Is it possible to put reeds at home? Sign: old things. Dry reeds are a thing that should not be kept at home

You can visually get acquainted with Lake Kamysh in the photo below:


Other plants are often mistakenly called reeds, in particular, cattails and reeds, although these are plants from other families.

Homeland of the plant

Reeds can be found in almost every corner of the earth, but they are most widespread in tropical and subtropical latitudes.

They choose ponds and swamps as their habitat. Some types of reeds float on the water surface.


The length of the reed stem usually reaches three meters. The stem of the reed is thin. For him characterized by a cylindrical or triangular shape.

On the cross section of the stem you can see voids that act as air passages.


The triangular stems may be covered with linear leaves that are similar in shape to leaves. The cylindrical stems usually do not have leaves, but scales up to three millimeters long can be located at their base. Selected species reeds are equipped with thread-like leaves that form a basal rosette.


The underground part of this representative of the sedge family is represented by a rhizome, which can be creeping or shortened.

Reed root contains a lot of starch, due to which in ancient times they used to make flour.

Fruit (panicle)

In mid-summer, inflorescences in the form of spikes form on the tops of the reed stems, connected into an umbrella, panicle or head up to ten centimeters in size.

Sometimes you can see a solitary ear on the reeds. The spikelets include several bisexual flowers of a light greenish color, which begin to turn brown towards the end of the flowering period.

Some varieties of reeds are equipped with a bract leaf, which is positioned as if it were an extension of the stem. Sometimes this leaf is thin and awl-shaped, resembling a film.

The fruit of the reed is a triangular or flat-convex nut.

Home care

Can I keep it at home?

For a long time in Rus' there was a sign that swamp reeds should not be kept in the house, as they attract misfortune, illness and death.

However, there are other opinions about reeds. For example, residents Ancient Egypt This plant was associated with power, because it grew only near bodies of water, which were of great value for an arid country. And dry reeds placed near the entrance to the home helped scare away ill-wishers.

From a medical point of view, marsh reeds may be dangerous after fading, as they begin to disintegrate into tiny fluff, which can trigger allergic reactions. In addition, reeds brought from the swamp may bear traces of the vital activity of various animals that are carriers of dangerous diseases.

IMPORTANT! There are decorative reeds that are specially created for growing at home.


Reed is unpretentious plant , however he prone to very rapid growth, therefore requires regular pruning using pruning shears designed to form a beautiful shape.

Pruning is best done in late autumn. Both overgrown roots and withered leaves.


Since reed is a marsh plant, it loves humidity very much. In this regard, it is recommended to water it abundantly.

In the cold season, watering the reeds is slightly reduced, but the top layer of soil in which this representative of the flora grows should not be allowed to dry out. For irrigation, you should use settled soft water.. Once every three days, reed leaves must be irrigated with water.


It is usually planted on a swampy bank or directly into the reservoir itself. Types of reeds with stems covered with leaves are immersed in water by twenty centimeters when planting, and reeds with bare stems - by a meter.

Decorative species are used for coastal landscaping. When planting reeds at home, you should choose a shallow, wide container.


For reeds characterized by rapid aging and shedding of leaves. For this reason, the plant requires replanting every spring.

During transplantation, the reeds are separated and yellowed leaves are removed.

IMPORTANT! Divide the reeds into too large number parts should not be taken, as weak roots on small bushes may not take root.


In summer, the most favorable temperature for reeds is considered to be a temperature not exceeding twenty degrees Celsius, and in winter it is necessary to ensure that it does not fall below eight degrees. Although the reeds is a cold-resistant plant, which can withstand temperatures of five degrees above zero, but still prefers warmth.


Reeds will feel most comfortable in illuminated areas, but straight sun rays he doesn't tolerate it well. The most favorable place for it is considered partial shade.

Growing from seeds at home

The process of growing reeds from seeds is quite labor-intensive.

The seeds must first be wet stratified at low temperatures above freezing for two months. It is best to plant them in February or March.

The seeds are distributed over the surface of moist soil, consisting of a mixture of sand, peat and humus in equal parts. To maintain soil and air moisture, it is recommended to cover the seed container with glass and place it on a tray filled with water.

The temperature in the room where the seeds are located should be between seventeen and twenty degrees Celsius.

After five to seven days, you will notice the emergence of seedlings, which will need to be pruned after a couple of months. In June, young reeds must be planted in a permanent place.


Since when reeds are propagated by seeds, they are lost varietal characteristics, then most often these plants are propagated by dividing the root system. One bush can be divided into seven parts using pruners, each of which must have at least one bud and developed roots.

