Do-it-yourself manual pipe cutter for steel pipes. Pipe cutter for steel pipes. Blades cutting steel! Video about cutting on a disc machine

Among various types Steel pipes remain one of the most common. It's all about their strength. resistance to large external loads and internal pressure.

There are various steel pipes - according to manufacturing technology (welded and seamless), the characteristics of the protective coating (uncoated and galvanized), wall thickness and diameter. In this case, often in work it is necessary to obtain several short ones from 1 long pipe. For this purpose, a special tool is used - a pipe cutter. steel pipes.

Models and prices

A pipe cutter for steel pipes has different technical and user characteristics, which ultimately affects its price. The table provides an overview of some manual models with their parameters and prices.

Model Characteristics Price, rub
RIDGID 35S has 6 roller bearings for high-quality cutting of pipes (from 6 to 35 mm) made of stainless steel 3 700
SUPER 1 1/4 has wide rollers and a hardened disc for long service life (pipes 10-42 mm) 4 400
INOX SUPER 1 1/4 high-quality cutting ensuring a smooth surface of pipes (10-42 mm) 7 500
RIDGID 65S has 12 roller bearings for high-quality cutting of pipes (from 6 to 65 mm) made of stainless steel 6 500
REMS PAC CT has hardened cutting discs for durable service, precise and high-quality cuts (10-60 mm) 11 600
Kopco St strong and durable disc for working with the most different pipes(3-120 mm) 23 000

As you can see, the pricing policy is determined by the functionality of the pipe cutter, the range of pipes it can work with, the angle of the cut and its accuracy.

Video review of the RIDGID 65S model and rules for working with it.

Pipe cutter for steel pipes - device and principle of operation

This device is the most the best remedy for precise cutting of pipes at right angles.

The simplest pipe cutter for steel pipes consists of the following elements:

  • cutting roller which can be different types depending on the characteristics of the pipe that is supposed to be cut.
  • A clamp for rigidly attaching the roller to the frame and a housing for its placement.
  • The frame is the base in which the roller is placed.
  • Feed handle - it is used to rotate and cut the pipe.

The device is shown schematically in the figure below (disassembled).

The steel pipe cutter works by applying the mechanical force of rotation of the feed screw. The pipe is fixed in the frame and secured with clamps on both sides. The screw begins to rotate, as a result of which a groove is formed in the pipe wall, which deepens until the pipe is completely cut. In this case, the screw of pipe cutters with one roller is turned a full turn (360 degrees), and devices with 4 rollers are rotated 120 degrees, since each of them cuts off its own piece of pipe.

IMPORTANT. In some cases, special metal hacksaws are used to cut pipes. This is especially convenient when you just need to get 2 or more pieces from one product. However, if smooth edges and right angles are required (this is especially true for subsequent threading), then a pipe cutter for steel pipes is the only tool that can do such a job.

Scope of application

The device is used for mechanical cutting of pipes made of any materials (steel, copper, cast iron, ceramics, plastic, metal-plastic). However, in most cases, it cuts pipes only from a specific material (although there are also devices that can cope with both steel and plastic pipes).

However, some pipe cutters only cut at right angles, while others can handle any cuts (mostly from 45 to 90 degrees).

IMPORTANT. Pipe cutters of any kind are only used for cutting round classic pipes and are not suitable for working with profile pipes. The reason is that the design of their mechanism involves performing rotational movements around the surface of the pipe. The profile has a square and rectangular shape, so it is cut using a grinder or a hacksaw.


Varieties of pipe cutters are classified depending on the objects being cut and the characteristics of the cutting element. Accordingly, the following types of tools are distinguished:

Video instructions: how to work with a pipe cutter.

Often to pipe cutters different types add-ons are offered that allow you to provide the most safe conditions for working with pipes. Thus, using the quick crimping mechanism, you can quickly secure large pipes in the device without using a special screw. The pipe cutter can also be equipped with additional removable cutting elements designed for pipes of various thicknesses, and rollers that move the device around the pipe.

Pipe cutting methods

Pipe cutters for steel pipes have different technical designs (in the form of manual devices, machine tools, automatic mechanisms) depending on several factors:

  • parameters of the pipe that needs to be cut (wall thickness and outer diameter are taken into account);
  • required cutting accuracy (especially relevant for the further use of pipes in water supply systems);
  • quality of the pipe surface after cutting ( smooth surface required in cases of threading the pipe in the future);
  • production volumes (home conditions or industrial scale).

