DIY: a gift box made from a shoe. How to use a shoebox

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How to give things a second life or decorate a box with your own hands

Think for a moment about how many shoeboxes or other small items you have thrown away in your life. Quite a lot, isn't it? What if you knew how to decorate a box with your own hands and turn it into a beautiful one, and most importantly convenient organizer for necessary things?

Today I will tell you why it is not at all necessary to throw away unnecessary cardboard boxes and what is the best way to deal with them. Well, let's get started.

Why are boxes needed?

  1. Creative supplies. If you like to paint pictures or knit, then you are familiar with the problem of scattered brushes, paints, hooks, knitting needles or yarn. With a cardboard box, all accessories will be located in one place.
  2. Small children's toys. Yes, standard DIY interior boxes will not accommodate a huge stuffed elephant, or a big car. But they fit perfectly small details designer, and you will stop stepping on such unsuccessfully scattered Lego pieces.
  3. Chargers for gadgets. In order not to constantly move the charger from your phone, laptop or tablet from place to place, you just need to put them in an original designed box and place it closer to the outlet.

Needless to say, it’s much nicer to store seasonal shoes in decorated cardboard boxes? With boxes like these, your closet or pantry will look much brighter and more cheerful.

Decorating boxes

I hope I was able to convince you that boxes in the interior are not only stylish, but also practical. In this section I will share the main features of creating such useful accessories.


To make your box not only visually attractive, but also stronger, you should choose:

  • Wrapping paper or wallpaper. To secure them, stock up in advance on the most common PVA and double-sided tape;
  • Textile. To decorate, you don’t have to buy expensive materials; scraps from old sweaters, skirts and pants are quite suitable.

I have described the most popular types of materials, however, it is also worth mentioning burlap and jute. The price for them will be a little higher than for the previously mentioned elements, but they will become simply irreplaceable if you prefer decoration in Provence.


To make decorating a cardboard box with your own hands as enjoyable as possible, you need to adhere to a few simple recommendations on arranging the workplace and choosing tools.

  • Before you start decorating, be sure to carefully think through the future design of the box, select for it suitable wallpaper, paper or fabric.
  • It’s good to use a spacious table for creativity. Remove all unnecessary items from it, leave only those that will be useful to you directly for decoration.
  • The most common tools for decorating boxes include: glue, scissors, drawing pencil, pins or paper clips, double-sided and regular tape, and a stationery knife.

Popular design options

I’ll tell you the two simplest ones, but that doesn’t make it any less original version decorating ordinary shoe boxes.

Simple and tasteful

To decorate a box with gift paper, you need to follow these tips:

  • choose paper the size of which allows you to completely wrap the box;
  • place the cardboard product on the paper, make small cuts from the edges of the wrapping material to the box itself;
  • carefully wrap each edge and glue it to the sides of the box;
  • cut out small geometric figures (circles, triangles, stars) from colored cardboard;
  • stick the figures around the entire perimeter of the product, then you can connect them together with decorative thread.

For the most romantic

The option of decorating the product with fabric looks incredibly cute and touching. This box will complement your interior and add a touch of romanticism to it.

  • on the edge of the selected fabric with a cute print, trace the bottom of the selected box with chalk, pencil or pen;
  • then place the box on its side one by one to measure its height;
  • From the resulting drawing, measure another 2-3 additional centimeters. This will make it possible to better secure them from the inside of the box;
  • at the intersection of the previously marked lines, it is necessary to make small indents and draw a dotted line instead;
  • cut out the element at the marked points;
  • coat the box thoroughly with glue, then carefully special attention paying attention to the corners, glue the fabric to it;
  • Use the same pattern to decorate the lid.

In fact, the resulting box is already good in itself, but I would still recommend decorating it satin ribbons, artificial flowers or lace details. This will make the accessory even more delicate and cute.

These simple and unpretentious instructions for decorating boxes will allow you to give seemingly ordinary pieces of cardboard a second life.

In conclusion

Each of us loves a beautifully decorated interior. This commitment becomes especially important in cases where interior design decisions influence good mood and joy for our loved ones.

