Cover the laminate with yacht varnish. Is it possible to recoat laminate flooring? Which varnish to choose for laminate

When choosing the type of flooring, many people choose laminate. The material is beautiful, quite durable and does not require complicated maintenance. But over time, the outer coating may fade and owners often decide to use varnish to restore it. Let’s figure out whether it’s even possible to use varnish for laminate flooring and what you need to consider when choosing this product.

There are opposing opinions about whether it is possible to varnish a laminate floor. Some claim that this is absolutely forbidden to do this, while others believe that using varnish is an opportunity to extend the service life of the coating. But in order for the result to please you, you need to choose the right type of material and apply it correctly.

Pros and cons of using varnish

The desire to use varnish may arise in two cases:

  • if the laminate has just been laid and the owners strive to provide it with the maximum possible protection from wear;
  • if the coating has already served and has lost its attractive appearance.

But before you start choosing a varnish, you should first understand what the disadvantages of using varnish are and whether this method of decorating a coating has any advantages.

Negative points

Negative experience with using laminate varnish is due to the fact that when choosing and applying the material, the properties of the coating were not taken into account. Namely:

  • Presence of polymer film. On top, all lamellas are covered with a polymer film, which protects the middle part of the laminate board from moisture. This film has weak adhesion to most types of paints and varnishes. Therefore, if the type of varnish is chosen incorrectly, the varnish coating will begin to peel off, which will not decorate the appearance floor.
  • Floating type of coating. During installation, the laminate is not fixed to either the walls or the floor, that is, the coating is “floating”. This installation method is necessary in order to compensate for fluctuations in geometric dimensions due to fluctuations in humidity and temperature in the rooms. In addition, this installation method allows you to compensate for the presence of small unevenness on the base. If you apply varnish to the laminate, the varnish film will be damaged as it moves, that is, the floor surface will soon become covered with cracks.

A little positivity

Thanks to modern methods installation and use of suitable building materials, negative points can be leveled. So:

  • if the installation was carried out in compliance with all technology requirements, then the coating will not sag in areas of unevenness, since it is laid on a leveled base and on a compensation substrate;

  • V modern houses Climate control equipment (air conditioners, heaters) is widely used, so the rooms are usually maintained at a stable temperature. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid changes in the linear dimensions of the coating associated with the characteristics of the microclimate;
  • To avoid peeling of the varnish film due to poor adhesion, it is necessary to choose the right type of varnish.

Thus, it is possible to use varnish to cover laminate flooring, but only taking into account the characteristics of this type of flooring.

Material selection

To get good result, it is important to choose the right varnish. Let's figure out what paint and varnish material can be used. Before choosing a varnish, you need to clarify what composition the polymer film on the selected type of laminate has. Then you will need to choose paint material on an appropriate basis. There are two options for film composition:

  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane.

This means that the varnish will need to be chosen, respectively, based on acrylic or polyurethane.

Advice! When choosing any materials for laminate care, you should give preference to those that are adapted for this coating. That is, the description must directly indicate that this product is suitable for laminate flooring.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the properties of the material. Basic requirements:

  • the paint and varnish material should not have a strong odor, since it will be used indoors, and the presence of an odor will significantly complicate the life of residents. In addition, odorless products are usually harmless, while those with a strong smell contain harmful volatile solvents;

  • the material must be quick-drying, because few people like the prospect of not entering the room for several days. If you use a quick-drying option, you can start using the room within a day;
  • To ensure protective properties, you should purchase a fixing varnish that forms a dense film that prevents scratches.

Application technology

The work is performed as follows:

  • the floor is thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;
  • if there are defects on the coating, they are masked using special colored pastes or wax;
  • apply the varnish with a roller or brush, evenly distributing the composition over the surface;
  • You need to apply it in three or four layers, waiting for the previous layer to dry.

Some home craftsmen believe that before applying the first coat of varnish, it is necessary to sand the laminate in order to improve adhesion. Experts categorically do not recommend doing this, since sanding will render the coating unusable and will need to be replaced.

Laminate varnish can be used for restoration or protection purposes. Practical experience shows that the latter option is more profitable, especially if the house has a high risk of damage to the laminate. For example, if there are pets in the house that can damage the laminate.

Among huge amount materials used for finishing floors, laminate is especially popular. Its demand is explained by its attractive appearance, ease of installation and reasonable cost. But along with positive qualities This coating has its drawbacks. A floor covered with laminate does not withstand contact with a large number moisture and scratches very easily.