Accordingly, the following methods of cutting steel pipes are distinguished:

  1. Laser cutting;
  2. Cutting on disc machines;
  3. Cutting with circular saws;
  4. Use of professional cutting machines;
  5. Cutting on band saws.

Laser cutting

The laser pipe cutter for steel pipes cuts using a laser. In this case, the surface of the pipe does not receive mechanical damage due to the lack of direct contact with the cutting element. The pipe is fixed with clamps on a special table (using equipment), on which the laser head is located. The pipe is rotated by a special mechanism, and the laser precisely cuts the steel according to predetermined parameters. In this case, it is possible not only to mechanically divide the pipe into several parts, but also to cut out any elements in its body (for example, a mesh, as shown in the figure below).

The advantages of such production are obvious:

  • This safe way cutting, since all work is automated;
  • they are quite simple to carry out even for low-skilled specialists;
  • the surface is cut perfectly smooth along the contour, there are no scratches or other mechanical defects;
  • You can make cuts of any size;
  • production is fast and waste-free (used for professional purposes).

Cutting on a disc machine

Perpendicular cuts of pipes are made on it. The product itself remains flat, which has great value for further work with it. The machine can also make cuts under different angles(up to 45 degrees).

Video about cutting on a disc machine

Cutting with circular saws

A pipe cutter for steel pipes based on a circular saw is used in cases where production volumes are small and final product must be of high quality. The circular saw cuts the pipe by rotating 360 degrees. In this case, you can get a cut at any angle.

Manual and automatic are used circular saws. At the same time, the latter perform cuts an order of magnitude more accurately. Most often, this cutting method is used only at home.

Video review of one of the circular saw models.

Professional pipe cutters

A pipe cutter for steel pipes, which is used for high-quality cutting, is a professional device with which you can cut pipes of any diameter (including large ones) and at almost any angle, depending on their further use. To do this, the mechanism is equipped with clamps that regulate the position of the axis that rotates the knives. The disk that cuts metal is equipped with a special cap that protects it from mechanical influences and allows you to use it for a long time. Moreover, the set contains several disks with diameters from 1 to 12 cm (thickness up to 8 mm).

At the same time, the worker’s efforts are minimal - often the devices are equipped with a special mechanical drive that starts the mechanism by simply pressing a pedal.

Features of pipe cutting work can be seen here.

Cutting on a band saw

Such machines allow you to cut fairly large pipes (up to 32-34 cm in diameter) and operate with high productivity, which allows them to be used in production.

The advantages of the device are as follows:

  • high quality of the surface of the cut pipe (no burrs, roughness, edges are not melted);
  • cuts can be made both at right angles and at other angles (up to 6 degrees);
  • cutting exactly corresponds to the initial parameters that are set in advance.

Video overview of the machine using the example of one of the models

Manual cutting technology using a pipe cutter

Regardless of technical characteristics pipe cutter, the sequence of actions for cutting pipes with its help will look approximately the same:

IMPORTANT. There is no need to press the cutting roller into the pipe body with great force. This may damage it, resulting in the mechanism having to be replaced with a new one.

Instrument care

The service life of a tool largely depends not only on compliance with the basic rules of working with it, but also on proper care. Compliance with the rules presented below will significantly extend the service life of the device and ensure high-quality cutting of pipes with its help.

PLEASE NOTE. Working on a tool that contains even slight visual damage is undesirable. The fact is that the wear of the pipe cutter will go much faster this way, as a result of which the cutting quality will greatly decrease.

How to choose the right device

To choose the most suitable pipe cutter for steel pipes, you need to proceed from the following parameters:

  • What cutting quality will be acceptable (surface roughness, burrs, degree of melted edges).
  • How important is the cutting speed (depends on the total volume of pipe production).
  • What are the parameters of the pipes that you will mainly be working with?
  • What skills does the worker have to carry out manual cutting.

IMPORTANT. If the steel pipe cutter is not selected correctly, it may not only damage the workpiece and the tool itself, but also cause serious injury. The choice of tool must be approached very responsibly, since such a purchase is made on long term. In this case, the price factor should come in last place: the main requirement is that the tool fully corresponds to the purpose for which it is purchased.