With the proper ingenuity, you can create any design options with your own hands.

This joy can also be caused by the gifts that we love to give each other. But how can you make sure that the gift is not just ordinary, but something unique and memorable for a long time?

There are several different solutions for this, and today we will talk about one of them: decorating the box using wallpaper, paper, fabric and other similar materials. Covering a box with wallpaper or covering it beautifully with fabric is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Let's take a look quick master class that contains step by step instructions How to do it yourself by decorating a cardboard shoe box both inside and outside.

If you do not have experience in such work, there is no need to despair and worry. The scheme of work is quite simple, since it allows you to do the decoration yourself by completing the design according to the pattern. As for choosing a gift box, it can be either with or without a lid: decoration does not depend on its shape. It can be square, rectangular and even round.

Working with paper and wallpaper

Before learning about the process of decorating a box with wallpaper, it is necessary to say a few words about what materials and tools will be necessary and may be needed when performing the work.

Box selection

It would seem that any toy storage box, shoe box, etc. can be suitable for decoration or decoupage. However, this is not entirely true, since important criterion is not only a suitable size, but also sufficient strength of the material. In addition, it is important to pay attention to how durable the lid is.

Remember! Small packaging may also be quite suitable. household appliances and various devices. As a rule, packaging containers are made of corrugated cardboard.

Corrugated cardboard (corrugated packaging) is durable packaging that is, in fact, free. The fact is that after purchasing the product you will no longer need it, except in cases where it can be used for long-term storage or transporting things, dishes, and so on. An example of such material would be packaging from:

  • Electric kettle.
  • Thermos.
  • Shoes - sneakers, shoes, boots.

By the way, it would be advisable to pay attention to the fact that, despite the fairly strong material, the edges of the box itself may diverge somewhat. It is for this reason that it is advisable to additionally glue them. This will help avoid possible problems associated with deformation in the future.

What tools should you use?

Overall, you won't need many tools. All of them are the most common ones, widely used in everyday life. As a rule, we are talking about ordinary scissors, as well as a stationery knife. At the same time, for greater convenience, you can use some additional accessories, such as a ruler, a special clamp that will be used for fixation, and a set of brushes.

How to choose materials

To wrap the box, you can use small scraps of leftover wallpaper. In addition, the decor can be made with the following materials:

  1. Newspapers (this will look very stylish, including in some modern interior styles).
  2. Film (including self-adhesive) made from a variety of materials.
  3. Napkins, preferably thick ones.
  4. Paper, especially colored or intended specifically for gift decoration.

The composition of the wallpaper that will be used for decoration can be very different: vinyl, paper, non-woven and even fabric (textile). How to decorate a shoe box using fabric will be discussed below.

Different finishing options offer a lot of possibilities to create any design you like. You can decorate in one style or another using different options patterns, colors and shades: red, brown, blue, yellow, gray, green, turquoise, beige and many other “representatives” color range. When combined with original patterns and ornaments, they can really give great result. No one will believe that you did all this with your own hands.

Advice! For final finishing your decorative “box” can use a protective transparent varnish. Its role is to create a special layer that will clean the surface to be decorated in case of possible ingress of water and other liquids.

In addition to materials, you need to take care of making the right choice glue. Selecting it is not so difficult: you can use the same adhesives that are used for gluing ordinary wallpaper of one type or another, be it paper, vinyl or non-woven fabrics. When working with paper coverings, time-tested PVA glue, which can be bought at almost any hardware store, will also work well. speaks in his favor favorable price and excellent characteristics, since it glues paper, cardboard and many other materials well.