To prevent premature replacement of flooring, apartment owners try in every possible way to protect it from rapid wear. And here many people think: is it possible to varnish laminate flooring? Today this issue is very relevant and causes a lot of controversy, so in this article we will pay special attention to it.

Varnish coating on laminate: for or against?

Companies that produce laminate flooring speak very negatively about this method of protecting floors. At the same time, manufacturers of paint and varnish compositions are asserting with all their might that their products can significantly extend their service life. decorative covering and are even suitable for its restoration.

It is very difficult for an ordinary consumer to make up his mind due to such conflicting opinions, so let’s try to figure out for ourselves whether laminate flooring can be varnished and what advantages and disadvantages this procedure may have.

In order to understand what the manufacturers' arguments are based on, let's look at the structure of the laminated board. It consists of the following layers:

1. Balancer.

2. HDF support panel.

3. Kraft paper.

5. Protective coating.

A heavy-duty film acts as a protective layer, which forms a smooth (monolithic) surface that does not have pores. For this reason, it is simply impossible to achieve good adhesion of the varnish and the laminate itself. After all, we all know that when processing wooden surfaces(to achieve better adhesion) the varnish is applied in at least 2 layers, where the first fills the pores of the wood, and the second is a fixative.

In the case of laminate, the varnish will not be able to penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, so such protection will be very short-lived. In this regard, the varnish will quickly crack, begin to peel off and lag behind the base.

The floating method of laying laminate flooring is an obstacle to varnishing the floor

Dense coating is not the only argument because of which many answer negatively to the question of whether laminate flooring can be varnished. Features of laying this decorative material do not allow the floor covering to be made solid and motionless. It is fixed only with the help of baseboards located around the perimeter of the room.

Due to the fact that the planks are not attached to the base in any way and are not tightly fixed to each other, during operation the floors “play” slightly, which negatively affects the integrity of the varnish layer.

Some craftsmen prefer to lay the laminate on a special adhesive, which makes it immovable and opens up the possibility of applying protective layers of varnish. However, in this case, it should be taken into account that if there are defects on the floor surface (in the form of bumps, depressions, recesses), the fixed coating will fail much faster.

Arguments in favor of varnishing laminate flooring

Despite the above facts, the question of whether laminate flooring can be varnished cannot be answered with a categorical “no.” When making your final decision, you need to take into account the following points:

1. Before laying any floor covering, almost all craftsmen try to pour a leveling layer of screed, which eliminates the occurrence of unevenness and differences. As a result of these actions, the laminate lies almost motionless.

2. Modern systems Room air conditioning (available in almost every home) helps maintain a stable temperature and humidity level in the room, which eliminates swelling and deformation of the decorative wood covering. Varnish applied to a fixed base lasts much longer and does not crack.

3. If old finish the floor looks unaesthetic, has large number scratches and abrasions, it is possible and necessary to varnish the laminate, since this is the only economical way to give the surface a beautiful appearance (without replacing the decorative coating).

What varnish should I use and can laminate be coated with parquet varnish?

As you can see, there are weighty arguments on both the positive and negative sides. When drawing your own conclusions, take into account the condition of your screed and the quality of the product itself.

So, if, after reading this information, you answered positively to the question whether laminate flooring can be varnished, you can begin choosing the composition.

First of all, you should determine what the glossy surface of the cladding is made of.

You can find this information on the packaging of the laminate, and if it is not preserved, then on the manufacturer’s website.

This information is very important, since the varnish must be made on the basis of the same component that acts as a protective layer. So, if the film applied to the product contains acrylic, then the varnish should be purchased at acrylic base. For polyurethane coatings, a product of a similar composition is selected.

Please note that for laminate you should choose special compounds designed for working with glossy surfaces, as they are more adapted to contact with specific substrates like laminate.

The shade of varnish is chosen depending on the color of the material itself. For light colors, it is better to choose white varnishes, while for more saturated colors it is better to purchase transparent formulations.

As for the question of whether it is possible to cover laminate flooring, this possibility should be immediately ruled out. The thing is that these compounds are oriented towards adhesion to rough wood surfaces, so they will not last long on laminate.

Varnish application technology

Now let's look at laminate varnishing technology. It involves performing the following work:

1. Careful preparation of the base. The floors are cleaned of debris and dust. Naturally, laminate cannot be puttyed or sanded. Usage sandpaper also unacceptable!