Making a pipe cutter with your own hands

If for some reason it is not possible to purchase a professional device, then it is quite possible to make it yourself from ordinary materials accessible to almost everyone. The advantages of this option are as follows:

  • such a device will cost less than a store-bought one;
  • it can be adapted specifically to your needs (cutting pipes of specified parameters);
  • when making it, you can learn new things and gain valuable experience that will be useful in other areas.

PLEASE NOTE. In this case, before starting work, you need to immediately decide which pipes will be cut. what materials will they be made of (a pipe cutter is not universal tool– there are pipe cutters only for metal or plastic; devices for universal use are much less common).

What you need for work

To make a tool yourself, you need a small set of tools and materials:

  • set of wrenches;
  • screwdrivers;
  • hacksaw for working on metal;
  • square wire rod;
  • spring;
  • hacksaw blades.

The work will also require a bolt and screws of special sizes, which depend on the parameters of the device itself. Metal rivets are selected regular sizes(diameter 0.4 cm).

The sequence of work is associated with the stages of manufacturing the left (1), right half (3) of the tool and their assembly. An example drawing is shown below.

The number 2 indicates the cuttings of the canvas, 4 – the clamping screw. Dimensions are indicated in millimeters and can be proportionally recalculated to suit your specific model.

Video with an example of making a homemade chain pipe cutter for steel pipes.

A piece of pipe can be cut in many ways, be it a hacksaw or a grinder, but the cut may not be very even, and sometimes this is quite critical. For a more even cut, pipe cutters are used, which are very expensive if the diameters of the pipes you plan to cut with them are large enough, from 40 mm and above. But you can make such a tool yourself without spending a lot of money on it, since we will make a pipe cutter from a chain and a piece square pipe and a couple more parts that you probably have in abundance in your garage. You will only have to spend money on a cutting roller for a pipe cutter, this consumables therefore they are sold separately in stores. This pipe cutter can cut steel, copper, duralumin and PVC plastic pipes. Plus, such a tool works quietly and does not require electricity to operate.

What is needed to create a pipe cutter:

  • Square steel profile;
  • A piece of chain from a motorcycle;
  • Cutting roller for factory pipe cutter;
  • Strips of sheet metal 5-7 mm thick;
  • Bolt with nut;
  • A section of steel pipe (sleeve).

How to make a pipe cutter from a chain and profile, manufacturing process:

First, we make holders for the cutting roller, for this we drill in strips sheet metal holes, I already had such fastenings ready-made.

We assemble the holder; to do this, we place the roller between the fasteners and tighten them with a bolt and nut.

Then you need to weld one end of the chain to the handle.

Now we will weld a piece of a pin to the second end of the chain.

Then you need to weld a piece of round sleeve to the end of the handle through which the pin should move freely.

That’s it, we select a nut for the stud and our DIY chain pipe cutter is ready!

Now all that remains is to test it; to do this, we place the pin in the bushing and screw the nut onto it.

We clamp the pipe in a vice, put the pipe cutter on the pipe and tighten the nut, then simply twist the pipe cutter by the handle around the pipe, gradually tightening it with each turn wrench nut on the pipe cutter and then scroll the tool around the pipe until the piece of pipe is completely cut off.

When considering the features of pipe cutters, you should pay attention to the fact that such a tool cannot be classified as universal - it can be used for cutting steel pipes with certain parameters. There are models that work with various materials, but they are quite rare. High-quality pipe cutter that can cut steel pipe large diameter and with significant wall thickness, it costs quite a lot. This is why many people decide to make a pipe cutter for steel pipes with their own hands. You can find several dozen drawings that are used to create homemade device. Almost all homemade versions are made under certain conditions work: range of pipe diameter and length, material hardness, mobile or stationary application. When choosing which scheme to use to make a homemade pipe cutter for steel pipes, you should decide on the classification of the device in question, as well as the features of its choice.