Main stages of work

In the practice of home design and decor, there are several ways to cover a box with wallpaper. Some of them are quite complex. Therefore, as an instruction for beginners, it is advisable to focus on the simplest method. So, here is the sequence of necessary actions:

  • First of all, we need to take the proper amount of material. Please note that a few extra centimeters will not hurt, so you need to take a certain margin (overlap). We straighten the wallpaper, leveling it on a table or other similar surface.
  • Then, using a pencil, we mark out a pattern for decorating a shoe box or other product, depending on what exactly you are using.
  • The next step: you need to carefully wrap the box (both its bottom and side parts) with paper, turning it inside and pressing it tightly. Thus, we prepare the wallpaper for gluing. We take them off and put them aside for now.
  • Using cutting tool, get rid of unnecessary pieces.
  • Now you can move on to pasting. We apply glue to the bottom of the box (from the outside, of course), and place it on the place outlined with a pencil. Press tightly. Using the same pattern, we glue the paper to the sides, and then to the inside (those areas that were folded.
  • But that's not all. Everything inside also needs to be glued so that general view was attractive not only from the outside. Contrasting paper colors are perfect for interior lining. You can use checkered or velvet paper. By the way, some types of fabric are also suitable.

So after adhesive composition completely dry, we can consider that our decorative gift box- the box is ready. On the other hand, you can go even further and continue decorating it. We'll talk about this below.

How to make decoupage

In addition to simple pasting, we can also talk about such processing technology as decoupage. In order to complete it, it is necessary, first of all, to select a drawing that would act as a plot. As for the material, a fairly popular solution is to use two-layer paper wallpaper, which is also known as “duplex”.

Nevertheless, the best solution in such cases, it is to watch video instructions for decorating using this method of decorating boxes. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a more detailed master class:

How to cover a box with fabric

In addition to decorating with wallpaper from newspapers or even tissue paper, there is another possibility for decoration. We are talking about the use of fabric. You can cover the box with fabric using a covering. That's enough easy way, which allows you to create a unique design and, in its own way, exclusive item.

Pay attention! Using this technique, you can not only sheathe the packaging itself, but also make an attractive textile cover for a gift box. Especially considering that while working you may end up with extra scraps of fabric.

Such an item can act as a separate independent gift, and can also be an excellent place to store all kinds of small items. household parts. These can be children's toys, objects home decor, sewing supplies and much more. You can especially please your mother or daughter with such gift wrapping. Many women love these very much decorative elements. So, here's what you'll need to cover a gift box with fabric:

  1. The box itself. When choosing it, you can use the same principles as described above to work with wallpaper, film or newspapers.
  2. The fabric you are going to use to cover it. It is desirable that it be dense. Denim, which is known to be made from cotton, is suitable. But some other varieties are also acceptable. It’s best to take at least two colors, but more is possible
  3. Special glue and tape (it is better to use double-sided).
  4. Sharp scissors.
  5. Additionally, it is necessary to say about a durable cord, the shade of which should either match or contrast with the fabric base, as well as an awl, which may also be needed.

Click the image below to view a larger view:

Well, now let's move on to a brief listing of the main stages of the work. To do everything right and count on good result, it is advisable to strictly follow these instructions:

  • Make a pattern for a square or rectangular box, which has relatively right angles easiest way. All you need to do is measure the size of the sides and also leave some margin for the part that will fold over to the other side. At the same time, it will not be easy to sew round or oval shaped trim. By the way, you can see examples of what happens as a result in the photo below.
  • We glue the main part. At the same time, it is advisable to choose a suitable glue that will not saturate the fabric through and through, leaving unsightly streaks and stains. It is allowed to use high-quality double sided tape, provided that it firmly glues the fabric and cardboard.
  • When working, it is advisable to make sure that the fabric is pressed tightly against the cardboard, without leaving folds or “waves.” If necessary, you will need to get rid of excess material.
  • After the design of the external sides is completed, we move on to gluing the inside.

Interesting! If necessary, you can make a decorative handle. They are made using a cord. It is either threaded into small holes made in advance, secured with knots, or glued, which, on the other hand, is a little less reliable.

Any woman feels happy when buying new shoes or boots. After they move from the store to our shoe closet, the shoe box takes pride of place in the closet or closet, where it collects dust until one day it ends up in a landfill.

But the scenario could be completely different, in which this very box acquires new life and continues to please his owner. Then two necessary things appear in the house at once - a new pair of shoes and a useful multifunctional box for storing small items.

