Rose lagoon encyclopedia of roses. Climbing rose Laguna: description and photo. Rose climbing Lagoon. Description

Description: An extraordinary red climbing rose that attracts attention with its lush, wavy blooms and large, cupped, stunning red, double flowers. They bloom from round, dark red buds in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces, have a light rosehip aroma, and tolerate rain and heat well. The bush is powerful, erect, vigorous. The foliage is dark green and glossy, contrasting beautifully with the shining red flowers, making them stand out against their dark background. The variety is characterized by very good frost resistance and good disease resistance. Amadeus (Amadeus) can be grown as a hedge, as well as for decorating pergolas, trellises and walls of various buildings.

Country of origin: Germany (W. Kordes Sohne) 2003

Other names: KORlabriax

Flower diameter (cm): 9-10

Number of petals: 30-35

Aroma: light

Bush size (cm): 250x100

Frost resistance: very good

*: Certificate of Honor Paris (France) 2004, gold medal rose competition Lyon (France) 2005, Honorary Diploma of Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) 2007

Andre Le Notre

Blanc Mailandecor

Selection: Meilland, 1987
Description: The bush is strewn with double (60-70 petals) white rather large (L=7-9 cm) flowers. The height of the bush is 60-70 cm, the width of the bush is 120-200 cm. The shoots grow to the sides and, over time, cover enough large area. The foliage is dark green glossy. Disease resistant and winter-hardy variety. Has a light aroma. A very strong rose and blooms constantly until frost.


(Tantau 2002).

Unusual greenish-white, with flashes of color ivory flower color. The bud is cup-shaped, blooms slowly, densely double, 55-60 petals in one flower, flower diameter 10-12 cm, has a light fruity aroma. The bushes are tall (250-300cm), slightly spreading, vigorous, resistant to diseases. Frost-resistant variety.

Grafin v. Hardenberg


One of the new varieties of climbing “nostalgic roses”, created as a counterbalance to the popular English roses. Large clusters of lilac-pink, densely double (25-40 petals), cup-shaped flowers with a diameter of 6-7 cm appear in early summer. The romantic note in the appearance of this climber is emphasized by its delicious aroma vintage roses. Bush roses "Jasmina" powerful, vigorous, 200-250 cm high with strong shoots covered with shiny olive-green leaves, resistant to fungal diseases. The flowering of this variety is very abundant, long-lasting, repeated, the flowers are collected in inflorescences of 10-15 pieces. Frost-resistant variety." Jasmina"blooms most luxuriantly in sunlight for at least 6 hours a day, but can also tolerate partial shade. The rose prefers lightly calcareous soil very rich in nutrients. Characterized by its strong and lush growth The climbing rose "Jasmina" is able to quickly cover large surfaces. She feels best near the southern walls.

The variety was released in 2005.

Description: Laguna (Laguna) is a relatively young climbing rose, bred in 2004. The flowers are large, densely double, cup-shaped, juicy crimson pink color. They appear in clusters of 6-8 pieces, from large, elongated, red buds with a raspberry tint, have a strong, fruity aroma, and tolerate rain well. The bush is powerful, erect, with strong shoots, and grows well both in height and width. The leaves are medium sized, dense, dark green, glossy. The rose is ideal for decorating trees, tall pergolas and unsightly walls of garden buildings. The variety is characterized by abundant, long-lasting, repeat flowering, good winter hardiness and disease resistance, and therefore was awarded the ADR (Allgmemeine Deutsche Rosenneuheitenprufung) award in 2007. This award evaluates the "ecological friendliness" of new varieties, especially their natural resistance to diseases and pests.

Country of origin: Germany (W. Kordes Sohne) 2004

Other names: KORadigel

Flower diameter (cm): 9-10

Number of petals: 55-60

Aroma: strong

Flowering period: repeat blooming

Bush size (cm): 250x100

Resistance to diseases: good, practically does not get sick

Frost resistance: good

*: ADR 2007, gold medal at the Rose Competition Geneva (Switzerland) 2007

Palais Royal


( Othertitles: Meiviowit, White Eden, Blanc Pierre De Ronsard)

Description Very beautiful and delicate flowers attract visitors to parks, gardens and flower beds with their appearance. The flowers resemble a bowl shape, most often white with a pinkish tint in the middle. The flowers are densely double, 8-10 cm in diameter. Flowers are grouped in groups of 3-4 on one branch. The bushes grow to large sizes and reach a volume of up to 2 meters. The plant grows up to 2.50 m in height. The rose blooms profusely. In general, this type of rose is resistant to diseases and tolerates dry weather well. This variety of rose is well suited for cutting and forming various compositions. This variety received huge amount awards for your appearance. This type of rose looks beautiful in flower beds, lawns and park areas.

