Standard placement of sockets. Installation of sockets and switches according to European standards. Dispelling a modern myth

Installation of electrical installation products in modern premises is not limited to any strict framework. Therefore, interior designers quite often implement original and exclusive projects. However, in spite of everything, there are certain norms and rules established by the PUE that must be followed. According to these regulatory documents Sockets and switches are installed according to European standards. The main difference between the installation is the distance of each point from the floor.

PUE requirements and European standard

Previously, switches were installed at a height of 1.5-1.7 m, and sockets - no more than 1 m. Currently, so-called European standards are used, which take into account not only the technical side, but also the features of a given room. In accordance with the standards, switches are located at a distance of 0.8-1.0 m from the floor, and sockets - at 30-40 cm.

Domestic standards are determined primarily by PUE, GOSTs and other documents containing recommendations for installing switches and sockets in a particular room.

  • In bathrooms, electrical sources are usually placed at least 60 cm away from taps and shower doors. All products must be waterproof.
  • and switches are prohibited from being installed above or below the sink. There are separate recommendations for these premises, which will be discussed below.
  • In schools and kindergartens, the distance of switches from the floor must be at least 1.8 m, and sockets are used equipped with special protective screens.
  • Sockets and switches are installed at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from gas pipes.

All these data are quite conditional, since in real life you have to take into account the arrangement of furniture in the room, the availability of equipment that will be connected and other factors. During design, all points should be evenly distributed to avoid overloads due to connecting several powerful electrical appliances to one place at once.

Today, the so-called European standard is increasingly used for the installation of sockets and switches. The height of each point here is significantly lower compared to generally accepted standards. For example, the average height of sockets from the floor is defined as 30 cm, and the height of switches is 90 cm. In fact, no special European standards exist, since this definition is nothing more than component European-quality renovation. This was initially considered to be any repair performed using building materials foreign production.

Each option has its own pros and cons. For many, installation performed according to old schemes seems convenient. For example, a switch installed at a high height from the floor is always clearly visible. It is not covered by furniture and is completely safe for small children.

The same applies to sockets located at a height of 90 cm. They are more convenient for turning on electrical appliances, since you do not need to bend over each time. However, if some household appliance is constantly connected to the network, then in this case the European standard is more suitable, allowing you to hide not only the outlet, but also the power wires.

Eurostandard for modern kitchen

Each modern kitchen literally full of different household appliances and equipment. Therefore, installing sockets and switches according to European standards in this room has great value. The height and location of electrical installation products are not limited by anything, except for the basic requirements of the PUE. In all other matters, you should be guided by the ease of connection and further operation of the installed equipment.

The installation height is significantly influenced by the dimensions and configuration kitchen furniture. In this regard, based on practical experience, several levels were formed by which the installation height of sockets and switches in kitchens is determined:

  • At the first level (10-15 cm) installation of sockets for basic equipment is carried out - electric stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and other powerful units. This height provides free access to sockets, and after installing the furniture, this can only be done from below.
  • The second level (110-130 cm) is intended for installing sockets that will plug in electrical appliances most often used in the kitchen - blenders, kettles, multicookers, etc. For them, this is the most acceptable and standard placement. Their main place of use is work surface kitchen furniture.
  • The third level is the highest (2-2.5 m). Here the installation and connection of the backlight and exhaust ventilation. In this case, the possibility of free access to sockets is also taken into account. It is quite possible to get them from an ordinary chair, and from the floor they become invisible, thanks to wall cabinets.

This technique ensures the most rational distribution of all connection points along the kitchen walls. At the same time, the laying of cables is marked in accordance with the power of a particular equipment. In such cases, it is important not only the installation height of sockets and switches, but also the possibility of creating a certain power reserve in case of installing additional or more powerful equipment.

Water and gas pipes add certain complications, so it is recommended to indicate in advance not only the wiring, but also the location of all points in relation to windows, doors, furniture and communications.

