The chalet style in the interior is Alpine simplicity and naturalness. Alpine chalet style in the interior of the kitchen and living room Interior in the style of a chalet with antique furniture

When winter begins, our thoughts naturally turn to evenings spent in warm and cozy rooms with a fireplace, comfortable upholstered furniture and luxurious elements decor. The chalet style interior is characterized by an abundance of wood, stone, subdued light and luxurious fabrics, thereby embodying the elegant and tranquil lifestyle characteristic of fairytale country houses in the Alps.

Just the sight of them warms our hearts and relaxes our minds. In this article, we have collected 35 photos of chalet-style interiors - just so that you can get some inspiration and new ideas for winter decorating your home.

How to create a chalet-style interior in your home?

The chalet style originated in the southern provinces of France and carries the romantic spirit of this region. Chalets were originally small alpine houses that served as shelter for shepherds. From here follow all the specific characteristics of the style: natural materials, simplicity of design, some roughness in finishing. And they are what make the chalet-style interior so cozy, practical and unique.

Today, more and more successful and active people are choosing this style for their houses and apartments to get a feeling of comfort and forget about the bustle of the city. If you are one of them, then let's take a look together at what makes chalet-style interiors so special.

Wooden accents are an integral part of the chalet style

The main feature of the chalet interiors is wood - a visually warm material that goes well with stonework and fluffy carpets. In chalet-style houses, the wood should be natural, unpainted and quite simply processed - elaborate carvings and paintings are not welcome here. An integral attribute of the chalet is wooden beams on the ceiling, although recently some modern projects they can do without them. In city apartments to create cozy style Chalets are lined with wood on one or more walls.

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Fireplace and lighting for chalet-style interiors

The fireplace is the heart of any chalet home. It plays a key role not only in the interior of the living room, but also in the whole house. Therefore, its finishing needs special attention. Thus, it is recommended to decorate the façade of the fireplace with natural stone or wood. This allows you to maintain the authenticity of the style, even if you install an electric fireplace when you have a chalet-style apartment. A small bundle of firewood, beautifully stacked in a wall niche or right next to the fireplace, will emphasize a sophisticated homely atmosphere.

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A well-thought-out lighting scheme also plays an important role when designing a chalet-style interior. It is necessary not only to choose the right lamps, but also to take into account the light-absorbing qualities of wood and other materials. That is why many Alpine chalets have huge windows and even glass walls. Candles, table lamps, floor lamps and sconces help illuminate every corner and create an even warmer environment.

Furniture and other features of chalet style in interiors

It is difficult to imagine the chalet style without a simple, massive and very comfortable furniture. Subtle design and visual appeal are not as important here as comfort and practicality. Large leather sofas and armchairs, wooden beds, wardrobes and tables - the chalet should have only the necessary furniture, but it can differ in its dimensions and spaciousness.

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When it comes to decorating chalet-style interiors, designers breathe a sigh of relief. There can be a lot of decorations and they do not have to be strictly maintained. Animal skins and horns, numerous bedspreads and pillows, antique books, paintings, vases and dishes - all these and other simple, rustic decorative items will look great in a chalet. The only thing is that it is better to give preference to elements from natural materials. For example, wool and cotton are welcome among fabrics. Wooden stumps, branches and bunches of dried herbs can be ideal additions.

updated: December 24, 2015 by: Margarita Glushko

When starting the construction of a country house on their own site, everyone already has an idea of ​​the end result. Some people want to see a traditional Russian hut, for some ultra-modern designs are relevant, and some dream of an exotic Chinese pagoda. However, many people prefer cozy and comfortable chalet-style houses.

A chalet-style country house attracts many for several understandable reasons:

  • reliable durable construction;
  • attractive unique appearance.

Translating the name “chalet” we get “shepherd’s hut”. The first buildings of this type were typical of the province of Savoy. It was here that shepherds settled on the alpine slopes, building their cozy small houses from available materials in the form of wood and stones. The main purpose of these houses was to shelter from bad weather and wild animals.

