Which plastic window companies are better? Where to buy plastic windows? We choose a reliable supplier of PVC double-glazed windows. PVC profile and negative temperatures

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Before you start planning an apartment renovation, it is necessary, in addition to the future architectural features of the premises being renovated, to also think about options for glazing the window opening. Most Russian families prefer to stop their choice on plastic windows, since they have a number of advantages that, along with an affordable price, make their installation in the home the best solution. Such positive qualities include a high level of heat and noise insulation, excellent appearance, and long service life. These are not all the advantages that modern PVC windows have.

With all this, due to the lack of information provided by sales company managers plastic windows, often when choosing a future light-transmitting structure, the question arises: how to navigate the sea of ​​proposals and, from the many presented models, choose the one that would be optimally suited both in terms of cost and functionality?

To do this, you need to consider several of the most common solutions and settle on the best. We hope you have already read the article about, but in this one we will present the best of them. In a sense, this will be a kind of overview of the existing rating of plastic windows, after reading which and making certain conclusions for yourself, you can safely go to a company where you can buy plastic windows.

What to consider when purchasing.

If we briefly summarize the information given in that article, we can highlight the following: the main components of a modern light-transmitting block are double glazing And metal-plastic profile.

Important! Decide in advance on the requirements that the new window must meet. For example, it is not practical to install warm windows to the kitchen, where a comfortable temperature is maintained all the time due to constant cooking. Also, warm windows will be unnecessary in a room with access to a well-insulated balcony.

In turn, for a metal-plastic profile the main characteristic is its chamberness. Today, modern industry is ready to offer the end buyer a choice of several types of double-glazed windows, differing, first of all, in the properties laid down in them by the manufacturer and their purpose.

Rating of companies engaged in the production of plastic windows.

Before you start detailed analysis products of well-known brands, it is necessary to make the following clarification: the top position in the ranking does not mean that the presented brand is better than the others - it is a simple enumeration the best companies in the field of production of light-transmitting plastic products.

Rehau. Brand of a German manufacturer. It so happened that standard of quality It is German designs that are recognized in the window ratings. They are distinguished by a beautiful appearance, an excellent level of heat and sound insulation, as well as a fairly wide selection of possible profile colors.

Rehau BLITZ-Design. The best option for a limited budget. The three-chamber double-glazed window model is a successful combination of indicators for heat, sound insulation and design. All this can be purchased at an attractive price. An excellent choice for those who want to buy a plastic window made of high quality materials. The possibilities of the profile can please fans of non-standard plastic windows - due to the properties inherent in metal-plastic, the task of glazing an opening of any shape is now quite feasible. For this purpose, triangular, oval, trapezoidal and other window shapes are produced. In addition, the color of the profile can be matched to the tone of the interior - to do this, you just need to order products with a film applied to the profile (the so-called film is used). It is possible to order a version of the film made to match the color of the wood.

Rehau THERMO-DESIGN. Due to the fact that a five-chamber double-glazed window is built into this model, such windows are endowed with significantly best characteristics than the previous version of the light-transmitting design. This fact has a positive effect on the amount of heat retained in the room - more of it remains. The model is recommended for installation for residents of areas where it is cold most of the year. In addition, the colors of window lamination in this line are more varied.

Rehau EURO-DESIGN. The most popular model on the Russian market. Has high performance. Currently, production of this profile is suspended. The characteristics are similar to Rehau BLITZ-Design.

Rehau BASIC-DESIGN. The solution is equipped with a three-chamber double-glazed window and has standard characteristics. Due to this fact, its cost remains at an acceptable level for every potential buyer.

Rehau BRILLIANT-DESIGN. Top solution from Rehau. The design is a five-chamber double-glazed window with the highest possible characteristics among all window models of this German company. The applied technology of a profile reinforced with a thermal insert makes it possible to increase the thermal insulation properties of the structure by new level. This series is distinguished by an increased service life. According to the manufacturer, it is at least 50 years old.

Another popular German brand of PVC windows in our country. Distinctive feature plastic profile is its structure. It comes in two versions: matte and glossy. Moreover, regardless of the structure used, the profile, under the influence sun rays, does not turn yellow and does not fade. Veka windows are environmentally friendly, and the natural rubber seal used does not damage even in the bitterest frosts.

