Danfoss temperature controller for battery. Danfoss thermostat: operating principle, instructions, reviews. Technical characteristics of RAW series thermostatic elements

In many countries, up to 40% of energy resources are spent on the needs of ventilation and heating of buildings. This is several times more compared to advanced European countries.

Need for use

The issue of energy saving is especially acute; this is relevant against the backdrop of a constant increase in energy prices. One of the devices that allows you to save thermal energy, is a thermostat for radiators; its installation reduces heat consumption by 20%. To do this, the consumer needs to choose the right design for the heating system, as well as carry out installation, you can find out about this by reading below.

Operating principle

Danfoss thermostat designed to maintain a constant temperature indoors. Such devices were first used back in 1943. The mentioned company is a market leader in the production and sale of such units. Structurally, the devices consist of 2 main elements, namely a thermal head and a valve, which are connected by a locking mechanism. The purpose of the thermal head is to determine the ambient temperature in order to regulate the effect on the actuator, the latter being a valve. It is designed to cover the flow of water that enters the radiator. This method of regulation is called quantitative, since the device can affect the flow of water that passes into the battery. There is another method, called qualitative, with its help the temperature of the water changes in the system. This is done through namely This element must be located in or the boiler room. The Danfoss thermostat has a bellows inside, which is filled with a heat-sensitive medium. It can be gas or liquid. Latest variety bellows are easier to manufacture, but do not operate as quickly as their gas counterparts, which is why the latter have become so widespread. When the air temperature level increases, the substance that is in a confined space acquires a more impressive volume; the bellows, stretching, affects the valve stem. The latter is moved downwards by a cone, which is designed to reduce the flow area. This allows you to effectively reduce water consumption. When the air temperature decreases, this process occurs in reverse order, and the volume of coolant increases to the optimal limit, this is how the Danfoss thermostat works.

Consumer Reviews

Depending on what type of heating system is used, as well as what the installation technology is, thermal heads and valves can be used to control the flow of water different combinations. If we are talking about a single-pipe system, then you should use a valve that is characterized by increased throughput and insignificant As users say, the same recommendation can be used in the case of a two-pipe gravity-flow system, where water circulates naturally and is not affected by forced impulse. If you decide to choose a Danfoss thermostat, you can install it on a two-pipe system that is equipped with a circulation pump. Moreover, according to reviews, the valve should be able to adjust the capacity. This is done quite simply, and there is no need to use a special tool for this. Once you have decided which valve to use, you should decide on the type of thermal head.

If you are interested in a Danfoss thermostat, the installation instructions for which will be presented below, you can purchase it at an affordable price. When determining the type of thermal head, you should know that it is offered for sale in some varieties. Thus, there may be a thermocouple inside. Among other things, it can be portable. Sometimes the regulator is external. Devices can also be programmable, in which case they are electronic. You can also choose a vandal-proof thermal head. According to users who have chosen a regulator with an internal sensor, this device should be installed only if it is possible to position it horizontally. Then the air in the room will flow freely to the body of the device.

For reference

After you have purchased radiator thermostat Danfoss, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of its installation in more detail. Thus, it is completely unacceptable to install it on a radiator in a vertical position. In this case, the heat flow will constantly rise upward, and increased temperatures from the supply pipeline and housing will affect the bellows. Ultimately, you will encounter the device not working correctly.

Customer reviews on choosing a thermostat

Home craftsmen especially emphasize that in some cases it is not possible to install the device horizontally. Then it is recommended to buy a remote one that comes complete with a capillary tube. The length of the device is 2 meters. It is recommended to place the device at this distance from the battery by installing it on the wall. Buyers emphasize that the inability to install the regulator horizontally does not always indicate the need to purchase a remote sensor. There may be other objective reasons for this. The Danfoss thermostat, the principle of operation of which was described above, cannot be installed behind thick curtains, in this case, of course, the best solution will be the purchase of a remote sensor. Among other things, such a need arises when there is a heat source near the thermal head or hot water supply pipes pass. You can resort to this solution even when the radiator is located under a sufficiently wide window sill. In this case, the thermoelement may fall into the draft zone. Buyers claim that if at least one of the above conditions is met, then it is best to purchase a remote sensor.

Installation instructions

The Danfoss thermostat, reviews of which are presented in the article, must be installed using a certain technology. The first recommendation is to avoid installing the thermal head on the heater within sight. Batteries whose total power is equal to 50 percent or more of all that are in the same room should be regulated. Thus, when there are two heating devices in the room, the thermostat should be on one battery, whose power is more impressive. If you are interested in Danfoss - a thermostat, the setup of which is quite simple, you can purchase and install it. The first part of the device, which acts as a valve, should be installed on the supply pipeline. If it needs to be inserted into an already assembled system, the supply line must be dismantled. This work may involve some difficulties if the connection is made using steel pipes. The master will have to stock up on tools for cutting the material.


Danfoss is a fairly popular company on the market for relevant products today. The thermostat (how to regulate it is indicated in the instructions) must be installed on the radiator. The thermal head is then mounted without using additional tool. This is very easy to do at home, in addition, you will be able to save on purchasing consumables.

Danfoss thermostat is a device that is widely used in various home and industrial heating systems. Such samples are distinguished by high quality, accuracy and ease of use.

Let's study their features in more detail so that you can also use these advanced mechanisms for your systems.

Description and purpose

Danfoss regulator is a device that is used to regulate the air temperature in a room. Such a device can be used in various heating systems, including those where the heat carrier is water.