In Russia, many people fell in love with the chalet style thanks to the development of alpine skiing. It is difficult to build a chalet into a special type of architecture, but this style has nevertheless found its niche in the construction of country apartments.

Distinctive stylistic features

Chalet style, this is a completely eco-friendly building. Among all other types of buildings of this type, it is distinguished by the following features:

Unusual looking roof

The roof is the most recognizable feature of the chalet style. The roof is chosen to be massive and sloping, the projections are left large. The shape of the roof is determined by the natural conditions in which the first chalet houses were built.

Many windows, mostly panoramic. This is done so that the residential atmosphere inside is completely connected with the landscape.

Terraces and spacious balconies

Open terraces and balconies are also built in order to merge as much as possible with the surrounding nature. The balconies are located under an overhanging roof, which protects them from precipitation.

Use only natural building materials.

A strong foundation and ground floor are built from stone, and the attic and second level are made from wood. Stone, due to its strength, serves as a solid foundation, and wood perfectly holds in winter period warm, but in sultry heat - cool.

Number of floors of the building

The buildings have never been tall chalets. As a rule, the first basement is made of stone, the second - wooden. If there is a need to expand the area of ​​the house, this was done through horizontal extensions. In modern buildings there is also an attic floor.

Chalet house design

In order for a country house to truly correspond to the chosen style direction, chalet-style house projects are being developed.

The first place to start is the roof, which is a style-forming element. The main characteristic of a chalet roof is its angle of inclination, which should be very large. With such a slope there is no need for a drain, since water and snow will roll off on their own.

The indentation of the roof from the wall should be at least 1 meter, thanks to which it can protect not only the walls, but also some of the ground around the house from precipitation.

When choosing the optimal roofing angle, you should take into account the amount of precipitation in a particular climatic zone. When the angle is 45 degrees, then such a foundation is not strong and you will have to build a reinforced rafter system. Therefore, it is advisable to make a sharper angle at which the snow will roll off on its own.

When choosing a roof covering, preference can be given to corrugated sheeting, which is distinguished by its flexibility and lightness. If you want to follow the style exactly, you should choose shingles - tiles made of oak, spruce or larch. It is also permissible to use ceramic, composite or bitumen tiles. Ondulin is relevant. But what is strictly prohibited is metal tiles.

Projects of one-story houses also consider the construction of balconies and terraces. They are usually lined up from the south or east so that sunlight can penetrate there. They are decorated with figured planks or balustrades. The perimeter is sheathed with wooden elements.

Now you can work on the first (ground) floor. It is built cold, from strong stone. Then the wall surfaces are plastered and whitewashed. The basement contains a kitchen, guest rooms, a bathroom, a hallway and other utility rooms.

The second (warm) floor is built from wood. Here they arrange bedrooms filled with warmth and comfort.

The attic includes rooms for accommodating and receiving guests and utility rooms. A balcony area can be located here. It is also made from wood.

As for windows, in addition to the fact that they must be large, it is not permissible to use plastic here. It is better to replace it with wood and add beautiful shutters.


Living room

The interior of a chalet-style house begins with the arrangement of the living room, because this is the largest room with high ceilings and large windows that cover the entire wall. The main thing here is to use only natural finishing materials without replacing them with analogues.

An atmosphere of unprecedented warmth and comfort is created by soft carpets on the floor and luxurious fur coverings, luxurious lamps and elegant large chandeliers. The furniture pieces are massive, made of wood. Soft furniture group has natural noble upholstery in wool, leather, velor or linen. The atmosphere is soft and calm.

The lighting in the room is made calm, slightly dim. For this purpose, a multi-level lighting system is erected, represented by wall sconces, floor and table lamps.

A hearth and home is a must in a chalet house. The whole family will gather here. They decorate it with stones and stuffed animals around it.

Sleeping area

The main role in the bedroom is given to the bed, which should be made of polished wood, it is massive, with decorations in the form of carvings. Textile inclusions made of cotton and linen will complement the cozy atmosphere. Bright pillows and bedspreads will enliven the design.