Sockets and switches in bathrooms

Relatively recently, sockets were not installed in bathrooms at all. Firstly, there was no equipment that required a separate connection. Old-style washing machines could be connected via an extension cord from anywhere in the apartment. And secondly, there were no high-quality sockets protected from moisture.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine a modern bathroom without sockets. In addition, their installation is often not limited to one unit. Only an automatic washing machine requires a separate point connected to a separate line, protected by its own RCD. Powerful units simply cannot operate for a long time through a conventional extension cord. As a rule, the height of the sockets in this case is within 1 meter, which allows you to turn off very quickly if necessary. washing machine from the network.

A separate outlet will be required for electric water heater, since in many homes the problem is solved with the help of a boiler hot water. A separate line with an RCD is also allocated for it, and the socket itself is located directly next to the device itself. Socket blocks can be installed above the countertop. They supply power to an electric razor, hair dryer and other small household appliances.

A serious limitation in their installation is the mandatory distance of 60 cm from water sources. As additional safety measures, installation involves installing and connecting grounding, as well as using a moisture barrier.

Unlike sockets, switches are never installed inside bathrooms. They are installed in front of the entrance to the room at a height of 80 cm and above. The cable is laid directly from the electrical panel in the form of a separate line in a hidden way. This avoids accidental damage and contact with water. Before installation, a plan is first drawn up in which all distances are measured and plotted with maximum accuracy.

Sockets and switches for residential premises

In residential premises, the installation height of sockets and switches is of great importance, as well as other parameters that ensure not only high functionality, but also safe operation devices and household appliances.

Proper placement of electrical installation products will allow you to get rid of a lot of hanging additional wires, extension cords and network filters. In old houses, there are still no more than 2-3 sockets installed in the premises, which creates a real overload of the electrical network.

In modern premises, significantly more connection points are installed. Therefore, it is necessary to observe all distances and dimensions taking into account the installation of furniture. It is advisable to place each point in such a way that it is within immediate reach of those places where a person spends most of his time.

For example, in bedrooms, the number of people relaxing should be taken into account. If the bedroom is intended for two, then the socket blocks should be located on both sides of the bed. The distance from the floor depends on the furniture used, in particular bedside tables. If they are absent, sockets can be installed almost anywhere at a height of 30 to 90 cm. If there are bedside tables, then you should move up 10-15 cm from them and determine the installation location there.

One can combine switches for sconces and overhead lighting. Lamps placed on bedside tables require separate sockets, which must be provided in the block. The same goes for floor lamps.

For a TV mounted on the wall, a block of 5 sockets located from the floor at a distance of 1.3 m is sufficient. If the TV is installed on a cabinet or low chest of drawers, the height is correspondingly reduced to 30-60 cm. The block should have three sockets, one a socket for an antenna and one for the Internet. To connect desktop computer another socket block is equipped.

The installation of sockets must be carried out in accordance with existing standards, because not only performance, but also safety. If you do not think about this point, water may get into the device, the risk of damage will increase mechanical in nature, etc. In addition, you will have to use extension cords, because the plugs will not reach the sockets. That is why it is extremely important to install these devices at a certain height.

For a long time now, everyone has been striving to make repairs in accordance with foreign requirements, believing that this solution is the most attractive from an aesthetic and practical point of view. Let's say right away: such a standard does not exist. It usually means simply using the latest technologies in work.

Despite this, it is believed that switch height from floor according to the European standard it is 100 cm, and the sockets are 30 cm. This distance was chosen solely for reasons of practicality and is not specified in any documents. That is why you can slightly change the distance from the baseboard. There's nothing wrong with that.

PUE regulations

The rules for electrical installations are a completely different matter ( PUE), enshrined in many documents. This standard existed back in Soviet times and regulated the installation of sockets 90 cm and switches 1.6 m from the floor surface.

This decision is explained simply: the electrical device is always in the field of view, which means the occurrence of emergency much easier to detect or prevent.