The regulator allows you to manually control the operation of such a system, use heat economically, and also turn the entire heating system on and off. The thermostat is used both in home networks and in closed ecosystems such as greenhouses, or in industries. It is also used to operate refrigerators, air conditioners and other systems in which it is important to maintain temperature conditions.

1.1 Design of Danfoss thermostats

Danfoss regulator, regardless of its design. It is a small chamber filled with gas or liquid. This liquid or gas expands when exposed to temperature, pressing on the shut-off valve, which stops the flow of heating fluid into the radiator, causing the system to increase the temperature.

When the room cools, the liquid contracts and a reverse reaction occurs. This operating system is valid for all types of radiators, including products for refrigerators. Almost all products from this manufacturer work according to this principle, including Danfoss RTD and the Danfoss RA line, as well as many others.

2 Model range of Danfoss thermostats

Danfoss has enough wide range thermostats. Currently, its products include the following types of devices:

  • thermostats for the design of regulators of the model range 013G4001-013G4009. Applicable for heated towel rails, as well as various sections of heating networks. Available in versions for right- and left-hand installation;

  • Danfoss RTD 3640 is a type of model for heating systems. Designed for a two-pipe standard system. They have an RTD function to protect against freezing for the winter. This variety is suitable for home, industrial systems heating, but not for refrigerators. It has only 4 divisions, indicated by both Arabic and Roman numerals;

  • RAX models with liquid filler. This series is also intended for heated towel rails and design radiators. The model is applicable to most modern versions of design radiators; it has divisions with both Arabic and Roman numerals;

All presented versions of thermostats are accompanied by a whole series of special accessories that simplify their installation, as well as further use.

Almost all thermostats released in this series are available in three various options: golden, white, silver. You can choose the type that suits your system, the valve and temperature jack work in almost the same way.

2.1 How to install a Danfoss thermostat?

The Danfoss regulator is mounted directly on the hot supply pipe of your heating system. Installation of any model, including the RTD 3640, RA, is easy. In this case you will have to work like this:

  1. We disconnect the system from the general power, cut off the pipe of the required size for installing the thermostat. Without this step, the installation will not proceed.
  2. Using special tools, we make a thread on the existing pipe onto which the thermostat will be installed.
  3. We treat the area with plumbing paste, and then attach the RTD 3640, RA or any other valve body to it.
  4. We connect the device itself to the valve, tightening the connection with a washer. Additional sealing is not needed here.
  5. We remove the fuse, set the thermostat to the maximum value of 5, then put a cap with a scale on it. It is important to install it until it clicks for the tightest and highest quality fit.
  6. We check the sealing of the system again, after which we can connect it back to common system supplies. Let the valve open and close once and you will be sure that the equipment is working correctly.

Installation of RTD, RA or other model is complete. Now you can use the device freely.

2.2 How to set up a Danfoss thermostat?

Setting up a device such as the Danfoss RTD regulator, RA is quite simple and accessible to all users. In order to do this, you need to study the temperature scale available at the end of the device (it may differ slightly depending on which version you are using). Then set the temperature you are interested in by simply moving the pointer on the device to the parameter you need.

You can also choose intermediate values ​​if they suit you. After just a few minutes, the valve will adjust to desired position, and the temperature in the apartment will come to the desired parameter, and you will be able to enjoy the most comfortable microclimate for you. The valve is adjusted in the same way for models for refrigerators.

2.3 Danfoss thermostat and its types (video)

In many countries, up to 40% of energy resources are spent on the needs of ventilation and heating of buildings. This is several times more compared to advanced European countries.

Need for use

The issue of energy saving is especially acute; this is relevant against the backdrop of a constant increase in energy prices. One of the devices that allows you to save thermal energy is a thermostat for radiators; its installation reduces heat consumption by 20%. To do this, the consumer needs to choose the right design for the heating system, as well as carry out installation, you can find out about this by reading below.

Operating principle

The Danfoss thermostat is designed to maintain a constant indoor temperature. Such devices were first used back in 1943. The mentioned company is a market leader in the production and sale of such units. Structurally, the devices consist of 2 main elements, namely a thermal head and a valve, which are connected by a locking mechanism. The purpose of the thermal head is to determine the ambient temperature in order to regulate the effect on the actuator, the latter being a valve. It is designed to cover the flow of water that enters the radiator. This method of regulation is called quantitative, since the device can affect the flow of water that passes into the battery. There is another method, called qualitative, with its help the temperature of the water changes in the system. This is done through a temperature controller, namely a mixing unit. This element must be in heating point or boiler room. The Danfoss thermostat has a bellows inside, which is filled with a heat-sensitive medium. It can be gas or liquid. The latter type of bellows is easier to manufacture, but does not operate as quickly as its gas counterparts, which is why the latter have become so widespread. When the air temperature level increases, the substance that is in a confined space acquires a more impressive volume; the bellows, stretching, affects the valve stem. The latter is moved downwards by a cone, which is designed to reduce the flow area. This allows you to effectively reduce water consumption. When the air temperature drops, this process occurs in the reverse order, and the volume of coolant increases to the optimal limit, which is how the Danfoss thermostat works.

Consumer Reviews

Depending on what type of heating system is used, as well as what the installation technology is, thermal heads and valves can be used in different combinations to control the flow of water. If we are talking about a single-pipe system, then a valve should be used, which is characterized by increased throughput and low hydraulic resistance. According to users, the same recommendation can be used in the case of a two-pipe gravity system, where water circulates naturally and is not influenced by force. If you decide to choose a Danfoss thermostat, you can install it on a two-pipe system that is equipped with a circulation pump. Moreover, according to reviews, the valve should be able to adjust the capacity. This adjustment is quite simple, and there is no need to use a special tool for this. Once you have decided which valve to use, you should decide on the type of thermal head.