It is appropriate to spread a soft skin or carpet on the floor. As for the color palette, preference is given to natural shades: terracotta, beige, wood and the entire brown palette.

Kitchen and dining area

The kitchen equipment of the chalet is environmentally friendly and uses natural materials. Finishes and kitchen units made of noble wood are colorful stylistic features. All built-in equipment is hidden under wooden facades or cute textile curtains.

The finishing of wall surfaces ensures the original appearance of wood. The maximum permissible is to plaster the surfaces or cover them with natural stone elements.

The ceiling is plastered in a light shade, and dark-colored beams are erected on it. The floor surfaces remain wooden, only slightly varnished with antique imitation.

The photo of a chalet-style house exudes unprecedented warmth and comfort, which is why this style is so often chosen for the construction of country apartments.

Photo of a house in the Chalet style

In order to escape from the pressure of civilization, you can resort to a chalet-style room design. The popularity of such interiors is associated with the coziness, comfort, romanticism and expressiveness of the atmosphere of an Alpine house.

Historical facts

The birthplace of the style is called the southeastern provincial town of France - Savoy. This area borders Italy and Switzerland. The presence of the Alpine mountains and the pristine beauty of nature could not but be reflected in the buildings of the province.

The term “chalet” was originally “appropriated” to rural mountain buildings made from natural materials. Stones and wooden beams served as the most durable materials for the construction of small houses in mountainous areas. Strength, durability, reliability - these are the characteristics of buildings called chalets. Such structures were complemented by massive roofs protruding from the sides, which served as an additional “buffer” for protection from bad weather.

The stone foundation and wooden array of houses could easily withstand the climatic collisions of this geographical area. Strong winds, heavy snowfalls, avalanches and other adversities could be waited out in cozy and warm chalets. Often such buildings were the only shelter for shepherds who accompanied herds of animals in the mountains.

Designers are introducing an analogy with the interior design of these buildings into modern premises, calling this style the term “chalet”. Alpine motifs are clearly visible in the design of the premises and are remembered for a long time.


Features of this design:

  1. The use of natural materials (wood, brick, stone, metal, ceramic tiles, glass, plaster, etc.).
  2. Combination in one room different ways processing of the materials used (a combination of pristine nature and high-tech influence on the material).
  3. Using compositional and decompositional methods of interior design. The absence of a unifying idea is typical for spacious rooms or clutter-free interiors.
Various natural materials are combined in a chalet-style interior

Distinctive features of interiors decorated in chalet style

In chalet-style rooms, elements of antiquity are often present. Naturally or artificially aged paint, cracks on ceramic surfaces, antique furniture, paintings from bygone historical eras and unique retro decor are characteristic of the chalet style.

A lot of all kinds of beams - on the ceiling, walls, in certain areas - distinguishes the chalet from other design incarnations in homes. Beams can carry both decorative and functional loads. For example, such elements can be used by specialists to decorate ceilings or as supports for furniture.

Wooden beams on the ceiling are a characteristic feature of chalet-style rooms

Often, beam beams serve to visually divide space into zones. The rough processing of beams and their heaviness are more suitable for country “residences”. If the chalet style is used in city apartments, then in these cases designers use artificial materials that imitate natural beams, since real wooden beams are quite heavy.

The presence of a fireplace is another characteristic feature of a chalet-style interior. Of course, a real fire in a beautifully decorated hearth is much more colorful than artificial structures, but modern industry produces excellent analogues suitable for a modern interior. False, bio, electric fireplaces appearance are very similar to devices with live fire and for city apartments they can be an excellent replacement for fireplaces with real burning flames.

It is impossible to imagine the chalet style without brick and stone elements with a rough texture.

The chalet interior is characterized by the use of real animal skins on the floor, as well as good substitutes in the form carpets, imitating the colors of wild mountain inhabitants or reproducing the outlines of animals. Real animal skins or their replacement can also be seen as furniture upholstery.