2. Troubleshooting. If there are scratches and various visible damage on the coating, they are masked using construction paste or putty. suitable color. It is applied to the desired area, gently rubbed and all excess is removed.

3. Repairing chips. If there are deep scratches and chips on the laminate, they are covered with a layer of ordinary PVA glue and left until completely dry.

4. Applying varnish. From the corner of the room, using a wide brush or roller, begin to apply varnish. During work, you need to move towards the exit. For your own safety, you should ensure that a sufficient amount of fresh air enters the room.

5 Reprocessing. After the first coat of varnish has dried, apply the second coat. In total, the composition is applied in 3-4 layers.

For best preservation of the laminate, repeat this procedure every 3-4 years.

Advantages of the procedure

In deciding whether laminate flooring can be varnished, reviews from people who have already carried out similar work have great value. They talk about the following:

Laminate covered with several layers of varnish lasts 2-3 times longer than unprotected cladding.

With the help of a properly selected composition, you can easily get rid of dark scratches and dirt.

The coating on which the varnish is applied is much less scratched, erased and dirty.

Shiny varnish gives an effect that makes them more attractive.


In this article, we examined in detail the question of whether it is possible to varnish laminate flooring and what composition is best to use for these purposes. Obviously, there is no clear answer. Each owner must weigh all the pros and cons of this procedure, and then draw their own conclusions. We hope our article will help you with this.

Laminated boards for covering are chosen due to their affordable price, attractive appearance, ease of installation and good wear resistance. However, even with such high advantages, the material has

Quantity calculator

And disadvantages, for example, low repairability, or, more precisely, difficulties with restoration.

Whether laminitis is opened with varnish and how justified this is is a controversial question.

Disadvantages of varnishing

The coating quite often imitates a parquet floor - this option looks the most impressive, and its wear resistance is even higher. However, unlike real parquet, laminate cannot be restored in the same way, that is, cycled and covered with varnish or wax.

However, judging by the reviews, such attempts are being made, but with very variable success. Most manufacturers, for example, began to specifically indicate that varnishing boards is prohibited.

  • The new laminate is protected by a layer of melamine resin and does not require any additional protection. Here the question is whether it can be coated with any means, the answer is definitely negative.
  • A smooth top surface of the laminate, among other things, means poor adhesion. A layer of the wrong product will not hold up and will quickly crack.
  • Laminate flooring, as a rule, is a floating structure: the boards change in volume under the influence of temperature and moisture, but the non-rigid fastening compensates for this change. But if any composition gets into the joints, it will most likely be damaged when changed, and the “protective” coating, accordingly, will crack. From this point of view, whether laminate flooring can be varnished means avoiding getting the product into the joints between the boards. Which means to use is another question.

Possibilities for restoration

In order to decide in principle whether it is possible to varnish the floor, it is necessary to consider some factors.

  • A reliable and level substrate ensures the stability of the floor, which, in turn, eliminates too noticeable fluctuations in the volume of the board, as reviews indicate.
  • Good ventilation ensures stable temperature and humidity conditions, which benefits any finish.
  • You can varnish laminate flooring, just like parquet, but only if you use a composition designed specifically for laminated floors. As a rule, these are polyurethane and acrylic compositions, since their properties are close to the material’s own protective layer.

What varnish should I use to coat laminate flooring?

The choice of funds is very wide. However, as in the case of parquet flooring, only certain compositions are suitable for laminated flooring, so in practice, the answer to the question of which product to use turns out to be much shorter. The principle of choice is very simple: if the board is protected with a polyurethane layer, then it can be coated with a two-component polyurethane mixture. If the laminate is protected with an acrylic or melamine layer, an acrylic-based product will do.

Another option is epoxy coating. It can be considered universal, according to expert reviews.

Laminate floor varnishing differs from parquet flooring primarily in that scraping is not allowed.

  1. The surface is thoroughly cleaned, but only mild, non-abrasive products are used. Then you should thoroughly dry the floor.
  2. Cracks and chips are treated with a special paste, and the remains are removed. If the abrasion is too great, this area is covered with a layer of PVA glue.
  3. The composition is applied with a roller or soft brush. At this time, the room should be ventilated, and it is advisable to perform work in a respirator or mask.
  4. Varnish mixtures dry quickly, so a minimum of time is allocated for correcting mistakes.
  5. The procedure is repeated 2-3 more times.

The photo shows a varnished laminated floor that imitates parquet. The difference is very difficult to notice.