Veka Euroline. A model with a three-chamber profile, made in smooth outlines and equipped with a choice of: single-chamber or double-glazed windows, or just one glass. Mainly used as standard window installed at the construction stage of buildings. Therefore, about no additional functions and characteristics other than standard ones, there is no need to talk. Has energy efficiency class “A”.

Veka Softline. Includes a five-chamber profile with two or three-chamber double-glazed windows, which is responsible for good level thermal insulation and noise insulation in the room. The two-layer sealing system between the frame and the glass unit makes this model ideal for combating window drafts. It is this line that is especially popular among Russian buyers. This was mainly possible due to the optimal price/quality ratio. Has energy efficiency class “A+”.

Veka Alphaline. The crown of all the company's lines. The model has a six-chamber (!) premium class profile coupled with a two-chamber double-glazed window. Provides excellent protection from cold and possible drafts. Embedded in it highest characteristics affect its cost - the price of Veka windows in this line is the highest. Overall #1. Has energy efficiency class “A++”.

Any presented series of Veka windows includes, designed for 50,000 opening/closing cycles, two sealing contours (three colors to choose from), the highest 4th class of corrosion resistance, 43 possible profile colors and warranty period at 5 years old.

The German brand KBE is popular in Russia no less than the others listed above. Let us present the advantages and characteristics of three models of different price categories.

KBE Etalon. For little money it provides acceptable heat retention in the room. The simplest option from the presented KBE model range. It is a three-chamber “standard” class profile coupled with a 32 mm double-glazed window. Possible glass thickness is 6 or 8 mm.
The seal can be: white, black or light gray. Window reinforcement used: steel.

KBE Expert. Windows of this series perfectly retain heat in winter and coolness in summer. This is evidenced by a five-chamber profile of the “standard” class and a double-glazed window with a thickness of 32-40 mm. Possible glass thickness is 6 or 8 mm. Designed for installation in both panel and wooden houses. Seal contour: black or light grey. Window reinforcement: steel extra.

KBE Select. This model is a new level in home insulation from the KBE window manufacturer. The five-chamber premium profile successfully copes with heat retention, and the 24-42 mm double-glazed window perfectly retains heat in winter and coolness in summer. Possible glass thickness is 6 or 8 mm. Seal outline: light gray only. Window reinforcement used: extra steel.

KBE 88. The pinnacle of perfection from KBE. Recommended for installation in any residential and. The combination of a 24-52 mm double-glazed window, equipped with a thermal package, and a six-chamber (!) premium profile perfectly retains heat even in the coldest season. Seal contour: black or light grey. Possible glass thickness is only 8 mm. Window reinforcement: steel extra. Today, the KBE 88 series is the best among all lines of this brand.

When planning to replace old frames in the house, many are faced with the question - which plastic windows are better? The quality of a metal-plastic profile depends on the manufacturer and the material he uses during production. But that's not all: long service plastic window depends on the right choice profile for specific conditions (climate, type of building), quality of assembly and installation. Unscrupulous sellers can profit from people who do not understand the characteristics of a truly high-quality profile, trying to sell a product of average and poor quality at a higher price. To avoid this, we recommend that you read the recommendations for choosing a plastic window and the ratings of manufacturers based on reviews from consumers and experts.

Which profile for plastic windows is better?

To answer the question of which plastic windows are better, you need to consider the main characteristics of double-glazed windows. Starting from technical parameters profile, you can evaluate its quality at the time of purchase so as not to make a mistake with your choice.

Material and profile uniformity

Plastic window structures are made from a material that belongs to the group of thermoplastics - polyvinyl chloride. During production, stabilizers, modifiers, plasticizers, and pigments are added to powdered PVC. They make the window structure durable, resistant to ultraviolet radiation and other atmospheric influences. All additives in PVC are harmless and do not harm human health.

But you should not choose cheap profiles - usually low-quality plasticizers are added to them. Therefore, when purchasing a window system, it is important to pay attention to the availability unpleasant odor and too cheap - in this case there is a risk of purchasing a product with a questionable composition.

To give strength and rigidity to the structure, it is reinforced with metal from the inside. Externally, the buyer will not be able to distinguish a high-quality, reinforced structure from a non-reinforced one, so you can check the presence of metal inside it using a magnet.

The coating of a high-quality profile should be smooth and uniform. A grainy surface with streaks or a gradient is a sign of a fake.

Conclusion: high-quality PVC profile is characterized by uniform coloring, smooth surface, has no unpleasant odor. Composition and environmental safety window profile must be indicated in the manufacturer's certificate for the product.