Modern requirements are somewhat different. GOST requires that any such devices be placed in accordance with the following requirements:

  • no closer than 0.6 m from the shower door;
  • at least 5 m from gas pipelines;
  • approximately 0.6 m from sinks;
  • In catering and retail establishments, these electrical devices are required to be installed at a height of 1.3 m, in public places - up to 1 m.

There are no indications for the height of fixtures for plugs in apartments and private houses, but any electrician will tell you that it should be no lower than 10 cm. As for switches, the height specified above 1 m is simply the best option for all family members, but that too not recorded anywhere. In children's preschool institutions this figure is normalized - 180 cm.

From the above we can conclude that the so-called “Euro” standard and the PUE do not violate general rules use of electrical appliances, which means you decide for yourself at what distance from the floor the socket or switch should be located, but within the limits described earlier.

Criteria for choosing the location and height of electrical appliances

Placement of sockets and switches according to European standards assumes a relatively small distance from the baseboard. But you shouldn’t put this at the forefront, because safety and operating comfort come first.

Today, the height at which sockets and switches are installed does not have clear regulations. The same applies to their number per room. As a result, quite often you come across rooms where they are placed in an archaic order and often in hard to reach places. In this material, we will try to figure out how to properly install sockets and switches so that they are always accessible.

Standards for installing sockets and switches

As previously mentioned, there are no standards or rules for the installation of sockets and switches. "Eurostandard" is nothing more than a convention, since only safety precautions and ease of use are important here. This is confirmed by the Code of Practice for the design of residential and public buildings(SP 31–110-2003), the latest edition of which was published in 2003, and the Electrical Installation Rules, which were prepared taking into account all IEC standards, therefore the installation of electrical wiring should be carried out based on these recommendations. The following installation rules follow from the first:

  • switches should be located on the side door handle at a height of 1 m from the floor;
  • the distance from the floor to the outlet should also be 100 cm, and its location does not matter.

Excerpts from the Electrical Installation Rules

  • switches should be placed similarly to the instructions from the previous document, i.e. near the door handle at a distance of 1 m from the floor;
  • the switch can also be located under the ceiling, if there is a switching cord lowered to the recommended level;
  • in the kitchen, all power points must be at least half a meter from the gas pipeline and high enough from the floor;
  • in bathrooms, electrical components should be installed at a distance of 60 cm from plumbing equipment and the same distance from the floor.

Euro sockets significantly different from our products. The diameter of the pins and the distance between them in such a socket are somewhat larger. The current strength is also higher: euro – 10–16A, while domestic ones have half as much – 6–10A. Therefore, the first one is much more profitable, since you can connect several devices to it.

Installation of electrical components in the house

So that you understand, there are two ways to arrange sockets and switches in the house. This is the so-called European standard and the good old, familiar to many, Soviet standards. Let's look at each in detail.

According to the European standard, sockets must be located at a distance of 30 cm from the floor, and switches - 90 cm. But in reality, standardization as such never existed, and this concept came into our lives along with European-quality renovations. Accordingly, it has a positive and negative side:

  • the socket is not “conspicuous” and does not interfere with anything, and the switch is located at the level of your lowered hand (90 cm from the floor) and can be turned on without even looking and without applying any effort - this is a plus;
  • in order to insert the plug into the socket, you will need to bend over, and in order for the switch to be clickable, it should not be blocked by anything - this is a minus.

As for Soviet standards, the opinion about them in lately divided. Some consider them more convenient, others do not, but recently the number of the latter has begun to grow. Let us recall that at that time it was accepted to install the socket at a height of 90 cm, and the switches at the level of the human head, i.e. 160 cm. As in the previous case, there are pros and cons:

  • the socket is much more convenient to use, since you don’t need to bend over to it, and the switch is located at eye level and does not interfere with the placement of furniture - this is a plus;
  • Constantly hanging power cords from appliances and the need to raise your hand to turn on the light and find the switch with your eyes are a minus.

We have already said above that the installation height of sockets and switches according to the “Soviet” standard, in terms of convenience, has long been recognized by many as questionable. The notorious European standard began to be given more preference. Take, for example, the same sockets, or, more precisely, a block of them. It will not be as noticeable as a bunch of sockets with tees and cords.

