Pin from the evil eye and damage. How to use this amulet. What amulet, talisman is better to hang over the front door in an apartment, house? What is the most powerful amulet for the front door? Amulet pin above the front door: what protects

Pin from the evil eye - how to wear this talisman? This question worries those who often fall under the influence of sorcerers and do not know how to save themselves from damage and the evil eye. It is very simple to make the pin not only an ornament, but also a reliable shield against witchcraft.

It is important not only to speak the talisman correctly, but also to place it, observing all the rules. Remember that the location of the talisman must be chosen immediately, because after you attach it, it will not be possible to change its location.

First of all, the talisman is always attached with the tip down. An inverted amulet will not be able to protect you from negative impact. It is forbidden to move the charmed jewelry from one thing to another. It is better to immediately prepare several mascots in order to attach them to different jackets, blouses, dresses, etc.

To increase the strength of protection, use multi-colored beads. Their color should change depending on who will wear the talisman.

  • For children, string a green bead.
  • For the beloved (beloved) - red.
  • For relatives - blue.
  • For friends - yellow.

The use of black beads is prohibited! They attract negative energy.

Pay attention to what things you can attach the amulet to. Right Impact will be rendered only if it is fastened to a natural fabric. If the decoration is pinned to a synthetic material, the protection will not be activated.

If a mascot is being prepared for a woman, then refrain from attaching it to trousers. They are considered an element of the men's wardrobe, so the amulet will not work in any way.

If you decide to use a pin to protect the house from damage and the evil eye, then place it on the curtain, only so that it is not noticeable. Remember that such a charm can protect your home from the negative energy of the guest and his curses. But against the strength of the pads, this accessory is powerless.

How to speak a talisman before pinning to things?

You can protect yourself from the evil eye and envy in a simple old-fashioned way. The pin is actually very strong amulet, only most people use it incorrectly. Just a pin pinned to clothes special effect will not give. It needs to be prepared in a special way and spoken.

Attribute must be purchased only after lunch on Friday. Bring it home, light a candle and say:

Close any evil on yourself, let everything that is prepared for me pass to you.

Now you need to fix the decoration so that no one sees it.

When you return home the next day in the evening, unfasten the accessory and take a closer look, what happened to the needle? If it is in order, then you have not been subjected to magical effects.

Leave the jewelry unbuttoned until the morning, and fasten it again the next day. Check your amulet every day. If the needle suddenly bends, rusts or turns black, this indicates that they tried to exert a magical effect on you.

This amulet will no longer be useful. It needs to be buried where no one will find it in an open state and a new talisman should be spoken to itself.

Waxing moon ritual

Such a ceremony is performed only on the growing moon on Tuesday. In this way, you can talk decoration for personal use, and to protect the house. The ceremony is carried out either late in the evening or early in the morning, while it is not yet dawn.

For a conspiracy, use an accessory that has not been used by anyone before. Place a wax candle in front of you, open the pin and bring it to the fire. Let it heat up well, then sprinkle it with holy water and whisper the words:

May I, the Servant of God (name), be preserved. May the Lord protect me from the unclean, from the bad word, from damage and from the evil eye. Amen.

The text is whispered three times. After each pronunciation of the plot, drip wax on the talisman. When the ceremony is completed, let it cool and attach to the chosen place.

Remember that even if no magical attacks were made on you, the power of protection still weakens over time. In order to restore it, take the charmed talisman every three months and leave it for a day in the consecrated water.

In the morning, the decoration can be taken out and pinned again to the thing, and the used liquid can be poured out. As a result, the water will take over all negative energy and restore protective function amulet.

Conspiracy pins on fire and water

In order not to have to remove damage and the evil eye, you need to do everything in order to protect yourself and your loved ones. To perform this ritual, you will only need:

  • new wax candle;
  • bowl with holy water;
  • decoration.

Decoration bowl of holy water new wax candle

It is best if you first collect the water for the ceremony in the temple or in the church. This must be done before sunrise.

When you get home, pour the liquid into a small vessel and place a pin in it. The decoration should lie in the container for three days. Every morning and evening, approach the container, bend over it and read the words:

Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic offspring and other infection.