Wall thickness

The thickness of the walls of the PVC profile determines how long the window will last and how it will retain its shape from loads during operation. In accordance with the thickness of the external and external walls, three groups of structures are distinguished:

The question may arise: which windows are best to install in an apartment from these three classes? Class A profile - best option. It is used for glazing of houses, apartments, and offices. You can check the wall thickness when purchasing at the seller’s office - he must provide cross-sectional samples of metal-plastic profiles.

Conclusion: choose a design with a wall thickness of at least 2.8 mm. In this case, you need to ensure that the thickness of the profile is uniform.

Number of air chambers

Air chambers are hollow spaces inside a window unit, which are formed by its partitions.

The more chambers, the better the window retains heat, and the higher its soundproofing qualities. Minimum quantity cameras - three.

For an apartment, 3- and 5-chamber structures are usually sufficient, and they are the most common.

Conclusion: for glazing an apartment in temperate climate A three-chamber system is sufficient. But for glazing a private house with increased energy saving requirements, it is better to choose 5 or 6-chamber PVC windows.

Number of double-glazed windows and their characteristics

One double-glazed window consists of several glasses connected to each other along the contour by a special frame and sealant. Between them are sealed air chambers, sometimes filled with another gas.

According to the number of double-glazed windows, window systems are 1, 2, 3 and 4 chamber:

  1. Single-chamber double-glazed windows are the lightest. They consist of one air chamber and two glasses.
  2. Double-glazed windows, as the name suggests, consist of 2 air chambers separated by three sheets of glass.
  3. Three- and four-chamber double-glazed windows are heavy and transmit less light than single- and two-chamber ones. They are usually installed if you live in a harsh climate with cold winters.

Due to their light weight, single-chamber double-glazed windows are well suited for glazing panoramic windows on terraces, balconies, and loggias. But such glass is too “cold” for an apartment or house.

The quality of the glass also plays an important role. There are windows with ordinary glass, but there are double-glazed windows with special features:

  • Anti-vandal glass coating. It protects the surface from impacts and other mechanical influences, making the glass more durable.
  • Tinting: protection from direct sunlight.
  • Triplex lamination: when broken, glass does not shatter into sharp fragments.
  • Energy saving glass. A special coating screens heat rays from the room back, reducing heat loss in the room.

Conclusion: double-glazed windows are most suitable for installation in residential buildings and apartments, having good thermal insulation properties. But for harsh climates, it is better to choose thicker double-glazed windows.

Profile width

The width of the profile depends on the number of cameras. The wider it is, the warmer the window will be, and the more stiffening ribs there will be inside the structure. The second factor indicates the strength of the PVC block, since small-chamber structures are easily deformed.

Manufacturers produce profiles with widths from 58 to 90 mm. Window systems with a width of 58-70 mm are considered the most common; they are suitable for providing normal warmth and silence in the house. A width of 58 mm is typical for single-chamber windows with double-glazed windows up to 32 mm thick.

The 70mm wide design will provide higher performance. Suitable for most regions of the country. This profile is used for double-glazed windows 40 mm wide with any type of glass.

Conclusion: If you live in a region with harsh winters, it is better to choose double-glazed windows with an installation width of 80 mm or more. They show the best heat saving qualities. For other regions, a width of 58-70 mm will be sufficient.

Which company is best to install plastic windows?

Having become familiar with the main characteristics of plastic profiles, another question arises - which plastic windows are of the highest quality? When choosing a brand, i.e. a window block manufacturer, you can rely on reviews of other consumers, recommendations from friends or expert advice. The main leaders have long emerged on the world market, so the choice should not be particularly difficult.

REHAU windows

German brand, but window production in Russia began in 2002. The company provides each plant in Russia with its own quality certificate, so there will be no doubt about the level of the product produced. REHAU is a wide range and high quality:

  • Window system BLITZ New: 3-chamber windows 60 mm deep. Energy-saving glass with two sealing contours.
  • DELIGHT-Design: 5-chamber windows 70 mm wide. The height of the profile structure is reduced, which makes the window leaf wider. Because of this, the design allows more light into the room.
  • GENEO: 6-chamber windows 86 mm deep with an additional (central) sealing contour. Provide maximum sound insulation.
  • EURO-Design: 3-chamber systems 60 mm deep with two sealing circuits. A varied palette of shades, a choice of textures.
  • BRILLANT-Design: window system with five air chambers and a depth of 70 mm. Profiles with a smooth, shiny surface. The profile shade can be selected according to the RAL scale.
  • GENEO HST: lift and slide window system. Two options: standard and barrier-free.
  • SIB-Design: 3-chamber system with thermoblock (5) chambers, depth - 70 mm. Thanks to the “thermoblock” insulating chamber, windows are often installed in regions with temperature differences of more than 60 C.
  • INTELIO 80: system with 6 air chambers, 80 mm deep. In winter, a double-glazed window protects the room from heat loss, and in summer, from overheating from the sun's rays. The system is suitable for the production of panoramic windows.
  • EURO-Design Slide: sliding system for balconies, loggias, terraces with two sealing circuits.
  • GRAZIO: 5-chamber system, 70 mm deep. Provide good sound insulation, burglary protection, air and water tightness. Profile with a smooth surface.
  • INTELIO: 6-chamber system with energy-saving glass. The low porosity surface of windows is easy to maintain.

Veka windows

Veka is a German brand. There is a subsidiary in Russia production company this manufacturer “VEKA Rus”. The products have been awarded the German quality mark, so they comply with all control standards. Veka profile catalog:

  • Euroline: 3-chamber, width - 58 mm. Double- and single-chamber double-glazed windows. They produce double-glazed windows with triplex coating, which are noise-proof and energy-saving. The fittings are anti-burglary and child-resistant.
  • Softline: multifunctional solar control glass unit.
  • Artline: 6-chamber system, 82 mm wide. Suitable for making windows and balcony doors. Three sealing circuits. The window sash is hidden behind the frame.
  • Softline 82: 6-7 chamber system with a width of 82 mm. Profile thickness 3 mm with reinforcement.
  • Swingline: 5-chamber system, 70 mm wide, with seam seal.
  • Proline: 4-chamber profile 70 mm deep.
  • Sunline: sliding 3-chamber system 58 mm wide for glazing balconies and loggias with reinforcement.

KBE windows

The brand is from a German manufacturer, but in Russia the KBE profile can be sold by any manufacturer of plastic windows. The cost of KBE window systems is lower than that of the first two manufacturers. During production, Greenline technology is used, eliminating impurities heavy metals in PVC. KBE systems are often installed during mass construction of capital facilities. KBE window systems are available in installation widths of 58 mm, 70 mm, 76 mm and 88 mm.

Among the product units are blocks with air chambers ranging from 3 to 7 pieces, which can withstand temperatures down to -60 C.

The design of the windows is characterized by figured sashes, lamination, and the presence of aluminum linings.


German manufacturer with a representative office in Russia and a manufacturing plant in the Republic of Belarus. Window systems are distinguished by their high price, but you can be sure that they meet European quality standards. SALAMANDER produces profiles with widths from 60 to 92 mm, 3, 4 and 5 chamber systems.

They are distinguished by their design: rounded doors, the presence of aluminum overlays, and more than 30 lamination decors. The blocks retain their color for a long time thanks to a special surface compaction technology.

Deceuninck windows

The Belgian brand Deceuninck is represented in Russia by only one manufacturing plant. Deceuninck products are certified in Belgium and Germany with certificates according to ISO system. There are conflicting reviews about the window systems of this manufacturer, which cannot indicate dubious quality. One of the disadvantages of this brand is the high price of outdated modifications.

The product line is represented by highly efficient window systems with installation widths of 60, 71, 76 and 84 mm with a number of cameras from 3 to 6.

Rating of companies

The previously listed brands can be ranked by rating, which is based on the following parameters:

  • the company's popularity among Russian consumers;

What are the best plastic windows? Advantages, disadvantages, reviews of popular PVC profiles

We are aware that by rating windows, we are thereby invading the territory of professionals who are very skeptical about the ratings of this product. But “Expert Price” would not be himself if he had not tried to rank everyone.

Which profile of plastic windows is better?

To understand the subtle nuances of assessment, we had to study a considerable amount of information texts, huge amount all kinds of amateur and professional reviews and do a little research of your own.

The product, about which so many copies have been described, is in fact the most ordinary plastic stick, but, however, with a complex surface and internal structure. To give strength, there is a metal insert made of galvanized steel inside the profile, and internal plastic partitions create air chambers that ensure heat conservation. All. It seems, what is there to argue about? Steel will remain steel no matter what is done to it, but the plastic used by all companies is the same - polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It follows that the window profile of any production must be of the same quality. Is this true? And how do you choose the best from what is identical by definition?