The parts obtained as a result of division are immediately planted in the ground. The distance between them should be at least forty centimeters.


The flowering period of reeds begins at the end of June or early July.

On its stems are formed small flowers in the form of a panicle, which then turns into a brown brush.

Ground, soil

The reed will feel best in raw neutral or slightly acidic soil , the pH level of which is from 5.0 to 7.0.

You can make your own potting mix by mixing two parts peat moss with one part sand and one part leaf soil.

The soil can consist of two parts turf, one part humus or leaf soil, and one part sand.
Reed grows well in hydroponics.


Reed needs to be fed mineral fertilizers , the proportion of which should be one gram per one meter. Most often, compost, humus or wood ash. In moderate quantities, it is allowed to feed the reeds with potassium salt and superphosphate.

Benefits and harms

Benefits for humans

Previously, people used reeds as fuel and feed for livestock. Alcohol and acetone, as well as glycerin and lactic acid were obtained from it.

This plant was also a raw material for paper production. In lean years, reed shoots saved people from starvation by being used as a raw material for seasoning soups.

They were also eaten raw, and flour was made from the rhizomes. During camping trips, the rhizomes of this plant are baked on coals.

The soft and pliable stems of reeds are used to weave baskets and carpets.

Medicinal properties of reed panicle

Reed contains many useful substances, due to which it can be used for preparing healing infusions and decoctions. It has antiseptic, diuretic, bactericidal, wound healing, diaphoretic and hemostatic effects.

Reed is an unpretentious plant with many useful properties. In addition, it can perform a decorative function and be used in practical purposes.

Useful video

You can see how the reeds will look in a pond in the video below:

Since ancient times in Rus', women and children collected herbs and flowers in fields and forests. They made beautiful bouquets of them, which not only served as decoration for their home, but also served as a worthy amulet, driving away evil spirits. Nowadays, the fashion for dried flowers in the house has subsided. Moreover, there are also negatively superstitious people who are opposed to this tradition. Because they know why reeds, ivy, sedge and many other plants that look friendly should not be kept at home.

Why you can’t bring reeds into the house

In order to protect yourself from bad luck, illnesses and problems, you need to know several reasons why you still cannot bring the reed plant into the house. Like other superstitions, you need to know about them in order to be able to choose which ones to believe in and which ones to simply keep in mind.

Reason one: superstition. Reed is a marsh plant. Even when bulrush grows on a river or lake, its roots begin in silty soil rather than in open water. And in many mythologies, swamps were considered the habitat of evil spirits and evil spirits. Many people also associate the swamp with sadness and melancholy, because when you look at it through a foggy veil, no other thoughts arise. Only hopelessness and emptiness. People have long believed that reeds in the house will attract illness, rapid aging, melancholy and even death of the owners of the house.

It is also believed that reeds attract evil spirits living in swamps, such as kikimoras, goblins and others, into the home.

Reason three: unsanitary conditions. On the shore, where the reeds grow carefree, there live a lot of different rodents, mice, rats, otters, and so on. Everyone knows that these animals are often carriers of infections and diseases that can be transmitted not only from animal to animal, but also to humans. Reeds picked with your own hands and brought into the house may contain Leptospira spores, a virus that is carried painlessly by animals and is excreted in their urine and feces. The disease is not fatal, but it is very unpleasant and cannot actually be cured.

What does it mean if you dream of reeds?

Seeing reeds or beautiful reed thickets in your dream means that everything will be fine in a person’s life. Promises success in business and endeavors. In all areas of business and even personal life success will come, problems and issues of concern will be solved last weeks, month.

A girl had a dream - a worthy suitor will appear. To a young man also predicts the emergence of new romantic interests. By the way, a new relationship, which is promised by a dream in which you see reeds, guarantees love and reciprocity for a long time.

It’s a bad sign if you dreamed of cut reeds. This may indicate the emergence of obvious problems in the near future.

Cutting reeds in a dream and taking them to your home predicts problems with health and general well-being.

Dream about reeds

Did you dream that you were covering the roof of your house with reeds? This is very good sign. This means that you will be able to finish the job you started more successfully than you expected.

A burning reed tells you that you need to be on your guard, be prepared for unpredictable troubles that cannot be avoided. A person who sees a reed burning with flame should expect someone’s betrayal, lies and deception. This deception can turn your path not in the best direction.

You can and should try to identify the person in your environment, this will help avoid undesirable consequences.

In any case, if you consider yourself a rather suspicious person and believe in many signs and superstitions, it is better not to bring reeds into the house and not to keep them. After all, you will consciously and subconsciously associate all your troubles that will develop during this period with this plant. If you don’t believe and don’t pay attention to various signs, and you love reeds very much, then allow it to delight you in your home. Don’t sincerely believe that reeds in the house are bad, and then negative energy will bypass you.

