles trapezoids.

Triangular slopes are located on the same plane as the pediments, and they are called “hips”. For a hip roof, a double-tied beam structure is used. Sediment from such a roof is removed quite easily. Hip slopes usually tilt at an angle of 45 degrees.

A steep slope implies the need for a drainage system. It is difficult to equip such a structure with your own hands, since it is characterized by a complex system of rafters, the installation of which requires precision and special skills.

There are also this same hip structure, but its triangular slopes are truncated and installed at a smaller angle relative to the trapezoidal slopes.

A type of hip roof is a hip roof, in which all slopes have the same geometric shape. A hip roof is installed if the base of the house is laid out in the form of a regular quadrangle or another. This design resembles a pyramid in appearance, since all the slopes converge at one point at the top.

Advantages and disadvantages of hip and tent structures

The advantages of these types of structures are:

  • The fact is that houses with such roofs have an original, unique appearance.
  • Strength, durability and reliability.
  • Stability to loads caused by winds and precipitation.
  • The attic space is evenly heated from all sides, which allows you to equip the attic with comfortable living conditions.

Hip and hip roofs also have some disadvantages:

  • The structures are very complex to construct and require special engineering calculations.
  • Due to the large area of ​​the slopes, the structure has a lot of weight.
  • The high cost of constructing an attic, since it requires the construction of additional walls in the attic for its perimeter.

Multi-gable and other rare types of roofs

There are more complex species roofs of private houses. Multi-pincer is one of these. This design is used on polygonal buildings, with attics and extensions. It is distinguished by an abundance of internal and external corners.

A large number of ribs and ridges gives the house a unique flair and distinguishes it from others. Multi-gable configurations are the most spectacular types of roofs for private houses with a balcony and other household and decorative extensions.

It implies the presence of a complex and verified rafter system; it is advisable to entrust its construction to experienced workers (since correcting mistakes made during independent construction will cost a lot of money). Multi-pincer and hip - these are the most comfortable views roofs of private houses. With or without an attic, a building with such a roof structure will be reliably protected from the influence of external negative factors.

Conical and domed roofs are rare, but interesting options in their own way. Not every building can be crowned with such a structure. The basis of a structure that claims to have a conical roof or dome must either be a circle, or only individual fragments of the building are covered with it - terraces, towers, verandas. Cone and dome are quite rare types of roofs of private houses with a veranda.

In cottage architecture there are combined, complex combinations, combining elements of hip, dome, gable and hip roof structures. Such original types of roofs crown houses created according to intricate designs, with several residential levels, several balconies, verandas, and terraces.

Basic roof elements

The final step in building a house is the installation of a roof, designed to protect the home from rain, wind, cold and other weather “troubles”. The durability of the building itself depends on how professionally the roof is erected.

Despite the fact that the choice of materials and design solutions for roof construction is very diverse, the principles and common elements in any case will be the same.

Roofing pie is a structure consisting of several layers that creates a protective barrier against the penetration of moisture, thermal condensation, temperature losses and other negative circumstances associated with the operation of the roof. The layers of the cake are assembled in a strictly defined sequence, and each one is interconnected with the previous one.

Frame - a system of rafters (load-bearing elements) on which the roofing pie is laid.

Roofing is a special material designed to protect a building from climatic influences.

Floor - a structural element made of reinforced concrete slabs or lighter ones building materials, “lying” on load-bearing walls and serving as a ceiling for rooms on the top floor of the building.

Types of roofing materials

There are the following types of roofing, and when choosing them it is not necessary to take into account the types of roofs by design. Each of the following types is suitable for any frame shape.

