Do-it-yourself step-by-step replacement of the window sill with a plastic one. Step-by-step replacement of a window sill with a plastic one with your own hands The process of dismantling the window sill

Moreover, this same advantage implies another useful feature - ease of dismantling the window sill. With proper skill and the availability of tools, the entire process takes from a few minutes to half an hour.

Why might this be needed?

There may be several reasons for dismantling a plastic window sill. In any case, such a need arises when it is necessary to replace the window sill. But here there are already many more options. Sometimes you need to replace a broken window sill, sometimes the problem is a damaged surface that is unprofitable to restore, but it is much easier to replace it along with the window sill. Also often it is simply the need to change the visual design of the window and window sill in particular, or even completely replace both the window and the window sill. In all these cases, it is necessary to dismantle the plastic window sill.


In order to remove plastic window sill, it is necessary not large number tool. Mainly in order to remove the slopes, if they are made of plastic panels, a spatula and, if necessary, a screwdriver are enough. For plaster slopes sometimes chisels and a hammer (or a hammer drill with a chisel) are needed. If you don’t have a screwdriver, you can just as easily use a regular Phillips screwdriver. A screwdriver (or screwdriver) will be needed if part of the slope parts are secured with self-tapping screws or if the window sill itself is fixed with self-tapping screws.

How to remove a plastic window sill

Plastic window sills are dismantled starting from the slopes. The fact is that structurally the slopes are attached after the window sill, so they also partially fix it.

The process of removing plastic slopes is simple. To begin, use a spatula to remove any remaining glue from the seams and joints, after which the corner is carefully removed. Behind it, the panel itself is also carefully pulled out. If the slopes are plastered and the window sill goes into the wall, it is necessary to hollow out the excess so that the window sill can be removed without problems.

After this, you can proceed to the window sill board. How to remove a plastic window sill? Very simple. When it is freed from all sides of glue residues, slopes and other things, you just need to pull it's up. Since it is attached from below with mounting foam, this should not be difficult. After it is torn off with the first tug, it can be removed without any problems.

How to remove a plastic window sill video

To clarify the solution to the question “how to remove a plastic window sill?”, you can also watch a video on the topic “how to remove a plastic window sill video”. It will clearly and with an example help you see the process itself and clarify various details. Otherwise, if you have any questions, we recommend that you consult with specialists. Or make it even easier - entrust the work to professionals.

A PVC window can include various slopes: plasterboard, plastic, cement.

If it is necessary to dismantle a slope made of cement mortar, you will need to additionally use a chisel or hammer drill.

If you need to dismantle plasterboard slopes, you must first remove the paint and find the fasteners. As a rule, such an element is fixed with screws, which should be unscrewed with a screwdriver or a hammer drill, and then the slope itself should be pulled out and removed. polyurethane foam. The plastic slope is removed in the same way as from drywall.

Before you begin removing the old slope, you must remove the glass unit, otherwise it can be damaged.

Window sill installation

It is important to get a good fit

You should not assume that to replace a window sill you just need to remove the old window sill and insert a new one in its place. There are some rules for preparing this niche and the product itself. These rules are mandatory, so compliance with them is very important.

Installation diagram of a plastic window sill

So, to install a new window sill, you need to follow this sequence:

  1. To ensure that the fit of the window sill into the window opening is as accurate as possible, you need to cut out the excess parts in the place where the window sill will be installed, taking into account its size. Also check the groove itself where the blade will be installed. Measure all dimensions to prepare a new canvas. Not only the overall appearance, but also the strength of the structure, as well as the functionality of the window sill. If the old window sill remains intact, it can be used as a template to make a new canvas, if the dimensions of the previous window sill suited you. You can cut the new blade with a jigsaw or saw. It is important that when cutting, defects and cracks do not form, so you should not press too hard into the window sill.
  2. When installing a window sill made of wood, all cut edges at the ends must be treated with an antiseptic to protect the material from mold and reduce moisture permeability.
  3. Prepare the opening itself on which the window sill will be installed. If the height of the purchased window sill is less than that of the old one, it is necessary to make a horizontal base cement screed. If the window sill is thicker, the niche needs to be deepened.
  4. If during the work gaps and cracks appear in the walls adjacent to the installation site, they must be repaired. To do this, use regular putty or cement mortar.
  5. Applying sealant In the place where the window sill will adjoin the frame, along the entire width of the window opening you need to apply silicone sealant. This way, you can achieve tightness and eliminate the formation of voids that allow cold to penetrate inside your house or apartment.
  6. You need to place prepared boards in the opening. They will serve as a support for the new window sill and take on the main load.
  7. Using a level, check the horizontalness of the entire structure. The defects need to be corrected, making everything perfectly smooth.
  8. Now install the window sill slab on the prepared boards.
  9. Level check Use the level again to ensure proper installation.
  10. Place some weight on the windowsill. This could be books, a heavy box, water bottles, or whatever is on hand.
  11. Take polyurethane foam and use it to blow out all the side and rear grooves. If a plastic structure is installed, some manufacturers add special profiles to the kit, thanks to which the process of installing a new window sill will become even easier.
  12. Foaming The edge under the window sill that protrudes must be sealed with cement mortar or foam to secure it.
  13. Now take a technical break of a day so that the foam or solution completely hardens.
  14. If the gaps were treated with cement mortar, the surface must be sanded with a float or fine sandpaper.
  15. Now all that remains is to protect the ends of the window sill with a plug and remove protective coating from the canvas.
  16. To give the window a natural and aesthetic look, or paint it.