Decorating shoe boxes is not only useful work, but also quite exciting.

Lesson for adults and children

You can involve children in the process. Decorating shoe boxes is not such a difficult task, it can have a learning effect and allows the child to develop. Children are happy to help adults when it comes to interesting handicrafts. Kids can make an applique out of paper, paint it with paints, and glue cut-outs from postcards. Later, the child will obediently and even happily hide the toys scattered throughout the apartment in these magic chests.

What materials can be used to decorate shoe boxes?

  • The very first thing that comes to mind is colored paper. You can take special gift wrapping paper, which comes with a variety of designs and patterns. It is convenient to use old wallpaper, newspapers and magazines for these purposes.
  • Fabrics provide the opportunity for flights of fancy. Not only color is important here, but also texture. Can be used as thin translucent fabrics, which are glued to the box, and dense, attractive with their texture.
  • Often, needlewomen decorate shoe boxes using glue, varnish and colored napkins.
  • You can find a variety of decorative materials in haberdashery stores. These are beads, shiny rhinestones, beads, ribbons and more.

How a shoebox's second life begins

Let's take a step-by-step look at how you can decorate an ordinary box using paper:

This is just the basics, and then you can decorate the colored box with a variety of elements. The main thing is that you like them and match the design to the interior. The inner surface can also be pasted over or covered with velor fabric. This can instantly turn an ordinary box into an interesting box.

We decorate shoe boxes and more (upgrade)

Let's look at the most popular and interesting ideas and bold examples of decor.

As you can see, decorating shoeboxes is... creative work. There are no clear instructions or strict rules. Maybe at the very beginning not everything will work out perfectly, but with a little practice, you will be able to create real masterpieces out of the ordinary.

Beautiful wrapping paper, wallpaper, foil and fabric scraps - great decor for a cardboard box that can be given a second life. After shopping and giving gifts, what remains is an aesthetic and convenient container that is a pity to throw away due to its spaciousness and practicality. Sometimes packaging can rival gifts in beauty, and it is always the first thing people pay attention to. A shoebox transformed with your own hands and beautifully decorated will serve as a “storage” for all sorts of little things for many months to come.

A shoebox can be turned into a stylish decorative item

Thrifty owners do not have anything superfluous or unnecessary, and they will use everything that can be reused. Sometimes masters approach their work so creatively, the degree of transformation is simply impressive. For example, creative people are able to decorate an ordinary box with their own hands in such a way that it will compete with antique boxes.

It's amazing how you can transform an ordinary cardboard box

Imagination and resourcefulness are the best advisers in decorating. You can use other people's ideas, adapting them to your capabilities and materials. But it is not only the method, technique or technique of decorating the box that is important; what is much more interesting is the consistency of the filling and the appearance of the packaging, which has been given a “second life”.

Organizer for storing handicraft items

Stylish boxes will decorate the interior of any room

So, the original appearance of the container is not important for the work, the main thing is that the old shoe boxes for decoration are intact, correct geometry. Most often this is an ordinary parallelepiped or cube, but there are also octagonal boxes. Although it is not necessary to take shoe containers, polygonal boxes are produced most often for candies, and they are quite aesthetic in themselves.

You don't have to be a professional decorator to decorate an old box.

Craftswomen use several boxes of different sizes and shapes, which are decorated with common material or decorated in general technology. Then they are stored, tied with a ribbon, somewhere on a visible set. There is no shame in giving such packaging as a gift, for example, 3 polka dot boxes, as in the photo.

A scrap shoebox, polka dot paper and ribbon are all you need to create a unique decorative item.

Boxes with intricate decor will decorate any interior; they are suitable as original idea for decorating a room with your own hands. Containers of the same format are proposed to be decorated from the inside. These new lidless "boxes" can be nailed to the wall as a good alternative to shelves.

Advice. If the boxes are located on the wall along the same line, it is better to strengthen them with a common strip from below.