Tool classification

As previously noted, a pipe cutter for copper pipes or made of steel can be classified by quantity various signs. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. According to the mechanism of action, manual, electric, hydraulic and pneumatic models are poured. The manual version, as a rule, can be easily and quickly made, but buying a ready-made pipe cutter does not require a lot of money - therefore, in some cases it is easier to buy than to make it yourself. Electric is used in lately quite often, allows you to set up small-scale production. The cost of the industrial version is very high, but you can make your own pipe cutter from a grinder. Hydraulic and pneumatic are used for cutting with very high force, most often found in engineering and other heavy industries. Note that making a pipe cutter with hydraulics for steel pipes with your own hands is quite difficult and expensive.
  2. Classification is also carried out according to the thickness of the wall of the steel pipe. Conventionally, rolled products are divided into thin-walled and thick-walled structures. A homemade pipe cutter can be made for both. However, cutting large-diameter and thick-walled pipes requires quite a lot of force. Therefore, in this case, the possibility of purchasing or manufacturing electric models should be considered.

Also distinctive qualities The tool in question can be called a type of main mechanism through which force is transmitted. Examples include chain, roller, mouth or rotary mechanisms.

What should you consider?

Creating a pipe cutter for metal pipes with your own hands, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. What kind of material is supposed to be processed. Rolled metal is quite difficult to cut, and to obtain a high-quality medium, the softness of the metal should be taken into account: too soft (copper, aluminum) will not be cut, but flattened, too soft (hardened steel) may not be processed. The type of material being processed determines what material the knives will be made from, as well as the amount of force transmitted.
  2. To others important point you can call the wall thickness. A homemade manual pipe cutter can only be used for cutting thin steel pipes of small diameter, electric model will transmit more force, which means the wall thickness can reach several tens of millimeters.
  3. The maximum and minimum diametrical size of a steel pipe can also be called indicators that are recommended to be taken into account. It is also worth considering the approximate length of the workpieces to create a convenient mechanism for feeding them to the cutting zone.

It is recommended to take the above points into account when considering the most suitable drawing in order to create a homemade pipe cutter for copper pipes or steel, plastic and other materials. There are models created from grinders or other tools. In this case, consider a homemade mobile pipe cutter.

Homemade electric model: tools and parts

To make such a fairly complex device you may need:

  1. yews;
  2. keys;
  3. hacksaw for metal;
  4. files;
  5. hammer;
  6. screwdrivers;
  7. drill;
  8. welding.

The starting materials will be:

  1. bolts and screws;
  2. wire rod with a square profile 15 by 15 mm;
  3. spring;
  4. several steel strips;
  5. rivets;
  6. hacksaw blade.

The work will take quite a lot of time, which needs to be taken into account.

Work progress

You can cut your tool, in this case the left part, as follows:

  1. We cut the wire rod 135 mm long.
  2. We measure 90 mm and create a hole for the clamping bolt.
  3. We put a cloth on the top edge, which is fixed clamping bar using screws and rivets.
  4. A hole is drilled on one side, which will become the axis. A rod with a diameter of 8 mm can be used as an axis.

  1. On the side of the working part, a section 40 mm long is formed, which has a shape resembling gable roof Houses.
  2. The remaining part will serve as a handle.
  3. On the left side of the wire rod you need to create a hole into which the clamping bolt will be screwed.
  4. A steel strip is attached opposite the hole into which the axle will be inserted. The length of the strip is selected taking into account that the resulting length from the center of the axis to the handle is at least 30 mm.

A hand tool, as can be seen from the above information, consists of two main parts. After their preparation, assembly is carried out:

  1. A bolt is inserted into the axial hole made and a spring is put on, which should be located between the left and right parts.
  2. A combination of screw and nut can be used as the axle. In this case there is no need to carry out welding work, and if necessary, it will be possible to analyze the created hand tool.
  3. Fixation of both sides, when using a pair of bolt and nut, occurs by clamping the nut.

In a similar way, you can answer the question of how to make a pipe cutter with your own hands. To the features of this homemade version performance can be attributed to the fact that it can be adjusted to the most suitable range of steel pipe diameters. Making it yourself does not take much time and money; the created tool will last for many years.

In conclusion, we note that you can also make models with your own hands in which the force is transmitted through a chain or belt drive from an electric motor. The production of such equipment requires certain skills of an engineer and craftsman.

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A manual pipe cutter is a convenient and efficient, almost portable device for cutting rolled pipe products. External simplicity does not mean low applicability, and we will try to prove this in this article.