It should also be taken into account that the window sill should not prevent the heat from the radiator from rising up and spreading throughout the apartment, so it is recommended to make the protrusion from 6 to 8 cm. Now your window sill is ready!

Preparation for dismantling

  • jackhammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • chisel;
  • traditional hammer;
  • a knife with a strong, sharp blade;

How to repair a window sill

Restoration of a concrete window sill is a set of works to eliminate damage and restore the integrity of the object. When updating windows, few people now resort to restoring wooden frames. Simply dismantle them and install them plastic double glazed windows, but you can still fight for the window sills and not dismantle them, but restore them. A significant advantage of concrete products is that they are much stronger than common plastic structures. In addition, by avoiding dismantling the window sill, you can save cash. The only condition is that the window sill must be intact (not cracked).


Before you begin, you need to clear the room of things and furniture, and, if possible, cover all surfaces with film or tarpaulin, leaving space for access to the work area. This stage is quite dusty, so the fewer items left in the room, the easier it will be to clean up after finishing the work.

It is better to cover the floor with film in several layers. In this case, it will be possible to wrap all construction waste in the top layer and take it out of the room.

It is also necessary to ensure that there is electrical power in the room. Such work is carried out using tools powered by the network.

How to make plastic slopes with your own hands

Professional installation window slopes It takes on average two to two and a half hours, so if you try, you can do it yourself in three to four hours. To do this work yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of plastic. Without slopes, the window will have an unfinished and unattractive appearance. The mounting plates and protruding pieces of polyurethane foam are visible to the naked eye. Remember that you can start work only a day after installing the window. Everything should dry well.

The window should be tightly covered with film to avoid damage when installing the slopes.

A day after installing the plastic window, you can begin installing the slopes, which will subsequently hide the mounting plates and mounting foam and give the window a neat appearance.

The first step in installation is to carefully align the entire opening. It is necessary to align horizontally and vertically. To do this you will need polyurethane foam. Frost-resistant ones are best. The resulting voids are filled mineral wool. This preparation will protect the plastic from destruction. Protects against dampness. This is do-it-yourself moisture and sound insulation. After 20 minutes, excess foam is removed

The second step is to secure wooden blocks along the entire perimeter of the opening; the bars are measured and cut to the required length. Then you need to drill holes in them for the screws. Self-tapping screws 95 mm long are used for fastening. The slats should be placed so that they do not protrude beyond the level of the walls. Use a level to achieve perfect vertical alignment. The rail is attached directly to the wall with a drill or hammer drill.

The third step is to attach a U-shaped element (a seamless plastic profile) to a block. The starting profile is placed along the outer edge of the window. Self-tapping screws are used to secure it. It is better to take 15-20 mm screws and fasten them at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other. When installing the profile, the joint of the internal walls must be made without a gap. Measure the width of the window from the right to the left slope. Next, the U-shaped profile is cut to size using a hacksaw or grinder. The starting profile is screwed to the plastic frame with five self-tapping screws. The starting strip should fit as closely as possible to the window.

U-shaped plastic profile, called the starting one, is attached using self-tapping screws to the previously screwed wooden blocks.

All dusty work has been completed. At this stage, you can free the window from protective film and proceed to the next step.

The fourth step is the F-shaped strip (a strip of plastic used when). The groove of this strip is placed opposite the already installed U-shaped profile. But before that, it needs to be trimmed correctly. To do this, markings are applied along the height of the plastic slope, and the excess part is removed. After the F strip is filled, an overlap will form everywhere. Taking into account this overlap, you need to leave a small margin when cutting. When all work is completed, the overlap is cut off. The strip is attached to wooden slats using a construction stapler. Fastening is made to the part of the F-shaped end closest to the tree. Everything is ready. An F-shaped strip of plastic will cover the defective area and hide the entire internal unsightly picture from view.

The fifth step is insulation. You should install the plastic in the grooves and at the same time lay down layers of cotton wool. Plastic panel placed in the starting strip, filled with cotton wool and secured in the F-strip. If you nevertheless notice that in some place the plastic joints do not fit perfectly, ordinary silicone will help you white. Cover the resulting cracks with it.

This is the detailed step by step program your actions. As you can see, there is nothing extremely complicated in this work. But there are still a number of difficulties that you may encounter when doing this work.