It has long been the 21st century, but many people remain superstitious and continue to adhere to ancient “traditions”, without even realizing why they should do so. Signs born in ignorance penetrate our minds, forcing us to act in the same way as our distant ancestors. Today we will tell you about reeds in the house. This sign is old and has changed many times over time.


For thousands of years, women and children collected bouquets of various flowers in the fields and carried them home. Some plants were considered medicinal, others were designed to protect against evil spirits. So what can we say about reeds in the house? Signs speak quite clearly on this matter. There are different interpretations, but they all boil down to one thing. Reeds at home - There are only two opinions among the superstitious population of Russia.

  • Is it possible to keep reeds at home? The sign will “answer” you that no. It is believed that this plant can bring illness and death into the house.
  • The second opinion is less cruel, but also promises misfortune and misfortune to the one who placed such an unusual bouquet in his home.

In general, if you believe in omens, then you better beware of bringing reeds into the house and putting them in a vase. However, like any other marsh plant.


But it's not all bad. What else does reeds promise in the house? Signs also have reverse side medals, especially when it comes to a completely dried plant or products made from it.

  • The ancient Egyptians associated this plant with power. Of course, in an arid country it grew only where there was moisture, which means it could evoke extremely positive associations. Modern Egyptians try to purchase furniture (chairs) made of reeds so that they symbolize the “throne” and the place of the head of the family in the house.
  • If dry reeds (or any other dried plant) are placed so that they can be seen immediately upon entering the house, then they will repel troubles and ill-wishers.

In everyday life

Currently, there are many more people who are inclined not to believe in omens. In addition, in ancient times reed stalks were often used to cover the roofs of huts and temporary shelters. Thus, this plant protected the residents rather than brought them trouble.

Now the reeds are in the house - bad omen for housewives. But not at all because of mystical properties of this plant. The “bud,” aka the inflorescence that everyone likes so much and because of which, in fact, people sometimes bring reeds into the house, continues to ripen even while standing in a vase. Therefore, at a certain moment it will disintegrate into fluff, which will cover everything that is possible. And it will be very difficult to remove it. Although, according to the same signs, an “exploded” reed means an imminent wedding or the arrival of matchmakers at the house.


Another side of the coin about reeds in the house. Sign? No. Just information that modern medical scientists have received. Think about why the ancient Slavs believed that reeds brought illness into the house?

  • We have already mentioned that when the reed fades, it disintegrates into fine fluff. This may cause allergies in particularly sensitive people. And this disease, if left untreated, can even lead to death.
  • Any dried plant begins to disintegrate into tiny particles of dust. They will settle on furniture, window sills, curtains, and then fly into the air at the slightest movement. And this can be dangerous for people with diseases respiratory system(for example, asthmatics).
  • Have you ever wondered who lives in the swamp from which you bring reeds into the house? The sign has nothing to do with it, because on the shore there live many different rodents (otters, mice, rats), which are carriers infectious diseases. By bringing home reeds on which a sick animal has relieved itself, you are putting the health of the entire family at risk. Many of the diseases are not fatal, but are practically incurable, and you will be sick until you die.


Another reason why you can’t keep reeds in the house. The sign in this case plays an important psychological role. If you believe in omens, then under no circumstances bring reeds into the house. The so-called chain reaction will work.

It's probably happened to everyone similar situation. You wake up in the morning in a bad mood. Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep or had nightmares all night. As a result, you have a very And then it begins - you hit your finger on a plate, you broke a plate, a bag of garbage broke, you got stuck in a traffic jam, you were late for work, you received a reprimand from your boss, you quarreled with your family in the evening. The series of events began with you thinking in the morning that everything would be bad. And it’s the same here.

If you are superstitious, then if there are reeds in the house, you will subconsciously expect a trick, some kind of misfortune or problems. This will entail a chain of events, as a result of which something will definitely happen. And you will unconsciously attribute this event to the fact that you have reeds in your house. The sign will come in very handy here.


Separate from real life there are signs associated with dreams about reeds. In most cases, there is a direct relationship between reeds and a person’s future.

  • If you had a dream in which you saw lush thickets of flowering reeds, then this should bring you good luck in various matters. Perhaps there will be a solution to the problems that have worried you lately.
  • Kamysh is the Slavic embodiment of Cupid. If a girl or boy dreams of reeds, this can be a harbinger of a long and lasting relationship. Promises love and prosperity in the family.
  • If in a dream you cover the roof with reeds, then you will be able to finish the job you started and successfully bring it to an end.
  • The opposite dreams are also true. If you dream of dried or cut reeds, then misfortune.
  • Burning reeds are a harbinger of betrayal and deception. A person must be on guard, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid trouble. Your life path may collapse sharply due to such shocks. Be careful.