A manual pipe cutter for steel pipes or any other material works solely using human muscle power. On the one hand, this is good, because you directly control the entire process, and no emergency situations can happen, unless your hand trembles. While electric machines have a lot of components that can fail, they must be constantly cleaned and maintained. technical condition. And during operation, a pipe can be damaged only due to a power outage or a momentary malfunction of the motor or moving belt, etc.

On the other hand, not every pipe will be taken by human strength, even though handheld device a lever system is used to artificially increase the applied force. But at the everyday level, it’s hard to imagine a type of work in which pipes would have such a diameter or material that only an autonomous machine with powerful engine. Therefore, still manual option This household device will cope with all possible types of work, you just need to choose the right model, because the variety is great.

We can talk about some more features of working with this unit. very comfortable, all attachments and the handle are made as ergonomic as possible so that the worker does not get tired and the cut is neat and even. By the way, the accuracy and lack of curvature are business card Almost all types of hand pipe cutters, only a very careless fake of the “for 5 kopecks” category can really ruin even the strongest product. Of course, we do not exclude some “club-handedness” of the worker, but this is a rare case in this type of activity.

Working with a manual unit is carried out at a pace convenient for you, so the cut is obtained without any nicks and does not require stripping before further use of the pipe. Also, the designs of all such tools (provided that you have chosen the right model specifically for your task) allow you not to bend the pipe profile, so you don’t have to spoil the geometry. And the last trump card is their small size; these devices can perform their task equally well in a narrow passage or corner, and in a spacious hall.

These devices have many designs, and each plays a specific role in cutting pipes. They may differ in the type of materials processed and in design features. Most often, a manual roller pipe cutter is chosen for household needs; its design and strength of the mechanisms allow it to work with steel, copper and plastic. However, if you don’t need such a spectrum, you can choose something simpler. Let's look at the process of buying a pipe cutter.

By purchasing a tool for a durable material (for example, steel), you get a device that can cope with all less durable types pipes, but the reverse pattern does not work in this case. When choosing a pipe cutter, it is important to pay attention to the thickness of the workpiece that it can cut through. There are at least three categories: for heavy loads, for thin-walled products and for asbestos cement and ceramics.

In the first case, you get a unit that will cut through even a 12-inch pipe, and will handle both steel and cast iron, and the design has reliable clamps for fixing the workpiece, the main thing is that you have enough strength and perseverance. The last class of instruments is most often not manual type, so we won’t dwell on it. But for working with thin-walled pipes muscular strength is just right, and such devices are most waiting for us on the shelves; you can choose models for copper, brass, metal-plastic and stainless steel.

By type of construction there are also many various models. For example, a chisel pipe cutter looks like a kind of clip into which the product is placed, and along its perimeter there are cutters, the set of which and their location can be varied. This device can handle a product diameter of about 10 cm. But the roller pipe cutter got its name because of the cutting elements, these are rollers, there are usually at least three of them, and the more of them, the larger the diameter of the product being processed.

If there is only one roller, then the diameter will be very small - up to 5 cm, but three rollers will already handle 10 cm of pipe. They say that the rollers leave burrs, which is not very convenient in subsequent work; they have to be cleaned later, this process is called countersinking. For fragile types of pipes (ceramics, cast iron, concrete), chain tools are used, however, the condition is that the diameter of the product is small.

The working element is a chain on which there are small cutting rollers; it wraps around the pipe, and as it moves, systematic cutting occurs. There is also a guillotine mechanism, when the tool acts like ordinary scissors, only it is not paper that is cut, but a pipe. Of course, this method is suitable for thin-walled plastic materials, for example, plastic, copper can also be processed in this way, if the thickness allows.

If it is necessary to cut steel, a roller tool is most often used. For the simplest representative, the progress of work will be approximately as follows. The object is first marked along its entire length. If you are cutting metal, you need to moisten it; for this you can take oil or ordinary water. at. Now you should install the pipe in the clamp that is available on the pipe cutter. We open the clamping block, insert the object, apply the cutting roller to the line we drew and screw the locking mechanism well.

Now you need to rotate it, gradually tightening it, increasing the tension in the block, this will cause the pipe to split exactly along the mark. Quite fast and effective way cut.