Remember to prune faded flowers to encourage re-blooming. It is recommended to remove unproductive three-year-old branches.

Pierre De Ronsard

(Meiviolin, Eden Rose)

Flower diameter (cm): 9-10

Number of petals: 70

Aroma: Light

Height (cm): 200-300

Resistance to diseases: Good, practically does not get sick. One of the most beautiful climbing roses in the world. Vintage flowers When opened, they take the shape of a round bowl. They are cream or ivory, with deep pink edges, but overall color very changeable. Sometimes the pink color is more clearly visible in the center of the flower, and white at the edges. The outer petals often have green tint. The flowers are heavy and droop under their own weight. The bush is compact with a small number of thorns. The foliage is dark, tough and shiny. Excellent for cutting. The number of flowers per stem is from 1 to 3. This variety has received several awards, one of which is the Hall of Fame in 2006. This award is presented by the World Federation of Rose Societies based on a survey conducted among national rose societies from 37 countries.

Polka 91
(MEItosier, Lord Byron, Twilight Glow)
Meilland, 1992

Polka 91 -
a very beautiful and unusual rose that can be grown as a low climber, or as a large, arched scrub. The flowers are stunning, a rich apricot color, fading to a creamy color at the edges, with a darker underlay of the petals, creating a play of shadows and shades in the flower. The petals have a wavy edge, reminiscent of crepe paper. They appear singly or in small clusters - rarely more than 3 in a cluster, and are very good for flower arrangements. The rose blooms in a series of waves (twice in cold climates, three in hot climates), with rare flowers between the waves. The leaves are quite resistant to diseases, large, dark, shiny. (ARE)
Really gorgeous flowers. They vary in color and shape depending on the season, temperature and humidity. I think this rose could bloom more abundantly. (RRC)
The branched bush reaches 2.5-3 m in height. The flowers are magnificent: rich apricot, fading to a soft creamy color at the edges. This highlights the peculiarity of the flowers: the wavy edges of the petals, which are laid out like layers of tissue paper. It blooms very profusely. (CRW)
This rose has a nostalgic spirit. The flowers are double, medium or large, appearing singly or in small clusters at the ends of hard shoots. They are coppery-salmon, fade to salmon-pink, but retain copper tones deep in the flower. The aroma is very weak, but flowering continues all summer and autumn. Ideal for posts, walls and hedges where a short climbing rose is needed. The bush is vigorous, quite branched, the foliage is abundant and shiny. (BPR
Color: apricot
Number of flowers per stem: 1-3
Flower size: 10-12 cm Width: 200 cm
Height: 120-300 cm
USDA: Zone Five.

Pink climbing rose "Laguna"

Climbing pink "Laguna" (Laguna). Climbing roses are used for vertical gardening - arches, gazebos, pyramids, garlands, columns, pergolas, fences, gazebos; for decorating the walls of buildings, balconies. Particularly beautiful are compositions created from groups of varieties of climbing roses, as well as climbing roses on high stems.

Climbing roses occupy one of the leading places in vertical gardening, go well with small architectural forms, are indispensable when creating decorative columns, pyramids, arches, trellises, green decoration of building walls, balconies, gazebos.

The climbing group includes primarily true climbing, or so-called Rambler, roses with long flexible creeping or arched-rising shoots (braids) from 1.5 to 5 m or more in length. Their shoots are bright green and covered with thin, curved thorns. The flowers are small (2-2.5 cm in diameter), double, semi-double or simple, of various colors. The flowers are mostly weak-scented and collected in inflorescences. True climbing roses bloom very profusely, mostly once, for 30-35 days in the first half of summer. Flowers are located along the entire length of overwintered shoots. The leaves are small, leathery and shiny. Most varieties are quite winter-hardy and overwinter well under light, dry cover.

Location: sunny and ventilated. Roses - light-loving plants, so it is best to plant them on walls and supports with southern and southwestern exposure. Preference should still be given to southern exposure; good lighting helps the growth to ripen, which will flower next year.