  • Slate is a “budget” roofing material, but is in great demand among developers. Recently, slate production has decreased due to the appearance of new profile coatings on the market.
  • Rolled (soft) materials are made on a bitumen basis and are also affordable. However, they have a significant drawback - poor resistance to temperature changes. Bituminous materials easily soften in extreme heat and are damaged in severe frost. Fragments of the coating are glued together with mastic, which also loses its elasticity when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. It is believed that the service life of roll coating does not exceed 7 years.
  • TO next type coatings include polymer mastics. They are used both to create a new roof covering using seamless technology, and to repair old roofs of any type. Mastics are applied to the surface in liquid form and, after hardening, create a smooth, seamless thermal insulation monolithic coating. Their important property is plasticity, which preserves the integrity of the roof in the event of temperature deformations.
  • Mastics are stable to the sun and low temperatures, are light in weight and very durable. Their service life is 25-28 years. Coatings based on rubber mastic are best suited for all types of roofs of private houses with an attic.
  • Iron or galvanized sheets coated with an anti-corrosion alloy of copper, titanium or zinc are always popular with customers. They are sold in rolls or sheets. Galvanized coating guarantees the safety of the roof for almost 90 years.
  • created by cold stamping of steel, imitating the texture of tiles. The thickness of the sheet is 0.5 mm, its surface is treated with an anti-corrosion substance. The disadvantage of profiled steel is that it is not designed to bend and is absolutely not ductile. It is believed that this material is most suitable for simple pitched roofs of country houses and individual cottages.
  • The next, no less common and well-known roofing covering is ceramic and cement tiles. This material is very heavy, so it can only be used on slopes with an inclination angle of at least 25 degrees, otherwise a powerful rafter holding system will be required. The durability of the tiles is high - 90 years or more.

Insulation and waterproofing of the roof

Whatever the types of roofs by design, they all need additional insulation and protection against moisture penetration. This is especially true for roofs under which attic spaces are located.

Insulation is an important step in creating a reliable and high-quality roofing pie. In order to live comfortably in the attic at any time of the year, you need to choose the right thermal insulation material and have it professionally installed.

Insulation, carried out in compliance with all technological rules, ensures a normal microclimate in the room. In winter, the attic will be warm, and in hot weather it will stay cool.

Thermal insulation of an attic roof is carried out according to the same principles as that of a conventional roofing structure, but with increased requirements due to the characteristics of the attic space. Its walls are formed by the roof slopes and gables, which is why the sun overheats them in summer, and in winter such walls quickly freeze.

The attic roofing pie consists of several layers, the sequence of which must not be disturbed. This:

  • Vapor barrier layer.
  • Direct insulation material.
  • Ventilation gap.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Roofing covering.

When choosing insulation for an attic roof, it is important to consider its thermal conductivity. This characteristic shows the ability of the material to transmit heat inside or outside the room. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better the insulation, and the better it will protect the attic from cooling. During the cold season, any types of roofs of private houses with an attic and a garage lose heat because warm air, according to physical laws, rises upward.

The heat passes through the roofing pie and reaches the covering, which is covered with snow in winter. If the air temperature is not lower than -2.5 degrees, snow, due to its porous structure, acts as an external heat insulator.

If heat loss is too active, the snow on the roof begins to melt, resulting in a crust of ice. It increases the load on the roof and, unlike snow, allows heat to pass through. If the roof insulation is installed according to the rules, the snow on the surface will not melt and, accordingly, an ice crust will not form.

In the summer, when it is too hot, excess heat penetrates into the attic. The air heats up so much that even with an air conditioner it is impossible to maintain a normal microclimate in the room. To avoid such problems, the attic roof is also thermally insulated from the inside.

Before installing the roofing pie for the attic, choose a thermal insulating material. The number of layers and the thickness of the insulating segment depend on the correct choice. The most common and accessible materials are:

  • Extruded polystyrene.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Mineral and slag wool.
  • Glass wool.
  • Foam glass.

Insulation based on natural materials can also be used: reed mats, wood shavings, straw, slag.

When we talk about “types of roofing” and “types of house roofs,” we don’t always clearly understand the difference between these two concepts. Therefore, before we talk about what types of roofs there are, let’s find out the differences in the concepts of “roof” and “roofing”.