When to replace an old window sill

The old window sill broke

Nothing lasts forever, we all know that, so from time to time, any thing needs either repair or replacement. There are many reasons for this. What are the reasons for replacing the window sill? Here are a few of them:

  1. Damage has formed on the surface of the coating, reducing the overall attractiveness of the window sill. The aesthetic appearance is lost in the presence of small scratches, cracks, chips and various kinds deformations when window sills are made of wood.
  2. Violations of the integrity of the product appear - deep chips, large cracks, due to which the window sill can collapse at any moment. Often the window sill serves us as an additional shelf, where we usually put our flowerpots, seedlings or other things. Therefore, when such deep damage occurs, its replacement is mandatory.
  3. Crumbling of the wall adjacent to the window sill or complete destruction of the coating itself. This often leads to the fact that the window sill may fall at the most inopportune moment. Moreover, the quality of sealing in this case deteriorates significantly, which allows cold air from outside to freely penetrate into the room. This is especially unpleasant in winter period time.
  4. The last reason is to reorganize the entire space and change the overall design of your room, into which the old window sill may not fit. It may also be that you just need a larger window sill - for various purposes.

Too narrow

Whatever the reason, the window sill needs to be changed, even if you are simply tired of it. Is it possible, if desired, to carry out all the work on dismantling and installing the window sill yourself? You will find out the answer further by reading the window sill installation technology. But before installing it, you should decide what material the future window sill will be made of. Let's look at some of them.

How to remove a window sill from a plastic window

A window is an excellent source of light, as well as reliable protection from heat or cold, rain or snow, wind and other atmospheric phenomena. And an integral part of every window is the window sill. However, sometimes, due to an absurd accident, it may be damaged or simply not fit. In this case, you need to replace it with a new one - wider or, conversely, narrower, or simply different in external design. This is where the question arises: how to remove the window sill from a plastic window, and whether this is possible at home. The answer is simple - of course yes, but for this you need to strictly follow the instructions.

Preparation for dismantling

Before proceeding directly to dismantling, it is necessary to prepare the tools that will be useful to us, and naturally, the room itself. And also be sure to determine the material of this part of the structure, since the dismantling method used will depend on this.

Important! Window sills can be made of plastic - the most common), as well as wood or concrete. . Tools:


  • Regular and jackhammer.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Chisel.
  • Chisel.
  • Grinder (not always necessary).

Be extremely careful and careful, as repairs are like “jewelry” work that requires care. Otherwise, you may destroy the walls or, even worse, be left without fingers. So, let's start solving the problem, namely, how to remove the plastic window sill.


If you need to replace a window sill made of wood, use a crowbar and a hacksaw. Check how the part is attached. If to the wall, then to remove the window sill from a plastic window:

  1. Try loosening the fastener by hammering it a little from below.
  2. Then you need to get the window sill.
  3. If this attempt is unsuccessful, use a chisel and hammer.

Important! If you still cannot solve the problem, you can make cuts and then remove the unusable part piece by piece.


If you need to replace a concrete window sill, be prepared for a lot of dust. To remove it you will need a grinder and a hammer. However, if you don't have an angle grinder, you can replace it with a crowbar and a chisel. It must be removed in exactly the same way as a structural element made of wood.


If you have a question about how to remove a plastic window sill, there are two ways. Both are quite effective, but the first method is more destructive than the second.

  1. You need to peel off the plaster and remove the slopes.
  2. Then cut construction foam using a sharp knife or other object with a sharp blade.
  3. After these steps, it will be enough to tug the window sill a little and it will come off.

The second method, on the contrary, is based on preserving the plaster and all slopes, but will require more time and effort:

  1. You need to cut through the polyurethane foam under the window sill.
  2. Then remove the liquid plastic near the slopes.
  3. After this, as in the first option, you can easily get the window sill.

When deciding how to remove a window sill from a plastic window, it would be appropriate to remember that when installing it at home, you need to take into account some important factors:

  1. The new product should be 10-20 centimeters longer than the width of the window block. During installation, part of the plastic model will be in the wall, and the protrusion of the board itself should be no less than 50-70 centimeters.
  2. During installation, secure the new surface with mounting adhesive or special mortar.
  3. After a while, when everything has dried, put special plugs on the edges of the window sill.
  4. If your window sill is not plastic, but, for example, made of wood or cement, you can try to correct the situation without removing the part from the window block. To do this you will need a liquid primer. deep penetration, diluted with putty powder. After applying the solution, immediately smooth it over the surface with a spatula. This is a very reliable and effective remedy, so in most cases the issue of removing defects can be resolved without resorting to replacing the window sill board.

So, if you have carefully studied this article on the topic of how to remove a window sill from a plastic window, you have definitely gained information on how to solve this problem at home, and also learned several options in which it is not necessary to spend money on a replacement, because you can bring the old one back to life. We hope that you will take into account the above methods and recommendations, and in the future, when you are faced with a similar task, you will not have the question of how to remove a plastic window sill, because you already have enough knowledge. All that remains is to learn how to correctly implement the information received.

Sequence of work

Measures to replace the window sill

To install a new window sill, you will have to carry out a full range of measures. As we know, planning leads to success.