If you are interested in a Danfoss thermostat, the installation instructions for which will be presented below, you can purchase it at an affordable price. When determining the type of thermal head, you should know that it is offered for sale in some varieties. Thus, there may be a thermocouple inside. Among other things, the temperature sensor can be remote. Sometimes the regulator is external. Devices can also be programmable, in which case they are electronic. You can also choose a vandal-proof thermal head. According to users who have chosen a regulator with an internal sensor, this device should be installed only if it is possible to position it horizontally. Then the air in the room will flow freely to the body of the device.

For reference

After you have purchased a Danfoss radiator thermostat, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the features of its installation. Thus, it is completely unacceptable to install it on a radiator in a vertical position. In this case, the heat flow will constantly rise upward, and increased temperatures from the supply pipeline and housing will affect the bellows. Ultimately, you will encounter the device not working correctly.

Customer reviews on choosing a thermostat

Home craftsmen especially emphasize that in some cases it is not possible to install the device horizontally. Then it is recommended to buy a remote temperature sensor, which comes complete with a capillary tube. The length of the device is 2 meters. It is recommended to place the device at this distance from the battery by installing it on the wall. Buyers emphasize that the inability to install the regulator horizontally does not always indicate the need to purchase a remote sensor. There may be other objective reasons for this. The Danfoss thermostat, the operating principle of which was described above, cannot be installed behind thick curtains; in this case, of course, the best solution would be to purchase a remote sensor. Among other things, such a need arises when there is a heat source near the thermal head or hot water supply pipes pass. You can resort to this solution even when the radiator is located under a sufficiently wide window sill. In this case, the thermoelement may fall into the draft zone. Buyers claim that if at least one of the above conditions is met, then it is best to purchase a remote sensor.

Installation instructions

The Danfoss thermostat, reviews of which are presented in the article, must be installed using a certain technology. The first recommendation is to avoid installing the thermal head on the heater within sight. Batteries whose total power is equal to 50 percent or more of all that are in the same room should be regulated. Thus, when there are two heating devices in the room, the thermostat should be on one battery, whose power is more impressive. If you are interested in Danfoss - a thermostat, the setup of which is quite simple, you can purchase and install it. The first part of the device, which acts as a valve, should be installed on the supply pipeline. If it needs to be inserted into an already assembled system, the supply line must be dismantled. This work may involve some difficulties if the connection is made using steel pipes. The master will have to stock up on tools for cutting the material.


Danfoss is a fairly popular company on the market for relevant products today. The thermostat (how to regulate it is indicated in the instructions) must be installed on the radiator. The thermal head is then mounted without the use of additional tools. This is very easy to do at home, in addition, you will be able to save on purchasing consumables.


Danfoss thermostat - operating instructions

Installing a thermostat on a radiator is an opportunity to reduce heating costs, improve the microclimate in the house, and also carefully use the earth's energy resources.

The motives may be different, but the decision is being implemented more and more often.

Many people, when choosing an equipment manufacturer, choose Danfoss.

And not surprisingly, the products of a famous brand can easily be found on the shelves of many stores.

The production technology of their thermostats based on a gas-filled bellows is patented and used in the company’s own factories. If you also decide to purchase a Danfoss thermostat, the installation and operating instructions will come in handy.

The purpose of installing a thermostat is to maintain the air temperature in the house selected by the consumer.

The design of a thermostat for radiators includes two elements that complement each other:

  1. Thermostat (or thermostatic element).
  2. Danfoss thermostat valve.

The valve is connected directly to the battery, and a thermostatic element is installed on it.

The heart of the matter is the thermostat. It is he who reacts to changes in ambient temperature and influences the valve that blocks the flow of coolant.

Danfoss thermostat

Inside the thermostat head is a bellows (a corrugated chamber capable of changing dimensions) filled with gas. The gas, depending on the temperature, changes its state of aggregation (when cooled, it condenses). This leads to a change in volume and pressure in the chamber. The chamber decreases in size and pulls the spool rod with it, which opens a larger gap in the valve for the flow of coolant.

When heated, a reverse process of expansion and closure of the lumen occurs (the accepted standard is 2 V°C of air temperature exceeding the set one).

When a comfortable temperature is set on the regulator scale, a certain compression of the tuning spring is established inside, which is interconnected with a certain gas pressure.

Danfoss produces bellows with gas inside, as well as liquid ones. The latter are more inert and react more slowly to temperature changes.

Types and symbols:

  • RTS - liquid bellows;
  • RTD-G - gas bellows for a one-pipe system, or two-pipe without a pump;
  • RTD-N - gas bellows for two-pipe systems and systems with a circulation pump.

Radiator thermostat DANFOSS RA 2991

There are also modifications of thermoelements in which:

  • Protection is provided against reconfiguration by random persons (an excellent option for public institutions and children's rooms).
  • There is a remote temperature sensor connected by a two-meter capillary tube, which can be installed away from the radiator, buried in a niche or filled with furniture, which gives more exact result measurements.
  • With a temperature range slightly smaller than conventional sensors for integration into a system where payment is made according to regulations.

Floor heating system

Thermostats are also used for underfloor heating systems. A thermostat for heated floors is a must!