The roof (in the traditional sense) is a part of the building structure that provides its protection from all types of precipitation, retains heat or protects against overheating. That is, this is the entire upper structure of the structure. For a modern stone building with flat design- These are floor slabs, heat and waterproofing. The exit, fences, ventilation ducts and their protection, antenna fastening elements, funnels for releasing storm drains are also roof elements. There is no consensus regarding the identity of the hatch with the lock that hangs the housing unit to prevent people from climbing onto the roof. For a house with an inclined (pitched) structure, this concept includes a load-bearing rafter system or trusses, insulation, water and wind insulation, pipes, weather vanes and roofing.

In fact, from the point of view of Soviet construction science, a roof is a pre-revolutionary and illiterate concept, and only the progressive term “covering” should be used. But in real life, even professional designers and builders rarely use it. Perhaps due to the likelihood of dual interpretation. In part, the definition of “covering” has taken root in relation to structures with a load-bearing reinforced concrete or metal base, mainly flat. And to call the upper part of St. Basil's Cathedral or the roof of a village hut a “covering” would not occur to any architect, even though they were taught “correctly.”

The roof is only a shell that protects the coating from atmospheric influences. The roof does not perform load-bearing functions. That is, floor slabs, rafter system, beams, and insulation do not belong to the roof. Often it includes load-bearing preparation of the roof: sheathing, decking, screed. The material laid on the prepared surface: Soviet roofing felt and slate, folk Russian-French ondulin, fabulous German tiles and New Russian copper is called roofing.

Flat and pitched designs

Roofs can be flat or pitched. In accordance with SNiP, roofs with a slope of up to 12° are flat, and those with a greater slope are pitched. On flat roofs and the slope is arranged to drain precipitation, 1.5-3° is enough.

The flat roof provides plenty of room for imagination in terms of design.

A pitched roof can be very original look

Attic and non-attic roofs

As the name suggests, an attic roof has an attic, while a non-attic roof does not. The Russian hut, and indeed most types of traditional housing in all countries and peoples, have a ventilated attic. With the exception of mobile housing: yurts, tents, wigwams. This is difficult to do there. Also, the tribes living in the equatorial jungle do not have attics; they do not need them. Attics (technical floors) are found in modern multi-storey residential buildings. Therefore, if the roof is leaking, residents will not find out about it immediately.

Attic-free (synonym - combined) coverings can be pitched (attic) and flat. We are familiar with flat combined structures from panel “Khrushchev” buildings. The attic structure allows you to use the attic as a full-fledged living space. Attic and mansard roofs require good thermal insulation of the upper floor. The roof of a one-story building can also be combined.

Combined gable roof in one-story house creates the impression of spaciousness

Types of flat coverings

The layout of flat roofs is quite similar; they differ mainly in design. Based on the relative position of the layers of insulation and waterproofing, in addition to the usual type, inversion roofs are also distinguished; in this case, the hygroscopic (waterproof) insulation is located above the waterproofing layer. As load-bearing structures in flat roofs, prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete, metal profiles with metal beams, wooden beams with continuous flooring can be used.

The roof structure of a flat roof over a reinforced concrete slab covering is multilayer

The area of ​​flat roofs can be used by laying a covering on which you can walk: ceramic or paving slabs, boardwalk, or by arranging a lawn on the roof.

New York has adopted a roof conversion program public buildings to gardens and lawns.

In fact, installing a lawn on the roof of a house is not as difficult as you might think. Perhaps the only thing that is relatively expensive is a waterproofing polymer membrane. Everything else is quite simple, and grass care is standard: it needs to be mowed and watered during drought. A layer of earth additionally protects the premises from cold in winter and from overheating in summer.

The design of the roof lawn is quite simple. It is necessary to use reliable waterproofing - a roofing polymer membrane

Details of the pitched structure

Before talking about what types of roofs there are, let’s define the main details of pitched roofs and terms. Main elements: ridge, inclined rib, valley (groove). Overhangs are divided into eaves (lower) and pediment (end or gable). For most types of roofing, in addition to the main material, there are separate additional elements for protecting and decorating the roof parts.