Therefore, it is important to prepare everything in advance, familiarize yourself with the work ahead and have an idea of ​​what will need to be done. Let's look at the work that will need to be completed in several stages:

  • preparation of tools for work;
  • dismantling an unusable window sill;
  • installation of a new window sill.

As mentioned earlier, the easiest way is to replace plastic products, this applies not only to window sills, but also to windows. If they are made of other materials, the sequence of the installation process will be the same, only you need more attention pay attention to accuracy in work. So, let's find out what materials you will need during the work process.

Installation of window sills

Most models of modern window sills are installed using leveling beacons, spacers, etc. Sometimes auxiliary fastening elements – corners and various brackets – can be additionally used. Any window sills - plastic, wood and stone - must be installed by specialists. In some simple cases, it is possible to install PVC models by people who have basic skills in working with modern building materials and the tool:

If it is not possible to use two-component foam, it is necessary to load the window sill from above. This will prevent ordinary sealant from bending the canvas outward when expanding.

Dismantling PVC windows

This stage is a little easier. In principle, it is quite possible to dismantle a plastic window with your own hands. But you need to know in advance about the features of such work. The fact is that, through ignorance, you can ruin the plaster, which will change the size of the opening and its geometry. And this will lead to a number of problems during further installation.

The plastic window is removed according to the following scheme:

  1. The sash is removed from the frame.
  2. The glass unit itself is removed, which should first be carefully removed from the sealing beads.
  3. The fittings are removed.
  4. The box itself is removed from the opening.
  5. The ebb and plastic slope are removed, and the old window sill is removed.

The specialist completes the above steps in approximately 25 minutes. Plus working with PVC profile is that you can remove it at any weather conditions, including in winter.

How to dismantle an old window

A window opening that has served you for a long time and which you decide to replace will not only disrupt the aesthetics of the entire room, but also pose a health hazard to the people living in the room. IN similar situations you will definitely start thinking about how to dismantle the old window, since everyone understands that without this operation it will not be possible to install a new one. In the professional sphere, this stage in the window replacement process is the most labor-intensive.

Preparing for work

Before you start considering the dismantling technology itself, you should look at how to properly prepare for dismantling. Since dismantling will require responsibility and seriousness from you, you cannot start it without preparation.

  1. When dismantling a window in an apartment, you should take safety measures household appliances, interior items and furniture and other valuables. If possible, you should take them out altogether, and large items should be covered with plastic wrap. It is better to cover with polyethylene, because... it will be easiest to clean it of debris later. Even if you dismantle with the utmost care, you will not be able to complete the entire dismantling without generating construction debris and dust. In this regard, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the safety of valuable things.
  2. The immediate work area must be covered with plywood sheets. This will be required for safety flooring. If there are carpets or rugs in the room, you need to remove them. The passage to the workplace should not be cluttered with furniture and other objects that will interfere with the process.

Dismantling stages

Professionals will be able to dismantle the old window without any difficulties. You can also do all the work yourself. The main thing is to start work correctly and carry out dismantling sequentially. The window will have to be dismantled in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the window sashes;
  2. Saw the frame and impost;
  3. Remove the old frame;
  4. Remove the window sill and ebb;
  5. Preparing the window opening: remove the old insulation and clean the opening.

Let's look at the features of each stage separately.

How to remove window sashes

At this stage, difficulties usually do not arise. However, if the glass is securely seated in the frame, there is no need to remove it before removal. But when the glass does not hold too well, they must be removed before dismantling to avoid injury.

Frame cutting

To remove it, you need to cut it. To do this, make several cuts along it. regular saw. Of course, you can use an angle grinder with diamond blade or on concrete, but you will get a lot more dust

Please note here that using a regular metal disc is strictly prohibited, because... it may jam or burst during cutting, and this will lead to injury

The disc won't work on wood either.

Removing the old window frame

After you have made several cuts, you can begin to dismantle it piece by piece. You can use a crowbar, a nail puller, a hammer drill with a spade attachment, or other convenient means. The frame must be removed from the box without leaving any residue. Removing all its parts will ensure maximum fixation of the future window.

How to remove ebb and window sill

Now let's look at the features of removing the old window sill. When it is made of wood, you need to remove it in the same way as a wooden frame, that is, make a couple of cuts and pull it out in parts using some kind of tool.

If you have a concrete window sill installed, then the matter will be somewhat more complicated., because you will need to break it with a jackhammer, and if you don’t have one, you will have to work manually with a hammer or crowbar. You can also use a grinder with a disc concrete surfaces. Also, when the concrete window sill has no defects and is in good condition, then you can leave it alone.

However, a plastic window sill will outperform a concrete one in its thermal insulation properties. In addition, maintaining the old structure will result in a gap forming between it and the new window frame. Even if you apply a special mixture and reinforcing mesh, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of cracks and crevices.

Preparing to install a new frame

First, you need to clean the window opening from dust and debris obtained during dismantling, and you also need to remove the old insulation. After this, you can begin to directly install the new frame. As a rule, installing a new window will not require excessive labor costs from you. You just need to follow all the steps sequentially and everything will work out.