After all, when driving liquid into the floor contour, you need to lower its temperature from 60 - 90 V ° C to a comfortable 35 - 40 V ° C (in this case, the surface of the floor itself will be about 25 V ° C).

Flow meters are powerless if the pressure in the system fluctuates, if the air is heated, for example, from the sun, and even if residents want to save on heating while they are away.

The thermomechanical regulator is best used for small rooms, about 10 m2.

For large areas use room thermostats with heated floor temperature sensors.

First of all, the valve is mounted on the radiator. To do this, the coolant supply is shut off.

  1. Markings are made on the supply pipe. The area that will need to be cut should be the same length as the valve body minus the threaded connections.
  2. The heating pipe is cut and the extra section is cut out.
  3. Using a die, or die, a thread is made on the outside of the cut pipe.
  4. The connection is treated with plumbing paste and fum tape.
  5. The valve body is screwed onto the resulting thread.
  6. Since the pipe cannot be twisted, an American union nut is twisted on the opposite side of the valve, and then screwed (with a hex wrench) into the radiator hose.
  7. The body of the device is screwed into its own union nut through a rubber washer. This connection does not need to be sealed in any way, the main thing is that it is clean.
  8. After the valve is installed on the radiator, the protective cap is removed from it (located perpendicular to the pipe).

The thermal head is set to the maximum temperature value, after which it is pressed onto the valve (until it clicks).

Sensor installation

As already mentioned, a remote sensor is needed if the battery is built into the wall or covered by something (furniture, screen, thick curtains).

A sensor and a setting unit are combined in one housing of this element.

  1. It is best to place the device on an open (but without drafts) section of the wall, at a height of about 1.4 m from the floor. You need to avoid places near devices that can greatly change the temperature of the environment - air conditioners, stoves, etc.
  2. The device comes with a small mounting panel, which is secured to the selected location using a pair of self-tapping screws.
  3. A capillary tube is wound inside the sensor. It is pulled out to the required length so that the device reaches the fixed bar.
  4. The capillary tube is carefully fixed on back side valve
  5. The sensor is placed on the bar by simply snapping it into place.

Setting a limit

The operation of thermostats is based on physical laws. Therefore, you need to remember that the conditions in which the device is located may make some adjustments (for example, distance from the heat source). There are indicative tables of correspondence between the regulator scale and temperature, which can be taken as a guide during installation. However, after the basic setup, you will need to “understand” your thermostat.

To do this:

  1. Set the temperature on the handle with marks.
  2. After an hour, control measurements are taken with a room thermometer at several points in the room.
  3. If the temperature is higher or lower, the readings on the handle are adjusted.

Proportional band - 2 °C. If you set the temperature to 20°, the device will maintain readings in the range from 20 to 22 °C.

Sensor after installation on the radiator

The two pins that are included with the sensor will help set the limits for the minimum and maximum positions of the thermoelement.

They are located at the bottom of the device:

  1. To set the limit at a mark, for example “3”, you need to pull out the limiter and set the sensor readings at the mark “3”. Then the pin is inserted into the hole, which in this position is under the diamond icon.
  2. The second limiting threshold is set in the same way. The handle is turned to the desired value, only the pin is inserted into the hole located under the triangle icon.
You can block the regulator at a certain temperature (protects against accidental failure or childish pranks).

To do this:

  1. Both pins are removed.
  2. The handle is placed at the desired level.
  3. In this position, the first pin is inserted into the hole located under the diamond.
  4. The second pin goes into the hole under the triangle.

Danfoss thermostats have many positive feedback. This is a very easy to use device that does not require any attention after initial installation and configuration. But the result will be a more comfortable temperature in the apartment, and in some cases, significant budget savings.

Video on the topic

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Selection of thermostats for heating radiators

Thermostats installed on heating radiators can increase indoor comfort, as well as significantly save on heating costs when it comes to a private home.

There are several types of devices on the market: electronic, mechanical, gas-filled, liquid, and also with remote or built-in temperature sensors. Our material is devoted to how to select and install thermostats, what you should pay attention to first.

Types of control elements

Electronic automatic thermostat Danfoss

Installing a shut-off and control valve or valve in front of the heating radiator is a measure that serves not only to regulate the flow of water into the battery, but also an issue of emergency safety, since it becomes possible to disconnect the battery from the common riser, if necessary. So simple and important function Previously, it was not always provided for in heating systems; by the way, not all new houses have shut-off valves on batteries installed.

The following are used as locking and regulating elements:

  1. ball valve,
  2. cone valve,
  3. automatic thermostat.

Ball valve

This is the most minimal measure aimed at creating the possibility of emergency shutdown of radiators. This element performs only a locking function, since the design provides only two positions - “open” or “closed”.

Adjust the battery heating using ball valve– ineffective practice, since a valve in the middle position is vulnerable to the damaging effects of solid particles. The coolant circulating in the system contains suspensions, rust particles and other foreign small elements (this is especially typical for heating systems apartment buildings).

Gradually, the surface of the faucet will deteriorate, jagged marks will remain on the shut-off ball, which means that sooner or later it will become unsuitable for performing its main function - locking, since the tightness will be broken.

Cone valve

Allows you to regulate the flow of coolant into the radiator, so you can use it to regulate the temperature. In general, installing a manual cone valve in front of batteries is inexpensive and functional solution.

The disadvantage in this case will be the complete absence of any markings for adjustment; you will have to independently determine how much to change the position of the valve, do not forget to return it to its original position, etc.

Thermostats with thermostat

The most modern and comfortable solution is to install a thermostat with a thermostat in front of the radiator, which allows you to accurately regulate the degree of heating of the battery, and therefore the air temperature in the room.