The basic elements of pitched roofs are standard.

Let's look at what types of roofs there are depending on the configuration. The shapes of pitched roofs are very diverse. Most often, the simplest in design and rational single-pitch, gable and hip roof types and structures are used.

The first eight types shown in the illustration are available to a private developer of average income. The rest are quite complex and expensive to implement.

Let's consider individual types of roofs and their properties in more detail.

Single-pitch roofing

A roof with one slope is as simple as possible structurally, it has minimum quantity details. No ridge, for non-ventilated roof coverings (e.g. flexible tiles, seam roofing) there is no need for special ventilation elements. It is enough to provide a ventilation layer above the insulation, and the ventilation holes can be located in the filing. A pitched roof does not have valleys, ribs and ridges, which are most exposed to weather conditions. The maximum wear and tear on roofing in cold climates occurs in the valley, as snow and ice remain there longer. A simple-shaped roof with a slope to one side is exposed to uniform influence of precipitation, ultraviolet radiation and wind. Snow load is also distributed evenly. Other things being equal pitched roof will last a little longer. And it will cost less: a simpler rafter system, a minimum number of not always cheap additional elements.

Russian project of a standard house with a pitched roof. The high slope with living rooms should be oriented towards sunny side

Shed roofs are quite popular in developed countries. More often they are used for inexpensive, or, conversely, prestigious housing. For a house with an attic, one slope allows you to rationally organize the layout, placing living spaces under the high slope, and stairs, bathrooms, and wardrobes under the low slope. In a premium home, such a roof makes it possible to create a magnificent interior.

Simple materials were used to build this country house: wood, galvanized metal profiles and a lot of glass. Large roof overhangs protect walls from precipitation and rooms from overheating. Athermal stained glass windows fill the house with light, open up the landscape and protect people from the cold

A roof with one barrel-shaped slope looks quite interesting

Gable design

The most common form in the world. The gable (gable) roof is traditional in almost all countries where at least some precipitation occurs. It is not much more difficult to build a supporting structure for two slopes than for one. It is very durable, especially if it is possible to build a closed rafter system using a tie.

The tightening (2) tightens the rafter legs (1). From the closed triangular contour, only the vertical load is transferred to the Mauerlat (3) and the wall.

For large spans it is necessary to use additional supports

A gable roof is simple to implement, economical in materials, and not difficult to build yourself. Pediments serve as better places to place windows than slopes; it is not difficult to equip an attic.

The gable roof fits perfectly into the structure of a frame house and allows rational use of the space on the upper floor.

The slopes do not have to have the same slope; the shape of the roof may be asymmetrical. The roof slope is determined mainly by the layout of the second floor.

The peaked roofs of half-timbered houses traditionally hid attics where residents stored some of their supplies. In this reconstructed house, the attic has been converted into living space

The Swiss chalet has a gable roof with a slight slope

The minimal slope and open space of the upper floor create a wonderful, spacious interior

A gable roof can have many options. With a house plan more complex than a simple rectangle, more complex roof shapes are inevitable.

Gable roof with additional gable. With a stretch, it can be called multi-pincer

A gable roof (as well as a single-pitch roof) is perfect for landscaping.

The slope of the green roof should not exceed 25°

Hip view

A hip or hip roof is more complex than a gable roof. Both the rafter system and roofing will cost more. But you won't have to build masonry gables. With an inexpensive roof covering (asbestos slate, ondulin), a hip roof, taking into account the absence of gables, will cost less than a gable roof. If it's more expensive, it's unlikely. One of the positive properties of the hip structure is the optimal aerodynamic resistance of such a structure, which in general can increase its service life (slightly). Slopes on all sides of the house allow you to make large canopies around the perimeter of the entire structure, providing walls with the best protection from precipitation. But in organizing the attic space, the hipped roof loses.

