Asian swimsuit, or Asian flame(lat. Trollius asiaticus) - a herbaceous perennial plant of the genus Bathhouse of the Ranunculaceae family ( Ranunculaceae). In the literature of the 20th century, the Asian swimsuit was not distinguished from the Kytmanov swimsuit (lat. Trollius kytmanovii), therefore information about these plants is often confused.


Grows in damp meadows, forest glades, in forests, enters the highlands, rising to the alpine belt, and in the north penetrates the tundra.

Botanical description

Threats and defense

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  • Nikiforov Yu.V. Altai healing herbs. - Gorno-Altaisk: Yuch-Sumer - Belukha, 1992.


  • : information about the taxon in the Plantarium project (identifier of plants and illustrated atlas of species).

An excerpt characterizing the Asian swimsuit

Sonya went up to the countess and, kneeling down, kissed her hand.
“I’ll write, maman,” she said.
Sonya was softened, excited and touched by everything that happened that day, especially by the mysterious performance of fortune-telling that she just saw. Now that she knew that on the occasion of the renewal of Natasha’s relationship with Prince Andrei, Nikolai could not marry Princess Marya, she joyfully felt the return of that mood of self-sacrifice in which she loved and was accustomed to living. And with tears in her eyes and with the joy of the consciousness of committing a generous deed, she, interrupted several times by tears that clouded her velvet black eyes, wrote that touching letter, the receipt of which so amazed Nikolai.

At the guardhouse where Pierre was taken, the officer and soldiers who took him treated him with hostility, but at the same time with respect. One could still feel in their attitude towards him doubt about who he was (whether he was a very important person), and hostility due to their still fresh personal struggle with him.
But when, on the morning of another day, the shift came, Pierre felt that for the new guard - for the officers and soldiers - it no longer had the meaning that it had for those who took him. And indeed, in this big, fat man in a peasant’s caftan, the guards of the next day no longer saw that living man who so desperately fought with the marauder and with the escort soldiers and said a solemn phrase about saving the child, but saw only the seventeenth of those being held for some reason, by by order of the highest authorities, the captured Russians. If there was anything special about Pierre, it was only his timid, intently thoughtful appearance and French, in which, surprisingly for the French, he spoke well. Despite the fact that on the same day Pierre was connected with other suspected suspects, since the separate room he occupied was needed by an officer.
All the Russians kept with Pierre were people of the lowest rank. And all of them, recognizing Pierre as a master, shunned him, especially since he spoke French. Pierre heard with sadness the ridicule of himself.
The next evening, Pierre learned that all of these prisoners (and probably himself included) were to be tried for arson. On the third day, Pierre was taken with others to a house where a French general with a white mustache, two colonels and other Frenchmen with scarves on their hands were sitting. Pierre, along with others, was asked questions about who he was with the precision and certainty with which defendants are usually treated, supposedly exceeding human weaknesses. where was he? for what purpose? etc.
These questions, leaving aside the essence of the life case and excluding the possibility of disclosing this essence, like all questions asked in courts, were intended only to substitute the groove along which the judges wanted the defendant’s answers to flow and lead him to the desired goal, that is to the accusation. As soon as he began to say something that did not satisfy the purpose of the accusation, they took a groove, and the water could flow wherever it wanted. In addition, Pierre experienced the same thing that a defendant experiences in all courts: bewilderment as to why all these questions were asked of him. He felt that this trick of inserting a groove was used only out of condescension or, as it were, out of politeness. He knew that he was in the power of these people, that only power had brought him here, that only power gave them the right to demand answers to questions, that the only purpose of this meeting was to accuse him. And therefore, since there was power and there was a desire to accuse, there was no need for the trick of questions and trial. It was obvious that all answers had to lead to guilt. When asked what he was doing when they took him, Pierre answered with some tragedy that he was carrying a child to his parents, qu"il avait sauve des flammes [whom he saved from the flames]. - Why did he fight with the marauder? Pierre answered, that he was defending a woman, that protecting an insulted woman is the duty of every person, that... He was stopped: this did not go to the point. Why was he in the yard of the house on fire, where witnesses saw him? He answered that he was going to see what was happening in the building? Moscow. They stopped him again: they didn’t ask him where he was going, and why he was near the fire? They repeated the first question to him, to which he said he didn’t want to answer. Again he answered that he couldn’t say that. .
- Write it down, this is not good. “It’s very bad,” the general with a white mustache and a red, ruddy face told him sternly.
On the fourth day, fires started on Zubovsky Val.
Pierre and thirteen others were taken to Krymsky Brod, to the carriage house of a merchant's house. Walking through the streets, Pierre was choking from the smoke, which seemed to be standing over the entire city. Fires were visible from different directions. Pierre did not yet understand the significance of the burning of Moscow and looked at these fires with horror.
Pierre stayed in the carriage house of a house near the Crimean Brod for four more days, and during these days he learned from the conversation of the French soldiers that everyone kept here expected the marshal's decision every day. Which marshal, Pierre could not find out from the soldiers. For the soldier, obviously, the marshal seemed to be the highest and somewhat mysterious link in power.
These first days, until September 8th, the day on which the prisoners were taken for secondary interrogation, were the most difficult for Pierre.