In a decorative box computer desk You can bring a carrier where gadgets will be charged. The idea of ​​hidden charging is interesting because all the wires will be hidden. It also eliminates the need to search for something that should not always be in sight, but may be needed at any time.

Now chargers will not be scattered around the house

Wall-mounted cardboard boxes can be used to store or display small, lightweight items:

1. Hidden socket with carrying case For storage and nutrition chargers, cords and headsets for a mobile phone.
2. Hand-made Display beautiful knitted toys, homemade jewelry, and children's crafts.
3. Cosmetics, nail polish/nails, hair care items Hair dryer attachments, combs, hairpins, elastic bands, hairpins. Hairspray and foam. Bottles of gels, files and nail polish remover.
4. Collection of mini toys Kinder surprise figurines, origami toys, knitted characters, Barbie clothes.
5. Souvenirs brought from vacation Shells, starfish, corals, urchin fish, and other objects of marine fauna.
6. Designer details Lego, unassembled puzzles, detachable blocks.
7. Stationery Writing instruments, pencil boxes, rulers, squares, colored erasers.
8. Handicraft tools Buttons (in small boxes), sewing threads and needles, knitting needles, hooks, scissors.
9. Shade-loving indoor plants Mini succulents and cacti (many need additional lighting).

Filling a shoebox with DIY decor depends on many factors, including lifestyle, hobbies, and the overall number of small items in the home.

Convenient place to store jewelry

Shoe boxes can be used to store books

Advice. Decorate identical boxes with decorative inscriptions or stickers to make it easier to find what you need.

For decoration, you can take old maps from the atlas

The original design of the boxes with your own hands can eloquently remind you of what is inside. A small box for pencils, crayons and brushes is decorated according to the theme. Containers for handicrafts are pasted over with buttons and other small things to be opened with a silver or golden aerosol, as in the photo.

Of course, skillfully decorated boxes cannot but be used for their intended purpose. Suggested storage in decorative containers evening shoes worn on a special occasion. You can store shoes or sandals in golden boxes in a place of honor to leave a tangible memory of a happy event (wedding, graduation, sea cruise, trip to Paris).

To make such a vintage suitcase out of a box, you will need paint, a belt and a little imagination.

Before the decorating process:

  1. Look through all the shoe (and other) boxes in the house to select the newest, intact, thick cardboard ones.
  2. Distribute what items you will use the boxes for in the future.
  3. Prepare a place (with good lighting) and tools for work.
  4. Collect everything you might need for wrapping materials and small decorations, buy what’s missing (glue, paper).
  5. Decide on a technique for decorating boxes with your own hands (quilling, decoupage, origami, etc.).

Decorating the box with pieces of wallpaper and buttons

Experienced craftsmen know that creativity requires enough space on the table to lay out the necessary items. It is advisable to remove everything unnecessary so that it does not distract in the creative process. The free time factor is also important - you don’t always want to return to the unfinished work of decorating boxes, but you need to start when you have the motivation and desire to create with your own hands.

Remains of wallpaper – suitable material for decorating boxes

Important! Think bigger, use other people's ideas, maybe you have a more interesting scrap, wallpaper or wrapping paper than in the example samples. The final result directly depends on them.

Original box decor with jute rope

For most types of needlework, approximately the same set of tools and available materials is used:

  • glue (PVA, liquid nails, silicone, etc.);
  • sharp scissors and a stationery knife;
  • stapler with staples;
  • double-sided and plain tape;
  • square and ruler;
  • yarn, ribbons, threads;
  • spray paint;
  • eraser, marking pencil, chalk, marker.

Before work, take the necessary measurements - the basic material should be enough to decorate the boxes with your own hands. Decoration elements are easy to vary.

Memorable gifts in original packaging

You can buy anything as a gift to people dear to your heart, but when the work goes into it own hands- doubly pleasant. Using the same technique or general materials You can decorate boxes, frames and photo albums. Small shells, dried flowers, gem crumbs or other natural material are suitable for this.

You can create a beautiful gift wrap by wrapping the box in burlap and decorating it with twine flowers.

