A house with two full floors. Ready-made projects of two-story houses: efficiency and comfort

A two-story house has its advantages and disadvantages over. Some people choose this option because two-story house looks more solid and presentable than a one-story house; someone chooses it due to the lack of technical ability to build a one-story house of the same area. In any case, in order for the constructed structure to be convenient to use, careful preliminary planning is needed. two-story house.

Project, facade and layout of a two-story house 8x8

Only competent distribution of premises and supply engineering communications will allow you to feel comfortable in a house with two floors.

Layout of a two-story house 6x6 with dimensions

You can build a two-story house from any modern building materials that are on the market today: from logs, from timber, from piece material - brick house, foam blocks, gas blocks, . The choice is limited only by your financial capabilities and taste preferences. On the technological side, there are no restrictions.

Wooden houses

Traditional material for construction country house. Wood in all its forms remains a warm, reliable and environmentally friendly material. They are light in weight, which allows them to be placed on lightweight foundation options. A finely buried strip, solid slab or pile foundation with harness.
Wooden houses can be assembled from solid timber, laminated veneer lumber, or logs. And with a small width of the walls it can be very warm.

Project and layout of a two-story cottage 10x10 made of timber

Wooden houses retain heat perfectly and heat up very quickly even after complete cooling, which is important for country houses, which are used seasonally or only a few times during the winter.

Internal decorative finishing a wooden two-story house can be minimal, since the wood itself looks very natural and beautiful. This advantage attracts many homeowners, since final repairs account for a significant portion of the entire construction budget.

One of the main disadvantages two-story houses from timber and logs - mandatory aging assembled box. It must be left for a period of 3 months to a year, and only after that make window and door openings, install double-glazed windows and begin the next stage of work. This is necessary so that houses made of timber or logs finally settle and take on their unchangeable shape.

Houses made of piece material

Houses made of brick, foam blocks or similar materials are reliable and durable if built strictly according to technology.

Layout of a cottage with an attic 6x9

Such structures have an impressive weight, which means they need to be prepared for them. quality foundation: There is no way to save money at this stage of work. Since a poorly made foundation will lead to the fact that a two-story house will walk, cracks will appear on the walls and its further operation can be completely dangerous.

Houses made of foam blocks and others piece materials, requiring laying on a special solution, are more suitable for permanent residence, and not for country options.

Such a house retains its temperature well, but only if it is not allowed to cool down. Like any stone structure, such houses need to be heated for a very long time in order to achieve comfortable temperature. The stone is able to absorb heat for a long time.
The advantage of two-story houses made of brick and other piece materials is freedom in design.

Detailed house plan 6x8

A stone house can be of any shape, with various architectural delights: balconies, bay windows, rounded corners, arches and other elements. It is possible to repeat similar things when building a house from timber or logs, but it is extremely difficult.

Houses using frame technologies

In a nutshell, it’s simple, fast and inexpensive. Freedom in construction, as when working with bricks and blocks, and performance similar to houses made of wood. The main advantages of such a two-story house will include:

  • Low cost of the entire structure;
  • Light weight, which will save on the foundation;
  • Speed ​​of construction building materials do not require exposure;
  • Simplicity and practicality in operation;
  • When using environmentally friendly materials, the house will not be inferior to a wooden one;
  • Almost any size and shape of the building.

Optimal dimensions of a two-story house

The optimal minimum building area is considered to be a 7x8 meter rectangle or an 8x8 square.

Project of a two-story 8x8 cottage with a terrace and balcony

It is these dimensions that allow the rooms to be rationally located, where they will be located comfortably rather than in the attic, and there will also be room not only for the kitchen, living room and master bedrooms upstairs, but also for guests to have a place to stay.