Asian swimsuit (Trollius asiaticus), or Siberian frying - a type of perennial herbs from the genus, widespread in the Eastern, Middle and Western Siberia, in the mountainous regions of Altai, outside of Russia - in Mongolia and Central Asia. It grows in damp meadows and clearings, in bush thickets, and is found in the tundra along the edges of glaciers and in high alpine meadows.

It is a rhizomatous plant with one or several flowering stems ranging in height from 5 – 10 cm in the tundra belt to 100 cm in middle lane, to the base of which are adjacent 1-2 shortened vegetative shoots with a rosette of a few basal leaves, of which next year a peduncle will develop.

Rosette leaves with long, up to 30-60 cm, petioles, their leaf blades 10-16 cm wide, palmately divided, with five crenate-toothed lobes. Stem leaves (1 - 5 pieces) are of the same shape as the basal leaves, petiolate below, sessile above and smaller.

The most beautiful flowers of the Asian swimsuit in the photo

The flowers of the Asian swimsuit (see photo below) are large, up to 6 cm in diameter, bright orange, appear in late May - June, 1-5 pieces each. at the top of the stem. The calyx of the flower is spherical, flatter and more open than that of the European variety, and consists of 10-25 broadly elliptical sepals. The petals are narrow, widened upward, 2-3 times longer than the stamens and equal in length to the sepals. During flowering, which lasts up to 25 days, numerous nectary petals protrude upward from the center of the open cup, making the flowers appear double.

Asian swimsuit flower in the photo

The fruit is complex, consists of individual leaflets up to 10 mm long with thin spouts, in quantities from 25 to 54 pieces. Inside each leaflet there are 8-9 black seeds, ripening in late June - July.

The plant is very decorative, has been used in culture since 1759. There are terry garden forms, a series has been created hybrid varieties with large yellow, orange and red flowers of various shades. It is considered a good honey plant.

The culture is poisonous official medicine not used. In those regions where it grows naturally, in folk medicine(Tibetan, Mongolian, Altai and Western Siberia), used for diseases of the eyes and gastrointestinal tract, as a tonic. In the 19th century, yellow textile dye was obtained from the flowers.

It is a rare species and is included in a number of regional red books.

Asian swimsuit, also known as Siberian fry perennial herbs from the genus of swimsuits, which is common in the Middle, Western, and Eastern Siberia, as well as in Altai. Outside Russia it is found in Mongolia. Grows in damp clearings and meadows. It can also be found in the tundra near the edges of glaciers.

Asian bathwort is a rhizomatous plant that has one or more flowering stems, which vary greatly in height depending on the habitat. Thus, in the tundra they reach a height of 10 cm, while in the middle zone you can find meter-high representatives. The Asian swimsuit blooms with large bright orange flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in late May - early June. The calyx of the flower is spherical in shape, more open and flat than that of the European variety. The calyx consists of 10-25 spherical sepals. The petals are narrow in shape, widened upward. During the flowering period, which lasts 25 days, the flowers look double due to the numerous protruding nectary petals.