Most often, to decorate a gift cardboard box with your own hands, you select something from the category of decorations:

  • beautiful buttons;
  • artificial pearls;
  • small and medium beads;
  • small beads;
  • pieces of a chain, old brooches, earrings, pendants.

Decorating shoe boxes is not only useful, but also very exciting.

You can decorate gift publications (books, notebooks, diaries) with such materials. A specially designed cup box makes a trivial gift an especially memorable gift. A beautifully decorated shoe box is great packaging for homemade baked goods. In an original container you can present something to your boss or friend for a sweet feast. These are chak-chak, homemade cookies chocolates or cakes according to your own recipe (it will be written inside on the lid).

Paper box decor

To decorate the box you will need:

  • compact box;
  • paper for the base (photo printout, textured wallpaper, hologram);
  • good glue;
  • stapler and tape.

You need to wrap the box and lid with background material, but so that there are fewer bends. The corners need to be folded very carefully and the paper secured by cutting off the excess.

Just “try” the paper to the box and fold the edges as shown in the photo

Carefully fold the paper along the marked fold lines, then unfold the sheet and make cuts

Place the box on the blank and glue the paper with a glue stick

The bottom of the box can be lined with velvet paper or thin cardboard, which will hide the folded corners. We wrap the lid in the same way.

If you are using double-sided paper, the cover can be covered with the reverse side

Next, we decide how to decorate the box with your own hands on the lid in an original way - the decor can be voluminous. These are ribbons and paper figures - hearts, flowers, stars. The decoration of the lid can be varied depending on what will be stored inside or presented as the main gift.

Decorating with fabric

Leftovers beautiful fabricexcellent material for crafts, think about this when thinking about how to decorate a shoebox with your own hands. Pasting will not work, since the adhesive substance often bleeds through the fibers. You have to limit yourself to tightening the box and its lid. You can secure the fabric with double-sided tape and staples.

Let's prepare fabric, lace, glue, double-sided tape, thread and stapler

Advice. Try the glue on a small piece; it may not be noticeable on the thick fabric or eco-leather you choose.

Suitable for covering a cardboard box:

  • leather and eco-leather (imitation leather, dermantine);
  • velvet and velor;
  • jacquard and brocade;
  • denim;
  • thick silk and linen;
  • furniture flock and artificial suede;
  • guipure (for decoration only, it is difficult to hide seams and corners).

The pattern of colored fabric is also important; it will give additional meaning to the gift and decorate the box with your own hands. Bright colors will make the offering more spectacular, polka dots and flowers will make it feel homely, hearts and roses will make it more sensual and romantic.

Cut the fabric to size, apply tape with inside and glue all sides of the box one by one

We secure the edges of the fabric with glue at the corners and then decorate them with lace.

For the lid of the box it is better to use a different fabric - the decor will be much more interesting

Box decor using sophisticated techniques

Those who are interested in a certain type of needlework have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents in decorating a shoe box with their own hands.

The most popular techniques remain the following:

  1. Volumetric origami (figures made from paper blocks assembled into figures) and planar applique.
  2. Quilling (reminiscent of elements of unwound serpentine, folded into objects).
  3. Decoupage (use special napkins with a pattern).

Beautiful box decorated with napkins using decoupage technique

Of course, you can master any technique from scratch, but it is better to work with the appropriate skills. Although nothing is impossible when there is a desire - any technique can be learned in a couple of hours by watching a master class on video and decorating a shoe box with your own hands.

Video: decorating a shoe box using decoupage technique

Photo gallery

A creative person can easily come up with and build a craft with his own hands from any available materials. Ordinary people can also easily make a masterpiece of their own if they wish, using certain Internet sites or master classes.

In our article today we will talk about crafts from cardboard boxes which you can do on your own or with the kids.

Such games develop children's imagination, and the result will delight everyone.

Boxes are suitable for crafts various sizes, from which it is easy to build various items: from large boxes - household items in the form of furniture, cars, airplanes, etc., from small boxes - photo frames, boxes, pencil utensils, etc.

Options for various crafts made from cardboard boxes are presented in the photo.