Whether you are a superstitious person or a skeptic, keeping home-picked reeds in your home can be very dangerous. We have brought a whole series negative consequences, which can be expected due to the penetration of this plant into the house. For those who prefer the aesthetic forms of reeds to prudence and still decide to put a similar dried flower in a vase at home, there are several recommendations.

  • Pick reeds only while wearing protective gloves to avoid infection.
  • Treat it with antiseptic solutions while still outside to prevent diseases from entering the house.
  • The reed “bump” can be varnished. Then it will last much longer.
  • You can store dried flowers in the house for no more than a year.

By following these simple steps, you can amuse your eyes with this plant for a long time, without risking your health and the well-being of others. If you brought reeds into your home and after a couple of days you feel unwell, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and get rid of this plant. In any case, whether it is possible to keep reeds in the house is up to you to decide.

Our ancestors believed that almost every plant has magical power. Some herbs and trees were considered medicinal, while others were prescribed negative effects. What's interesting is modern science confirmed many beliefs regarding the usefulness of specific types of flora. What about “harmful” plants? Is it possible to keep reeds in the house? The sign says no. Let's try to figure out the reason for this ban.

Reeds in the cultures of the world

Various types of reeds are distributed throughout the world. This herbaceous plant of the sedge family, growing in wetlands. In many countries around the world, reeds were used in rural construction, for weaving rugs and mats, and for making furniture and household utensils. IN Ancient Greece this plant was considered a symbol of fertility. It was believed that if the spouses are unable to have children, they need to put a bouquet at home containing reeds, and then offspring will appear. The ancient Egyptians considered this plant a symbol of power. In this country, even today, some wealthy citizens prefer to purchase chairs and armchairs made from reeds.

Why did they not like reeds in Rus'?

Our ancestors believed that reeds in the house were a very bad omen. In native Russian traditions, this plant is considered a symbol of failure, illness and even death. This superstition is widespread throughout Russia. Even today, in our age high technology, many people are convinced that keeping reeds at home is not worth it. In the old days, it was believed that this plant should not be touched in principle. Moreover, in Rus' it was practically not used as a raw material for construction and handicrafts. Milder versions of the superstitions about reeds boil down to the fact that by bringing it into the house, you risk driving away your luck. In some regions, this plant was considered a symbol of death. There was also a widespread belief that if it was placed in a vase by a married person, he would soon lose his soul mate.

Legends of the Swamp Spirits

In Rus', swamps and wet lowlands were usually treated with caution. These places were often considered inhabited by various representatives of evil spirits. To good people It was recommended to avoid the swamps. After all, here you can meet both the merman and the kikimora. These creatures can seriously harm, or even lure you into a quagmire. But why can’t you keep reeds at home? The sign says that if possible it is better not to approach the swamps at all. But if this is impossible, it’s definitely not worth taking anything with you from such a “disastrous” place. Some herbs can protect a person’s home from evil eyes and otherworldly forces. Reeds, on the contrary, can bring evil spirits into the house. And this is another reason why keeping it in your home is not recommended.

What do modern scientists say about ancient signs?

The modern scientific community agrees with the statement that reeds in the house are not a very good omen. And the point is not at all in the mystical negative symbolism of the plant. The reed inflorescence continues to ripen even when cut. Over time, the cute “bumps” will turn into panicles, crumbling into fluff. It is not at all easy to remove such “beauty” even with the help of a modern vacuum cleaner and detergents. Reed fluff is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers and sensitive people. But even a healthy person can get sick by spending a long time every day in a room where this dried flower stands. And even if you specially treat the plant and clean it daily, the reed bouquet can be harmful.

Reeds grow in wetlands, which are also home to a wide variety of rodents. These animals can be carriers of infectious diseases dangerous to humans. Some diseases can appear in a person even after contact with reeds. It is especially dangerous for pet owners to bring this plant home. A dog or cat can get an infection if it tries new bouquet on the tooth or simply rub the fur against it.

Signs about reeds

Is it possible or not to keep reeds at home? Signs and superstitions associated with this plant can be interpreted in different ways. Often even modern farmers consider it a symbol of drought. At the same time, if you make a pipe out of reeds and keep it in the house, the well-being of the family is guaranteed. Special beliefs are associated with reed fluff. If there is a reed in the house, the appearance of fluff from its inflorescences may portend a long-awaited marriage for young girls. There is even one ancient fortune telling. Single girl should go out at night to the intersection of several roads and start scattering reed fluff. In which direction it falls the most, from there the betrothed will come for her.

