Repairing a cracked bumper on a car. Repairing a plastic bumper with your own hands: features, instructions and recommendations How to repair a plastic bumper with your own hands

If your car has a crack, you don’t have the money to buy a new one, but appearance renovated plastic part may differ from new in availability visible traces repair, then the following life hack will definitely come in handy.

This repair option is really not neat in the understanding of most car owners, but at the same time, it has its own special charm and appeal for young people, especially for those who adhere to the automotive sports subculture: drifting and motorsport in general. It is unlikely that it will be a discovery for anyone that car racing is often a tough contact sport, dents and cracks in bumpers are commonplace here, so in professional racing circles young athletes prefer to deal with breakdowns on their own.

Of course, there are some of the most popular ways to join several pieces of a broken bumper (using resin, using mesh with epoxy, and even using a soldering iron), but we will look at mechanical fastening using plastic clamps. To make the process clearer, first watch the video on English(you can turn on subtitles and translation):

Have you looked? Is the work structure clear? Then, you can start sorting out the most important stages work.

To carry out the repair you will need:

1. Drill

2. Thin drill

3. Scotch tape

4. Plastic ties

The repair actually does not take much time and does not require special preparation. As they say: “If only my arms were straight”.

I. First, connect the two parts of the crack on the bumper together. The gap should be minimal, all parts and sides of the bumper should lie in the same plane. You will then need to tape these pieces together so you can move on to the next step of the repair. At 2.50 minutes the video shows how to tighten a cracked bumper.

As you can see, it is better to repair it together. An assistant can help you when you don't have enough hands.

II. Now it's time for drilling. But before that, one more thing - apply duct tape along the crack. This will prevent the paint on the ends from cracking when drilling. 4.20 minute video. You need to drill at a distance the thickness of your finger. This way you won’t damage the bumper even more if the drill jumps to the side, and the plastic tie won’t rub against too narrow a wall over time and the structure won’t fall apart.

The pitch between the holes is as thick as a finger. You can see the crack line under the tape. Follow her line. The more accurately you can drill the holes, the stronger the structure will be.

III. 6.00 minute video. Quilted bumper. There are two constriction patterns: parallel and criss-cross. The first one is easier to do, the second option holds the bumper pieces together better.

First stitch type: Parallel

No car is immune from accidental collisions on the roads, which result in dents and scratches appearing on the car. And more often than other parts, it is the rear and front bumpers that suffer. However, the bumper is designed to take the blows in the event of a collision. Although for many car enthusiasts this is not only an element of protection, but also a means of self-expression.

However, it has long been noted that

  1. there are always more small cracks and scratches on the rear bumper than on the front;
  2. On some car models, removing and installing the front bumper requires more time and effort. Therefore, auto services value the front bumper more expensive than the rear.

Restoring a bumper is a delicate and painstaking job that will require attention and accuracy, but it’s worth it. If, then you will save significant money and extend the life of the damaged bumper.
What materials are bumpers made from?

Modern bumpers, for reasons of safety for pedestrians, are made from plastic materials. What type exactly - you can find out at back side according to labeling.

  • ABS and ABS/PC - acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and its polymer alloy;
  • PA - polyamide, or nylon;
  • PC - polycarbonate;
  • PBT - polybutylene terephlorate;
  • PE - polyethylene;
  • PP and PP/EPDM - regular polypropylene and ethylene diene;
  • PUR - polyurethane;
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • GRP/SMC - fiberglass (thermosetting plastic).

And depending on the type of plastic, you choose the repair method, the method of connecting the bumper particles. There are several ways to connect broken plastic elements:

  1. Soldering (welding),
  2. Gluing. .

Repairing a bumper, like any other body element, consists of the following steps:

  • Restoring the factory shape and appearance of the bumper by leveling (straightening), connecting cracks, breaks;
  • Restoring the appearance using putty, primer and sanding;
  • Coloring.

In case of damage, take it to a car service center for repairs, and if time permits, take a chance and repair the plastic bumper yourself. You will learn how to do this in this article.

Cosmetic repairs

Repairs are performed when only damaged paint coating. As a result of collisions and impacts, cracks, paint chips, and small dents form on it. Scratches and chips can damage only the varnish layer, or be deep, reaching the plastic. In the first case, either polish or polish is enough.

For deeper scratches and chips, it is necessary to clean the damaged area down to the plastic and repair it again. The cleaning process includes the following steps:

  • sanding with a sanding machine to clean plastic using sandpaper P100-180;
  • , if any. To do this, you need to heat the plastic a little, level it and let it cool. The leveled area can be clamped with a clamp or other pressing tool.
  • dust removal and degreasing,
  • puttying,
  • padding,
  • painting in three layers. Between each layer the surface must be sanded, minor paint defects removed and degreased.
  • Apply varnish in 1-2 layers.
  • Final polishing with sandpaper Z000 and soft polishing wheels (flannel, sheepskin) with polish.

Do-it-yourself thermal repair of a plastic bumper

Of course, for repairs, it is better to remove the bumper. This makes it more convenient to work with him. But in particularly difficult cases, so that it does not crumble into pieces and the holes for attaching the bumper do not move during the repair process, it is more advisable to start repairing the plastic bumper directly on the body. Only headlights, number, and everything in at the moment interferes with repairs and must be removed.

Cracks that are to be restored should also begin by removing paint and putty. You can clean the paint, especially in hard-to-reach places, with a wire brush or coarse sandpaper by hand. For this work you will need:

  • Coarse-grained skin P80 – P180;
  • Medium grain skin P180 – P320;
  • For finishing, fine-grained sandpaper.

This operation must be performed necessarily, otherwise the paint, getting into the places of subsequent soldering, will not allow the plastic to connect, and even when working with emery, under the influence of vibration, the soldered seam may come apart. Removal of paint and putty is also carried out if you do not solder plastic, but repair it with fiberglass.

The first method of sealing cracks

A plastic soldering iron will help to repair a crack on a bumper made of refractory plastic. It differs from the usual one in that it has a temperature regulator.

This soldering iron pinpoints large cracks, melting the plastic to half the thickness and aligning it as much as possible along the crack. Start Repairing Bumper Cracks
from those areas where the cracked areas coincide as accurately as possible. Hold the soldered areas until the plastic cools and becomes dull. If you let go of the warm plastic, the solder may come apart. The distance between the points is 3-5 cm, depending on the complexity of the terrain. When all the damaged elements are tacked and secured, you can replace the fallen fragments.

Important. If the bumper was damaged in an accident, and you do not currently plan to purchase a new one instead, collect all the pieces that broke off. Tape up large cracks as much as possible so that they do not break completely and are not lost until you get to the garage or auto repair shop.

These steps will make your work easier if you decide to repair a plastic car, or will save you money if you take it to a car service center.

You may need to trim the edges slightly to get the piece to fit into place. It is important that it does not stick out, but is on the same plane with the body of the bumper. We also grab the fragment in several places with a soldering iron, also heating the plastic to half the thickness of the body.

Once soldering is complete, reinstall the parts that are in contact with the part of the bumper where the repair is being made, close the hood to make sure that all parts are connected correctly and that all the service holes in the bumper line up with the rest of the car. Now you can carry out continuous soldering, connecting the points to each other. But solder the distances between points one at a time so that the soldered sections have time to cool. If you solder from one point to another, the plastic will heat up and the preliminary weld may come apart.

Then, we sand the seam with a machine so that there are no nicks or protrusions left, and remove the bumper. Now soldering can be done from the inside. Here, point tacking need not be done. Solder the seam, moving step by step until all the cracks are soldered. The final stage is metal mesh for bumper repair. A metal mesh with small cells is used. Mark the most stressed areas on the bumper. This is where we have to solder the mesh. Cut small, approximately 3x5 cm, plates from it. Applying them across the crack, heat them with a soldering iron so that the mesh is literally soldered into the plastic. Spread the protruding plastic over the mesh and let it harden. At this point, your work can be said to be completed, you can move on to the finishing part.

The second method of sealing cracks

There is one more modern way bumper restoration. For this work you will need special tools:

  • industrial hair dryer;
  • standard nozzle;
  • Nozzle for quick welding with a rod (cord);
  • Tack attachment.
  • Plastic rod.

Important for all types of bumpers: the plastic used for welding cracks must have the same chemical composition, the same brand as the bumper. Otherwise, the welded seam will not have the required strength.

First, in places where there are cracks and work needs to be done, it is necessary to clean the paint and putty using the method described above. Then you need to fix the damaged parts on both sides using a tack attachment. Now you need to prepare the crack itself for work. For this purpose, the edges of the crack are processed so that a small depression is formed in them. It is into this that the molten plastic from the rod will be poured. Now the rod itself is cleaned and inserted into a special nozzle for quick welding with a plastic rod.

The essence of the method is that the plastic melts under the influence of temperature and fills the crack. This method of sealing cracks saves time, is effective, and as strength tests have shown, a seam made in this way can withstand significant loads and impacts, and the plastic does not lose its elasticity.

Most craftsmen do this work a little differently. From the same type of plastic, which can be taken from an unnecessary bumper, strips of approximately 5-6 mm wide and 20 cm long are cut. The strips are cleaned down to clean plastic. That is, if there is paint and putty on it, all this must be removed. The strips have a thickness of 1.5-2mm.

Warming up industrial hair dryer cracked plastic, a melting strip is placed on top of the crack. The temperature of the air coming from the hair dryer should be 350-400 o C. Therefore, when fusing plastic, you need to be careful not to get burned. Then short strips of 4-5 cm are also fused across the crack. One strip is applied a centimeter above the crack, several such crossbars are fused at a distance of 5-8 cm, in places of increased stress, and the last one must be on the edge of the bumper, where the crack ends. The strip serves as a kind of lock. This work is carried out both externally and inside bumper Excess plastic is cleaned off with a sanding machine.

Restoration of fiberglass bumper

Repairing a bumper with fiberglass is carried out if the plastic from which it is made is not refractory. When exposed to heat, such plastic boils and evaporates. And thus, you risk making a hole. Such bumpers are repaired differently - using epoxy glue or polyester resin and fiberglass fabric.


The bumper must be treated with coarse sandpaper to create a rough surface, since smooth surface Polyester resin does not adhere well. Upon completion of grinding, the bumper must be vacuumed, or blown with compressed air to remove dust, and degreased. It is also advisable to treat the crack itself. That is, sand, clean from dust and degrease. Solvent 646 is suitable as a degreaser here.

Then the crack must be fixed with a clamp or some other device. If there is no clamp, or you cannot grab the cracked parts, you can make a temporary cover from a thin metal (plastic) plate, securing it to the bumper with a pair of screws. Where the crack ends, you need to drill a hole with a 1.5-2 mm drill. This is necessary so that the crack does not run further.

You also need to drill holes on both sides of the crack with the same drill. The resin, flowing into these holes, will form a kind of “legs” that will hold it on the bumper. The holes are drilled at a distance of about one centimeter from the crack and one to three centimeters from each other, in 2-3 rows. The last row of holes should not go further than 3 cm from the crack. But this does not mean that you need to make strict markings. Drill spontaneously. Upon completion of the work, no trace will remain of these holes.

If during an accident the bumper shattered into pieces and you need to connect them, sew them together. Drill holes for the needle with a thin drill, use a “gypsy” needle and strong fishing thread. It is strong enough, does not get wet in water, and will not dissolve in resin. Fasten the thread with a knot and blot it with “moment” glue (so that the knot does not loosen), and sew together the pieces of plastic that need to be fixed or connected to each other. Just before sewing them, you need to remove paint and other finishing layers, since you cannot clean the sewn elements, for obvious reasons.

In some unnecessary dishes (you can cut off a half-liter for these purposes) plastic bottle) pour glue for car plastic - polyester resin, or epoxy glue and add a little hardener there. Stir the resulting mixture and apply it with a brush to the surface of the bumper. Don't skimp on the resin. Let it flow into the crack and into the drilled holes. Place a cut piece of thin fiberglass fabric on the greased surface and again, also covering it with a brush, saturate it with resin.

Place another layer of fiberglass on top, and also coat this layer with the resin mixture. Please note. Do not coat the area where you have clamps or where the cover is screwed on with resin. Otherwise, you will not be able to remove these fasteners later. Leave to dry. Feel free to coat the stitched areas with resin. Threads will not interfere with sealing the bumper.

After about half an hour - after 40 minutes, the resin will set and you can continue working.

When it's dry, remove the temporary fasteners and trim off any excess fiberglass hanging from the bumper. Now you can turn the bumper over. First you need inner part Sand around the crack with sandpaper and degrease. From the inside of the bumper you can use denser and thicker fiberglass.

Also dilute the resin with the hardener and coat the inner surface of the bumper, lay down the fiberglass, and saturate it with the resin. Make sure that the resin does not accumulate; it is better to spread it around the edges. If there is too much resin, the structure will become fragile. It should be only as much as the fabric absorbs. Coat the fabric with resin and press it as tightly as possible to the inner surface of the bumper. Once you have finished coating, leave it to dry as well.

On the outside we still have 1-2 areas where there were clamps. They also need to be sealed in the same way. Fiberglass fabric can be applied over an already treated area.

Areas repaired with polyester resin, despite the fact that they have had time to dry, retain their stickiness for a long time, and it is impossible to clean such a surface with sandpaper. Firstly, the material being cleaned will stick to the surface, and secondly, the sandpaper will become clogged with resin. Therefore, effective sanding will not work.

To ensure that the resin stops sticking, its surface must be wiped with solvent 646 after drying, and wait a few minutes for the solvent to evaporate.

Now you can sand the surface, paying attention to the thickening and giving the bumper the most correct shape.

Bumper cosmetic trim

Now that the bumper repair is complete, you will have to decide whether to paint the entire bumper or just the repaired areas. If the repair was minor, you can limit yourself to local painting only from the restored areas. But much more often situations arise when, in addition to cracks and chips across the entire surface of the bumper, cracks form in the varnish layer. And if you decide to repair the bumper, follow through with it.

This means we arm ourselves with a grinding machine with a 120-number emery wheel and clean the entire bumper. Degrease. Then we putty the bumper, dry it, and sand it. At this stage of the work you will be able to repair the scratches on the bumper. What follows finishing putty, drying, sanding. Then the surface is primed in two layers, dried, and sanded. Next it is covered with paint and a final layer of varnish. Priming, painting and varnishing is done with a paint gun. Each layer of primer, paint and varnish must be thoroughly dried, sanded with fine sandpaper and wiped off dust with a sticky cloth. After applying the final coat of varnish, leave the bumper for a couple of days for final drying.

On the third day, the bumper can be polished to a mirror shine. On this, final stage It is important not to burn the varnish layer. After all grinder, working at high speed, heats the surface. Drive the car without stopping in one place.

The plastic mesh in the bumper is comparatively new element tuning, which, on the one hand, protects the radiator grille from stones, and on the other, adds some zest to the appearance vehicle. Such nets can be purchased at an auto supply store, and while the bumper is not installed, cut to size and secured on the inside with self-tapping screws.


The updated and finished body element can be screwed into place. True, experts noticed that installing and fastening the front bumper takes more time and effort than attaching the rear. You may need additional help to support the bumper so as not to tear off the fasteners. Don't neglect her.

Damage to the body kit may be caused by careless driving, a traffic accident or hitting an obstacle. A damaged part spoils the appearance of the car. Therefore, it is important to know what to do when the bumper is cracked and how to repair it yourself.

Depending on the degree of damage, methods for restoring a damaged car body element vary. Crack repair is performed using:

  • Putties

Small chips, scratches and microcracks must be covered with putty.

  • Bonding

Allows you to repair small cracks.

  • Sealing

Makes it possible to restore the body kit after receiving severe damage and the appearance of large cracks.

  • "Welding"

A plastic patch is applied. The method is applicable when the bumper is seriously split and holes appear.

To carry out the work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Construction hair dryer and soldering iron.
  • Brass mesh, staples from a construction gun, or metal tape.
  • Wide and narrow rubber spatulas.
  • Putty.
  • Epoxy resin and fiberglass patch.
  • White-Spirit, acetone or alcohol-based cleaners.
  • Spray gun.
  • Plastic solder.
  • Primer.
  • A grinding machine and wheels for it, or a block.
  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • Mini drill or drill.
  • Clamps.
  • Paint in a can or spray can.

Bumper preparation

Damaged bumper, it is better to dismantle it. This will allow for more efficient and reliable repairs. Overall, the list preparatory work before restoring the body kit, it looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry the body protective element.
  2. The damaged area must be sanded and sanded. You can remove the paintwork using grinding machine. In addition to the directly affected area, grinding should be done 3-5 centimeters near the cracks.
  3. Degrease work surface. The procedure will need to be repeated after removing each layer of paint.
  4. The edges of the cracks need to be sharpened in the form Latin letter V.
  5. Using a drill, drill out the crack on both sides. This will prevent it from spreading throughout the entire part.

After being carried out preparatory activities, you can proceed directly to the repair.

It is necessary to wash the bumper thoroughly. To do this, use a soap solution. In some cases, automobile detergents. For drying, use a tool such as a hair dryer.

Soldering large cracks

If the bumper bursts badly, then it is sealed. The operation allows you to give a damaged part a second life. However, you need to know how to solder a crack in the body kit. The operation is carried out in stages:

  1. Fastening the two parts of the body kit. Clamps are used for this. The two soldered surfaces are tightly applied to each other and securely fixed in this position.
  2. Soldering on the outside of the bumper. It is necessary not to leave large gaps between stitches.
  3. Reinforcement of the damaged area. Performed from the inside of the bumper. Mesh or staples are soldered into the structure. This step increases the strength of the weld.

For soldering, it is recommended to use a powerful soldering iron (at least 100 W). The tool must be held in such a way that it does not burn through the plastic. It is also worth purchasing a device with wooden handle(plastic will melt after using the tool for a long time). For more precise soldering, the tip can be sharpened and cleaned.

After soldering is completed, the body kit is ready for further use. All that remains is to give the restored part an attractive appearance.

Using a hot air gun

When repairing severe damage, use a hair dryer. With its help, the edges of cracks are melted, as a result, a strong and reliable weld appears in place of the burst part of the body kit. To make the structure more durable, use plastic strips 1cm thick. They can be purchased separately, or cut from an old donor body kit.

When soldering, use the same type of plastic from which the bumper is made. Otherwise, the seam will turn out to be non-monolithic, which will lead to rapid destruction of the structure.

The method is effective in the absence of some parts of the body kit, serious cracks and holes.

Bumper gluing

Small cracks can be sealed. This method of do-it-yourself bumper repair is most popular among motorists, as it is technologically simple and effective. As an adhesive, special glue for plastic, acetone, and liquid plastic are used. To obtain a polymer seam, a two-component 3M composition is used.

When gluing, you need to fix the bumper tightly, otherwise the halves may shift and the symmetry of the part may be disrupted. You will need to wait until the adhesive has completely dried.

Gluing with acetone is carried out as follows: a substance is applied to the crack, as a result of which part of the plastic dissolves, forming a strong seam. Later, it is treated with 3M adhesive. Allow to dry and mask the traces of body kit restoration.

Alternative! Medium damage can be sealed with a mixture of glue and soda. To do this, you need to tightly connect the cracked parts, pour soda along the entire length of the crack, and apply glue to it. As a result chemical reaction a strong seam is formed.

Many drivers have encountered the problem of cracks appearing on their car bumpers. If it is plastic, then you can repair the damaged area yourself. There are many in various ways restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the bumper from of this material without resorting to the services of a car service.

Below we will discuss in detail the process of self-repairing damaged parts of a car body.

Types of bumpers and materials from which they are made

Modern car bumpers can be made of metal and plastic.

In turn, plastic ones can be made from 2 types of material:

  • thermoactive;
  • thermoset.

What is the difference between thermosetting plastic for car bumpers and thermosetting plastic?

The main difference between a thermoactive material is that it can be subjected to secondary heat treatment. Under the influence of high temperature, the material melts easily, becomes elastic, soft and can take any shape.

Thermosetting plastic, on the other hand, is very durable and resistant to high temperatures and mechanical damage.

Car bumpers made of thermosetting plastics, as a rule, are rarely subject to cracks due to the strength and reliability of the material.

The following types of thermoactive materials are distinguished:

  • Polyethylene - used in the production of food containers, bags, etc.;
  • Polystyrene - various insulation materials are made from them in construction, etc.;
  • Polypropylene - used in the production of auto parts, including car bumpers, food industry, etc.;
  • Polyvinyl chloride - production of insulating coatings for cables, window technologies, etc.

Thermosetting materials are divided into:

  • Polyurethane - most plastic auto parts, both small and large, are made from this type;
  • Epoxy resins - used for joining and gluing different parts;
  • Fiberglass - used in the production of heavy-duty auto parts, including bumpers;
  • Phenol resins - needed in the manufacture of small auto parts, computers. boards, etc.

How to repair minor damage to a plastic car bumper

Bumper damage occurs different types- from minor scratches and small dents to serious cracks. Small dents and scratches can be removed yourself.

If the car bumper is made of thermoactive plastic, then minor damage to it can be easily eliminated using the polishing method with special chemicals. means.

For example, if there is a shallow scratch, it can be treated universal remedy for cleaning with WD-40.

In order to polish a scratch or chip, you will need a sponge, a soft rag and a chemical reagent. First, you need to clean the damaged area from dirt and dust with a sponge and water. After applying chemical. spray or sponge. Next, the damaged area is intensively polished with a rag until no damage is visible on it.

The second way to eliminate small dents and scratches on a plastic car bumper is to straighten the damaged area with a hot air gun. The essence of the method is that the damaged surface is evenly heated with a hair dryer. Due to heat treatment the damage is leveled and straightened.

The method is simple and does not require special skills to perform, but it is not without its drawbacks: there is a possibility of deformation of the plastic; heating with a hairdryer can only be used on unpainted areas.

Also, a wax pencil is considered a simple and inexpensive way to eliminate minor damage to a plastic car bumper.

With its help, scratches and chips are simply painted over. Chem. the composition of the pencil fills the damaged areas, leveling them with the general surface and forms protective layer. The process of removing chips and dents wax pencil takes no more than 5 minutes.

What to do if there is a crack on the bumper - methods for repairing it

If a crack has formed on the car bumper as a result of damage, then simply cleaning and polishing this place will no longer work; in any case, it will be visible.

To repair a crack, you need to resort to more effective methods. There are several ways to repair cracks in plastic bumpers:

  1. repairing damage with liquid polymer;
  2. welding using a rod;
  3. welding the crack with a hot air gun;
  4. repairs using fiberglass;
  5. gluing plastic with a two-component composition.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

To make it easier to work with damaged areas, the car bumper must be removed and secured on a stand. Before starting the repair, you need to thoroughly clean the damaged area from dirt and dust, and if the bumper has already been repaired, then remove the remnants of the repair kit from the last time.

Experts advise treating damaged surfaces with any degreasing chemical before starting repairs. means.

Seal the crack using liquid polymer

For this method you will need: soldering iron, fine-grained sandpaper, knife, wire cutters, steel wire, hot air gun, piece of protection for the car fender liner.

Sealing process:

  1. We clean the edges of the crack with sandpaper.
  2. If the crack is long, then it must be sewn together in several places along the edges with scraps of steel wire. The edges of the wire are bent and cut off with wire cutters.
  3. Next, the edges of the crack are brought together and carefully soldered with a soldering iron.
  4. The fender liner protection is made of polymer plastic, which melts easily and is suitable for creating patches. Small strips are cut from the protection fabric (about 2-3 cm wide, 15-20 cm long and 2 mm thick), which will be patches for soldering.
  5. The place where the patch will be applied and the patch itself is cleaned with a sharp knife.
  6. We heat the damaged area with a hairdryer in the place where the patch is applied. Next, we heat the patch strip to a semi-liquid state, gradually applying it to the damaged area. This is repeated several times (with new strips) until the crack on the bumper is completely sealed.
  7. The resulting seam is cleaned with an emery wheel and prepared for painting.

Video instructions for repair using this method are given below.

  • Pros: low cost, simplicity, minimal set of materials and tools.
  • Cons: likelihood of plastic deformation when heated.

How to weld a bumper with a rod

To weld a crack with a rod you will need: a manual extruder for welding plastics, polypropylene filler rods round section or filler polyethylene rods.

Welding process:

  1. We heat the manual extruder to the required temperature and put on a special nozzle into which the filler rod is inserted.
  2. We carefully solder the damaged area, using an extruder from the molten rod to form a uniform seam along the entire perimeter of the crack.

Pros: fast, does not require special skills.

Disadvantages: plastic is subject to deformation, specific tools and materials that are not always available.

See detailed video instructions below.

Welding with a hot air gun

To weld a crack with a hot air gun, you will need: a hot air gun, a soldering iron, plastic rods, steel wire or rivets.

Welding process:

  1. We fix the torn edges of the damage and solder them with a soldering iron along the entire perimeter cracked surface. If the edges diverge greatly, you can fix them with rivets or wire staples.
  2. We heat up the hot air gun and start welding: we melt the rod and place it on the crack in the plastic of the bumper, forming a seam around the perimeter of the damaged area.

Pros: fast, effective even for serious damage.

Cons: overheating may cause deformation of an intact surface.

Video instructions for using a hot air gun are below.

Repair with fiberglass

To repair a car bumper using fiberglass you will need: emery wheel, grinder and sander, fiberglass, epoxy resin, fine-grained sandpaper, hardener, brush.

Repair process:

  1. Cleaning damaged areas with an emery wheel and fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. Epoxy resin is diluted in plastic container with a hardener and even layers with a brush are applied to the damaged areas.
  3. Patches are cut from fiberglass, glued to damaged areas and covered with an even layer of epoxy solution.
  4. The bumper is dried, carefully sanded with a machine and prepared for painting.

Pros: damage of any size and thickness can be repaired, suitable for thermosetting types of plastic.

Disadvantages: the reagent is toxic - work in a chemical industry is required. protection, fragility of the seal; even with a slight impact, the sealed area can crack.

Video of the fiberglass repair is below.

How to glue plastic with a two-component compound

Required tools and materials: grinder. machine, emery wheel, two-component glue, degreaser, tape, construction mesh, spatula.

Gluing process:

  1. Cleaning the damaged area with fine-grained sandpaper (emery wheel).
  2. Treating surfaces with a degreaser.
  3. The crack on the outside of the bumper is sealed with tape.
  4. A patch is cut out of construction mesh and glued to the inside of the car bumper. The glue is applied on top of the damaged area in several layers. The same is done on the outside after removing the tape.
  5. Excess glue is smoothed out with a spatula. The bumper is left to dry for 30-40 minutes.
  6. The glued surface is sanded and prepared for painting.

Pros: convenient, quickly glues, retains elasticity.

Cons: not suitable for large cracks.

Detailed video instructions for gluing.

Soldering large bumper damage

This procedure is carried out using: a soldering iron, reinforcing mesh, scissors.

Soldering process:

  1. A pre-cut patch of reinforcing mesh is applied to the inside of the bumper at the site of damage.
  2. Mesh patches are soldered with a soldering iron into the inner surface of the car bumper, soldering the torn edges of the crack.
  3. On the outside, soldering is also done along the seam.
  4. After soldering, the seam is cleaned and prepared for painting.

Pros: fast and reliable way repair of large cracks, availability of materials.

Cons: suitable only for thermosetting plastic; over time, the seam may come apart.

The bumper is a car safety element that also has aesthetic functions, improving the appearance. In accidents or collisions, the part absorbs the force of the impact, protecting the body and passengers. Damage also occurs in other situations - when parking, maneuvering.

The cost of subsequent restoration is determined by the extent of the damage. But knowing how to repair a plastic bumper yourself, it’s easy to cut costs and not leave your car for service.

The work begins with inspecting the damaged bumper, assessing the defects and the feasibility of restoration. If the damage is accompanied by the loss of pieces, the procedure becomes more complicated - you need to select the same material to repair the hole or order a new bumper.

The repair technology is determined by the existing defects:

  1. Scratches and chips that do not affect the plastic can be removed by sanding, puttying and subsequent painting.
  2. Deformations are common damages, often accompanied by cracks. To restore the geometry, the part is heated with a hairdryer, or a torch will do. Heating the plastic makes it soft and pliable. Then it is easy to give the element the desired shape. The result is fixed until it cools completely. Do not overheat the fragment. This is accompanied by thermal deformation.
  3. Cracks are common damage that requires soldering. Depending on the size of the crack and its location, strengthening, reinforcement, or tightening may be required to prevent further divergence.
  4. Holes are defects that occur when hitting an obstacle or as a result of a collision with the rear of another car. Occurs as a result of exposure to a muffler. DIY repair involves soldering and reinforcement. The procedure is possible if there is a missing element. If selection of material is required, the markings on the inside of the bumper are first examined.

With the right approach, it is easy to eliminate damage; the main thing is to follow the sequence of steps, technology, and prepare the place for work.

If there is just a dent on the bumper, then you can use this kit.

Soldering – effective method eliminating cracks and holes in plastic bumpers. When thinking about how to solder the bumper yourself, it is better to carry out manipulations from the front side. It is important to solder to the desired depth.

When working from the inside, it is easy to make mistakes. Then the putty and paint layer will soon crack.

Preparatory steps:

  1. The bumper is dismantled or undamaged elements of the car are protected.
  2. The table is being prepared workplace. If the part is turned over to the front side, the surface is covered soft cloth.
  3. The paint is removed at a distance of 1 cm from the edges of the defect.

Bumper soldering options:

  1. The soldering iron heats up, after which notches are made on each edge of the crack. The tool is recessed to half the thickness of the element and held at an angle of 45 degrees. A comb appears at the edges. Next, the soldering iron tip is drawn along the crack, smoothing it out. The edges are securely connected.
  2. Using staples from a stapler allows you to get reliable connection, if the material is thin. The staples, in increments of 3–5 mm, are fused into the plastic, the ends are bent from the inside. They shouldn't stick out.
  3. Copper and ordinary wire, as solder, allows you to reliably fasten the elements. This requires skills and experience. Small holes are needed to thread the wire through. The further scheme of work does not differ from the use of staples. At minor damage they don't make holes.
  4. Plastic solder helps create a strong plane. It is supposed to be restored by adding plastic at the damage site. It is important to choose the right solder.

Soldering is the most effective method. But to prevent the crack from appearing again, the damage site is reinforced. In further processing, fiberglass, epoxy, rubber glue. Over time, materials move away without compromising the integrity of the structure. Therefore, they are applied from the inside.

In the area of ​​damage:

  • paint is cleaned;
  • the plane is degreased;
  • glue is applied;
  • mesh and wire are applied;
  • A layer of fiberglass and glue alternates, which will be the final one.

Regardless of the choice of soldering and reinforcement method, the process is completed by grinding the cooled surface and puttingty until a smooth plane is obtained.

Eliminating defects is only part of the job. For a complete restoration you need to know how to properly repair a car bumper. The process begins with preparation.

If the part has been soldered, the work area must be thoroughly sanded, as in the case of scratches.

Putty is carried out in several stages:

  • a special putty is applied to work on the plastic plane;
  • the height is gained so that the putty protrudes slightly;
  • the area is sanded until all irregularities are eliminated, which can be checked by touch;

The procedures are repeated until an ideal plane is obtained. When doing the preparation yourself, it is better to choose fine sandpaper.

The next step is degreasing. The primer is applied twice, ensuring each layer dries.

The moment of preparation involves not only processing the surface of the element.


  • the place where the work will be carried out must be cleaned, wet cleaning, remove dust;
  • The walls, ceiling and flooring are cleaned.


  • it is better to dismantle the bumper, which will ensure a high-quality application of the paint layer;
  • If dismantling is excluded, the car is covered with film.

Selection of paint:

  • best option– by VIN code, then the color match is guaranteed;
  • computer selection is also effective, but some differences cannot be excluded.

Application of paint, preparation of materials:

  • the amount of paint, its composition, method of application determines the quality of coloring, the final shade, consumption;
  • The spray gun needs to be set up correctly and make sure that the pigment is supplied normally (if an aerosol is not used).

Secrets of painting technology

Properly painting a bumper is a simple procedure, provided proper preparation is done. You must use a mask while working. The amount of materials and time required for painting is determined by the scope of work.

Types of painting:

  1. Local painting is suitable for inconspicuous areas, lower elements, when the damage is minor or scratches on the bumper need to be painted. It is assumed that paint will be applied to a specific area.
  2. Full bumper painting is used for damage in noticeable places.

The painting process includes the following steps:

  1. Blowing, degreasing.
  2. Testing paint on parts, applying a small amount.
  3. The first layer is made thin - this is the base. Dries in 5 – 10 minutes.
  4. Apply 2 layers of paint with drying intervals of 15–20 minutes.
  5. If dust gets on the part between layers, special interlayer wipes are used to remove contaminants.
  6. The final stage is applying 2 layers of varnish and drying.

With unhurried preparation, careful application of pigment and varnish, there are no unevenness or drips. But if defects appear, you need to wait completely dry element, and then grind and polish these places.



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