Laminate is very beautiful and high quality flooring, and is also easy to install. That is why, when choosing a material for finishing a floor, people often make their choice in its favor. However, laminate flooring needs some care if there is a desire to maintain its original appearance for a long time. If you simply place it on the base and then occasionally wipe it with a cloth, the material will quickly lose its appearance. To make laminate flooring shine, it needs special care.

To make laminate shine - how to do it

Laminate is a floor covering that consists of small panels made from fibreboard. This is a multilayer material that has a paper layer on which the coating pattern is printed directly, as well as a protective top layer with which the paper itself is covered.

Note! Laminate is sometimes called laminated parquet, but this is a fundamentally erroneous idea of ​​the material. It's all about the structure and the substances from which it is made. Parquet consists entirely of wood, while laminate has a layered structure that contains both paper and polymers.

Laminate board - device

Advantages of laminate:

  • low price;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • ease of installation using special locks;
  • the ability to choose different colors;
  • sufficient wear resistance with proper care;
  • possibility of implementing any design solutions.

Disadvantages of laminate:

  • the material requires a perfectly flat base for installation;
  • needs special care;
  • scratches easily;
  • and finally main drawback– the material is afraid of water (except moisture-resistant variety), which complicates wet cleaning.

Since the laminate is based on fiberboard (a material that does not tolerate moisture), this floor requires special care. Simply washing it with water will not work. If the laminate is subjected to intense moisture, it begins to lose its appearance - its edges swell, bulge, and bend. Even after drying, the material may not return to its original state, and only complete replacement coverings.

Attention! If flooding occurs in an apartment where laminate flooring is installed, then with a 99% probability the entire coating will have to be removed and thrown away. Although in some cases, if the laminate is disassembled and dried, the floors can still be saved. However, this is only possible if a high-class coating is used.

It is because of hydrophobia that the material cannot be installed in bathrooms. Even a slight excess of a certain level of humidity in the room will negatively affect the external condition and performance qualities laminate The service life of the coating in this case is reduced to only 8 years.

Prices for laminate Tarkett

Tarquette laminate

Basic rules for washing laminate flooring, important nuances of the process

Do not wash laminate floors in the same way as regular floors, and do not use untested methods and products. Fortunately, laminate has been on the market for several years now, so certain rules have now been formed for the care of this coating.

People begin to learn about how to care for laminate flooring only after they have already made some mistakes or encountered certain results of incorrect work. For example, whitish streaks appear on the surface of the coating or the edges of the lamellas become chipped and wavy.

To prevent this from happening, you have to take special care of the material.

Attention! Under no circumstances should products containing abrasives be used to clean laminate flooring. They will hopelessly damage the coating, “rewarding” it with scratches.

Prices for care product for laminate floors Emsal

Emsal Laminate floor care product

If you do not take care of the laminate, there is a risk that the coating will fade, become covered with stains and will no longer please the home owners with its beauty.

How to wash laminate flooring at home

To clean the laminate and remove stains on it, as well as to add shine, only use special means. Among them there are both professional and folk preparations, homemade. You can familiarize yourself with them by looking at the table below.

Table. Laminate cleaning products.


About 2-3 tbsp. l. of this universal culinary remedy are diluted in a large bucket of water. It is important that it is vinegar and not vinegar essence. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice or alcohol.

Also diluted in small quantities in a bucket of water. However, do not forget about testing the resulting solution on a piece of laminate.

These can be “Bugs Mastic”, “K-Floor”, “Emsal Laminate”, etc. Since the products contain special components, the action of which is aimed at cleansing and gentle care specifically behind the laminate, they will not cause harm to the material if you use them exactly according to the instructions. Some of them do not even need to be washed off the floor surface - on the contrary, they will add shine to the coating.

To prepare this product, mix 2 cups of vinegar and the same amount warm water, 1 tbsp is added to them. l. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergents. The composition will make the coating shiny, and will not harm the material.

In general, if the laminate has been handled with care, the coating can be easily cleaned with regular clean water and a soft cloth. And if any kind of cleaning agent is used to clean the coating? chemical agent, then it is important to read the instructions for use before use and act strictly according to them - an overly thick and saturated solution can damage the laminate.

What is needed for cleaning

Before you start cleaning your laminate flooring, it is important to purchase everything you need for this procedure. For cleaning you will need:

  • a brush or broom with soft bristles;
  • mop;
  • a vacuum cleaner equipped with a special brush;
  • sponge without abrasive side;
  • rag (you can use microfiber cloth, flannel);
  • bucket of water room temperature;
  • means for cleaning laminate flooring or prepared independently according to folk recipes.