When you have metal-plastic or even polypropylene in front of you, then a guillotine pipe cutter is quite suitable. For a successful cut, we apply a mark where the division needs to be performed. Then we move the handles of the tool apart, grasp and close them so that the blade touches the mark. Now all that remains is to press the handle so that the guillotine knife clearly passes through the entire diameter, it is important to apply enough force, and the process can be considered complete, you just need to align the profile along the inner diameter, because it wrinkles a little.

If the diameter is large, then such work requires a little more time, because the rollers in a pipe cutter for such sizes will need to be moved around the circumference, and they will cut deeper and deeper into the material. The more patient you are, the longer your tool will last. At first, you should cut the rollers into the pipe quite a bit and deepen them a little at each circle, but if you cut them deeply at once, or deepen them too quickly during work, the service life of the tool will be significantly reduced, because the wear of the rollers will be rapid.

In plumbing, when working with steel pipelines, it is often necessary to divide the original workpiece into fragments of a certain size. Of course, it can also help universal hacksaw for metal, but it is not always convenient to work with it, and the ends of the cut parts must be subsequently cleaned. A properly selected pipe cutter can handle such operations much better.

Types and classification of pipe cutters

The task of a pipe cutter of any design is not only to quickly cut the pipe, but also to properly fix the workpiece before processing. Especially when it comes to steel pipes, which require much more force to separate than copper or plastic products.

Pipe cutters for steel pipes are distinguished according to the following characteristics:

  1. According to the thickness of the pipe wall (there is a tool that is designed to cut thick-walled pipes).
  2. According to the design of the clamping unit, pipe cutters are available with clamp, lever and screw clamps.
  3. According to the design of the cutting unit - roller, chain, cutter or ratchet (the latter is more often used for cutting low-plasticity materials, and chain pipe cutters are more useful when cutting metal-plastic pipes).
  4. By type of drive - manual, electric or hydraulic. IN professional production For tubular blanks, pipe cutters with pneumatic drive are also used, but although they cut pipes with a diameter of up to 120...130 mm, they are quite cumbersome and require a compressor.

A pipe cutter for steel pipes should also have some unique features. For example, the blades of the working tool (regardless of the design) must have a hardness that is no less than 15...20 HRC greater than the hardness of the pipe material. In order to perform such an assessment, they use in a known way determining the approximate chemical composition of the steel pipe material using the “spark test” method. To do this, the end of the pipe is processed using an emery grinder. The approximate percentage of carbon will be determined most accurately, but in this way it is also possible to identify tungsten, molybdenum and manganese, and, therefore, establish the initial hardness and even the approximate grade of the steel pipe material:

  • For low-carbon non-alloy steel, the spark beam will be quite continuous and have a light yellow color;
  • For medium carbon non-alloy steel, while maintaining the same beam color, the number of branches and brighter flashes will increase;
  • For ordinary quality steel, the spark stream will be thinner and the branches will be shorter. There are practically no outbreaks;
  • For alloy steel, the color of the sparks will change to deep yellow, and at their ends, instead of flashes, arrows more elongated along the flow will be observed.

Knowing the approximate hardness of the listed steels, you can select the optimal hardness of the working blades.

Working principle of manual pipe cutters for steel pipes

The easiest way to cut material is with roller pipe cutters. The main unit of the tool is a rigid holder, in the moving part of which disk knives are installed (there can be one, two or three of them). The relative position of the knives can be adjusted depending on the outer diameter of the pipe (the limit for roller pipe cutters is considered to be a diameter of up to 100 mm). For long pipes, a tool is available that also includes guide rollers. They provide longitudinal stability of the workpiece when cutting it.
Before using a roller pipe cutter, perform the following preparatory steps:

  • Wet the separation surface: this cleans the outer perimeter and partially removes rust/scale;
  • Using a clamp, secure the pipe in the holder, focusing on the marked cutting line;

Next, using a rod, the cutting head is moved around the perimeter of the pipe, and, gradually increasing the feed, the cut is performed. With well-sharpened knives, the cut is clean, without burrs. In order to simplify the design, in roller pipe cutters designed for pipes of small diameters - up to 20...30 mm - the rod is combined with a handle, when moving it the cutting is carried out.