Should you keep reeds at home?

If you want to put a composition with reeds in your home, you probably like the way its inflorescences look. What is more important: folk “wisdom” or the aesthetic appeal of the plant? There is no point in refusing to create a decorative composition just because reeds in the house are a bad omen. If you are not superstitious, a marsh plant may well become a worthy interior decoration. However, for those who believe in omens, reeds can really be a bad sign. Getting rid of doubts is simple: observe the plant in nature and try to decide on your feelings. Also today you can purchase ready-made interior compositions with artificial reeds. If you really like the plant, but you can’t decide on a bouquet, consider purchasing a painting with its image.

How to make a safe reed bouquet with your own hands?

You can find reeds in almost any region of our country. This plant is found in ravines and on the banks of reservoirs. Cut reeds with dense inflorescences. If the fluff is already noticeable, it will not be possible to preserve the plant for a long time. Not a single bad omen about reeds in the house will work if you properly process the collected natural material. Wash the cut plants thoroughly and dry. It is useful to spray the inflorescences with hairspray. Thanks to this simple procedure, they will retain their original appearance much longer.

Do our contemporaries keep marsh plants at home? Reviews

Attitude towards old signs V modern world dual. Some people consider any beliefs to be “old wives’ tales,” while others do not doubt the wisdom of their ancestors. Which opinion is correct? Bouquets of dried flowers do not require special care and can last quite a long time. These are their undeniable advantages. Reeds look very stylish in such compositions. This plant is ideal for placing in large floor vases. Many people don’t even think that reeds in the house are a bad omen. And what’s most interesting is that owners of compositions with this plant sometimes cannot say anything about it negative impact for life.

But what about situations when, after a new dry bouquet appears in the house, negative events actually occur? To the question: “Is it possible to keep reeds at home?” - the signs of our ancestors answer negatively. If you nevertheless placed dried flowers at home and noticed changes for the worse in your life, it makes sense to get rid of the bouquet. Dry reeds can be taken to the shore of the reservoir where they were cut or burned outside. After getting rid of the plant, do not forget to carry out general cleaning Houses. You can be sure that after this all problems will remain in the past.

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It has long been customary in Rus' to collect flowers and herbs. Many women and girls tried their best to decorate their home with a beautiful bouquet. But superstitions say that flowers were not only used for decoration, they were also powerful amulet. Unfortunately, today the fashion for dried flowers in the house has long passed. Moreover, many probably remember superstitions from childhood and are quite superstitious about rather friendly-looking plants.

There are many reasons why you shouldn’t keep reeds in your apartment.


Reeds are a wonderful decorative solution. But it’s rare to see a bouquet of dried reeds in someone’s apartment. After all, since ancient times they have said that reeds drive away happiness and invite troubles and illnesses, and keeping them in the house is very dangerous. If you believe one Eastern belief, then all dry plants in the house are not good. But if you abstract from everything bad and try not to believe in omens, then you can make various compositions from reeds, decorating the room.

Constant cleaning

Unfortunately, when the reeds dry out, they begin to “decompose” and scatter fluff throughout the house. Even after the breakup feather pillow the room would not look worse than after “decorating” the apartment with reed fluff. In addition to the hassle of cleaning, reeds are a strong allergen. They say that to avoid disintegration into “flakes” you need to spray the whisk with hairspray. Please note that you should not keep dried flowers in the house for more than a year.

Unsanitary conditions

Do not forget that in the swamp, where the reeds grow carefree, there are a large number of mice, rats and other rodents. Any person knows that rodents are carriers of various infections.

Signs about reeds in the house:

  • It is believed that since reeds grow in swamps, they attract various evil spirits that live in these same areas into the house. For example, kikimora, goblins, devils, water creatures and others.
  • A reed pipe is considered a talisman. They say that such a pipe will advise the owner and warn against troubles.
  • People of different nationalities also treat reeds differently. Although, many people believe that a dead plant in the house is not good.
  • IN ancient times Eastern Slavs It was believed that the location of reeds in the house can change the properties of the plant. For example, if a reed stands at the threshold or in the corridor, then it is considered a talisman capable of protecting the house and owner from ill-wishers. And reeds on a balcony or closet can preserve peace and tranquility in the apartment.
  • For those who work on farms or have their own agriculture It is not recommended to keep reeds in the house. He is said to be able to summon drought.



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