With a smaller base, the structure can also exist, but then the layout of a two-story house will be inconvenient and non-functional. The living room will turn into a walk-through room, most of usable area the staircase will eat it up, and at the top, provided that not a full floor is built, but an attic one, only one bedroom will fit.
This option can be considered as country house for one person or a married couple without children.
Upper bar The size of a two-story house is limited only by common sense and specific needs. For a family of two with two or three children, a two-story house with a total area of ​​110-130 square meters. If we consider the total area of ​​the house with a garage, then we can talk about an increase. Houses larger than this area will be very expensive to operate and maintain, and most of the premises, as practice shows, simply will not be used.

First floor layout

The drawings of the first floor of a two-story house must contain all the necessary premises for living. Among the obligatory ones:

  • Kitchen;
  • Living room;
  • Entrance hall, also known as the hall;
  • Guest bathroom;
  • Boiler room;
  • Tambour.

If the area of ​​the first floor allows, then the following may also be present:

  • Work office;
  • Dining room;
  • Guest room.
  • gable;
  • gable broken line;
  • pitched roof.

The first two options can be classified as cheaper types in terms of cost, and they are also easier to implement. In these cases, roof slopes will be used for the sides, and pediments will be used for the ends. The latter should be lined with the same material as the first floor. Roof type and roofing material needs to be determined at the stage when the project will be prepared.

You should also think in advance about how you will arrange and what you plan to place on the attic floor.

Is it worth making an attic floor in a house?

If you nevertheless decide to start building such a house, but are still thinking about the need for an attic, then it is better to decide for what purposes you are going to use it. For an accurate solution, it is worth considering in detail all the pros and cons of such a structure, but only from the point of view of its attic part.


  1. Significant savings. Building a two-story house with an attic is considered a more economical option when considering the construction of a three-story house, even though there will be costs for constructing a roof.
  2. Appearance. With the help of complex gable roof with a break, as well as slopes under different angles You can achieve an interesting appearance and attract attention.
  3. Interior. Using attic room you can achieve the creation of an original, unique interior. However, to do this you need to correctly play with its shape. That is why, if you are a supporter of originality, then the attic is exactly what you need.

you can do something like this original attic in your home


Unfortunately, the attic has its own disadvantages:

  1. It is necessary to take a more careful approach to the arrangement of not only ventilation, but also thermal insulation. If technology is not followed, problems with freezing and moisture condensation may be identified.
  2. Problem with natural light. In the event that daylight can enter through typical vertical windows that are installed in a structure called a “birdhouse”, then it will not have a sufficient level of lighting. However, there are special windows that will help solve this problem.
  3. "Dead zone". The area of ​​the attic part is practically no different from the area of ​​the house, but its useful part is much smaller. This refers to a space near an inclined wall that cannot be approached closely. There is an option to order special furniture into this space, but then the “zest” of the room may disappear.
  4. You cannot work in this space or place a children's room. This is due to the fact that a person living in a room with sloping walls will feel a constant threat and internal anxiety.

General characteristics of the house

The total area of ​​the entire structure is 185.5 square meters. m. Used as wall material aerated concrete block 400 mm, or brick. Monolithic slab needed for the foundation. Overlapping will be carried out using wooden beams. Metal tiles or soft tiles used as roofing material. Siding of various colors is used for exterior decoration.

Now we can conclude that this scheme and layout of a two-story house with an attic and 3 bedrooms on the second floor is a structure that is not suitable for every family. technical features. However, this is an economical option, because the attic will serve as an additional floor.

Layout of a two-story house with a garage and veranda

The layout of the two-story house that will be presented in this project is completely new. She has a large number features, including living rooms on the ground floor. Such a project is perfect for a large family that values ​​coziness and comfort.

So, you can get into the house through two entrances:

  1. The first (main) starts from a small porch and leads to the vestibule (3.1 sq. m.) then directly to the hall (7.6 sq. m.), from which you can go to the remaining living rooms.
  2. The second entrance begins with a small porch, the area of ​​which is 2.3 square meters. m. From the porch you enter the veranda, which can be used as a winter garden.