Types of thermostats

Today, two types of thermostats are used:

  1. Liquid
  2. Gas-filled

Thermostat design

The device and main components of the thermostat

The radiator thermostat has two parts:

  1. Valve
  2. Thermostatic element

The thermostatic element is a hollow cylinder, the walls of which are corrugated, this cylinder is called a bellows. The bellows is filled with a substance (water or gas) that can react to fluctuations in air temperature in the room.

When the temperature rises, the volume of the working substance increases, pressing on the walls of the bellows. The bellows moves the rod, which closes the valve. The valve controls the amount of coolant entering the battery. When the valve stem moves, the flow of coolant decreases.

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The photo shows types of thermostats

If the air temperature in the room decreases, then the volume of the working substance decreases; it no longer stretches the bellows, thereby opening the valve and increasing the flow of coolant.

Bellows have a large margin of safety and service life; they can withstand hundreds of thousands of compression cycles for decades. (Danfoss cites data that their bellows can last up to 100 years, having completed 1 million cycles).

Gas-filled thermostats

Gas-filled thermostats are manufactured by the Danish company Danfoss; they are reliable equipment that has a service life of over 20 years. The bellows system of the gas-filled thermostatic element, as indicated above, is filled with gas, this allows you to smoothly regulate the air temperature in the room.

The sensor detects the ambient air temperature. Each temperature corresponds to a certain level of gas pressure in the bellows, which is balanced by compression of the adjusting spring.

As the room temperature rises, the gas pressure in the bellows increases and the valve cone moves towards closing. This process continues until equilibrium is restored between the gas pressure in the bellows and the compression of the spring. When the air temperature in the room drops, the gas pressure decreases, as a result of which the bellows compresses and the valve cone moves towards opening until the system reaches equilibrium.

Danfoss devices

Examples of Danfoss automatic thermostat models

Temperature regulators of the RTD series from Danfoss are gas-filled devices.

This technical design provides two serious advantages at once:

  1. The gas condenses in the cold half of the sensor, which is further away from the control valve. In this case, the radiator thermostat will always detect temperature fluctuations in the room, and the influence of the water temperature in the pipe will be eliminated.
  2. The thermostat is very sensitive and is able to respond extremely quickly to temperature changes, so it controls the flow of heat into the room as efficiently as possible.

Danfoss produces two types of thermostats for radiators:

In addition, they can be straight or angular.

The type of regulator is selected based on the type of heating system in the house, and the valve size is selected based on the diameter of the pipe supplying the coolant or the diameter of the hole in the plug heating device.

Valves type RTD-G in thermostats use:

RTD-N type valves in thermostats are used:

  • For two-pipe heating systems in new buildings;
  • For two-pipe heating systems of cottages in which circulation pumps are installed.

Average prices for Danfoss thermostats (Danfoss)

The table shows the average prices at which at the moment you can buy thermostats for radiators heating Danfoss(Denmark).

Shown is the model number and short technical description, the cost is indicated in rubles (may vary depending on the exchange rate).

Thermostat modelTech. Description Adjustment range, accuracy 1 degree. Price, rubles
RA 2994With gas-filled built-in temperature sensor5-26 1520
RA 2992With gas-filled remote temperature sensor5-26 2320
RA 2920With gas-filled built-in temperature sensor and protective casing from unauthorized intervention5-26 2240
RA 2922With gas-filled remote temperature sensor and protective casing against unauthorized intervention5-26 3200
RA 2940With gas-filled built-in temperature sensor, with shut-off function0-26 1600
RA 5062Remote control, with liquid built-in temperature sensor (2 m)8-28 4720
RA 5065Remote control, with liquid built-in temperature sensor (5 m)8-28 5080
RA 5068Remote control, with liquid built-in temperature sensor (8 m)8-28 6200
RA 5070Remote control, with liquid built-in temperature sensor (10 m)8-28 6240
RA 5072Remote control, with liquid built-in temperature sensor (12 m)8-28 6880
RA 5075Remote control, with liquid built-in temperature sensor (15 m)8-28 7920
RA 5074Remote control, with liquid remote temperature sensor8-28 6720
RAW 5010With liquid built-in temperature sensor8-28 1440
RAW 5012With liquid remote temperature sensor8-28 2000
RAW 5110With liquid built-in temperature sensor, with shut-off function0–28 1520
FTCWith liquid remote temperature sensor for regulating water temperature in underfloor heating systems15–50 4960
RA-PlusProgrammable, with liquid built-in temperature sensor8–28 8080
RAX whiteWith built-in liquid temperature sensor. Design version, white (RAL 9010)8-28 2160
RAX blackWith built-in liquid temperature sensor. Design version, black (RAL 9005)8-28 2240
RAX chromeWith built-in liquid temperature sensor. Design version, chrome plated8-28 2400
RAX steelWith built-in liquid temperature sensor. Design version, steel8-28 3040

Regulator installation

The process of installing thermostats on a radiator in a house is not complicated; if you wish, you can do it yourself. If you have no experience or desire, you can always turn to professional installers.

Video instructions for installing a thermostat on a radiator using the Danfoss Living Eco automatic electronic regulator as an example:

The sequence of actions will be the same, regardless of the metal from which the batteries are made, the principle is the same for both aluminum and bimetallic radiators.

