Saw attachment for cutting logs into boards. Attachments and accessories for chainsaws. Goats for sawing firewood with a chainsaw - the correct manufacturing algorithm

At any construction site, processed lumber is used in in various forms: beams, boards, slats. They are purchased in stores, in specialized markets and directly at wood processing enterprises (sawmills). But these materials cost several times more than the logs (from which they are cut), and this can significantly affect your budget. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase logs and cut them yourself.

Process theory

In order to understand how to properly cut a log (which is ideally a cylinder), let's turn to theory. There are only three ways to cut a cylinder:

  • across;
  • along;
  • obliquely.

The third method is used very rarely (in specialized projects and developments). Therefore, we will specify the first two methods, which are common and used everywhere.

Method 1. Cut across.

Performed to obtain parts in the form of disks and short cylinders.

Method 2. Cut along.

Used to produce boards, beams, slats.

Logs are cut at logging enterprises, sawmills, furniture factories and workshops using various units and devices:

At home this kind of sawing is done:

  1. Using saws
  2. Grinder with attachments for sawing wood (circular saws);
  3. On purchased and homemade mini-sawmills (sawing machines).

Be sure to follow safety precautions. Even regular saw, jumping off the cutting site can cut a finger, a vein or injure a leg.

When working with power tools, use rubber gloves and a mat. Do not operate with wet hands to avoid electric shock.

Exercise extreme caution when working with chain saws, circular saws, and especially with an angle grinder. A slipped chain or flying disc can cut a leg bone, arm bone, or throat.

Preliminary work

Many enterprises have mechanisms for removing bark (barking) from an entire log. It is advisable for you to split the log into pieces and remove the bark from each board. This operation is carried out:

  • skobel;
  • sharpened shovel;
  • electric planer.

When working with a scraper, they strengthen the log and begin to cut off the bark, moving the tool towards themselves. When cleaning with a shovel, the bark is peeled away from you.

Most best result obtained by cleaning with a scraper. It only removes the bark without affecting the tree itself.

How to cut a log into boards

This can be done in different ways. It all depends on your needs. The photos below show various ways, how to cut a log lengthwise and get a variety of lumber.

The sawing technology is as follows:

  1. The bark is removed (this operation can be performed at home later).
  2. The log is fixed on guides or a frame.
  3. One of the slabs is separated (sawed off) to obtain a flat surface.
  4. Place the workpiece with a flat surface on the guide (table, bed), fix it again and separate the second slab.
  5. Then the entire log is divided into boards.

To cut with a complex pattern (shown above), all the slabs are cut at once, and the workpiece is turned over and fixed several times.

Cutting a log crosswise

It is not particularly difficult even at home. The log is placed on ordinary sawhorses and, gradually moving it, the necessary pieces are sawed off. Or they are mounted on guides and, gradually moving from beginning to end, perform the same operation.

Cutting logs lengthwise

This operation is particularly difficult, since it is necessary to maintain a certain thickness throughout the cut, which can be 6 m, 8 m, and sometimes more. To do this, the easiest way is to use a jig (special device) that is attached to a saw or log.

Sawing logs on a home sawmill

Many people purchase or make homemade sawmills.

1st view:

At the bottom of the frame, welded from metal angles and plates, is a motor with pulleys (electric or gasoline). A shaft with pulleys is placed at the top, on which one or more circular saws are mounted. A guide made of timber or a metal square is fixed on the table. To move it, cuts must be made (perpendicular to the feed axis)

The log is fed, pressing it against the guide, and moved forward. If there is only one saw, then rulers are strengthened on the surface of the table or markings are applied. After cutting one board, the guide is shifted to the width of the next board (towards the saw) and the operation is repeated.

If there are several saws, then the distance (width of the boards) is fixed between them by inserting the corresponding bushings.

2nd view:

If you don't know how to easily cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw, then this option is for you.

  1. Frame. Welded from channels or profile pipes.
  2. Saw. With electric or petrol drive. Mounted on a vertical feed carriage.
  3. Chain. It is advisable to purchase a special one - for cutting lengthwise. If there is none, then resharpen your chain.
  4. Vertical feed carriage (VPC). Designed to secure the tool and move it in a vertical plane with a screw. To set the cutting accuracy, a ruler is attached to the side of the vertical stand.
  5. Carriage guides. They are polished pipes or rods. Designed to move the carriage vertically.
  6. Screw (feed mechanism). Installed in bearings. When rotated, it moves the carriage vertically.
  7. Log clamps.
  8. Longitudinal feed carriage (PPC). Moves the KVP along the trunk.
  9. Rollers.