After the specified time, remove the amulet from the water, wipe it thoroughly, and pour out the liquid.

Now put the jewelry in front of you, pick up a candle and fill the pin eye (located on the other end of the product) with wax, whispering:

The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, move it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I fix the word with iron.

The text should be repeated five times, after which the amulet will be ready and can be freely used.

Ancient slander on the amulet

To create protection against the evil eye, our ancestors used not only the pin itself, but also protective plants. They were supposed to increase the protection of a person and prevent the sorcerers from affecting him.

A bow was often used in conspiracies. This plant has long been known for its protective properties. Usually, to cleanse the house from the evil eye or protect it, the hostess took a large onion, pierced it with a pin and said the words five times:

Bow, my protector, protect from evil, protect from demons, protect from enemies. Carry away from me all the troubles and sorrows.

After the ritual, the bulb was thrown away, the talisman was attached to the curtain.

Rowan was most often used for personal protection. For the ritual, women took three dry berries, laid them out on the table, took them one by one in the palm of their hand and separately repeated the words for each:

The mountain ash is red, it brought me protection. Protected me from trouble and sickness.

After the berries were bewitched, they were strung on a pin, which they clung to things.

If you use a pin as an amulet, it is important to speak it correctly and fasten it so that the talisman really protects you. Follow simple advice when creating a talisman and you can create reliable protection.

Pin from the evil eye - how to wear and speak a talisman - all the secrets to the site

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then use the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed down from generation to generation in ancient Russia. Break the cycle of failure by learning about better defense working towards your perfection. Sitate on our website about the choice of amulets, amulets and talismans.

Harmony magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally, the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman - attracts positive energy, and the amulet - protects from negative.

A pin is an ancient powerful amulet against negative influences. She is protected from the evil eye and damage, if she is first spoken and pinned correctly. How to use its magical properties?

What pin to choose for a talisman

The pin must be new. If you take an old pin that has lain in your house a large number of time, you will not get any result. The thing is that this little thing, pinned to clothes, is a kind of shield for a person and protects his biofield from any negative energy influences. That is why, to protect against the evil eye and damage, you need to take a new pin, since it will not contain any information and will be able to accumulate all the negativity that is directed at you.

Conspiracy on a pin

Before attaching this amulet to clothes, you need to read the plot. This will require church candle. Light a candle, glow a pin on its flame and pierce the candle three times with it. At this time, read the plot: “From trouble, from illness, from evil intent, from failures, from the evil eye and damage. I conjure."

After that, you can use the pin as a talisman

Where to pin a pin from the evil eye and damage

  • The pin is recommended to be pinned only on clothes made of natural fabrics. It won't work with synthetics.
  • You need to attach this amulet to the inside of the clothes, preferably at the level of the heart.
  • It is worth knowing that the pin needs to be cleaned periodically, to release all the accumulated negativity from it. To do this, remove it and rinse in a holy or running water. After that, it should be left for a day in a bright place, while it should not be latched.
  • It often happens that the pin blackens or rusts over time. This is a sign that they tried to send a curse, evil eye or damage to you. In this case, it is recommended to bury this pin in the ground, then all the negative will go underground with it.

With such a talisman from the evil eye and damage, you can protect not only yourself, but your entire home. To do this, stick a pin into the jamb of the front door. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.06.2014 10:33

With a simple rope, you can create powerful amulet, which will take away damage and evil eye from you and your loved ones. Find out, ...

Pins are the items most commonly used in dark rituals. So familiar and useful...

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert of the Ancients Slavic symbols. Has extensive recruiting experience individual amulets. He charges amulets on his own and consults readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

Sharp objects have long been used in various magical rituals. The reason: it is on the tip that a powerful flow of energy is concentrated, which can give a strong result. The main thing is to be able to correctly use the energy beam that concentrates the tip of the needle.

Uses pins, needles are not only black magic. For protection, people often use these items. Pins have always been especially popular - they are able to protect against the evil eye, damage, and the influence of witchcraft. Also, pins have long been used as a talisman of the apartment. To obtain a positive desired result, it is important to know how to properly fasten the pin, initially choose which ritual should be performed first.