What is better not to use

When cleaning laminate flooring, you cannot use some of the usual means. They can cause irreparable damage to the coating. List of drugs that should not be used to clean laminate flooring:

Attention! Protective caps should be put on furniture legs, since moving a chair or any other interior element on the laminate can seriously damage the surface by scratching it.

It is also not recommended to use a vacuum cleaner to clean laminate flooring. Yes, it is convenient for removing dirt and makes life much easier for apartment owners, but since laminate does not like water, it household device may cause irreparable damage to the coating.

Note! Some modern models Vacuum cleaners with a mopping function can still be used to clean laminate floors. It is important to clarify this point with store managers household appliances when purchasing equipment.

How to choose the right cleaning product

Among the wide variety of home cleaning products, there is an extensive range of products designed for cleaning laminate flooring. And choosing a product that will suit the apartment owner and is ideal for coating is quite difficult.

In order to do right choice, necessary:

  • evaluate the form that is convenient to work with. The products are available in the form of shampoos, gels, powders;
  • evaluate the environmental friendliness of the drug, especially if there are children in the house;
  • look at the composition of the product, make sure that it does not contain substances hazardous to the coating.

Floors in rooms for different purposes are washed at different intervals. For example, in the hallway and kitchen, laminate flooring will be cleaned more often, but in other rooms it can be cleaned less often. However, dust in any case, even if the entire house is kept clean, will quickly settle on the surface, which increases the frequency of cleaning using water.

Fortunately, there are now products on sale that have an antistatic effect. Of course, they won’t completely prevent dust from settling, but they will reduce the amount of dust on the floor.

Advice! To clean laminated surfaces, it is convenient to use robotic vacuum cleaners, which are programmed to clean the house in the absence of the owner. They clean the floors very carefully.

How to remove stains from laminate flooring

Laminate, like any other coating, can be completely dirty. different types spots You need to deal with them carefully and in a special way.

Table. How to remove stains from laminate flooring.

Type of stainsRemoval method
White stains from cleaning productsEliminated using any alcohol solution, applied to a soft cloth.
Felt penThe best remedy against such contamination is white spirit applied to a rag.
SpiritsThe best cleaning option is denatured alcohol.
Chocolate and other confectionery productsA mild soap solution will do.
Black shoe marksUse a regular eraser to erase pencil marks or a soda solution.
FatsRegular soap can handle them.
InkIf the stain is fresh, it can be removed with plain water and a rag. If it’s old, you’ll have to use any laminate cleaner or ink stain remover.
BloodWindow glass cleaning spray will help defeat such stains.

How to wash laminate flooring - cleaning steps

Step 1. All large debris is removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner. It is important to sweep away sand, crumbs and other debris that can create an abrasive effect when mopping the floor with a rag and ruin the coating. All distant corners and hard-to-reach places are swept well.

Step 2. Water at room temperature is poured into the bucket. Do not use hot or cold liquid - the first will harm both the laminate and human hands, the second will simply be uncomfortable to use. Next, in accordance with the instructions for use, a small amount of laminate cleaner is thoroughly dissolved in water.

Step 3. A soft cloth (preferably microfiber) is dipped into the bucket and wrung out well. The fabric should be damp, but not damp. To begin with, washes small area surface to ensure that the product is safe to coat.

Step 4. The rag is put on the mop, the laminate is wiped well over the entire area.

Step 5. As the fabric becomes dirty, the rag should be rinsed thoroughly clean water, wet again with the liquid containing the diluted product. The floors continue to be cleared of dirt.

After finishing cleaning, the floors can be wiped dry soft cloth or leave to dry naturally by opening the windows indoors.

Prices for washing vacuum cleaners for laminate flooring

washing vacuum cleaner for laminate flooring

Video - How to care for laminate flooring

Video - How and how to wash laminate flooring

Video - How to properly wash moisture-resistant laminate

Cleaning laminate flooring is a simple process. The main thing is that during work, all the rules for putting it in order are followed. Then the coating will last as long as possible and will not lose its beautiful appearance.

Floor finishing is carried out different types materials. IN lately consumers prefer modern look finishing, which is realized using laminate. It has many advantages: original look floors, ease of installation work and affordable price. But there is still a fly in the ointment - this high degree sensitivity to moisture. The question arises: is it necessary to protect the laminated coating? If so, what is the best varnish for laminate flooring?