The procedure for working on this structure is as follows:

  • The log is strengthened with clamps on the frame.
  • The checkpoint is brought to the beginning of the lumber.
  • The KVP is lowered with a screw to the required height.
  • Turn on the instrument.
  • By moving the checkpoint along the log, the slab is cut off.
  • Having reached the end, the log is turned over and placed flat side onto the frame and clamp.
  • Lower the carriage again.
  • The gearbox is moved back, cutting off the second slab.
  • Then the process is repeated, with the difference that you further cut the boards.

When used not chain, but reciprocating saw the process is delayed. It can only work in one direction.


  • Steel profiles, pipes, angles, strips, plates;
  • Screws, bolts.


  • Saws
    • regular;
    • two-handed;
    • with electric drive;
    • with petrol drive;
  • Bulgarian
  • Mini sawmill
  • Skobel

Logs are a kind of raw material for lumber production. general purpose and special types of products. More precisely, it is the raw material for obtaining such a necessary material in construction and farming as boards.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully inspect the logs for flaws and clean them of bark. This is usually done manually without power tools. It is best to work with fresh material immediately after it has been cut down. It is very difficult to work with low-quality material or curved logs. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately assess the quality and sort the logs. It is also worth considering that it will simply be impossible to obtain perfect boards at home. So you need to calculate your strengths and possible losses.

Take electric plane and remove the subcortex. Subbark is a soft young layer of wood located directly under the bark. There's no need to shoot a lot. It will be enough to remove a layer one centimeter thick. Try to remove the desired layer immediately, otherwise the wood will not have an aesthetically pleasing appearance over time.

Dry the logs fresh air for five to seven days under cover. This is a very important process, since under-dried wood will simply crack over time.

Treat the logs with a chemical protective agent. Use only high-quality modern antiseptics, insect repellents and various fungi.

Secure the log to the guides or bed. And also do not forget to check the sharpness of the knives and chain.

By applying marks on the log, a cutting line is outlined. It is necessary to try to ensure that the boards have approximately equal density. It’s good if the log has ideal evenness and density. But it often happens that the logs have flaws, so you have to tinker with cutting to save money and maximize the yield of quality material.

Remove the hump from both sides of the log. As a result, you will get a comfortable beam that will not roll.

Start removing the boards. What you'll end up with is a set of boards with raw edges that will need to be cut down with a handsaw.

Now you can admire your work and consider cutting the logs successful and complete!

The tree, along with natural stone, is one of the oldest building materials. Despite the currently present construction market a huge variety of all kinds of artificially created materials, wood is still in constant demand. Wood is versatile and available material, and not a single construction project can be completed without its use.

The main raw material for the production of lumber (timbers of various sections, edged and unedged boards, etc.) is a log - freed from branches and twigs, as well as from the thinnest upper part of the tree trunk. Logs can be used as a completely independent building material as pillars, piles, masts, etc., but in most cases they must be sawed to obtain beams and boards. How to cut a log into boards, beams and other lumber will be discussed further.

Sawing logs can be done in various ways:

  • manually, using a saw tool;
  • on sawmills;
  • on woodworking machines and specialized lines.

The price of lumber largely depends on its thickness and the amount of production waste.

In order to make the most efficient use of available raw materials and correctly saw a log, the woodworking industry uses special sawing schemes to reduce the percentage of waste and thus reduce costs final products. Therefore, before cutting a log yourself, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with similar diagrams.

Tools and equipment for sawing logs

Depending on the total number of logs, their length, thickness and expected quality of future lumber, they are used for sawing various instrument and specialized equipment. Quite acceptable for obtaining a small amount of lumber at home manual method processing trunks using chainsaws and conventional hand saws with teeth for longitudinal sawing.

The sawmill is a fairly common type of sawmill equipment. It is a woodworking machine with frame saws, designed for longitudinal cutting of logs to produce edged boards and timber. Sawmills can process logs with a diameter of 15 to 80 cm and a length of up to 7 m.