How to choose a pin

Since ancient times, our ancestors used pins as talismans. Silver was considered ideal for making such amulets - a metal that can protect against otherworldly forces, resistant to many external influences. In addition, durability plays a role - a simple iron thing will darken very quickly, acquire an unaesthetic appearance.

Pins as a talisman are considered very strong - the thing is a kind of shield between the owner and the flows of negative energy. It is important to know the rules of use, conspiracies to enhance her abilities. The main condition is that the pin should only be new, it is strictly forbidden to use old ones.

Pins as a talisman for home protection

When speaking jewelry, you can choose any words that seem most suitable, corresponding to expectations, aspirations. Next, the pin is fixed with the point down, fastened - it is important to ensure that the thing remains not turned upside down, otherwise there is no effect.

If it is necessary to protect the entrance door, you can fix the amulet directly on it, but always unnoticed by strangers. You should slightly rip up the upholstery (if the type of door allows it), stick a pin there. If not, you can place some kind of decor on the door by disguising a pin on the inside of such a decoration.

A safety pin that protects from evil usually clings to curtains, curtains, and curtains. Ideally, if it is not noticeable, but at the same time acts as a barrier at the border of housing.

Evil eye pins

To charge correctly, it is important to first tune in the right way. Only the one who sincerely believes in what he is doing, concentrates as much as possible on the ultimate goal, can really do suitable amulet from evil people at work, at home.

The evil eye pin can be spelled in any of the ways below. The main thing is that it be new, and then skillfully hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, it is important that it is securely fastened to the inside of the wearer's clothing. Direct contact with the wearer's body is not important, so it can be pinned to a jacket or even a jacket.

Decoration must be exactly pinned! You can’t put a box in your pocket - it’s the fact of fixing the pin on the owner’s clothes that is important.

Child safety pins

The amulet pin is spoken in any way that you like. The mother, the godmother, can read the plot. The main condition is that a person should sincerely want only the best for the child.

How to wear a safety pin

In order for a person to be truly provided strong protection, it is important to initially decide how to wear a pin. The place must be chosen finally, since the fastened pin cannot change its location - then its power is lost.

You need to know a few secrets for the talisman to really help:

  • the pin should only be point down. Fastened with the tip up, the pin will not be able to help its owner
  • You can’t move the pin, so it’s better to prepare a separate amulet for each item
  • It is recommended to complement with multi-colored beads. The color depends on the owner: children are recommended to use green, relatives - blue, for a loved one it is better to prepare red
  • It is strictly forbidden to use black beads for such purposes, as they concentrate negative energy.
  • Pins can only be pinned to natural products. Clothing made from synthetic material, completely neutralize the protection of the amulet
  • Women cannot use a pin on their trousers, as this is an element of a man's wardrobe - in this case, the amulet will not work

A silver pin, made in an original way, may well become a wonderful decoration, so it can be easily placed in a conspicuous place.

Conspiracies on a pin

Every person who sincerely believes in his strength can speak a pin for good luck, from the evil eye, damage. No special abilities are needed here - anyone can protect themselves. The main thing is to know simple, understandable ways to conduct a magical ritual.

Not on any day of the week you can buy a pin that is planned to be used for such rituals - only on Friday afternoon. The ceremony can be performed only on Tuesday (on the growing moon).

The easy way

The simplest conspiracy on a pin does not require additional items, rituals - you just need to open the decoration, read the right words, pin in the right place. While casting the spell, the thing must lie on the left open palm.

From the evil eye

To make you will need: a new pin, a wax candle, matches. It is necessary to light a candle with matches, then drop the melted wax on the eye of the pin, uttering a conspiracy. To clean from the wax then do not need a pin. Pin from the wrong side with the needle down.


Such amulets are made after midnight using a church candle. With a candle flame, it is necessary to heat the point, read the plot three times, each time dripping wax onto the tip of the needle. Conspiracy text:

“Angel, my protector, given by fate, cover from the evil eye and protect with your hand.”


With the words “The rowan is red, the rowan is strong, it brought me protection from the evil eye,” three dried rowan berries are pierced with a pin. Further, they are so left impaled on the tip. It is important that the berries are very well dried beforehand, otherwise they may deteriorate.