Combining kitchen and living room

One of the features of this layout is the combination of a kitchen-dining room with a living room. Thus, the total area of ​​the room is 61.2 square meters. m. Such an interior is often recommended by professional designers.


  • A real increase in space.
  • The boundaries of the room visually expand.
  • Communication will become more convenient.
  • Receiving guests will be more comfortable.
  • While preparing food, the hostess will not be separated from other residents.

Disadvantages of this approach:

  • You will have to do general cleaning more often.
  • It is possible that aromas from cooking may spread, which are not always pleasant.

However, the biggest disadvantage is that the living room must be coordinated with the kitchen, that is, the design should be similar, but it is necessary to clearly separate the zones. The following techniques can be used for this:

  1. Using a bar counter.
  2. Accommodation kitchen furniture so that in the center there will be an island-shaped hood.
  3. Application of lighting.
  4. Try to use different things flooring For example, there are tiles in the kitchen and laminate in the living room. It is then that you get a dividing line that can be drawn even on the ceiling.
  5. Unusual color solutions on the surface of the walls, which, by the way, can be duplicated on the floor.

Try to select furniture that is the same and similar colors, to show that this is still a single room. However, do not forget about simple accessories, they are the ones who will help you focus on what you want.

Surrounding layout

You can exit from the kitchen-living room into the hall, and not through regular doors, and through the arches. They can be decorated beautifully and elegantly, or, conversely, brightly and catchily. It is recommended to insert multi-colored lights into them. You can also go from the hall to the bathroom (3.7 sq. m.) and the garage (22.7 sq. m.). From the street you can get into the boiler room (7.4 sq. m).

Most often, there are utility rooms on the ground floor, but this scheme violates all standards and includes the location of a guest bedroom on the ground floor. Its size is 14.4 sq. m. It is recommended to reserve this bedroom for small children or for elderly family members who find it difficult to go up and down the stairs.

Combined garage

And another “highlight” of the first floor is that. Usually its location depends on the size of the site, and what the territory may be useful for. This layout includes the fact that the site will be completely dedicated to the garden, so to save space there will be a garage combined with the house. It is worth noting that this solution and construction work for this reason, it will cost less than the construction of a detached garage.

For people who are planning to build private house, one of the main factors in choosing the number of storeys is the area of ​​the land plot. If the plot is small, it will not be very rational to erect a one-story house on it with a large building area. It would be much more expedient to consider projects of two-story houses and cottages, and use the remaining area for growing vegetables, fruit trees or flowers, or just arrange a lawn.

The following advantages speak in favor of choosing a ready-made two-story house project:

  • saving useful area of ​​the site;
  • more space for lawns, plants and additional rooms;
  • presentable and respectable appearance;
  • beautiful view surroundings, which opens from the second floor.

If our customer really wants, we can complement the design of a two-story house with balconies or a terrace, and such a house will become a real piece of paradise. On the second floor balcony you can arrange friendly gatherings in the fresh air, romantic dates accompanied by a beautiful view, or just work on the computer while breathing fresh air. You can also allocate one balcony for the children's room play area, then toys will not be scattered throughout the house.

Our team of architects consists of true professionals who can adapt any two-story house project to build the home of your dreams.

As for the materials from which such houses are built, it is possible wide choice depending on the purpose of the building. You can buy a project for a two-story house made of brick, aerated concrete or ceramic blocks. Sometimes customers want to combine several materials in one project. Our architects are always happy to meet them halfway and can provide an option combined house. In such houses, the combination of brick and gas blocks works quite harmoniously. This design of a two-story house allows you not only to save money, but also to create a unique home design. At the final stage of construction, when it comes time to choose an interior design style, a combination of materials can serve as one of the stylish decor elements.