Sawing tree trunks on circular saws (circular) machines is carried out using circular saw. Such machines can be single-saw (single-disc) and multi-saw (multi-disc). Single disk circular saws They work, as a rule, with small sizes and low quality source material. Multi-disc machines are designed for cutting large-diameter round timber.

The most popular currently are the so-called band sawmills, both vertical and horizontal. As cutting tool they use a belt cloth placed on pulleys. Band machines provide high-quality longitudinal and mixed sawing of logs into boards and beams with minimum quantity waste.

Wood sawing lines are used at large enterprises in the production of lumber in industrial scale. They provide high surface quality and precise geometry of the final product and have the highest productivity.

In addition to the above, other types of highly specialized sawmill equipment are used in the mass production of lumber: debarkers, edgers, band-dividers and other machines.

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Types and methods of cutting logs

Before sawing a log into boards and beams, it is important to choose the most optimal sawing method, which is determined by the size, geometry and surface quality of the future lumber, required technical requirements, as well as the type of wood. By orientation to the growth rings of the trunk, types of sawing can be distinguished. This:

  • radial, carried out precisely along the radius of the growth rings;
  • tangential, when sawing is done tangentially to the growth rings, parallel to one of the radii;
  • parallel-forming, when cutting occurs parallel to the direction of the fibers (thus achieving minimum slope fibers in lumber).

Depending on the direction of sawing, there are several ways to saw logs:

  • waddling sawing;
  • sawing with beams;
  • segment method;
  • sector method;
  • circular sawing.

Tumble sawing is carried out using several parallel cuts along the entire cross-sectional plane of the log and produces an unedged board and two slabs at the output. Tumble cutting is the most in a simple way processing of logs and is used mainly for cutting hardwood round timber of small diameter, since other methods greatly reduce the width of the finished lumber.

Sawing with beams involves cutting out double-edged timber and side boards at the initial stage. The timber is subsequently sawn into edged boards the same width. Up to 60% of all raw materials are cut using lumber. The disadvantage of this method is the need to use two sawmills simultaneously.

The above methods are the main ones. Special methods are used much less frequently: sector and segment. When sector sawing, the log is first divided into several fragments - sectors, numbering from 4 to 8, depending on the diameter of the trunk. These sectors are then sawn into boards along radial or tangential directions.

With the segment method, a beam is cut from the central part of the log, leaving two so-called segments on the sides. The resulting segments are then cut into tangential boards.

The circular sawing method is used for individual cutting of logs and allows you to separate healthy wood from damaged wood. When circular sawing, after sawing off another board or several parallel boards, the trunk rotates around the longitudinal axis by 90° each time.

The chainsaw is designed to carry out various works with wood. You can use it to cut down trees various diameters and cut them into boards or bars. In addition, this tool is used for figured cutting on wood - carving. In order to use a chainsaw correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of various works and safety rules, neglect of which leads to very disastrous consequences.

Felling trees is enough traumatic process, because with the slightest mistake, the trunk of a cut tree, which has a huge mass, can fall on the person working with the chainsaw. Therefore, it is not enough just to have this unit and the desire to cut down a tree. Before you start working with a chainsaw, you should know the basic rules of working with this tool. So, safety precautions when felling forest contain the following points, which must not be ignored.

How to cut down a tree with a chainsaw

When felling trees with a chainsaw, it is necessary to select the right blade: it must match the thickness and type of wood. For example, if you need to cut down thin trees, then there is no point in using heavy and powerful units. After all, they have a high consumption of fuel mixture and lubricant, and they are much harder to work with. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • for trunks with a diameter of 600 mm or more, a heavy blade (650 mm) should be used;
  • for trunks of average diameter 300-600 mm - medium-sized blade 350-650 mm;
  • Thin trunks (up to 300 mm) can be felled using a blade up to 350 mm.

If you have work to do With hard rocks wood(oak, beech, cherry, apple tree, pear, etc.), it is better to use medium blades for thin trunks, and heavy blades for trunks with a diameter of 300-600 mm or more.

Preparation stage

Felling trees with a chainsaw will be difficult and sometimes dangerous without the preparation stage.