Take an ordinary pin, place in glassware with water for a day. Only spring (well) water is used - ordinary water is not allowed. Pre-consecrated water can be a great alternative. Water will cleanse the new pin from possible negative energy effects, and set up proper perception. After a day, read the plot, pin a pin from the inside.


Forest fir branches. It must be set on fire using heat-resistant dishes. It is important that the container is clean. Smoke should flow around the tip of the jewelry. Meanwhile, read the words:

“Black smoke, noble, protect me, protect me from trouble, drive away anger, only you are strong enough to help me.”

Branches are used only dry. It is also ideal to choose a new vessel before the ritual.

Magic pins with knots

To make such an amulet out of a pin, you will additionally need a red thread from natural material(silk is best). Tie the thread with twelve knots. Tying each, you need to read the text of the plot. After that, the pin is pinned on the inside of the clothes with the tip down.

Onion amulet from a pin

Onions, garlic have long been used to protect the premises from otherworldly forces, negativity. It was customary to make amulets that scare away evil spirit. You can make such a talisman with your own hands easily and simply: for this you need to cut the onion in half, stick a pinpoint in the middle, say:

“The bow fighter, protecting my crown, take away the evil allotments, turn away the damn tricks from me. Protect, protect, avert all adversity.

After, the bulb must be thrown away. It is important to ensure that it does not fall on anyone else. The onion is not to be eaten.

For what reason is a pin endowed magical properties? The whole secret lies in the closed form of this metal product. Its design contains double ring, which allows you to enhance the protective properties several times. Please note that the amulet only works when the clasp is closed. There is an opinion that if the pin has fallen, got lost, or even just unfastened, then it has already fulfilled its purpose.

Attention - someone else's pin should never be raised! This is dangerous, because it is not known who used it, and what purpose he pursued. Some warlocks reduce diseases and other troubles to metal objects. It is enough to touch such an object to draw a negative magical charge onto itself.

Reliable conspiracy from the evil eye

Light a candle with matches, as a lighter is not suitable for magical rites. The color of the candle is absolutely not important, as well as the material from which it is made - both paraffin and wax are suitable. With melted wax (or paraffin), you need to drop several times on the blunt end of the pin and pronounce the plot:

It is necessary to pin something from the inside, with the tip down. If the paraffin crumbles over time, then you should not worry about this. The talisman will still perform its function.

Conspiracy from illness

If you wish, you can make a talisman that will help fight a chronic disease. To do this, fill with water glass cup or a plate, a pin is placed in water for a day. After, without taking it out of the water, you need to say three times:

The amulet should be worn on clothes in the same way as described earlier. It will strengthen your strength and help you cope with the disease faster. This method is especially effective if the illness was magically induced.

From various troubles

Each of us from time to time encounters problems and bad people. Now you will learn how to make a talisman that will be activated when a negative situation occurs. It will be effective until the pin changes color or is lost.

Take a natural length of about 10 centimeters. Pass it through the pin hole. Tie 12 knots on a thread, which will take trouble away from you. The spell is slandered on each of the nodes (one line per node):

Pin the resulting amulet to your favorite item and wear it as mentioned earlier. The metal protector will protect you from bad people and adverse events.

Lunar conspiracy from the black book

The magical rite performed on Tuesday on the growing moon has incredible power. Take a new pin and a white candle. The tip of the pin should be heated in the flame of a candle, and at the same time pronounce a conspiracy:

In the next step, the wax drop is applied to the ring of a metal object. The cooled pin is pinned to the clothes in such a way that it is invisible. Now you've got energy protection from the evil eye.

For good luck and material well-being

Every person needs financial success. Few people know that material well-being is not only the result of individual labor. Sometimes magic comes into play.

A conspiracy for financial success is carried out only in the phase of the growing moon. While casting the spell, you need to direct your thoughts to the final result and put all your energy into it.

To perform the night ritual, you will need:

  • White rice 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons;
  • Beautiful and elegant dish.