Window sill dismantling step by step instructions

Every couple of years, a good owner thinks about renovating the premises

Much attention is paid to windows because they are a source of light, protection from cold, heat, wind and moisture. A worn-out window needs to be replaced, and at the same time the window sill must be replaced

Also, dismantling the window sill is important when changing the design in a room or redesigning a room.

Preparation for dismantling

Before starting the task, it is necessary to determine the material from which the product is made, since the method of dismantling the window sill directly depends on this. It could be a tree cement mortar or plastic. Moreover, it is much better to prepare the tools in advance, as well as the room in which the repair work will be carried out.

Tools you will need:

  • jackhammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • chisel;
  • traditional hammer;
  • a knife with a strong, sharp blade;
  • angle grinder (in exceptional cases).

Advice. To avoid minor injuries, gloves must be used.

Repair work requires the greatest attention, accuracy and caution. The slightest wrong movement can lead to cracks, or even the destruction of half the wall

It is much better to remove a wooden window sill using a hacksaw and a crowbar. First of all, you need to check the fastening option.

For example, if the product is fixed to the wall surface, the fastener must be made weaker by hitting it with a hammer from below. After which you can try to remove the window sill. If the attempt ends badly, a hammer and chisel will come to the rescue. In exceptional cases, you can make cuts and then remove the pieces using a crowbar.

When dismantling wood window sills, fiberglass wool may be found. It has harmful properties for the respiratory tract.

Removing a concrete window sill will require a little considerable effort, and besides, dismantling it can hardly be done without dust. It is removed using a jackhammer or an angle grinder. If these tools are not available, use a traditional hammer, crowbar and chisel.

It looks like this workplace After careful removal, there are a couple of options for dismantling a plastic window sill. The first option is easier, but more destructive than the second. It is necessary to carefully remove the slopes and beat off the plaster, after which you can cut off the layer of foam with a knife with a sharp blade. In most cases, after such a procedure, the product is removed with a slight tug towards you.

Another option involves preserving the slopes and plaster, but is more labor-intensive. First, you should saw through the foam under the window sill, remove liquid plastic near the slopes, and then, as in the first option, pull the product.

Dismantling Making a window sill with your own hands is simple and possible, even if you do not have great abilities in construction work.

We hope that the publication material was useful to you.

Removing a window sill - step-by-step instructions, Repair Club

Every couple of years, a good owner thinks about renovating the space. Much attention is paid to windows because they are a source of light, protection from the cold,


Installing a new window sill

  1. We clean the surface from debris and dust.
  2. We deepen the lower parts of the slopes - 5 centimeters for each slope. We will insert the edges of the window sill into these niches for a more rigid fixation;
  3. We trim the window sill.
  4. We place it against the window, place wooden blocks, level the plane horizontally and “grab” it with screws at those points where this can be done. Adjusting the window sill “by level”
  5. Lightly moisten the stone surfaces under the window sill with water and cover everything with foam.

Advice: to prevent the foam from “lifting” the window sill as it expands, place something heavy on the surface of the product while it dries. These could be water bottles, bricks, etc.

An example of a “load” on a windowsill

In principle, that’s all – the work is completed. All that remains is to clean up after yourself and the structure can be used. We hope that you remember how to wash a plastic window sill after repair, we have already talked about this above.