Landing: a strip of earth 50 - 60 cm wide is enough. Plant in pre-prepared holes measuring 50 x 50 cm. If the holes are dry, the day before planting they need to be watered and manure added - no less than half a bucket into each hole. In order for the bush to be strong and bloom profusely, after planting the plant must be cut 15 - 20 cm from the soil level. Climbing roses, used to decorate walls and other objects, are planted at a distance of at least 45 cm from the landscaping object.

Care: from the second year after planting, climbing roses are content with minor care, consisting of rare but abundant watering, fertilizing and pruning. Faded branches are pruned to encourage additional flowering. Water roses every 8 - 10 days. The soil around the plant is mulched with sawdust, humus, straw, and grass. Cow dung, which is applied during planting, is used by the plants for two years. In subsequent years, fertilizers are needed, especially organic ones. In addition to manure, you can feed roses with mineral and complex fertilizers: TMAU (peat-mineral-nitrogen), flower mixture, etc. During the growing season, four to five feedings are required.

Trimming: climbing roses need pruning. Its main goal is to form a crown, obtain abundant and long-lasting flowering, and maintain plants in a healthy condition. In addition, pruning helps to achieve continuous shoot coverage of the object near which the plants are planted. Special attention When pruning, pay attention to the regrowth and development of vegetative shoots, since flowering in climbing roses occurs on the growth of the previous year.

At good care at the roses for summer period Long shoots grow, up to 2-3.5 m. They are covered for the winter. In the spring of next year, only the frozen and frozen shoots and the ends of the shoots on the strong outer bud are pruned. The shoots that survived after overwintering are first spread on the ground so that strong replacement shoots develop at the base of the bush, ensuring flowering of the bush next year. After the young replacement shoots reach a length of 50-70 cm, the old shoots on which flowering should occur this year are tied to supports. In the future, pruning of climbing roses is carried out depending on how these roses bloom, once or twice. These groups of roses differ significantly from each other in the nature of flowering and shoot formation.

The first ones form flowering branches on last year's shoots. They do not bloom again. To replace faded shoots, the so-called main (basal), these roses form from 3 to 10 restoration (replacement) shoots, which will bloom the next season. In this case, after flowering, the basal shoots are cut down to the base, like raspberries. Thus, bushes of once-blooming climbing roses should consist of only 3-5 annual and 3-5 biennial flowering shoots.

It is important to remember that climbing roses bloom on overwintered shoots, which must be preserved for their entire length; only the very tops with underdeveloped buds must be removed. When cultivated on a high agricultural background, climbing roses can form regeneration shoots in excessive quantities. This greatly thickens the bush, weakens flowering and makes it difficult to shelter for the winter. Therefore, for climbing roses to bloom abundantly, they should be pruned and the number of shoots adjusted.

Pruning large-flowered varieties requires great attention. The length of their lashes should be commensurate with the size of the bush. If the bush is very strong, as, for example, in the variety "Climbing Gloria Day", it is necessary to leave long lashes; for shorter bushes they should be shorter. If the branches of this group of roses are cut very short, then instead of flowering shoots only vegetative shoots will begin to grow. Often varieties of this group do not bloom. To achieve their flowering, you need to shorten the branches a little and tie them horizontally or obliquely.

Correct pruning and careful selection of varieties can provide almost continuous flowering roses in your garden. Along with pruning, the garter of climbing roses also plays an important role, which should ensure an inclined, horizontal or spiral arrangement of branches, preventing the growth of vegetative shoots and stimulating the development of floral shoots.

Wintering: require shelter. It is important to remember one thing: between the roses and the shelter (film, roofing felt, etc.) there must be air space on top. Roses die not so much from frost as from getting wet and dampened during prolonged winter thaws or in the spring, when the covering material becomes compacted and does not allow air to pass through well. It should be remembered that preparing roses for winter begins long before the onset of frost. Already at the end of August it is necessary to stop watering and loosening the soil. At this time, it is no longer possible to feed roses with nitrogen, but it is necessary to apply potassium fertilizers to strengthen the shoot tissue. Roses should be covered for the winter only with the onset of a stable drop in temperature to minus 5-6 °C. Light frosts not only do not harm roses, but even promote better ripening of shoots and harden the plants. Premature covering leads to plants sprouting and rotting due to lack of air. Sheltering is carried out in dry weather. Climbing roses are removed from the support, damaged or rotten shoots are cut out and cleared of leaves. After this, the lashes are twisted, tied with twine and pinned to the ground with metal or wooden hooks. It is advisable to put dry leaves or spruce branches under them. The shoots are covered from above with any covering material: dry leaves, spruce branches, wooden boxes etc.