Textile design is usually used with national flavor and has more functional purpose than decorative. Plaids, carpets, blankets are designed to warm people living in such dwellings.

What should modern people do in such rooms with household appliances? It is unlikely that anyone will give up the benefits of civilization for the sake of maintaining style. You can compromise by “hiding” household appliances behind wall panels or decorating them with handmade elements - wicker panels, knitted capes or napkins, etc. In any case, a “peaceful” coexistence of the chalet style and the achievements of technological progress is possible.

Photo gallery: chalet style in the interior of rooms for different purposes

The design of the bath room looks interesting and original Cozy atmosphere Conducive to a pleasant conversation Children really like it bunk beds Spacious room can accommodate a large number of like-minded people Modern gas stove fits well into the interior of the chalet Kitchen design repeats the elements of the chalet in a modern interpretation Massive furniture, stone and wood finishes, beautiful floor lamps, rough shelves with books - everything corresponds to the chalet style Eating in a formal atmosphere will be meaningful Gathering with guests in the dining room of a country house is very pleasant Cozy and warm on a bed with soft animal skins

Principles of room decoration

It is preferable to use natural materials for decorating a chalet-style room. Clay, wood, stone, brick, and plaster fit perfectly into this design.

The concept of style will be violated if for interior decoration premises take paint, wallpaper, plastic materials. The most popular material in such interiors is wood.

Modern incarnations of the chalet style, if necessary, allow the replacement of natural materials with artificial ones, but with the obligatory preservation of stylization.

Floor and walls

Heavy wooden boards are used for the lower part of the room. The wood is covered by special means, giving the effect of antiquity, and using different shades of colors that match the overall design. But color coating is kept to a minimum, because in the chalet style the natural structure of wood is valued.

A prerequisite for the durability of the used wooden materials- treatment with wax, stain, varnish with antiseptic properties.

The walls do not stand out from the chalet style if panels from solid wood. Artificial aging wood paneling walls - necessary step when implementing chalet design. Wooden boards can be placed on walls either vertically or horizontally.

The second most popular material for walls and ceilings is plaster. It can be used both as a finishing base and as decorative elements. The decor does not tolerate any ornateness and sophistication; the plaster is applied with deliberate roughness.

Stone, clay and brick materials can serve only as part of the wall decoration, as small decorative fragments. Designers use such materials when it is necessary to emphasize certain areas of the interior.


Beam elements on the ceiling can be called a kind of business card of the chalet style. Such elements can successfully hide all surface defects and become a real confirmation of commitment to style.

Both neat, hewn beams and rough, pristine parts of trees with remnants of bark and small branches are used as beams. For low rooms (below two and a half meters), it is better to come up with a different ceiling design, because such decoration reduces the space even more.

Some designers in modern city apartments use polyurethane foam, skillfully transformed by them into the semblance of beams on the ceiling.

Color embodiment

The chalet style gravitates towards natural colors and shades. This is due to the closeness of this design to everything natural and natural.

The most popular colors of the direction:

  • beige;
  • brown;
  • grey;
  • baked milk color;
  • green (dim).

For small catchy inclusions, you can use shades of cherry, burgundy and brick. Various accessories, textile elements, decorative items can be made in this color scheme.

Traditionally, chalet style looks like using natural wood colors on the floors and walls in combination with a beige ceiling. A good option is to combine milky and dark gray colors in one interior. This color scheme originated as a modification of the black and white colors historically used in chalets.

Bleached wooden wall panels with a dirty gray tint look great with discreet green “spots” of decor that attract attention and “dilute” the monotony of gray.

Furniture and doors

To furnish a room in a chalet style, you need to remember the main characteristics of pieces of furniture:

  • massiveness;
  • simplicity;
  • comfort.
  1. Replace chairs with comfortable and soft armchairs.
  2. Use rectangular shaped furniture.
  3. Aging the upholstery and materials from which the furniture is made.
  4. Avoid using furniture with legs.
  5. Give preference to furniture in black, gray and brown colors.

Leather upholstery, slightly faded material, fur trim on upholstered furniture are wonderful options for chalet-style furnishings. In addition to leather materials, velor, wool, and linen fabrics can be used for upholstery. Chalet-style synthetics are unacceptable.

High tech items modern furniture, as well as all kinds of transformers are not suitable for this design.

The doors of chalet-style rooms are made of heavy solid wood; plastic options in such an interior will look ridiculous. Forged elements, metal handles and locks on the doors will add special charm and originality.

Doors and furniture made of wood are avoided to be painted over, preserving the natural texture of the material.


Alpine chalets were located in an area with a lack of daylight, it was replenished a large number artificial lighting. The passage of daylight was made difficult by windows equipped with a large number of sashes. Glass was very rare in Alpine villages; small pieces of it were more often used, strengthened against the weather with wooden transoms.

The windows were often closed with shutters, which were only a functional element - they protected the windows from blizzards, rain and strong wind. Nowadays, shutters are rarely used for their original purpose; most often they are used as decoration.

Chalet-style windows are characterized by a large number of sashes

In past centuries, the fire from the fireplace, a large number of candles, etc. were used to illuminate the interior of the chalet. This type of lighting is outdated.

The modern setting of a chalet interior is impossible without a whole system of lighting devices:

  • chandeliers;
  • floor lamps;
  • hanging sconces

Chandeliers for chalet-style rooms are often made from deer antlers, thereby once again emphasizing the alpine design.

Spotlights with halogen or diode lamps are used only when skillfully mounted in the ceiling, without violating the chosen “Alpine” design.

For lighting a chalet-style room, ordinary ones are more suitable. electric lamps with a soft yellowish light. It is these lamps that can create a warm atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Floor lamps and sconces are decorated with lampshades or elements hand made- wicker, knitted, sewn, etc.

Chalet style lamps often imitate natural candles


The chalet style provides great opportunities for the use of textile and decorative elements.

Decorating elements

Chalet-style interiors often contain handmade items. Masters of various handicraft techniques can decorate their home with exclusive decor - embroidered paintings, knitted blankets, wicker panels, creative baskets, etc.

Pillows with sewn fringe, candlesticks made of wood, bedspreads using the patchwork technique, a clay vase - all these items can not only decorate the interior, but also add comfort and uniqueness to the atmosphere.

Embroidered pillows, a beautiful candlestick, and a handmade vase fit perfectly into the chalet style concept

Alpine chalets were decorated with the skins of killed animals, placing them both on the floor (for warmth) and on the walls (for decoration). Modern times provides an excellent opportunity to apply such decor, leaving the animals safe and sound. Artful imitations of animal skins can be used while maintaining the chosen design and without feeling remorse.

An animal skin placed in the center of the living room is a good move by the designers

If we follow the clear correspondence of the interior to past eras, then the part of the room above the fireplace was decorated with hunting trophies - stuffed birds or animal heads. Guns were also often displayed on the walls of alpine houses. For those who are not satisfied with this “wild” option, you can place beautiful paintings depicting fragments of hunting or strange animals, antique paintings or tapestries above the fireplace.

Framed photographs and antique dishes left over from distant ancestors will add personality to the setting and help you feel the family continuity.

Various antique items can be widely used for decoration.


It is advisable to use natural fabrics for textile elements: linen, cotton, wool, etc.

Shades that look harmonious in the interior of a chalet are brown and olive. It is preferable to choose “tartan” or “snowflake” fabric pattern.

Curtains are usually used to darken windows, so thick and light-colored fabrics are used.

The aging of textiles can be artificial or real. Things that have been stored in chests for a long time and that correspond to the chosen design theme will be used.

Relaxing in a chalet style bedroom

Romance and functionality are the main characteristics of a chalet-style bedroom.

You should not paint walls, floors and ceilings made of wood; it is better to preserve the natural texture of the wood by applying a transparent or yellowish varnish to the wooden surfaces. If you still resort to paints, it is better to choose light colors.

An atmosphere of calm and tranquility can be created with the help of natural textiles - light linen curtains, woolen blankets, fur blankets, cotton pillows.

Clothes and bedding put away in a colorful closet or chest, organically integrated into the chalet bedroom. The rough facade of these pieces of furniture echoes the design of the large bed that occupies a central place in the bedroom.

In the bedroom large sizes you can place a beautiful boudoir with several armchairs and a small table, made in accordance with the requirements of the chalet style.

The night room, like the living room, can be equipped with a fireplace, but in the bedroom it is better to use a decorative option.

Often, chalet bedrooms accommodate not only an adult bed, but also sleeping places for children, often in a bunk version. This is a tradition of past generations, when the whole family spent the night in a bedroom with a fireplace, warming themselves from a heat source.

Photo gallery: bedroom design examples

The traditional pattern of the “snowflake” style is embodied in both the bed decor and the bedspread with pillows Predominance wooden surfaces typical for chalet-style rooms Beige color bedroom design has a calming effect. Modern and traditional style elements are intertwined in the bedroom interior. You can feel the hand of professionals in filling the interior with chalet style elements. Animal skins or their imitations can become excellent bedspreads. Textiles with a tartan pattern add attic bedroom chalet flavor Even a small bedroom can be successfully styled as a chalet

Inspecting the chalet-style hallway

Entering the chalet-style home, you see a hallway with a stone floor, rough wooden beams on the ceiling, and benches put together with deliberate carelessness.

Rudeness and crudeness are inherent in many elements of this style.

A carpet with ethnic patterns is placed on the floor or a mat made of natural materials, stylized as a chalet, is used.

In the hallway, you need to focus on lighting using floor lamps or wall sconces. In modern interiors, the use of spotlights mounted in wooden ceilings is allowed.

If space allows, then in the hallway you can put a small shabby sofa, an artificially aged wedge or pouf. You can rest on these items while waiting for household members, or sit down while tying your shoelaces.

A cabinet placed in the hallway usually looks rough and very massive. Such furniture will require quite a lot of space, so this item will not be found in a small hallway.

Photo gallery: examples of hallway design

The fireplace can also be placed in the hallway Natural stone or its imitation - good material for decorating the walls of the hallway Metal gate doors with wrought iron decor immediately attract attention Nothing superfluous, and at the same time everything corresponds to the style Decorative elements also appropriate in the hallway Wooden and stone materials are excellent for embodying the chalet style in the hallway. A sofa and a massive wooden cabinet would be appropriate in the hallway of a chalet.

Living room interior in chalet style

A chalet-style living room should be spacious and not interfere with the implementation of the most daring design ideas.

The interior design is reminiscent of the interior of a hunting lodge. The fireplace serves as a source of warmth and comfort; all the attention of the people in the room is focused on it. Nowadays, the fireplace plays more of a decorative role, but the emphasis of the living room still needs to be placed on this element.

If the space of the room allows, then it is better to make the fireplace real, with a live fire, not forgetting about all the necessary safety measures. If this is not possible, then successful analogues that imitate flames will do.

In modern interiors, fireplaces coexist perfectly with plasma TVs located above this heating device.

Changed and window openings modern living rooms. Now they look like panoramic glazed areas, opening up space for contemplating the external environment.

The second essential element of a chalet-style living room is massive and high-quality furniture: sofas, armchairs, chairs, chests of drawers, cabinets in the appropriate style and color. The materials used to create these items are natural, just like for the upholstery of upholstered furniture.

The use of rough beams and other rough-hewn elements is not suitable for small living rooms, so in such interiors only polished and smooth materials are used.

To illuminate the living room, entire multi-level systems are used with a central chandelier, lamps on the walls and floor lamps on the floor. Each level of the system serves to perform a necessary function: from a general bright “illumination” to dim lighting of a cozy corner of the sofa (for intimate conversations or reading your favorite books).

Massive upholstered furniture and fireplace - important elements living room in chalet style

An example of a successful chalet-style living room: wooden beams on the ceiling, a large fireplace with a real fire, opposite it there is a massive leather sofa, an animal skin on the floor, rough furniture is decorated with candlesticks with candles, a stuffed deer head is attached above the fireplace.

The chalet style is a great option for unity with nature, immersion in comfort and coziness. This style originated in France, at the foot of the Alpine mountains, where small houses in rural areas. Not rich people lived in such houses, which was the reason for the simplicity and comfort, not without their special charm. The materials used to build houses were of natural origin, mainly wood and stone.

Today, interiors in this style are widely used in construction and equipment. country houses, and more daring designers often use it in city apartments.

Style Characteristics

The main feature of the chalet style in the interior is the abundance of wood, which visually creates a feeling of coziness and warmth. This material is most advantageously combined with stone.

The main symbol is the presence of massive wooden beams on the ceiling, without elaborate details in the form of carvings or decorations, however this element is used mainly in country houses, but with the right approach, this can be done in an apartment.

No home is complete without a fireplace. This is one of the most important attributes, which serves both as an accessory, thanks to which additional comfort is created in the room, and as a means of maintaining warmth in the room during the winter. The basis for its decoration is stone, which can be perfectly combined with wooden elements.

An important role is played by lighting. Just like the materials that make up the house, the light should be as natural as possible. This is why homes use large floor-to-ceiling windows to let in more natural light.

Electric lighting devices should not stand out from the general concept of the interior and have dim light, which creates a certain atmosphere of intimacy.

Special attention should be paid to furniture, most of the elements of which are made of wood and leather. Simplicity and comfort are its main qualities. Armchairs and sofas are made of natural textiles and have a large and comfortable backrest.

Each piece of furniture sets the mood for relaxation, immersing residents in maximum comfort. An excellent addition to all of the above can be racks and shelves for books made of wood materials, as well as large wardrobes and chests of drawers.

The bedroom should not be heavily loaded with objects. Here it is enough to put a large wooden bed, a wardrobe and a couple of bedside tables. All bedroom furniture should be made of the same material.

Interior decor

The correct decor of the room will create additional comfort:

The fireplace is a characteristic decorative element; without it, the whole concept would not be so outstanding. It can be decorated with a variety of books, figurines or various photographs that are closest to the style of the chalet, and you can also put paintings on it.

Animal fur skins will look very harmonious with the overall concept of the room. They can be used as a bedspread, upholstery and carpet. Accessories on the walls in the form of animal horns, or forged elements are a great addition.

The curtains in such a house are made exclusively from natural fabrics, such as linen, cotton, and even fine wool. If there is a pattern on the fabric, then it should be as laconic as possible.

The color of the material used is monophonic and muted, having warm shades, but in some cases it is possible to use more bright colors, such as red, blue or yellow. However, their presence should be kept to a minimum.

Apartment "Chalet"

The design of an apartment in the chalet style implies the color of the walls in muted and calm shades or wood design; combined options can be used.

In city apartments, wood should be used in small quantities, since large volume This material visually narrows the space of the room. Another option for wall decoration can be wallpaper with stone or wood colors.

Living room

The first thing a person sees when entering an apartment is the living room, the characteristic features of which are simplicity and comfort. The ceiling is decorated with massive beams, which is the most recognizable thing in the interior.

One more thing worth noting distinctive feature is an electric fireplace that will be a great addition and add more comfort. Currently, there is a huge selection of various stylistic solutions for this item, so there will be no problems with its choice.

Rude natural stone in wall cladding, will recreate the atmosphere alpine nature and unity with her. It will also serve as a nod to the rural origins of this eco-design.

Furniture is mainly used in as large a size as possible and in coarse textiles or leather. Covers for sofas and armchairs made of wool or natural fur would be a great addition.

To avoid the feeling of gloom, the room can be diluted with small accessories in more saturated shades: amber, cherry and green. If you place them around the room, they will look very advantageous against the background of natural shades.


Kitchen design is no different from the generally accepted rules in using this style. All the same massive beams decorating the ceiling, maximum quantity natural materials. The walls should be light, through the use of light wood species.

It would look great here pottery, cast iron frying pans and pots, or with an antique finish, but this should not look flashy and pretentious; only simplicity and conciseness are applicable to this design.

Kitchen furniture should be comfortable and simple, not contradicting the overall style. Furniture covered with paint is not the best option, but transparent matte varnish- this is what is needed. Countertops can be made of stone, but there are successful combinations with metal surfaces.

When choosing household appliances, you should pay attention to black, brown and gray colors. Increasingly, preference is given to household appliances made from stainless steel, but it doesn’t spoil it at all general view and concept, but on the contrary gives it some zest.


Most people who really love this style prefer to use it in bedrooms to create a country atmosphere of peace and comfort in their apartment. Wooden elements most often used in the design of ceilings and floors.

It is worth using lighter wood species to create an atmosphere of lightness. Most often used for painting walls white, milky and pastel shades of brown.

To create a true alpine style, you need to approach this issue with extreme caution. Chalet design does not like mixing styles and bright spots in the interior, otherwise any carelessly added element can seriously spoil general impression. Therefore such bold decisions It's best to trust the professionals.

Bedroom textiles consist only of natural materials. This applies to both bed linen and curtains. A plain carpet that contrasts with the color of the floor and walls will add special comfort. Often, animal skins are used instead of carpet.

The style of the chalet will make anyone fall in love with its uniqueness. Literally from the first seconds, after getting acquainted with this amazing interior, there is a desire to immerse yourself in this atmosphere of convenience and comfort, with a kind of luxury that is characteristic of this design.

Photo of a chalet style interior

This chalet-style kitchen combines the best traditions of European decor. There is a peculiar spirit of an alpine village here, but one feature is clearly visible - metal, which is very suitable for this style: bronze looks especially interesting.

2 Living room with fireplace

And here in the center of the living space with large windows set in stone with a chimney made from old wooden beams. The fireplace has built-in glass screens that can completely cover the hearth.

3 Chalets with retro armchairs

In this living room near Moscow, one of the main roles is played by charming retro-style armchairs. Their upholstery cozy complements the home's warm wood trim and corner fireplace.

4 Mix of chalets and classics

But good option stylized as a chalet: wooden beams under the ceiling and a large armchair with ears give it away.

5 Kitchenette in chalet style

In the interior design of this chalet style, the designers effectively used colored tiles. Obviously, it was deliberately painted unevenly, with stains and smudges. This detail looks very charming and refers to antiquity.

6 Modern studio-chalet

The chalet style can be successfully “modernized” by integrating into the space designer furniture interesting shapes and shades - as in this project for a studio apartment space.

7 Laconic chalet in the bedroom

Agree, there is nothing superfluous in this chalet-style bedroom, but at the same time it seems surprisingly full and harmonious: beautiful wood and a snow-white bed have become the main decorations.

8 Chalet-style relaxation area

Notice how the large sitting area is divided into the main living room, with windows and kitchen corner. Interestingly, almost the entire space is covered with wood - except for one fragment of the ceiling.

9 Interior with fur stools

Just look at these wonderful poufs: their legs are made of wood, and their seats are made of skins. This solution adds a fun touch to the simplicity of the wooden background.

10 A combination of chalets and Scandinavian style

The atmosphere of the chalet, mixed with, is well maintained wooden frames and furniture. In the interior in the photo, the designer successfully emphasized the hint of style with the image of a wood cut.

11 Log house in chalet style

And here the visual image is based on a typical hut made of “round timber”. In tandem with high ceilings on two floors and such an interior looks really fascinating and cozy.

12 Living-dining room in the spirit of a chalet

In this living room, the decor is quite neutral, deliberately kept in natural colors. The shades of clay, ash, gray pine and, of course, warm wood finishes are successfully combined here.



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