Removing the old collar

Installing a new collar

Need to install new set made of a metal collar and a blind nut on copper pipe, the old ones are dismantled. If the collar cannot be removed, then its parts are carefully cut out with a small screwdriver, after which they can be torn apart from each other. Since you will have to work directly with a screwdriver and a hacksaw on the pipes, you should remain careful.

After installation is complete, set the required temperature on the thermostat.

Typically, for living rooms or walk-through rooms, the regulator is left completely open; for bedrooms, you can close it halfway. If different rooms of the house have different thermostat settings, then you should keep the doors to the rooms closed, otherwise the device will incorrectly determine the air temperature in the room and try to equalize it.

Photo selection of decorative screens for radiators that fit stylistically into the interior

Calculation of the required power of radiators and the number of sections

Which one to choose: gas or liquid?

This question is perhaps one of the most frequently discussed among consumers and installers. Technically, gas-filled bellows respond faster to room temperature fluctuations. At the same time, liquid devices are more accurate when transferring the internal pressure of the bellows to the moving mechanism.

Thus, it is difficult to answer unequivocally which bellows are better. When choosing, you should first focus on workmanship, warranties and service life. This means choosing from products from trusted manufacturers; the technical solution may be of secondary importance.

Advantages of Danfoss thermostatic controllers

  • Danfoss thermostats for radiators have a number of advantages:
  • The device body has a modern ergonomic design;
  • High quality and concise appearance will allow them to fit into any interior;
  • Thermostats can be installed on existing heating systems;
  • Does not require prevention or maintenance;
  • Not whimsical, can work in conditions of domestic heating systems;
  • Has a long service life;
  • Provide precise temperature control in rooms (6-26 degrees);

Benefits of installing thermostats

Electric thermostat for heating radiator

When installing thermostats on radiators in a private house or cottage, heating savings of up to 20% are achieved. This occurs by reducing the consumption of excess heat during periods when it is not needed - in warm and sunny days, when operating electrical appliances, etc.

The thermostat allows you to maintain a healthy microclimate in the premises, since the air does not overheat. This provides comfort in the home and prevents drying out. wooden furniture and extends the life of sensitive equipment.

For some types of fuel used in private homes and cottages (for example, diesel fuel), the cost of installing thermostats will be compensated for one heating season.

Apartment owners are unlikely to be able to save money. But an important benefit will be a comfortable environment in the rooms.

Types of thermostatic elements

There are two types of thermostatic elements:

  1. Thermostatic element with built-in sensor
  2. Thermostatic element with remote sensor

Built-in temperature sensor

Remote temperature sensor

The built-in sensor requires free air circulation around it. This is necessary to prevent heat from the pipe. To avoid unwanted heating, the sensor is installed horizontally.

Remote sensor

  • Remote temperature sensor is used in following cases:
  • If the radiator (and therefore the thermostat) is installed in a niche;
  • If the regulator is located less than 10 cm from a wide window sill (more than 22 cm);
  • With a radiator depth of more than 16 cm;
  • If the axis of the thermostatic element is in a vertical position;
  • If the radiator is covered with thick curtains.

In these and some other cases, a remote sensor should be installed, since the built-in one will not be able to work correctly.

The sensor must be installed perpendicular to the radiator body. Since in the case of parallel installation, its readings will be confused by the action warm air rising from the radiator.


When choosing radiators, thermostats and the heating system in general, you should contact specialists. It is preferable to deal with professional companies, since they are legally responsible for the quality of work performed and equipment sold.

The warranty period and warranty service also play an important role.

Savings when using the services of private individuals are often insignificant based on the results of all work, and the cost of eliminating the consequences of an accident in the heating system can be very impressive.

Types and materials of heating radiators: which are better?

Decorative and heat-protective grilles and screens for radiators: photo gallery


Thermal heads temperature controllers for Danfoss heating batteries

The heating system is one of the most important details any home. Unfortunately, it is precisely this that accounts for the greatest costs when paying utility bills, regardless of the installed autonomous or centralized heating. Get comfortable temperature Thermostats installed on each radiator battery help to significantly reduce the cost of paying bills for consumed thermal energy. A special effect can be obtained by installing temperature controllers for Danfoss heating batteries, capable of maintaining the required temperature in the room with an accuracy of 1 degree.

Operating principle and design

Danfoss thermostats are necessary to maintain room temperature. During operation, thermostats monitor changes in room temperature using built-in heat sensors. When the temperature drops, the thermal control system opens the coolant intake, increasing its volume and circulation inside the battery. After reaching the set temperature, the Danfoss thermostat reduces the coolant supply, thereby reducing the heating temperature and energy consumption in the heating device. The equipment consists of two main components:
  1. Thermostatic element responsible for controlling the device.
  2. Valves regulating the release of coolant to the radiator. Executing element.
A small corrugated cylinder is installed in the thermostatic element, filled with a liquid or gaseous component that reacts to the slightest change in air temperature. In some models, a metal plate made of heat-conducting material is used as a thermostat, but thermostats for Danfoss heating radiators with gas-filled bellows are considered the most accurate. The temperature control system can be mechanical or electronic. Temperature controllers for Danfoss radiators with electronic settings are equipped with a small display to display information about the entered program.