Those projects of two-story houses, the prices of which are the most affordable, involve the use of foam blocks or aerated concrete. Such buildings are ideal for the role of houses in which it is comfortable to live not only in summer period time. But if you want to live in your home permanently, including in winter, it is better to choose more durable building materials. For those who are building a house for permanent residence, it is best to choose projects of two-story houses made of brick or ceramic block as the main material. Such houses are strong, durable, and have excellent sound and heat insulation properties.

Two-story brick houses are a classic of suburban construction. Their functionality and the aesthetics are ideal for small family living for modern people.

The decision on the distribution of space in a private home is a responsible matter. On at this stage It’s not just the owners’ wishes regarding the location of residential areas that are laid down, but the proper placement of communications is planned. An excellent home layout will combine proper distribution of space, convenience and practicality.

You can do the process yourself, especially if your budget allows you to realize any idea. However, for the high-quality distribution of the available space, the correct assignment of functional load and the combination of the above with the convenience of living, it is better to involve a professional.

Work rules

Layout in construction refers to the division of space during the construction phase. All subsequent changes relate to redevelopment. Therefore, in order to avoid time-, effort- and financial-consuming adjustments, good layout of a private house should begin at the stage of laying the foundation. This is necessary in order to initially lay load-bearing walls and partitions.

The drawing must clearly take into account the dimensions of a private house and meet the basic requirements for the construction of residential buildings.

So, taking into account the standards for the volume of clean air in the room (23 m3), it is necessary to ensure the required footage and level of ventilation with special care. Sources natural light are also important.


The size of the kitchen should be calculated based on the amount of furniture and household appliances is planned to be placed there.

The best option for a private building is to combine two zones: cooking and dining. This increases the volume of the room with benefit for functionality.

The optimal area for a kitchen is 10 m2. For a kitchen combined with a dining room, 15 m2 is enough.

Toilet and bathroom

For private building, where is the holding sewer system is a real epic, it is important to use space and material wisely. For this reason, the toilet, bathroom and laundry room (if one is separate) are located next to the kitchen.

This placement allows you to comply with hygiene standards by highlighting a separate utility block. At the same time, there is a significant saving on material and installation work. sewer pipes and water supply systems.

If each of the premises is planned as separate, it is worth taking care of the appropriate footage. The minimum indicator in this case will be 5-6 m2.

Distribution of area of ​​houses of different types

It is now too expensive to build bulky mansions that require enormous amounts of energy and resources to ensure their functioning. Taking into account the cost of construction and the land plot for such a building - even more so.

At the same time, compact buildings that fit on small plots of land and combine everything necessary for comfortable stay zones. It is in such buildings that the competent use of space becomes of paramount importance.

If we talk about the classification of private houses, then we can distinguish two division criteria: number of floors and size. The most common are compact one- and two-story buildings with an area of ​​6x6, 8x8 and 10x10 meters.

Taking into account limited space, a popular option is a building with an attic - a living space equipped under the roof.

Type 6x6

House layout 6 by 6 meters – difficult task. After all, with small parameters, you need to place all the necessary zones and make the home comfortable for living.

It would be advisable to place a kitchen/dining room and a bathroom with toilet on the ground floor. The attic will play the role of a recreation room, which can be divided into a bedroom and leisure area (or a children's room). More than two functional zones It will not be possible to highlight due to the dimensional characteristics of the room.

In some cases, home owners may sacrifice an indoor toilet in favor of a wood-burning steam room. And the correction of needs is transferred to a building such as a toilet on a personal plot.

Type 8x8

When it comes to an area of ​​64 m2, the process of allocating space becomes less complicated. So, the layout of a house 8 by 8 meters easily includes:

  • hallway – 4 m2;
  • bathroom – 8 m2;
  • kitchen dining room – 15 m2;
  • bedroom-living room – 22 m2;
  • children's room - 15 m2.

This is the distribution when planning one-story house. If the presence of an attic is implied, redistribution will be required taking into account the stairs (about 8 m2) leading upstairs. Under the roof there will be free space for two bedrooms of 20 m2 and 13 m2.