Dismantling walls

Name of work Unit change Price
1 Tile adhesive beating RUB 113.00
2 Joining tile joints RUB 226.00
3 Removing ceramic tiles from walls (without saving) RUB 146.90
4 Removing wallpaper 67.80 rub.
5 Cleaning walls from “liquid” wallpaper RUB 169.50
6 Removing whitewash RUB 113.00
7 Removing putty from walls RUB 169.50
8 Cleaning HE paint 101.70 rub.
9 Cleaning Oil Paint RUB 226.00
10 Sanding the surface 101.70 rub.
11 Notching walls RUB 113.00
12 Dismantling of PVC panels, lining (without frame), walls, ceiling 90.40 rub.
13 Dismantling of PVC panels, lining (with frame), walls, ceiling RUB 146.90
14 Dismantling of PVC panels, lining (with glue), walls, ceiling 67.80 rub.
15 Removing the plastic/perforated corner m.p. 56.50 rub.
16 Beating plaster thickness. up to 30 mm from walls RUB 113.00
17 Beating plaster thickness. up to 60 mm from walls RUB 169.50
18 Beating plaster thickness. over 60 mm from walls RUB 226.00
19 Dismantling of lighthouses m.p. 56.50 rub.
20 Dismantling walls (partitions) in 1/2 brick RUB 395.50
21 Cutting walls (partitions) into 1/2 bricks m.p. RUB 508.50
22 Construction of an opening in walls (partitions) in 1/2 brick RUB 734.50
23 Dismantling walls (partitions) in 1 brick RUB 508.50
24 Cutting walls (partitions) into 1 brick m.p. RUB 1,130.00
25 Construction of an opening in walls (partitions) in 1 brick RUB 1,356.00
26 Dismantling walls (partitions) of 1.5 bricks RUB 734.50
27 Cutting walls (partitions) into 1.5 bricks m.p. RUB 1,356.00
28 Construction of an opening in walls (partitions) of 1.5 bricks RUB 1,695.00
29 Dismantling walls (partitions) in 2 bricks RUB 904.00
30 Cutting walls (partitions) into 2 bricks m.p. RUB 1,808.00
31 Construction of an opening in walls (partitions) in 2 bricks RUB 1,921.00
32 Dismantling of walls (partitions) made of concrete, reinforced concrete up to 100 mm RUB 1,582.00
33 Cutting walls (partitions) made of concrete, reinforced concrete up to 100 mm m.p. RUB 1,469.00
34 Construction of openings in walls (partitions) made of concrete, reinforced concrete up to 100 mm RUB 3,051.00
35 Dismantling of walls (partitions) made of concrete, reinforced concrete up to 200 mm RUB 2,599.00
36 Cutting walls (partitions) made of concrete, reinforced concrete up to 200 mm m.p. RUB 2,655.50
37 Construction of an opening in concrete, reinforced concrete thickness. up to 200 mm RUB 4,181.00
38 Dismantling of walls (partitions) made of foam block, glass block, PGP RUB 282.50
39 Dismantling of walls (partitions) made of aceite, plasterboard, gypsum board RUB 226.00
40 Dismantling walls (partitions) made of wood, chipboard thickness. up to 100 mm RUB 203.40
41 Dismantling the window sill part of the wall made of PGP, foam concrete RUB 847.50
42 Dismantling the window sill of a brick wall RUB 1,695.00
43 Dismantling the window sill part of a wall made of concrete, reinforced concrete RUB 5,424.00

Why should you choose plastic slopes?

Main components correct installation slopes.

Slope is very important element window design. Therefore, the choice of material from which it will be made must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. Plastic is only a fragile and fragile material at first glance. In fact, it is very strong and durable. A properly installed plastic slope will protect your home from moisture, cold and drafts, and will not fade in the sun. And it will last for many, many years. Modern man wants to make his home warm, comfortable and cozy. And the window plays one of the main roles in this matter.

Plastic has virtually no flaws. The only negative is that this work requires absolutely precise execution, there should be no errors. Then plastic slopes will serve you faithfully for a long time, protecting your home from blowing.

Basic tools required for installation of plastic slopes.

Necessary materials for independent:

  • plastic panel (U-shaped strip of plastic, F-shaped strip of plastic, strip of plastic 6 m long and 8 mm thick);
  • drill with attachments;
  • hammer drill with drill;
  • wooden slats (1.5 cm);
  • building level;
  • stapler and staples;
  • screws, dowels;
  • saw on wood, saw on plastic;
  • hammer, screwdriver, pencil, tape measure, knife;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • mineral wool (insulation);
  • decorative corners;
  • white silicone sealant;
  • metal scissors;
  • vapor barrier tape.

So, having prepared everything necessary materials, you can learn how to make slopes and get to work.

How to remove an old window sill

In fact, there is nothing difficult about this matter. The main thing is to be as careful and careful as possible when dismantling the product, because you can remove it in such a way that half of the wall will fall apart along with the window sill.

Removing the window sill

Please note: if you have an old structure made of plastic, then before dismantling the PVC window sill, you need to find out at what points it is fixed. In most cases, the product is connected to a plastic window, and during rough installation (for example, which is done only with a mount), you can not only damage the integrity of the slopes and walls, but also damage the glass or window frame

But let's return to standard situations.

In general cases, the dismantling sequence should be something like this:

  1. Using a hammer drill or chisel and hammer, lightly break the lower part of both slopes;
  2. We are trying to loosen the window sill. If it does not give in, then we inspect it to see if there are any screws or nails. If there are such fixation points, then delete them;

Please note: if a PVC window sill is being dismantled, the screw heads may not be reverse side the bottom of the frame (for example, on a balcony), but directly under the window sill itself, near the window. As a rule, in this case, screws are screwed into the frame at an angle, and then the entire space is filled with foam.

  1. We take out all the linings; if there is foam, you need to cut it off;
  2. We try to pry up the window sill with a pry bar - from bottom to top. In addition, you can try to move it away from the window frame (for example, a balcony). If nothing works, then try either sawing the window sill in the middle with a jigsaw, or if it is concrete, then simply break it with a chisel. In principle, after this the window sill should come out easily.

Cutting the window sill in the middle for easier dismantling

Now let's look at what step-by-step instructions are usually used to install the product.

Which window sill to choose

Before considering the most popular solutions, it is worth noting that in any case, the work is not difficult and can be done with your own hands, completely without outside help. Perhaps in some situations you will need a power tool, but you don’t have to buy one - you can save money and just rent it for a few days.

And this is generally the maximum - because, as a rule, even complex window sill repairs with your own hands do not take more than two days.

And let's look at the range of products.

Wooden window sills

Wooden window sill

The features of wooden window sills are the following:

  1. Beautiful appearance;
  2. A feeling of naturalness, because the material is not artificial, it is very good to use in interiors, the concept of which places the main emphasis on the environmental friendliness of all furnishing elements;
  3. Versatility. That is, in fact, wood can be used in almost all cases, due to the fact that it can be painted in any desired color;
  4. Ease of processing. To give a wooden window sill the desired shape, you can get by with just a hacksaw;
  5. Durability.

Pay attention! Durability here is possible only when the wood itself is properly treated (with antiseptics and varnishes), and also when water is not poured onto the product from the outside, condensation does not accumulate under it, etc. Therefore, do not forget to take care of protecting the structure in advance

Otherwise, mold and rot will most likely appear on the product very quickly.

  1. Good resistance to mechanical stress. The surface, of course, is quite easy to scratch, but it is unlikely to break accidentally.

By the way, if you are interested in how to repair a wooden window sill rather than replacing it, then it’s as easy as shelling pears. It is enough to delete old paint, sand the product and paint it again. Agree that this technology is (to put it mildly) inexpensive and simple.

Now let's talk about plastic products and, of course, how to repair a plastic window sill if it is damaged.

Plastic products

Plastic window sills

The following features can be identified plastic surfaces:

  1. Large range of colors. And this is true - there are now plastic window sills on sale in almost any color, which allows you to quickly select a product to suit any interior style;
  2. Low cost. In principle, almost anyone can install and repair a plastic window sill;
  3. Plastic is easy to care for. For this you will need standard detergents;
  4. Relative ease of installation and restoration. In fact, it is possible to repair plastic window sills with your own hands even in cases where their surface is severely scratched. To do this you can paint them acrylic paint, enamel, cover with film or use special liquid plastic.

Liquid plastic

Tip: if you don't know where to find good plastic, then try calling a company that installs and repairs window sills + plastic windows- Surely its employees will at least tell you where you can buy such plastic.

And one last point.

As a rule, plastic window sills do not emit any toxic or unpleasant odors, which allows you to safely use them in children's rooms, for example. However, it is still worth making sure that you have the appropriate certificates. If everything is in order with the seller in this regard, then they will show you the documents quickly.

And one more type of product.

Products made from natural or artificial stone

  • from marble, granite, sandstone, etc.;
  • products based on acrylic, concrete, as well as polyester resins with natural stone chips.

As a rule, these are very durable window sills and at the same time very beautiful. Only they cost a little more than plastic ones and wooden products. Plus, of course, you can repair a concrete or marble window sill yourself, but it will just take more time, effort and patience.

But in general, as you can see in the photo below, stone window sills look very respectable, so if the budget and interior features allow, then their installation will be good decision.

Window sill made of stone

Well, now let's look at how to replace window sills. As an illustrative example, let's consider the most popular and widespread option - dismantling a wooden or concrete window sill and installing and repairing PVC window sills.

So, let's get started.

The process of dismantling the window sill

Dismantling of window sills, like windows, can be done with or without preservation. This applies more to models made of wood, stone and concrete. If you choose the option of saving, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the walls will be significantly damaged. In these cases, the space around the ends of the window sills placed on the walls is cleared of frozen building mixtures, and then the canvas itself is carefully and slowly removed from the opening using a pry bar. However, when changing wooden and stone window sills, they often choose the option without saving

This method requires cutting with a hacksaw. wooden canvas or break concrete or stone with a sledgehammer, and then carefully remove the fragments using a pry bar. Sometimes you need a grinder to cut the reinforcement that connects a concrete window sill from the inside.

Since in lately Most often, a plastic window sill is replaced, but its dismantling is worth considering in more detail:

  1. Under the canvas, carefully beat off the plaster or putty that was used to seal the joints.
  2. Carefully trim the cured polyurethane foam.
  3. If the joint between the frame and the window sill is sealed with silicone, then it is also advisable to cut the seam with a linoleum knife or spatula.
  4. While tilting and rocking the window sill, slowly pull the canvas towards you.
  5. Clear the installation site of the new window sill from construction debris.

In some cases, it is necessary to carefully remove a layer of putty or plaster around the ends of the window sill placed on the walls. However, the canvas is most often removed without this operation, since it is held in a given position by other means.

Dismantling of some stone, concrete and wooden window sills is sometimes possible only together with the window. This is explained by the individual design features and fastening methods. This possibility should always be taken into account when planning a replacement event, since in some cases a full-scale replacement of windows may be necessary.

How to paint a window sill

The layer of old protective and decorative coating must first be removed. Depending on the thickness of the paint layer, one of three removal methods is selected for this: heat it with a construction hairdryer (the paint will swell), using special compounds or using a construction hammer. If the paint layer is thicker than 3 mm, then it is optimal to use a construction hammer.

Then the remaining work is carried out:

  1. the surface is cleaned of paint residues and coated with a primer;
  2. the window sill is puttied and sanded after drying;
  3. The surface is re-primed and painted after drying.

If the structure cannot be saved by simple repainting, and there is noticeable damage to it, then the old concrete window sill will be restored.

Help from professionals

When it comes to old windows, not everyone can remove such structures. And is it necessary? After all this stage dismantling is inexpensive, and is often included in the cost of subsequent installation of a double-glazed window. It's best if window frame will be deleted with a professional hand masters He knows how to carry out this process with a minimum of dust, without damaging the old structure.

In this case, the apartment owner will only need to fulfill preparatory work, preceding dismantling.

Removing the old profile is the first step in the subsequent installation of a new frame. It is preceded only by work on measuring the openings. To ensure that it lasts as long as possible and that no problems arise during operation, the removal of unnecessary frames and glass must be done correctly.

If you want to be sure of high-quality installation, contact professionals. We will perform all stages of dismantling and subsequent installation at a high level at affordable prices!

Window sills perform not only aesthetic, but also protective functions. They are installed during the installation of windows. In this case, both windows and window sills are carefully sealed. But sometimes, due to deformation of this window element, damage or redevelopment of the room, it needs to be replaced. This article will discuss how to replace a window sill.

For the manufacture of window sills they are used different materials, including PVC, marble, artificial stone, wood and others. To some extent, the nuances of installing a window sill will depend on the material from which it is made, but there are still general recommendations for performing this work.

  • The canvas is fixed at the bottom of the opening indoors.
  • At a distance of 60 mm from the edge of the window sill, in its lower part there should be a so-called teardrop or gutter, which serves to drain water/condensate. Its depth can be up to 20 mm.
  • The lower part of the window opening should be cleared of mortar up to the wall, and then cleaned of dirt, dust and other debris.

If the installation of the window sill was carried out correctly, it will not sag or break. To achieve rigidity during installation, you should take into account the characteristics of the material from which the window sill is made.

Installing a plastic window sill is not difficult. The only thing is that when sawing PVC you should be extremely careful so as not to scratch the material, and even worse, not to break it. Avoid pressing hard on PVC.

In this case, the old window sill should be dismantled. To do this, use a hammer drill, chisel or scraper to remove the cement mortar. Then the unusable fabric needs to be tamped down and pulled out.

Now you can try on the new window sill and, if necessary, level it. The ends of the window sill should be trimmed to ensure an accurate fit of the canvas to the opening. There should be no gaps between the wall and the window sill. You can even cut out a new canvas based on the old window sill.

Using the building level, place the beacons. It is important that the window sill slopes away from the window by about 5 mm. This action will help avoid the accumulation of condensation on the canvas.

The free space should be filled with foam. You can cut off the excess later. To prevent the foam from lifting the window sill, you can put a bag of plaster, cement or other mixture on top. Then the ends of the window sill should be protected with plugs, and the canvas should be cleaned of the protective film.

The foam should begin to be applied in longitudinal stripes, starting from the window. This layer will serve as additional protection from the cold.

In order for the air heated by the radiator to rise freely, thus drying the slopes and double-glazed windows, the protrusion of the PVC window sill should be no more than 60 mm. The window sill of a plastic window should not exceed the width of the opening by 15–20 cm.

Installing a wooden window sill is more difficult than its plastic counterpart. First of all, pay attention to source material. The board under the window sill should not have flaws in the form of defects and knots. It must be well dried.

So, to replace the window sill wooden window you will need:

  • Chisel/hammer.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Roulette.
  • Fine-tooth hacksaw/jigsaw.
  • Construction dry cement-containing mixture.
  • Sandpaper for sanding.

To dismantle the window sill, use a hammer and chisel. Then carefully beat the canvas around the perimeter of its attachment to the window opening and frame. In the process of lightly tapping the canvas, it can be dismantled from the installation site. Then the dismantling site should be cleared of construction debris.

The horizontal surfaces of the subframe space and the window opening should be leveled with mortar. After the construction mixture has dried, you need to apply a continuous layer of polyurethane foam to the surface, on which you should then install a pre-sized window sill. In order for the structure to be fixed more firmly, the new canvas must be secured with two self-tapping screws through the interframe space to the window frame.

If there is not enough height from the surface of the opening to the plane of the new window sill, then several wooden pads should be installed under the new canvas. They are fixed using polyurethane foam.

To fix the horizontal line on the canvas, you should install weights of several kilograms for 4–5 hours. Then process the joint under the window sill acrylic sealant. The space under the window sill should be evenly foamed to cover a third of the window sill. When the foam has hardened, the remaining cavity must be filled with a solution prepared from a building mixture, leveling it with the wall.

At the end, the slopes should be secured and the joints should be treated with acrylic sealant. Perhaps after installing a wooden window sill, you will have to putty, sand and treat it with paints and varnishes.

The good appearance of the window sill is the choice of material and the quality of installation of this element. If you have questions on the topic, then ask them to our specialist by writing a comment on the article.


This video clearly shows how to install a window sill yourself:



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