Differences between some models

Depending on the model, installed thermostats can be divided according to their operating principle and design features.
  • Supported temperature ranges from 5 to 30℃.
  • Temperature measurement sensor option - it can be built-in, remotely controlled and programmable.
  • They differ in the type of installation - angular, straight, for lower or upper connection type.
The most popular are direct heat regulators for Danfoss batteries; their design allows you to connect batteries with bottom, top and side connections. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the length of the shut-off valve and select the length of the installation pipes accordingly. The possibility of implementing any type of connection is achieved thanks to the rod located along the axis of the shank. The model designation of such equipment is RTD-N UK. Wide range of mounting options for UK model valves allows them to be used in conjunction with Danfoss floor-mounted convectors. Corner thermostats are mounted directly on the coolant intake point of the radiator and require a minimum of additional installation work, do not take up extra space. Sensors such as RTD - N or RTD - G are marked depending on the model. Increased throughput makes it possible to use thermal valves in closed and open heating systems. Another type temperature regulators for Danfoss heating batteries there is an option built into the radiator. Such equipment is widely used in compact devices located in niches, close to the side surfaces. Often, built-in valves are equipped with remote thermostats.

Installation and configuration of the sensor

Installing automatic thermostats for Danfoss radiators, the instructions must be strictly followed. It is not recommended to place the regulator head behind bulky objects, behind curtains or inside niches. This will result in distorted measurements by obstructing the uniform flow of air around the sensor. If installing a thermal head for radiators Danfoss RTD 3640 or other similar models is impossible due to the hidden placement of the battery, you need to consider an external remote sensor.

Despite the possibility of installing thermostats in almost any heating system, using them together with cast iron batteries will not bring the expected results due to the slow cooling and slow heating of the battery.

Installation of the thermostat should only be carried out by professionals, in order to avoid further problems and malfunction. Setting up temperature regulators for Danfoss heating batteries is done once, at the beginning of each heating season. For correct settings It is necessary to reduce the heat loss of the room as much as possible, for which windows and doors are closed. Then a regular room thermometer is installed in the center and opened as much as possible shut-off valve thermostat. Once the temperature in the room becomes slightly higher than what you consider most comfortable for yourself, the valve must be completely closed. In the process of gradual cooling of the air, the temperature will begin to decrease and as soon as it reaches the required values, the thermostat can be gradually opened until the coolant is supplied to the system. Usually you just hear how water or other coolant fluid begins to circulate inside the radiator. For sensors equipped with electronic control, you just need to select the desired heating temperature and fix it in the program. If necessary, the temperature can easily be changed directly during operation. After the end of the heating season, it is recommended to leave the Danfoss radiator temperature regulators at maximum open position, to circulate inside the valve and reduce the possibility of blockage.

Our company specializes in the supply of equipment that will help you organize effective management of the heat supply system at the site. Specialization in the supply of this equipment guarantees that you will receive truly high-quality, modern and proven equipment. This subsection presents a catalog in which you can choose and buy a Danfoss thermostat - the price is very good, and direct deliveries from the manufacturer allow us to guarantee original quality and unique characteristics of the equipment. By contacting our company, you can purchase original products from a well-known Danish manufacturer at favorable price and with a long warranty period. Take the opportunity to order a Danfoss temperature controller and get the benefits for which our company is known. By becoming our client, you will receive:

  • manufacturer's price for modern and reliable equipment;
  • very long warranty period for ordered regulators;
  • assistance in selecting equipment;
  • warranty and service;
  • prompt response to orders and their accurate implementation;
  • delivery of ordered equipment to your locality.

Contact us if you are interested in Danfoss heating thermostats for radiators and product types. It is very easy and profitable to work with us! Please note that we have our own warehouse finished products, where the entire range of equipment from this manufacturer is presented. This allows us to process orders as quickly as possible and provide excellent service to our customers. Already now you have the opportunity to buy a Danfoss thermostat - the price of the manufacturer, and the developed service will allow you to get the type of equipment you are interested in on the best terms.

You can place your order quickly and easily. Check out the range of equipment that interests you in the corresponding subsection. Select the required model and place your order. You can buy a temperature controller direct action Danfoss or other types of equipment from this manufacturer by contacting us by phone numbers posted on the website. Also note that in the bottom corner of the page there is an online form through which you can both ask questions and make a purchase. Remember that our specialists are not just engaged in selling equipment, but also have very good experience use of equipment at a wide variety of objects and systems of varying complexity. Use the opportunity provided to order a Danfoss temperature controller, the price and assistance service in selecting equipment will help you make the ideal and informed choice of model for your system. Our specialists will give you professional advice on the characteristics of the equipment, answer any questions about the installation and operation of the products, and accept your order. It is very convenient to work with specialists who are well versed in the equipment they offer. Contact us at any time convenient for you if your goal is to buy Danfoss thermostats for radiators - our company’s offer is one of the most profitable and affordable on the market.

Separately, we would like to note that our company cooperates with a large number firms and individuals. Our service covers all regions of the country, which allows us to provide professional service clients, regardless of their place of residence. All you need to do is place an order, and our specialists will promptly resolve delivery issues. The equipment ordered from us will be delivered to you quickly and with a warranty from our company. Choose a thermostat for a Danfoss heating radiator, other types of equipment and start placing your order! All equipment that is in the catalog is present in required quantity in the company's warehouse and you can receive it promptly. Once again we would like to draw your attention to the fact that all products are original and are in high demand among specialists in heat supply systems and energy efficiency. By ordering equipment from us, you will receive the best samples of products at the most affordable price.

We recommend contacting our company and buying a Danfoss thermostat - price, warranty, service and prompt delivery of any quantity of original equipment from the Danish manufacturer make our offer popular and convenient for customers.

Contact us!

A popular brand under which thermostats are produced is Danfoss. Products from this company can be found in almost all stores.