A ceramic saucer must necessarily be distinguished by beauty and grace, because it is a symbol of a prosperous life. On the night when the moon is growing, you need to pour in a strictly defined sequence all the necessary components: sugar, then salt, and finally rice. A pin is stuck into the resulting hill and a conspiracy is pronounced three times:

I grab, I twist, I lure, monetary success I call to you! May my wealth be incalculable, like the stars in the sky, like the sand of the sea! Amen!

All contents of the saucer remain intact until dawn. In the morning the amulet is ready for use. Carry a pin with you at all times, and good luck with financial well-being become your true friends. The contents of the saucer must be poured out on the street - in this way, you will “sow” your luck, and it will be able to “grow”.

To eliminate a rival

Do you want to take your man away? Respond to this immediately! A regular pin will help you solve the problem. It is on her that a ceremony should be performed in order to cool the ardor of her soulmate in relation to the lover.

A new pin is pinned to one of your man's things, then a magical plot is pronounced:

In this case, the spoken object is located in a conspicuous place. The ritual takes effect from the moment when the faithful pays attention to the pin and removes it. You can point him to the pin, ask him to unfasten it if the spouse does not do this on his own.

While reading the plot, you must tune in and concentrate accordingly. Focus on the result you need to get. If you feel unwell or in a bad mood, you should not practice magic, you should only experience positive emotions.

When changing clothes, do not forget to refasten your amulet. During washing, the amulet must be unfastened from clothes, and at night it can be put under the pillow. Periodically, the amulet requires cleaning, as it constantly absorbs negative energy.

To clean the pin, you need to put it in a glass filled with water for three days. clean water. In addition, a silver coin or some kind of jewelry made of this metal is added to the glass. Immediately after the energy cleansing, the pin is spoken for the second time.

Thorns and thorns can be called the prototype of a modern pin. various plants, which have been used for domestic purposes since the Paleolithic. Pins made of metals (copper, gold or silver) began to be actively used several thousand years BC by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.

Among the great number of pins discovered by archaeologists, there are a lot of specimens decorated with skillful patterns and motifs borrowed from local epic and legends. This suggests that the pin has long carried in itself not only practical, but also a certain sacred meaning which has been lost in the mists of time.

Pin as a means of protection from the evil eye and damage

To date, it is very difficult to establish who and when first began to use the pin not as a tool or decoration, but also as a talisman that gives protection from negative external influences. First of all, a pin is an object that is always next to a person. Another reason why this particular tool began to be used as an amulet is the popular opinion that black power and negativity must be “sealed” into an elliptical closed space so that they cannot find a way out, thereby harming the owner of the amulet.

The impact of the evil eye and damage is carried out as a result of negative thoughts, envy or anger emanating from one person to another. Most people can recall an incident from own experience when after communication with a certain subject there remains a tangible bad taste, the mood deteriorates sharply and everything literally “falls out of hand”. The phenomenon of the negative impact of some people on others is recognized even at the level of such official disciplines as psychology and psychotherapy.

However, despite the existence of the evil eye, a much more effective solution would be to use a pin, and not run for help to various charlatans posing as powerful sorcerers and magicians. Some believe that the more expensive materials are used in the manufacture this tool, the greater the degree of protection it is able to provide to its owner. However, this opinion is far from true, and you can create a powerful amulet absolutely free of charge literally from improvised materials.

Varieties of pins from the evil eye and damage

To protect against the evil eye, a classic safety pin is suitable, but it should be borne in mind that the material from which it is made plays a very important role. Golden pins have been used over the past few centuries in the wedding rituals of various Russian-speaking ethnic groups and nationalities. With their help, a powerful protective effect on the bride and groom was carried out, since there were often ill-wishers among the number of guests who could spoil the noisy celebration with an envious look. One pure gold pin was pinned on the inside of the groom's suit, the other on the hem of the dress that the bride wore to the wedding.

A golden pin from the evil eye is often chosen as a talisman for children, however, many experts recommend using silver or metal specimens for protective purposes. This is explained as follows: the pin, due to the presence of a spiral and an elliptical closed shape, is able to take on the flow of negativity directed at the owner of the amulet. In the case of silver or ordinary metal, the negative will affect directly appearance pins, respectively, it will fade, become dark or even rust.