With this footage, space planning for a two-story building can also be freely discussed. In this case, it is worth increasing the bathroom with toilet, dining room and hallway, and also adding a storage room on the ground floor. And the children's room, along with two bedrooms, will be located on the second floor.

Type 10x10

An area of ​​10 by 10 meters is sufficient to accommodate all the necessary premises on one floor. The layout of such a house with an attic will allow you to increase the size of the rooms or, if necessary, their number.

So, in addition to the standard set (kitchen, living room, children's room, bedroom, bathroom), you can allocate space for an office or a specialized recreation area. If you move the nursery to the attic, you can equip a spacious steam room on the ground floor.

The layout of a two-story house of this size can be limited only by hygiene standards and fire safety requirements. Otherwise, there is enough space to implement the owner’s wishes.

It remains advisable to place the kitchen and dining room on the ground floor. It is better to immediately allocate 6-9 4 m2 for a storage room in a dwelling with a large number of inhabitants. At the same time, the toilet and bathroom can be duplicated for greater comfort of residents.

When talking about comfort, it is worth considering the needs of all inhabitants. Thus, the size of the building makes it possible to provide children of different sexes with separate rooms. This will be a significant advantage when children begin to grow up.

The placement of bedrooms on the lower floor should be planned, implying that the older generation will live in them. But the office should be located as far as possible from the most frequently visited premises. It would be better if it could only be accessed from the master bedroom.

When planning the initial placement of the home on the site and the rooms in it, it is worth leaving space for the construction of a wide porch or summer terrace. Such an element will not require significant investments, but will pay for itself many times over, especially in the summer.

Photo of the house layout

The tradition of designing them was formed back when city residents were allowed to have private homeownership only in garden partnerships. On small area You couldn’t really turn around, so the houses stretched upward. It’s simple to explain - the desire to increase living space and save space garden plot. Otherwise, there was no room left for garden beds.

Today it is possible to build any house. But projects of two-story houses continue to be popular among developers, and especially among those who plan to build a house for two families.

It is quite obvious that it is better to order a two-story house project if you are building housing on a small plot. But such projects have other advantages.

Advantages of 2-storey house projects

  • Projects of two-story houses will help to significantly save on roof installation. After all, compared to one-story house, its area will be significantly smaller.
  • A clear division into day and night zones is assumed. Ground floor - living room, dining room, kitchen, separate toilet and utility rooms. Sometimes an additional living room is added and. On the second floor there are bedrooms for family members, dressing rooms and a bathroom combined with a laundry room.
  • You can reduce costs by using interfloor insulation. Due to the fact that warm air rises, the bedrooms will be warmer than the rooms on the first floor.
  • As practice shows, the cost of 1 m2 of usable area of ​​a 2-story house project is cheaper than the cost of 1 m2 of a one-story house of the same area. For example, the benefits are felt even on rough and finishing floor screed.
  • There will be no significant savings when laying the foundation. Although a two-story house does not require a large foundation, the need to make it more powerful to accommodate increased loads makes the cost of laying it equal to the cost of a foundation for a one-story house.


There are no ideal projects. With all the advantages, you can also find disadvantages.

  • The need to equip a staircase leading to the second floor is not the most rational use of living space. Typically, losses are 8-14 m2.
  • To ensure that the walls can withstand the loads of the second floor, they are reinforced during construction. And these are additional costs for construction materials and payments to workers.
  • In order for the second floor to be functional and meet modern ideas of comfort, another bathroom is needed. To reduce these costs, bathrooms are designed one above the other. Thus, although small, additional costs are expected.

Choosing a two-story house project - summing up the results

  • It is more profitable to build a two-story house on a small plot of land- the savings in site area are obvious. The developer receives not only modern housing, but also the opportunity to rationally manage the land. In addition, there is still room for the construction of additional utility rooms: a garage, summer kitchen or baths.
  • Projects of two-story houses with an area of ​​over 200 m2 are the most economical option.



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