  1. Make sure there are no people, animals, buildings or other trees in the area where the tree is expected to fall.
  2. Very careful preparation is required for felling trees. near bodies of water. If a sawn object falls into the water, you will have to make a lot of effort, including using technology, to get it out and saw it.
  3. If you need to lay the tree to be cut down specific place, then you can tie a cable to the top of the trunk or to its middle, and use a winch or other mechanism to force it to tilt in the desired direction.
  4. Before cutting down a tree, take care escape routes, if an unforeseen situation arises (if possible, remove all obstacles that may prevent you from leaving the danger zone).
  5. Provide access to the cut and trimmed tree for transport for loading and removal.
  6. If you have to felling big tree , then you first need to eliminate the possibility of large branches falling during work. It is recommended to rent a lift or use the services industrial climbers to cut off problematic branches.

In amateur practice, it is allowed to fell trees using a single-cut cut only in cases where low plants with a trunk diameter of no more than 150 mm are to be felled. But thick trees need to be cut using standard technology.

  1. The very first upper cut should be done on the side of the plant in which it should ultimately fall. It is made at an angle of 45°, with a recess of ¼ of the diameter of the trunk. Second, lower notch is carried out horizontally until the cuts join.
  2. The third file is called felling and is the most responsible. It is performed on the opposite side of the previously made wedge-shaped cut, parallel to the second cut (see figure below), but 5 cm higher than it. Also, according to the technology, the felling cut should not be sawed to the end, that is, to the wedge-shaped cut. It is necessary to stop before finishing about 1/10 of the thickness of the trunk, so that the remaining whole part acted as a kind of hinge.
  3. To prevent the saw from jamming in the cut, you must use wooden wedges. Metal wedges should not be used because the chain may be damaged if the saw kicks back.
  4. When making a felling cut, carefully monitor the verticality of the trunk. A sudden gust of wind can make its own adjustments, and cutting down a tree as you planned will not work.
  5. After the felling cut, even before the plant begins to fall, you should quickly, without fuss, remove the chainsaw bar and move away to a safe distance. It is extremely unsafe to be near a tree at this moment, since the lower part of the trunk can jump to a height of about 1.5 meters when falling.

If the undercut rule is ignored, and the guide and felling cuts are positioned incorrectly, then it will be impossible to predict the direction in which the tree will fall.

After the plant has been knocked down in the desired direction, you should cut off all branches on its trunk. For convenience, you need to place a flat piece of wood 100-150 mm high under the trunk. If you do not do this, there is a high probability that you will catch the ground with the saw. When the equipment gets into the ground, where there is always sand, the latter ends up on the tire, namely in the groove along which the chain slides. As a result of exposure to abrasive particles, not only the chain shanks, but also the entire tire begin to wear out quickly. Therefore, the question that builders often ask - is it possible to saw foam blocks with a chainsaw - is inappropriate.

How to properly cut a log

The next stage after felling the tree is sawing it. It must be carried out following certain rules and according to a scheme.

Longitudinal sawing into boards

As you might guess, boards are made by cutting logs longitudinally. Since it will be necessary longitudinal sawing, then the saw chain must be of the appropriate type. To ensure accurate cutting of the trunk into boards, a special Big Mill log sawing device is used, shown in the following figure.

It can be used to cut logs diameter up to 500 mm. The thickness of the resulting board is set using a special ruler marked on the racks of the device. You can purchase it ready-made or make it yourself by watching this video.

To cut a log into boards of equal thickness, do the following.

To cut logs across the grain, you must install it on the unit saw chain for cross cutting. Basically, cross cut is used for cutting wood. The resulting small cylinders are then split into firewood. To make it convenient to cut firewood, the logs are placed on trestles 600-800 mm high.

In the same way it is carried out beam trimming.

Log sawing diagram

Below is a diagram that shows how to correctly dissolve a log into boards and beams.

This operation can be performed in several ways.

  1. Sawing timber square section comes from the core part of the log.
  2. To get 2 rectangular timber, square beam sawn into 2 parts.
  3. By sawing a log crosswise, you can get 4 beams.
  4. This type of sawing is called “tumble” and is used on sawmill frames. All boards are unedged.
  5. With this type of log cutting, you can get a double-edged beam, as well as several unedged boards and a couple of slabs.
  6. Complex in its execution radial sawing. Feature boards with such sawing have vertical growth rings.
  7. The double-edged timber is dissolved into edged boards and 2 wanes.
  8. For boards with a horizontal arrangement of growth rings, the front side is called the one that is turned to the center of the log (core), and the back side is called the one turned to the sapwood (the so-called periphery of the trunk).