The Asian swimmer has a complex fruit, which consists of individual 10-mm leaflets, ranging from 26 to 54 pieces. Each leaflet contains up to 10 black seeds, which ripen in late June - July. The plant has been cultivated since 1759 because it is very decorative. There are terry garden representatives, and a number of hybrid varieties with large flowers have also been bred. different colors. It is considered a good honey plant.

Asian swimsuit is poisonous and has no use in official medicine. Often used in natural habitats local residents for diseases of the eyes and gastrointestinal tract as a tonic.

The plant is also included in a number of regional red books.

Lights (swimsuit) - perennial with very beautiful flowers of yellow or bright orange.

People call the swimsuit lights, but it also has other names: Siberian rose, bells, balabolki, troll flower, frying. The flowers of Siberia, by the way, have an interesting legend associated with one of their names: the lights are called the flower of trolls, because forest dwarfs brew their magic potion of life in these flowers.

Let's look at everything about it amazing flower: types and varieties, characteristics, advantages, cultivation on the site (propagation and care).

Characteristics of the swimsuit

Here are the main indicators of the plant:

  • Family: Ranunculaceae;
  • Type: perennial;
  • Flowering time: late spring - early summer;
  • Height: up to 1 meter;
  • Advantages: beautiful, bright flowers and unpretentiousness;
  • Interesting fact: the swimsuit is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Shelekhov, Irkutsk region, and the Asian swimsuit was also depicted on Soviet stamps.

Swimsuit - herbaceous plant with a strong root system. She prefers wet places : meadows, swamps, banks of reservoirs. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the name of the plant.

By the way, the lights always keep the stem straight, this is necessary for preservation favorable conditions inside the flower, and this is often used by insects that settle in the bud.

Types and varieties of lights

In total, there are about thirty varieties of swimsuits. Let's look at the main ones, the most popular.

  • Asian. This type of swimsuit mainly grows in Siberia. She has rich orange flowers. It also grows in the Alps, Mongolia and the Urals. Here in spring and early summer you can see huge fields with bright blooming lights.
  • Chinese. Such a swimsuit can be seen in Japan, China, and the Ussuri region. It begins to bloom around July and continues to bloom for about 36 days.
  • European. The flowers have a bright lemon-yellow color, they bloom from May to June and grow in the temperate zone of Russia, as well as in the countries of Scandinavia.
  • Altai. It grows in the mountains, in Altai. Bright orange, but has distinctive feature - dark spot in the center of the flower.

There are a lot more cultivars This flower ranges from cream to bright orange and reddish.

Growing on your own plot

Nowadays, lights are very popular among gardeners. All thanks to their advantages. Let's look at how to propagate the plant, as well as the rules for caring for it.


Now very often these flowers have begun to be planted on their own plot. Of course, the easiest way is to dig up seedlings and transplant them yourself or buy ready-made seedlings. But if this is not possible, you will have to grow the plant with seeds. However, the lights also have a drawback - The germination rate of swimsuit seeds is low. It is best to sow seeds in autumn.

You can do this in the spring, but then you need to stratify the seeds. To do this, you need to keep the seeds in the sand at a temperature of 3-5 degrees for 3 months. In March, the seeds can be sown in a greenhouse or boxes, sprinkled with soil. In a month the shoots will appear. If necessary, plants are pruned. In the 3rd - 4th year the lights bloom. By the way, swimsuits are planted in nests of several at a distance of about 50 cm from each other.


Since the lights are unpretentious plant, caring for them is not at all difficult.

The plant needs watering during drought. You also need to regularly carry out weeding, loosening, fertilizing with mineral and potash fertilizers every 5 years, and the flower also needs pruning.

By the way, lights love light. The more it is, the more abundant the flowering, the stronger, taller and stronger the plant. Despite the fact that the swimsuit is shade-tolerant plant, it develops much better in the light, but in the shade growth occurs slowly and the plant is not as strong. Swimsuits go well with some garden herbs and flowers, especially blues and blues, such as bluebells, delphiniums, columbine, fescue, scilla and others.