Simple-shaped hipped attic roof

There are varieties of hip roofs: half-hip (an intermediate type of roof between gable and hip), hip with a visor, or variations thereof.

The main part of the roof is of a rather complex shape - half-hip. To the right is a bay window with a multi-pitched roof and a pediment.

Windows in hip roof have to be built into the slopes, into the roofing. This complicates their design and operation and is often more expensive than placing a window in the pediment.

Dormer windows of this type are called “bull’s eye”

Multi-slope variety

They call it hip hipped roof. But if the house has more than four outer corners, there will also be more slopes. A roof with more than four slopes is called multi-slope.

A multi-pitched roof is difficult to construct

A hipped roof is a hipped roof, all the faces (slopes) and edges of which converge at one upper point. This type of roof does not have a horizontal ridge.

Hip roof. It contains three types of roof windows at once.

Attic construction

Mansard roofs are called roofs of various shapes and types, which have one common feature: the shape of the slope is made of a broken line to increase the height of the attic rooms. In this way, it is possible to avoid the installation of sloping ceilings and arrange full-fledged rooms upstairs. The broken contour of the rafters can be used for any type of roof: gable, hip, half-hip, and so on.

The rafter structure of the gable mansard roof has been assembled.

The design of the attic roof allows you to connect the upper and lower beams (strings), racks, and rafters into a single truss, which provides it with extreme strength and allows you to slightly reduce the cross-section of the frame elements.

Load from roof truss the attic roof is conveyed vertically

Installation of load-bearing structures for mansard roofs is more difficult than for prototypes with a straight slope. The roof area is slightly larger. Accordingly, the cost is higher. However, these costs are recouped by increasing the area of ​​normal height by attic floor.

Mansard roof based on a gable roof. Additional fractures in the cornice area make it possible to create large overhangs, making the roof vaguely reminiscent of Chinese pagodas

Pleasant to the eye hip mansard roof. The slopes are divided into different volumes, the lower part has a curved shape

Roofs of complex shapes

All kinds of domed, conical and closed roofs are complex in design and were invented by architects to design important public buildings. After the period of “raspberry jackets” and “rouble locks,” complex roofs are rarely found in the architecture of individual residential buildings.

Residential building with a complex domed roof

Sometimes complex roofs are composed of known elements and are “hybrids” different types.

This roof combines the features of gable, hip, half-hip, pyramidal and conical roofs

But people strive to decorate their home and make it unusual. Sometimes there are “hybrid” types of roofs, which are difficult to define unambiguously.

A natural slate roof is definitely not flat. Germany

A simple but unusual roof. To be more precise, this house has two of them, downstairs and upstairs.

The roof of this “dugout” would be intended for sledding in winter if palm trees were not reflected in the windows. And what type is it?

Choosing roofing material for a pitched roof

Types of roofing are determined by the material of the roofing covering. The roof can be tile, metal, shingle, copper, and so on. The choice of roofing is determined primarily by the financial capabilities of the developer, the aesthetic tastes of the wife and himself, and secondly by the shape of the roof and its slope. Roofs of curved shapes are covered with small-piece or flexible coverings; sheet materials are more suitable for simple pitched and gable roofs. In the presence of fractures (oblique ribs, valleys), cutting sheets is less rational.

The table shows the minimum roof slopes for different types of roofing coverings

For roofs of simple shapes, you can use any roofing materials without restrictions. Roofs with a complex curved shape can only be decorated with small-piece (natural tiles, slate slate, shingles, shingles), flexible (bitumen shingles) coating. Roofing made of galvanized steel, copper, steel with titanium-zinc coating is also suitable, provided that the elements are individually cut and the seam is made on site.

So, we found out what types of roofs there are. What to choose for yourself? First of all, the roof must fit the budget. The more complex the form, the more money you will have to spend. Any developer can handle a gable roof. In Germany there are 80 percent of such roofs. And why are we worse? If you have the funds, you can think of something more original, but something simple can be done beautifully.



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