Pests, diseases: aphid, spider mites, powdery mildew, bark cancer. Powdery mildew is caused by the fungus Sphaerotheca pannosa Lev. White spots appear on the leaves, which gradually grow. Powdery mildew develops rapidly in hot and humid weather, usually in late July - early August. Plant growth stops, flowering stops, and plant death may occur. As preventive control measures, it is recommended to spray 2 times with Bordeaux mixture: on dormant buds after removing the cover and on growing shoots (up to 20 cm).

Coniothirium wersdorffiae Laub - bark cancer, or “burn” of roses. Signs of the disease are detected when the cover is removed in the spring. Initially, red-brown spots form on the bark of the shoots, which, growing, gradually turn black and can envelop the entire shoot in a ring. The causative agent of the disease is inside the tissue. Ringed shoots must be immediately cut out, including the healthy part of the shoot, and burned. The fungus develops most intensively in the dark under winter shelter roses for the winter, especially when high humidity. Preventive measures are reducing the dose of nitrogen in the fall, fertilizing potash fertilizers to strengthen the tissues of the shoots, timely shelter and ventilation during winter thaws, timely removal of shelter in the spring, pruning and destruction of affected shoots.

The idea of ​​using shrubs and trees as a support for climbing roses is not a human invention, but the way of life of these plants in wildlife. On big tree climbing roses appear in all their lush splendor. Not all trees and shrubs are suitable for use as a support for climbing roses. Since the rose grows very quickly, the support plant must be quite large and tall. Do not use plants with vigorously growing roots located near the soil surface, which will strongly compete with rose roots. We can recommend: broom, serviceberry, hornbeam, rowan, apple, pear, mountain pine, yew, larch.

Climbing roses are perennial vines up to 5 meters tall. They are used for design design landscape of gardens and parks. They are good to use for entwining arbors, columns and fences.

For correct formation rose shoots are recommended

Abundantly blooming and fragrant climbing roses are in great demand. However, in areas with cold winters, they need to be covered and laid down for the winter so that they do not freeze. Therefore, in places with a harsh climate it has its own characteristics, in particular, more labor-intensive care than other species. In the south, climbing roses delight with their beauty all year round.

ABOUT the best varieties roses marked with an ADR certificate - a quality mark, we will talk about in this article.

ADR certificate, what is it?

This certificate was first awarded to roses in Germany in the mid-twentieth century. Allgemeine Deutsche Rosenneuheitenprüfung (ADR) – All-German certification of rose varieties.

Wilhelm Cordes, a famous breeder, organized annual testing of up to 50 new varieties of roses, with the assignment ADR certificate. After testing the variety, only a few receive it.

New varieties are being planted in the field at 11 laboratory stations located in different areas. Roses survive for several years with virtually no care, resisting both diseases and pests. Then they are tested for winter hardiness, susceptibility to disease and decorative appearance.

The best varieties that received the most highly appreciated, receive the long-awaited certificate. This sign can be seen on rose seedlings when making a purchase.

Best representatives

We bring to your attention an overview of the 20 most popular ones that will definitely take root on your site:

    1. Lagoon(Laguna)(ADR 2007) - the rose is distinguished by bright pink, densely double large flowers. The bush usually produces a large number of flowers with a strong aroma. The bush reaches a height of up to 3 meters. Recommended for growing as a cascade rose, on a trunk. Reviews: Rose lovers are very pleased with this variety's resistance to disease and strong intoxicating aroma.

    1. Jasmine(Jasmina)(ADR 2007) - a rose with exquisite soft pink double flowers with an aroma reminiscent of apple. Bush up to 3 meters long, with an abundance of flowers. Rose growers value this variety for its flexible vines, which can beautifully decorate any rose, and its strong, unusual aroma.

    1. Golden Gate(Golden Gate)(ADR 2006) - distinguished by large semi-double bright yellow flowers with a bright fruity aroma. The bush grows about 3.5 meters.
      Reviews: the variety is valued for its fairly high resistance to disease, large number shoots, unpretentiousness in maintenance.