Advantages of a swimsuit

It is not surprising that many different cultivated varieties of this plant have been bred and that it is popular, because the lights have a number of advantages:

  • beautiful, lush and bright flowering;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • disease resistance;
  • medicinal properties.

Unpretentiousness and disease resistance are hot - important advantages, especially in the harsh climate of Siberia, because it is not for nothing that the lights are called the Siberian rose: they combine beauty and durability. At the same time, they delight with their bright and abundant flowering for a long time.

What is a swimsuit used for?

In addition to the beautiful flowers, frying flowers are used as an excellent medicine for swelling, bruises, wounds, skin lesions, and tinctures are also prepared from it to treat the liver and other diseases. This is because the leaves and flowers contain large number vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Both the leaves and flowers of the plant are used in medicine.

The lights look very nice on alpine roller coaster, mixborders, flower beds. They look especially interesting in combination with some other herbs, flowers and landscape elements.

Thus, lights are magnificent, bright, unpretentious flowers that look great on the site and in wildlife, their buds are like a hot flame. In addition, they have many advantages and useful properties, for which they are so valued by both gardeners and doctors.

Frying flowers are very unusual and interesting plants, found in Siberia and in They, like semi-precious stones, glow with lights in the dark malachite of lush greenery. When the buds open, the flowers turn the meadow into a huge sea, in which the burning orange sun seems to be reflected.

In clearings in the forest, in endless meadows, frying flowers delight the eye almost all summer, lighting up with lively lights in May and not going out until August.

Another name for these wonderful flowers is swimsuits. It won't be difficult to grow them if you want. The main thing is to remember that this plant is a lover of moisture. His root system, lying superficially, cannot tolerate dry soil. That is why frying flowers, the flowers of Siberia, choose a cooler climate, and their accumulation in glades is most often observed in meadows near water bodies, in the shade of lush tree crowns. These flowers choose loose, fertile, moist soils.

If the soil in your garden is loamy, this is by no means a reason to abandon your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing “living lights”. You just need to prepare a hole, the diameter of which is 30 cm, and the depth is half the bayonet of a shovel. Then fill this hole with a mixture of garden soil and compost in a 1:1 ratio, add wood ash(1 cup), a tablespoon of superphosphate. Mix everything and dig again, but this time for the entire bayonet of a shovel. When it’s time to replant the plants in July or August, make sure that the roots are spread out to the sides and the bud is not hidden by the ground. You can plant anywhere, while mulching the ground with fir needles or leaves, but not thicker than five centimeters. It provides frying flowers required quantity moisture.

The swimsuit can grow in one place without requiring transplantation for about 5-7 years. In the future, the bush must be divided into separate parts and planted to avoid reducing the number of flowers. Fertilizing with nitrogen will not be superfluous ( early spring), superphosphate and (after flowering, when laying flower buds).

Severe Siberian frosts are not afraid of the lights either. Frying flowers do not need special protective shelters, but feel quite comfortable under a thick snow cap. To propagate the swimsuit, you can also use seeds that look like black, glossy, fairly large grains. Sowing is usually done in autumn time, in the year of collection. Seeds should be placed 1 cm deep into the soil. If everything is done correctly, then you can expect lights in your flowerbed in the second year.

Frying flowers (photo), also called Asian swimsuit, are distinguished not only by their beauty, they are valued for their healing properties. In folk medicine, infusions from this plant are used in the treatment of jaundice, as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent, and even as a cure for scurvy. An infusion of roots in water is an excellent helper for dropsy, scabies and This plant is widespread in Tibetan medicine. The inflorescences will help with weakened vision, and a decoction of leaves and flowers will help with abdominal pain. Mongolian medicine uses recipes with Asiatic flowers for stomach and intestinal disorders, blood diseases, and also as a means to tone up.

In flower beds, a stone will be an excellent companion for swimsuits. They can be arranged in the shape of a slide and added to them low plants, creating the effect of soil cover.

For florists and just for lovers beautiful bouquets The extraordinary durability of swimsuits will be interesting. With its beauty flower arrangement will delight until all the buds completely wither.

A beautiful swimsuit is the heroine of legends in your garden. Asian swimsuit Asian swimsuit botanical description

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