What is carving

The word “carving” came into our language from English and means “cutting”. This is the name for figured wood carving with a chainsaw. This art of skillful use of an instrument is beginning to gain popularity in our country. For carving, ordinary light chainsaws, for example, such as Husqvarna 135.

Chainsaw Husqvarna 135

The chainsaw has small dimensions, develops the necessary power, weighs 4.4 kg and makes it easier to start the engine. The tire needs to be installed in a medium size, about 14 inches. The chain is selected in 3/8 inch increments. It is recommended to immediately purchase special chains. For example, the STIHL Carving Rapid Micro Spezial (RMS) chain has a ¼-inch pitch, short teeth and is designed specifically for figure sawing on wood. The Husqvarna 135 saw is well suited for beginner carvingists.

Chainsaw Husqvarna 450e II

As you gain experience, you can use more powerful units.

Sculptures created from wood using a chainsaw are very widely used in recreation parks, on city streets, near cafes, restaurants and other public places, and always attract the genuine attention of passers-by.

For example, seeing such a product in the park, few people will pass by it indifferently.

The imagination and skill of professional carvingists sometimes causes surprise and admiration.

To achieve such results, you need to make a huge effort, it will take years of practice to hone your skills. After all, even if you try to make some simple product with your own hands, you will immediately understand that carving wood with a chainsaw is not an easy process. But if you are filled with the desire to learn this art, then, undoubtedly, you will be able to realize all your plans and decorate your site with unparalleled products.

What can beginner carving masters do?

If you want to try your hand at wood carving with a chainsaw, then first you should choose a simple shape, for example, you can cut outmushroom or cube

Take your choice of wood seriously. If it is wet then finished product after drying, it will crack and the result of your work will be ruined.

So, first you need to make a blank from wood with a chainsaw, that is, give the product a general outline. At this stage, special precision is not needed. It’s just important not to remove too much. Keep a drawing of the object or a sample in front of you to more accurately represent the proportions of the finished sculpture.

Finished wooden sculptures are sanded sandpaper and are covered protective layer, paint or varnish. As you acquire skills, you can begin making more complex figures. Crafts made from logs, namely pillars depicting people or animals, are very popular among chainsaw carvers. They are installed vertically (buried in the ground). The photo below shows a simple manufacturing process bear figures made from logs, which is suitable for beginner carvingists.

To create birds more experience and dexterity are required, since there is a lot of processing to be done small parts sculptures (head, feathers, etc.).

Whatever you can do with a chainsaw - with the help of all kinds of attachments, this tool becomes very multifunctional. Don't know how to cut a log into boards with a chainsaw? Now we won’t talk about that!

Chainsaw - a tool for all occasions

Most owners have no idea what capabilities are hidden in this seemingly single-function tool. We are talking about what functions, besides cutting logs into firewood, a chainsaw can perform in skillful hands. But just think - the tool is absolutely autonomous, fill the tank with fuel, and work where it’s convenient for you!

A wide range of work results in a powerful, compact and safe gasoline engine, who has a very unpretentious “character” and the ability to work in the most difficult conditions. Another good thing about a chainsaw is its sealed fuel supply system, which, in combination with membrane type carburetor, allows it to work in a variety of positions, perhaps not upside down. In addition, the designers have provided reliable protection of components from overloads and breakdowns in the form of a centrifugal clutch.

Look at the chainsaw from a different point of view - you are holding in your hands a tool that is amazing in its capabilities! This is a universal drive for the most various kinds devices capable of not only sawing wood, but also cutting metal and stone, pumping water, drilling wells, and even serving as a low-power engine!

DIY multi-tool

The most popular attachment, which is even produced by chainsaw manufacturers themselves, is the petrol cutter attachment, which turns the chainsaw into an autonomous version of an angle grinder. The nozzle device is a bearing assembly with a shaft, with a pulley installed at one end, which is driven into rotation by a V-belt. At the other end there is a mandrel for fastening abrasive wheels. By changing circles, such a grinder chainsaw will be able to cut stone, tile, brick and even metal. Of course, the circle is hidden in protective cover, without which work would be such a tool clean water playing roulette - whether you're lucky or not!