If the pin changed its color, spontaneously opened or was imperceptibly lost, then the goal was achieved, and the negative directed at the owner did not reach the addressee, and the curse, damage or evil eye was eliminated. The amulet (in case it has not been lost) is thrown away, and a new one is attached in its place. Therefore, gold pins are very irrational to use. Raising accidentally discovered pins is strongly discouraged, no matter how attractive they look.

How to wear

Most important requirement, which is presented to the tool, which acts as a protective talisman, is the reliability of the clasp. It must be strong and durable, as well as undergone the necessary preparation in the form of cleaning and conspiracy. safety pin pinned on inside clothes near the heart down with the tip. If it is not made of gold, but of ordinary metal or silver, then every evening it is recommended to exercise visual inspection of your amulet: if it has darkened, then it is worth replacing it with a new one, remembering along the way which of the people around that day could become a source of negative energy.

If the pin is made of gold, it is necessary to periodically clean it by rinsing it in running water. After that, it is left unbuttoned in a bright room for 24 hours. A gold pin is usually worn in a conspicuous place, since it is believed that this noble metal is able to attract the attention of evil and envious people. Small children are often pinned protective amulet on the inside of the sleeve or clothing in such a way that the child could not injure himself if he unbuttoned. However, correctly attaching such a talisman is only half the battle, because it is very important to properly “charge” it.


It is believed that acquiring a pin that will play the role protective amulet, best in the afternoon on Friday. It is necessary to charge the item on the growing moon, and after the conspiracy has been made, it should not be given into the hands of other people. The most common are such conspiracies and rituals that allow you to charge an ordinary pin and make it a serious protective talisman:

  1. The fire rite involves the use wax candle, which needs to be lit only with a match. When the wax begins to melt, you need to drip a few drops onto the hole located at the opposite end from the sharp end. Simultaneously with this process, you need to read a pre-prepared conspiracy or prayer.
  2. Conspiracy with smoke. To implement it, you will need an ordinary pan in which dried pine or spruce needles are placed. After they are set on fire, the pin is fumigated with smoke, in parallel with this, a conspiracy is read, the text of which is best written on your own, carefully choosing the words.
  3. For a conspiracy with the help of water and fire, you will need small size a vessel, preferably made of copper or clay, into which water is poured from healing spring. The pin must lie in the water for at least 72 hours, and twice a day (at dawn and at sunset) you must read the text of the conspiracy or endow your amulet with protective qualities through visualization.

AT old times an ordinary bow was often used to charge the pin with energy. In order to cleanse the house of negativity and strengthen it protective qualities, pierced with a pin large sizes bulb. A day later, it is removed from the bulb, after which it is thrown away. The amulet can be worn in a conspicuous place, on the inside of clothing or attached to a curtain, which will provide the room with serious protection from negative energy effects.

Those who wish to create an amulet that will attract good luck and money should set a specific goal for themselves: where exactly the funds will be spent. Then, at midnight during the growing moon period, the pin is magically charged by reading a self-composed text. On the contrary, many experts recommend creating a talisman against damage and the evil eye, in the phase of the waning moon.

How to make it with your own hands

Make an analogue of the classic safety pin at home is quite difficult, so many prefer to limit themselves to a thread of red or another color, on which beads of various shades are strung. An elliptical figure made of thread repeats the shape of a pin and is closed, which allows it to be used as a talisman with powerful protective properties. To create such a thread with your own hands, you need to use wool, since it has special characteristics.

To create a special amulet designed to protect children and women in position, green beads are strung on a thread. In order to create a powerful amulet that will protect parents from an unkind look, blue beads are strung on a red thread. Bright red beads are designed to protect loved ones from the evil eye and damage, beads yellow color best suited as a gift for good friend or an old friend. It is strongly not recommended to use black beads when making a protective bracelet.

It is believed that the name of a person was given for a reason, so the pins on which the initials or full name the owner, not only have a pronounced individuality, but are also able to save a person from an unkind look or a deliberate energy attack. It is recommended to make such an amulet from copper, silver or gold, and it is best to wear it on the inside of clothing. It is also worth remembering that envy of someone else's success, financial condition or love victories do not arise from scratch, so you do not need to once again boast of your own achievements in front of unfamiliar people, even if they (achievements) are quite reasonable.



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