The same applies to switches that are located at the entrance to the room, at the level of the lowered human hand, at a height of 90 cm from the floor. Thus, it can be quickly found when entering a dark room. And in rooms with a greater length, it makes sense to install two pass-through switches at different ends.

Switches and sockets that do not have protection against current leakage “to ground” (RCDs, automatic circuit breakers) are not recommended for installation in toilets and bathrooms. The same applies to the socket for the washing machine.

How to install them?

Before you begin installing a socket or switch, you should outline their outline on the wall. If it is concrete, then the hole is made with a hammer drill with a diamond bit. The socket box can be made either round or square. Special installation boxes are inserted into the finished holes. Construction plaster is used to fix them, plaster or gypsum glue. The box is secured with sliding tabs or screws, and then a plastic case is put on it.

Installation in plasterboard wall somewhat different, different and necessary tools. IN plasterboard sheets All holes are made in advance where the cables will need to be routed. To fix sockets and switches, special tabs are used to hold them on the sheet.

As for installation with open wiring, such cases are extremely rare and generally they are mounted this way only temporarily (for example, during repairs), since the wires affect the interior. Agree that it is much more pleasant to look at beautiful wall, where everything is neat and aesthetically pleasing.

If you want to install the wiring and connect sockets with a switch yourself without involving outside help, then you should follow the tips above and a number of rules that will allow you to complete all work without problems and, most importantly, safely:

Let's sum it up

So what did we learn today? Perhaps the most important fact is that clear standards There are no GOST standards regarding the placement of sockets, switches and electrical wiring, but there are a number of recommendations that must be followed, primarily for safety reasons. But the number of devices with switches should be such that the operation of household and lighting devices is as convenient as possible, which should be taken into account when drawing up the project.

IN modern house many rooms are divided into several functional areas, where different electrical appliances and lighting systems are used. The issue of electrical wiring design is an important stage of repair. There's a lot to consider important points: type of room, furniture arrangement, number and height of sockets and switches.

The article provides standards and requirements for the installation of power points and switches, as well as recommendations regarding the placement of electrical installation devices in different rooms.

Standards and switches: myths and reality

The placement of switches and sockets in the room determines the degree of comfort. Getting started repair work, many novice electricians are interested in the question: “What should be the installation height of switches and sockets according to accepted standards?”

In fact, there are no restrictions on the placement of power points. There are some requirements for installing sockets in the bathroom, as well as industrial and public premises.

Regarding the location of switches and sockets in the apartment, there are some recommendations. Whether to adhere to them or not depends on the purpose of the room, the arrangement of furniture, ease of use and your own wishes.

Previously, the following standards were considered generally accepted:

  • distance from floor to socket - 90 cm;
  • The installation height of switches in the apartment is 1.6 m.

Such parameters have their merits, which is why many still adhere to these standards. An advantage of the “Soviet” standards is that the switch is located at eye level, and in order to insert the plug into the socket you do not have to bend down.

Recommended standards for the installation height of sockets and switches

Installation height of sockets and switches: PUE

The Electrical Installation Rules (PUE) define the following standards for the placement of sockets/switches:

  1. Plug sockets and switches should be located at a distance of 0.6 meters or more from the doorway of the shower or bathtub.
  2. Any elements of electrical installations, switches and sockets must be located at a distance of at least 0.5 m from gas pipelines.
  3. The recommended height for placing switches is no more than 1 m. Optimal place Installation is considered to be the wall on the side of the door handle. If necessary, the switch is mounted higher under the ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the light can be turned on using a cord.
  4. The socket in the bathroom must be connected through an RCD device.

Requirements for the placement of sockets and switches according to GOST and SP

GOST R 50571.11-96 also stipulates the requirement that switches and sockets in the bathroom are located 60 cm or more from the factory shower door.