It is not recommended to use roller pipe cutters to separate pipes with a diameter of more than 40 mm. Although the price of such a manual pipe cutter is small, the cut is not of sufficient quality, and the physical effort expended is quite large.

More simple design have chisel pipe cutters, which are widely used in living conditions for cutting steel pipes with a diameter of up to 10...15 mm. Instead of rotating circular knives during cutting, cutters are used here, which, with an ever-increasing feed rate, gradually bite into the thickness of the steel. It is advisable to use manual pipe cutters for cutting pipes made of plastic materials (up to steel grade 15kp inclusive, or for ordinary quality steel grades St.1 or St.2kp). In this case, the specific load on the cutters is minimal, and the tool does not require frequent sharpening, which requires a certain amount of skill. You can reduce the effort by using surface lubrication with low-viscosity industrial oil or any coolant.

For cutting pipes of especially large diameters (up to 150...200 mm), rotary pipe cutters with a telescopic mechanism for turning the rollers are used. Such designs are convenient in that they can be used in unfavorable working conditions (for example, in recesses or pits). The rollers here are mounted along the outer perimeter of the pipe, and then, using a special lever equipped with a mechanical amplifier, they are pressed against the surface of the pipe. Gradually increasing the feed, separation is performed. The cut is made not so much by force as by the torque developed.

Electric pipe cutters

At large volume For this kind of work, it is advisable to use a tool with an external drive, although their price is noticeably higher. Particularly convenient (if you have a fixed network AC) electric pipe cutters.

Typical design pipe cutter with electric drive for cutting ductile steel includes:

  1. Impact-resistant housing equipped with ventilation slots.
  2. Drive high-speed electric motor designed for voltage 220 V.
  3. Three thrust rollers provide the necessary cutting accuracy.
  4. A cutting cutter fixed in a tool holder on the motor shaft and protected from the thrust zone.
  5. Reduction gear.

The weight of electric pipe cutters does not exceed 1.5 kg, however, many designs provide for attaching the tool to mechanic's workbench. Lubricants working area not required during cutting.
The design of electric pipe cutters for cutting more durable metal products is characterized by the absence of a gearbox, and therefore the number of revolutions cutting tool reaches 3000...4000 per minute. In such conditions, supply of lubricant to the separation zone is mandatory. The working tool is made of hard alloy grades VK5 or VK8, and the disk itself is covered with a removable casing.

The design of a hydraulic pipe cutter includes a working cylinder, a rod and a piston, and the necessary pressure is created by a compact hydraulic pump, which is included in the package. The stroke of the cutter is regulated by changing the pressure of the working fluid - water. Hydraulic pipe cutters can be used in any conditions, but they are inferior in power to electrically driven models.

Features of the most popular models of hand-held pipe cutting tools

Actively promotes its products to specialized markets in the country trademark RIGID. Pipe cutters from this company are compact in size, and at the same time, they efficiently cut pipes of both alloy and non-alloy steel. In order to reduce the cutting effort, the feed unit is equipped with rolling bearings, which reduce friction losses. The cutting rollers are returned to their original position spring device. The roller mount itself is unified and quick-release, which makes servicing the tool easier. All parts of pipe cutters are made of stainless steel, so pipe cutting can be performed even in a damp environment (for example, under water). The disadvantage of RIGID pipe cutters is the design of the handle, which does not allow the development of high torque during operation.

The REED company produces chain pipe cutters that have proven themselves when performing repair work on cast iron pipelines. REED's SUPER line uses a roller cutting tool, and is more suitable for cutting steel pipes. Cutting discs made of high-resistant tool steels, which eliminates the appearance of burrs on the interface surface. Compared to conventional pipe cutters, the tool has a more convenient shape of the power handle, but is not intended for work in conditions high humidity. Preliminary setup of the tool and its adjustment during the operation are not required.

The Rothenberger company produces disk-type pipe cutters, which are equipped with a convenient clamp-type clamping mechanism, which can be easily adjusted to cut steel pipes of a different diameter. The roller tool is characterized by increased strength and rigidity, and therefore can efficiently cut pipes with thick walls. In terms of cut quality, pipe cutters from Rothenberger are not inferior to those discussed above, but are equipped with an expanded set of cutting rollers, and therefore are also suitable for working with copper or cast iron pipes.



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