    1. Perennial Blue(Perennial Blue)(ADR 2008) - a rose with unusual double flowers of raspberry-violet shades. Has a pleasant aroma. The bush is compact up to 2.5 meters, straight. Amateur gardeners respect this variety for its unusual color scheme flowers.

    1. Pomponella(Pomponella)(ADR 2006), also has a Gold Standard Rose Certificate. climbing rose, growing up to 1.5 meters. The bush is compact with unusual double pompom-like flowers, deep pink. For the unusual shape of flowers and most delicate aroma This variety is so loved by gardeners. In addition, the rose practically does not suffer from anything and is not at all demanding of care. There is an abundance of buds on the bush.

    1. (Flammentanz) - one of the best, beautiful flower with double, very large flowers. A flower with a light pleasant aroma. The bush is 3 meters high and 2 meters wide. Blooms in May - June, once. The variety is highly resistant to diseases and winter hardiness. According to reviews from rose growers, this variety of roses can withstand frosts down to minus 30 degrees.

    1. Rosarium Uetersen(Rosarium Uetersen) - a rose with large, dense flowers. The flowers are a rich coral color, becoming silvery over time. The flowers bloom in such a way that it seems like they are constantly blooming. Requires shelter for the winter. The height of the bush is 3 meters and the width is 1.5 meters. The aroma is delicate, with a hint green apple. Rose lovers are attracted by the high decorativeness of the variety, the unusual color of the open buds and their good interchangeability.

    1. Westerland(Westerland) - belongs to the remontant type, blooms twice. Blooms very early, and then again until late autumn. The flowers are double, large, orange-yellow with a copper tint. The bush is 1.5 meters tall and erect; the flowers emit a strong aroma. The bush grows greatly in width and is prickly. Flowers can change color during flowering, from yellow-orange to salmon or apricot color. The variety is valued for its beauty and high winter hardiness.

    1. New Down(New Dawn) - vigorous, frost-resistant and very hardy. The flowers are light pink, double. The bushes bloom from spring to autumn. The buds tolerate wind and rain well, faded petals fall abundantly without disturbing the appearance of the bush. For its ease of care, as well as for its abundant flowering, this variety has gained popularity among rose growers around the world.

    1. Pierre de Ronsard(Pierre de Ronsard) - a rose with large, heavily double flowers. The flowers are bright pink inside and the outer petals are almost white. The smell is very delicate. The bush is tall up to 3 meters and wide - 2 meters. The variety is valued for its unusually beautiful flowers and great resistance to diseases. The only upsetting thing is that flowers can lose their attractiveness from heavy rain.

    1. Ilse Kron Superior(Ilse Krohn Superior) will delight you with soft white huge double flowers. Blooms again. The foliage is bright green and shiny, so the white flowers look incredibly festive and beautiful. The bush is 3 meters high and spreading. Among positive qualities Gardeners note excellent disease resistance and beauty after rain of this variety.

    1. Dortmund(Dortmund) - with bright red, non-double, but very large flowers. The blooming red flower looks original because of the light spot in the center. Despite the fact that the variety is very old, it is invariably in demand among rose lovers. Compact bush 2:2 meters. The reviews are extremely positive: lovers appreciate it for its repeated flowering, and the variety is also disease-resistant. The bush does not require care.

    1. Super Dorothy(Super Dorothy) - a rose with dark pink double flowers strewn throughout the bush, similar to a pompom. The reverse side of the petals is pale pink, and the center of the bud is light. The shoots are flexible, almost without thorns, well suited for entwining arbors and trellises. The height of the bush is 2.5 meters and the width is 1 meter. The variety of this climbing rose is valued for its remontancy (the ability to bloom for a long time). The bush blooms late, but blooms without ceasing until frost.

    1. Compession(Compassion) - a rose with apricot-pink, large, double flowers. The flowers have a strong aroma, the buds resemble hybrid tea. Bush 2.5 meters high, glossy, dark green foliage. The buds open one at a time or in small groups. Roses of this variety have unusually beautiful flowers that bloom all summer.

    1. Parade(Parade) - a representative of this family has pink, densely double flowers. The variety is very old, but popular. The branches bend under the weight of the flowers. The rose blooms again. Height 3 meters. Fans appreciate the variety for its good resistance to disease and frost. The rose is ideal for growing in cold regions.