Original ideas

By making various crafts from boxes with their own hands, children develop fine motor skills, attention and imagination. If it is necessary to use cutting objects, adult assistance is required to avoid injury.

It is better to immediately distribute responsibilities before work; the child performs more simple work, and you – the remaining, more complex one.

For crafts, you can take any cardboard boxes.

Egg trays were no exception. This ideal option for creativity. They make excellent animals, birds and inflorescences. The easiest way to make a chicken is in the form of a package for an egg.


Take for their production: egg tray, paper scissors, acrylic paint, brush, glue, felt cloth or colorful paper.

The work process is not complicated, you should do everything in order:

  • cut out part of the tray (the cell with the protruding part);
  • cut a cell in the shape of a rooster with a huge tail;
  • paint it with acrylic colored paint, drawing the bird’s feathers, and leave to dry;
  • cut out blanks from felt material or paper for a beard, comb and beak;
  • fix these blanks with glue;
  • make eyes, decorate with feathers.

The cockerel is ready!


Making a flower craft is a little more difficult. Required materials: egg tray, PVA, paint, wire and scissors. These crafts can be made in different ways.

For example, cut a cell and along the folds inside the cell, cut out the petals that need to be twisted and inserted into each other; if you want, add additional petals.

The resulting inflorescences are attached to a wire or fixed at the surface to make flower arrangement. A milk carton can also be used. For example, in the form of a bird feeder, well, toys or houses.


Cubes are a favorite pastime for all children. It is very easy to build it yourself. You will need: 1 liter milk bags with a square base, a paper knife, a measuring ruler, a colored marker, double-sided tape, pictures.

Let's start making cubes:

Pay attention!

  • wash and dry milk cartons;
  • set aside 7 cm twice from the bottom of the bag along the edges and make marking lines with a marker;
  • on one side, set aside another 1.5-2 cm from the mark upwards and cut off the entire remaining top;
  • cut along the ribs to the mark at the bottom and assemble the cube like a simple box, the long side will be the lid;
  • Stick various funny images, letters or photographs on the side faces.
  • fold the cube in the usual way.

To attach images to the side faces of the cube, before gluing the main image, cover the cube with pieces of newspaper soaked in glue. Next ready-made option cover crafts with colorless acrylic varnish. If you place small objects inside the cube, you get a rattle.

Photo frame

A candy box makes a great photo frame, decorative box, etc. They are very sturdy and well shaped, sometimes with a hinged lid.

Cover the box with gift wrapping paper, lace or satin fabric, and decorate with a composition using various little things, pins, bows, etc. and the box is ready.


A flat box will be useful for creating greeting card with frame. To do this, in addition to the box itself, you will need:

  • greeting cards,
  • paper in bright or pastel colors,
  • PVA glue,
  • corrugated cardboard,
  • stationery,
  • ribbons, bows and other decorative things.

Trace the outline of the card over the lid of the box. Then step back 1-2 cm from the sides to the center of the outline, trace the resulting outline with a pencil and cut a window.

Pay attention!

From corrugated cardboard paper, cut out pieces for finishing the interior and exterior. Secure the postcard on the opposite side of the hinged lid with tape so that it can be seen through the made window.

Attach a ribbon to it and the side and disguise the places where they are attached with corrugated cardboard parts on the side and a corresponding postcard on the inside of the lid.

Complete the design with various decorative elements. Place congratulatory words and a small present in the inside of the box.

Other crafts

From matchboxes You can also make crafts. Most often they make doll furniture, vehicles, boxes, etc.

From large cardboard boxes intended for household appliances, crafts in the form of children's household appliances are easily obtained, vehicles and fortresses.

Pay attention!

Become a real architect and delight your child with a real castle or own home. Moreover, your child will be proud of such a creation made by his beloved mom and dad.

The child himself will be able to invest a piece of his labor into the production process. Girls will be delighted to have their own miniature kitchen or dollhouse.

Crafts from boxes for children, made with love by parents, will leave unforgettable, vivid memories for the child for life.

Photos of crafts from boxes



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