Find out the price and buy heating equipment and related products you can find here. Write, call and come to one of the stores in your city. Delivery throughout the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

The production technology based on a gas-filled bellows has a patent and is used at the company’s own factories. If you are inclined to buy a Danfoss thermostat, be sure to read the operating instructions.

About Danfoss regulators

Why install a thermostat? To maintain a certain indoor air temperature.

The product consists of two parts that complement each other:

  1. Thermostat.
  2. Thermostatic valve.

The Danfoss thermostat valve is connected directly to the radiator, and a thermostat is already mounted on it.

The main thing is a thermostatic element that senses temperature changes and sends a signal to a valve that shuts off the flow of coolant.

Inside the thermal head is a bellows (a corrugated chamber that can change sizes) with gas. At a certain temperature, a gas changes its state (it condenses when cooled). This affects the change in volume and pressure in the chamber, which becomes smaller in size and pulls the spool rod, which in turn opens a gap in the valve for the circulation of the coolant.

When heating occurs, the reverse expansion process starts and the lumen is closed (the standard is considered to be 2 V °C of temperature exceeding the specified value).

When the optimal degree is set on the instrument scale, a certain compression of the tuning spring appears inside, which is associated with a specific gas pressure.

Danfoss produces gas and liquid bellows (more inert, slower to react to temperature fluctuations).

Types and symbols

The abbreviations by which Danfoss heating thermostats are distinguished indicate the type of filler and the purpose of the device:

  • RTS is a liquid bellows;
  • RTD-G – gas-powered, suitable for one- and two-pipe systems without a pump;
  • RTD-N – gas appliance for one- and two-pipe pump systems.

Service thermostatic Danfoss element RTR/RTD with built-in temperature sensor

There are modifications that perform not only their main functions, but also many additional ones. Let's say there is an option to protect against reconfiguration of set indicators. This is convenient when children are constantly in the room. The number of modes and variety of functions in each model is individual.

Popular models of Danfoss thermostats

The company's product range includes many different Danfoss thermostats for batteries. The following are popular:

  1. RTD regulator marked 3640. It is used on 2-pipe classical type heating systems. Equipped with an option that prevents the line from freezing in cool weather. The Danfoss RTD thermostat is used in domestic and industrial environments and has four divisions with marks in the form of Roman numerals.
  2. The designation RAX, as a rule, is for products with liquid that are used for installation on unusual batteries or on heated towel rails. Externally they are very attractive and fit well into the design. The case has only divisions with Roman and Arabic numerals.
  3. The Danfoss RA-299 thermostat operates on gas, has automatic temperature control, and is produced in different colors. Reacts quickly to temperature fluctuations. Can only be used for installation on classic heating systems.
  4. The Living ECO device has the option of indoor climate control. It can be safely installed in various administrative buildings And residential buildings. The product is distinguished by the presence of an LCD screen, which displays all the necessary data about the thermal fluid. In addition, the case has main buttons for mode settings.
  5. There are also series with many functions, they are suitable for both heated towel rails and different areas heating equipment. Can be right- or left-handed.

Danfoss Living Connect thermostat

All Danfoss thermostats for heating radiators are supplied with parts that simplify the installation of the device and its future use.

Installation of Danfoss thermal head

The device is mounted precisely on the pipe of the hot water supply circuit. Installation does not involve anything complicated, even in the case of design options, installation follows the same principle. The work is carried out in stages:

  1. Markings are made on the supply pipe to indicate the area that needs to be cut. It is worth considering the dimensions of the valve body. The threaded element is removed, which will fit directly into the pipe.
  2. The heating is turned off and the liquid is drained to prevent a flood in the house.
  3. The excess section of the pipe is cut off according to the marks, and a thread is made with a die on the outer part of the cut.
  4. The joint is treated with a special paste for plumbing work(manufacturer is not important).
  5. The valve is screwed onto the thread made with a die and tightened tightly with a washer. There is no need to further secure the connection for tightness. The actions performed are sufficient for a reliable connection.
  6. The fuse is removed, the maximum value of “five” is set on the regulator, and a housing with a scale is put on top.
  7. All joints are checked and the heating device is connected to the entire heating system.

If the Danfoss thermostat was connected correctly, then there should be no problems. It is worth checking the operation of the device before opening and closing the valve for the first time.

Setting up the thermostat

All the manufacturer’s devices differ in appearance and technical characteristics, but they are still configured in the same way. To implement it, you need to look at the operating instructions and familiarize yourself with the designation of the modes that are indicated on the device body. Indicators may vary, it all depends on the model.

Next, to adjust the Danfoss thermostat, set it to the required temperature. This can be done by moving the torque element in a certain direction. If you have installed a device with buttons, all you need to do is press the plus or minus.

It is possible to specify intermediate values ​​when they are best suited to create a certain temperature regime in the room. A couple of minutes will pass and heating system will have time to adapt to the specified parameters and will heat until the optimal microclimate is achieved. The same applies to refrigeration equipment.

Operation of the regulator in a heated floor system

Danfoss floor heating thermostat – important thing for the entire heating system. The device has the responsible function of adjusting the temperature to a comfortable 25 °C.

Flow meters will not help if the pressure is unstable, the air heats up, for example, sun rays, and residents strive to save on heating while they are not at home.

Experts advise installing a mechanical regulator in small rooms of approximately 10 m².

In large rooms, Danfoss room thermostats with heated floor temperature sensors are used.

The Danfoss thermostatic head deservedly has many positive reviews. This is an easy-to-use item that does not require special attention from the owner after installation and adjustment. As a result, a favorable microclimate is provided in the house, and in some cases, significant savings in money.



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