    1. Iceberg(Iceberg) will appeal to many gardeners because it blooms throughout the summer. The flowers are large, snow-white, covering the bush like an avalanche. The aroma of flowers is delicate. The bush is small, 1.5 in height. The variety is old, but very popular and in demand. This variety has earned excellent reviews among gardeners not only for its variety of colors and beauty, but also for its good adaptation to any climate. The variety is very unpretentious.

    1. Super Excelsa(Super Excelsa)(ADR 1991) - after planting it, you will get a bush strewn with carmine-red flowers, with white stripes in the center of the petal. The variety is very decorative, its height reaches 2.5 meters. Rose lovers choose it for its unusual flower coloring and constant flowering throughout the summer. The bush needs to be tied up.

    1. Alchemist(Alchymist) - with unusual double flowers. The inside of the petals is pink, and the outside is yellow, general impression colors, apricot. The bush is erect, very prickly, blooms once per season. Bush 3 meters high. This variety has high frost resistance. Rose calmly endured frosts of even more than 40 degrees. Many were surprised that the variety does not suffer from anything at all. You can make a flower fountain from this variety.

    1. Lavinia(Lawinia) - a beauty with double soft pink flowers. The height of the bush is 3 meters. Width 2 meters. Rose Lavinia blooms several times a season and is disease resistant.

  1. Polka(Polka 91) - a rose with very large double apricot-colored flowers. Bush up to 3 meters. Blooms in waves throughout the season. One of the best roses For landscape design. The variety is loved by gardeners for the unusually beautiful color of its buds, which becomes even more original when it fades in the sun. Rose lovers will be disappointed by the plant's average resistance to disease and frost.

Climbing roses are a decoration for the garden; with wild imagination, you can use them to create interesting compositions, waterfalls and fountains of flowers, columns and gazebos entwined with roses and exuding noble aromas, and to cover fences with them. By selecting frost-resistant varieties climbing roses, you can take care of them by pruning and occasional fertilizing with watering.

This tells about the variety of varieties of climbing roses video:

Climbing rose "Laguna"
Rose "Laguna" grows very quickly and well, shoots up to 2.5-3 meters high. Flowering is abundant, bright crimson large roses "Laguna" not only enchant with their beauty, but also attract with their fragrant scent.

Shrub roses have long been used to decorate the front garden or garden. But to add charm to buildings, and not only, climbing roses are used. One of the representatives of this genus of plants is the Laguna rose.

Why lagoon

The climbing rose "Laguna" is one of the most prominent representatives climbing flowers. Grows up to 2-2.5 meters in height. The radius of the space occupied by the bush is 1 meter. Flower buds have a filled structure. The color scheme of this variety appears to be light shades of pink and red. “Laguna” is a fairly young variety, bred only in 2004. Flowering is quite abundant. Even in cold weather the growing season continues. The plant is unpretentious to climatic conditions. The bush grows very quickly - many young shoots appear during the summer.

Interesting! Thanks to its hardiness, abundant flowering and rapid growth, the Laguna rose is very popular among gardeners of various levels.

Basic landing rules

Due to its low maintenance requirements, Lagoon is often recommended for beginning gardeners. But in order for the flower to begin to grow, it must be planted correctly, responsibly completing several important steps: Select the right seedling. If the seedling is of poor quality, it will not be accepted or the plant will not grow and bloom. The seedling should not be damaged, the branches should be even. The leaves on the inside and outside should be green and free of plaque. You should also pay attention to root system. Since “Laguna” is a climbing rose, the root system should be wide, and each root should be thick and strong. Choose a place for planting in accordance with the characteristics of growth. Rosa lagoon prefers loose soil, which is rich in nutrients. You should not plant a bush in the same place where the rose grew before. The area should not be open - partial shading is necessary. Under straight lines sun rays the quality of the flower deteriorates. Properly prepare the seedling and site before planting. Preparing a seedling involves processing its root system. First, the dry and longest root shoots are removed. This should be done with a sharp tool so as not to tear the root system. After pruning, the seedling is placed in a bucket with clean water roots down. It's better to do this at night. The planting hole is prepared several weeks in advance so that the soil is enriched with oxygen and nutrients evenly saturate the soil. The recess should not be wider than the root system of the bush, so there is no need to dig a whole trench. Regarding the depth, you should not overdo it here either - it is calculated in accordance with the position of the lower four kidneys. Carry out the landing procedure correctly. This is the main stage that needs to be considered more carefully and approached with all responsibility. A well-chosen place for planting, as well as correctly planted, guarantee a positive result - the plant will take root and bloom in a year.