Of course, there are a lot of people who will call this method crazy, because you can buy a normal one and not have to worry about changing any attachments! However, in practice, the idea is completely justified - high-speed saws equipped with such attachments work no worse than conventional grinders. Of course, they can’t compete with professional powerful tools, but in the household they justify themselves. This device has two undeniable advantages - autonomy and saving money.

Another professional attachment that can be bought in specialized stores is the so-called debarkers. Their functions exactly correspond to the purpose of the chainsaw and, in fact, increase its capabilities - in addition to cutting wood with the help of debarkers, it can be processed, namely, cleared of bark, growths and branches, and also cut grooves in logs, which is useful in the construction of wooden log houses, and give the rounded surface a flat shape.

Debarkers are divided into disk and drum. The first ones are used for cutting out recesses and mounting grooves, and the drum ones are used for removing bark from logs; they are also called debarkers. The device is a drum or cutter mounted in a bearing unit. The device is driven by V-belt transmission, for this purpose there is a special pulley on the axis. Taking into account changes in the diameter of the pulley and the engine speed, you can also change the speed of operation of such a tool for optimal processing of wood.

With the help of a chainsaw and the appropriate attachment, you don't have to worry about emergency water supply at home if necessary - you can make a pump from this woodworking tool in a few minutes!

Essentially, the attachment is a regular centrifugal pump that is attached to the saw and driven by the same pulley and belt. The principle of operation is the same as for everyone else centrifugal pumps– one hose is lowered into the water, the second serves as a pressure hose. Before starting work, liquid is poured into the engine through the plug, which is necessary for the pump to “grab” the pumped water. When the turbine rotates, it creates a reduced pressure inside, due to which water is pumped out. The device is essentially the simplest, but imagine what use it can be when country house de-energized, and the water supply issue needs to be resolved urgently!

With the help of special attachments, a chainsaw can be turned into a drill or a winch, and even into outboard motor, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 km/h with a fuel consumption of 1 l/h. However, these are already rarer cases, while devices for longitudinal sawing of logs, or, as they are called, mini-sawmills, are found quite often.

How to cut a log into planks with a chainsaw - vertical attachment

First of all, it should be noted that no one sets themselves the task of professionally cutting logs with a minimum amount of waste. For professional work, you also need the appropriate tool, but the attachment for longitudinal sawing of logs will allow you to solve many small problems on the farm. Let's imagine, for example, that an old pear tree has dried up in your garden, and you just need a few boards to fill a hole in the shed. Instead of using a tree trunk for firewood, you can use an attachment to get the material you need.

Devices for longitudinal sawing of logs are divided into vertical and horizontal. Most simple device This is precisely the first option: the adapter is attached to the tire at its base, and with the help of a guide bar the straightness of the adapter’s movement is ensured. This entire structure is attached to a board, which serves as a stop for cutting and at the same time as a guide. The accuracy of such a device is not high - it can be used to cut rough boards or give a log a simple square shape However, such a device is assigned corresponding tasks.

How to cut a log lengthwise - cut horizontally!

Much greater cutting accuracy is ensured by the horizontal structure, which is a rigid frame attached to the chainsaw bar in two places - at the base and at its end. The attachment points can be shifted to provide the required cutting width. Of course, such a device is intended for small logs, the diameter of which will not be longer tires.

Using the guide element you can install required thickness boards The most difficult thing will be to make the first horizontal cut - in order to get an even cut of the wood, you need to attach an additional guide frame to the log, which will serve as a base surface for the stop. At subsequent stages of dissolving the log into boards, the flat surface of the previous cut serves as a surface for support and a guide.

This design is quite easy to work with. Before sawing a log lengthwise, it must be well secured along its entire length - the less it vibrates, the smoother the cut will be.. To avoid jamming of the chainsaw bar, small wedges are constantly inserted into the cut to prevent clamping. It should be noted that no matter how hard we try, there will be quite a lot of waste compared to a conventional sawmill. First, give the log a square shape by sawing off the top layer on all sides, and only then proceed directly to dissolving the log into boards.

It will not be difficult for craftsmen to make attachments of this kind with their own hands when working with welding and metal - the corresponding diagrams on the Internet are not uncommon, and from the material you will need several square hollow pipes, nuts and screws.



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