The instructions for using laminate flooring indicate that exposure to moisture is detrimental to the laminate flooring. Therefore, consumers often ask the question: is it possible to varnish laminate flooring? Moreover, many complain about the rapid occurrence of scratches on the laminated surface. Let's try to figure out how to avoid these problems.

Arguments against varnishing laminate flooring

To better understand the inappropriateness of varnishing a laminate flooring, you must first become familiar with the structure of the board. It is this factor that will prompt the answer to the question whether it is possible to varnish laminate flooring:

  • The laminate production process already includes the installation of a protective layer. It involves lamination, that is, applying a film that can protect the decorative layer.
  • Unlike parquet board, laminate has no pores. This is a shortcoming in ensuring adhesion of its surface with the paint composition that is planned to be used. After all, when opening the wood, the first layer of varnish penetrates into its pores. In the case of laminate, this process is absent.
  • The next answer to the question of whether laminate flooring is varnished depends on the method of its installation. This is not a solid structure. It consists of separate strips that are connected to each other using a special lock. Experts call this type of installation floating. That is, during use, the coating can change its position. Therefore, a coating arranged in this way is not better basis for applying varnish.

You can purchase laminate already varnished during the manufacturing process.

On video: why you don’t need to varnish laminate flooring.

Positive factors for varnishing

Let's look at the main factors why you still need to varnish this floor covering:

  • The process of laying laminated floors begins with preparing the base, during which we try to create a perfectly level screed. This reduces floor movement.
  • The next factor is to provide a decent ventilation system, which makes it possible to maintain optimal conditions for good and durable functioning of the laminate and reducing the process of its vibration to zero.
  • The last condition is the selection of high-quality protection varnish that forms a reliable coating against scratches.

If we talk about what varnish to cover the laminate, then you should listen to the advice of the manufacturers:

  • Initially, find out what composition the laminating material was made from protective coating.
  • Use acrylic-based varnish if protective layer acrylic, and polyurethane, if the protection is made of polyurethane.

Related compositions interact very well with each other. If the solutions have a different base, this can lead to unpredictable results, even rendering the laminate board unusable.

Please note that the use of varnish for parquet is not recommended, since the process of coating a parquet board is significantly different from how a laminate should be varnished. It is necessary to coat the laminate with varnish, which has properties corresponding to the specific adhesion of the coloring solution to the surface of the laminate board.

We also pay attention to the color varnish coating. It should match the tone of the decorative layer of the laminate. You can also cover the floor with clear varnish.

Important! It is worth remembering that in any case, the laminate is opened immediately after installation.

Varnishing process

To ensure the quality of the varnish coating, we will consider the technology of applying varnish to a laminate coating. It consists of several stages:

  1. We carefully prepare the floor in advance. To do this, clean the surface well. There should be no debris or dust left. Under no circumstances should you scrape or putty a laminate board. Sanding with sandpaper is also excluded.
  2. If there are any defects, the damaged areas must be masked using a paste that has a shade similar to the decor of the board. The work should be carried out carefully, and excess paste should be removed.
  3. If there is significant damage to the surface, it should be repaired using PVA glue. To do this, apply glue to deep chips and wait until it dries completely.
  4. Then they begin to apply varnish to the surface. This process uses a paint brush or roller. The first layer of varnish begins to be applied from the far corner of the room and moves towards the exit.
  5. After the first applied layer has dried completely, begin reapplying the paint and varnish substance. To ensure good quality it is necessary to apply 3-4 layers.

Laminate flooring must be treated with a varnishing compound once every 3–4 years. When performing work, it is necessary to ensure the room is ventilated so that varnish vapors do not harm human health.

Additional coating properties

Despite all the doubts and disagreements about whether it is possible to paint laminate flooring with varnishes, there are significant advantages to this procedure. Many of them are noted by consumers who have already completed this procedure. These include:

  • Applying several layers of a protective substance reliably protects the surface for several years.
  • If you choose the right varnish, you can almost completely get rid of scratches and other minor damage.
  • During cleaning, you don’t have to worry about the harmful effects of moisture on the laminate board.
  • Varnish gives the floor surface an original look, which compares favorably with the natural coating by giving it shine.

So, this article provides significant arguments as to whether laminate flooring can be varnished and how to do it correctly. But the decision remains only with the owners, depending on personal preferences, room conditions and the quality of the laminate board.

Lacquered laminate in the interior (30 photos)



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