Criteria for choosing a profile

Country of origin of the profile

Any company that recycles a window profile indicates its origin. At the same time, you can very often find the word “German” in the descriptive part. We recommend that you clarify what is meant by this word, because... Sellers like to use it to justify the high price of a finished window. The lion's share of this profile is produced in Russia by German technology. In this case, relatively cheap energy resources and labor are used, therefore, the cost of the product should differ from the profile produced in Germany.

Number of thermal insulation chambers

Undoubtedly, the most important criterion. It is believed that the more chambers, the better the thermal insulation. However, one should not forget that it is unnecessary large number chambers can lead to the fact that the thermal conductivity coefficient can, on the contrary, increase due to the plastic partitions, which will act as a cooling radiator. Therefore, we definitely pay attention to the following criterion.

Profile width

When choosing a profile for a living room, it is better not to skimp on this parameter. Everything is simple here, the wider, the warmer. It is only worth noting that small-chamber wide profiles can be easily deformed, because have few stiffeners.

Number of double-glazed window chambers

Reinforcing steel insert

It comes with an open or solid contour. If there are no restrictions on strength, then we advise you to choose an open one, it is warmer.

ISO 9001 Certificate

Provides a guarantee of control over the production of window profiles according to the quality management system.

The best PVC window profiles according to the “Price Expert”

Monsters of the industry. Top sellers.

Why are these plastic windows in our rating: The most popular

VEKA profile
Naro-Fominsk district, Gubtsevo village

Photo: www.planetasvet.ru

The profile is produced near Moscow by the company “VEKA Rus”. This is the first such enterprise in Russia. In addition, there are branches in Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. The head office of VEKA AG is located in Germany in Sendenhorst.
The company produces six types of profiles:

  • EUROLINE - three chambers, width 58 mm
  • PROLINE - four chambers, width 70 mm
  • SOFTLINE - five chambers, width 70 mm
  • SWIGLINE - five chambers, width 82 mm
  • SOFTLINE 82 - six to seven chambers, width 70 mm
  • ALPHLINE - six chambers, width 90 mm

The products are certified according to ISO 9001: 2008. The VEKA company profile has been awarded the German RAL quality mark, which means that the control procedure for the raw materials used and finished products complies with control standards.

Moscow region enterprise:

Photo: veka.ua


  • Stable quality
  • Large product line


  • Price

Typical reviews about windowsVEKA:
“The profile itself is good, it performed well in winter, pah-pah, but to be honest, it’s expensive. I’m still inclined to believe that this is an overpayment for the brand...”
“...the company is quite well-known, it seems to me that in our city we have the most advertisements of this particular company. And there are banners along the roads, and they write on the main pages in the press, and they show videos on TV.”

REHAU profile

Photo: dom.vse56.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 9,500 rubles

The German company has been producing window profiles in Russia since 2002. Currently, it is the leader in the number of products produced per year among similar Russian enterprises. The plant is equipped modern equipment and certified according to the quality management system by independent international experts.
The following profile types are offered to clients:

  • GENEO - 6 chambers, width 86 mm
  • INTELIO - 6 cameras, 86 mm
  • BRILLANT-DESIGN – 5 (6) chambers, width 70 (80mm)
  • DELIGHT-DESIGN – 5 chambers, 70 mm
  • SIB-DESIGN – 3 + thermoblock (5) chambers, 70 mm
  • EURO-DESIGN – 3 chambers, 60 mm
  • BLITZ - 3 cameras, 60 mm

Let’s note the company’s slogan: “Avoiding mistakes is more important than eliminating errors” and the production culture (in the photo is a plant near Gzhel).

Photo: www.rehau.com


  • Quality
  • Manufacturer's Warranty
  • Large selection of profile models


  • Price

Typical reviews about REHAU windows:
“...a little expensive compared to others, but it’s worth it”
“The windows are very good, I wanted something cheap, but in the end I chose the most expensive one, the quality is really impressive”

KBE profile (KBE)

Photo: rudupis.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 7,700 rubles

KBE is another German company that has built enterprises in Russia, in particular, factories in Voskresensk and Khabarovsk. No special differences between the KBE profile and competitors' products were found. However, the cost of KBE is slightly lower. At the same time, the company’s profile is ISO certified, and the marketing move for issuing partner certificates is respectable. Let me explain: the company issues an “Official Partner Certificate” to the best processors and thus can indirectly influence the quality finished windows. I must make a reservation - this certificate does not provide any guarantees to the consumer.