Step by step

Proper planting of the climbing rose “Laguna” includes several stages: The prepared hole is watered in advance. The main thing is to wait until the moisture is completely absorbed by the cavity - you should not plant the rose in the dirt. Then fertilizers are applied. The most the best option it will become ordinary manure - half a bucket. The rose is placed in a recess and the root system is placed along the entire perimeter of the bottom. After this, the seedling is covered with earth. The main thing is that the soil does not cover the lower buds and that part of the root peeks out, which smoothly passes into the trunk. The bush itself is trimmed to 20-25 centimeters above the ground. A support is installed in advance near the seedling. This could be, for example, a frame or a decorative staircase.

Important! If the rose is intended to decorate architectural objects, then it should be planted at a distance of half a meter from the intended support, so that there is space for the development of the root system.

How to grow correctly

The main thing is not only to plant it successfully, but also to care for the plant. And it, in turn, consists of:


Formative pruning

Feeding with fertilizers

Proper reproduction

In order for a plant to bloom and develop, no special knowledge in botany is required, but some care features should be taken into account. Rose loves careful periodic watering combined with fertilizing. Nutrients can be purchased at any garden store. Pruning is done in September. In the process, the thinnest and weakest shoots are cut off. For the winter, the bush is pruned as much as possible and then insulated. When insulating, the fences are bent to the ground. Reproduction of Laguna rose involves green cuttings. This method of propagation ensures that the shoot takes root well. The principle of care for both young and older rose bushes is practically the same. The only difference is in tying - for young actively growing seedlings, the procedure for redistributing supports is more frequent than for already formed plants.

While watching the video you will learn more about the climbing rose.

Climbing rose “Laguna” is a fairly young variety of flower in its group, but is already very popular among gardeners. This is facilitated by the unpretentiousness of the flower to weather conditions and resistance to diseases.
Taken from here:

Description of rose Laguna

Rosa Laguna - winner of silver prizes in international competitions for the best aroma and resistance to pests. The plant is unpretentious and looks great as a hedge.


Laguna is a modern variety of climbing rose of the climber group with dense foliage, straight, branched shoots 2–2.5 m high. The leaves are shiny, medium-sized dark green. The shoots are thick, strong, with numerous thorns. The bush grows up to 1 m wide.

Source: Depositphotos

Rose Laguna will wonderfully decorate your yard with hedges or weaving along arches

The flowers are large, pointed at the top, with a filled structure, red-crimson in color, collected in tassels of 8 pieces. Consist of 55–60 petals. The diameter of the open bud is 10 cm. It has a thick fruity aroma that spreads over long distances.

During the period of full flowering, due to the abundance of flowers, the leaves are practically invisible.

The rose is not afraid of frosts down to -28 ° C, and is resistant to rainy periods and diseases. Aphids, powdery mildew, rot, and mold are also not harmful to the plant. The Laguna is characterized by repeated flowering, the abundance of which is not inferior to the first. Rose petals do not fade.

The Lagoon's root system grows and goes deeper. To protect the plant from black spot, avoid places with increased level groundwater. Allowable depth groundwater- 1 m. Choose fertile, breathable soil.

Provide the plant with a place with air circulation. In lowlands, cold air stagnates and causes disease.

Lagoon loves good lighting, but if it is in direct sunlight all day, it will fade faster and burns may appear on the leaves. When planting, choose a place where the rose is in partial shade in the afternoon.

The disadvantages include the presence of many sharp thorns on the bush. For neat and decorative look, after the rose fades, remove the old flowers, because they do not fall off on their own.

Laguna is propagated by cuttings. This guarantees good rooting of the shoot and preservation of varietal qualities.

If you choose the right place for the rose, the bush will take root and within a year it will delight you. abundant flowering. Water it periodically, loosen the soil, and feed the plant. Perform pruning in September. Before winter, prune the bush to the maximum; insulate by pressing the lashes to the ground.

Laguna is used both as a single bush to decorate a flower bed in front of the house, and as a weave to decorate columns, arches, and terraces. It will transform your yard. It will delight the whole family with its beauty and aroma.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs