How to draw a butterfly net. DIY butterfly net. Do-it-yourself weaving of fabric for a net

When playing large fish To reduce the risk of failure and reduce the load on the rod, a special fishing net is needed, which fishermen call a landing net or landing net. They differ in shape, material, size. Some are suitable for predators, others for peaceful ones, folding ones are more compact, solid ones are stronger. Materials for a homemade net are publicly available.

Experienced fishermen sometimes refuse to buy a landing net. The color of the network, the unreliability of connections or the fragility of hoops - all this may not satisfy their needs. They make landing nets with their own hands.

Required materials

To make a homemade net you will need various materials, tools. Their list is given in the table.

How to make a net with your own hands: technology

For the sake of convenience, the presentation is divided into stages.

  1. We make a net for the net.

The simplest option is to take a ready-made mesh fabric and use a nylon thread to make a bag out of it.

Another option is to weave it yourself. To do this you need:

  • select cell size;
  • using a thread, ruler, butcher's broom, start weaving in a circle;
  • When the desired height of the cylinder is reached, it needs to be narrowed. To do this, the number of loops is reduced;
  • make the last knot tight;
  • Finally, it is recommended to attach a small weight to the bottom so that the net sinks faster.
  1. Making the head for the net.

First you need to choose between wire and aluminum tube, and then choose the diameter. If the choice fell on a tube, then 30 mm is enough for an average size fish.

Then choose the shape and size. The triangular option is suitable for catching predators. For medium-sized fish, a triangle with sides of 50 cm is enough.

The peculiarity of making a folding net is that it is necessary to cut the finished part into two parts in order to make a movable fastening using rivets. There are detailed video instructions on YouTube.

  1. Making a handle for the net.

It’s easier to take a wooden rod, dry it, process it sandpaper, coat with varnish. Or use a fishing rod. Here you can even make a folding landing net handle if you use a composite or telescopic rod.

  1. Collecting elements.

The net is attached to the head of the landing net nylon thread. The head is also attached to the handle with nylon, after which the connection is strengthened with soft wire and electrical tape.

Fishing landing net: purpose and application

A landing net is used to remove fish from the water. This reduces the chances of a line breaking, a hook or rod breaking, or a missed catch.

It must be applied in the following order:

  • bring the fish as close to the shore, boat or fisherman, if he is standing in the water, as the length allows. Only then use the landing net;
  • lower the landing net into the water and wait for the net to submerge;
  • Place the hoop of the landing net under the fish, pull it towards you and slightly upward. You should pull sharply so that the fish does not jump out.

Classifications and varieties

There are three components in a fishing net: the head, the handle and the net. Accordingly, they can be classified according to the geometry of the elements and the material from which they are made.

There are three main shapes for the head of a fish net: round, triangular, quadrangular (square or trapezoidal). They are most often made from light alloys.

It is believed that the triangular shape is more convenient when you need to place a landing net under the fish, but it is easier to lower a round head into the water, since there is less windage.

Another classification is based on the difference in mesh materials (made of fishing line, nylon thread or nylon) and the size of its cells. For example, due to large sinkers, bottom tackle is more likely to get tangled in coarse-mesh ones, while wobblers, spinners and other baits for predators are more likely to get tangled up in small-mesh ones.

Landing nets are classified according to the mesh material. Each has its own advantages. The fishing line is easy to wash, the mucus from the scales does not stick to it, but the pike easily cuts it with its teeth. Nylon and nylon are more gentle and less likely to injure fish, which is suitable for catch-and-release fishing.

The handle can be of different lengths. Therefore, there are two more classes: short (fishing from a boat or in the water) and long (fishing from the shore). How longer handle, the greater the risk of breakdown.

There are two types of nets: non-removable and folding.

Non-removable landing net

Such gear is more reliable and stronger, but is rarely used and, due to its length, is inconvenient for transportation. This also includes short landing nets, but they are not used so often: only when fishing from a boat or in the summer, while standing in the water.

Folding landing net

These devices can be telescopic or plug-in, made of carbon fiber or composite materials.

Telescopic fishing nets are adjustable different lengths and can be reinforced with threaded clamps. The plug version is more reliable and tougher.

Landing net for winter fishing

Exists special option landing net for winter fishing, which was invented in the USA. It differs in the shape of the head: it is elongated, curved in a semicircle. This is done so that the landing net can be inserted through the hole and catch the fish. In terms of convenience, it is much inferior to a gaff or hook.

The idea of ​​this net was described in the epic eco-cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”. Only there was a photo gun, as you remember.

This essentially “photo gun” is the innovative gadget E-catch Net, which allows a child (or an adult) to study butterflies without destroying them.

Long gone are the days when man - both the layman and the scientist - was a sadist in relation to Nature. If you re-read books from a hundred years ago (those same good and humane books!), then today you (far from being Greenpeaceites, at that!) will simply be amazed by the cruelty that the “kind” heroes of these books allow in relation to the fauna of the planet, not to mention the flora.

There are still a hundred years and two World Wars before the appearance of the E-catch Net butterfly net...

Previously, the following was the norm. To study an animal, bird or insect, it had to be captured and killed. And then, of course, preserve it in alcohol, stuff it, put it in a bookstore...

“The traveler and the gentleman” could admire the rare beautiful bird, seen by him in the sky and immediately run... for a gun to shoot (!) “this magnificent specimen” and donate it to the Scientific Royal Society - let them study it.

The same age when people surprised people with their cruelty, which they then considered the norm, also refers to an ancient children's game - a butterfly net.

Children and adults collected butterflies, collected bird nests along with the eggs of chicks that were never hatched.

Fathers gave their sons small blowguns so that they could shoot birds in the garden - filling their eyes and at the same time studying the ornithology of their native land, with interest and love. But what about “love”? Probably to the science of ornithology...

Times have passed, and the world has become distinctly more humane. At least today he declares his humanism, but before he didn’t even do that! Yes, actually, why does it “declares”? After all, the appearance of such eco-gadgets as E-catch Net suggests that the world (we are talking about the “world” of developed countries) is proving, not in words, but in deeds, its changed view of the world, its humanism.

Throughout the 20th century, experiencing tragedies and learning a lot about the world, both children and adults became less and less bloodthirsty, and it would never have occurred to anyone to give a child a net so that he could kill live butterflies with it, or to give a child a gun to shoot birds or letting your child make a slingshot for the same thing.

The net for catching butterflies went out of fashion and almost disappeared altogether as a wild anachronism of bygone times.

But here comes the eco-gadget E-catch Net

A butterfly net that does not catch butterflies E-catch Net was made by a whole team of Chinese designers. Let's list their names:

  • Zhang Cheng,
  • Tuo Jin,
  • Lin-en Wang
  • Xiaoneng Jin.

Now let's applaud them.

Externally, the net for “catching” butterflies looks the same as its archaic prototype, only there is no gauze mesh on the ring that is attached to the handle.

Instead, the E-catch Net is a luxurious, high-tech 3D scanner.

How to use a butterfly net with a 3D scanner E-catch Net?

You are still running through the meadow beautiful butterfly and raise your net over it. And you even cover it with a net.

But the net inside is empty, and it does not touch the butterfly.

You guide the butterfly through the empty ring of the net. She doesn't even notice anything unless you stomp around her like an elephant...

However, the 3D scanner, which is the ring, already manages to read all the information about the butterfly, right down to its name in Latin.

And the scanner will also set the date - when it was caught. And the location will be indicated if you enable geolocation.

From what you printed, you can, among other things, fold a very beautiful origami.

Of course, the butterfly net, aka the 3D scanner, has not yet gone on sale. This is the announcement of a design concept that is waiting in the wings to be put into mass production.

But this hour will come soon, because the E-catch Net 3D scanner net has already become a winner in one prestigious competition.

This competition is called IDEA Awards 2013.

And from there it’s just a stone’s throw to the counters of specialized online stores selling unique gadgets for tech geeks and gadget lovers.

3D printing of jewelry is the main trend in the jewelry industry. Startups are constantly appearing in this direction, and experienced companies are trying to quickly introduce new technologies into production.

Trend "Predictive technologies": predictive analytics and Predictive AI

More and more objects around us are discovering the gift of prediction. Let’s take a closer look at what is hidden behind the popular trend towards predictive technologies and how wide its capabilities are.

Needs for modern world becomes more and more, but the number of hands does not increase. This selection includes several products and services that can be used hands-free.

A robot accompanying couriers is being tested in Germany. He helps German postmen transport mail and knows how to avoid street obstacles, but he cannot work independently yet.

In order to make a net, we will need:

A stick with a diameter of 10-15 mm.

Roll of steel wire

A piece of gauze cloth.

Here is a simple kit for making a net.

Making a net handle and a ring with fastening

Take a stick with a diameter of no more than 10-15 mm. The stick must be well processed so that both you and the child do not get a splinter in your hand. If the stick is jagged, sand it, you can coat it with varnish or drying oil.

Now we make a steel ring. Cut the wire with wire cutters. The length depends on the diameter of the ring and your preference.

Optimal length 0.7-1m. The wire should be no more than 3 mm. Now make an arc. To make it, just wrap it around a tree trunk. Nets can be the most different shapes: round, rectangular, square. But the most reliable shape of the net is a circle. This form is rigid and takes up maximum space with a minimum perimeter. In addition, the circle is also convenient because the fabric does not wear out as much as on rectangular shape. The presence of hard corners contributes to rapid wear of the fabric. But make the hoop taking into account the fact that there should be ends with hanging fabric measuring 10-15 cm.

From the remaining ends you should make two shoulders. One shoulder should be longer than the other. Bend them down perpendicular to the circumference of the shoulder. Bend the ends of these shoulders down. Bend the ends of the shoulders inside the structure. Do this very carefully, as they can seriously injure you and your child. With the correct layout, such a structure should lie in the same plane. Attaching to the handle The attachment of the handle should be very strong, since a stick that falls off will only interfere with your activities with your child. Therefore, make the fastening strong. To make such a fastening, you must drill two holes in the handle; the depth of the holes must be at least 1 cm. Only in this way will the handle be securely fastened. Such holes need to be drilled level with the shoulders. The ends of the arms are hammered into these holes. An indicator of reliability will be that the shoulders should fit snugly to the handle. Now you need to attach them. To do this, tie them with wire to the handle. Fasten tightly.

Making a bag for a net

Suitable for bag soft fabric, for example, gauze, it should be dense and durable. Make the bag so that it has as few corners as possible. This will be more convenient for you, otherwise insects will get into the corners. To secure the bag to the hoop, you need to buy a wide ribbon and sew it onto the hoop so that the wire remains inside; attach the bag itself to this ribbon.

The butterfly net is ready!

It’s easier to buy, better to make.
And Vanyushin, Mytishchi. Moscow region.
How many nets should an aquarist have them, what should they be and where to get them? It all depends on how “advanced” the amateur is in his hobby. If the owner of a home pond is limited to the role of observer, then one net; it will be in demand only in cases (hopefully rare) when it is necessary to remove a dead fish. The easiest way to buy such a hunting tool is at the first pet store you come across.

True, factory goods will not always satisfy the buyer appearance, ease of use and other ergonomic parameters. But in this case, this can be neglected, given that most of the time the net will gather dust in the far corner of the aquarium farm. Another thing is an aquarist-naturalist, a breeder. In everyday practice, he is often faced with the need to catch fish, for example for breeding, transportation, quarantine or treatment. Many people prefer to feed their pets plankton from the nearest pond. But you need to catch it with something, wash it in something and sort it... You can’t do it with just a net, and the requirements for products of this type are stricter. They should be as comfortable as possible, durable enough, and not injure fish and invertebrates. To make a fishing net bag, synthetic fabric should be used.

Often nets made from nylon stockings, but this is not best option. Its disadvantages are elasticity (the size of the cells changes under load) and low mechanical strength. The best fabric- the so-called mill gas, or “sieve cloth”. It has a unique marking from No. 7 to No. 76 (OST 17-46-71). The number means the number of holes per linear centimeter, that is, the larger the number, the smaller the holes. In mill gas No. 7 the holes have a size of 1.093x1.093 mm, and in No. 76 - 0.082x0.082 mm. Using this OST, you can, for example, armed with a magnifying glass, count the holes and determine the number of the unknown nylon fabric that came to you.
Selecting the appropriate fabric depends on the size of plankton required. The pattern looks like a more or less wide sector of a circle, the radius of which will be the length of the cone of the finished net (50-70 cm). The width of the sector depends on the circumference of the bow (ring) of the net, taking into account the addition to the connecting seam. If there is a shortage of fine gas, the top of the net can also be made from a larger one - in the form of a wide strip. Decide for yourself what will be decisive: the width of the available fabric or the convenient diameter of the net.
It is undesirable to leave a sharp corner at the bottom when stitching: it is inconvenient to work with.

In the literature on aquarium keeping, a net is always depicted, the top of which covers a bow (ring). However, practice shows that a more convenient option is when free loops (straps) from the same nylon (4-5 centimeters in diameter) are sewn to the top of the net at a distance of 5-6 centimeters from each other around the entire circumference (Fig. 1). The handle is easily threaded through these loops, and it is more comfortable to work with such a net. Besides similar option allows the use of a folding (detachable) bail, sometimes used for the convenience of transporting large nets.
Small nets are required for sorting plankton and for catching fish. The bags for them are made using a “cross-shaped” pattern, which is advantageous in that the result is a flat bottom. In such a net, the risk of damage to strained crustaceans or caught fish is minimal. From a pattern with right angles, a rectangular bag is obtained, and if the sides are trapezoidal, a pyramidal one is obtained. First make a “model” of a paper net to see if the proportions you choose will be comfortable. Of course, a net made from two halves of fabric, the pattern of which has a parabolic shape, is also quite suitable. It is also advisable to use nylon materials here - they last longer.
To catch fish you need a soft cloth with enough cells large size. Nylon tulle will do. If you have to catch fry with this net, be sure that the width of the cell is small enough to prevent the fry from getting its head stuck in it. It is unlikely that we will be able to get him alive. Prepare several nets for different purposes.

Sometimes authors talk about the color of the fabric. I have nets that are white, green, and black. The fish seem to be less wary of the color green. And the easiest way is for them to fall into a transparent trap. At one time, at the World of Aquarium exhibition, a 600-liter aquarium housed a rich collection of botia and acanthophthalmus. These tropical loaches, as you know, are not easy to catch even in a small aquarium. I once took plastic bottle cut off her throat at the widest part and inserted it into a “glass” reverse side I put a bunch of tubifex inside and lowered the device to the bottom. After about twenty minutes, the bottle was literally filled with fighters, and they were no longer smart enough to get out through the neck into freedom.
For the nets with which you will sort the harvested plankton, you must use the same mill gas of the appropriate number. For initial cleaning, the prey can be passed through a coarse sieve (even more convenient if it is made of metal threads) with a mesh size of 2x2 mm or even larger if you are catching large daphnia. Such a sieve will retain the inevitable debris, water beetles and bedbugs (smoothies, swimmers, combs, etc.), as well as the larvae of various insects (if there are large fish in the aquariums, the screenings can be fed to them).
By alternately passing plankton through fabric of different densities, you can sort the catch into batches of food suitable for pets of different ages. The smallest mesh net should only allow cyclops, diaptomus and daphnia nauplii to pass through. It is appropriate to note that even fabric No. 76 will not retain ciliates, since they are able to squeeze through smaller holes.
And now general recommendations on production.
Draw the pattern of the net on paper, cut it out, and then, placing the model on nylon fabric, outline it with a felt-tip pen.

Add seam allowance. Carefully cut the nylon pattern with a heated knife to melt the edges. The seams on the net for catching fish can be sewn manually or using an overlocker. sewing machine, and too synthetic thread(for example, thin fishing line). Nets for sorting plankton are a little more difficult to handle. There are no problems with coarse-mesh fabric, but it is better to glue the seams of the net to filter out the “dust” part of the plankton with a thin layer silicone sealant, since even the thinnest needle leaves holes through which valuable feed will leak. And the sealant holds the fabric perfectly and maintains elasticity. It is also convenient for them to patch holes that form during the operation of nets (and this is also suitable for the main fishing net).
To form an adhesive seam (or level a patch), cover it with PVC film (from packaging bags) and press lightly and leave in this position for 10-15 hours, subsequently the film will easily separate from the hardened sealant. Again, I suggest not wrapping the net fabric around the handle. Simply sew the edge of the fabric close to the bow, covering it with thread. It turns out very neat.
And finally, the last net, which I recommend having on the farm. It is only needed by those who breed small ones aquarium fish and is periodically forced to catch tiny fry (for example, for transplantation into another nursery). The nose of a non-elastic nylon stocking is sewn to a bow with a diameter of 6-7 centimeters. The sagging of the fabric should be no more than 1-1.5 cm, and it itself should not fold. This creates something like a soft spoon. The jumping ability of fish at this tender age is negligible and the transfer of fry in such a net does not involve injury.

If you don’t know how to make a net with your own hands, we offer brief instructions:

The next step in constructing a homemade net will be making a hoop.
I will need hard and elastic steel wire up to 1 meter long. It is best that its diameter is at least 3 mm. It is also important to maintain the classic circle shape for a hoop. Circle among all the others geometric shapes has the largest area with a minimum perimeter. In addition, the rigidity of a round net will be an order of magnitude higher than a square or triangular one. The easiest way to bend the wire is using a tree trunk. You just need to pick required diameter trunk

How to make:: butterfly net

Every child is delighted with catching butterflies with a net. Therefore, to please yourself and your child, try making a net yourself. After all, it’s so exciting and interesting: you can do something with your hands and spend time with your child. In addition, making a net with your own hands is quite easy and quick.

In order to make a net, we will need:

A stick with a diameter of 10-15 mm.

Roll of steel wire

A piece of gauze cloth.

Here is a simple kit for making a net.

Take a stick with a diameter of no more than 10-15 mm. The stick must be well processed so that both you and the child do not get a splinter in your hand. If the stick is jagged, sand it, you can coat it with varnish or drying oil.

Now we make a steel ring. Cut the wire with wire cutters. The length depends on the diameter of the ring and your preference.

The optimal length is 0.7-1m. The wire should be no more than 3 mm. Now make an arc. To make it, just wrap it around a tree trunk. Nets can be of various shapes: round, rectangular, square. But the most reliable shape of the net is a circle. This form is rigid and takes up maximum space with a minimum perimeter. In addition, the circle is also convenient because the fabric does not wear out as much as in a rectangular shape. The presence of hard corners contributes to rapid wear of the fabric. But make the hoop taking into account the fact that there should be ends with hanging fabric measuring 10-15 cm.

From the remaining ends you should make two shoulders.
but the shoulder must be longer than the other. Bend them down perpendicular to the circumference of the shoulder. Bend the ends of these shoulders down. Bend the ends of the shoulders inside the structure. Do this very carefully, as they can seriously injure you and your child. With the correct layout, such a structure should lie in the same plane. Attaching to the handle The attachment of the handle should be very strong, since a stick that falls off will only interfere with your activities with your child. Therefore, make the fastening strong. To make such a fastening, you must drill two holes in the handle; the depth of the holes must be at least 1 cm. Only in this way will the handle be securely fastened. Such holes need to be drilled level with the shoulders. The ends of the arms are hammered into these holes. An indicator of reliability will be that the shoulders should fit snugly to the handle. Now you need to attach them. To do this, tie them with wire to the handle. Fasten tightly.

A soft fabric, such as gauze, is suitable for the bag; it should be dense and durable. Make the bag so that it has as few corners as possible. This will be more convenient for you, otherwise insects will get into the corners. To secure the bag to the hoop, you need to buy a wide ribbon and sew it onto the hoop so that the wire remains inside; attach the bag itself to this ribbon.

The butterfly net is ready!

Butterfly net

vrednayal5 07/18/2014, 12:40 9 773 Devices / Made of wire


For self-made I was inspired to use the net by the children, whose store-bought nets either had short sticks or the diameter of the net itself was too small. So I decided to make my own net.

To make it I needed:

- bamboo stick (support for plants), - mesh (sold in fabric stores), - very thick and better almost unbending wire, - wire thin and flexible (not much is needed: 20-30cm), - thread and needle
First, we make a circle out of thick wire, and connect it with 2 ends something like this:
Next we cover this circle with mesh. I first hemmed it and then cut off the unnecessary fabric and gave it the necessary triangle shape. And I sewed 2 edges of the mesh to make a kind of cap. Next, I connected the edges of the wire and inserted them directly into the stick (there was the required hole in it). And she secured the structure with thin wire, wrapping the circle of the net to the stick. That’s basically all. The advantage of this net is that you can regulate the diameter of the net and the length of the stick yourself.

The dimensions of the finished net in my case were as follows:

The length of the stick is about 120 cm, the diameter of the circle is about 30 cm, and accordingly the length of the entire structure is about 1.5 m. Children are also great at catching cockchafers with this net.
In conclusion, I’ll just add that if you don’t want to buy bamboo supports separately, find a suitable stick in the forest. It won't turn out any worse.


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Summer has come, insects have appeared - beetles, butterflies, dragonflies. Does your child have a net? If not, then it’s easy to make a net yourself. Try making a butterfly net with your child.

Making a net with your own hands

To make your own net, prepare the necessary materials. You will need:

  • a wooden or plastic stick for the handle of the net;
  • wire 0.7-1m long;
  • fabric for the bag.

First let's prepare wooden handle for the net. If you have a suitable stick (maybe left over from an old net) with a diameter of 1.5 cm, then measure the length of the handle. Be guided by your baby's height so that you can comfortably hold the net in your hands. If the stick is rough, it needs to be sanded thoroughly. You don't want splinters in children's fingers.

Now take a steel wire with a diameter of at least 3 mm. You need to make an arc from it for the net. You can make a circle, triangle, star or any other shape from the wire. However, the easiest to make is the round shape.

The hoop must be made taking into account the fact that there should be ends of the wire that will have to be secured to the handle of the net. Bend the wire into a circle, bend the ends perpendicular to the arc.

Remember, this entire structure must lie in one plane.

Attach a wire arc to the handle of the net. To do this, drill two holes in the handle. You will need to thread the ends of the wire into these holes. To prevent the wire circle from dangling, you can slightly deepen the ends of the wire into the wooden handle, having previously made recesses there.

To prevent your baby from getting hurt by the ends of the wire, wrap the joint with electrical tape or a fabric bandage.

All that remains is to make the bag. It is better to use a fine mesh for the bag (nylon filter fabric, tulle, organza or regular gauze are suitable). Cut the fabric bag into a triangle. You can attach the bag to the hoop of the net using a wide ribbon. Fold the ribbon in half lengthwise, put it on the hoop and sew it to the bag. Your net is ready!

A soft cloth, such as gauze, is suitable for this. It is better to sew the bag so that it contains minimum quantity corners This is necessary to prevent insects from getting into them. In order to attach the finished bag to the hoop, you need to take a ribbon from durable fabric about ten centimeters wide, fold it in half lengthwise and put it on the hoop. Sew the bag from the bottom to this ribbon. The net is ready!

Well, and finally, I want to offer you an interesting New Year’s video that can be very useful for you or your child!

In spring and summer it’s so great to spend the whole day on fresh air, because at this time everything around is so pleasing to the eye: an abundance of greenery, flowers, butterflies. Speaking of butterflies! Who among us in our early childhood did not like to run after them with homemade nets? Imagine with what zeal and enthusiasm your child will do this. The only thing left is to make a net!

Of course, the easiest way to buy a net is in a store or market, but making it yourself will be much more interesting, especially since there is nothing complicated about it.

If you don’t know how to make a net with your own hands, we offer brief instructions:

  • Step one

You need to start by preparing the handle for the net. It is advisable to find a good quality wooden club (necessarily as smooth as possible), 2-3 cm thick. It must be cleaned of splinters.

  • Step two

The next stage in constructing a homemade net will be making a hoop. For this, a rigid and elastic steel wire up to 1 meter long is useful. It is best that its diameter is at least 3 mm. It is also important to maintain the classic circle shape for a hoop. Among all other geometric shapes, a circle has the largest area with the minimum perimeter. In addition, the rigidity of a round net will be an order of magnitude higher than a square or triangular one. The easiest way to bend the wire is using a tree trunk. You just need to select the required barrel diameter.

  • Step three

After the hoop is bent, it must be attached to the handle of our net. This is best done using soft wire. The main rule: the hoop must be attached to the handle as tightly as possible.

  • Step four

Well, the last step will be making the bag. The material for it would be gauze or tulle. You can also use a used one mosquito net. The material should be cut into a triangle shape and sewn. You will get a cone that is easily attached to the hoop.

The net is made by hand. Your children will definitely enjoy trying it out in action, and it won’t hurt you yourself to once again plunge into childhood and lift your spirits.

In the meantime, watch the video for another option for creating a net for catching butterflies:

With the arrival of summer, there is a need for children's fun, including the often interesting question of how to make a net with your own hands at home. As a rule, everything necessary materials and the tools for its manufacture are already available in every home. Even a schoolchild can figure out how to make a net at home on his own.

1. To do this, you will need a cane or an elastic, non-bending stick about one and a half meters long with a cross-sectional diameter of up to one and a half centimeters - this will be the handle of the juice. The basis of the net itself will be a net, which is usually bought to protect against flies and mosquitoes in the summer, nailing it to the windows.

2. The last element will be a piece of thick aluminum wire insulated about a meter long. To form a net mesh you need to take a square piece of mesh and cut it diagonally. Then wrap the triangular piece in a bag-like shape and stitch it on a machine. In order for the net to keep its shape, you need to provide a frame. The wire will serve as the frame.

3. You need to sew it along the edge of the sewn “bag” of mesh and give correct form circle so that there are free ends of the wire. In the handle for the net, drill a couple of holes at the end and secure the end pieces of wire in them - and you can use it.

1. Another option on how to make a net will definitely help you decide and make your own unique summer fun. It would be very lucky if you happen to have an unnecessary piece of thin bamboo at home, about one and a half meters long.

2. Like this light material and durable, it is perfect for the handle of a net. If transparency is not necessary for the main part of the net, then you can even make it from an old pillowcase. To do this, you need to cut the corner of the pillowcase to the required size and sew a hole for the frame wire along the edge of the cut part.

3. It is also better to use insulated wire as a frame so that it does not rust or break the fabric. Thread the wire into the prepared net and round it. It is best to drill a hole in a bamboo handle, so the net will be held more securely on the handle. Securely connect the parts - the handle and the base of the net.

Making a net for catching fish


  • Hoop (wire, old badminton racket, bent reed will do)
  • Handle (wooden or old) ski pole)
  • Weight (wire ring)
  • Bag (buy a net from fishing line at the store or tie it yourself)
  • Insulating tape
  • Wire (copper or aluminum)
  • The threads are thick
  1. The first step is to weave a net bag from fishing line. There are tips on the Internet about strong knots for weaving. It’s easier to buy a ready-made bag of fishing line.
  2. Use fishing line light color, dark fish scare away.
  3. Next, bend the hoop from the prepared material into the shape of a circle or oval. To catch medium-sized fish, you need a diameter of 35 cm, for large fish - 50 cm.
  4. Leave branches for the handle from the hoop.
  5. Wrap a wooden handle with electrical tape. Choose a longer handle; it is more convenient to fish with a net with such a handle.
  6. Attach the net bag to the hoop and secure with strong thread. Fasten the handle to the base with wire.

Making a net for catching butterflies

You will need:

  • Wood or plastic stick
  • Textile
  • Wire
  • Insulating tape
  1. Start by making the handle of the net. If it is made of wood and has roughness, sand it with sandpaper so as not to catch splinters. Make an arc from the wire.
  2. The most popular shape is a circle, although the net can be triangular or oval. Leave some extra wire to attach to the handle. Attach the arc to the handle by making two holes in it, into which thread the ends of the wire.
  3. Wrap the connection area with electrical tape.
  4. For the bag, take a fine mesh fabric. It can be gauze, nylon, tulle.
  5. Sew a triangular bag and attach it to the hoop. To prevent insects from getting into the corners, keep the corners to a minimum.

Armed with a net, you can easily catch tasty fish and bright butterflies. And if you make it yourself, you will be confident in its quality and durability.

Advantages of a homemade net

Many fishermen prefer to make a net themselves before fishing, without buying it in a store, for a number of reasons:

  1. Most commercial nets are made of dark-colored fishing line, and such colors, as practice shows, affect the quality of the catch. Dark color scares away fish.
  2. Nets bought in a store have a large windage, and this negatively affects the speed of approaching the net to the caught fish.
  3. Reliability. When making a net yourself, the fisherman himself is responsible for its quality. He is interested in making a net that is reliable and durable.
  4. Decent price for a net. This factor also scares off potential buyers, since the cost of the net often does not correspond to the quality. Having paid a considerable amount for it, fishermen are faced with the need to replace it after a short period of time. When manufactured independently, its cost is significantly lower, due to the fact that almost all components of the net are made from scrap materials.

How to make a net yourself

The easiest to manufacture and design is a homemade net - non-separable.

Material for production and what is better to use:

The amount required to make a net will depend on the size of this device. It is recommended to use thick fishing line in light shades.

Hoop. The material for its manufacture can be a duralumin tube with a diameter of about 9 mm, bent reeds or iron wire with a diameter of up to 6 mm, and an old tennis racket is also perfect.

Handle for net. For its production, dry and light wood, a ski pole will do, but if possible, it’s better to take bamboo.

Net bag. The most simple option It is considered to buy a mesh made of thick fishing line in a specialized store, or you can knit the bag yourself.
Additionally, you should stock up on electrical tape, thick thread and soft, preferably copper or aluminum wire.

How to increase your fish catch? ">

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Knots used when tying a net

Nodes are special way fishing line connections or methods of forming loops. Tying any knot is not difficult. The main thing is to learn how to knit it correctly, efficiently and quickly enough, and this requires at least a little practice.

All units used in fishing are subject to a number of requirements dictated by the very practice of their use. He must:

  1. Simple, quick and easy to knit.
  2. Have little material consumption.
  3. Do not untie yourself under load.
  4. Under variable loads, do not creep apart, that is, have sufficient strength.
  5. Meet your purposes.

When tying a bag yourself in a net, several types of knots are used.

The most common and frequently used are:

Straight knot.

Russian (oblique with stoppers).

Clew oblique knot.

Double clew.

The most common of these knots is the straight one. It is used when knitting a bag with small cells, while the consumption of fishing line or thread is small. The speed of knitting a bag with this knot is quite high. But there are minor drawbacks to using it: after some time, the cells and mesh of the bag undergo deformation (especially for a bag knitted from fishing line), the knots do not have much holding force.

The clew tying process is quite fast and the material consumption is small. It has sufficient holding power. But with large loads placed on the crosswise threads, the cells of the bag are deformed. This knot is not recommended for use when knitting a bag made of fishing line and nylon threads.

Manufacturing process

The process of making a net yourself is simple.

To make it high-quality, lightweight, reliable and durable, you must strictly follow the manufacturing technology and sequence:

  1. Weave a net bag or buy ready-made woven fabric.
  2. Make a hoop to secure the bag.
  3. Prepare the landing net handle.
  4. Connect all the parts together into a single structure.

Weaving your own fabric for a net

Before you start tying the knots of the net, you should prepare the shuttle, the so-called. butcher's broom For its manufacture, a sheet of aluminum (plastic) about 20 centimeters long is suitable. To make working with fishing line easier, a small hole with a tongue is made in the very center of the aluminum sheet. During the process of weaving knots, the fishing line should not unwind and interfere with work. Although, in order not to waste time making the shuttle, you can buy it in a special store.

For weaving, a special ruler with parameters of 130-160 mm will be useful. It must also be made from any durable material at hand. Its use is necessary to facilitate tying knots (any kind can be used, but not sliding ones).

Having decided what size of cells should be knitted in the landing net bag, we get to work:

  1. IN left hand take a ruler, and in the right one a needle with a fishing line wound in advance.
  2. Pick up the loop with the index finger of your right hand, place it on the ruler, and pull it out from under it on the reverse side. Then 2 circles are made around index finger, on which there is already a loop, is threaded under the ruler and passed into a large loop. After performing these manipulations, two loops are formed on the left hand.
  3. Supporting the thread of the loop with your finger, drop the first one, then pull up the broom.
  4. Adjust the exact position of the knot on the ruler, press it with your finger and pull the broom over the ruler, while simultaneously lowering the remaining loop from your left hand.
  5. Tighten the knot well.

To obtain a cylindrical shape, the net is knitted in the round. The optimal depth of the tied bag should be 70-80 cm, and the size of its cells should be 25-30 mm (depending on the size of the fish). When the size of its fabric is sufficient, you should gradually narrow it and reduce the number of loops in it to zero. In order for the landing net to keep its shape, you must try to tighten the last knot well.

If the fabric for the landing net was not knitted, but bought in a store, then you need to make a cylinder out of it, pulling the lower edge into a bun. Attach a small weight to the bottom of the bag. It is necessary so that when lowered into the water the mesh sinks well and does not float on the surface.

Hoop (base) for net

An oval or round hoop is bent from a pre-prepared material (iron wire, duralumin tube). To catch small fish, the base can be made with a diameter of up to 35 cm; for larger ones, many anglers prefer to use a triangular hoop with sides of 45-50 cm.

Having bent the hoop to the desired shape, leave paired bends of 10-15 cm in size from it with the expectation that the handle of the net will fit tightly between the bends.

Making a handle for a net

For it, take a light and well-dried rod of wood, usually from 1 m to 1.5 m long (as convenient), with a thickness of 25-27 mm, the surface is treated with sandpaper or wrapped with tape.

Connect the finished parts of the landing net into a single structure:

  1. Attach the net bag to the frame, and wrap the edges of the frame with a strong nylon thread. It is recommended to wrap in several layers. Such a winding will make the net transparent and protect the fishing line from damage from stones and sharp objects in the water.
  2. Fasten the handle of the net with its bag, placed on the base, with soft wire. To prevent the rim from moving, you can also use a clamp to attach it more securely to the handle (it is often used in plumbing work and in cars).

This fishing device is simple and has long been used for catching fish, not allowing anglers to be left without a catch. Large quantity its advantages compensate for the inconvenience that arises during its transportation (carrying).

Features of manufacturing a folding net

Compared to a regular long net, the folding type of net is considered more convenient. When folded, it is a tube-handle, hollow inside and closed on both sides with caps.

Making your own folding landing net is very simple. The handle, as in a regular net, can be any hollow tube of suitable size. The rim of the landing net is bent from a duralumin rod with a diameter of no more than 8 mm of the desired size and shape. Departing from the middle by 10-15 cm, this twig is cut into 2 halves. In the shortened part of the rim near the cut site, the end is straightened at a distance of 7 mm and drilled into the end of a hole with a diameter of 5 mm. The shortened end is then bent again. The end of the elongated part should be filed down so that it can fit tightly into the hole made.

The opposite ends of the rim of the net are bent and filed to then make a common thread for screwing into the rim coupling. The mesh can be tied with rings with a diameter of 10 mm, made from brass wire. A small one is tied to any two adjacent rings. a piece of rubber tube up to 12 cm long and up to 6 mm in diameter. The folding net design is ready!

How to improve a purchased net for yourself (which is what complaints usually arise about)

It would seem that among such a variety of nets on the market, it is very easy to choose the one that will meet all the requirements.

But often, having bought a net, after some time you may be disappointed for some reasons:

  1. There is a fine mesh in the net bag, and this affects the size of the fish caught.
  2. The handle of the net is not the right length.
  3. Poor quality of knitting loops, which leads to their uneven stretching or breaking.
  4. Low quality of the product itself.

How to correct shortcomings or improve a landing net for yourself:

  1. If you are not satisfied with the mesh of the bag, you can change it yourself by purchasing it with the required mesh size or knit it yourself.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the length of the handle, then if it is long, shorten it; if it is short, replace it with another one of suitable length.
  3. If the quality of knitting loops is poor, it is recommended to independently change the mesh in the bag to a new one by knitting or buying another one.
  4. If the quality of the planting itself is not satisfactory, refuse to purchase, and in the future choose and purchase only the product from trusted manufacturers.

  1. When making a net, it is better to make the handle longer, otherwise it will simply be inconvenient for them to catch.
  2. The width of the net itself must be at least 60 cm. Use large diameter a net is much more convenient than a small one.
  3. Use a net with light-colored fishing line.
  4. It is recommended to use nets with a hoop ovoid, since there is more opportunity to hook large fish.
  5. The size of the hoop is selected depending on the size of the intended prey. For fish up to 3 kg, a landing net with a hoop size of 50:35 cm is suitable, and for large fish it is better to use a landing net with a hoop size of 55:85 cm.
  6. Do not lift the jug by the handle big fish, for the reason that it can break.
  7. The most reliable are considered to be nets with a duralumin handle, which can withstand a significant weight of the catch and not deform.
  8. The handle of the net can be composite or solid. Using a one-piece handle is more reliable (less likely to break), and a folded composite handle is more convenient for transportation (carrying).
  9. The stronger the material from which the bag is made, the more reliable it is.
  10. A product from well-known manufacturers combined with an affordable price is always a guarantee of a good and high-quality purchase.
    These small tips need to be taken into account when going fishing. The main thing to remember is that fishing comfort and the amount of catch often depend on little things.



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