So, the list of products:

  • “Etalon” and “Engine” - 3 cameras, width 58 mm
  • “Etalon +” - modification “Etalon” with an additional camera, installation width 127 mm
  • "KBE_SELECT" - 5 cameras, width 70 mm
  • "KBE_Expert" - 5 cameras, width 70 mm
  • “KBE_Expert+” is a modification with a mounting width of 127 mm
  • "KBE_Energia" - 3 chambers, width 70 mm
  • “KBE_88” - 6 cameras, width 88 mm

KBE plant in Voskresensk

Photo: ostekl.ru


  • Price
  • Quality
  • Large selection of models


  • not found

Typical reviews about KBE windows:

“I'm satisfied with KBE windows. My husband and I chose from many companies and chose PVC windows Rehau and KBE. KBE won for the price"
“For me, kbe windows have become the optimal ratio of price and quality”

Average companies with ambitions

Why in our rating: These PVC windows are constantly popular, often making it into the top ten according to professionals.

Türkheim, Germany

Photo: www.domovladelets.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 76 mm thick: 26,000 rubles

The products of SALAMANDER Industrie-Produkte GmbH are classified by us as “average” only in terms of “sales level in Russia”. Salamander Industrie is a German corporation that has several factories in Europe, including one in Belarus, in Brest. According to the manufacturer, the entire SALAMANDER profile is produced exclusively in Germany, and the BRÜGMANN profile is produced at its other enterprises. The author had the opportunity to personally verify the validity of such a statement when visiting a plant in the Republic of Belarus.

The company produces the following profile systems:

  • Design 2D - 3 (4) cameras, width 60 mm
  • Design 3D - 4 (5) cameras, width 76 mm
  • Streamline - 5 cameras, width 76 mm


  • External surface quality
  • Design
  • You can hope for European quality control
  • Control of dealers by the manufacturer


  • Price

Typical reviews about SALAMANDER windows:
“Salamander profiles are a proven option”
“Salamander is a serious device, no complaints”

Profile of Mont Blanc

Photo: vashiokna-dv.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 7800 rubles

The international company STL-Extrusion, which has four factories in the CIS, is engaged in the production of the Mont Blanc profile. Over the thirteen years of production, the MONTBLANC profile has become a fairly well-known brand, and the company has acquired an extensive dealer network. There are currently seven product lines available for purchase:

  • TERMO 60 – 5 chambers, width 60 mm
  • QUADRO 70 – 4 chambers, width 70 mm
  • NORD 70 - 5 chambers, width 70 mm
  • LOGIC - 3 cameras, width 58 mm
  • GRAND 80 - 6 chambers, width 80 mm
  • ECO 60 – 3 chambers, width 60 mm
  • CITY 120 – 5 chambers, width 120 mm

The profile produced in Mogilev is ISO certified. There is no information about the certification of products from other enterprises of the company.


  • Quality
  • Large selection of profile options
  • Democratic price


  • Lack of ISO certification at Russian factories

Typical reviews about windowsMont Blanc:
“A good profile on the Russian market is not uncommon. But cheap and high quality - that’s a rarity... We are happy with everything.”
“...they keep the heat great”


Photo: www.okna-kaleva.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 10,000 rubles

The Kaleva company is engaged in the production of window blocks. The profile is produced independently. Reviews from professionals are more neutral than negative. Users are often captivated by the appearance of the profile - Muscovites did a good job on the design. The company has two classical-style profile systems and three designer ones:

  • Kaleva Standard - 4 chambers, width 70 mm
  • Kaleva Vita - 4 chambers, width 70 mm
  • Kaleva Design - 4 chambers, width 70 mm
  • Kaleva Design+ - 4(5) cameras, width 70 mm
  • Kaleva Deco - 5(6) chambers, width 70 mm


  • Appearance
  • Full production cycle

Typical reviews about Kaleva windows:
"...in general it will do"
“In general, we are very pleased with the windows”

Proplex profile

Photo: odf.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 8800 rubles

Proplex - Russian company, which is making significant efforts to modernize production and introduce new window systems. Just a few years ago, it was a small company manufacturing windows from someone else’s profiles, but now the company has created a full production cycle. Innovative window systems were created together with well-known Austrian developers with extensive experience in the design of thermal insulation systems.
Proplex offers the following types of profiles:

PROPLEX-Optima - 3 chambers, width 58 mm
PROPLEX-Optima - 3 chambers, width 58 mm
PROPLEX-BALCONY – 3 chambers, width 46 mm
PROPLEX-Comfort - 4 chambers, width 70 mm
PROPLEX-Premium - 5 chambers, width 70 mm
PROPLEX-Lux - 5 chambers, width 127 mm


  • Price


  • Lack of international certification
  • The presence of obsolete systems in the line

Typical reviews about Proplex windows:
“For a window 110mm x 150mm they paid about 7 thousand rubles. Reasonable price"
“I listened to the expert’s opinion and I don’t regret it. Everything is great"

Eurowindow manufacturing companies periodically included in the top 10 ratings

Why in our rating: these plastic windows are worthy of attention.

Deceuninck's profile
Belgium, branch - Protvino

Photo: www.isskur.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 71 mm thick: 10,600 rubles

The Belgian concern The Deceuninck Group (Deceuninck Group) releases its own profile in the Moscow region. The production is not certified, which is strange, because all of the company’s European factories are ISO certified. Whether this is due to unstable quality or whether management simply hasn’t gotten around to it yet is unknown. The profile “collected” the usual ratio of both positive and negative reviews. Product line:

  • Forward - 3 cameras, width 60 mm
  • Bautek - 3 chambers, width 71 mm
  • Favorite - 5 cameras, width 71 mm
  • Favorite Space - 6 cameras, width 76 mm
  • Eforte - 6 chambers, width 84 mm


  • Availability of several highly efficient systems
  • Quality


  • High cost of outdated modifications

Typical reviews about Deceuninck windows:
“Deceuninck profiles are very reliable and retain heat well”
“The windows withstood the winter tests perfectly”

SOK profile

Photo: www.okna-modern.ru

The average price in the Russian Federation for windows measuring 1470x1420 from a profile 72 mm thick: 11,900 rubles

Included in the list as a regular figure in Internet ratings. From information gleaned from the SOK company website (Samara Window Constructions) you can easily find out that the company does not have own production window profile. The “branded” profile is manufactured at the Profine concern plant (see KBE). This means that the profile is produced in accordance with international requirements and is ISO certified, which is not bad. But the question immediately arises about the high cost of windows made from this profile, the price of which is significantly higher than KBE windows. The choice of configurations is very small, only two types:

  • Corporate profile SOK-470 - 4 chambers, width 62 mm
  • Corporate profile SOK-570 - 5 chambers, width 72 mm


  • quality
  • unique camera arrangement


Typical reviews about SOK windows:
“JUICE is a normal profile, no better and no worse than many”
“I liked the profile, simple and strong”

Which plastic windows are still better to install?

And in the end the most important thing is the most best profile a careless window manufacturer or a handless installer can turn it into disgusting trash. Therefore, before ordering windows, consult with neighbors, friends or just acquaintances who have already contacted the company you have chosen. Remember that a profile is just a piece of plastic, which, although it is an important component of a window unit, its choice must still be justified in combination with factors such as reliable fittings, good double glazing and the integrity of the craftsmen.

In recent years, plastic windows have gained extraordinary popularity, and this is due to high energy saving rates, good noise and heat insulation properties, simple installation and no need for maintenance - main drawback windows made of wood. Large European and Russian manufacturers offer durable and reliable PVC profiles, from which local manufacturers make plastic windows. Taking advantage of the nationwide fame of plastic windows, a large number of companies engaged in the installation of plastic windows have appeared on the market, and especially when it comes to Moscow. Some, at the same time, approach the matter with full responsibility, while for others it is more important to receive maximum profit, so choosing a competent company is quite difficult. The rating of companies installing plastic windows in Moscow in 2016, which includes companies that received more positive feedback buyers.

Top 5 best plastic window installers in Moscow

Before you start installing plastic windows, you need to choose the right manufacturer, because a lot will depend on the quality of the profile itself. It must pass all necessary tests for strength and frost resistance, especially considering difficult conditions some regions of Russia. In order for the window to look perfect and perform the functions assigned to it, it is also necessary that the assembly itself be of high quality; much depends on the professionalism of the installers. This means that you need to trust the production and installation of plastic windows to well-known and popular companies, even if their prices are slightly higher. You should not trust intermediaries, and they are lately a huge number of them have been divorced. To make your choice easier, we have compiled a rating of window companies in Moscow in 2016, which includes:



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