More detailed information with standards, recommendations for the design and provision of power supply is collected in the Code of Rules 31-110-2003. The arrangement of internal electrical networks, namely the installation of switches and sockets (level, height, number) is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  1. The distance from sockets used to connect air conditioners and stationary kitchen electric stoves to the appliances themselves is not standardized.
  2. In living rooms of dormitories and apartments, one socket with a current of 10 (16) A must be installed for every 4 m of the perimeter, in corridors - for every 10 sq.m. area.
  3. In private and single-family houses, the number of sockets is determined by the customer.

Installation height of sockets and switches: “Eurostandard”

The term “European standard” came into use along with the advent of the concept of “European-quality renovation”. Some consumers find this arrangement of sockets and switches more comfortable:

  • the installation height of the switches is 90 cm from the floor, which allows you to turn on/off the lights in the room while passing by and without raising your hand;
  • The placement of sockets is provided at a level of 30 cm from the floor - this distance allows you to hide wires and operate household appliances more comfortably.

American standard socket placement:

  • height from floor ( kitchen table or shells) - 30.5-41 cm;
  • the distance between sockets is 1.8 m (report from the doorway).

Important! When using Euro sockets, it is necessary to take into account that the diameter of their pins and the distance between them are larger than those of domestic ones. The current strength of imported sockets is about 10-16A, while that of domestic ones is up to 10 A. Therefore, the installation of European sockets will allow the use of more powerful electrical appliances.

Installation height of switches and sockets in the apartment

Electrical wiring in the kitchen

The modern kitchen is equipped with many electrical appliances: oven and hob, refrigerator, hood, dishwasher, coffee maker, electric kettle, meat grinder, toaster, etc. Electrical wiring design begins with the creation detailed diagram indicating the location of furniture and arrangement household appliances.

  1. For connecting a dishwasher, washing machine, refrigerator - 10-20 cm from the floor level. This is the best option regarding the length of the electrical cord of the equipment. Some models of household appliances have a short wire, which will not be enough if the socket is located at a height of 50 cm.
  2. To connect small-sized appliances (multi-cooker, microwave oven, toaster, etc.), the socket is installed at a distance of 20 cm from the countertop level, or 110 cm from the floor.
  3. A separate socket is installed under the hood at a distance of 2 m from the floor. There should be at least 20 cm from the middle of the hood to the socket so that the ventilation duct does not block the socket openings.
  4. “Power points” for built-in appliances are best located behind the walls of bedside tables and cabinets. For free access you will have to cut out their back walls. The recommended installation height for sockets in furniture is 30-60 cm from the floor. In this case, you need to check that the socket is not located directly behind the built-in electrical appliances.
  5. Sockets under lighting fixtures wall cabinets conveniently placed at a height of about 5-10 cm above the furniture.

Important! The total power of the electrical lines supplied to the kitchen must be in reserve in order to be able to turn on all consumption points at the same time.

  • oven, hob equipped with power sockets designed for a current of 32-40 A;
  • for a heater with a power of more than 3.5 W, a separate power line is laid;
  • for installing a refrigerator, microwave oven, food processor, toaster, steamer and other electrical appliances, 16 A sockets are suitable.

Sockets and switches in the bedroom and living room

For comfortable and convenient use, it is customary to install an socket and a switch on both sides of a double bed. Placement height - 70 cm from floor level. This distance allows you to connect a lamp and place it on the bedside table, charge your phone, and also adjust the main lighting without getting out of bed. Traditionally, one switch is installed at front door.

Additional sockets should be placed near the desk or dressing table. A block with two or three sockets for connecting a computer is installed behind the desktop at a level of 30 cm from the floor. A second block for a pair of sockets should be provided above desk(height 15 cm from the table) for a table lamp.

In the living room, it is imperative to provide several sockets at a distance of 130 cm from the floor, which will be hidden behind the TV. This area should have both regular outlets and an Internet outlet. Depending on the arrangement of furniture and division of the room into functional areas other “power points” are placed, for example for a floor lamp near a chair or a music system.

It would be a good idea to install a backup socket, for example, to connect an air conditioner or a vacuum cleaner.

The switch in the living room is usually installed only at the front door. In rooms with multi-level ceilings sometimes “complex” lighting is used. In such cases, it is advisable to place switches on several keys.

Placement of power points and switches in the bathroom

Bathroom - room with high humidity. All installed sockets must have a degree of protection of at least IP44 and a splash-proof cover, connection through an RCD. Placing sockets near (less than 60 cm) a bathtub, washbasin or shower stall is prohibited.

  • under washing machine- 100 cm;
  • for connecting a water heater - 180 cm from the floor;
  • additional socket near the sink for connecting a hair dryer, razor or toothbrush - 110 cm.

Important! Products cannot be installed lower than 15 cm from the floor. This is due to the fact that in the bathroom there is an increased risk of small floods caused by malfunctioning household appliances or forgetfulness of the owners. To similar situation did not pose a threat to human life, sockets must be installed higher than 15 cm.

Switches, as a rule, are placed outside the bathroom and placed in front of the entrance.

Development of a design for the placement of switches and sockets. Useful tips

You can competently design the location and height of switches and sockets by adhering to the following sequence:

Installation of switches and sockets in buildings for various purposes

For a number of buildings, individual standards for the placement of sockets and switches are provided:

  1. The installation height of switches in children's institutions (kindergartens, schools, camps) is 1.8 m from the floor level. Sockets should also be installed at the same level.
  2. In catering and retail establishments, the distance from the floor to the socket is 1.3 m. Installation height circuit breakers- 1.2-1.6 m.
  3. It is prohibited to install switches in explosive areas. The standards do not affect the height of placement; the main condition is the placement of switches and fuses for lighting devices outside hazardous areas.

Using simple rules, safety standards and common sense, you will be able to achieve the optimal location of switches and sockets at home. It is better to properly foresee and calculate everything in advance than to redo all the electrical wiring later.

Switches and sockets are essential elements in every room. They allow you to control lighting and connect electrical appliances to the network, so their location should be the most convenient. However, many people forget that these elements are the outputs of live wires. Therefore, their location should be as convenient and safe as possible.

To ensure these parameters, various standards have been created. They provide optimal location and installation of electrical network elements. One of the most reliable is the European standard, which is widely used in Europe.

Switch standards

There is simply no uniform standard for the location of switches and sockets. As a replacement, there are various standards regulating this issue. However, most people prefer to set these elements only according to their own preferences, ignoring recommendations and safety. This leads to damage to the network, which can contribute to a fire.

As for switches, there are three options for their installation:

  • Soviet;
  • Eurostandard;
  • Free installation.

The first method is to fully comply with the rules established back in Soviet times. It means that the switches are located at a height of 160 cm from the floor. This installation has several advantages, including the height at eye level, as well as ease of arranging furniture.

Another advantage is child protection. The child simply cannot reach such elements, which ensures his safety. However, gradually the demand for the Soviet method is falling, and only people who are accustomed to it use it.

The European standard is somewhat different from the previous version. It is the most modern and comfortable. When using it, the switches are located at a height of 90 cm from the floor. This method also has several advantages: there is no need to raise your hands and the element is invisible against the general background of the room.

The last option involves installation at the request of the client. In this case, height standards are omitted, but the basic rules and regulations of installation are observed. Free installation is often used in rooms where both standards are simply not suitable.

Socket Standards

Sockets also have their own standards for installation. Although they are slightly different from those used for switches, there are also significant differences. The installation options are still the same, Soviet, European and free.

The Soviet standard for sockets implies their installation at a height of 90 centimeters from the floor. This was quite inconvenient, because it led to a large tangle of wires, visible from anywhere in the room. In addition, the volumetric plugs were easily touched by residents, which could lead to element breakage or damage to the device.

The European version is much better here. He recommends installing sockets at a height of 30 centimeters. This allows you to hide wires behind furniture and hardly notice them. For convenience, you can make 1 socket according to the old standard to connect chargers and so on.

The freestyle installation here has the same standards as before. It is only important to follow the basic installation rules that most electricians know.

Interesting ! Eurostandard also uses other types of sockets. They have wider recesses for plugs. Soviet sockets are practically no longer used, because modern devices are not designed for them.

Recommendations for the location of sockets and switches

As mentioned earlier, the European standard is widely used in Europe. It is more convenient and its safety is high. However, you should not install elements only according to it, because this parameter can be adjusted in accordance with your requirements.

The low location of sockets and switches is quite convenient. It allows you to use them without unnecessary movements, which is especially important for people with limited motor skills. In addition, it looks aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. Bundles of wires no longer cause damage general view premises.

However, the location of these elements around the room is not regulated in any way. There are several recommendations in this regard:

  • Mount switches at arm height.
  • The light should turn on near the entrance to the room.
  • In large rooms, you can install several switches.

A person’s height does not always correspond to the statistical average. Therefore, it is worth adjusting the installation height according to the position of your hand, which will simplify your future life. In addition, the location of such elements should be convenient for humans. He should be able to quickly turn on the light when returning home or entering a room. In the bedroom, it makes sense to install duplicate elements near the bed so as not to get up before bed.

Location requirements may vary depending on the type of room. This is especially true for the kitchen and bathroom. It is worth remembering that there is a risk of liquid getting on the wires, which can close the circuit and lead to injury. Therefore, it is important to treat this issue especially carefully.

In the bathroom, installing sockets according to European standards is not recommended. A height of 30 centimeters may result in liquid getting onto the contacts. Therefore, it is better to install them at a height of 90 centimeters, which corresponds to Soviet standards. In this case, the entire body must be made of plastic and have good insulation.

Important ! There are special types of enclosures suitable for use in areas with high humidity. Their use in the bathroom is preferable.

In the kitchen, the recommendations are similar, but for a slightly different reason. The high location of sockets is welcome here due to kitchen furniture and the regular use of various appliances. Therefore, such elements are mounted at a height of 110 centimeters with an average height of kitchen furniture of 90 centimeters. This will make their use more convenient.

Installation process

The installation of sockets and switches is almost identical. First you need to de-energize the network and conduct preparatory work. These include purchasing the item and cleaning the work area. For further work you will need the following tools:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Wire cutters.

As well as the housing and socket box. The socket box is the component that serves as the basis for the interior of the socket. The housing serves to connect wires and further operate the element.

The process includes several stages:

  • Stripping wires;
  • Installation of a socket box;
  • Connecting wires;
  • Fastening the body.

First you need to clean the outgoing wires by first leading them into the socket box. You need to leave 8 millimeters bare, necessary for connection. Next, a socket box is mounted into the wall hole.

After these steps, the connection of the socket begins. The metal part is connected to the network by inserting wires that match the color into the holes. If there is no color marking, then you need to find out in advance correct location wires and find the phase.

Important ! After these steps, you need to carefully clamp the wires into the structure. Otherwise, poor contact may occur, resulting in sparks.

After this, the socket is installed and the plastic case is mounted. The electricity is turned on and the structure is tested for functionality.

Mandatory location requirements

Regardless of the height and standard, the basic location requirements must be observed. They are necessary for the safety of residents, protecting them from various risks.

Among the main location requirements are:

  1. Half a meter away from heating and gas supply pipes;
  2. Distance from openings and frames by 10 centimeters;
  3. Distance from the sink by a meter;
  4. Distance from the corner by 10 centimeters.

In addition, it is important to consider the dimensions of the furniture, as well as the material from which it consists. If it is flammable, then it is important to place the outlet at a certain distance from such structures.

It is also important to consider the availability of such elements. Often the switch is located behind furniture or on long distance from the door, which makes it inconvenient to use. These calculations must be made in advance.

All these tips will help you install sockets and switches correctly. And for a better understanding of the installation process itself, it is recommended to watch this video. The process of connecting such elements to the network is described here:



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